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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 19, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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>> good boy. >> how did he get out? [barking] [dog cries] >> laura: those crates seem almost too secure. gutfeld! next. *** >> yes! look at that. >> yes! >> yes! [cheers] >> i love it. let it watch over me. feels so good. >> sorry, it's thursday, which means tomorrow is friday, and then the weekend, and my friends say i learned nothing at
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berkeley. [laughter] >> greg: i love a good calendar. so the cdc needs a makeover worse than joy bayhar. cdc stands for the centers for disease control but what did it control really during the pandemic? nothing. instead it became another bloated arm of the bureaucratic machine, a political entity making political pronouncements and protecting its political allies. so no surprise during the pandemic they were more of a crap show than a leaky fleet enema. [laughter] >> greg: so they needs to change and we're not talking about a half ass transition. i'm talking about a hundred percent makeover, and a think tank agrees with me saying the cdc needs a full reset because it no longer can be trusted to handle global pandemics. hell, at this point, it can't be trusted to handle an outbreak of dandruff or athlete's foot. i wouldn't trust them to cure disco fever.
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yet, they call everything a health threat from racism to climate change. according to them anything that they don't like could be a health risk. how convenient is that? i'm surprised they aren't demanding warning labels on republicans. yet they miss the things that are killing us by the millions. no wonder the obesity epidemic has gotten out of control. that picture must have showed up by accident. although somebody get them more oats. the center for strategic and international studies states the cdc has entered a moment of peril and has suffered a sharp decline in popular trust and confidence. but wait. are we talking about the cdc or just about everything these days? that one line could apply to every major institution. well, except for the gutfeld! institute for awesome quads and abs. you can still trust them. good people.
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an excellent whirlpool baths. lots of privacy if you know what i mean but it's true, cdc's handling of the covid really put it on the map the same way jfk's assassination put the blazeza on the map. it's a stretch. the report also suggests he needs to change how he directs data and be more flexible with its budget. wow, that's brilliant. that's like saying jeffrey dahmer's problem was his choice of condiments. the report adds, the cdc reset is a matter of national security. the leadership needs to prove its head is fully in the reform game but true power to change lies at the white house, which means they want the cdc do move its headquarters from atlanta to dc, and why? so joe biden can screw it up from the comfort of his own aborn stair lift? a move to washington only makes sense if you think carjacking a great way to meet strangers. so while i agree that the cdc is as bad as the disease is, that
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it's meant to control i'm not suresen nilty is the right answer. what is? you need to bring someone in who is familiar with cleaning house. yes. i mean a woman. [oh] >> greg: terrible but what you really need is someone who has no problems dismissing layers of redundant flabby bureaucracy. essentially we need to clone elon musk because he gets i. you run into flablem everywhere in government. it's an administrative burea bureaucracy. if you notice everything about health took a back seat to enhance the media's foot print. being on tv was more important than fighting tb. dr. fauci was on screen more than our ads for relief factor, and nowhere near as good for you.
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the only health he improved was the health of his ego. so it's not just the pandemic mistakes because we all made them. it's about why there were so many and so many by the experts. why is that? it's obvious. politics infected it. as the cdc insullying the teacher's union and identity merchants rather than giving real health advice that could have saved lives. suddenly they were making sweeping pronouncements about every liberal cause. everything became a health crisis. racism, environment, gun control and yet fentanyl slides right by them just like obesity and sugar. yes, i think it's time for the cdc to do some serious soul searching if they have one and maybe come up with a vaccine that fights politics. [applause] >> greg: tonight's guests, he's not a cop anymore but i hope he still stops to frisk me. former nypd founder --
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[applause] >> greg: that was hard. if he's here that means the sale at jay krug must be over. guy vin sent. [applause] >> greg: her background check is more flags than a trump rally. fox news contributor kat -- [applause] >> greg: and the last time he played twister, he killed someone. my massive said kick and the heavyweight champion tyrus. [applause] >> greg: i just want -- i want to put up guy and paul. can you put them up side by side. isn't this wonderful? this is the first time in my career that guests came in the exact same jacket. who wore it better? >> i don't know. >> don't answer that. >> i think you guys look like really hip, real estate agents, from downtown, trying to sell a
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lot of, and then you meet and fall in love. >> who told them, you told them? [laughter] >> all right. let's do the story. >> greg: guy, what do you make of this? is this ever possible? can you reset anything in government? >> first of all can i say we did like the spiderman meme in the green room. brooks brothers, by the way. sponsor us, you cowards. >> greg: yes. >> so a couple of months ago at this point, governor desantis down in florida rolled out this plan that he was going to create like an alternate cdc to look into did cdc recommendations and peel went crazy over this, like he was besmirking the fine reputation of this institution, and it's like do you hear yourselves. >> people don't trust the cdc anymore. i think it would be healthy to have someone come in and either shake it up in a major way or do what desantis has done, create an alternative to give different ideas. and it should be, you know,
