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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 23, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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in droves and what's interesting is that a lot of people were speechless. it came as a shock. he will be greatly missed. a gofundme page we encourage everybody to consider donating for the education of his children. we'll make sure that's available to everybody here. he brought you a lot if you watched fox news over the years. rest in peace, allen. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert with the feds considering the search of president biden's second home in delaware at this hour. he may begin to rethink those words he said in defiance last week, no regrets? our president is personally lawyered up to his teeth and this didn't help. the f.b.i. conducted a sweep of his wilmington, delaware home on
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friday for more than 12 hours. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." friday's search turned up six additional classified files some dating as far back as biden's time in the senate, which ended nearly 15 years ago. the house intelligence committee chairman with this. >> what's amazing about all this it takes us to the question of why were these documents here? now we learn some of these go back to his senate time. clearly he has become a serial classified document hoarder. >> harris: white house keeping the f.b.i. friday sweep on the down low despite reports that it actually requested it. the press secretary only mentioning that the president would be traveling to rehoe bath for the weekend. the second home in delaware they consider looking at. crickets on anything about what was going on at his other house. >> we'll continue to be prudent and consistent and respect the department of justice process as
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it are he later to his travel. he often travels to delaware on the weekends. i just don't have anything else to share. >> harris: that felt like a lie. you think the president went to the beach on the weekend and didn't tell anybody what was going on at the other house? remember, he has lawyers involved. it is not like he or other people wouldn't know. prudent with her words about what she is doing. prudent. the d.o.j. is now reportedly considering a consent search of the beach house meaning team biden would have to be on board with it. the department, however, refusing to share information with the white house republicans -- with republicans, i should say, doing their own investigation. the house judiciary gop is asking this. why is the d.o.j. scared to cooperate with our investigation? house majority whip third most powerful member in the house tom emmer is in "focus" for the
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first time. let's start at the white house. peter doocy on the north lawn. >> the new detail that classified senate records turned up is a head scratcher for democrats currently in the senate. >> i review classified material as senator on the armed services and foreign relations committees. when i do it it's always in a classified facility where i don't have access to the materials other than to sit there and read them. >> there is a lot of that on the left side of the aisle as democrats are revisiting president biden's claim he has no regrets. >> i think he should have a lot of regrets. >> back to his house in wilmington, after a special counsel was named and before the f.b.i.'s 13-hour long search of his home which adds to a long list of questions from republicans doing oversight of this. >> this has all the pattern of an influence peddling scheme and
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it also has the makings of a potential cover-up. >> on the contrary according to the white house special counsel. >> that's why the president and his lawyers offered up unprecedented access to every single room of the president's personal home to insure that any documents that need to be properly in possession of the government are taken and in proper possession of the government. >> as lawyers here worked on a carefully-worded statement to be released saturday night we were learning the white house chief of staff ron klain is heading for the exit. he is set to be replaced by the former covid czar jeff zients. >> harris: any word why he is exiting stage left? >> no, just burned out from two years of -- it is a big job and most folks don't last two years but it is -- is there any such
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thing as a coincidence? i don't know. >> harris: there is always interesting timing. >> saturday night do you release something you want people to know about like the f.b.i. search? >> harris: not unless it's the lottery numbers and you won. for all the liberals who wanted to play the former president trump has classified documents two card it's becoming more complicated with the searching and finding of materials at multiple locations and the possibility that search will deepen. >> do you fear that because of that, the current president has kind of lost the high ground on this notion of classified information being where it shouldn't be? >> well, of course. let's be honest about it. when that information is found, it diminishes the stature of any person who is in possession of it because it's not supposed to happen. whether it was the fault of the staffer or attorney makes no
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difference. the elected official bears ultimate responsibility. >> harris: of course he has lost the high ground says senator dick durbin. a new op-ed points out the justice department's double standards on classified documents. quote, biden and trump both have special counsels but the president's lawyers got to conduct his search while his predecessors were not even allowed to be president. republican congressman tom emmer of minnesota, house majority whip for the 118th congress. great to have you in "focus" for the first time. welcome. >> good to be with you. >> harris: when you hear words like potential cover-up, possible influence peddling scheme, what is going on with capitol hill right now in terms of responding to this? >> i think everybody is trying to figure this one out. harris, i go back to last thursday when the president made the comment there is no there there. well, since then we've got a ratcheting up of this thing where the department of justice
