tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News January 20, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST
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there, just because nobody's allowed it, i think it all it boils down to congress. >> thi all bois fixable problem. all right.t of you get to give me we're running out of time. you go givt to give me a final grade. what do i get? >> b , my y a , b minus. i think you're coming in from a different direction, like the dontch a lloris. next. thanks for being with us. let not your heart be trouble. >> i'm laura ingraham. welcome to the ingraham angle. it's great to have you with us tonight. we begin with the latest on the fast moving classified documents story and the latest biden attempt at deflection from a handful of documents were failed, were filed in the wrong place. we immediately turned them over to the archives and the justice department were fully cooperating. looking forward to getting this resolved quickly. >> i think you're going to find there's nothing there. i have no regrets.
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love the reading. something tells me he doesn't really believe that, because tonight we're learning that we could soon get answers to one of the most important outstanding questions, who actually had access to those documents? now, first, although the white house press corps has thrown out, we had to give him some credit. the occasional tough question, the media, for the most part, has been basically regurgitating white house talking points. >> why exactly are republicans démarche visitor logs from president biden's private home? they know full well there are no visitor logs. it has never been standard practice. >> they don't exist. white house said yesterday no such records exist. >> both the secret service, the white house counsel's office saying, look, we don't have those laws. not only is the secret service saying no such thing, but the fox news has learned that at the secret service is prepared to give congress the names of any visitors
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they have documentation of to biden's delaware home. if they're asked. well, that's a great start. but what about working to get access to the penn center visitors logs as well? now, why is that important? well, according to the free beacon, since president biden took office in 2020 one anonymous chinese donors have poured millions of dollars into the university that houses biden's think tank, where at least ten of those classic classified documents were identified. now, in case you believe biden's claim of there's no there there and think that the documents held at the biden pen center were much ado about nothing. remember what biden's legal team did at the time, the first call that the president's personal attorneys made on november 2nd was not to the fbi, that they had found what we now know were top secret documents out in the open. the first call was to officials here at this white house in the west wing. >> how is that the right look at it house oversight committee
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chair james colmar has now called the upand president to release all documents and communications related to donations to the university of pennsylvania and to the penn biden center originating in china. now, in response, you, penn spokesperson claims that the penn biden center has never solicited or received any gifts from any chinese or other foreign entity. 100% of the budget for the penn biden center comes from university funds. okay, well, that, of course, doesn't answer the question of whether chinese donations to you, penn, actually ended being funneled to the biden center. that's a cute little way they tried to avoid it, though, isn't it? joining us now is congressman jim jordan, chairman of the house judiciary committee and member of the oversight committee. congressman, what can you tell us tonight about how these two stories, the visitor logs
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to the biden home in delaware and the penn biden center issue with the chinese donations to the university itself? well, i'll start with the start with the latter of so first of all, we know that it's been reported that china gave millions of dollars to the university of pennsylvania. it's been reported that china gave millions of dollars to the university, pennsylvania and to the biden center at the university of pennsylvania. then, of course, classified documents were found at the university of pennsylvania. biden's dinner. and then we know when joe biden became president of the united states , he made the president of the university of pennsylvania, the ambassador to germany. and now the university of pennsylvania says we don't know anything about donations from china. none of that makes sense, but that makes no sense. so chairman comber is going to get the records of who gave money to the university of pennsylvania. >> he's determined to do that. and to the former question, he is specifically looking to get the visitor records from
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the secret service of who went to joe biden's home and then also who had access to a penn biden center at the university of pennsylvania. >> were you surprised, sir, that the white house's response on the visitor log question to biden's home, they were so dismissive, saying they don't exist? well, of course he has. i mean, we all know he has secret service protection for life and we know that they have a record of everyone who comes in contact with him. so why would they have said that, do you think? >> i think everyone is surprised at every response we have gotten from the white house. everyone surprised at how this whole thing is unfolded. i still don't know the answer to why they were looking in the first place. what prompted them to go look on november 2nd at the penn biden center for for whatever they were looking for or where they specifically going to look for classified documents that may have been there? i don't know the answers in all kinds of questions we don't know the answer to . i do think it's string and this
