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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 20, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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>> carley: kim works around the clock. she is now a mother of three and she is my inspiration. her kids are the most beautiful things i have ever seen. look at those sweet faces. we love you so much, kim, congratulations on the beautiful new addition to your family. >> todd: look forward to having you back but not too soon. enjoy time with those beautiful ones. with that "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great weekend. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ freeway of love ♪ we going riding on the freeway of love >> brian: well, you know, that is my mantra i always talk about the freeway of love. i will belt out the tune because chris knows i sing all morning. >> steve: you sing but you don't dance? >> brian: right. >> steve: usually they go hand in hand.
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>> brian: that's what makes me different. one of the few things. i was known for a while as the sammy davis jr. of news. >> steve: the candy man? >> brian: the candy man can. >> ainsley: chose this song for a whe reason. will 21st floor where many of our offices are. >> brian: alexa. >> ainsley: the whole floor was listening to brian's music. alexa started of playing this sound loudly. i left the tv on. evidently i said something similar to alexa. >> ainsley: is that why it's turning on again? this is his office >> brian: everybody is going what is with brian? is he on the show? he thought i was blasting in evidently i triggered alexa and i said play freeway to love. big mystery in the 21st floor.
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>> steve: what channel was that? >> brian: our channel while we were talking i triggered alexa and somehow through our interpretation of our conversation. it played aretha franklin's freeway of love. it electrified the 21st floor. >> ainsley: then i understand when i went up to the 21st floor everyone was talking about it and then it rolled into some rap music. [laughter] >> brian: all hell broke loose. >> ainsley: it's so quiet up there. >> steve: we need to alert the producers. we need at least 5 minutes to tell about this. first of all, why do you have an alexa in your office? >> ainsley: exactly. >> brian: good to have somebody listen to me in my life and alexa does pay attention and put on music in the morning. and put on radio. you just ask alexa and it does things. also, it is triggered by when i leave my tv on. >> steve: see, that's the problem. also, alexa listens to you all
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the time. >> brian: right. >> steve: do you trust amazon? >> brian: yeah. i know, in my family we shut it off at home but at work it's all hell can break loose. >> ainsley: in the office making your calls, talking to your sources about stories. >> brian: maybe i should shut that off. >> steve: why don't you ever use alexa to order the coffee. because rather than struggle on the phone say alexa order the coffee. >> ainsley: how many alexas across the country turned on are going off right now or went off yesterday like bribe's did. >> brian: alexa, put on "fox & friends." there you go. there you go. our ratings. >> steve: people watching headline news? >> brian: i'm not sure. we just switched channels on most of the country. >> steve: well, anyway. >> brian: sorry to the 21st floor. i will shut off my tv from now on. >> steve: up deed. it is a friday. and today is the 50th march for life. for 50 years protesters have
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gathered in washington, d.c. >> this is the first time since roe v. wade was overturned but a supreme court investigation -- oh, i see, this is for the talking point. 50 years the protesters have gone to washington to try to get the supreme court to overturn roe v. wade. in the last year, they have done that, so this year, rather than heading straight to the supreme court, now they're going to congress. and what they essentially are trying to do the protesters are trying to get them to change the law as to when -- how early a person can get an abortion in this country. they have a new agenda now that the supreme court has said abortion rights are up to the individual states. >> ainsley: and the march is happening just as we're learning the supreme court -- more information about the supreme court leak investigation. and they failed to identify who leaked that draft decision. 82 people had access to it, they say, 97 employees were
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interviewed. and they said the -- the possibility of an outside breech is unlikely. >> the decision ended up being accurate. what we learned in january, february, ended up being the story in june. i get it. but, the big picture, if there's not security and integrity at the supreme court at every level, that is a huge problem for the citizens come down the pike. if you are a supreme court justice and trust your staff or somebody else's staff that, is pretty much going to adjust the way you do your job on a daily basis. it's unprecedented in american history. and the fact is that they have no name on this is, to me, befuddling. unless they didn't really want to get a name on this. >> steve: here's the thing it. could have been one of the justices on the supreme court. the report does not indicate whether or not -- it's a little vague on that. apparently the investigation focused on court personnel. you know, temporary law clerks