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is actually scouring his house for hours. they are trying to make this look like it is different from other people who have classified documents. this might be the worst case in the words of my colleague mike turner, the serial classified document hoarder. he has documents going back to his time as the senate, vice president, at penn university, in his home in wilmington, when is this going to end? the big question, harris, why does he have them and why was he holding onto them and what were they being used for? >> harris: that's particularly important when you consider that some of them were, you know, as old as his time in the senate, which ended 15 years ago. >> amen. i just -- when they try to tell you -- they are spinning this trying to tell the american public this is different from, for instance, the raid on former
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president trump's home. somehow it is different because of cooperation. you correctly pointed out when you started this segment today, there is no cooperation. this president is using every lever of government he controls, including the d.o.j., to try to control the release of these things. frankly this is why house republicans in this new select committee on the weaponization of government, the double standard, is so important we be able to do our job through jamie comer and others. the american people. 2/3 of the american people want this investigated and want to know what president biden was doing with these classified documents. >> harris: look, you said last thursday the president said there is no there there. the previous thursday his press secretary said that the searches were over. he is using every lever of government and using that microphone a lot. some of the stuff just isn't true. let's get to this. the new batch of classified
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documents seems to be perhaps -- i don't want to overblow it, perhaps building a bridge between some on the left and the right gathering around a single idea criticizing this president. some democrats here. >> it's unbelievable how this could happen. totally irresponsible. >> the think any of them ended up in boxes in storage one place or the other is just unacceptable. >> there needs to be this independent investigation and prosecutor. >> harris: other democrats say they aren't concerned about the scandal. >> i also don't think it is an issue that is keeping americans up at night. they're worried about much more day-to-day things like inflation, prices at the pump. prescription drug prices. >> harris: let's show everybody. new polling says otherwise. after the most recent discovery more than 60% of americans say they think biden handled all the unearthed classified documents
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inappropriately furthering what you said about the fact they want to see someone get to the bottom of it. >> they absolutely do. i disagree with the senator. you can go ahead and try to tell the american public they shouldn't care about this. at worst this is sloppy, this is an oversight flouting of the law by someone who has been in government for 50 years. it gets worse because it could be a severe problem with our national security, harris. americans do care about this and we need to find out why it happened and what it was being used for and who else had access to these documents, more importantly. >> harris: there you go. they were in a garage. the president said some of them, you know, were near his corvette. locked up in the garage. we saw pictures of his son that we unearthed and showed everybody. there is biden driving the stingray corvette. his son, too. how many people even just had
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access to the garage and the documents there? i mentioned before even getting the truth out of the white house and press secretary may feel frustrating right now because it might not be happening. i ask my team to put this on the screen. "the new york times" is calling out the white house silence on the classified documents. mum was the word from their initial discovery on november 2nd to when the story broke months later january 9th. here is a quote. the decision to keep the discovery of classified document secret from the public and most of the white house staff for 68 days was driven by what turned out to be a futile hope that the incident could be quietly disposed of without broader implications for biden or his presidency. your reaction. >> it's just this double standard that is unnerving, harris. this is why we have to have this select committee that investigates how government is being used to be weaponized against political adversaries.
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you look at the two different ways it was handle. mar-a-lago very public. a search warrant, cameras on this thing. this one, this one is handled where the american public don't get to know. the white house wants to tell you that this president is cooperating. from day one if he is cooperating why aren't we seeing everything? remember, the best antiseptic to corruption is sunlight. why don't we open it all up and why don't you go get warrants instead of playing with the white house, having them tell you where you can search, when you can search, who can be there. why doesn't this administration get treated like the last one? by the way, like every other american on main street all across this country. >> harris: the warrants part is important. last quick one for you. how much does this frustrate the president in terms of wanting to announce 2024 plans? >> i think he is -- i think this is a big deal for his 2024
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plans. i think they might have been in question anyway. but certainly you've got ron klain leaving the white house, some disruption going on with the group around him. you've got this smells to high heaven with the constant drip, drip, drip of finding more of these after he tells us one week after another there is no there there. apparently there is a lot there and we need to investigate and i think it will have an impact on 2024. >> harris: house majority whip tom emmer with us today. thank you. progressives facing big backlash over schools pushing gender pronouns and other leftist agendas on our children. whether there is any way to stop any of it. plus president biden's border crisis breaking more records in the worst way. it is so bad one city along the border is on the brink of breakdown. the interest rates
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>> harris: humanity at our doorstep and more than 1 million of them at the southern border are hiding among us and we have no idea who or where they are. u.s. border agents have now confirmed 1.2 mill illegals have escaped capture since president biden took office. we call them gotaways. we don't know how many are in our towns and cities who are actually never seen. agents also recording a record 251,000 encounters with illegal immigrants in december. single highest month on record. nearly 240% increase over december of fiscal year 2021.
