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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 20, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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right away to get your copy, and let's stop the great reset. nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. ♪ ♪ working 9:00 to 5:00 what a way to make a living. ♪ barely getting by, it's all taking and no giving ♪ >> steve: okay, good morning everybody, live from lexington, virginia, it is a beautiful day. 45 degrees right now there and they're going for a daytime high of 54. you know, she's got our hours kind of backwards. we kind of work 5:00 to 9:00
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here on fox and friends. >> brian: right. >> steve: meanwhile. >> brian: if we oversleep. >> steve: that's right. today is the 20th day of january. that means 11 more days of january, 11 more days of dry january. >> ainsley: yeah, that's right. i'm proud have you you've actually done it. i've done damp january. >> steve: damp january. >> ainsley: i had an event with a bunch of my friends in the mountains last weekend and i said for that, it's a big trek, i really want to have. >> steve: just a drink. >> ainsley: some wine with them 11 more days. you know how many americans are participating. take a guess. >> ainsley: 50%. >> steve: five 0%. >> ainsley: 40%. >> steve: 35% of us legal adults skipped alcohol for the entirety of january 2022, up 14% from two years earlier, three years earlier so you have to figure even more have skipped it for 2023. >> brian: i want to support the bar industry i will not fall
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into that trap. a team of nine former u.s. and canadian service members will be out here in about 45 minutes. >> ainsley: there they are. >> brian: they have set world records guys. they have sky dived for seven straight days in seven continents all for folds of honor. >> steve: that's great. >> brian: the millions they have raised and want to raise more by telling our story. they already fought for our country, they retired and never stopped giving back. and they started in ant art ca. >> ainsley: ant art ca chili united states uae australia then another celebration jump a few days ago down in tampa. but they are some of our strongest, our best. they keep us all safe and their goal is to raise $7 million for folds and that will provide 1400 scholarships. so if you have to donate even five bucks, go to >> brian: there's the most people wouldn't do, jumping out of a plane. >> steve: out of a perfectly good plane. >> ainsley: doing a flip in the air. >> brian: unless the landing gear's out i don't see a reason. >> ainsley: just looking at
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that, kind of scary. >> brian: i know. >> steve: first step is a doozy. >> brian: they flew from continent to continent in coach. they hopped on coach planes don't want to waste ritzy airlines. >> ainsley: i hope they don't have to sit in the middle seat. . >> steve: all the pains are full. >> ainsley: these are big guys hopefully someone in first class realize what they do they fight for a country and switched with them. >> brian: then which one goes all nine? that would be first class. >> steve: who had it last time. >> brian: meet them in 45 minutes. >> steve: it is nice when they say we'll pre board anybody in the military you get on first. we love that. >> ainsley: yeah i >> steve: you'll see them in about 45 minutes. >> brian: though also announce if you have a llama with you, some of the crazy animals. >> ainsley: right, if you have a pony. >> brian: yeah, you can get on first. >> ainsley: bring it. >> brian: bring the leopard keep him in a page. >> steve: last week somebody said this snake is my support animal. they said it is -- i use it for
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anxious moments. >> brian: too easy to get a support animal. >> ainsley: i could sit next to the person with a snake but if you got on and you said i have a cockroach then i'm not sitting next to you. >> steve: snake on a plane they made a movie about that. >> brian: right. listen they have to make it tougher to prove you need a support animal. everybody's like i'm taking my german shepherd i don't want to leave home without it. what's your reason? i don't have a sitter. >> steve: some people need them. >> brian: right. i want to make sure people that need them -- because there's way too many animals. >> steve: there are a lot. >> ainsley: all these animals on your plane. >> brian: nonstop. there's animals everywhere. >> steve: well, i flew some place not long ago and the person next to me said do you mind if we put the dalmatian right there and i said okay. >> ainsley: what choice do did you have? you can't get mad at them. they probably watch your show. >> steve: and i googled, can you have a dog on this plane and it said you have to keep it in the carrier under the seat. and it was like a pony.
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>> brian: dalmatians are big. by the way collies and dalmatians were hot dogs for a while. >> ainsley: remember when i saw you at the airport you were at the gate and i was boarding a flight and you happened to be at the same gate. i would have loved it if i had seen you with rocky and apollo, these dogs are massive huge massive white dogs. what type of dogs. >> brian: great piornese. >> steve: as for dalmatians their history is spotty. i'll be here all week. oh, yeah, today's my last day for the week. down in washington, dc they are having the march for life for 50 years. today for the first time people instead of marching toward the supreme court, they're going to go to the capitol because last year, of course the supreme court changed how abortion works in this country. >> brian: i haven't heard. really? >> ainsley: it is >> steve: it is now up to the states.
