tv Hannity FOX News January 19, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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soon the guy goes on cnbc. noy does no one ever ask him about the shots that made himhi rich ? >> i'm glad someone dioud. glad >> s so finally tonight, don lemon of cnn issued a pretty dramatic cry for help fo the other day with his suit, coat, hoodie coa we've got some questions aboutns it. >> and tomorrow nigh abot. we'll investigate the . and welcome to hannity. >> tonight, more wolke socialist, anti conservative b.s.-conserv at the world econoc forum in davos, switzerland. by the way, that you paid foreru and your generous tax dollars make possible. t and we'll shin we're going to break allgh the money down tonight. we're going to shine a light on all of the idiotic globaldioc organizations that hate america. l are more than happy to take mn your money, cash your checks, and you are going to be stunned
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at how many billions of taxta dollars are being wasted on this socialist climate. cultism and general socialism, globalism. we'll check in with pete hegseth, jessica tarlov.'l they're going to weigh ineck and face off in tonight's hannity hotseat. , analso coming up tonight,s the very latest for alece very baldwin will now face ch baldwin will now face charges on involuntary manslaughterro and maybe more . a shocking scene tonight from philadelphia. we'll tell you aboutm a new dre that is threatening to make the opioid epidemic even worsedemocrat . and yet somehoy w democrats,m to they don't even seem to notice or care. e an we have an investigative report with sarah carter. but first, bigt with news about joe biden's garage. wh you all know,ga by now, this is where classified documents were discovered, was discovereuc four places, one of the fourg ad places just laying around near biden's corvette right there. apparently, they have beene there for years. ars but joe isn't worried at ala doesn't think it's a big deal at all. take a look. >> we're fully cooperating. looking forward to getting this resolved.
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ng andforward quickly.think you' nothink you're going to find there's nothing there. i have no regrets. i'm following what the lawyersnl have told me they want me to do. exactly what we're doing. >> there's no there. there no regrets. no, they're there. that's not what he said about donald trump last week. thisn said that this is all much ado about nothing because, quote, adu the documents and the corvette are in a lockedgarage e garage, except, of course, whena it wasn't locked, which seems like happened on a regular basis. here, by the where. by the way, hunter biden out taking the car for a joyride yet with his niece and another young woman who is yet to be. identified, clearly had access to the garage and every other room in the house because he lived there. keep in mind, hunter's entire hn careerter'reer was is based on g access to his father to sketchyt foreign nationals from a countries, a lot of whom hate our guts. soe obviously, hunter's proximity to easy accessittl to classified material is a little bit more than concerning . hunter is not the onlyth persoan
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that had access to biden's delaware mansion, even though joe spends almost every weekend there conductingd a official, n business and we have no idea who visits the home. n the white house claimingg of there's no log of anybody thatco comes anybodmes y it goes. facts let me just tell you the facts, that there's a blatant lieever that's like i never talkk to huntunter or anybody about their farm business dealings in my family. now, based on my interviews with multiple presidents overhe the years, i know for a fact a the secret service, they track every single person that enters a sitting presidents home. a reo there is definitely a record ori who has been in that house over the last two they just don't want to release it. the entire ordeal reeks ofl reef corruption. and for the very first time,uss look at this rasmussen poll now showing a majority of you, the american people, believerest that president biden committed muchmpeachable offense, and yet this country is facing muchprobe bigger problems. take a look at your screenms . philadel look at philadelphia, pennsylvania, the birthplace of
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sylvaniaour great american repu. this is where the declaration e is a sig is on earth, violent crime, street haves, lethal drugs, have turned vast areas of the city into a living nightmare. and it's only getting worse.w dg a dangerous new drug is now flooding the market. its nickname is tranqs, and it is a horse sedative, believe it or not, that dealers are mixinge with fentanyl and the results are downright gruesome. it is causing gapingmixing, fese causds in addicts and leaving some unable to walk. e already, philadelphia's overdose deaths are nearly tripleo where they were justst a decade ago, and that number will almost certainly continue to climb. and sadly, it's not justsadly it philadelphia. look aphiladelt your screen. overdose deaths nationwide aree skyrocketing now. aran all time high. anybody in the democratic party equate this to the chaos at the border. you know, thanks to thee mass mass quantities of cheap lethal
