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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 18, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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perino share a critical insight and analysis. then at 11:00, harris faulkner puts the headlines in focus. it's all part of our can't miss lineup weekdays on fox news channel. r: oh, we are out of time.t of the world economic forum still going in davos. forum >> you're not there. congratulations. you have the best time with thei ones you love. the we'll see you tomorrow. and welcome hannity. tonight, joe biden's very bad bd week keeps getting worse we keeps getting worse an explosive report fromworse. john solomon will shed new light on joe hunter and their earnings from the communist party. of china.mon wi now, solomonll will be herene with the new details. also, democrat leslie marshall, she'll join us in the hannity hot seat. sh mare will try and defend her beloved president . but first, we check in
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ic on the world economic forum for arrogant socialist one world government. hypocritical globalist elites. now, this week, scores of uber rich individuals, they travel to davos, switzerland, in i and our motto of private jets. in fact, over a thousand private aircraft, most carrying no more than two to three people, crowding the airspace over the tiny alpine resort town . and according to yahoo! news., quote, the carbon dioxide emissions from these extra flights is equal to putting roughly three hundred and fifty thousand gasoline powered cars on the road. and get this, nearly 40%the of those jets, they were coming from less than three hundred and ten miles away. s which is only a couple of hours. if they took a car or a bus or train. but because there's no airportes in davos, the private jets are forced to land about two hours away. and then the passengers boarengo helicopters or a fleet of luxury suv, gas guzzling vehicles for the last leg of their journey. so naturally, the main focusv gn
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davos was climate change and world wide socialism. ate chanand how the little peop, the rest of us in the world, specifically middle class americans, how we must make greater sacrifices to save our planet from certain annihilation. of course, he made a big hit at this year's event. al gore made the trip. nihila and as mostit of you know by nor al gore, al gore is certainly close to certifiably insane. he has become more unhinged since we last saw him.d >> you decide to take a look. >r we're still putting one hundred and sixty two million tonnes into it every single. and and the accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600000 hiroshima atomic bombs exploding every single day on the earth. that's what'0 hiroshims boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers and the rainn bombs and the moisture out of the land and creating the droughtsg mo and melting the ice and raising the sea level and causing these wavesl n
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pr climate. refugees predicted to reach one billion in this century. a look at the xenophobia and political authoritarian trends that have come from just a few million refugees. what about a billion? . we would lose our capacity for self governance on this world. we have to act gratitude. berg was just arrested ined germany. i agree with her effortsin to stop a coal mine in germany when climate activists around the world, and i'm personally haeaking for them right here on this stage, have come to the conclusion that the people ine authority are not doing their job. there's a lot of blah, blah, blah as credit says. there are a lot of words and there are some meaningful commitment as. >> but we are still failing badly. >> and al gore actually claim renewable energy was the cheapest form of energy. show us the evidence. and by the way, germany now dependent on vladimir putin. hey, al, how's that working out? there are dark corners of the internet with more believable conspiracy theories
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than his. this is not al gore's first rodeo into bizarre land. land. now he's been making outlandish, outlandish predictions for many decades. for example, i n the year 2000, he promoted a claim that mount m kilimanjaro would no longer have any snow by twenty ten .y last time i checked, what year is this? oh, that's. right. twenty , twenty three . wemo canunta report tonight that the mountain is still very much covered in snow. e. >> you can see it right there in two thousand and six. he suggested that all the glaciers in glacier national park would be goners by twenty. thirteen. yes. what those w glacierous, they're still right there in two thousand and seven. al gore warned19 of a planetary emergency. the planet has a fever. he declared in two thousand nine , gore said. 75% of the entire polar ice cap will melt in the next five to seven years. polar icecap will me but according to nasa, there nas were mass gains of the ice sheet in twenty fifty. make no mistake, al gore looks
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like a lunatic, acts likenati a lunatic, and hc,e is a lunati, but he's not alone. you might want to go back to nineteen seventy . remember, "newsweek" predictedng the coming ice age, the coolinig world in nineteen eighty nine one un official told the associated press, quote, entire nations could be wipedofi off the face oalf the earthbe wp by rising sea levels. ifedhe global warming trend is a reversed by the year twowarmin thousandg and nineteen ninety six , the new york times. reported quote at the most likely rate of rise. some experts are saying most ofe the beaches on the east coast of the united states will un twenty five years by twenty twenty one ., w we made it. and in 2006, time magazine was claiming that the earth was at a tipping point and that we ally should be very worried. every year for the past years 40 years has been a dire planetary emergency. according to the climate alarmists cultaccord. e to and yet they continue to fly fly
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their private jets, build jeeir massivvatee waterfront mansions, sail to exotic locations on diesel powered mega yachts and eat exotic exotic food and fine wine flown in from all overl the world. and al gore, al gore t himself,. obviously consumes way more than he needs now, even greenpeace, they're perplexed at the over-the-top lifestyles of those attending the wef. and yet the elite climate alarmists in davos are now demanding that you give up meat . after all, we'reef facing a crisis. you must give it up. >> take a look at food systems, account for around 21% of co2 emissions and the unhealthy. and they have a lot of waste 40% my daughter. twenty four inspired me and said that how can you advocate for these zero carbon value chains if you still eat meat? oppe