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in the meantime people pressing lawmakers particularly house republicans to pass legislation restricting how early in pregnancy people can get an abortion that is the goal for the annual march for life in dc. >> ainsley: and the supreme court into that investigation of that leaker is now over and failed to identify who leaked the draft decision last summer. 82 people with access to the information, 97 employees were interviewed, and they determined an outside breach was highly unlikely. >> brian: wow. okay. so you've pretty much got this insulated community, only a finite amount of people and looks like they're happy with not knowing who it is. mollie hemingway doesn't feel the same way. listen. >> this didn't seem like a really serious effort to find out what had happened and it should have been a serious effort. this leak led to an assassination attempt on a sitting u.s. supreme court justice, also led to security problems for all of the justices who voted or who ruled in dobbs. this is such an important issue
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to get right and justice, chief justice roberts did not seem to take it very seriously. very lax investigation. the marshall of the supreme court didn't seem to have the skills required, an outside firm was consulted, but not anything near the level of what should have happened if you really wanted to determine conclusively who did this. >> steve:. >> steve: so people are scratching their head. you know what? it could have been one of the actual justices because the report did not indicate clearly whether the justices 'em this selves or others close to them were questioned. some of the people were interrogated and some were questioned more than once which is curious. some said i didn't tell politico but i did tell my wife or i did tell my spouse or i did tell my partner, which is in violation of the rules. going forward now with the suggestion is they do need a law to prohibit the disclosure of non-public cases at the supreme court related to the
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information. if you release it ideas, that should be against the law. right now it apparently is not. >> brian: yeah. which is insane. >> ainsley: which is surprising. >> brian: you would think -- one of the theories is, put it out, the put the draft out there see the backlash and see the pressure before it's formalized. maybe the supreme court justice alito will back off and realize we have to get a compromise because the country will go a flame. >> steve: he wrote the opinion. >> brian: yeah, he wrote the opinion and it leaked out. it didn't happen that way and the threats were a plenty and when it was finally put into play, the results, you could say that swung an election maybe kept the senate in democrats hands. >> ainsley: i want to know if they want to know who leaked it. it could be a liberal justice that might have wanted it to get out there to change the votes. it could have been a conservative who wants the votes to stick. >> steve: it could have been a justice's family. >> ainsley: it could have been one of their aides or clerks.
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do you think they know or do they probably relax on the investigation because they don't want to know. >> steve: it could be a little of both. mollie detailed, you know, aptly that because of this leak there was an assassination attempt on bret kavanaugh. >> ainsley: right. very serious. >> steve: plus also don't forget the anti-abortion centers that were attacked and fire bombed and now the fbi has announced apparently a $25,000 reward for more information about who did that. keep in mind, hundreds of people work at those clinics. they were in peril because of this leak. and for them not to, you know, not to call in the fbi, it just seems insane. >> brian: why don't you? >> ainsley: you saw one, i think what was the first one out of north carolina, this is in madison wisconsin, and then there was another one in buffalo, new york. and those centers are called compass care, the one in buffalo. they have hired private
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investigators, here's the suspect that did that one in buffalo. they hired private investigators because they said the fbi, their lack of response, so they said we're going to try to find this person on our own and then a few days later the fbi announces the, okay, we'll offer $25,000 that leads to an arrest. >> brian: let's hope so. ten minutes after the hour president biden says he has no rehis handling of classified documents at his home, by his corvette and washington office. >> ainsley: those remarks come as the secret service says it's ready to hand over names of people who visited biden's home if congress asks for the names. >> steve: peter doocy joins us from the white house with what we know this morning. good morning. >> good morning. and president biden is placing blame on all of this on whoever was in charge of his vp paperwork after leaving the naval observatory, after leaving office. he is also defending his decision not to go public with this before the midterms and he did it while he was touring
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flood damage in california. >> i will answer the question, but here's the deal. you know, quite frankly bugged me is that we have a serious problem here. the american people don't quite understand why you don't ask me questions about that. they found a handful of documents that were failed -- that were filed in the wrong place. i have no regrets. i'm following what the lawyers have told me they want me to do. >> the wilmington house was the nerve center for biden post vice-presidency. there is this e-mail now about a meeting on hunter biden's laptop that says okay let's do 10:00 a.m. on tuesday at the lake house. i hope this gives everyone plenty of time to drive up to delaware. please let me know if this is too early. vp asked me to check with you all. thank you. we know the president had an office at u del which they referenced in that e-mail and we know that is where his senate records remain sealed, adding to bipartisan intrigue. >> whenever classified documents