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who serve for a portion of time or permanent employees. buff the report did not clearly indicate whether the justices themselves or anybody else was questioned here's the thing. the report did not indicate that it was against the law to disclose although everybody said okay. come in, and they talked to 97 people if you lie to us you won't get fired. some of the people said i didn't leak to politico but i did tell my wife or i did tell my spouse or i did tell. >> brian: which is a problem. >> ainsley: tell them what? >> brian: tell them the decision that's coming out. >> steve: exactly. that it was going to overturn roe v. wade and they go to the water cooler. >> ainsley: would it send our country into the tail spin? what would happen? what would be the fallout? what if it would be a justice. >> ainsley: ainsley, i think the worse thing happened already. if it is a supreme court i think that's a big story. it's the same thing, if you are guilty you are guilty. if we could solve a problem now
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because now there is going to be revenge. there is going to be a lack of trust. no one is ever going to put anything in writing again. who are you going to share things with? >> steve: here's the thing. it's not necessarily against the law. now what they are calling for. they did a whole workup on what should happen going forward. now apparently they are talking about how they need a law to prohibit the disclosure of nonpublic case related information outside of the court. if they had that, that would be great. here's the thing. if i was the chief justice and i'm not. i would call in the fbi and i would say let's try to figure out what happened. keep in mind, because of this leak, there was an assassination attempt on a sitting member of the supreme court. plus, what about all those there has got to be closure to figure out who did if because it should
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not happen again. >> that person needs to be punished so it doesn't happen again. >> steve: or people. >> ainsley: or people need to be punished. >> brian: most common thing which are people ever going to face consequences for some of these investigations whether it's the supreme court or in congress? no one ever seems to face consequences. mollie hemingway supreme court expert wrote a book about the discovery of that. >> didn't seem like a really serious effort to find out what had happened and it should have been a serious effort. this leak led to an assassination attempt on a sitting u.s. supreme court justice. it has also led to security problems for all of the justices who ruled in dobbs. this is such an important issue to get right and chief justice roberts did not seem to take it seriously. this very lax investigation. the marshal of the supreme court didn't seem to have the skills
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required an outside was consulted. not what should have been done if you wanted to determine who did this. >> brian: what do you try to do this decision is coming down the pike arguely on the left horrified about it. exercise the democrats to get to the polls and maybe they stopped a red wave. i think there is no other conclusion. but, if you are somebody that wants to change that decision before the decision becomes final in late june. you leak it out and put all types of pressure and maybe the conservative side of the court backs off lead many people to the non-supreme court justices. >> steve: ultimately, during the investigation somebody that they interviewed could have lied. it could have been a spouse of a justice or it could have been a justice. and at this point we just don't know; however, they did call in michael chertoff who ran the department of homeland security and he said it was a thorough
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investigation. >> ainsley: yeah. >> steve: at least he thinks. so. >> ainsley: so thorough it was inconclusive. >> steve: exactly. coming up 6:10 here in the east on this friday. an nfl coach hall of fame from the hall of fame is facing attacks for attending today's march for life. >> brian: an op-ed in the nation claims tony dungy is a right ring zealot and the nfl and nbc don't care. >> ainsley: rachel campos-duffy is at the march for life and joins us now. i read his tweet. tony dungy said he and his wife would be there and join his friend ben watson. you are there. tell us what we can expect. >> well, ben watson by the way i'm going to be able to interview him a little later in the show. this is the 50th anniversary. it's not just a march it is a celebration after 50 years of prayer, hard work. toiling in the trench, money raised and the pro-life movement had a huge victory. it's also a challenge for the movement because what they need
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to do is keep their activists engaged. not resting on their laurels because there is a lot of work to be done at the state level on this issue. of course, as you have been talking about the other side the pro-abortion movement is fully engaged, raising money. really making a lot of strides on their side. and so this pro-life movement, their challenge, of course, is to keep their side engaged. as you mentioned. the march will end not in front of the supreme court but actually in front of congress. another symbol of this victory of having overturned roe v. wade. my suggestion to the movement, you guys, is that they just not do it in january. it was done in january because of the roe v. wade decision being made on january 20th. 50 years ago. but, or 51 years ago. but the point is that what we need is probably to do it in the summer. and maybe it won't be so cold for the marchers and it will be
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another great symbol of the new post roe v. wade era that we are living in. >> steve: rachel, that's such a good point. because my church will say hey, we are sending some buses down to the march for life. but, you know, it's in the middle of january and it's like i don't know about that. your suggestion, you know, do it during the summer that's probably a good idea. particularly if it's not keyed to the an verse he sear of rvw anymore. >> rachel: and bring the babies. i don't bring my babies because it's so cold. bring more babies to the march. >> steve: that's what it is all about. >> brian: rachel, thank you. tony dungy not a right wring zealot at all. if you are a conservative i think you should be able to have a job at nbc. number two getting blow back. adopted 12 kids. he lost his son to suicide. one of the finest people you will meet in this country for him to be called out because