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and so i stop eating meat. ody a now,fi the math would say, well, you need to stop eating meat. eleven is to compensate for a flight to thailand. yes, but if a billion people stop eating meat, i tell you,tig it has a big impact. so these wealthy elitesg and their private jets are demanding you stop eating meat. you take the extreme measures, t you take on all the pain you have to drive a prius, all while they make no sacrifice at all. maybe they should lead by example. just shumaybe they shoult the . it's almost as if they really aren't concerned about climatel change at all. take a look at your screen. even al gore, he enjoys. oh, that's right. we got an exclusive. al gore getting off hisof gulfstream jet into his suv, a plane designed for 12 , 14 , 16 people, his only two, and him and his wife get in that gas guzzling suv. think about this. the number one polluting country on earth.
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china has been given a free pass by these global fleets. these globalists, they don't mention shutting down china's coal plants or restricting their co2 output. they're viewed as . oh, that's right, developing nations, india, china, we payy the price for the paris climate accords. they're not going to sacrifice anything. to and according to those paris th, accords, they do nothing to rein in china's pollution. if there really is a climate emergency, we are all screwed and we're paying the price of all of it. but we do have good news tonight. the sky is not falling. the world is not coming to an end. florida is not sinking into the sea. the climate cult is reallynt only a front for globalism and socialism with government uses your money to advance their own radical socialist rar agenda. >> listen to this rare moment of truth from al gore. take a loo al gorek. e of >> there's a lot of good news as well. and i just want to cover some of it in my country. we passed the inflationssed reduction act, which is primarily a climate act, prir
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three hundred sixty nine billion, which y clt.will actually be much lar. than that, just like the green new deal has nothing to doo with with anything green . it is all one big political con. it is a lie. ite is designed to transferbi wealth and power from you, we the people to a small group of like minded socialists, leftists and socialism always fails. obviously, those who show up to a small swiss town and a thousand private jets, they don't care about the environment and are in no position to lecture any of us . on how we should live our liveso or indoctrinate us into their insane socialism that will fail as socialism always does, or buy into their ever changing climate alarmism. first, the next ice age is coming. then the earth is going to melt. thene and nothing happens. and they say, well, climate change in general, if it rains s ,it snows. if it doesn't rain, if it doesn't snow, it's it's climate change. climateverything's climate chan. anyway, make no mistake, those
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who buy fifteen million dollar mansions in martha's vineyard, martha's vineyard aren'tn concerned about rising sea levels. democrats like john kerry, al gore, who tell you that we're te running out of time to save our planet. they are lying to your fac e here with reaction. former seniormerr adviser trump to president trump, steven n mir miller, along with former chairman of the house intel committee, devin nunes. devin, your reaction to all of this? it's been one big con, one bigei lie, one big, you know, hypocritical elitists, you know, endeavor that's going on there. and that's been pushed worldwide for four decades now. will shine. my first reaction is , is that steve miller and i were a little surprised that you didn't fly down in the fox newdj . pick us up and take us overk there. we could have done liv ued do lv reporting by second reaction is that we should have you know, they claim the media is claiming, yeah, it would have been it would've been fun, but they're supposedly
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the media is claiming all the right wing. they're saying this is now a conspiracy. theory, that there's these global elites. yet here they are as you pointed out, in davos,t fo switzerland, at an event for global elites claiming thatglobl they're not global elites. yet, you i don't think the average american even knows this is going on . and i didn't get my invitation k shot. t >> and i don't thinkhi yous gos your invitation either. i got no invitation. >> and i know steve miller didn't get an invitation. so they fly there in their private jet. then they lecture us about not eating meat and how we should change our lives. they want socialism, steven the miller. >> but socialism always ends sai the same way. whatever name, whatever form, e whatever manifestation it ends with , broken promises that things that are unfulfilled, it ends more povert, y and it ends in a loss of freedom every single time. o >> my right or wrong. re no, you're exactly and you were also right when you said that these are globalist socialists. so they don't just want social
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some , but they want a global gp group of elites. the people who gather at this conference to impose their socialist vision on alls n the rest of us and all of our countries, particularly in western nations like the unitedn states of america. and so wha t you see with all this ranting and raving about eg this fake climate emergenceny is they are trying to do what covi did with covid by creating a permanent climate emergency that provides the basis forides never ending regulation and control over every aspect a of our lives. of course, they will be exempt from all of it. they'll be exempt from the mandates, the restrictions ,the rules that they write for the rest of us . and one more point, as you said, sean, if they believed a word they were saying, they wouldn't be flying private jets. they would have to cruising around on private yachts. they wouldn't have fifteene ig mansions and they wouldn't be ignoring china, the number one polluter on planet earth. why does china get a pass?