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is what we'll be looking at in the judiciary committee. i do think it's interesting how the doj has responded. we've seen all kinds of things that seem inconsistent. why didn't they accompany the lawyers when they went to pick up the classified documents? i have no idea why they didn't do that. so there's all kinds of questions there. but my gut tells me the reason we see these inconsistencies from the department of justice is because this is the same department of justice that spied on parents and targeted parents. this is the same department of justice that paid twitter three point four million dollars to censor information and keep it from the american people. this is the same department of justice that we believe has retaliated against the very whistleblowers on the fbi who've come talk to us about how political that place has become. so i guess we shouldn't be surprised when we see what we have now witnessed from the doj relative to the classified documents. >> and joe biden. now, one of the arguments being put forth kind of in defense of biden is this watch this kind of classified spillage happens almost literally every day. and most of the time it's completely accidental that most of these cases are dealt
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with administratively, internally, with a simple conversation with the security officer at the agency in question, congressman, do you agree that this is most likely just an administrative error? well, it sure doesn't seem like it. >> and if you're not the united states , if you're not secretary clinton, you don't get treated the way that these individuals have been. all kinds of examples where where people who work for our in our national security apparatus, when they do something wrong, when classified documents, they get severely punished. so i don't i don't go along with with with that. but again, that's what they're going to say. what i do know is what the american people see, which is this disparate, different treatment for for biden and president trump. and i always point to the example with secretary clinton, because i remember specifically asking this question when we were on the benghazi committee to secretary clinton, i said, you got 60 some thousand emails on your personal computer, on your personal server. we don't need to see the personal things. we believe in privacy. we should protect that.
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but we don't exactly trust you and your lawyers to give us everything we're entitled to see and more importantly, the american people are entitled to see. so how about we do it this way? how about we pick a neutral third party like a retired federal judge to examine all sixty thousand? they'll decide. and of course, she said, no, we're not going to do that. we're going to decide. me and my lawyers are going to decide. and she destroyed 30 thousand emails and then compare that to president trump. he didn't get to have his lawyers decide. he didn't even get to have a neutral third party. he just came to his residence and took it, took pictures of it. with helicopters and cnn cameras everywhere. that is what frustrates america so much. and it's why we're going to do the investigation. we need to do to make sure this kind of stuff stops. >> all right. congressman, good to see you tonight. thank you. now, our next guest says that the entire saga is part of an inside hit job meant to hobble biden and basically end his 2020 four aspirations before his campaign even started. here to explain why is florida congressman matt gaits,
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congressman, now fox is reporting that any decision from biden is not going to come until after he delivers the state of the union. so what do you ultimately expect that decision to be now? >> well, things in washington aren't always what they seem. consider this. it was joe biden's democrat personal lawyer that was rummaging around his stuff, looking for what evidence of a crime that his septuagenarian client committed nine years ago. and then he alerts the democratic staff at the white house that does the absolute worst thing you could possibly do. on a sat on the information. they should have diffused the matter and then inoculated themselves in the process. then the moment this is leaked to cbs, you have the democrat biden department of justice appoint a special counsel. and now the big tell is that even joe biden's strongest allies in the congress, like senator coons, are saying that they approve of the appointment of a special counsel
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to criminally investigate the president, maybe the deep state and a lot these democrats have figured out that they'd rather roll with gavin newsom than joe biden. the republicans might not even have to help the democrats take out their trash. well, congressman, before president biden answered the question on the classified docks today, he snapped watch. >> you know, the only way i will answer the question, but here's the deal. you know what great, frankly, bugs me is that we have a serious problem here. we're talking about we're talking about what's going on . and the american people don't quite understand why you don't ask me questions about that. >> now, congressman, first of all, gavin newsom ominously standing right behind him, which is kind of eerie. but, you know, he seems to be cracking up in front of our eyes. president biden, he's glued to his briefing paper. he seems kind of out of it after he gives a few remarks. >> he still seems kind of lost
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on stage. >> joe biden's mad and he should be his own. department of justice is now criminally investigating him. his own staff put him in a terrible position by sitting on this information and his own lawyer was searching around for the evidence of a paperwork crime from almost a decade ago. so i get why joe biden's bad. and you could see gavin newsom's thought bubble in the background. he's actually measuring the drapes inside the oval office right now. but remember, just because the permanent bureaucratic state picked joe biden over donald trump in 2020, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to pick joe biden going forward in 2020 four. they may realize he is addled and breaking apart and they care about power for the left. don't forget that it's not about joe biden. it's about maintaining power for the political left. and they may think that he's a bad bet going forward. >> now, this moment, congressman, from cnn lends credence to your theory. >> watch.