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drugs pouring in across that southern border, and a culture of lawlessness and no bail laws and funding and dismantling police departments at almost every majod r city in this country, they are now facingw a crisis. whatfacing is of epic proportio? democrats don'prt seem to noticr they don't seem to care. what was the last time you saw a prominent democrat walk the streetcrat wals of west bal? you know, maxine waters doesn'tv even live in her owne own congressional district in loswh? angeles. why? because maybe it's too yb dangerous. and joe biden, would he evertep dare step foot in some neighborhoods in detroit,a, philly, chicago, america's cities, they are rotting rightd in front of our eyes. and democrats, they have their heads in the sane d. and in most cases, these cities by d been driven into the ground by democrats that have been running these cities for decade after decade after d decade. you have thousands now dying nationally, millions hopelessly addicted to these drugs. the homeless populatios.n is now
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at record highs. there's no end. i n sight.o ef there's no effective solutions. an there's no local leadership. and yet the oh, soate blee compassionate bleeding heart left is rewarding them by givin iwarding g the democras their vote every single election. philadelphia'sr vote e not had a republican. mayors in nineteen forty eight wouldn't expect any timet soon. maybe, just maybe, it's timemayr for change it with a fullt, report. investigative reporter, fox news contributorstigativ sarah t you know, it's just this is like unnecessary, preventablsarye death. fin >> and we're not even lifting sv a finger to save these human lives. e humayeah, sean, what i saw toy on the streets of philadelphia, what i saw is not only heartbreaking, it's terrifying. , itas we drove through the strs of kensington and through the surroundin kensig neighborhe this isn't just one this was blockis w afteras block after block. you could see people shootingot up, shooting uinp methamphetamie ,heroin, fentanyl, and the drug that you are talking aboutn is losing. ug
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it is a tranquilizer that is used on animals. it is noedt meant to be used ine humans. i want to tell you this, sean,l, just so you could get active. perspective here. 95% of the narcotics here in philadelphia, according to law enforcement sources i haves i've spoken to today, are coming from the sinaloa cartel. this fentanyl is coming across the border. those fentanyl precursors, hemia chemicals are coming from nonels other than china. they are comin n g to our streets and they are literally paralyzing our communities. i spoke with a drug user today . we're keeping heon ther anonymoe here on the show. she was on the streets. i sat with her under an awningwa as the rain was pouring on uswa and she was telling me about her life and the horrors ofaddit living with this addiction. take a listen. to this. >> you know, crocodilian, have you heard about it's made upe wn here. and if you notice all the wounds out here, i mean, l
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there's like everybody's got wounds, amputees, more .g have y and now i'm out here. the how are you been living stree on the streets? right now? but righ i've been spurts, but right nown i've been about five years. usbd agjust lost my husband a year ago. ato an infection. they've been putting a lot of this tranquilize's and this is what you guys call on the street, crocodilian to the drugsinto. are you scared that that youe th may not survive the next year? you know, it's scary is when you kind of try and clean up oro go to the hospital and then t come back out, you're more likely to die like, youme know what i mean?an actually tr it'sying actually trying to get clean and then come in, likeng t trying to just maintain a little bit of a feel, you i know what i mean? that's what's scary is that, like, if you do come back , you're more likely to overdose three or four or five timesi wih this year. no, i wish i was i was more fea but no, i'm not. i a lot of times i hear stories and they say, you know, theseou are zombies, but your people,
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right? yeah, we are people.eswe are we are. oh, but we're also zombies.e alo we're really like the living lin out here. >> it's terrible. sean, some of these childrene as on the street are as young as 15. these are people she described herself as a zombie, obviously,t because of the addiction. i got to tell you what stunnedt school me is that there were school buses in the area dropping kids the off after school. p there were parents. you could see that they weregood good parents, by all means, walking mothers, walking with their children, trying to navigate them around the drug usage, around the drugg dealers. par and i thoughent,t to myself as k parent, you know, this someone's child, this girl but is on the street, but she is someone's child. e child. these are americans that are are dying on the streets. and i talked to law enforcemente officials that believe that this is just the tip of r the iceberg. 80% of the drugs right now here in philly are mixed with that
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zayla z and tranquillizer. and they believe this is goingd to spread across the united states , sean. i mean,the what a chillingsara report, sad report. i mean, these drugs basically are people committing suicide. they're killing themselves right before our very eyes and our children areusically sg that as well. >> well done. report, but sa.d to see people f need to wake up.ix >> we can fix this. s it a >> right.chemical warfare i law enforcement describes it as chemical warfare. in some cases. and that's what we're seeing on our streets. >> and if that wasn't ba hannita enough and fentanyl's coming from china, what if somebody'sto going to stand up to china? obviously,o won't be joe,e because his family syndicates got a lot offami money from chie i doubt he's going to be o the one to take it on . >> sarah , thank you. all right. now we turn to davos in switzerland. the luxurious resort town in the swiss alps where the uber rich global elites have a grandn old time. , yo the little conference, by the i way, you help pay for. but we're not invited to .