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the paris accords?t why is china why is india, why are they declared developing nations when they're the biggest polluter whes on the planet? >> devin nunes, lastt questiono look, sean, this is the thing.qu back in 2007 when i was in congress, i remember the democrats took over and they started on this bac climate hysteria back at that in those days. dyeand we had a private meetin. it was it was off the record or behind closed doors. they w they didn't want to doer it publicly because at that time they were embarrassed to talk about this globae embarrl warmia nonsense. and i asked some of the people there, well, look, you say mue oceans are going to rise. how much, how many feet? when's it going to happen? and i remember the gentleman said by 2020, it's possible that new york city, florida, could be underwater and we would have to spend billions of dollars building up all of the properties, all of u the docks, all the boat docks, et cetera, et cetera.dock now, look, i'm pretts.y sure its two thousand twenty three . i'm actually down in miami, a florida, right now. the ocean seems to be the samesv level it was last year when
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i was here. yeah, definiteness. thank you, steven miller. thank you. we appreciate it. >> all right. it is now time for the hannity hotseat. an tonight, we want to address joe biden's outright dishonesty after promisin g not to raise taxes on you, the middle class, he then hike taxes on all of you for one case, increased cln gas. o let's see oil and coal. he also tax people's for one onk top of corporate taxes. two hundred and fifty some odd billion dollars. corporations don't pay taxes. he had to defend that and many other positions. joe biden is leslie marshall. so, leslie, take a look there. i have video. joe biden, let me play it for you. promising not to raise taxes. on anyone making less than four hundred thousand dollarsse a year. >> your president made this t promise. let me say thaaxanyonet again. be crystal clear . no one making less than four hundred thousand dollars, you will pay a single additionall ts
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penny in tax for all these things that are in the inr the build back . better. u >> now, i'll put it upcreen. on the screen again. six point five billion natural gas tax, 12 billion crude oil tax, one point two billion coal tax. seventy four billion stock tax. two hundred twenty five billion. corporate income tax hike. corporations don't pay taxes. y intellectual honesty time. leslie, i've known youxe a lonsg thos to joe biden lied to the american people because those taxee tas affect every american that heats their home or fills up gas in their >> did he lie? >> no, because what the president said, and i quote, he said he would seek to impose an increase in taxes on oil and gas. corporate nations who did not reinvest the profits. e and if you don't reinvestits, the profits, we saw what happened, right, john ? we sawf years of lack of my employees, the corporations tag profits whilee promised the americans not to raise taxes, increase gas, increase oil prices. and that's what hurt
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the american people. wasn't biden, was a democrat, wasn't even being read to you. >> i t was these rich corporations, no one making less than four hundred thousand dollarsthan a l pay a single additional penny in tax for all these thingse that were in. and he said a hundred times. so you're just going to gog with with the answer and just just outright lie to our audience, because that's not true. >> what you're saying. no, i'm not. i'm not outright you know mew very well. vi'm very honest. >> i'm outright lying here. i think you believe it.t but itmean doesn't mean it's fae if i tax you. sean, sean, i tax you and you pass that taxation on to your customers. am i taxing them? you pay the bills and to keep read and your wealth going through these huge corporationsl ,anybody that fills up their gas tank will pay more because of this tax. anyone that heats their homethe will pay more . let's move on to the next question. wilall right. biden called trump
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irresponsible for his handling of documents of mar-a-lagof and he president trump, did have the power to declassify. there's no set way to do it. joe biden didn't as vp by biden's own standard, did wah was he irresponsible? simple question. look, i said this whenid the documents were found by former president trump and i think the sameenhe. i don't care if it's a democrat or republican . we obviously have a huge e problem here, whether you're president or vice foesident with the process or lack of process for democrat for documents leaving the whitee thuse, leaving offices and where these boxes end up going. that's a huge problem. we're seeing tha.t the american people are aware of that here. a way on inside republicans, very angry one , a especially. he's got to work with me.. that's not good enough.i do i don't have time for a filibuster. >> is he a hypocrite? yes or no? o?
