tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News January 18, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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you go, harry. tomorrow on "special report," we'll talk to former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, former south carolina governor nikki haley on a number of topics. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. hey, jesse. >> jesse: hey, bret. thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the rich and powerful all jetted to have beautiful davos switzerland this week for the annual world economic forum. this is the time of year where billionaires get to rub elbows with politicians, cut insider deals off camera and share their wacky ideas. and the whackier the idea the better they feel about themselves. and not just anybody can get in. it's an invite only event. you have to be somebody or know somebody to get through the door. we tried to send johnny out to davos but they wouldn't credential him and to be honest
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i wouldn't credential johnny either. and you can't just show up uninvited. davos has 5,000 troops ready to kick you out. zelenskyy is begging them to come to ukraine they won't go. john kerry needs protecting. and once you get in, they will still divide you up by net worth. if you are rich enough, you get to flown around with a white badge shiny blue line. if you are married to somebody important, you get a plain old white badge. or if you are just someone's escort you get a green badge and we will talk about escorts later. davos is really the one time of the year where these people get to feel really important. because they don't really feel important at home. >> and when you stop and think about it, it's pretty extraordinary that we, select group of human beings, because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives, are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving
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the plan planet. it's almost so extraterrestrial. >> jesse: what kind of badge does kerry wear he is married to someone important and she's rich. so what exactly is kerry saving us from? chinese fentanyl? mexican cartels? ice dismiss no. he is saving us from something much deadlier a greenhouse gas bomb. if that sounds wacky, don't worry, al gore verified it. >> the accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 her that class atom mic bombs exploding every single day on the earth. that's what is boiling the oceans and creating atmospheric rivers and rain bombs and sucking the moisture out of the land and creating the droughts and melting the ice and raising the sea level and causing these waives of climate refugees predicted to reach 1 billion in this century? look at the xenophobia and political authoritarian trends that have come from just a few
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million refugees? what about a billion? we would lose our capacity for self-governance on this world. >> jesse: al gore could use a massage. i'm worried about him. he doesn't look very good. never trust an angry rich guy. bush beat both of these guys. gore and kerry. and looked what happened to him. and what's a rain bomb? meteorologists are supposed to coin terms like that to scare viewers for ratings. what's next? snow nukes? every ocean i have ever swam in has been freezing. but al gore and greta thornberg oceans boiling. over in germany greta dragged out of coal mines by police other protest. she doesn't want 1 billion climate re refugees, greta wants someone to fix them. she didn't say anything about the million ukraine refugees but she is worried by the imaginary rain bomb refugees. now, greta may have staged her arrest. democrats do that all the time. who cares?
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remember aoc acted like her hands were cuffed behind her back and then waved a fist in the air? we're sure greta means well. she is just trying to save us from rain bombs. not even a golf umbrella can stop them. so, how exactly is the davos gang planning on keeping greta safe? are they going to stop kerry and gore from flying private? no, no, no. davos, it's my plane, my choice. >> as you can see here, the private airport near davos, we have multi billionaires flocking up and landing in private jet. another one landing behind me and another one popped up and get in helicopters and fly off from here closer to davos. >> you might hear a helicopter landing. approaching. at some point behind me. >> jesse: kerry is not giving up his pj none of them are. do you think people are going to bike to the world economic forum? come on. a better idea to make up for the burned jet fuel you have to be vegan. >> but if people stop eating
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meat i tell you it has a big impact. not only does it have a big impact on the food system but also inspire innovation of food systems. and i predict that we will have proteins not coming from meat in the future. they will probably taste even better. so why are we trying to mimic meat if we can have a better taste. >> jesse: once you are hungry for munching on cucumbers all day skinny fat like mini madoff. davos is going to jack up the price of carbon so you can't afford to stay warm either. >> with your question, what would be your wish? is to get much higher cure bon prices and use that money to subsidize clean energies. very capitalist intervention make what you have tried to avoid expensive and subsidize to train the thing that you are trying to build. >> jesse: ter telling you they are going to make oil and gas