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that's right. us taxpayers now reportedlyy spent sixty one million dollars on the world economic forum since 2010. g th why? why are we a giving them a penny this year? they have plenty of people of there that go in their private jet.n th i would assume they're pretty wealthy. that'seir privat all. thanks to your generosity. you know, we get to hear from little european tyrants as they demand restrictions on your freedom of choice. eu demand and lecture you even e eating meat. you know, we also heard a lot of arguments in favor of one world socialism mixed inumes with a heavy dose ofin certifiably insane conspiracy theories. like al gore, who's really lost it, getting rich in the process. >> take a look.take a loo put we're still putting one hundred and sixty two millio 162n tons intot every single day. and the accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by six hundred thousand hiroshima class atomic bombs exploding every single dayarth on the earth. that's what's boiling the oceans, creating. g theseng these atmospheric rivers and the rain
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bombs and the moisture out of l the land and creating i the droughts and melting the ice and raisince andg the sa level and causing these waves of climate. refugees predicted refuge to re. one billion in this century. look a at the xenophobia and political authoritarian trends that have come from just a fe feww million refugees. b what about a billion?? we would lose our capacity, self governance on this world. i' have to act when climate activists around the world and i'm personally speaking for righ here on this stage,o the have come to the conclusionpeope that the people in authorityg ti are not doing their job. there's a lot of blah, blah, blah, as greta says, there are a lot of words and there are some meaningful commitments. but we are still failing badly.: talk >> talk about emissions and hota air. there you go .t to al gore has a lot to gain,m th by the way, from his brand of climate alarmism. the former vice president , guess what? he's made hundreds of millions of dollars from the climate cult, includin- g two million pm
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dollars a month from a massive green investment firm, according to the daily mail.t maybe that's why gore wants yo ufirm to believema that renewables ars the cheapest form of energy. this is an are outright lie. >> lycett we've already seen wea last year. if you look at all the new electricity generation installed worldwidtricity e, 90t was renewable. it's now the cheapest sourcerenf electricity in almostel the entire planet. ectr almthe lying, the fear mon the dishonesty, the constant contempt for the american people, the contempt for american concernthe , is why arf funding this? why are we sending a singl tehie dollar? dollar i and it's not only the world economic forum and that globalism there.e we why are we funding the un? they hate the u.s. and they have been historically, you know, virulently anti-semitic. we give them seven billion dollars every year. let china have the un, by the way, we give more than anyn an other country on earth by far. e
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thatdo we bear the brunt of that? why do w?e contribute almost six hundred million dollarse wo to the world health rlorganization, which basically became the propaganda arm form o communist chinese overcovered. i know the two hundredlion and fifty million to the iaea, the international atomic energy agency, another twenty six million to the world trade organization, four billion to the european deterrence initiative. eight hundred and seventeen billioropean ative.n on our own, inch of it stationed in europe. in accordance with the nato agreement. that's more than everyeement otr country in nato combined anyway. >> now here to face off in the hot seat , we havetseat, the co-host of the five, jessica tarlov, along with fox and friends weekend co-host pete says. >> all right, jessica, do you believe in the boiling oceansjec and the land bomb rains and the predictions of doom and gloom of al gore? are yo doou a believer? i would say that the language
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was a bit too effusive, maybe. i think the overarching point that destroying our narrative that climate change is a little just a smidge. a no, it's obviously hyperbolic. it's for an audience that's that's what that's all about. but what he's talking about in terms of the destruction ofst our environment, the implications, thosruction oy us from these crazy weathers events to refugee crises, because people are being pushedd out of where they lived thiginally, all of that origina is happeningat i because of thia environmental destruction. and that's really at the core of what alf gore is talking -- about. >> >> plus p, give me 30% read offt what i said last night on this program. two thousand year 2000, gore 20, promoted a claim that mount kilimanjaro will no longer have snow. by twenty ten . we can repor t snow stillt that covering the mountain in 2006. he suggested all the glaciers in glacier national park would be gone by twenty thirteen. b guess what? they're still there ten years
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beyond what he predicted. twenty seven . what gore warned of a planetary p emergency, saying the planetfe has a fever. in 2009, gore said 75% of cap ine entire polar ice cap will melt in the next five to wr seven years. nasa pointed out there were e t massive gains in the icehe sheet in 2015, you know. >> so what's going on here? and the daily mail points out he's making a fortune of over all of this, hundreds of millions of dollars. welle over a, of course he is . i think we only have he is eight years left on comrade i th doom clock of twelve clock bears as well before the world ends. l it was global warming that itcon was global cooling. now it's climate change. matter if it's hot, that the dry or raining, it's a problem that they need to assertver. their global control over refugees. where are they ? wherrefutheye they flowing from? islamist supremacy governments ,socialist, communistun governments. yes, that's a that's a lot different than raii whether it's raining or whether it here. rng