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are found somewhere they shouldn't be, it's an issue and we need to find out how the documents ended up there and is there any risk that they were exposed to people that didn't or shouldn't have had access. >> the key question, what led personal lawyers to leaf through biden's files in the first place, what were they looking for? >> i think everyone is surprised at every response we have gotten from the white house. everyone's surprised at how this whole thing has unfolded. i still don't know the answer as to why they were looking in the first place, what prompted them to go look on november 2nd? >> the president himself is doing something that his aids and officials here at the white house are not willing to do, publicly or privately, and that is express confidence that things are going to go okay with the special counsel. back to you. >> steve: and, peter, there is curiosity about why they, six days before the election, these lawyers were looking, and the washington post did a takeout yesterday and they essentially said that it was at an office
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that he really didn't use so they were going to sack up everything and go. you mentioned the university of delaware, that's where they keep all of his senate records when he was a senator and the chairman of the foreign relations committee, he had access to all sorts of secret stuff. do we know whether or not they've looked through those? >> we don't. and this actually became an issue during the 2020 campaign when the primaries were still going on and there were some complaints dating back decades about biden as a boss and there were some folks who were trying to get in to look at basically the hr files and there were lawsuits filed. those senate records remain sealed. nobody is suggesting that there's anything in there but we do know that -- anything classified but we do know they remain sealed at the university of delaware. >> steve: they have to look. >> ainsley: peter they checked. what about president obama, because he was the vice-president. have they checked his houses? >> we have not heard anything like that, but this would be an
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obama/biden administration file, all of it. >> steve: and we still don't know what any of these documents are regarding. they're keeping that close to the vest. >> not specifically, no. >> brian: all right we'll check in with you again. so washington post story yesterday talked about his personal attorney going over to clean out his office and they go into a big closet and looked at that and when they looked to a little closet that's when they found paperwork and it was -- >> steve: it was crammed full. >> and there was the documents. no one mentioned a lock. i felt like that would have been a great time to say in a locked closet. because i'm wondering the locked closet they went out of their way to say that originally but then yesterday, they bring up chief assistant according to reports feels personally responsible because she would have been the one that packed the stuff to put it there but it doesn't explain what was going on in the garage and the other room at his house where they find more documents. and when asked, what's the total number of documents that are actually classified? they said well we don't really know because we gave it to -- we
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turned them over as we got them. so you didn't think to yourself, okay, here's three, here's four five. they lost track but they know how many donald trump had. >> steve: it's interesting because the initial story was about the locked closet and now you wonder was the closet locked or were they simply referring to the fact that the office had a lock on it? what we do know, and you mentioned kathy chung who was biden's long time personal assistant who no longer works for him who feels like she may have inadvertently left it in there, she had nothing to do with anything in delaware. so that is separate, which would talk more about a systemic problem with just how they were in a -- you know what? that's the end of the biden obama white house, let's just put everything in a box and we'll figure it out later. >> brian: right. >> steve: and now they're figuring it out and it's a little embarrassing. >> brian: pretty sure hunter recommended kathy chung to the president. >> ainsley: oh, gosh. >> steve: small world. >> ainsley: well, he was caught with classified documents and
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he's not supposed to have them at his house. >> steve: nope. nobody is. >> brian: but it's no big deal. >> steve: according after the top of the hour, carley joins us right now with the very latest from houston. >> carley: yes, that's right, the details are crazy what's going on in houston texas. bar owners are begging city council leaders to do something about the repeat break-ins crushing their businesses, some owners are even sleeping in their shops with guns to protect their own property. earlier in the show, we spoke with a business owner whose store was hit twice in two days. >> it's troublesome to know that i chose the great city of houston to open my small business and this is something that we're dealing with not once, not twice, multiple times every single day across the city, city wide. any loss, though, to a small business is too much, especially in this day and age, for sure. >> carley: houston has seen over 12,000 burglaries in each of the last two fiscal years >> google apparent company
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alphabet is the latest tech giant to announce a major round of job cuts. the wall street journal reports the company is slashing roughly 12,000 jobs reducing staff by 6%. the decision marks the company's biggest-ever round of layoffs as it faces a grim economic outlook. other big tech companies like microsoft, amazon and meta also downsizing as the industry braces for recession >> and you're going to have a hard time finding a car more valuable than this one. the 1979 pontiac firebird trans am set to hit the auction block. the classic car has been driven less than 37 miles over the past 44 years. a nebraska based restoration company found this gem hidden in an old barn. the original price for the 70s just over $8,000, safe to say it's worth a fair bit more than that in 2023. we don't have any bids yet, but it's going to cost somebody a lot. >> steve: i remember that was