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no, i don't i don't think he's the next i don't i think he was being judgmental toward the actions of a former president and not aware that the library book you find the library book and you didn't know that you had it. you return it to the library. - >> that would happen with the ls former president . i think. last question before my blood pressure goes up even higher, bring them back . biden campaigned on having high. a fully transparent administration so why won't they release the visitor logs for biden's delaware home? and why that karine jean-pierre tell the public that the search was completed beforee do more documents were discovered is by him not releasin the visitor logs. he spen 40% of his presidency so far outside the white house. isn't that hypocritical? isn't that the opposite, the antithesis of transparent? >> last question, yes or no? i don't think it's hypocritical. first of all, there is a question. there's a difference between the white house visitor logs and his residence, the resident
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visitor logs. he technically is doesn't haveeo to maintain and release those logs. bu maintain ant i think they shd be released. absolutely. put that out there to have tto l transparency. idn't if you remember, the former president did not release the logs from the white hous fre of his visitors at that time. >> leslie marshall, good to see you. thank yoinu for joining the hot seat . inen we come back , we have an investigative report. john solomon, hisman. new exclusive, shocking details on biden's business ventures. also karine jean-pierre anothera bad day. senae got it all on tape. doesn't make her look good. senator ted cruz will react. and don't forget, you get the last word tonight with last call straight ahead. i remember when i got my first glimpse of the mountains, i had to take a breath. >> i began to understand what was so special about it. you guys ready? there is something that we should be thankful for, the human will to convince
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other people this is worth keeping sure of times like that when they all questions the monumental task that was in front of them, they started to realize their mission to exploit a region was the wrong path. because something about staring out at the landscape here, taking in the natural world just as it was intended to be. i was determined to be out there. my name is vincent and i've been in the field of nutrition and dietetics for thirty years. and what i realize as a nutritionist, i was trying to get all my fruits and vegetables, but i would be so preoccupied with trying to do things i would forget to eat. so all of a sudden it's the end of the day and i haven't had my fruits and vegetables.
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oh, pretzel and mustard. another great combo boya well planned. well invested, well protected. >> migrants, destructive. how illegal immigrants could be damaging crops and putting ht
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to communicate fine. and asha certified speech language pathologist today by big breaking news from investigative reporter john solomon tonight, where a new report laysolomos revealig
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conversations between then vice president joe biden and a business partner of hunter biden. now, remember, joe sai.d he never one time, never once o discussed with hunter or anyan family member anything about any foreign business dealings. cley were involved d. he claims he had nothing to dotn with any of hunter's deals. it to explain more , he is an investigative reporter, editor in chief of joe biden john solomon, thank you, sir, for being with us. yo first, you broke the story that it was sixty seven million dollars that the communist chinese gave to you, when almost 50 million of which is when joe was there or firste gowat out of office.ther we nowe. discovered another 14 million, mostly anonymous donations from chinese nationalanonyms. we see fifty four million around the world coming in again, mostl chiy anonymous. ao and you broke the story.e th how you professors pressured merrick garland to give up
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on an espionage investigation with the communist chineset . and in fact, he did that inwhat february of twenty what? twenty two last year, right? >> yeah, us and the china money flow is so importantrtan to understanding the current controversy because one of the locations wher loce classifd documents were found was the uptown center where joe biden landed his first post vice presidential job. he was a professorpo vice pr or, i guess i should say, at the university of pennsylvania. that is penn biden center. well, one of the things you see in the stories today that i put out in the documents, hunter biden is one of the guys courting you, penn, to try to setes up his father for a job there. he hosteped a dinner fornn the president. he's invited to the naval observatory when the big discussion about landing this joon landib occurs in 2016. but you have to look at in the timeline of what you see in this timeline, as you mentioned so eloquently, the white houseie tried very hard to disassociateb joe biden from hunter biden's foreign businessiden . but what you see is from the very beginning of the vice