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more expensive. they are telling you. they are shelling out corporate welfare to green companies owned by gore and kerry a and if we can't afford to buy a tesla or electric stove the united nations has a plan for that a global stimulus package. >> our proposal to is to have a global stimulus, a global stimulus table to redress the economies and the global stimulus able to address challenges of the poorest in the world. and at the same time, to create the funds necessary for a just in climate change. >> jesse: we are not mind readers like biden but wouldn't it jack up inflation. nothing a global inflation reduction act can't solve. we're not here to ask questions. we are here to eat our veggies and like it. if we argue, davos says we are spreading disinformation. we know there is nothing davos hates more than disinformation. they take it very seriously. it's why they brought a fired cnn reporter to talk about it
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with the "new york times" reporter. watch. >> the clear and present danger of disinformation is our conversation here this afternoon. i'm brian stelter formerly of cnn. how does this discussion of disinformation relate to everything else happening here today in davos? >> i think if you look at this question of disinformation, i think it maps basically to every other major challenge that we are grappling with as a society and particularly the most existential among them when we make mistakes we acknowledge them in public and we correct them. >> jesse: we do? did davos disinformation duo slap gore with pinocchios for his rain bomb tirade? they didn't pull gore aside and tell him you know what? al-there is no such thing as a boiling ocean. these are the people said hunter's laptop was a hoax and russian collusion was real. the diveebs of davos can get away with making up anything and the media will verify it. >> we're here today to share the findings of the world economic
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forums the most striking finding that we found is that 93% of cyber leaders and 86% of business leaders believe that the geopolitical instability makes a catastrophic cyber event likely in the next two years. >> jesse: oh. get ready for a cyberattack. it's like when fauci predicted the next pandemic. i think a worldwide cyberattack is probably more likely than a rain bomb. but, you know, just hand over all your passwords and prevent future cyberattacks. it's for your health. the people at davos are no different from us. except they have a lot more money and we keep our crazy ideas to ourselves most of them. these people are in love with their crazy ideas. let's ban meat so we can survive the next rain bomb. i mean, fat cats telling you can't eat meat doesn't make sense to me. anyone who questions this we launch a cyberattack on them and
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blame russia. davos, it's like spring break for wealthy weirdoes and people who lost elections to george bush. the only problem is the world economic forum only happens once a year but, like always, they have a plan to fix that. a village where they can always be together. >> we are pleased to create this global collaboration village. the idea is all stakeholders, governments, business, civil society on a continued sustained basis. >> jesse: like hillary said it takes a global collaboration village. let's bring in michael shellenberger, he is an investigative journalist and substack columnist. am i making too big of a deal about this world economic forum? >> oh, not at all. good to be with you, jesse. i think you said it right. it's a creepy event. i mean, these are people that claim to be wanting transparency and openness but as we
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discovered this week in our reporting earlier, they hide their own finances both for the world economic forum and for the cloch foundation. shouldn't be lost on people this is a group of people based in switzerland which has the most restrictive banking rules allowing for people, including criminal syndicates to hide their wealth. it's a green washing exercise that consists of people flying in by private jet, promoting insect eating, yes, it's true. it's not a conspiracy, promoting insect eating rather than meat eating to the masses. telling poor countries they shouldn't use fossil fuels while they fly private jets everywhere. it's really a litmus u.s. for who are the worst people in the world. that is who is going to these events. the investigators want to get inside information. politicians want to get jobs with those investors and those billionaires after they leave office. it's basically as we pointed out, they surround with a mystery but it's really a cult
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wrapped in a con wrapped in a mystery. it's really quite a scam. i hope it's on its last legs. i think it's part of an older world order that is coming to an end. >> jesse: i don't think al-gore has ever eaten an insect i think that picture proves it. we're seeing reports that sex trafficking has exploded. right around the exact same time they are hosting this summit. have you heard anything about that, michael? >> oh, it's famous. i mean, it's legion. sex workers come from all over europe to service the very wealthy billionaires, investors, the staffs, there is also a report that came out in the guardian which champions much of the agenda of the world economic forum, describing rampant shower. sexual harassment describes qualified staff in the world economic forum being passed up for promotion or let two because they are not good-looking enough. it's a very creepy organization. if you don't want people to