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the hot car when i was in college. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: we need to alert jerry seinfeld. do you ever watch comedians and cars? it's hilarious. >> brian: he likes driving and buying them. >> steve: jay leno has more. >> brian: the real cool card is the honda prelude and the moon ruth i say that because i had one. >> ainsley: i argue the buick skyhawk. that was mine, with a cassette player. >> steve: carley what was the car you wanted when you were a kid. >> carley: i had a chevy impala i would troll around with the cop. >> brian: if we were in popular in high school we had to have good perms. no one's like hey he has a prelude let's get to know him. >> ainsley: totally. my dad would not approve, i used to give my car keys to people in my high school, because you could smoke in our high school, i went there a long time ago and i would give them during breaks and say could we go smoke in your car and we would say yes. >> carley: i'm sure your dad knew if he stepped into your car. >> ainsley: i tried to cover up
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the cigarette butt holes in the back seat. >> steve: no one asked to use my car, it was a rambler station wagon. >> brian: that's good the back seat faced the other way. >> my dad had one and we would put sleeping bags down in the back and drive to disney world. we had like a whole club. >> steve: the drinking age was 18 back then when i had that car, just saying. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: hitting the bars. >> brian: it just took us a while as a country to realize seat belts would help, right? >> ainsley: right. remember riding in your grandparents car you would sit in the hump in the middle, they would pull down the armrest. >> brian: if you're the middle child. >> ainsley: in the front seat. >> brian: right. >> steve: there used to be just one seat from side to side. >> ainsley: yep. the bucket seat. what were those called? the sofa seat. >> steve: you went around a corner you would slide. >> ainsley: that was fun. >> brian: that's why happy days was so popular because they would go to inspiration hill, inspiration point, in a bench seat, and that's where potsy and ralph mouth had some of their biggest successes.
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>> ainsley: our grandparents smoked in their cars with the windows up so you'd get in car and it would smell terribly. >> brian: and eventually you would. >> steve: and this conversation all started wind talk of a firebird. >> brian: yep, trans am >> ainsley: once again what do we say we're off the wheels. >> brian: the wheels came off. >> steve: off the rails. >> ainsley: the wheels are coming off of the car. >> brian: they're off. still ahead arrest relief, the nypd applauded for these comments while confronting a pro bail reform lawmaker. >> respectfully they would not be repeat offenders if the officers were not constantly arresting them. >> brian: yep, they really don't deserve that respect. geraldo rivera though on the impact of soft on crime policies next. >> ainsley: plus seven jumps, seven continents in just seven days. meet the incredible veterans who just broke three world records skydiving. >> steve: for a great cause. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> respectfully, they would not be repeat offenders if the officers were not constantly arresting them. >> ainsley: audience members erupting into applause at a manhattan anti crime summit after nypd chief called out the new york assembly men over his bail reform take. he was for it obviously the police chief wasn't. this as a new study shows new justice reforms are forcing prosecutors to toss out 69% of criminal cases here in new york city, which might be one reason more new yorkers are flocking to
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florida. last year that happened, and more people moved from new york down to florida than ever before in 2022. here to react, the five cohost geraldo rivera. hey, geraldo. >> hi ainsley how are you? >> ainsley: i mean you were a lifer in new york. i never thought i'd see you move. >> yes. >> ainsley: and you were one of the ones that left. >> well, i was following my wife, who was following her mom to cleveland. so there were also personal reasons but you're right, people are leaving. i never thought for a minute that i would leave the world surrounded by the five boroughs. but the problem is, a lot of the problem is, that crime is up. arrests are down, cops are demoralized. they don't want to arrest the people because they think under the new bail reform laws, ainsley, that they will be released anyway. >> ainsley: so, yeah, what's the point. >> i have some really alarming -- can i give you really alarming statistics? a half sec. >> ainsley: of course. >> 2019 44% of felonies were
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dismissed. 2019, 44%. now 69% of felonies are dismissed. misdemeanors even worse. it was, in 2019, 49% were dismissed, now 82% of felony arrests are dismissed. why? because there is a discovery law in new york, part of new bail reform. where the prosecutors must have, together, within 20 days all the evidence. for instance if there's a rape. you have to have the rain kit back within 20 days. if it goes beyond that, under these new laws, then you can no longer submit the evidence. so the cases are collapsing because the onerous discovery requirements put on the cops, they have to have all their cases together. so the arrests naturally have dropped and the results of these arrests dropping is a direct correlation, ainsley, between the fewer people being arrested and the more crimes being committed. >> ainsley: yeah, i mean it's changed all of our lives geraldo. i love this city i know you love