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despite his denials, a cnn review of the laptop data as well as other public material, shows that joe biden did interact with some of his son's associates while serving as vice president . though it's unclear exactly what was discussed. congressman, quickly, if cnn is is turning its over. i mean, what what what's happening? >> what's going on here? i'm old enough to remember when cnn told us that the laptop was russian disinformation and now all of a sudden they're weaponizes the truth against joe biden. he is looking more and more troubled as a candidate going forward. i don't think it's just a coincidence that this leak went to cbs news. right. as the cement is starting to harden around joe biden's decision to assemble a political team and prepare for the upcoming primaries, blood's in the water. and i think the democrats are circling the carcass. all right, congressman, it's good to see you. thank you. now, speaking of inside jobs, we finally have the long
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awaited report from the marshal at the u.s. supreme court who is investing the dobs like, well, what were the findings eight months after politico printed that draft opinion? we still don't know who was responsible for leaking it. are we really believing any of that? how rigorous was this investigation? well, the marshal didn't even subpoena any information. employees provided call and text records only on a voluntary basis and was it transferred directly to politico, the opinion, do we know? well, we don't know because the system lacked substantial logging and search functions and the investigation focused on court personnel, temporary law clerks and permanent employees. in other words, no justice were part of the inquiry. joining us now, mollie hemingway, editor in chief of the federalist fox news contributor, someone who knows the court. well, molly, i mean, when i was clerking the the computer
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system was pretty rudimentary in 1993, 1992. but still there was you had to log on , log off, i would imagine. now the system is pretty sophisticated given the ability to hack. does any of this really add up to . >> well, the time to find out who the leaker was was immediately after the leak. know, as this report notes, a lot of these people are temporary employees. they might not even be around. it didn't seem like a really serious effort to find out what had happened. and it should have been a serious effort. this leak led to an assassination attempt on a sitting us supreme court justice. it is also led to security problems for all of the justices who voted or who ruled on in dobbs. this is such an important issue to get right. and justice chief justice roberts did not seem to take it very seriously. it was very lax investigation. the marshal of the supreme court didn't seem to have the skills required.
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an outside firm was consulted, but not anything near the level of what should have happened. if you really wanted to determine conclusively who did this, we found out in the reporting, molly, that a few of those interviewed by the marshals office in the investigation admitted to having told their spouses about the draft opinion, which is a no no. i know your lectured the moment you walk into that court. you cannot tell anyone, spouse, friend, doctor , therapist, anyone about what happens inside the court. they had to annotate their affidavits to that effect. and there are so many clerks who take that very seriously and would never disclose anything. this is why it's almost as much a cultural issue as what are the security systems in play. the security systems that chief justice roberts has in place are not sufficient. but more than that, there needs
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to be a personal ethic that these clerks abide by where they take it seriously. and , you know, that most clerks actually do take it, take it very seriously. but we did learn or we also learned that a lot of these clerks lawyered up in the face of this investigation. there were a lot of people working to protect information. and you said that no supreme court justices were interviewed a little bit ambiguous on that and that it didn't specifically say they weren't, just that they focused on the others. and i do think it's reasonable to assume that that justices should have been interviewed and should have discussed what they knew. all right. molly, thank you so much. thank you. now, the events in davos reveal one really big thing. china kind of represents what the elites crave, power and control and domination. >> my angle explains this in moments. stator.