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rigorous and medically based and follow the data unlike what the cdc did unfortunately too often on covid. >> i think they should focus mainly on balance of nature. [laughter] >> greg: paul, welcome to the show. first time, very excited. we've talked about the cdc. what gets me pissed off more than anything is the real health stuff they missed, but then they chase the attention seeking media issues like gun control, racism, and climate change. >> think about how many people we have dedicated to this. we have cdc. fauci is not cdc, infectious and disease control, then you have the surgeon general, rachel levine. you have all of these federal health people, none of them seem to be synchronized, and it just continues to grow, right? and yet you have one job and you blew it so now you've got this other -- by the way, any time you see more than two federal acronyms in a story, reach for your wallet. all right? because you know where this is
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going, right? so what do they do? they come out and say we don't have enough. we've got to make this thing bigger. we need more computers. more people. and then, oh, by the way, let's move it to d.c., because that's a great idea, nothing ever goes wrong inside the beltway. they never come in and say make it more agile. parrot down. less. less. always bigger. >> greg: it can only grow. by the way, didn't know you were from england. >> i don't get it. >> i didn't know -- >> greg: that's the thickest brooklyn accent i have ever heard. queens. >> brooklyn, queens. >> you people. >> the word today, boys and girls, is sarcasm. [laughter] >> sarcasm. >> greg: kat, would you love to reset all of government and make it smaller. is this just a pipe dream, a crack pipe dream? >> okay. no, i agree. i don't think the cdc needs to do better. i think it needs to do less. i don't think the problem was
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the people in the cdc so much as people are the cdc. so they are prone to the same, you know, corruption possibilities, and the fact they are going to make mistakes just like all humans are. so a lot of this stuff could be done by local officials who know their communities best and private researchers who aren't, you know, a part of the government. so i don't think it matters who is in charge. i just think it needs to be smaller. you guys a bunch of commies, okay. >> greg: that was uncalled for, kat. >> i've been up since 5:30 in the morning. you're welcome, fox and friends. they were nice to me. people smile on fox and friends. people smile. they say, oh, they say -- they say good morning. [applause] >> they say good morning. they say good see you, kat. >> greg: you know? because they are desperate.
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>> what do i get from you? >> greg: mom and dad, stop. very upsetting. >> that's why i drink. [laughter] >> greg: tyrus? >> will a reset make a difference? >> that's hilarious. reset like a makeover. >> greg: yes. >> we're going to be the kdk. oops, my bad. we ruined americans' lives. crushed families forever, lied through our teeth, extorted, shamed, cost people their jobs, and we're going to get a makeover. we're going to turn it around. you can't turn it around. anybody who is work for the cdc can, or was with fauci, everyone in those programs, should be fired. at the very least, if not even being looked at into criminal charges because they had information that could have helped and they kept it, because why? you said it in monologue. that tv was nice. he was throwing pitches out at baseball games. although the worst pitch i have
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ever seen in my life. he was on talk shows and become compared to brad pitt. >> greg: that's right. >> so why would he give all of that up? he betrayed science for himself. so, makeover, no. burn to the ground and start over. >> greg: not literally, because i have to go to hr tomorrow. all right. we've got to move on. up next, a mistake he tried to sugarcoat may leave baldwin unable to vote. [applause]
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. >> greg: he miss hand live rounds and now the da is going to take him down and yet alex's lawyers take aim and claim he's not to blame. alec baldwin will be charged with involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of cinematographer elena hutchins on the set of "rust." he faces up to five years in jail. >> you recall, you never know, you recall baldwin tried hard to absolve himself saying he didn't pull the trigger and was simply following the instructions from other people on the set including hutchins herself. but what a shock that such defenses weren't believable. give him time and he'll pin it on donald trump. baldwin's lawyer said in a statement that he plans to fight these charges and win and calls it a miscarry of justice although if convicted they might have to put him in solitary
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confinement because making someone share a cell with baldwin, that's cruel and unusual punishment. you've been in the police force for how many years, 25 years, 30 years? >> 25, give or take. >> greg: what do you think? is he going to jail? >> i think he very well may. first, this is one of the slowest prosecutions. it happened like almost a year and a half ago so they are being very careful. so the fact that they went this far, i'm assuming they have already impanelled the jury, et cetera, to go through all of this effort, the expectations that people had that he wasn't going to be charged and now that he's charged it feels like they will probably go all the way with this, jury selection, trying to find somebody who is not biased against him, it could be the longest jury selection of all time. it will be an interesting case but he very well may see a little time inside cell. >> greg: my theory is, he's going to love going to prison. he has eight kids. he's got to get out of the
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house. minimum security prison way better than eight kids. i also think his daughter is pregnant. so, add that on top of things. >> he has nine kids. >> eight -- >> he's dating a foreigner, he's married to a foreign woman. >> yes. >> so are you? [laughter] >> greg: it's a joke, remember she used to fake her accent. >> that was the best news cycle ever. how do you say cucumber? . >> can he join a latin prison gang now? >> greg: yes. [laughter] >> make a good ms-13 number. >> i bet all of his kids are grounded. like, huh just takes out his anger on other people obviously. you remember when he got kicked off of a plane because he was being so violent and aggressive when a flight attendant told him he had to stop playing words with friends. how do you think rereacted when somebody told him he was being charged with a felony.