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the situation is dire. so much so that a major border city in arizona is on the brink of collapse. illegal immigrants surging under president biden stressing yuma, arizona's food bank and hospital and threatening food security. >> policies need to be changed. when you see an unprecedented amount of people coming across the border that even supersedes what we saw under any of the other presidents for the past 30 years and now we are looking at 171% increase this year. this time over last year, that's ridiculous. they are coming because they side biden told them to come. we have an open border. >> harris: the president of sun vision strategies, and we have a former democratic candidate and president and ceo of innovation
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ohio. chris, let's start with where that county supervisor is right now on the brink of collapse in his city. >> look, i think it's total unacceptable. you have el paso, texas declaring a state of emergency, you have the utilizing the airport as a place of refuge. one of our most secure places in america. our airports. you have them forced to have to do that. thousands of migrants who are flooding the streets in below freezing shelters and overrun shelters and hospitals at a point to where it is affecting the citizens who live in el paso, texas. this is incredible. what's happening in yuma is completely unacceptable. we're at a point where we're now affecting our state of living and how we as americans live and how we go about our daily lives. that to me is unacceptable.
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no one is saying don't be a human being or no one is saying don't help people but at the same time there is a process and a way of doing so. when allow everyone to come into our country at the risk of our supreme court is unacceptable including the food. >> harris: we're failing american citizens and we're also failing those people who dream of coming here. we aren't serving either side not when you have historic numbers. there is no way you could. we are are out numbered on this side of the lines in terms of helping people. 1.2 million gotaways. those people who are among us, desirae, we don't know who they are. that's a problem. terrorists. don't want to overblow it. how do 1.2 million people come across and how do we deal with that? >> the biden administration has been doing everything they can to insure and increase resources for these border towns and
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communities. i think the real issue is that we have a humanitarian crisis that is happening in central and south america and these people are fleeing. >> harris: i thought you were going to say here. >> they are fleeing to our country to have a better life and opportunity for their children. we need comprehensive immigration reform. it is a problem. i think this is something where the republicans can demonstrate their willingness to work with democrats instead of blocking every piece of legislation in the -- >> harris: they have been doing that, though. >> to pass a bill. we have to do something about it, right >> harris: people on your side of the aisle and cuellar and sinema, it's not like republicans and democrats haven't been working together particularly in these communities, which is changing the minds of some democrats about how their party really
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isn't invested in this mostly at the top of the food chain, the white house. you mention people wanting to come here. there are certain rules for asylum and getting a better job doesn't qualify you. there are other reasons why you qualify for asylum. we have to work through that and send people back who aren't here for the right reasons. let's move. hbo host bill maher and his guest tore into progressives pushing pronouns and woke education. >> why does a 4-year-old come in. instead of teaching them colors pick your pronouns. it's all about that stuff. it's all about identity and being queer or tran. children can't understand that stuff. not in kindergarten. >> we all seem to have to pretend we're born jump ball. >> even pick out and said what pizza topping they want on their pizza. >> i think the biden administration is all in on that. >> harris: when you lose bill
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maher. saying democrats control public schools and things have gotten outs of control. reverse order. desirae, your reaction. >> i think we should trust teachers as they are trying to build inclusive environments in classrooms for our kids. we know suicide is very high second leading cause of death for young people ages 10-24 and i am certainly not going to take cultural talking points from bill maher who dropped the n word not too long ago. >> harris: chris. >> i will say it as quickly as possible. there is an attack on the foundation of truth. a reset trying to take place in america where it is completely unacceptable. if we remove the values in america we tolerate everything. that's the bottom line. it has to stop. children are not at the point of mind. they are still developing and no room for them. they barely understand colors at that age and you have 4 and 6-year-old talking about transition.
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it doesn't make logical sense. we have to stop attacking the foundation of truth. >> harris: i want our children to innovate and compete with the rest of the world and rise period. >> they have be alive to do that. >> harris: they have to be educated to do that. thank you both. good to see you. anti-police riots erupting in atlanta, georgia. police cars set on fire, businesses trashed, multiple arrests there. some on the left refuse to even call it violence. plus president biden defiant in the face of the document scandal. >> harris: i have no regrets. i'm following what the lawyers have told me they want me to do and exactly what we're doing. there is no there there. >> harris: critics say the nothing to see her -- here is a pattern and they are questioning whether it will actually work out for this president.
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jason chaffetz in "focus" next. and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started. powered by innovation refunds.
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>> harris: a protest in lantus, georgia erupted in what you see on your screen over the weekend. a riot. people threw bricks and set fires to police cars. it all began over the police shooting of a protestor last week. demonstrators are demanding an investigation. the city's mayor denounced the violence this week. >> there were some individuals within that crowd that meant violence. they had explosives. they burned down a police car and broke windows in businesses. it should be noted these individuals were not atlanta or georgia residents. most of them traveled into our city to wreak havoc. >> steve harrigan is live in plant. >> you can see the boarded up windows of the bank smashed with rocks and bricks. atms smashed and police car set on fire. it started as a peaceful protest to mark the death of an activist shot by police.
