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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  January 22, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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gowdy podcast, good night from south carolina, "life, liberty and levin" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, i am marko levin, this is "life, liberty and levin." welcome. we have two great guests tonight stephen a. smith, as they said to python for something different. a and mike pompeo. two great gifts, but bev we get to th the two greatuntr guests but bev the guests, and
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greatest threat we face isdica democrat party and radicalism, war on constitutionalism, national sovereignty, and capitalism and our classrooms and parents. free speech, spre almost an alien party withmost its drift and embrace of american marxism. but therace another grave threat we face in this. country because. of its attachment to democrat party, i hate to say this, someone who spent part of his career, i had awo wonderful time, at thee as department of justice. we have to fear federal laww enforcement. in specific, the u.s. department of justice and the fbi. which is a piece of the department of justice. first, i want to make a recommendation to you, each and every american.ea
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each of yochu file a freedom of information act request with the department of justice and fbi for any information the governmentping might be kee keeping you on, with stories of big techgeth and 55 wofbi working together and massiveit databases, you may not m believe it, most of you are. patriots, but you may have a file, ask for it, they will try to charge you.fort i'm asking republicans in house to start the process, p ofro exempting any fees and costs of any citizen who seeks through the freedom of information act any information that the federal government might be keeping on them.s. that will keep them busy a while, it will teach them a lesson, don't just gather information of law abiding citizens, you some find out
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what they -- you should findat e out what they have on you,do what else should republicansethe in congress do? i'm quite serious about this as someone that worked for that department. they should slash thef department of justice a budget by it has gotten too big. too fast. and is not doing its job, the communism chinese are running away with ouryb technology, and nuclear secrets, maybe they are too busy focusing on us, theansf funds should be transferred s to border patrol and i.c.e. to keeps foreigners out of this country who we don'tut know anything about andre remove people who are hereus illegally and protect us from fentanyl and drug cartels, fbi won't do it a border patrol and i.c.e.w, will. the fbi needs to be reorganized with a close look at various missions, history of civil liberties
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violations goes back decades, and right now it is taking place as well, fbi prohibited -- should be proro hib prohibited from investigating electoral challenges, just like doing now, taking laws that are a hundred years old, and concocting laws. they are investigating legislators, and taking cellel phones away from republican members of congress, violating attorney-client privilege of certaint pr attorneys who are targeted. we cannot allowance fbi and a department of justice that is politicized on behalf of the democrat party to get involved with challenges to elections, elections can be ugly. a purely political process. and in the end, congresss ma makes the final determination over electors, not grant juries controlled
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by democrats, this needs to be an area where fbi, department of justice, u.s. parent attorneys cannot go. the attorney general, should be subjectedhoul to removal by a no confident vote of vot confidence it is too difficult to impeach an. attorney general, he is not in the constitution. this is a position created by congress, 1789, george washington had the first attorney general. department of justice itself, was not createdun until 1870. we need to maket. modifications to it antion attorney general is powerful. he is unelected. you can see what that attorney general garland has done with that power, there should be ability for congress that has the final say on how this government is set up, and first say.
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to have a no confidence vote perhaps a majority vote tority remove an attorney general. there should be term limits b for federal judges.fe some odef you may oppose; that i don't. it is something that i wrote about in my first book, "men in black" for the supreme court, i havr the concluded it needs to be across the board for federal judges. it needs to happen. we need to a amend the constitution to do that,publ pushing, persuading american people over a period of time this needs to be done.r in over in israel. they are reforming their judicial and legal system. the oligarchs on the left are going nuts, too bad. we have seen the corruption. fbi, using twitter, goin tgoogle and facebook to ce sensor and monitor
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u.s. citizens, and russia collusion, planted stories and leaked lies, and created documents, in 2020, the fbirf interfered, meetings with big tech to cover-up hunter biden lap laptop sthhol stories. and they the kept the joe biden documents secret for months, fbi falsifies evidence tose thcre secret court. and fbi, most likely iske monitoringly you. in one form or another. department of justice has targeted parents and schoolbo board meetings, has specifically targeted pro life activists. political lawsuit have been