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>> greg: it's ironic he's playing word with friends. >> all of his kids are probably in trouble just for being around him. >> greg: i believe that -- he's living a nightmare, tyrus. he killed somebody. do you feel some empathy for the guy even though he would not do it for any of us, if the shoe were on the other foot, he would be calling for your scalp. >> i'm not him. but it does suck. the whole situation is bad. it is terrible. and being on a set and having been on a set before, there is a very strict process with guns, and when they hand you a gun and they say it's cold it's supposed to be cold but even then you still peek it. make sure there is nothing in the clip. but that's where, kind of like, that's -- the criminal seems to be on the other side because once they happened it to the actor. that means it's safe go. so, that's where it kind of draws the line. but i just feel like, it's got
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to be weird for him, too, because once you settle it civilly, like the civil suit, and he sold all of his properties, you're kind of like, glad that's over, like i paid him for it, which now means, he's in that bill cosby situation where he's settled civilly and now he's going to court and the first question the prosecutor, what, did you settle? you paid money, saying that you were responsible? so that's going to be a tough objection, so if he has -- if he listens to anyone, somehow this gets to him, do not testify. it's going to be a bad day for you. he's going to testify. it's going to be great for us watching it but do not testify >> it's funny to think he's the most successful baldwin. [laughter] >> by far. >> greg: by far. tyrus made the point, i tried to make it today on the five, the stories about the live round that could be somebody who put
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that there on purpose. isn't anybody interested in how the live round got there? he made a mistake, he didn't check, but if it wasn't a live round this never would have happened. somebody put a live round in a gun and so far no one seems to be asking about that. >> why were there any live rounds at all on the movie set. >> i think it's the crazy girl. >> i'm not going to speculate. >> greg: please do. this show is about speculation. >> the thing is, i would be more sympathetic to alec baldwin in this circumstance, just two people were supposed to have checked this thing. they handed to it him. it's fine but then he went on national tv on abc and said he didn't pull the trigger and it just went off. okay. no, that doesn't make sense, so then i start to doubt more stuff about him. the other thing, greg, i think i read today, they are about to restart production of this movie. >> greg: rust? >> what? i feel like once you have, like someone killed on a set and you've waited a year and a half, maybe that's like your sign from
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god to stop. >> with bruce lee's son brandon lee, he died in a shooting accident -- if she was still around we would know who put the bullet in the gun. >> greg: it's amazing, i'll always amazed by her when you bring her up the fact that she played -- who was the guy in mentoring candidate, she played her mother in like 1964. not frank sinatra, but thank you. or was it frank sinatra, the other guy? >> i'm thinking about how if i died on this set would you be really upset, when you do have to wait longer to go home. [laughter] >> yes, driver would get some calls. >> you would be so upset. >> you people, what's going on? >> what do you mean, you people. >> greg: i meant, skinny blond ladies. people. anyway, shall we move on. i want to ask more questions about against but we have to go.
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up next, they are giving him a l heck of a fight over skipping pride night. [applause] with try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®.