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well, it isn't a person at all. it's a system, a system of governance that we know is theia envy of the forum organizers and attendees. we're talking, of course, about communist china's one party state. now, in the wef view, china delivers what western w governments have faltered ates, fostering harmony, more predictability, security, d sense of community and perhaps most important to the globalists, social order and order requires a debateor that is extremely limited or preferably no debate at all. >>ebate now we see this trend . our own country. think of the links that our own government and big tech work to silence all of their covid critics. now, such censorship isn'tics. dissuaded at davos. at it's celebrated. more on that in a minute.d. but one thing is crystal c clear .ry they believe the anti globalist voices must be defeated by any means necessary. >> their greatest enemy ,,
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coerefore, other than putin, are conservative populists, especially here in the united states . nspeople like president trump and america, first voices in the house and senate. they now, they hate them because, ofu course, those populists stillbev believe in the nation state and they want essential manufacturing out of china and brought back to the>> we united states. >> we stilstnel needed to work and trade with china, especially when it comes to this transition. so we need to refocus our approach on de risking rather than decoupling de risking, in a word, all a right. oblivious to the fact thatthe the ccp isn't interested in fair trade. europe, nevertheless, they're all gung on china under, nevert president xi. >> consider this ccp propagandsa that's featured on the wef website. it's a
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it's an article about how fourwo chinese enterprises are takingu action on sustainable development. it touts the stateainabl agricul bank, which they boast is an active practice partner inin supporting reliable and coordinated esableg informan disclosure standards. now, i know that the globalistst who are also comedians, how cahn a country that simply displaces any corporate ceo that it deems problematic to be an esg pioneer? now, remember former alibaba ceo jack ma? he gave one speech that wasav critical of china's financiale system and hche suddenly went missing and he now no longer even runs the company he eve started. but the elites don't care about any of this as long as they get their ipo and m&a work in china, okay, as long as they get all that , they are happy.. they're fine with listening lis to murderous dictators lecturete us .
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>> china's national reality dictates that openins g up to te world is a must, not ann expediency. we must open wider and make it work better. we oppose unilateralism and protectionism. aura: of course, wheokn he says make t make i better, he means more tohina's china's advantage. now, currently, china dominates global trade. last year we approached a four i hundred billion dollar trade deficit goods and services with china. that's up from three hundred and fifty three billion in 2020e one . so under biden, it's gone back up. and when american politiciant fo look out for american workers first, we'll remember. that's to china's disadvantage. this is why they want american. to be reined in.or listen, fo hisr his not so subte attack on democracy and economic nationalism, we needd econom to uphold the right principles and maintain the effective international economic order, traditional way of thinking cannot provide
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a solution right now, the vice premier's words received a warm reception becauseare the globalists are fully on board the effecfuy t in an or international economic order sounds an awful lot like to defend the rules based international order. l one of our defining missions is to strengthen the internationa tl rules-based order to basic principles, basic rights and a rules-based international order to defendor a rules based international law. >> rules based global order. >> it protects peacety. and prosperity. it is only for the preservationd of the rules basedr that international order that we're going to continu we to have a peaceful international systemn . but the most exciting thingy ch about the way china runs thingis is that it doesn't have to deal with that pesky first amendment thing. speech, open de globalists want abedian.
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they do not want debate. and with the global system thatr prohibits what they broadly defined as hate speech ordefine disinfh oro or motion misinformation, then have total control, just like their friends in china who are really, really goo rd dealing with the troublemakers. tr socialsiness model of media are constructed in such a way that they tend expense the ideas that are more extremee ,that are more controversial. the algorithms neee d to be redesigned in order not to be based on evil, to make profits . righ you heard it right. they think it.t is evil to disagree with them about what? ke the well, about things likee the types of cars you're allowed to drive, type of foodt. you're allowed to eat, no meat,t covid shops, even websites you like to frequent. but these same elites give a pass to the real evil in. but these same elites give a
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the ccp, those who pretend to be allies and fighting for b equity in a green future and an ultimate bait and switch move. china does it every timernment a government that will lie t about the origins of covid will say and do anything to gain more power and authority over free people everywhere. so i say, here's to the troublemakers. the goodkind, those who resist the collectivist solutions thati the devotions champion champion, those who call outsthe the meaningless virtue signaling of the corporate titanse who ca and those who ree the money and access dangled by the elitess bs who happily sl for china.ites >> and that's the angle. le. joining us now is arkansas senator tom cotton, senator . well, there are a number of democrat politician at davos.t you had krysten sinema and you had joe manchin. chris coons was there. so some of your senate colleagues. bus t what really is the goal
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here? your sin your view, given how mh money the people in attendance >> control? >> willaura, i think you put it well, they're focused on a kind of collectivist system that may be imposed without democratic consent by elites around the world. ey that's one reason why they celebrate the chinese model to sucdeh a great degree.n remember, in twenty , seventeen ,they got the vapors over paying speech, in part because they were so repulsed by donald trump, which you saw again whenc donald trumpause went into the lion's den a few hours later and said that we're goingm to standp proud and strong forr a sovereign america and we expect other countrieseia and wi that for themselves as some of that is ideological. some of it, as you say,ations us financial. a lot of these organizationsbe and their leaders are deeply in bed cairnd with the chinese coo whether it's underwriting businesses, they're shipping businesses, they're colluding with them to try to establish this estab kind of new global oe
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that's modeled on the chinese system. a lot of this just financial, but it is ideological as well,oh that you have the left thate th wants to have this kinisd of r without,rol with o in many cases, democratic consent. >> well, the chinese vice premier spoke we played a few soundbites from it intes fr the angle, but he spoke abouomt why the world should be cooperating with them at this point. watct h. se we need a global response to climate change. the covid-19 pandemic has revealed to us a possibleconnec connection between climate change and publilimatec crisis. when the died. a this is an area where effective international cooperationeratio is needed to nown , senator , they unleashed a virus on us and they're citing a virus and the pandemic as a reason,i i guess, that we should all trust them more , that the leftv loves this.e the democrats apparently havea o a lot of respect for this.