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you've got global elites in you davos in one of the countries with the smallest government closed borders. any homogenyts, culture preachit it, the rest of us that we needa a command and control economyecm command to control government, open our borders . >> and the culture identity is an evil thing. they'r contl hypocrites who want control and they're happy to enrich themselves t. >> al gore is the chief example of it. e xampf jessica, let me give you s opportunity to lay it out.icyou all the money american opportunn american taxpayers pay the tenet and tens and tens of billions of dollars to all these international organizationsgania promoting globalism,ti anti capitalism, socialism. theg it's like the green new deall ha has nothing to do with anything green except for green socialism. the same the world economicy ar forum. thy ar payine we paying a penny to these organizations? wor whldy a penny to the world heal? organization? wh why are we giving why don't we
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let china have the un?na h they can keep it. they can pay the seven billion dollars a year that we're>> if paying . well, if these internationall organizations don't have us influence, i'd say, g generally speaking,eneral more western democratic influence. we know what's going to happenew . china, russia, iran, north threa, those are going to be the countries that are ine charge of the world, not us . charge o it're the leader of the free world. it's our responsibility to taker of these banksespons. i would never say that they are well managed. it. you think that these organizations are having any an positive imp positive impact, that the american people arefi benefiting from the billions otn dollars that our government wastes on these globalist socialis ot organizations? >> first of all, i would add to the pile, if you're going to insist on calling them globalist socialist organizations, the fact that they're asianscialist s,, that' their core missions to promote. so let's look atpr nato .t what nato is doing right nowor to support ukraine is one of the most incredible things in
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modern history. where would we be right now? vladimir putin would be in charge of ukraine. the ussr would be being rebuilt if it weren't for nato . weres paying more for nato ? the united states or western european nato countries? we are we are never so no, i said we aren't. are but yeah, everyone knows that m we are. first of all, we have more money than themsaying to contribute. and i'm not saying that weo can't reassess how much we do contribute to thesele cla organizations. >> tell thatss there the middle class in europe is a capitalist country still right there. >> sometimes. >> why should we pay a dime?pa they should then fund their own defense. we shouldn't pay a dime. we should not pay a dime. sho the un is in the pocket ofy autocrats and the communist chinese. the world economic forumme. they're praising the chinese. model, the world health in the e organization, as we saw during covid in the pocket of the communist chinese. aae longer we leave ourselves to be beholden to theseas international organizations, wer
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the weaker we become. we should leave them, make themo irrelevant and form our own freedom loving organizations. who's the head of the huma nea rights council right now at u.n? the un? is it north kore a or is it iran? because these are the types of countries that capture control. and then they and then, n they browbeat us as if we'ree fu the problem when we fund them'r and we're the ones that save i the world and created them ine world war two. and we shoulshoud be the leaderf the free world, but not as anots part of these organizations. >> all right.t i've got to thank you both. thm >> most people would disagree with you. no , i don't think so. i think i vote for pete. i don't think. yeah, but jessica, you're very e brave. >> we appreciate you coming to take down nato .n nato's a little different. . bum not talking about the we're not the money.f >> let all different on to protect themselves alliance. >> but europe does need to step >> it wasts on your list. >> hannity: oh, it was on your list.nd and i've got good things to say about the u.n. economic forum. we are overpaying for to seey
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how many wish to save the when we come back , alec baldwin charged with involuntary manslaughter for the fatal shooting on the set of rust. how many years could he possibly face in jail if found guilty? how will break that down. pris, you'll get the last word tonight. we'll explain as we continue. fu glad you're with us. the day you get yourm. clear choice , dental implants makes every day.te" da let's diy.g in de a chow down- a day. " my ne a takew teeth" day. a big bite , a perfectly delicious day. i love my new teeth day because your clear choice day is thetio. day everything is back on the menu. >> a clear choice day changes every day. >> schedule a free consultation. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly
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>> joint children's cancer research fund in the fight against childhood cancer at children's cancer drug. right now, new mexico: all prosecutorris announced todayn that alec baldwin will bewith charged with two counts of involuntar tunts oy manslaughtei the twenty twenty one fatal film sete shooting that killed cinematographer laina hutchins. and injured the director, joeld souza. now, the film's armorer will be charged also, while the firstsin assistant director will plead a
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no contest for negligent use ofl a deadly weapon becausecond baldwin's second charge includes a firearm enhancementac ,he could face a five year mandatory sentence if he is found guilty. baldwin's legal team respondedtt in a statement in part, quote, n mr. baldwin had no reason to believe there was liveywhere bullet in the gun or anywher oe on the movie set. he relie reld on the professions with whom he worked, who assured him that the gunhimh did not have live rounds.rounds we will fight these chargese and we will wichn. aime and while baldwin claimed he never pulled the trigger of triggthe gun, that claim was reportedly refuted by the fbi. >> now, look, i'm going to be very honest about this. i don't like alec baldwin.. i don't know anybody that doesy is an awful person. everybody knows it. i've. had my own personal fights with this idiot on twitter, on radio, we've shown you video of his violent, vicious temper tantrums. especially with the media. we've played his hateful, his hateful voice messages to a young daughter at the time