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>> greg: things got politically rocky when all he wanted to do was play hockey. i speak of -- [trouble speaking] he's russian, of the nhl's philadelphia flyers, a team made up entirely of delta sky miles members. >> that's quite an award. on tuesday's pride night during pre-game warm-ups the team wore pride theme jerseys and used sticks wrapped in rainbow tape. they said no due to the risk of freezer burn. [trying to speak russian] >> cited his religious faith. >> i respect, i respect everybody's choices, and that's to stay true to myself and my
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religion. that's all i'm going to say. [applause] >> apparently a lot of hockey fans. but how dare he? now tons of people are ripping him for boycotting and the flyers letting him play in the actual game. one canadian sports commentator, they have three of them, says the league should fine the flyers a million bucks. >> the religious beliefs line, all of a sudden the nhl is going to back off of this, the national hockey league today needs to fine that organization a million dollars and reevaluate how they support gay rights because that's insulting. that's the number one trending topic in canada. if the nhl is sincere about this, they say they are, we'll see. [laughter] >> greg: the number one trending topic in canada. oh, my god, you're such an ass.
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[laughter] >> greg: such an ass. nobody cares in america. we don't give a [ bleep ] about trending topics. [applause] >> greg: someone give that guy an oscar for acting. anyway, the real question here, you should be compelled to wear something that functions more like speech? it's a statement and not a functional part of the uniform. it's an expression, and believe me, it's hard enough for hockey players to express themselves. and people shouldn't have to endorse ideologies unrelated to their jobs whether it's pride celebrations, national anthems or being forced to buy your staff christmas gifts. [laughter] >> greg: support, support should never be forced. or it's not support at all. it's just indoctrination, so the dude doesn't want to be forced the show his support for gay
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pride. i get it. this is hockey, not the ice capades. >> what say? how dare -- >> greg: i'm going to find out who put that in there. so -- guy, i go to you, for one reason, you are such a huge hockey fan. >> i actually am. >> greg: i figured you would be. >> go devils. >> greg: you're also a satanist? lets stick to hockey. >> get out of here. here's the deal. i object to him having to use religion as a defense. you it shouldn't matter. if you don't want to wear something you cannot be compelled, not speaking is the same kind of freedom as speaking. and it pisses -- the fact that he has to argue about it with religion, what do you think? >> he was perfectly polite about it. he didn't say anything offensive.
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that was quite a performance from that canadian, yes, sportscaster, wow! i think sometimes sports media they have politics envy, a little hook, and let's really preen, and they went all in on this story, i should be the one offended. i'm a gay hockey fan and i'm not offended because what's more offensive to me actually is this idea that people should be coerced into supporting me. that's empty. if you don't want to do it, then you shouldn't have to do it and if you're being mandated to do it, then it's [ bleep ], right? so if you want to -- if you want to make a gesture or a statement out of what you actually believe, and support our community, our community, greg, you're the ally -- >> greg: yes. >> if you want to do that because you believe it go for it. put on as you always do before the show your gutfeld rainbow sweater backstage, that's great
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but this enforced celebration or else completely takes the whole purpose out of it, which should be genuine support, not something like at the barrel of a proverbial gun. >> greg: exactly. i, kat, don't even like wearing things that i like. like causes -- like when fox tells me, oh, it's so and so day. >> heart disease day, everybody has to wear red. >> greg: i get pissed off and i'm against heart disease. >> i do, too. >> greg: but you hate gay people -- [laughter] >> don't make him proud of himself for that. >> greg: every night is pride night with him. >> i just don't understand what they are saying, what would they rather have this guy do. he's not going to support it so pretend to support it, and sort of use the cause for his own
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benefit. >> greg: yes. >> that's not better. that's worse. >> greg: it is. >> it's always better, i think, when you force people to do things, it's always better to have more information about how people really feel than less information all the time. >> greg: excellent point, tyrus. what would you do? >> i wouldn't wear it. i wouldn't wake a black lives matter shirt either. [applause] >> and for the reasons because, they have become political. and one of my closest friends, who makes my gear for the nwa, and i spend most of my time complaining when i'm there, he happens to be gay and one of my closest friends, and we did a thing where they made the nwa rainbows and stuff, they said, tyrus, would you get me a shirt. i went and got him that shirt and brought it back and he cussed me out. he said i wanted a tyrus shirt. he says, i'm a gay man but i'm not political. so i'm not interested in that.