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they don't like his pro-life stance is absolutely horrific. >> steve: all comes down to protecting babies. that's what this is all about. protecting babies. >> ainsley: 6:12 on the east coast. alec baldwin charged with manslaughter on the rust movie on that set. the shooting killed cinematographer alina hutchins. how much time could face behind bars. >> steve: one day after amazon makes brian's alexa and microsoft cuts to the workforce. the massive amounts of jobs getting cut at google's parent company. >> ainsley: alexa play freeway of love really loudly. >> brian: again. ♪ keep on rocking me, baby ♪ keep on rocking me, baby ♪ i went from phoenix arizona all the way i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. to
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>> brian: all right. alec baldwin facing criminal charges for the shooting death of cinematographer halyna hutchins on the rust movie set. >> ainsley: new mexico district attorney set to charge the hollywood star with two counts of involuntary manslaughter by the end ever the month. >> steve: todd piro is here with details. >> todd: if convicted of that crime those charges could land alec baldwin behind bars for six and a half years. mary carmack at tease saying after a thorough review of the evidence and the lawsuits of new mexico. i have determined there is sufficient evidence to charge alec bald win and other members of the film crew. no one is above the law pointed
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gun when it went off and grazing another crew member in the shoulder. according to an affidavit, the actor was allegedly told by crew members that the revolver was not loaded. baldwin has also repeatedly claim he did not pull the trigger. >> it wasn't in the script for the trigger to be pulled. >> well, the trigger wasn't pulled. i didn't pull the trigger. >> so you never pulled the trigger. >> no, no, no, are no. i would never point a gun at anyone and pull a trigger ever. that was the training i h you don't point a gun and pull the trigger. >> i feel that someone is responsible for what happened and i can't say who that is but i know it's not me. >> baldwin's claim directly contradicting fbi forensic analysis which says the gun could not have been fired without pulling the trigger. >> we definitely believe he pulled the trigger. the fbi lab report confirms that. so definitely the trigger was pulled. >> mr. baldwin had a duty at his -- at the base level to never hold a gun and point it at
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a person while pulling the trigger. but he also had a duty as an actor and a producer on that set to have the bullets checked or check them himself to make sure they weren't live. >> todd: professional armor more telling fox there is no research this should ever happen. >> there is no reason under any circumstance that a live round should be in the atmosphere of a movie set whatsoever. there is protocols in place to make sure that it doesn't happen. >> as far as him saying that he didn't fire the weapon. we all know that in order to discharge a weapon, one in good working condition, you know, there are different mechanisms in place and one of which is the mechanism of the trigger that has to be pressed. >> todd: baldwin's legal team is blaming the crew member who allegedly assured him that the gun was not loaded saying, quote: this decision distorts alayna hutchins terrible death. mr. baldwin had no reason to
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believe there was a bullet in the gun or anywhere on the set. he relied on the professionals he worked, who assured him the gun did not have live rounds. the set's armor member charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter by the end of the month. >> steve: misdemeanor in charge a plea deal. >> brian: the armorer who was inexperienced and reckless according to people who worked. >> ainsley: she. >> brian: her dad is well-respected and looks like she came cheap and nepotism, that's what the accusation is. working on a nicholas cage movie before and labeled that way. the other thing was, she said when she handed the gun over to halls, the assistant director. he said before you do the scene, tell me i want to check the gun again. he didn't. that's why he is in the middle of this but he has that plea deal. brian. >> ainsley: why don't they use fake guns? anything that could actually
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fire? >> steve: don't put any bullets into the chamber. >> ainsley: add the sound effect later. >> steve: have the computer add a little smoke coming out. they do that every day in holiday. it's a terrible tragedy. anyway, we will keep you posted. it is 22 minutes after the top of the hour on this friday. carley shimkus joins us and she starts with the show me state of missouri. >> carley: i certainly do. good morning to you all. listen to the details here. a manhunt is underway in missouri for five escaped inmates including three known sex offenders. the criminals reportedly breaking out of jail on tuesday by crawling through a hole behind the sink in one of the cells. surveillance video shows the escapee stealing a car and speeding off. authorities are offering $5,000 for information that leads to their return google parent company alphabet tech giant to announce a major round of job cuts. the "wall street journal" slashing roughly 12 # thousand jobs. reducing staff by 6%.