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. wish but i really wouldn't wish any of this on anybody. nothing we discuss here tonight is regarding this case is going to bring back miss hutchins'is.s and i'm sure her familym sure is still suffering at their loss. our prayer hs for them. and here with reaction, armorer brian carpenter, he work with new mexico authorities on the case, along with attorney markhe worke eyegs with us. you know, i want to i wantart to start with you if i canwi, o brian . you know, it makes no sense why no one , whether even live set rounds on the se, t and never made sense to me. and i've had a carry permit and rhode island, california, alabama, georgia and new york, my whole adult life, i wasmarksn a marksman at the age of 11 , a pistol marksman. why woulksmad alecn. baldwin cle never fired that weapon? weapons don't fire themselves. i well, you brought to two very good points, and that's ofe d.a.'s office out there doing an excellent job. yofi theu covering this
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and investigating this. and there is no reason understin any circumstance to live brown should ever be in that r any reason whatsoever. and there's protocols inn ve moe to make sure that it doesn't happen. and as far a surs i'm saying, tt he didn't fire the weapon. well, we w alleapo know that inr to discharge a weapon, one in good working conditionin, therer are different mechanisms in place and one of which is the mechanism, the trigger that has to be pressed. >> i know our friend judge jeanine in the prosecutor, butd you've worked with them.we how strongd th would you assess the case that they have? >> how stron g is this case? i don't think they haveve a a strong case at all. this case belongs in civilthis court, whereas the produce cr, f they feel like he wass neglig negligent, he should pay money, damageens. to but it's completely differentyo to say you've got proof beyondu' to the exclusionve gd an of evey reasonable doubt, the highest burden under the law in criminal law court to say this goes from a tragic accident to accidn
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criminal offense. he is an actor. his job is to regurgitate the lines that other people write for him. there are other people, but hee also has no legs on the set. >> mark, he also had an executive role. even somebody like george clooney said every time he is working with a firearm on a set, he believes he believes it is hissaid responsibility to double checku ,to make sure. and then this claim, you and believe the claim that alec baldwin didn't fire the weapon. do you believe i'tt fired itsel. do you believe it fired it have you ever heard of a firearm that's capable of firing itself? that'sthat's news to me. okay. >> okay, so i'll answerr your questions. noqu, one is screwed up. i always tell my client, you moh know, keep your mouth shut. the phisher who kept his mouth shut never got caught. so he madene a mistake. he tried to win this ino wi the court of public opinion and now it's going to hurt him in a criminal court. in th publin anhe should have t i pulled the trigger, but i had, no idea.
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i live in a lot of time, elapse before that interviewe elap with stephanopoulos. are you going to tell me you intervi don't believe he consulted with his lawyers repeatedly? planre that interview? you don't think that was a planned interview by playing defens e? . i've had clients like this. no, i believe no. his lawyers probably told them. it's a horrible idea. absolutely not. absolute a guy like this thinks on hisite own. and either hr e didn't consulthi the lawyer because no lawyer worth his salt would have toldht them to do. mark >> but the bottom line, the jury, mark, is going to see this he screws that he screwed up. the jury is going to hear him mk make the claim. i never fired the weapone th. >> the jury's not going to believe that mark, i don't. disagree with you. i think that ithinf he takese sn the stand and only then does don't think to evidence, if he noesn't take the standth, i dont think they can use it.w now, he's forced not to take the stand. that's stand. the problem. nk t
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again, i don'tha think that you do justice for the victims by doing an injustice against alec baldwin. i think this is an injustice, i guess. back to brian makes money in damages. what makes you think tha. >> h ana judge will declare this this interview with george inephanopoulos, his comments after the fact off limits to the jury? i'm not so sure the judge won't? allow that. >> well, personally, i don't>> y there's a lot of factors at a play here. and one ofnd the mai n factors here is the beauty of him as a producer and the beauty of him as an actor. it's like getting behindf hi the wheel of a vehicle. you get behind the wheel, you take on a responsibility for safety for those around you. and , you knowacndel, what you n and cannot do. he, by his own admission, multiple said he was an experienced actor handling firearms as an actor, handlingng firearms and someone who knows exactly what to do and t o not he what i said. he understood the protocol, realized that the protocol is not in place and continued on anyway. and that's againd contin, beside