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it but i don't take the subway anymore. i'm too scared. it's not worth it. i'm a mom and single mom my daughter needs me. so i don't put her in that situation and i'm not in that situation. but it really irks me because that's what everyone's talk about here is the crime in new york city, we love the city and hate to see so much crime and when you see the list, some of these repeat offenders have a hundred things on their rap sheet. >> a hundred things on their rap sheet. they'll go out and commit another hundred things for their rap sheets. as long as the cops in new york, i know so many of them. my own daughter-in-law. i know so many cops in new york. as long as they feel handcuffed, as long as they feel under or unappreciated, as long as there are avenues by which perpetrators can sleaze their way out of jail in the name of bail reform or in the name, generally speaking, of progressive policies in the criminal justice, it has always
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been a balance. let the cops do the cops work. give them a reasonable amount of time to get their evidence together to present their he have had and then let the -- it still will be within the context of a speedy trial, as that is understood, but you must allow the cops to do their work. handcuffing the cops only makes the city a more dangerous place ainsley. >> ainsley: amen. geraldo have a great weekend so good to see you. >> you too, canesly. >> ainsley: thank you >> 8:29 on the east coast and still ahead today's march for life is the first since roe v wade was overturned but organizers say their message is more important than ever. rachel campos duffy live in dc ahead of the big event. so don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years of active duty. ♪ these are people who have served, they'e been in leadership positions, they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary and they come to us and they say, "i need some financial help at this point in time."
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mass general brigham -- when you need some of the brightest minds in medicine. this is a leading healthcare system with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers. in boston, where biotech innovates daily
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and our doctors teach at harvard medical school and the physicians doing the world-changing research are the ones providing care. ♪ there's only one mass general brigham. ♪ >> ainsley: today's march for life will be the first since the supreme court overturned roe v wade last summer. after that historic victory, what is next for the pro-life movement? >> brian: here with perspective, author of the forthcoming book the new fight for life and vice-president of human coalition ben watson along with fox and friends weekend cohost rachel cam poe duffy. guys take it away. >> thank you guys. good morning. >> ainsley: good morning. >> i've never felt shorter.
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you wouldn't believe that i'm actually in heels but i'm here with ben. it's so great to have you. >> good to be here. >> what does it feel like to be here on this momentous moment? the very this very first march for life in the new post roe v wade era. >> it's exciting, it's something so many people worked for for over 50 years and to now come back in the year after roe has been overturned there's an excitement and also a realization there's still work to be done. even now 75% of the country still allows abortion and we know that there are driving factors for women to seek abortions. so still a lot of work to be done but it's exciting to be here and to celebrate the overturning of roe v wade which was egregious to start with. >> absolutely. often times we move on to the next thing but we need to take the moment to celebrate first. >> definitely. >> but you're right lots of work to be done. let's talk about work you do with the human coalition because that is part of the movement and trying to move forward about what we do. >> of course. of course. there are so many pro life
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organizations, human coalition i work for provide direct services to pregnant women but engage in advocacy on the state and federal level. based in dallas texas but all over the country especially with our telehealth clinics on the country. 2700 pregnancy resource centers around the country so the pro life movement is very large, very diverse, people from all different backgrounds are involved in this and ultimately we don't want to just save pre born babies, we want to save mothers, service mothers and dads, we want to eliminate the driving factor. 75% of women say they would prefer to parent if their circumstances were different so for us at human coalition and for so many others it's how can we impact those driving factors. they may be economic, housing, healthcare those sorts of things, really a whole list from womb to tomb. >> you wrote a very interesting op-ed about the birth rate collapsing right now and the need to encourage people to have families and recognize that
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children are not a curse and fertility is not a curse. >> exactly. one of my favorite versess in the book of psalms, we look at children so many times as curses, as obstacles to things we want to do. the bible says very clearly and even without the spiritual side of it, children are a blessing. our culture cannot move along. it cannot expand, it cannot survive without children. and so it's kind of changing our mindset when we think about children and our responsibility as parents and our privilege, i think, as parents to raise the next generation to be those arrows that will shoot into the culture and create the positive change that we want to see. >> amen. children are a blessing. ben so great to have you here today. >> good to be with you. >> by the way, bad of seven, i have you beat for a few but still time to catch up. >> i have a wonderful wife. >> you sure do. all right. thanks you guys. back to you the. >> steve: it's going to be a big day on our nation's capitol, thank you very much rachel and
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ben >> all right coming up alec baldwin officially facing charges in the death of cinemaing to regard helena hutchins. circuit judge breaks down the charges and if he thinks baldwin will ever spend time behind es bars.s that's next. ♪ and can help you breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. cole hauser is an award winning actor. beyond his impressive career, he is a proud supporter of the tunnel to towers foundation. i was able to spend some time with cole and his family to reflect on those who have sacrificed so much to defend our freedom.