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the decision marks the company's biggest ever round of layoffs as it faces a grim economic outlook. other big tech companies like microsoft, amazon and meta down sizing as the industry braces for recession. musicians and fans mourning the death of david crosby, one of the founding members of the birds and crosby stills and nash. crosby's career spans over five decades voice soaring over the group's iconic performance at woodstock ♪ you see something certain to tell you. confusion has its costs ♪ love isn't lying it's loose in a lady ♪ who lingers. >> well, despite tensions through the years, both of his band mates sharing touching tributes. steven stills writes he was without question a giant of a musician and harmonic sensibilities were nothing short
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of jean just. gram nash says he was fearless in life and music. he leaves behind a tremendous void as far as shear personality and talent in this world. official cause of death has not been given. crosby long struggled with health issues. david crosby was 81 years old. and those are your headlines. >> a rock legend. thank you very much. carley. >> you are very welcome. can. >> brian: big clash in new york as you know when it comes to bail laws because idiotic legislators went ahead it shortened the time of discovery. most hideous crimes where you stay in jail until you get your trial. they have said it was racial equity in terms it has been all hell broken loose on the it major cities especially in new york. recidivism, criminals doing the same horrific acts over and over again. >> ainsley: repeat offenders.
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>> brian: pleas from change the law. will other ridiculous mayor thought the low was a great thing gone on deaf ears. even the governor came in and said i almost lost this election because of these bail laws and let's change it and the democrats in the state legislature won't change it and the numbers show how terrible in is working out for the people who live here. >> ainsley: crime summit in manhattan. on stage assembly men and people who represent the police officers. and you have this assemblyman from the bronx. he is a democrat. his name is jeffrey den wits, and he was basically saying that cops have this attitude that bail reform is causing repeat offenders. >> steve: not arresting enough cops -- arresting enough people, the cops. >> ainsley: yeah. the new york police department chief, his name is jeffrey imaginary. he said i respectfully understand what you are saying but let me defend my officers and the crowd went crazy and massive applause at the end.
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listen to what he said his response respectfully they would not be repeat offenders if the officers were not constantly arresting him. [applause] >> steve: right, the cops are doing their jobs but many the top cop went on with all respect to you, i'm not going to stand here with the notion that my cops are walking away and not making arrests. when we're constantly arresting the same people. i think it proves that we're. and then the chief continued. i had a young officer shot tuesday because he was right where we asked him to be and he was doing his job. they are out there working. this mr. ben wits who he loves these new laws. he appeared to blame some of the victims of crime, believe it or not when it comes to shoplifting. i met with owners in my district of cvs, and they have been
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repeatedly victimized. we have shown you those pictures and we know that and i asked and they have not necessarily taken the steps that they need to take even though we know it costs money. that's not really fair. so, in other words, he is blaming cvs for not probably having armed guards or something like that. blaming the victim. it's simple. we have cops. let them do their job. and when somebody goes to jail, don't let them get out immediately. it's that easy. >> ainsley: these new laws have led to prosecutors having to toss out 69% of the criminal cases that happen in this city. this is why more new yorkers are moving to florida in 2022 nor new yorkers moved to florida than any other year in history. it's the high crime. it's the high taxes. >> brian: in terms of 64,000 have left. criminal cases dismissed what you are building on, ainsley. in 2019, right as that law was passed. 44% of cases were dismissed. in 2020 almost 60.