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think that you are a james bond villain, then they are sending all the wrong signals. >> jesse: buy a woman, don't buy steak. that makes sense. michael, thank you so much for your reporting. >> good to be with you. >> jesse: well, look at what we found. is that hunter in the big guy's corvette? we have the story behind these exclusive photos ahead. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis persists... put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredictable,... i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. check. when uc held me back... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand... rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission. and a chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots,
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>> jesse: fox news alert. "primetime" has obtained exclusive photos of hunter biden driving daddy's corvette. these photos were sent to us by the washington free beacon taken in 2017 when the classified documents were spread eagle in daddy's garage. probably security between a can of paint and a rake. if the corvette wasn't in the
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garage, who was protecting the papers? we know anything within 6 feet of biden's corvette is one of the most secure locations in america. the fort knox of muscle cars. but what if the vet wasn't in the garage? is the garage still safe? we also have pictures of an abandoned secret service booth in front of joe's home back in 2019 so if the veto service wasn't guarding the docs and the corvette wasn't guarding the garage, could spies just waltz in and sneak a peek? well, it turns out the biden manor may have had one extra line of defense. the free beacon report that hunter was getting high tech equipment mailed to the biden home like a night vision telescope. g.p.s. radar detector, burner phones, cameras and a laser pointer? we know hunter is in to role play but we didn't know he was dressing up like a secret service agent while he was home alone ♪ ♪
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>> this is my house. i to have to defend it. >> jesse: andrew kerr a reporter with the washington free beacon joins us now. what is going on andrew. >> the washington free beacon obtained photos showing hunter biden behind the wheel of his father's 1967 corvette stingray in july 2017. g.p.s. met that data embedded in those photos show they were taken just outside of joe biden's delaware home where classified documents were recently discovered. hunter biden is featured sitting beside his 12-year-old niece natalie biden and unknown girl. we obtained those photos from a copy of hunter biden's abandoned laptop and we confirmed authenticity with the help of gustin the former secret service agent and forensic expert. evidence that hunter biden had access to the areas of joe biden's home where classified materials were stored. it also raises national security concerns considering hunter biden's extensive business dealings with the chinese and other foreign nationals during
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this time frame. also raises serious questions about joe biden's claim that these records were stored lock and key behind a locked garage next to this vehicle. these photos show the garage was not always locked and individuals hutch as hunter biden and minor children had access to that area of his home and potentially the classified materials stored within. >> jesse: yeah, children never like to rummage around garages and spill stuff over stuff. my daughters have never ever messed with my garage and i don't expect that happened in the biden household either. thank you very much. andrew, great report. >> thanks, jesse. meanwhile, the white house is stonewalling every question about biden's scattering america's secrets across state lines. binder either ignores you or tells you to go talk to justice but justice doesn't pick up the phone and reporters are starting to get angry. >> i'm going to leave it there i'm not going to go into further. >> i'm simply asking you to comment. the person that you work for -- >> -- i just commented. i just commented. we're moving on. go ahead. go ahead. go ahead. go ahead. go ahead. no, go ahead. i already answered your
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question. go ahead. >> you really didn't. >> well, i did. >> nope, you didn't. >> it's your opinion. >> you did not answer. it's a nonanswer answer. >> that's your opinion. go ahead. go ahead. go ahead. >> jesse: just your opinion. and the justice department can't even be bothered to pretend to go through the motions. the "wall street journal" says the justice department thought about sending fbi agents to search biden's homes but then decided you know what? it's better in biden's take the lead on this. you know, lawyers that don't have security clearances and are on the biden payroll. it looks like biden is getting the hillary treatment. do you remember hillary's lawyers smashing iphones with a hammer and just handed it over to the fbi? oops. i dropped it. hillary's lawyers looked through all her files and said this is what we found guys, the reps of the stuff fell in bleach. you remember that investigation the one where the fbi forgot to hit the record button during the hillary interview? and the justice department interviewed the biden lawyer who found the docs and just never recorded that interview either.