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presidencyy , in obama, about it a year into when joe biden is in the white house, the first time he's talking to hunter biden and his business partner abouto hunt crg earnings potential by 2016, it's about wealth creation. g ps joe biden was putting pressureso on his son and his business findpartners to find money for . and as that pressure amped up, what is biden doing? he's going out there pursuing those ukraine, russia and most clearly, china deals. and when the china deals start coming his way, there's one i would like to focus everyone'sne attention on , hunter biden says to one of his business associatess , they're not interested in me. they care about it.s they i care about this deal because my last name, he knew he was selling access to his father. >> pretty, pretty amazing discovery here. i believ e. john solomon, with all the talk about the classified top secret documents,ev i don't think thats what's going to bring biden down. if anything brings him down, it's bown.s goin going to be thv he never hader a conversation with hunter or any family member about foreign business dealings. and in fact, he knew everythings
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about it. r hence the reason heasoe withhelt a billion taxpayer dollars to get a prosecutor in ukraine fired the amount of money, the sheer amount of money, one point five billion deal with the bank of china,$100 one hundred thousand dollar shopping spree sho, five million dollar, no interest, forgivable loan from china. that's an awful lot of money.. then you got all the money from russia, kazakhstan, ukraine and all these other countries. and then we got photographic evidence and then we got meetings where we can identify hunter joe and foreign business partners of hunter together. so we just flat out lied. >> how is that going to go over with the american people? yeah, listen, this was an influence peddling operation, e a classic one . and his son seemed to have the added motivation that he m was going to try to help hisot father out. that's what these emails show. and every time joe biden looked at the camera in 2018, twenty , nineteen , 2020, i had nothing to do with it. there is nowcame overwhelming pf that congressman james comey or jim jordan have available now to show that that's not a true
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story. not a crew story. if that is the joe biden hasn't given us an honest accounting. and if that's the case, whatha else is he hiding?? are i think in twenty , twenty three we're going to get an answer to a lot more ofmore those questions.f john solomon, great reporting. just the man. thank you. now, also tonight, we haveow more bad news for the bidene ba team as the white houseor is continuing to dodge key questions on biden's burgeoning classified document scandal new as a new poll from quinnipiac finds only thirty six percent of americans fro now approve ofv joe biden's job performance. a whopping 71% of the american people believe biden's perf documents. discovery is very serious, suggesting suggesting they believe an investigation is indeed warranted. and yet again,deed the white hoe call it, and yet anotherunde blunder originally claiming that the delaware house was used for official business while bidessn is away from washington. washnow they've changed their tune and they are declaring it is just a personal residence. no business has done their t their it is one of many missteps busin and misdirections from a whitees
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huse in crisis. even the whiteou house pressse secretary can't even keep their own story straight. is tussling with ast reporter this happened earlier today. >> takodaye a look.. i want to reference an interview that president biden did in mid-septembern with 60 minutes. and in that interview, he chided former president trump for having in his possession classified documents. he called it irresponsible.alle first of all, do you think it was proper for president biden to comment on an ongoing doj investigatio n? thi so i'm going to say this and i'm going to keep it really short today. as it relates to thisrelate particular issue, as it relates to an ongoing legal matter. i'm going to refer youma to department, justice department of justice. i'm going to leave it there.avet i'm not goin.g to go into further was simply asking yofuut to comment. and i just i gave you work. i just commented. i just commented.. we're moving on . go ahead.
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go ahead. go ahead. go ahead. go ahead.our no, go ahead. i already answeredques your question. really well,ti i didondid.. y wellou, it's your it's your opinion. it's your opinion. it's your opinion. s yourthat is your opinion. >> sean: j >> joining us now, texasoicr senator ted cruz. senator , let's talk about d the double standard. you got hillary clintooun and hr problems. i know it's funny, but i mean, it's sad on the other side, you almost feel sorry for karine jean-pierre. sh.e can't answer, but then joe you've got joe biden and the bn you've got a rate of mar-a-lagot . i want to talk about the double standard and the lack of equal justice under the law, equal eql application of our laws. well, sean, this this past weeks has been the worst week for the biden white house since the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan, since the murder of 13 servicemen and women. the white house hasn't had as bad a week as they've had. they've had they've hadad a incompetence. they've had scandal. they've had corruption.incomp they've had dishonesty. etand they've had hypocrisy.