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brought against georgia legislator and voting bill, which wound up having more people vote. against texas and the abortion bill, investigating republican state legislators and legislatures, investigating republican members of congress for daring to challenge the 2020 election yes.t they refuse to enforce e the immigration laws, at department of justice and refuse to prosecute. radical pro abortion protesters seeking to intimidate conservative members of supreme court whoidat ruled in dobbs case. for and covered up for biden crime family, refuses to appoint a special counsel on their foreign dealings and transfer of tens of millionsly a directly and indirectly to joe biden and his family, in and the server issue with donald trump and joe biden, as i said, cover-up., fb fbi didn't go in and investigate. fbi didn't go in and do the
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searches, it left it to thete private lawyers, hill clinton had a server in herin westchester home, did theyer use a warrant? to send in fbi swat team to? her home, no, she had thousands of government e-mails and classified of information, it was. destroyed. ey sthey didn't send in an fbi s.w.a.t. people, w team, hey, what thats that about? donald trump gets trump treatment, s.w.a.t. teams, warrants, armed fbi agents. threats. they were negotiating with the department of justice for a few months. on who should get what documents. so, january 6.6. insurrection they said on january 6. does anyone remember when the white house was attacked over 50 secret service personnel were injured?p
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does anyonhae remember that donald trump had to be rushed to nuclear bunkerer under the white house because there were effortswe to breach the fence at white house anted threaten thethre president of united states, s does anyone were remember damage done at h lafayette park and historicf st. john'sju church?demo how come that is not a t insurrection? they want yoetu to forget about it there needs to be aa overhaul of our legal and judicial system. itl is taking place, in israel today, the elites, self-appointed and j judicial ol oligarchshell are resisting but netanyah and his government said we were elected to fix things and we'll fix things. with debate about rulesr changes in the housean, whichch over, great, fine, we needed more m than rules changes in thhee house.
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we need serious chairmans ins in charges in the government biden is packing federale courts, with extreme radicals at a record pace, why? t looking for objective and i impartial judges, he is looks to push an agenda, wilson wrote the way you change your country is lou through the unelected bodies the courts. the u.s. attorneys offices have become fiefdoms of abuse. and department of justice is a democrat party strong hold. using law to impose critical race theory, undermining e,police officers, in th country. targeting republicane legislators, sittingsi silently while the borders are open andure immigration laws ar not enforced. attorney-client privilege
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for certain lawyers, representing president trump and others obliteratedded, outrageous, is thes are entrapped, and held without trials and solitarynf confinement inin dc, memberng in congress havingb cell phones confiscated. judges of upholding violation of bill of rights and basic civil liberties, no more lifetime appointments, meanwhile crime, is going through thee roofro, this system must be over recalled. -- overhauled, federal lawt, enforcement, the federall judiciary, and congress has the power to do it. i just much about the point this out -- i just want to t point this out under judiciary actions, congress has determined how manyer judges there are, what districts the courts are, how many appellate courtsrt
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there, andme created department o f justice and federal bureau of i havega vich investigation, it is long time it get a close examination and that it get a very strong over hall. if not, now, when? i'll be right back. 's okay. pul. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ living with metastatic breast cancer means i cherish my memories. but i don't just look back on them, i look forward to the chance to make new ones every day with verzenio.
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mark: welcome back america, i'm here with someone you know >> welcome back i'm here with stephen a. smith, a good friend of mine, we e-mail and text, he does not always agree with me, he might hear me and say what is that bb, interesting, he hats a fantastic best selling out, straight shooter. stephen a. smith, literally let me ask you this, a lot of politics in sports.da is that a goodys or bad thing? circumstances. i'm not app advocated of athletes shutting up in dribble, when you speak on a plethora of issues, you have
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to have some idea of what you are talking about. not beyond pale for others not wanting them to do so if they have something to say, but wanting to be quiet if they don't have anything to say. i would remind you with today a modern day athlete, the money that is put out there relationships, that are cultivated between them and advertisers and sponsors, and the belief of how that impacts our society. i think it is important if you are asking them, to be all of those things, to sell product, what have you, they have a right to spike speak on state affairs, they just need to know what they are talking about and be fair minded. >> do you think with communist china there is a bit of hop crease hypocrisy in terms of our country and government versus the silence with communist china. >> we could make that
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argument, i don't think that anyone could refute it, here is my issue. i know, when you talk about the athlete, just like when phil mickelson and they got involved in you know with liv golf. and golfers were willing to do, with saudi arabia. what the american public needs to understand is that, it is far easier to hold someone like phil mickelson or other folks account. but our government does business with these people, if you are so abhorred. and you find it reprehensible to do business with countries, that you want to bring the hammer down on these folks, why are we not holding our government to the same level of accountability, that say problem that is pervasive in our society, too many occasions we're holding people accountable, they have nothing to to with raising our taxes, nothing