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he keeps it all up here that way he can just make it up later. that's what you call covering up the cover-up. the government doesn't want to have to find anything at the biden properties. you know, like evidence that hunter was using his father as a cash register for china? how biden paid the chinese back. we reported how u penn where biden was storing some of this classified documents was flush with chinese cash. after they hired biden, anonymous chinese donations poured in 61 million. but now the free beacon is reporting that they took in another 51 million in foreign money since biden became president. so that's over 100 million in dark foreign cash going to biden's school. most of it chinese. no one cares. is that why the fbi didn't search the biden house? ignorance is bliss? but the chinese spent a night at the trump hotel and ordered room service and the democrats tried to impeach. and i thought the fbi took ghost
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guns really seriously. biden's ghost son hunter lied on his background check and we found this interesting nugget. hunter said he was paying 50 grand a month in rent at his dad's house. is that how hunter funneled foreign money to his father? what's 50 grand a month 10 percent of? we checked biden's tax returns. if he was getting paid by hunter. he didn't report it. or maybe it was just hidden inside of his escort. we don't know. we're not accountants and we're not the fbi. but this isn't adding up and we need some answers. congressman james comer is the chairman of the oversight committee who is tracking down who is behind the chinese donations. how important is it to get to the bottom of this u penn biden center, congressman? >> it's of the utmost importance. i mean, people are just now seeing what we have known for several months is that the biden center for diplomacy was funded almost exclusively through
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anonymous chinese. they want to get return on investment. they are not just donating money to the biden center to diplomacy to hunter's shady business dealings and artwork to anonymous donors in china. they are not just doing this for charity they are doing this because they want a return on investment. this poses a national security risk. this is something every american should be concerned about. that's why we are investigating the biden family for influence peddling. >> jesse: your committee has evidence that might lead to you believe that anonymous chinese foreign nationals were buying anonymously hunter's artwork? >> well, the -- we know that the artwork went anonymously, we know that we know that the owner of the art gallery in new york city has bragged about becoming the new link between the united states art world and china. so, we know that the white house has told the art dealer to not communicate with the oversight
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committee on anything. if they call, hang up. so, you know, you can put the pieces together. but we're obviously going to bring these people in and we're going to interview them? depose them, whatever we have to do under oath and we will try to get some answers. we will look at all the financial records. we are going to see if, in fact, hunter biden was funneling money down to his father. that's going to be very concerning because hunter's primary source of income i say primary probably only source of income were from influence peldzing schemes with adversaries around the world. >> jesse: keep us posted as you get more information and we'll report it here on "primetime." thank you so much, congressman. >> thank you. >> jesse: whales are getting murdered and unions are getting cash. a windmill scandal is brewing in new jersey hey guys, detect this: living with hiv, i learned that i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato.