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and i was like, i get it, because i wouldn't wear a black lives matter shirt because what that represents, i don't agree with. >> greg: do you have a black lives matter shirt? >> i kept it. >> greg: leave it in my office. >> do you want a nightgown? >> greg: it's like something i would wear to bed. last word to you, paul. you're a hockey fan. >> i am a hockey fan. >> i thought i would be the only one, you shocked me. >> i'm a hockey fan actually. hockey is the one sport i enjoy. >> that's a clue. right there. because, i can tell you what's going on. >> greg: yes. >> you've got to look at where the coercion is coming from and the canadian elites including up to the p.m., donny osmond and t trudeau, this is the largest
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repository of testostrone. they want to use this to make these statements. what they need to do is just let it go. what happens, at some point a couple of players will come out. it will be there. the real truth is, nobody cares. score the goals. that's what we want. have a couple of fights. that's it. >> greg: they get a complaint, somebody trends on tv in canada. what trends in canada, maple syrup. that's trending. also, moose. >> just check it out. moose, it's trending. >> greg: coming up, would a congressman brag about dressing in drag? for what you need. contestants ready? go! only pay for what you need.
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>> greg: did new york's favorite schoolly wag use to perform in
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drag? new york congressman george santos is accused of lying about almost everything ever. to me it's impressive. including his mom being at the world trade center on 9/11, turns out she was at 7-eleven on earth day. next, he'll say he lowered gasoline prices and beat up corn pop. he's also denying he stole money from a disabled veteran trying to care for his sick dog. on top of all of that he reportedly committed the most evil of evils, dressing in drag. a drag queen and former friend of santos says they met more than 15 years ago in brazil. i knew we had something in common. but much like me, george couldn't handle the drag queen lifestyle. "he did not have what it takes to be a professional. george did not have the glamour for that." that's a friend, what a catty
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bitch. santos tonight performed as a drag queen calling it the most obsession from the media and categorically false. i get his anger. i myself have been accused of making some embarrassing appearances in some seedy circumstances very early in my career but enough about fox and friends. speaking of, kat -- >> they were so nice to me. >> greg: your new best friends, fox and friends. this guy, i have to do a little caveat. we've reached out to have him on the show, he doesn't understand we would treat him with such admiration for being so wacky. so crazy. i just want to get inside his head. what do you think? >> that would be interesting. >> greg: it would. >> i have had people in my life that were pathological liars and even they stay away from 9/11 and the holocaust. not this guy. but then he's like, drag, i
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would never -- wouldn't want, you know, me thinking that you're not a godly man of god, like you're a liar. but i don't think -- he was obviously not, because his friend was like he didn't have the glamour. so although he did drag, he was, in fact, not a queen. >> greg: oh. paul -- you must be, you're an author as well, you've written a number of books. you must be fascinated by this character. >> he is fascinating. >> he's great. the most interesting thing in congress, right? i actually hope he hangs around just so we can watch what he's going to come up with next. >> greg: exactly. >> he feels like the simulation. the only thing i can think of is that he leaked this, he's going to get arrested at some point, right? because he's got some financial -- when he comes out with the transphobia defense. he's checked about every other box and done just everything wrong that he can possibly do and ultimately he'll find himself looking at an arrest.
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>> got to get him on the show first. i want him to be my best friend because i can tell him all my secrets because if he tells other people they won't believe him. >> greg: yes. he would be a terrible best friend because he would always be asking for money and then you would never see it. right, tyrus? we were watching what republicans are doing but i'm wondering what would democrats do? they never question o'mar and the stuff she's been up to. brother husband, husband brother. i don't know what i'm saying, tyrus. >> i have no idea. [laughter] >> i found it offensive, honestly. they used some harsh language in the story. they called him a drag denier. so now denier is just on anything. >> greg: yes, it is. >> you can put it on anything. if you don't wear a hat, you're a hat denier. if i don't bend down to talk to you i'm a short denier.
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they just are going at him. i don't know why he lies because he literally has one of the most interesting lives of all time. he's been everywhere. he's literally -- he's done everything apparently. and, you know what? what did you say, his name is caddie bitch? performance name, just a description -- >> greg: yes, yes. >> i, for one, don't have a problem with george dressing like a woman in brazil. do what you have to do to have a good time but when you start talking about he didn't have the talent for lip-syncing -- >> oh, no -- >> are you out of my mind? lip-syncing is not a talent. >> i want him to try to walk around in heels. >> why would i want -- that's not a skill. walking heels -- you've got it, kid. >> greg: can we get a picture of santos? i look at him and i look at him and i go, not that picture.