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you know, as i started to be more and more successful, i was like, how can i help? but when i heard of the tunnel to towers and i met brandon in idaho and his family, i was like, wow. there's actually a charity where we know where the money's going to go. you saw all the stuff we put in these homes? i was i was blown away. why should americans help tunnel to towers foundation? i mean, is there any better organization to help the people that has fought for this country and freedoms that we have? and you're going to join us on that mission. thank you. hey, i'm cole. hauser. i want you to join me in supporting our nation's heroes and their families. it's only $11 a month. go to
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premium and capable. step up to gmc with 3.9% apr for 5 years on sierra heavy duty models. we... are professional grade. gmc. ♪ >> brian: all right. more than a year after the deadly shooting on the rust movie set prosecutors have announced they will charge alec baldwin with two counts of involuntary manslaughter. >> ainsley: the actor could face up to 6.5 behind bars for the incident which killed the cinematographer selena hutchins. >> steve: judge former circuit court judge the host of judge alex joins us now good morning to you. >> good morning. great to see you guys. >> steve: good to have you as well. love having you to try to sort it out for us. ultimately, you know, hindsight, alec baldwin did not help himself by saying i didn't pull the trigger. the fbi's everybody's come out
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and said you pulled the trigger. he's trying to say it's an accident but he maintains i did not pull the trigger. >> yeah, that's not a good look, because he's going to be going against the fbi. the gun itself, according to the fbi, was functioning properly. that kind of a revolver would not automatically fire itself unless you dropped it on the hammer which clearly he didn't do. you actually have to pull the trigger for him to release the hammer. i think what actually happened is, i think he cocked the gun and had his finger pulling on the trigger when he cocked it so that when he let go of the hammer it automatically fired. think about the wild west days when they would hold the revovrs and just hit the pal thatter. all they were doing was holding the trigger back and nothing holds the hammer back so it just fires fires fires. inexperience with a firearm like that, that's probably what caused it to firement going publicly on television saying it wasn't my fault, it wawas somebody else's fault but not
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mine is a really bad look. because under new mexico law, he certainly could be charged, and was, for involuntary manslaughter, and now it's up to a jury who may not like this kind of, could be viewed as arrogant approach that he's taking. >> brian: judge, let's let the audience hear him say this and have you come back with it. let's listen. >> okay. >> it wasn't in the script for the trigger to be pulled. >> well, the trigger wasn't pulled. i didn't pull the trigger. >> so you never pulled the trigger. >> no, no, no, no. i would never point a gun at somebody and pull the trigger. that's the training i have. you don't point a gun and pull the trigger >> i feel that someone is responsible for what happened, and i can't say who that is, but i know it's not me. >> brian: so, judge, ainsley pointed out it wasn't even in the script so he did something that wasn't even-on he. >> ainsley: supposed to happen. >> brian: supposed to happen. >> it was a mistake, he didn't
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intend to kill anybody it was an accident but it's still a chargeable offenses. when you get in a car drunk you don't intend to kill anybody but if your behavior was reckless or in this case he doesn't even have to be reckless he just has to be negligent. if he says i was told by two people the gun wasn't loaded. if you trust me 100% and i hand you a gun and say i checked it the gun is safe. are you going to point the gun at your children and pull the trigger because you trust me? no. because guns are difference because that's the truth about guns and the consequences are defies stating. >> ainsley: if i were her family, she leaves behind a sonnen a husband, if i were them i would say how did that real bullet get inside a gun on a movie set? why weren't you using a fake gun and why did you pull the trigger, alec baldwin, if it doesn't say to do that in the script? >> there were a lot of mistakes if this situation.
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obviously the armorer made a mistake. the assistant director who said the gun was safe made a mistake. and he's pled guilty and has been sentenced on a plea agreement for that. and alec baldwin made a mistake in not checking the gun. anybody who's handed a gun should open it up and check it. you don't point a gun at anybody, let alone pull the trigger, without opening it and checking to make sure it's empty. and that is going to be enough for negligence. now, it's a disyep apes whether under those circumstances they want to bring charges but i don't fault her for bringing charges and letting the jury decide was he negligent to point a gun at somebody and pull the trigger relying on the word of somebody else that it's safe and that could result in a conviction. >> ainsley: will he end up serving time? >> i'm sorry. >> ainsley: will he go to jail it was an accident we know that. will he serve time behind bars. >> people serve time all the time depending on culpableity.