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worse than the crime. environmental activists from new jersey believe there is a cover-up going on with the shocking number of dead whales washing up on the beach. we reported last week that a seventh whale washed up dead on the jersey shore and how on that same day governor phil murphy gave the go ahead forever a huge offshore wind project. these wind farms aren't up yet but some activist claim the surveying process is killing the whales. but something interesting happened to whale number 7. we got an autopsy. a public one. something we didn't get for the first six. the investigation led by the atlantic marine conservation society said the whale was killed by a boat and as far as they could tell, it had no ties to offshore wind. and the wind company said it wasn't their boat that hit the whale and i guess "primetime" is just going to have to take the wind company at their word. but here's the problem. two board members for the group conducting the autopsy are tied to offshore wind. one of them jennifer dupont is
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the strategic environmental affairs manager at equinor wind u.s. which, drum roll, please, has the bid to build windmills off the coast of jersey. and then there is john curb who represents local iron workers and offshore wind projects. there he is. listen, "primetime" isn't saying these two cooked the books and covered up a whale murder but it doesn't look good. the investigation doesn't seem clean, especially when you consider this: last week governor murphy oaked a bill to build the turbines needed for this massive wind project in new jersey. and you can't build the turbine in the state of neurologic new jerseywithout the iron work. the iron workers union is probably the most politically connected group in knowledge. new jersey, if you are a democrat in power it's literally your job to keep these guys happy. and nothing makes a union happier than a nice fat
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subsidized boondoggle. why is it that not a single reporter in knowl new jersey isg to get to the bottom of it. jeff van drew represents new jersey in congress and wants a full investigation into wind's role in these whale's deaths. what is exactly going on at the jersey shore, congressman? >> well, we're going to dig into this. i'll tell you what's going on. we are going to ruin our shoreline because of billionaires around the country and around the world that are making tons of money off of this. this is not about the environment. this is about making money. and the shame is it's not only the whales are and that's, important, but the shame is also that we are hurting the environment, we're hurting the cold pool which is one of the most environmentally sensitive areas, literally in the world. we are hurting our fishermen, which is one of the biggest industries that we have here we
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are hurting our industry huge industry and huge business here. all for the sake of these windmills which aren't going to really do the job in the end, are going to make everybody's utility bills go up. going to cost more to run your energy at home with these windmills and they're going to eventually fail and we don't even know how to recycle them. >> jesse: what do you mean you don't know how to recycle them? do they get rusty after a few years and you can hear them creaking and spinning throughout the night? >> i don't know, you know, exactly if they will get rusty, but they will become nonfunctional and they have to be replaced and changed, especially the blades, and they don't know exactly how they're going to recycle them. so this is an environmental nightmare and those environment groups and not all of the environmental groups some like clean ocean action and cindy who
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knows it's wrong and fought against it. but the ones that are with it, they are not worried about the green of the ocean. they're worried about the green of these special interest money that they're getting. money floating around everywhere. and the blue they are not worried about is not the blue of the ocean but the democratic party. this is really bad stuff. i'm going to do everything i can to dig in hard, find the truth. save our ocean and save our coast. this is a really big deal. >> jesse: it is a big deal. and we're behind you and you've got stop this. this is just a travesty. thank you so much, congressman. >> my pleasure. >> jesse: it has been a lonely existence for mini madoff. he went from the beautiful beach side condo in the bahamas from his mother's couch. there is not a lot to do at mom's other than playing video games and eating impossible burgers. while his life crumbles his lawyers are getting rich. his law firm is charging him
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2200 an hour. that is some good billing. so if they work a normal 40 hour work weeks which they don't for mini it's about 100 grand per week and they have a team of lawyers so it's probably 500 grand, maybe a mill. and who knows how long this is going to run or cost them or if he even has any money left after stealing it. maybe this isn't a big deal. according to the times, mini wanted to stay in the dark about how much money his company was losing. when his executives explained that the company, the trading arm run by his main squeeze was hemorrhaging billions, mini pulled one of these. ♪ la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la. >> jesse: he doesn't know what's going on. he is saying that hearing the bad news would make him 5% to 10% less productive. he said that, quote: so don't clutter mini's mind with ideas of wrongdoing, cucumbers to eat, colleagues to seduce and customers' money to steal.