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well, look, the chinese communists, just like the russian communists in the cold war, know how to scratch the itches of the western left wing elite. apparently, you can tie climateg change to anything to include the pandemic that chinad on unleashed on the world and getde them cooing towards you. but they do this time and time e again, even though, of course, china is the worst polluter in the world. has no plan to abandon its fossil fuel, energy sources. ai, again, these t people don't car. fundamental about democratic self-government in fu states theyg left care about achieving left wing e ideological goalols. most of these people read george orwell's 1984 and plato's republicpl. as they didn't take itt an as cautionary tales about an overpowering they took it as a how toey manual . and they see a lotee of lessons they can draw from the way the chinese communist have governed that country. >> senator , can we expect that tiktok will be a bipartisanexpet bill that is banning tiktokbannn
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that ends up at president biden's? do you think that's possible and that should happen? absolutely.banned law, we've already banned itl ge from federal government devicer . a lot ofbanned states like minee banned it from state devices as well. but we neee needd to ban tick-tn america simply. r during have neve the cold war allow russianl communists to control a major, major media outlet in america ws also was spreading communist propaganda. also, that wasat specifically w designed to target america'she youth with the most kind of k repulsive content that'scont designed to influence young americanens s, boys and girls. e chin a lot stufesf that the chineseul communist would neved never allw to be on tick-tock in their owno country. so i hop ie that we get democratic cooperation to take the next logical step, which is to prohibit this dibby this platform that is simply used for chinese propagandaan here and around the world. >> the one one being least like
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ten most likely. >> will it be banned in the united states ? >> y prettyuall optimistic about this law stron because the case is so not just the content, buntt the rest. we're going to say data privact and security. >> i'd say seven or eight .au all right, let'sra: al i liken r your odds. >> better that eight in seven o, eight . all right. all right. center thank you. , thank you.. all right.a seattle comeviols to atlanta, z a violent autonomous zone the is propped up outside the georgia city. and andy, protesters are now taking pot shots at police. the report in moments.ohio plus, ohio senator jd vancee on on his latest effortort with congressman andy biggs to severelwithn andyy curb bider betrayal. >> stay there. hollywood actor alec baldwin, actor alec baldwin, the prolific and talented actor fox stations hit series is back. brian kilmeade hosts who is
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>> she's freezing cold. there's no electricity, no heat, no water. winter is now a weapon of war used against the elderly, the mothers and the young children. children. >> hours. e precious peopl ea hu who are hungry and they have nothing. >> if someone doesn't do something soon, a humanitarianeu disaster is comingst w train
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. >> police activists who've turned the neighboring area into kind of a zombie zonet think seattle in 2020 duringe i2 the so-called summer of love. t for the latest, we go to foxndee news correspondent kevin corke. kevin , tell us what's going on there. u >>s, spot on , laura . evening to you. suburban atlanta's version oftla chope. you remember's that back in o seattle? well, in atlantaf , they arey di calling it cops city.d ju and just like the infamous autonomous zone up in seattle,mr set up during the summer of violence back in 2020 atlantamov cop city is becoming more violent by the day. ioen but law enforcement int in g geo say they are committed i to putting a stop to it.t. ho however, in response to that, violent antifa protesters are now calling for a night of ragae after a raid of cop city leftf o an activist dead and a state trooper injured. troo georgia state patrol swoopedpe siwn on the autonomous zonr e, the site of the ninety million dollar atlantic public safety training centerg
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in a clearing operation happened on wednesday. happethat led to the shooting n question in which a protester shot at a trooper who thena returned fire .as >> law enforcement was doingng a clearing operation, legalovin operation, removing people illegally, occupying a property and someone on the property as law enforcement came into view initiated fire on the law enforcement entities and they returned fire in self-defense. they mike register speaking th. >> the deceased protester and the state trooper are noty h being identified by authorities at this time.ors at this time, but we do know the trooper was though we do know the trooper l was taken to a local hospital and underwent surgery there, illegally occupied property. a and when we do a clearing operation is pretty simple. mple.we ask you to leave. you identify yourself if there's no other criminal behavior there a that we observt your compliant, then you leave o the area, get out of there or