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he can do 18 months for a finding of manslaughter important if the charge requires a finding of recklessness on that he could get a gun enhancement and if he does he's looking at a minimum of five years in prison. i this what happens is alec baldwin and his lawyers will do blustering but push comes to shove he will take a plea because it's insane to take that kind of risk. >> brian: he has a point of view. we'll see. judge thanks so much. no winners here. >> no, absolutely not. >> brian: let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean >> janice: good morning beautiful day in new york city. i have friends with me. what's your name. >> sarah. >> todd. >> where are you from. >> dayton ohio >> janice: what are you doing here. >> visiting. >> work and visiting >> janice: are you having fun. >> yes, it's great >> janice: let's do the weather forecast and then you'll get a free book. here in the northeast quiet before the storm, we have a storm coming up this weekend, a coastal event. we have cold air behind the cold
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front that brought storms to ohio where my friends are from yesterday. that is starting to move out. that's the good news but we have this next storm system moving out of the rockies and then this area of low pressure across the southeast up towards the northeast. it is going to be too warm for snow along the coast, along the i-95 corridors. has all your latest details and talking about the book i'm going to get a book for you guys my friends, i am the storm i'm going to promote it next week on long island, here is the wine and sign happening on tuesday january 24th at the harris son, a restaurant. you can call them to check on availability. and then we also have an event on wednesday that bryan kilmeade is going to come to. it is at long island university, his alma mater, i hear, and that's happening wednesday, january 25th. you have to sign up for this one. you have to register. it is free. you don't have to buy the book. theodore's >> ainsley: i loved when you asked brian if you could go, you
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said can you be there it's next thursday >> janice: right on television. >> ainsley: brian's looking at the graphic and says that says wednesday >> janice: right. he has to clear the calendar all week. >> steve: i love the idea of wine and sign. people have a couple pops, next thing you know they're buying a box of books >> janice: i will pay for soft drinks and coffee if no one wants to come for the wine. >> brian: very kind. >> ainsley: congratulations janice on the book tell our friends hello. >> brian: still ahead sky dives over seven continents in seven days. the incredible mission was just accomplished, a world record by a team of veterans raising money for folds of honor, how can you lose? now they're joining us live to celebrate and they've taken over the green room and there was nobody to counteract them. let's go to dana perino. >> guess what? apparently, apparently one of those guys went to high school with me. >> steve: no way. >> ainsley: really? >> that's what gavin your producer just told me so i will a meet him afterwards. >> steve: do you believe gavin? >> yeah, i do. >> ainsley: did y'all know each
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other in high school? >> i think so. i mean, i don't know. this is all going to happen after i do this tease so we'll find out after your segment. >> ainsley: unfortunately for high school for all of us, it feels like yesterday but we don't remember everybody. >> brian: give us the tease dana. >> it's way in the rearview mirror, that's for sure. >> ainsley: i know. >> all right guys thanks so much. have a great weekend. well it's friday and we have news an answer to these questions this morning. calls for a night of rage in atlanta, what's behind that, and what are authorities doing to get ahead of it. who's throwing their hat in the presidential ring now and who is waiting in the wings. will we ever know who leaked the supreme court abortion decision? and what's the spread for the bengals bills game and will bill hemmer be there? we'll get you the answers to all of those. see you at 9:00 your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish.