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and all of that has been on display in the past. week. you know, when we saw merricken garland stand up and appoint a special counsel to investigate joe biden, i joked on my podcast verdicton with ted cruz that that merrick garland was was like a hostage video. >> he was blinking out s.o.s. because he was so unhappy and he was forced to do it. n he had no choice but to appointh a special counsel, given the utter hypocrisy in going after trump and was discovered that botnet classified documents, not in one place, not in twoclassifi places, not three places, but four and five, he had them stuck by us corvet. he had them stuck in a room his by the garage and in the pen center. he had him in the residence. you got to wonder where joe biden didn't have classified documents and all of his preening about irresponsibility. he's either being dishonest or incompetent. but what's clear is he sending karine jean-pierre out there to dissemble, to mislead, ea
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to say things that are factually false. and day after day, she stands up and says falsehoods from that podium. and i think it's only going to get worse. >> senator , where's the raid? they raided mar-a-lago. ha and also they they knew about this on november 2nd. the midterm election was november the 8th. why didn't they tell? e th the american people the truth, considering it would have impacted the election and the people of this country hady ha a right to know because this administration is corrupt and it's dishonest. you're right. s ad ithey knew about it. november 2nd. abo they archives knew about it.ut the department of justice knew about it. now we've learned the biden department of justice leaksleak like a sieve whelin it's against donald trump. we see photographs sieve of the. we all see all sorts of leaks when it's politicallyntageo advantageous. and yet in this instanceus, six days before the election, th miraculously, doj was slammedn theyt like a trap. they were not going to leak it because they want democratsmocrt to win.
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and i think one ofs the very worst legacies of joe biden has been the deep corruption ofdeep the department justice and of the fbi. raididn't the fbi joe biden's delaware home? why didn't they raid the penn center? why do they just trustd they the lawyers? hey, you guy trusts look arounde what's there, because it is a patently double standard. i th i will say i think the white house is not really concerned about legal exposure. merrick garland, appointed as a special counsel, someonee who had been the right hand toth rod rosenstein, who had been the right hand to chris wray. . i think they believe the special counsel is giving give him a slap on the wrist, slap it under the rug and be done with it. l they're not really worried, i think, about facing an on th indictment here. here's what they are worried about. merrick garland in the bidennd white house wanted to indict donald trump. they wanted to indict hintedm fr mar-a-lago. and suddenly they're in a world. of hurt politically because if they bring that indictment, even someone who's been asleep
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under a log founr one hundred years will wake up and say, wait a second, why do y you indict that guy for doinoug the same thing the other guy did? that's that their problem. is >>th and it'eis why they're soyy dismayed. oh, you know, they're goin g to indict him. you can indict a ham sandwich. they'll find some reason if they can. >> senator ted cruz, thank you, as always, for being with usm . we appreciate it. now, straight ahead tonight, wet need wait until you see what t the ladies of the view, that hard hitting news show had to say in the latest meltdown. ."we'll show you all of that. won'you won't believe what fake news cnn contributor adame news kinzinger is doing now. we'll also check inand with congresswoman marjorie taylor greene and the great steven asmar. cojoins us as we continue. >> and you get the last wordloma old this year and counting. let me to feed is one hundred and one years old. we had sthis year and counting. i'm bill lockwood, current caretaker and owner. caretaker and owner. when covid hit, we had some challenges, like a lot of o businesses didf peop.
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they continue to melt down overw republicans and speaker mccarthy actually moving forward on their promises to hold the biden administration accountable. listen to joyless fajar at thath hard hitting news show. " the view goingth on yet anotherw well, unhinged rant. >> take a look at kevin mccarthy has no soul. yeah, he has n.o ethics. s no he has no morals. he has no spine. i don't know. he's a shell of a human being, b in my opinion. >> sheei hates every republican, every conservative. anyway, later in the show, far left congressma eric swalwell, he stopped by where he was asked about his relationship with that chineset spy named fang fang. here's how we are start responded. >> take a looknd. first and foremost, you don't take my word for it. take the fbi's word for itfbi' three times they've come out and said that this person, by the way, who volunteered forw our campaign and barack obama's first term before i was on the intelligence committee, thatntellige person, when they e who she was and by the way,
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my district 35% asian-american.h sois thi is isn't like a chinese person in iowa right now, a very diverse congressional district. and so in an asian-american predominant district. and so when they told me about i did everything i hope everyone would do, which was to cooperate and help the fbi and she was removed. >> now, of course, swalwell is not telling you the entire story. he didn't mention that she was in fact, a spy. he didn't mention that heouldn' wouldn't be able to get a clearance in the private sector, meaning a security clearance. heen he't mention that h totally fell for political intelligence operation run by a chinese agency. he should be nowhere near a the intel committee or anyge committee, for that matter. comm a guy that pushed the lying russia hoax, the impeachment hoax. and everhe pusday the hoax in bx and by the way, as did failed. former congressman adam kinzinger, you're going to love this. he's also being mocked tonight,n rightly so, after selling what sign copies of the january