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else that's what happens. now, protesters claim the trooper was actually the victim of friendlyndly fire .rg as mentioned, they're planning g a large demonstration there tomorrow night. of course, w 'll keepe will keep a veryo yo close eye on it. >> but for now, back to you. so kevin , thank you so now, if you think that youou understand what illegal immigration has done to america, well, you're probablyl missing something. it's one of the mostne of th covered aspects of the border. crisis. ext and my next guest is here to expose it. vanctor j.d. vance, along with congressman andy biggs today writing a letter to dhs secretarwithy y mayorkas demandg answers on why the white houses is vastly expanding thisy program, how granting parole to thirty thousand venezuelans, haitians, cubans and nicaraguans each month is supposedly going to help this crisis. pposedlythe washington times des it as a backdoor immigration amnest y to try to put many current illegal immigrants onto a potential illegal path.n joining us now is ohio senator j.d. vance.tential le
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gasenator , so his idea of fighting illegal aliens coming into the country is fast tracking more immigrant into the country. >> is that it? countt yeah, it appears that his planre is to pretend that there are no illegal aliens and that's how he's going to handle the situation. >> the basic idendle a is that they have taken a very narrow program that's allowed them to process certain case by casee exceptions and blown it up to thirty thousand exceptions per month. of america's immigration laws. and as you know, laura ,s no the big problem here is not just the people who will b directly be granted parole under this program. o it's the fact that it's an open invitation to tens of thousands. of more on top of them. >> savo you already have a wide open border. you already have the message spread across central america. america,that america is effectis open for business. we have no borde.r and on top that you're telling a large number of people that a lot of them are going to parole from
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violating our immigration laws. there's no legal authority for borde it, but it will make thise. border crisis even worse. >> >> yeah, so it's another carroto dangled in front of people o to come on . and so people should understand the word parole and immigration la parw is different from innte. the criminal context. it just means you're allowedit to come in and stay in, as you said, as an exception. now, secretary mayorkas spoke today at the u.s. conference ofo mayors meeting and he blamed the existing system for all the problems. >> wha t we're executing a comprehensive strategy cuting ato secure our borders a a safe, orderly and humaneration immigration system, working within a broken system in nee desperate need of legislative reform. >> so, senator , a broken system, instead of going to congress and getting laws passed, whic h may be amnesty, they're doing kind of a backr door amnesty. are they not? t? well, that's exactly right,y lou. they know that they could notge
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get thirty thousand additional parolees through the immigratio,000n laws under r congress. so they're effectively doing this by themselves. ese effewithout any actual congressional authority. they're using executivgressionao to completely backdoor immigration laws and get around congress. >> now, here's here's an additional problem. tionallaura . if you think they say thatwa the system was already broken, the system is broken because they broke it. >> they causedthe syecause then border and now they're causing the very same policies thatis caused this problem int the first place. e,their accelerating them and increasing them. they don't care about border security. it's so clear at this point twon years in that they don't careou about bordert bord security. her it's ue p to us to hold their feet to the fire and make sure the american people know exactly what's going on . you s >> senator , thank you so much for this and the work on this. all right. coming up, was the legal reasoning behind this alecldwint baldwin, these charges against him? >>
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not me. prosecutors don't agree and today announced that alec baldwin will be chargece wind with involuntary manslaughter in the fatal shooting of l cinematographer lena hutchins. he faces eighteen months inhe jail and a five thousand dollar fine. but if a firearm enhancement is added to the charge, it'sor a mandatory five years in prison. years ins saysecutor he's facing six and a half years in jail.n hutchins was killed after being shot during rehearsal for the movie rust baldwinr was holding the pistol when it went off, but he denies pullingpull inthe trigger. the prosecutors told fox his own judge, jeanine pirro, that he's lying. >> it appears that you havejenie evidence that contradicts this - claim. do you? t yes,appears you ha we do. and we definitely believe he pue pulled the trigger. the fbthi lab report confirms that. so definitely the trigger was pulled. trigge >> all right.r pu soll his statement is not correi under any circumstance. >> we don't believe it is .