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♪ ♪ ♪ i'm a bad boy for breaking her heart ♪ and i'm free ♪ ♪ free falling ♪ >> brian: how cool is that? seven sky dives, seven continents over seven days. that was the mission of the triple seven legacy expedition team which they completed earlier this week breaking three world records in the process for a great cause. and the reason for the daring quest? to raise money and awareness for folds of honor and a bunch of
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guys having a great time jumping out of planes, wa could be the bad part about that? joining us now for the first post mission interviews, retired seals co-founders mike, andy and retired navy eod officers and triple expedition lead nick and fred williams retired navy seal, mike barker former marine scout sniper, logan by far the cutest. retired army ranger, jericho and retired canadian jtf two operator and marine veteran and previous seven continent world record holder jim whittington. welcome guys, congratulations. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we have the safest green room for a while now we have the safest studio in america. let's start with you nick, what prompted this idea? >> well, it was an idea to do something really extreme to try to bring awareness to folds of honor and honor the fallen. >> mike where did it start? >> i called andy and nick in
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june of 2021 so 18 months in the works. the triple seven, seven jumps seven continents seven days was always this thing that can't be done and we said why not let's do it and honor our fallen and that's what it's about. the name of the organization is legacy expeditions. >> brian: you guys retired never stop giving back. andy did the whole thing start? you started in ant art ca correct? >> yes. >>brian: tell us how it laid out. >> logistically that was the most challenging. we went there first because it had the most variable weather conditions and we weren't sure about winds, sky conditions. from there we went to santiago chile and jumps to miami, barcelona, to kay row over the pyramids to uae and finished in per. >> brian: riding coach the whole time? >> except for one leg, a little bit of logistical tams shut down so we saw that through the graciousness of people willing to support of us but the rest was economy class which was
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super comfortable. >> brian: for the first time after 9/11 the whole airline systems shut down and you overcame that. >> we woke up to the news all airlines had been grounded and solved it in about 30 minutes. >> brian: and what you did was jumped for somebody, not only doing it for folds of honor. in the back you have one mic can you tell us who you jumped for and pass the mic around. >> yeah, i jumped for lou, but in my recent events also a good friend of mine bobby that left us not too long ago. >> yeah, your name and who you jumped for. >> i also jumped for lou. >> okay. >> yeah my name's logan stark, i jumped for matthew, by far the bravest and most hansom marine that's ever existed. >> brian: got you. >> my name's glen, honored to be the only canadian on the team. >> brian: the next day your airline system went down by the way. in the back? >> i'm not a jumper.
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>> there you go. >> oh, okay. >> jericho and i jumped in honor of sergeant first class dave mcdowell. >> mike, i jumped in honor of matwo michael monday sore navy seal who was posthumously awarded the medal of honor. >> nick sglufrpd honor of mike. >> andy jumped for a seal who took his own life. >> brian: how has life been after serving and how important is it to bring guys together to do something like this. >> this is the whole point. again these amazing men and women gave their lives for the country. they leave behind a legacy and if we stop telling those stories those legacy dies. so legacy expeditions we set up really cool expeditions for vet reasonables to feel the comradery the brotherhood which means everything to us but through that we tell the stories of our fallen and make sure their memories never die. >> brian: and you also know how great folds of honor is, how it started and what a great guy dan rooney is.
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in fact joining us now the president and founder of folds of honor dan rooney. dan i know you've been watching and i know you've been informed and you have some fans here. what has it been like knowing what they did, the logistics they pulled off and doing wa they did for your organization? >> well, you know the difference between a fighter pilot and a navy seal is we would never jump out of a perfectly good airplane. so these guys are heroes. they continue to serve and on behalf of our 44,000 recipients spouses and children that he have we a given the gift of an education to, just want to say thank you. these are extraordinary men. they accomplished something extraordinary but i love this concept of devine echo, whatever you put out in the world comes back to you and we hope people will donates to folds of honor and they get one of those awesome legacy expedition folds of honor limited edition t-shirts if they visit the web site and join these heroes in honoring our heroes by educating their legacies. >> brian: andy how much have you
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raised? what has been the goal of the scholarships? >> we were shooting for seven million which the first time i had a conversation with mike i was pretty forthcoming and honest. raising money is the hardest thing i've ever done in my life. i knew i wouldn't raise seven million and i have to kick it over to mike for the tally. >> we're probably about 450 to 500,000. all we're asking if we can get $1 million americans to give $7, folds of honor we can hit that goal. >> brian: dan you contested the fact that raising money is tough but when the cause is so great it makes it easier. so everybody go to to help them meet the triple seven goal. they've already done something extraordinary. dan, could you put in to give me an idea what 450,000 already raised, how many scholarships? >> yeah, so that's almost a hundred scholarships for the fallen of our heroic guys out there, spouses and kids that we're sending to school. folds of honor sent 9,000 families to school this fall.
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this is a way for all of us to give back, say thank you for our freedoms but thank you to the heroes on the set there, i am with you in spirit. >> brian: absolutely dan we'll see you soon. and of course guys honored to be in your presence, thrilled you pulled this off. can't wait to see what you do next. and lunch is on us. or on chris. there you go. right now let's go to dana perino who wen ha >> bill: anarchy in the city of atlanta. putting police on high alert. protestors call for a night of rage. we'll give details when they happen. i'm bill hemmer live in new york city. >> dana: i'm dana perino. i did go to high school. you'll find out more, too, with one of those navy seals. this is "america's newsroom" great to be with you today. so this all started on wednesday when state troopers moved to break up a so-


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