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in 2021, 69.5%. >> ainsley: 70%. >> brian: if you are a cop on the street. i will go put my life on the line. go grab a criminal. put him in jail where he is going to go in front of a jump and let out again because the judge has no discretion to eye this guy or this woman and say this is going to be a problem so we're going to put him or her in jail until they have a trial. all hochul wanted which sass liberal as it gets hey can we give judges some discretion? and the super state legislature have a super advantage over the republicans and democrats said no, i don't think so. so, now the police are doomed. the citizens are doomed. and this is a self-inflicted injury because of george soros finance candidates, especially the attorney general. >> ainsley: it just is so absurd. these are people who are attacking people in the subway. attacking people on the streets. they get to come back out on the street? meanwhile the people they're
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attacking their lives are at risk. our children's lives are at risk. i think people are moving to florida because of the tax reason. but i think to be where like-minded people live. people who think criminals should be behind bars. >> steve: right. i'm friends with a lot of cops down in florida. it's like hey they let us do our jobs here. to recap. we are coming to you live, broadcasting from new york city where there is a lot of crime, as there is in much of the country. we have got these crazy bail reform laws. the taxes are through the roof. it's gonna snow this weekend and sire and alexa are listening to us right now all the time. >> brian: we do want people to listen. good news is we are safe to walk the streets because donald trump's cfo is at rikers island. he gets rikers island prison and all these crazy criminals get to run rampant in the street, throw you on the tracks. >> ainsley: good point. >> brian: that's the type of upside down justice we are in the middle of in these times. >> steve: anyway, thank you for
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joining us on this friday. still ahead, no regrets. president biden is not worried about the way they handled classified documents. but a majority of americans seem to think that joe should be. we have got former dhs acting deputy secretary ken cuccinelli weighing in on that next. >> ainsley: plus no, cash allowed a at this bar in houston after two break-ins in 48 hours. one business owner taking matters into her own hands and that story is coming up. t a pay, even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started. powered by innovation refunds.
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>> they found a handful of documents were failed -- filed in the wrong place. we immediately turned them over to the archives, the justice contempt. fully cooperating and looking forward to getting this resolved quickly. i think you're going to find there's nothing there. i have no regrets. i'm following what the lawyers have told me they want me to do. that's exactly what we're doing. there's no there there. >> steve: no there there. president biden says he has no regrets on how how he handled classified documents. the majority of americans found his actions inappropriate, according to a brand new quinnipiac poll. here with reaction is former dhs acting deputy secretary ken cuccinelli who himself has handled, when he was working during the trump administration, he has handled top secret classified stuff. ken, you got the haven't -- the president there talking about these documents from when he was vice president. and essentially he is blaming a clerk call error. they got filed in the wrong place. >> yeah.