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>> joining me now is harmeet dhillon, founder of the dillon law group and rnc chair candidate harmeet. everyone knows my history with alec baldwin going back to 1996. is his negligence here criminal in nature? welll , i think that what you se here is a difference between the civil standarddifferen and e criminal standard. and so he's making a lot oflot f defenses that might fly in a civil court. what's the normal procedurlye aa and standards on a film crew?at the n set and who is supposed to be doing what? but in a criminal case, i do think that under the standards of new mexico law, hee abso absolutely is within within those two charges. tand so that's a tough spot to be. it doesn't help that he appeares to have misrepresented his role in this with respect to pulling pullthe trigger. it was also a very low budgetucn production, a seven million dollar. production. twenty one days, verye fo aggressive for a period piece and there have been a lot of
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reports from the from the filmis set that it was understaffed. in fact, some of some of the cre walked off the set the prior day because of thatsome understaffing and some simple measures could have been s taken to make sure that death didn'tc occur here, like visually heinspecting the bullets, d to differentiate dummy rounds from real rounds, live rounds,us so, you know, at the end ofoe the day, he's the producer. so h e actually does have responsibility, i think, both morally and criminally for whatl happened on the selyt. now, here's more of why the d.a. thinks baldwidan himsef is at fault. watch this. h mrad. baldwin had a duty atd the base level to never hold a gun and point it at a persono while pulling the trigger. but he alsa dutyo ha ad a duty n actor and a producer on thator set to have the bullets checkedi msor to check them himself to make sure that they weren't live. >> she just said this. the affidavit says an assistant director handed the gun to baldwin and shouted it was a coldn an gun, meaning it wasno loaded. so that that doesn't help his case. esn'it might help his case in bt
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a civil case, but it doesn'tesn' help the case in a criminal case, according to new mexico law, there's no sort ofreason reasonable reliance standard when you're holding a gun, you know, itabce stand it is is nott simply a tragedy or an accident. tragedy or an accide ntit is negligence. and so what's interesting hereut is alec baldwin throughout his career has really demonstrated contempt for the second amendment and gun owners. and if ha mendmee hantd had somt in these areas and had sort of taken it more seriously and note like a prop, a a real gun, you know, he might have had for t more more respect forhe the procedures that should have been implemented should to make this didn't happen.d th but he pulled the trigger of a gun containing a live round that killed a human being. you n elemso thoseow are those are those are the elements. and i thini k, again, one of the three people involved in this whole chain did pleadd guilty to negligent to negligent conductpld here. and i don't think there's beeno a sentencing yet. but the other two artware are bg
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charged. and so, you knowwa, along the way, you might find that ifd he had taken responsibility instead of misrepresenting his o role, according to whatn prosecutors are saying, you might have seen a different outcome. >> i don't know thati don't knot a part of the celebrations, bute that's how i want to i just want to say i don't liket prosecutors. i meanlike, i'm glad we got the interview. a fox judge and a greafox, t peo into the interview. but i don't loven' the fact tht the prosecutors are out there do. g press interviews i find that i've never cared for that. but i mean, i loves your analysis, as always. greagrt to see you. all right.wh what happened when a california couple decided to test out d their dogs new crates? well, the last bite explains. ei .com powered by innovation refunds can help your business get your payroll tax refund even if you've got and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. >> i went on their web site, uploaded everything
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here is what happened next. >> good boy. [laughter] >> laura: those crates seemed almost to secure. greg gutfeld. >> todd: this morning about the supreme court leaker released the dobbs decision setting off a rash of violence for pro-abortion activists even leaving the mic leading to an assassination attempt to court justice. remember this happen in may 2022 and its january 2023. in fact it is friday. you are watching "fox & friend first." i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. an eight month investigation into the investigation reached to
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