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six report for $100 a piece claiming he's offering the historic record as a limited edition . whoa, that's fake news. cnn's first hire of a liberalbea comedian here with reaction,medn republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is withy. us . thngresswoman, good to see you. thank you for being with us. he shouldn't be on the intel committee, nor should the congenital liar adam schiff be on the intel committee. this is nothatt that's i not a difficult decision, is it? >> no, not at all. and you can see there's a major difference in the leadership a with kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house and nancy pelosimc as speakercarthy of the house. nancy pelosi and the democrats removed me from committees, from things they didn't likeme on my facebook years before i became a member of congress.ny but you can see thatacebook. kevin mccarthy isn't being political . he's removing members of congress that needers of to be removed. it's a.n embarrassment that eric swalwell had a
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relationship with a ccp spy and then was servingu on the intel committee committee. it's unbelievable that thatthene happened. and then we have adam schiff, how he has lied and lied to the american people and abused the american people's taxpayerxo dollars with his lies with the russia hoax. he nevers deservewithd power ot committee. and he shouldn't have been on the january 6th committee either. e anso kevin mccarthy as speakef the house is doing the right thing and removing these democrat members that deserve to be removed. elwha nomar is another example. she's anti-semitic and she should not be on foreign affairs. these aren't political things. n >>gs these are the right things to do. let me ask you., i knowwant the democrats desperately want to distract from t the the issue of the president and the classifiednt top secret documens now in four locations. i get that. so trying to gin up the american people on the issue of the debt ceiling. >> my understanding is that really won't be an issue for
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a number of months. ceilibut when it is an issue, t will republicans do? hey be will they be united? what are the things that united? they will demand in exchangeil for going along with the debt ceiling? because of the hyperbole, d i'm sure will be out oebt f control. the full faith and governments go of the united states government is on the linevern and credit oy the government is on the line. you're going to shut downoing the government. and meanwhile, people g will still get their social security checks, their medicaroe . the military will be up and running and most people get a furloughd and they get paid when they get b back to work. so allac that hyperbole is comig . >> what will the republicans want and will they stay together? well, i think this is an important issue to talk about. >> and thank you for bringing it up. but we also want to point out that nancy pelosi, chuckr, schumer, joe biden, mitch mcconnell, all ofth who have served. if yous in add up the years thee been in congress, or in power in washington, we're looking at5
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one hundred and fifty years of four peoples combined time inate washington. so they know what they're doing when they kick the can dow n the road, giving the debt ceiling issue to the republican majority, which we started here in january . it's an important issus ane for our conference to come together on because, as you said, tog ethegovernmethe government willp on running. pes, people socialye securits.y coming, ill keep cominopg. military will keep getting paid. important things will keepmikeep happening and keep getting paid. but wegett havine to do a good a the republican conference, it's a serious issue. and the spendingblican in washin that's happened for decades now with both parties is the reasone why we're in this terrible place. and republicann wh are committed to work on the budget. we want to get it undero be control. we want it to be balanced, and we want to reduce the national debt.of but the debt ceiling is goingon to be a point of contention. and our conference and it's but it's going to have to be one that we come together on .
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we are going to send something to the senate to make it to me biden desk to be signed. and we want to make sure that we have things in there that wen have to have. i , footr one , will not sign a clean bill raising the debt, the debt limit. well, i keep reminding republicans with the small majority they have will succeedcceed or fail together.oryou weha havvee a couple of months leading up to this. my advice, which nobody ever listens to , is i would resolve these issues and come to an agreement before that debate begins and stand as a united team that wouldstan be gt .ma marjorie telegrammed, thank youg so much for being with us.eone all right. coming up, the one and only stephen a. smith, he'll join s us . really fascinating revelations in his new boo uk. it's called straight shooter. si aftehe'll join us nextgh. then, by the way, after the show, i'll be interviewing him online if you want. >> joiwantn us straight ahead.av >> joiwantn us straight ahead.av for back .d safe relief.
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eight three hundred >>d five today. >> now our friend stephen a. our smith has a new book out.oo it's called straight shooter and it is an inspiring memoirirn of his rise to fame, his success in sports mediad and even how he overcameer a learning disability and a verycame rough childhood. and get this, there is a premiere live signing at 10 p.m. right after the show tonight. i'll be moderating int and interviewing steve and i . it's hader steven go backwards. i can't see stephen a. smith, bookham right after the show,fie about five minutes after 10:00 s eastern. te now here is the author, straight shooter, a memoir memoirsecond chances and first >> this is a when you were on my radio show for an hourn my last week in studio with me, it was a hard hour for me. yeah , i'm friends a long time.