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to do with protecting our borders or nothing to to with the economy, with inflation, with recession all these things, ed characteducation and welfare reform, they are just athletes trying to make an honest living. we would hold them accountable, but politics who are supposed to be prioritizing these and govern our lives, oh, they get to do business with these folks? there something hypocritical about that. everyone should bic cor excoriated for it. mark: that is pretty good. here is my problem. >> okay. mark: my problem is. if you will be silent about communist china or saudi
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arabia, and trash the united states. >> okay. >> that is my problem. >> yeah. mark: i don't mind that you make money, but i mind that the greatest country in the face of the earth, with all of its imperfecttions, whether historical or present day, it is not communist china. not saudi arabia. so if you kiss their butt or not say anything, that is my problem whether it is golf, or basketball players or whatever it is. >> i don't disagree, but i want you to understand there is a difference in your level of thinks compared to some people on the right who express themselves, you talking consistency, saying if you feel this way about united states, this country, you feel that way about your own nation, feel that way about china, feel that way about saudi arabia, fil feel that way about anyone
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else who live under a different umbrella and we won't even get into human right violations. and you talk about consistency. that is different. than some people on the right, who are willing to say, just because you are an athlete, shut up and dribble. we're don't want to hear what you have to say, what you say doesn't matter. mark levin is talking about consistency, in your position. no matter who you are talking about. that is not what they are doing, they want to cherry pick who they want to talk and who they don't want to talk and when. that is something we have not go for if our society. >> fair enough, my attitude about that is the market system, you leak li, don't like a playeroy er and don't watch them, that and shut up and dribble is a tough line to a football player. >> yes. mark: you have a fantastic
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book. straight shooter. you use your life really, to project positions and arguments and understanding about life, it is about you and about more than you, i interviewed you on the road, radio, i said this -- the radio, i said this book is about american dream, when we come back, stephen, have you been living the american dream? you started with nothing. now look, you are number everywhereknown everywhere you go, a wealthy man, i are a person that people want to hear, i know not as wealthy as we want to be. >> but very important, you like the icon sports break broadca broadcaster but you reach beyond, that when we come back, the great
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book, i want to get into it. we'll be right back. all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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inflicted gunshot wound. >> the gunman killed 10 people and wounded 10 others at a ballroom dance club as they were celebrating the chinese lunar new year, 7 victims remain hospitalized, reported that killer went to a second dance club with a gun but patrons there were able to wrestle the gun away from him. >> and i am jackie ibanez now back to "life, liberty and levin." ♪ ♪ mark: welcome back america, with stephen a. smith, book is straight shooter, you can get it on any of my social sites on, out right now. the hottest book. that is out there because, it is very meaningful book, a su substantive book, i
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would argue the american dream. >> i say the american dream. i have done the book, i wrote the book, i wrote of word. i did an audio book, to make sure people know it is me, in my voice. i made sure i was attached to this 100%, i have been on tv two hours a day, minimum live on espn every weekday. and on top of, that i have been writing, i was a newspaper reporter for 20 years. people recognize me and my voice. as the american dream, i have been popular about saying that there are a lot of stars and super stars we see, they are the american fantasy. turned to reality. i consider myself american dream, i believe anyone can be me. you can get left back in the fourth grade and have
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undiagnosed dyslexia and have reading comprehensive issues and ordained to be someone not going to succeed in life and yet scratch, claw your way, do whatever you have to do to get to where i am today, i didn't get to this point because i was a super star athlete or rap artist or a actor or actress destined for held, i put my head down and put in the work, that is why i am where i am today, if i could do it, anyone can do it, that is the message tonight send, i don't care what color or creed you are. don't think you know every damn thing, you don't, figure it out that way and go from there. mark: the book it is clear you believe in god, our mother this a huge impact on your life, you think about her day, giving you advice.
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>> i consider my mother to be the greatest woman to i have known, what she had to endure to take care of the 6 of us because of my father's negligence, resonated in a fashion, you look at her and you mar vild at h marveled at her greatness and commitment to making sure all 6 of her children will be okay and what she sacrificed in order for me to be here with you today, that is why she is with me where eve ever. i got fired by isp n in 2009, i blamed everyone else until my mother blamed he and challenge need look in the mirror and look at myself. and recognize what i did wrong. my level of i' -- immaturity. she was always proud of me.