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a picture of him. never mind. i was going to say, he looks like -- anyway, there you go. are we sure that's not really marco rubio? >> with glasses? >> greg: with glasses. look, i feel like you look at our current president and his history of serial lying, embellishment, fabrication, plagiarism, i think george should really shoot for the stars. >> exactly. >> he might have a future in politics. [applause] >> it's so funny because like, i mean, a lot of his -- okay, santos' lies are absurd and could be so easily checked. like he was a volleyball star -- >> the president lied about the circumstances of his own son's death. >> yes. >> that's checkable and really weird. >> greg: yes. every day he makes something up. none of the things that biden
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says can even be fact checked. >> george's lies are funnier, volleyball star lie -- he was star of his volleyball team at a college he didn't go to. [laughter] >> greg: you know what's interesting, maybe i should point this out before we go, we never heard about any of this until after he won which meant this was all held back to get him out so that the republicans -- >> he wasn't a threat. there is no way this lying guy is going to get in. i think he said it doesn't matter if he wins, we let this stuff out, and then he's gone. that's what i think but then i think a lot of things and none of them are true. up next, the heirs are getting snippy for the estate of a killer hippie. this is my favorite story. helpful customer service over the phone or on the progressive app pretty much anywhere. like at the coffee shop, at the park, or on the moon. just kidding. it's another coffee shop.
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>> a story in five words. ♪ >> greg: a story in five words. who will be manson's heir? so, paul, the judge will rule this week who will inherit charles manson's belongings, which have been estimated, get this, to be worth up to a million dollars so the guy died a millionaire. that just blows my mind. >> very humbling story, greg. >> greg: it really is. >> 95% of his life was spent in
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jail and he has a bigger estate that i'm going to die with. in fact he's got a bigger estate in death than i have in life. >> greg: low overhead. he didn't have any mortgages, any outstanding bills. >> how did he do it? i don't know. >> greg: he truly made a killing. [boos] >> greg: he didn't kill anybody, did he? >> he was the director. >> greg: i'm not saying he's not guilty. >> he manipulated people to kill, no, he's not giving them anything. i would be so upset. he's not even going to throw them $50 for their commissary, after all of that that's why you can never trust a man. [laughter] [applause] >> greg: she blames men. >> she's in a mood. she's mad because i didn't put down drag as a skill. >> am i mad?
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>> i don't understand why all of this isn't going to the victims' families. i don't understand at all. >> greg: how is that not possible? >> no one should profit from what he was and what he did. that money should be going to the families. >> greg: california has -- >> they did it to jeffrey dahmer. they gave to it his dad, book, all of that stuff. all the rights from his stuff should go to the victims. it should be an open and shut case. it shouldn't be happening. >> greg: i guess there are three contenders to your point, none to the victims. grandson, somebody who claims to be his grandson. someone who claims to have his will stating everything would be left to him. coincidence, it says it's all mine. [laughter] >> greg: it's on the back of a mcdonald's menu, place setting. so anyway, and then another who believes he is his son. these are all probably whack jobs. we still have a shot at this, you and me, right? we can get some brooks brothers jackets matching. >> excellent points, excellent jokes, all night. great jackets. so there is another person i think in the mix, if i read the
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story, that there is a like a prison pen pal. >> greg: yes. >> who would write to him for years. i want to admire the commitment to that you're picking out this psychopath, for the hope that maybe one day you, too, could become a millionaire. i'm almost rooting for that person. >> greg: how can he be a millionaire? i need to know more about. this a, we realize amid being a millionaire isn't anything anymore, right? >> unless you're not a millionaire. >> i wouldn't mind it. yes. >> greg: but, i mean, how is he -- how could charles manson be a millionaire? >> he wrote a song, guns and roses recorded. i think that's the majority of it. >> and people are sick. >> greg: i didn't know that. >> it's on youtube and stuff. his original is on youtube. you can hear him singing it.
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it's semi coherent. they recorded it, and a couple of people recorded it. >> greg just casually says being a millionaire is nothing. >> i wouldn't mind it. >> greg: i'm talking about, if charles manson could be a millionaire, anybody can. that's all i'm saying. >> that makes me feel better? [laughter] >> greg: you should have started to date mass murderers. it would have been much better for you. who says you haven't? [laughter] >> they could have just been really good at it. i have no idea. >> greg: all right. don't go away. we'll be right back.
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>> out of time. thanks to all of you and our studio audience. trace gallagher for fox news @ night is next. >> trace: good evening. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. breaking tonight, new e-mails intine fox news reveal the head of the border patrol pushed back against the biden administration's handling of that false whipping controversy aimed at his agents. we'll tell you how. alec baldwin said to be charged with involuntary manslaughter. prosecutors insist bal


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