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while he is getting bled dry by lawyers his aunt barbara and uncle jimmy screwed innocent kids out of the scholarships are cruising around the high seas stopping at liam marks melbourne, fiji and how do i pronounce this? the sea shells. which is a notorious island tax haven right where mini allegedly cashed out nearly 700,000 while he was on house arrest. that's not suspicious when your aunt and uncle just take a little voyage to the island that you stashed money in. fbi when you are done spying on parents and not rifling through the biden documents. you might want to take a look into that. and you better think twice before trying to rob a walgreen's on this guy's watch. >> stop. i will not allow to you steal from this store. empty your drawers. i'm drawing the line in the sand this needs to [bleep] stop today
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>> put that knife down right now. [shouting] >> don't come in here. >> come don't come in here. >> put the knife down. >> get your taser out. go, go. [gunfire] >> jesse: that's body cam video from fort worth where police responded to a suspect threatening his family with a machete before he charged at cops. total mayhem out there and americans are sick and tired of it. maniacs are attacking police with knives and lunging with officers with anything that could draw blood. like this homeless man in phoenix who refused officers' commands to drop the scissors. >> put the scissors down right now. scissors down. if you step one foot forward i will shoot you. put it down. one more. put the scissors down. [taser] >> put them down. one step and you will get shot. one step. one step. [gunfire] >> jesse: a lot of times we see drugs causing these kinds of
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crimes, on monday, when a cop in evansville found meth on a criminal, he grabbed the cop's stun gun and tased him before running into a garage and whackings a woman with a hammer. >> put your hands around your back. put your hands around your back. don't [bleep] [bleep] >> let go of me. >> stop it. stop. >> down. [taser] >> i'm going to [bleep] shoot you, dude. [taser] >> let go of the gun i'm going to shoot you. [shouting] >> hurry up, he just tased me. >> we do not get him. i'm sorry. >> this country has definitely got a big drug problem. we have never seen anything like this. and there's no place we see it worse than in san francisco.
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>> here we are 00 union square. there are children in line for the holiday ice cream and less than 100 feet away somebody is overdosing and dying on fentanyl. >> are you alive, bro? [mumbling] [bleep] >> those videos taken by a 25-year-old activist darren who has been documenting the drug crisis on san francisco's streets. he was recently at his walgreen's when a fentanyl head came in trying to rob the place. but darren put a stop to it. watch this. >> i'm trying to shop in the store right now. no, you won't. i will toss you like a rag doll.
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stop. i will not allow you to steal from this store. >> empty your drawers. >> i'm drawing the line in the sand this [bleep] needs to stop today. >> darren is the founder of the world peace movement who started a petition to declare a state of emergency in california over the fentanyl crisis. so, what brought you to this point where you wanted to take up this cause? >> thank you for having me, mr. waters. i appreciate the opportunity to speak about the fentanyl crisis happening in our community of san francisco. long story short, fentanyl is manufactured in china and it's making its way into our country through the southern border. specifically through honduras. and, unfortunately, thousands of people of all colors, creeds and religions have overdosed and died from fentanyl in san francisco between the years 2019 and 2023. including my cousin scotty who died a couple weeks ago in the tender lion which is where i
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live. >> jesse: i'm so sorry to hear that. it looks like a dangerous job. you have taken upon yourself to do. has it ever gotten physical? >> yeah. so my apartment has been broken into three plus times in the last year. i have had to fight off burglars with my own two bare hands because i'm unlegally to utilize my second amendment right to defend myself, my home or my property. also, i've seen it happen countless times every day to other people as well such as but not limited to small mom and pop shops. a lot of asian americans are being attacked. i do not expect them to vote democrat next election. i expect them to be voting conservatively in the next election. and, yeah, it's -- this -- what is happening in our community is the direct result of electing corrupt far left leaders. they have placed profits over the families of our community and fentanyl is destroying everything and everyone in its path. it does not discriminate and it's not like it's alcohol,
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cannabis or cocaine. this thing is extremely deadly and toxic and microscopic amounts. and i'm not a scientist. i'm not a lawyer. but it doesn't take a genius to figure out fentanyl is not good for our family. >> jesse: we are being poisoned and too bad you are the only one really doing anything about it in san francisco. we wish you all the best of luck and health and, again, sorry to hear about your family member. thank you so much. >> thank you. we, thank you, i appreciate the opportunity to be here we started a petition to declare an emergency for the fentanyl crisis and i look forward to earning signatures. >> jesse: all right. sign the sheet if you care about california. coming up, another victory for "primetime." rather those dremember those di? ♪ ♪
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cooler. joining me is ted tim. first up, if you recall last january something horrible happened. a truck full of infected monkeys crashed in pennsylvania and the sick monkeys got loose. >> so i go over to check to see, check the cats out. i'm sticking my finger in because i see the fur. it pops up. i'm getting close to it. here it's a monkey. like doing a hissing noise i told the guy they were not cats, they were monkeys. >> jesse: the company that unleashed the infected monkeys has been shut down. when a monkey hiss, tree branches in the dead of night, you are about to get pink eye. >> i'm glad that i decided to do this. i would not have known that otherwise. okay. the monkeys are being transported illegally. i kind of feel like that's not
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something you just fall into. you know what i mean? if you've got an illegal monkey guy, you're not a local cpa. there's a lot of other stuff going on. i don't know an illegal monkey guy. i wouldn't know where to find an illegal monkey guy. the people who do, it's more than just a monkey. >> jesse: i need an illegal monkey guy. johnny probably knows somebody. he's from brooklyn. people have been sued for some pretty crazy reasons, but this probably takes the cake. a woman in canada got so hammered at a concert that she crashed into a house and the house exploded and caused $10 million in damage. but she's not taking any responsibility. instead, she's suing the concert venue for selling her the drinks. do you think this is gonna stand up in court? >> no. you also know exactly what it's like to date her. you know what it's like to be her friend. nothing is ever her vault. always getting hammered.