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a separate and apart from hisaia role as a producer to make sursa that the proper personnel were k in place, that they were hired properly, thatpr they hadrtific the proper training, proper certifications to be only set ata t handling the safety of ot. >> now, apparently, brian , hang on a sec.brian -- it's not brian gillis criminally. were hang on , brian . there were other incidents, apparently, that took place thatprior to this incident. how strong do you believe the prosecution's case is ? >> you worked with them right? i they have, ionn my opinion,hey a a very strong case.veon and as i said,g did an excellel job. they were they were veryen unbiased. they started from where you should start the very beginning and work their way through every intervieanw, every person that was on set that they couldt talk to and simply looked at it from a factual standpoint and in doing so came to the iconclusion that there wasst oe negligence and not just i one thing. as i said, there were many things and i think i'm goingma to go about thatrk, i' become e
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to all those that are watching. >> i'm right.tervie and the judge does allow the interview with stephanopoulos to be played and that statement of alec baldwin that he neverrs fired the gun. if the jury hear thas thatt,,tht how damaging could that be ? what impact will that havek it on the jury? i think it would be pretty profound. >> i agree with you.>> i a it's colossal. i then all of a sudden it comeso e down to some fbi folks to sayes this is how much pressure it takes to pull the trigger. and for sure, he pulled that trigger. he screwed up. he should neve sr have sair hav. that said, there's a difference between civil responsibility, money, damages and criminal. this fallsl. short of a criminal case. all right. >> all right. thank you both.. we appreciate it, mark. thank you. cod we we thank you both for being on board. >> all right. coming up, we're goingp, we' llto explain how the pentagon is there now, still punishing our brave servicemen members that refuse to get the covid vaccine. decoviy these brave men and womn deserve better treatment from
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hardwood vinyl and laminate schedule. now 898 to three. >> and today when you can't watch, listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. >> all right.ndat now, despite the military's vaccine mandate finally being y beinrepealed, the pentagon sae there are no plans to provide ps back pay for the service members that refuse the vaccine and were kicked out of the military. this is beyond disgraceful.t we're talkinofg abou thet our bd men and women in uniform serving their country and then removed only because they made a decision in consultation with their own doctors. made not to get the vaccine. a vaccine, by the way, that the likes of fauci and the cdc and joe biden and every democrat like wollensky and soy many others falsely claim woulda
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stop virus transmission. we've now, we've shown you all this on the fauci flip ups, but youon might remember this one not that long ago fromo from t the director , rochelle walensky. take a look. >> data from the cdc today suggests that that vaccinated people do not carry the virus,e don't get sick, and that it's ci not just in the clinical trials ,but it's also in real worldy data. >> our vaccines are workinwegll exceptionally well. they continue to work well for delta with regard to severe illnesillness s and death.y they prevent it. but what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission. >> these men and women, they shouldn't have never been kicked out ive been the first py they're mostly young and mostlyl healthy. it should be their ownd be perst decision. it is time to give theimtom evey cent in back pay back to these people. they deserve it. they've struggled financialley y because of all this with reaction. author of holding the line texae withs congressman ronnie jackson, also a medical doctor , and also fox
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contributor joey jones. good to see you both. dr. jackson, they told us repeatedly, joe biden said if fauci said walensky said everybody, if you get the shot, if you get the booster, you're not going to be infectious.infet ioother people won't get it. pot now, we're at the point youhave could have gotten every single vaccine, every booster, even already had covid. i and not only can you get it,e. you can give it to other peoplet . so every single thiny g thatne they told the american people turned out to be a lie. the people that that stoodd thei their ground, stood on principle, made their own health decisio n based on consultations with their doctors. guess what? ith theiuessthey've all been pr and all these experts were wrong. wrwhy don't they get their back pay election? they will. icans in the house the republicans in the house will make sure that they do. yo e suredou i was in the navy r twenty five years, sean, and i got vaccines, you know that. i didn't that were mandated forw me to get i got this this waass
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very different. this was a vaccine was that wase being provided under emergency use authorization that was hy peo being targeted in the military for young, healthy people, liker you said, that had very lowificn risk, if no risk for any m significant morbidity and mortality from codedty fro.d and they were being forced we and simultaneously they were hearing all these storiering ast there in the press about all ofd these horrible possible side effects. many of which have been proven to be true now with myocarditis and clotting disordersmyf that and things of that nature. and they were being forced to make a decision between t their career in the military and their potential long termotn health and their abilitytialhe to have kids and things of thatm nature. and you can't blame them for doing this. the militarye this doing should have treated this as a specialion. situation. they should have never mandate d . but quite honestly, this is a perfect example of the pentagon. the biden administration, dod secretary, ostende, everybody else involved of putting politics before their owne an people and before our national before osecurity and this is ac happening at a time where we have unbelievable retentio e whenn a and recruitment problems and we're kicking out eight thousand