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>> steve: this is not a clerical error. >> well, it is not clerical error and a top secret document, for instance, has its own cover and backing if you were putting it in a file, you would see the top secret covering. that's what the covering is for it's pretty screamingly obvious and the no regrets reminds me of the tattoo commercial no regerts. this is silly how these documents are handled day-to-day every single one separately. this isn't a casual thing in the white house than it is out at the departments at homeland security where i was. >> steve: i mentioned the poll. we have quinnipiac poll, 60% of americans feel it was inappropriate, yeah, 60%
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appropriate. 22%. i don't know who those people are but, ultimately, when you think about the time frame when this was happening, ken. they figured out hey, look, we have these secret documents in a closet in the penn biden office shadow of the capitol. figured it out six days before the midterms. can you imagine if that hit the fan six days before the midterms? >> yeah. and they could, too. which is why they didn't tell us. >> steve: right. >> it's really that straight forward. and the transparency they talk about is truly farcical. this wasn't just oh, well, we missed the election by a day or two. we found out two months later. so, this is part of a, at least a timed cover-up. and it is obviously extremely important polling results very basic 60-20. americans think this is very important. i certainly think it was very important. i was trained to think it was very important as was the vice
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president. he got the same briefings, he knows how important this was. now, but, of course, this is the same person who spilled out seal team 6 opt usama bin laden raid. this is a guy pretty loose lipped himself in other areas. this is not a one-off for joe biden. >> indeed. real quickly did not look at the border she said to a reporter. you know, i have been there before. i will go again. even though she is in charge of root causes. but then again, the way this wife handles border visits. joe biden was at the border 10 days ago. and they hid all the migrants from him. thousands come into the country every day. there was not one at that processing center. what a crazy coincidence, right? >> what a crazy -- yeah. the pictures the day before and the day of were quite a showed a lot of effort by el paso and a
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lot of the others to clear out an awful lot of migrants and, you know, all they do is hide the border. they don't deal with the border. luckily we have great reporter on the border showing us what is happening. ken cuccinelli have great weekend, sir. >> have great weekend. you too. >> steve: a houston bar owner so fed up with repeated break-ins they are no longer accepting cash to deter the burglars. she going to join us next on the fight for her business and business survival. ♪ discover the ozempic® tri-zone. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes.
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motion sensors now in place to catch criminals. the owner is marin and joins you now. good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> ainsley: thanks for coming on. tell us what happened. >> so, back in may of last year we were broken in to the first time as you saw from that surveillance video it was a smash and grab. came in and stole our cash box. they also broke into the nail salon next door and hair salon. 48 hours they got us, the nail salon, hair salon, another restaurant business and another restaurant business. 8 break-ins in less than two days. >> ainsley: we see the people right there. were they caught? >> no. is it. >> ainsley: now i understand you all went before city council. you spoke at the meeting. some of you were sleeping in your bars. i know the owner of reserve 101 said many bar owners are sleeping in their bars, armed with guns that one thief has cost him around $100,000.
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bottles taken and all the repair work. how much does it cost you to repair obviously not measurablable to reserve 101. they have the highest end bourbon selection in the city of houston. one bottle out that door could cost $25,000. any loss to a small business is too much. especially in this day and age for sure. >> they say it's really happening in the midtown area. is that where your bar is? >> we are actually in the height area of houston but it's happening all over citywide in the city area. the midtown, downtown, the east side you name it we are all getting broken into. >> ainsley: my goodness, you are just a hard-working woman trying to put food on your family for your family. other people in your restaurant. looks so fun with the live music. how do you feel about this? it's really struggling and hard. troublesome to know that i chose the great city of houston to open my small business and this
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is something that we're dealing with not once, not twice, multiple times citywide. >> ainsley: police say they are watching up in your area and in the midtown area and the city council says they are going to try to work on this and do something about it and the police are offering $10,000 recruitment balances now. hopefully it will be cleaned out now that you are speaking out and others are speaking out. thanks for coming on. >> yeah. appreciate you having us. >> ainsley: thank you. all right, carley, are you upstairs? >> carley: i am upstairs. >> ainsley: tossing it up to you. >> carley: downstairs to upstairs we go. listen to this. foa blaming contractors for the system outage earlier this month that led to this first nationwide ground stop since the september 11th terror attacks. agency says workers unintentionally deleted files leading to over 11,000 flight delays and cancellations. former u.n. ambassador and south carolina governor nikki haley keeping the door open for a possible 2024 presidential run. she told our bret baier she