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but in the same breath she never allowed me to get complicomplicomplacent. as long as you are living and breathing, her mentality was there were things to accomplish. she always told me, that not just talking about work but about life, a good person, trying to make a difference in our society. trying to do the right thing, not just for myself, but for the collective whole. whatev whoever it may be. mark: the book, straight shooter. by stev stephen a. smith, a fantastic back. i recommend -- what do you think your appeal is across races, faiths across geography, people love to watch you, they want to hear your take, first take is the big show on espn . i'll bring on radio, i'll
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ask you about the usc and baseball and basketball you are like the rain man, it is also the way you express it. >> i talk fast, i am confident in my ability to articulate my thoughts, i that think i am peerless in saying -- fearless in saying what i think needs to be said no matter how controversial or challenging it may be. they come in the to play, but, people look at my humanity and knows that it has not left me in the process of me expressing those things, hell i might disagree with the great one mark levin, but i might disagree with you about this. i'm not condemning you as a particular person because i don't feel the way you feel on this issue, it a case by case basis. i know that the world is a better place, whether we're
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all committed to making the world's better place, you can't become toi become -- committed if you unfair and inhumane, you have to be better. for me, people i think no matter what kiengt kind of criticisms or things that i may say in holding people accountable for what they do, at the end of the day i'm the same pitch -- person that you can pick up the phone. i think that people in sports industry have seen that from me. time and time again. whether it is athletes, coaches, owners, advertisers, and sponsors. that is why they are all support it of straight shooter, i had shaquille o'neal promoting my book, and tom brady, and adam silvers, and executive vp for nfl. list goes on. they are not doing things
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like that steph curry congratulated me. you are not doing stuff like that for people, whose humanity you question. you do it because you know there are heart is in the right place. i think we have that obligation to make the world's better place, i hope it came across in my book. mark: it does. most importantly, pion all those super stars, i'm promoting your book. here it is. >> yes, you are. mark: a famili fantastic book, you will love the book. you will get to know stephen a. smith. in ways you have never known him and like him 100 times more, he is a great guy, he is great at life. and i really think you should replace one of these nighttime hoists, you know. one of the three, they all sound alike and say the same damn thing, do you not, you are compelling, i wish you
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all of the best my friend. >> i appreciate it thank you so much. >> honored to be on your show, thank you, i appreciate it mark. mark: it is my honor, god bless you, sir. >> god hey, man. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need! whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty liberty liberty♪ ♪liberty♪ [♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. ♪ ...i'm over 45. ♪ ♪ i realize i'm no spring chicken. ♪ ♪ i know what's right for me. ♪ ♪ i've got a plan to which i'm sticking. ♪ ♪ my doc wrote me the script. ♪ ♪ box came by mail. ♪ ♪ showed up on friday. ♪ ♪ i screened with cologuard and did it my way! ♪
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mark: welcome back america. we have with us now one of greatest athletes -- i'm kidding, we us now, honesterly, one of the great secretaries of state, mike pompeo. who has written a fantastic book, never give an inch. fighting for the america i love, this is a great book. you learn a ton about what was taking place durings trump administration and how mike pompeo quietly behind the scenes, most of the time was duking it out with our enemies, even with punitive allies, to try to achieve many things. you know, mr. secretary.
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we don't have enough time to hit every aspect of this book. you have seconds of the book that are really -- second sections that are remarkable, you wanted to meet with the governors, association. and you had trouble getting into that meeting. then you get there they give you time, tell us about that meeting. >> thank you mark. thank you for kind words, i am not the greatest athlete. i had the privilege to search for 4 years. the chinese communist party presents singular great threat from outside of the country. i had come to learn through classified information that chinese communist party was tracking all government of our governors and grade great detail and evaluates them, giving them a rating, on the team, off the team or we're working on you. i saw governor association
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was having a meeting in dc, i called then governor hogan and governor cuomo and asked for 20 minutes. when i was there, and it was a sleepy saturday afternoon, they were kind of pay attention, i told them i had a recently declassified report where chinese communist party were tracking them, following them, measuring them, every one of them wanted to see what i had, this problem from chinese communist party is inside of the gates, they are tracking a lot of americans in the business world, senior leaders and government, not just federal level. like with representative swalwell, they are looking to go propaganda and collect secrets, that day i alerted the governors to that. mark: you dealt with leadership of that regime, what did you make of it? were they cold-hearted.