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five hundred great patriots. and we're going to make it, sean. weg to will make it right. they're going to have an opportunity to ask if they don't do it. the republicans in congress are going to do it. >> i've talked to doctorsli and believe it or not,eve i'vea talked to funeral directors. the level of clotting thatcompad they see now compared to before covid, they said, is dramatically different. i've not seeffn a loerent.t wrin about this. i know more people nown .. maybe a coincidence.u kn yoowu know more about medicine. i'm not a doctor. i'm not going to play on on tv. but are there more incidents ofn blood clotting and aneurysms and things and if so, do you think it's related to the vaccine? do you think it' vas relatedvirus to the to the virus itself? >> what do you think or maybe s, you don't think anything personally. >> personally, sean, i do. no oi don't knowo, but the answr to that question completely. but here's the issue is that no one knows the answer to that right now. that and that there should havv every person's individual decisionidwhethe, whether or nos they wanted to take that risk. i made that i
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i took the vaccine because was i i couldn't do my job. at that time. i was in the age group that it a was there was a little bitmilita more . but these people were talkinryg about in the military, they were not a high risk population and it was forced upon them. they did not get the the opportu opportunitni dy to make thatl fd decision for themselves. so i think that we'll find out that there aret some significao side effects from this long term and we won't know that forb a while. een and there has been somewhat ofn an effort to kind of keep thatf covered up in my mind, because there's a lot of money b to bety honest, people. >> h >> joey, let mannie astyk you ti question i had on radio and tva ,a guy by the name of dr. robert malone, dr. robert malone, came up with the technology that alloweted for the production of mrna virus vaccine or other when when. i interviewed him, it was very clear , he said this is not perfected science yet. d and he created this.e th they wouldn't be the pfizer or dorna vaccines without this guy. to dhe s saiaid,d it with that , he thought it was a wise thing to do to use for people with preexisting conditions,
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comorbidities and peopleg co. sixty five and older only not everybody else. the and he was brutalized by the media mob, the guy that created the technology that allowed it. to even be made. likend my question is , why were people like him demonized ? >> well, so everything you just, said, everyone you just laid out, they wouldn't be eligible to be in the military to begin with . so on that original topic, of ot people in the military beingo kicked out for refusing to take this vaccines , the real irony is right in front of us . why was this person being demonized? because this was partisanas and political from the absolute stard t. and here's here's where wey abou really need to focus on this story abou t more thaned out eight thousand servicemembers being kicked out of the military now invited omilit back in. po yoliu knowti, normally i expecte politicians and i don't mean this towardsssckson, congressmas jackson. he absolutely served his country honorably. and i think he's doing c d a good job in dc. a p buolt usually it's a politician that screws over our troops on the ground. you know, normally we expect that it's the four star
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generals and admirals. we expect to hav ee their back.d and i can only point out general burger, who's coming down in the marine corps because i served in the marine corpserveds, he was interviewedt this last year and he in the same breath, justifies the vaccine as a means to kicks people outth and acknowledgesk e that the vaccine is why he can't meet its recruiting goals. t the vaccine is why he and he tries to throw it back on the partisanship of republicans. joey, good to see a doctore yo jackson. thank you. you know, there are many people out there critical of yoursy be truly because i refuse to play doctor on radio or tv. i said this is a decision you've got to make based on your current medical condition, your medical history and consultot r with your doctor . i'm not a doctor. and you know what? i'm glad i never gave in to the, pressure.e people tell me you have a duty to tell people what to do.i'm no no, i did not. i'm not i'm not qualified for that. that's not what i do.of the coming up, a copy of the bookto' uncle tom's cabin mailed to congressman byron donal's office. sen the congressman says the personn that sent it wanted to depictm k
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him as a sellout. i'm sick and tired of this outright racism, this double standard. he joins us next. and then youig havht racube thee i'm over forty five . i'm over forty five . i realize i'm no spring chicken . i know what's right for me♪.amey m showed i've got a plan which i'm sticking. my doc wrote me the script box my doc wrote me the script box ,came by mail, showed up on friday. i screamed with colo's efr guard and did it my way. fa >>ls color guard is a one of a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and noninvasive is for people. >> forty five plus i did i avere risk, not high risk, false positive and negative results may occur. ouncer)r for guarded. may occur. ask your providede >> i did it my way. that po >> what would the ideal weight loss program look like? no hunger, no cravings, no thes isolation, more energy. laste their a results and easy >> is that possible? its with cola without
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at the biggest needs visit, salute, heroes dawg, to learn more tonight on capitol hill, democrats continue to spread abt panic about the debt ceiling and claiming that all willtheyg break loose unless they geett everything they want. white house, they won't evene no negotiate. just take note. that is not true.. we'r we are not in imminent danger with the debt ceiling that it'sa months away.y to but this is only a ploy clasistract from biden's burgeoning classified document scandal. and , of course,andal the investigation into the biden family syndicate as they double down dow the politics of personal destruction. you get this, the office poli ofe offi