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hasn't made a final decision. listen. we are working through things. we will figure it out. i have never lost a race. if i run, i'm running against joe biden. that's what i'm focused on because we can't have a second term of joe biden. >> sounds like she is getting pretty close to making an announcement. hali believes it's time for a new generational change in washington those are your headlines over to you. are a. >> janice: you look really pretty today. >> carley: thank you, janice, you look pretty too every day. >> janice: admiration group right here in the boxes. let's take a look at the weather my friends. >> we did have rain move across new york yesterday. 41 degrees, that's pretty darn warm for this time of year and can you see where we have got the warm air separated by the cooler air. we have severe storms move through ohio yesterday. some snow for farts of the midwest and great lakes. and then another storm system
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that's going to develop across the gulf and that's going to turn into a coastal storm. same deal though along the coast it's going to be too warm for snow, interior sections will get several inches of snow so there is your snow forecast. so you know i have a book out right now it's called "i am the storm." i will be doing a couple of appearances on rhode island. >> this is the wine and sign my friends. that's the way to do it at the harrison and floral park. $40 for the book and then i think like all the wine and beer you can drink? i mean, i'll have to check it out. ainsley, you're invited. >> ainsley: oh my goodness is that this weekend? >> janice: coming up with a s. it tuesday does it say the 24th? i guess i should have said what the date was. >> ainsley: i will be out on long island tuesday night. >> janice: really? there it is on tuesday. then i have another event on wednesday which i will tell you about. you are invited to both. there will be wine, a lot of it. >> ainsley: i like wine even in
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dry january. i'm doing damp january. but i'm doing well during the week. >> janice: good for you, girlfriend. maybe i will make an exception ton tuesday. >> janice: both worlds. >> ainsley: carley has the glow. her baby is coming next week. we're so excited. >> janice: she could have a sip. >> ainsley: doctors say a little bit is okay. thank you, janice, congratulations on the book. >> thank you, my love. >> ainsley: pete hegseth and will cain are going to join us and their other co-host is out in washington, d.c. for the 50th annual march for life. we're going to check in with our friend rachel campos duffy, the mother of nine precious babies and the president of the march. that's next. ♪ i just got say thank you, lord ♪ i just want to say thank you, lord i choose airborne. unlike some others, airborne gives you vitamin c and so much more. it's an 8 in 1 immune support formula.
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>> steve: meanwhile going on live right now down in washington. today marks the 50th annual march for life. >> ainsley: first march since the supreme court overturned roe v. wade last summer. >> brian: joining us ahead of the historic event live from the national mall in washington, d.c. "fox & friends weekend" co-host rachel campos-duffy and march for life president jean j mancini. take it aways, guys. >> brian: good morning, you guys. i'm with you here. we were together last year. neither of us knew that roe v. wade was going to be recovery turned, of course at that point. what does it feel like to be here at the first post roe v. wade march? >> only, it is a beautiful celebration of. i think first and foremost we need to celebrate today. it is absolutely momentous that roe has been yof turned after 50 years but we need to still keep
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marching and there is so much work to be done still to build a culture of life in our country. >> that's having. of the challenges are still there. in some ways the forces against you are more emboldened than ever. they're angry. they are raising tons of money. >> yes. >> they're trying to stop you at the state level, correct? >> absolutely. and the federal level as well we are in what we call next phase. winston churchill quote after the battle he had he said was it the end of the war? no. not the beginning of the end but perhaps the end of the beginning that's where we are overturning roe and life. one of the things with march one of the things we are doing state march initiative. this year ten states marching in the capital. >> rachel: that's amazing. we were laughing because it's cold but actually balmy compared to other days that you have had
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the marches. it's usually really really really cold. and i have been lobbying you to move the march to june. now that roe v. wade is overturned we don't have to think about that anniversary anymore. are you considering it? because we could bring babies out when it's cold -- more babies. >> we have given it a bit of consideration. let's keep the conversation going. >> rachel: let's keep the conversation going. all right. good. let's talk a little bit really quickly about the decision or the fact that they have not found someone or supposedly not found someone who leaked the decision for the draft decision for roe v. wade. your thoughts on that. you know, well, you never really know what is happening behind the scenes but i'm saddened. i mean, in some ways it took me a few days to absorb what the draft was even about because i was so appalled that someone
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would do that it's such sacred institution. i'm saddened. that said, the decision has come down and recelebrate that. >> we are going to be celebrating more later today and, of course, during the march. that starts after the rally here where we are standing. so, stay with us. lots of celebrating in the post roe v. wade era. >> steve: absolutely. all right. >> rachel: back to you guys. >> steve: thank you very much. great report live from the mall. coming up, a huge program still ahead on "fox & friends" for this friday the general, the will, the pete, the geraldo. stick around. ♪
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