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? blood thirst thirsty individuals over power hungry. >> all of the above. cold-hearted, power hungry, don't give a whip about human ti humanity, they are nothing burgers it is about power and making the nation of china the greatest hedghegemonic power, xi jinping calls it the great struggle, trying to build the middle kingdom, the middle of this earth, he consolidated power in way no leader in 40 years has consolidated, his intention with respect to u.s., are clear. and they have a lest problem in china, a lot of problem in china we need to defend our own way of life, if we don't get this way right, our kids and grand kids will live in a country that looks like theirs more than ours. mark: they're a greater
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threat than old soviet union, right in they embrace economy policies that cause them to assimilate within our own economy system. they are strategic, about surrounding the united states whether the panama canal and our he hem i hemisphere, western side of africa, that building mil military arsenal that can reach the u.s. >> you are right, primary confrontation battlefield, it is economic, they have stolen tens of thousands of jobs from the american people, and billions of dollars worth of intellectual property. i talk about the spying operation out of chinese consulate, their diplomatic facility in houston, texas. we had known about it for a
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long time, i closed it they were single largest spying operation inside of united states we didn't want to make them mad or anger them, for first time, you saw an administration acknowledge the risk from chinese communist party and begin to push back on 50 years of american weakness with respect to it. mark: the book, never give an inch, fighting for the america i love, mike pompeo when we come back, tonight ask you -- i want to ask you, you had a eagle's eye seat. what do you make of the biden administration? when they are doing? are they unraveling all of the proes fr progress you made? we'll be right back.
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mark: welcome back america. we're with former secretary of state mike pompeo. fantastic book, never give an inch. fighting for the america i love. you will love the book, you can get it at, any major bookstore. mr. secretary. given what you hav given when you accomplished, you see what is taking place now. what do you make of it. >> i'm heart broken. i'm not heart broken for me. not about personal. it is the fact that americaa is at more risk today as a result of fact that president biden unwound a number of things we dweth builint out historic agreements, abraham accords in the middle east, this presidenst came in and c reengaged withhi iran, we confront ted china, wen
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worked hard to ensure that work we did in afghanistan for 20 years was protected. and president biden just came in and damaged america's place in the world. we pushed back againstia russia too. we made sure that vladimir putin did not invade europe on our watch, he took a fifth of ukraine under president obama, didn't take an inch on our watch, within a handful of months after we left office he moved in again, that is thewe absent of american deterrents andri credibleca leadership, thatle puts l america in a weaker place, every american is less safe and less prosperous as a direct result of those failures. >> china is building up their pligh positions, joe biden d does not propose a budget b for defense department that is commensurate with what he
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is doing. >> we were focused ensuring we had enough resources and allocated appropriately, we havehave fewer ships in 5 years, fewer capabilities in space, not only about the magnitude, numbers, size and scope of the defense budget, but that you get it right, president biden is getting it wrong talking about shrinking the stale and focuses on diversity and, inclusion, he told a group of soldiers we'll have every military vehicle runis onco green energy, that is so disconnected, i can assureea everyone watching there is not a chance that chinese military is doing that, there is not a chance they are not focused onn 'tingta america anndd taking us down.r we need to makmie sure our military is sized correctly
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an ad shaped correctly.. >> you know, secretary pompeo, you were raised really in the midwest, thoseth are the kind of values you bring to the table. you look at what is going on in the t nation today, you talk about this woke impism, the attack on our hist yee and classrooms,ps joe biden is trashing our country, systematically racist. and irony given his earlyro careerny where he hung out with the segregationists and racists, it has to be troubling to you. >> it is, i am disturbed in terms of what he is doing to keep us safe abroad and undermining central values that made this country the most exceptional in theni
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world, whengn i was secretaryale of state, people wanted to se e america's secretary ofpo state, they knewwe we were good, powerful and knew andth respecteosd leadership here, none of those last tw exist, we're teaching kidsry b in our school that ourac nation washi founded on racism, there more than two genders and an prossi oppressive class, this gas lighting. this president apologized for america tha makes the life of of my children and brand grand children less secure. >> a fantastic book. it covers so many areas that you are interested in never, givefi an inch, fighting for the america i love, this is th e book, you know secretary pompeo, a great patriot, and done great things for this nation, you can geou ct it on
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amazon thank you for mr. secretary. >> bless you, have a good evening. >> god bless you, sir. >> we'll be right back. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. ♪ [acoustic soul music throughout] ♪ ♪ [acoustic soul music throughout] ♪ ♪ [acoustic soul music throughout] ♪ >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly.
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successful, is that not what america is all about. making success of themselve or not. or not. but being free to pursue that which motivates them, that is what we're about here, i'll see you next time on "life, liberty and levin" steve: breaking tonight a total show at the white house looking at any of the biting classified documents if you find them let them know. remember how the biden people in the immediate benefits wanting the adults back in the room they should know how to govern what a joke. the clowns are back in the circus. here's what i want to know about the document fiasco. they started talking about i


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