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we never got this deep. this is a triumph to tragedy book. i had no idea about the paint t that you wenpat through as alefc child left back in the third grade. >> i had to go to summerr school, left back completely in. the fourth grade. how to redo fourthto grade. and you overheard a conversation. your dad was not. and you describe i heard your ownd book. not a particularly good maman in a lot of ways. what you describe it yourself, heconversation where you hear aryour father describe you as being stupid. and i can't imagine how painful that was to talk about o well, he definitely said it.d he said that the boy is smart. o he's just not going to do his anything with his life, get over it. he tol overd my mother that and iit heard him say it. bu pt i have to admit to you tht as painful as it was to hearth that, combined with the laughteraughte from the kids minute on the block just minutes earlier, it was an incredible
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source of motivation because knowing that my father felt that way about me and he hadittl such little faith in me, i believe that was the start of a level of determination that i have never let go of ii haven my entire life. a lot of times as adults, we take into account, we think about the effect things could have on children and how- lingering of effect that can, ho be . but guess what? it's not always negative. sometimes it can motivate you in a very, very positive way. to exceed expectations, to makek liars out, out of doubters, and to excel to heights unknown and unseen and unimagined. i >> and that's exactly what i believe i did. you know, and then youelieve tak about an incredible mother, an incredible, incredible sisters. in this book. and they didn't call it at the time what it was., yo you had dyslexia and they discovered and they taught you how to read . telyol the story in abo the book. oneabout one teacher that brins your mom in and says , i hate to tell you this, your son's really, really smart. >> and not only is he reallysmar
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smart, he is it,f he's not i interested, gonna pay attention. you you findto the thing pay. he's most interested and he's going to be a star. yea >> and look what happened.h. yeah, i hate to say this. >> i hate to admit it publicly, but you're a star or something like that. but i'm thankful to mr. caravan's to this very day that he said that to my mother a and to me because it definitely elevated my confidence to another level, made me that much more focused. and it helped me to find my passion, which was sports ,sp because once i read sports and a watch sports and really, reallys comprehend what was going on , it built my confidence in other areas.uilt my i'm reading news and reading politics, are reading current lo events and reading a lot of different things that i would never dream on to me. i understand suddenly the comprehension was you sent me a text every day. you tell me how wrong i am every day. well, not every day, no.i this is about five days a week
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for four, five days a week. you're wrong.rong i'm working in the ballpark. you need help. but that's what i'm here for. that's what i'm here for. i want to remind our audience this book is phenomenalau and it's a great book. traged it's tragedy to triumph. straight shooter stephen a. smith head over to stephen a smith book. .com is going to be a live signing. it starts five minutes after the show ends. i'm going to be interviewingstea stephen . we'll give you more details. so that's all coming up when ws yome back , you have the last word.u gra you get to grade this show. tell me what you like. what you didn't like. >> straight ahead, have you heard the big news this year? nutrisystem is going big with a bigger menu to help you get big results. i lost 90 pounds and it's changed my life. wait till you try the food like bigger dinners. we hardy inspirations that are clinically shown to control hunger for up to five hours. i lost fifty pounds.
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glad you called.glad y i'm doing great, sean.t, how about you? i'm good, sir. i'm good. i just want to say what i like a about the show is the e hot seat. e hot of course, there's not goingre's to admit that it has ever done anything wrong. admitt it hasso you're not goiw battle, as you well know,in batton one crucial mistake you u and you're not going to like it, bu t i'll probably be back. proba okay, i feel that you lostt yo a lot of viewers by having ala gore on . if you neverlo havt by havie oy to rating. >> i think that'r trs whatip yo. wait a minute. i got a question. t a qu didn't it show the hypocrisy that night? didn't the hypoclay it out for . >> yeah, you laid it out. laid he missed too many dinners. >> he laid it out prettye laid strongly. it out okay, anybody gonna givu a grade now? you're going to ask me whyk me i gave you a strong a becauseg e al gore, you would have got an v eight plus, but gore wiped off the map. m >>ap so nothing more to sayo noh on that matter. that's awful.
12:00 am
ing more ton thaal gore ruined m >> it ruined my grade tonight. i anywayt , thank you for watchino by the way, you need to getu ned the hell out of that state because the tax you to deathcauh and they're regulating you to death. bu ant we're glad you're watching.y thank you. and thanks to all of you forank making this show possible. all the time we have left,e have unfortunately. thanks for being with us. set your dvreft,y. . in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. laura' heart bs neck. ex >> she's got an incrediblehas show, as always. incri'm laura "th and this is the ingraham angle t from washington tonight. thanks for joiningper th drainig america. that's the focus o mf tonight'as angle. now, we'd like to imagine thatry our political leaders priority is how to best defend america, but in ways big and small, we see our country being sapped of what makes us strong, what indep makes us independent, and what makes us free. s usfrom the attacks on oury on sovereignty along our open border


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