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not only will she not win, she just told on herself in a big way that's gonna make all areas of her life complete disaster. >> jesse: have you ever been that drunk where you caused $10 million in damage? >> i can probably say no. all the damage i have caused when drunk has been strictly emotional. >> jesse: next story. you probably should watch what you say around the hot mic, but apparently this grooms man didn't get the memo. your reaction? >> it could happen to anybody. he got a little too drunk, obviously, before the ceremony.
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that's obviously true. i see this is the kind of guy where the groom knew that he was the kind of guy that might get too drunk before the ceremony. not everybody needs to be mic'd up all the time. >> jesse: we never let anything slide on a hot mic. ever. >> you feel bad because it took some of the attention away. he doesn't look like he feels bad. seems like a guy who knows who he is. if you have a problem with it, it's your problem. he probably loves vegas. >> jesse: sometimes it's like you don't know that you're being recorded. >> you would think that. i always know. i just feel comfortable sharing. >> jesse: one of these days we're going to air some of the commercial break conversations we have. it will rate better than the monkey. thank you. i need to get something off my chest. moral dilemma. we're going to put to it the audience. just say you're moving and the moving guys are there. there's a team of five, say, and they're hauling in boxes and unpacking stuff. and you run out to go get lunch.
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you're bringing back lunch for your family. what is the move? do you bring back the exact same lunch for the five moving guys that you're getting for your family? do you bring back just drinks, like gatorade and waters? or do you bring back a pizza? or are you not obligated to bring back any lunch for the moving guys? do you just tip them? let's put that to the audience. we'll be looking for your text on that. be kind. joe from west greenwich, rhode island. jesse, welcome back from yet another vacation. trying to figure out who gets more vacation days, you or biden. as i just intimated, i have been moving. i was observing martin luther king day so technically it was a one day break. judy from pennsylvania, why don't the climate warriors just do a zoom call? because you can't get escorts on zoom. you actually have to go to switzerland. terry from new york, i think
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rain bombs are on sale at bath and body works this week. al gore could use one. brad from pittsburgh, they claim biden never worked in the private sector but now you're telling me he's been running a chinese laundry in delaware for years? we are. i miss jen psaki. no one has ever said that until you just did. diane the young man from san francisco gives me hope that there are people in his generation that still care about this country. this younger generation gets a really bad rap. you can't just besmirch was it generation z, x, y. i don't even know what to call them any more. rick from fulsom, california. i took your advice last week and started taking cold showers because my hot water needed replaced. cold showers can be all yours. i'm still maintaining my cold shower routine, but i didn't do it today, so i guess i'm not.
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kass from denver, colorado. sheshelles are pronounced say-shells. that's a word i will never be able to announce. kathy from pittsburgh, cat did a great job hosting your show but i missed on watters. you're saying i should take more vacations? got it. tucker's next. i'm watters. this is my world. >> tucker: happy wednesday. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. if you've been paying attention for the past five or six years you probably noticed the inverted nature of modern language. pretty much everything is precisely the opposite of what they claim it is. so people who tell you they're defending democracy are promoting author tearian. then the black lives mat
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