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congressman byron donal's received a copy off co the uncla tom's cabin, apparently meant to attack him as a, quote,s sellout for being black and republican. . this, of course, is beyond repui repulsive, disgusting because congressman byron donal'sn donas is such a rising star in washington. such a rising star in washington, the left win age left wing agitators out out matte in full force and they want to attack him no matter wit what. and joining us now reacwith reaction to congressman byron donal's. >> you know, we live in an woke world. congressman, we live in a world of cancer culture. cohow come the one exception to that always seems to becultur black conservatives where it'sac open season because thisk is repulsive. conserves this is not the first attack against you. as a matter of fact, everynsyou. african american conservative that i know goes through thr some form of this.ted? why is it tolerated? shouldn't because it shouldn't be tolerated. be
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tolerated. >> wel well, i mean, look, sean, loo i think tolerated from the left because black conservatives were narrative busters. we actually demonstrated a completely different worldvieves, ww than stuff that the left and the democrats likeu to put out. but to bt e honest with you, ab i'm actually sick and tired of talking about this kind of stuff. yo this is u know, this is somethih where my staff and i kind oft so got together and they felt so strongly about talking aboutt pe this because so most people don't knowopleknow, as i have br staffers and i have white staffers, they come together, forthey work hard for me and m. congressional district every single day. and i really feel bad for theme othe and the other young black people out there who aree starti starting to become bet isonservative with stuff like this is about is aboutm frm stopping them from expressingng thoughts, th their political thoughts,a their political world views. for me, i'm a member of h congress. i'llot deal with the hot takes n but fo the shots because that's what i signed up for. but foack pe ir other black peor america who are starting to come around to conservatismc, and a limited and a limited government philosophy, this kind of stuff is tsopho suppress
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their thoughts and their viewpoints. and i'm sad for them.r ts , ansad because that shouldn't be tolerated in america. >> let me as hk yoanu abounityte the debt ceiling. we have, what, thirty three trillion dollars in debilliont? it is not an imminent crisis. could probably go number of unl months, maybe even until june. however, it'e.s coming, it's pending. my hope is republicans will have a plan stais rhavey u. >> will that happen?will yeah, that's going to happen. we're going to have a planat thw on this. but what the white house h hason put out there saying there'sgoto going to be no negotiations. that's just insane. thatinsane. makes no sense at ag what w se should be doing is making sure at a minimumd that we get rid of all thisba covid spending out of. the baseline that will goding a long way to bringing some spending restraint back to washington. back td.c. and then we have to t coming up with other strategies becaust cominge just continue with continuously going in expanding the credit card is not going to be what's in the best interest of the american people. to havbut we're going to have a.
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we're going to stand together and do what's right on behalf of america. >> hwell, you absolutely have become a rising star in the republican caucus. we appreciate your conservative views,ppreciate your good figho and keep us up to speed.d than and thank you, as always, for being with .when we all right. when we come back . last call. you get tot to tell me what you like about the show. i don't like about the show. you get to grade me. i've done pretty well lately. let's see if the streak continues. straight ahead, people told me not to run for republican leader against mitch mcconnell. >> he said i wouldn't win. >> i knew it was going to be hard, but we got to start somewhere. look, we're on the road to socialism and republicans are just a speed bump. we can't keep doing this same old thing. it's time for republicans to be bold, speak a truth and stop caving and help us change our party. join us and rescue america .com. >> i'm rick scott. i approve this message. >> let me to feed is one >> let me to feed is one hundred and one years old this
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my combat first. come here.u d you know, you had that whole drug segment there. i do a lot of traveling like you probably do, and i. i do a lot of running. go to a lot of berthon. i see i'm in the street all the time. the real street, you know, and everybody in the country knows about drugs. y kn owthose people don't know aboute juries are ignorant. >> and you're right on that border. yeah, we're right here. yes.n ththe border, we get drul over the place and butody wa the money's going somewhere and everybody wants to blame the cartel. nt thebut somebody in america is making a lot of money off drugs. >> they buy it and keep. but we know how to keep themingk out. bring back to stay in mexicohe a policy, finish the wall. >> that would help, wouldn't it? oh, i think that would help. but somebody spending the money and if we weren't spendinge drug money and using the drugs, they wouldn't be coming. and the only reason they're
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there, just because nobody's allowed it, i think it all it boils down to congress. >> thi all bois fixable problem. all right.t of you get to give me we're running out of time. you go givt to give me a final grade. what do i get? >> b , my y a , b minus. i think you're coming in from a different direction, like the dontch a lloris. next. thanks for being with us. let not your heart be trouble. >> i'm laura ingraham. welcome to the ingraham angle. it's great to have you with us tonight. we begin with the latest on the fast moving classified documents story and the latest biden attempt at deflection from a handful of documents were failed, were filed in the wrong place. we immediately turned them over to the archives and the justice department were fully cooperating. looking forward to getting this resolved quickly. >> i think you're going to find there's nothing there. i have no regret
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