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police say they were returning fire. it turned violent. police say it was a small group intent on violence. violence had nothing to do with the first amendment. >> this was not the focus tonight just to damage windows in three buildings and set a police car on fire. the intent was to continue to do harm. that did not happen. >> the trouble all began last week. there has been construction of a police training center blocked by activists for the past year. they've set up a number of camps in the area. when police cleared the camps last wednesday a 26-year-old fired on police wounding a georgia state trooper. police fired back and killed the 26-year-old. so far 13 people have been arrested facing the serious charge of domestic terrorism. the governor made sure to point out of those 13, 12 are from out of state. back to you, harris. >> harris: thank you. democrats are silent on that
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anti-police violence. multiple lawmakers ignoring fox's request for comment. critics lighting up the cnn guest for this take. >> there is a real blurring of the lines in the use of the word violence. is property destruction violence? to some people it certainly is. but, you know, this idea that breaking windows or other acts of property destruction are the same as actual violence against humans is -- it's kind of a dangerous and slippery concept. >> harris: would twitter user, what a joke. another wrote violence is reserved for republican protests. jason chaffetz fox news contributor and former republican utah congressman.
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it's hard to listen to someone describe violence on the screen as something that is anything but. >> yeah. you know what? when they are throwing bricks and starting fires and creating terrorism essentially, which is what they are charged with. guess what? there is somebody's wife or husband, maybe a dad or a son or a daughter who will have to go out there and protect the rest of the community to do it. don't tell me this is some innocent thing that oh, it's violence is the wrong word. are you kidding? i'm glad they are prosecuting some of these people. they need to put some people in jail. if they would do that in a strong way, if they are able to do that, hopefully you can start to make a dent in this. at least call it out and say it is wrong. can't we be united in that? even the home state senator there in georgia can't utter the
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words to say that this is wrong. >> harris: look, one thing that popped into my mind was as you see some of these democrat mayors calling to refund the police. let's put money back into police. cities are in trouble. the mayor of new orleans. what would you say to them after what you heard about this situation? >> well good, look, if they come around and actually start funding the police, show the community support. let the politicians give word to the people -- the first responders that they are putting their lives on the line but they have their backs. it is not just the police. it is those firemen that have to show up there. the person who is an emt in the ambulance that are also in the harm's way. this shouldn't be. it doesn't have to be this way. you can protest. that's about as american as it gets. when you start using violence, intimidation and you start destroying things that are paid for by taxpayers, those people need to be taken down,
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prosecuted and incarcerated. >> harris: atlanta mayor better watch himself. the people on the ground say it wasn't violence. he is saying the opposite. what a political battle. a crime story hitting close to home. meteorologist adam with his serious injuries after he was beaten up by a bunch of teenagers. the group was harassing an older man on the subway after the giants game around 1:00 a.m. on sunday. adam tried to get them to stop, leave that man alone. then the group turned on him and attacked adam. he even changed subway cars and they followed him from one car to the next. here is adam from this morning. >> from what i know, they grabbed three of what i'm guessing is 7 or 8 kids and no, they grabbed them and they didn't go anywhere. they took their names. i'm told they'll get a summons
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and it might be the end of it. i want there to be something done. why is the weather guy on the train trying to stop crime in the middle of the night? where is eric adams and where is street the city? why is it up to me? why am i doing this? >> harris: jason, why? >> he shouldn't have had to go through that. knowing adam like you and i do, he is the kind of guy that would jump in there and try to help somebody. and i'm glad he did. but i don't want to see anybody hurt. the lack of police presence. the lack of video and the lack of prosecutions. again, these teenagers know they may get detained for a few minutes but they will be back on the street doing the same thing. >> harris: adam and i spoke briefly in the hallway this morning and he said i count on the parents to do something more. he said police contacted all the parents that they could find. they could only get one to possibly go in and talk with them. these kids were young, 15.
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all right. we'll move on. the president moments ago returning from his beach house said i'll talk to you later on the documents scandal after the f.b.i. found yet more classified material at his house in wilmington. the "wall street journal" calling out president biden's i've done nothing wrong defense. >> my corvette is in a locked garage, okay? they're not sitting on the street. you will find nothing there. i have no regrets. i'm following what the lawyers told me they wanted to do and exactly what we're doing. there is no there there. >> harris: he closed the book as he was saying no regrets. the piece goes on to say one of president biden's political character traits is his distan for anyone who questions his behavior or judgment. this has been on full public display since the discovery of classified document at his office and home and it's drawing him deeper into a political
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moras. first of all, your response. >> for the president to say there is no there, there is fundamentally wrong. there were there and there and there. don't tell us there is no there there. they were everywhere. that's the problem. why is he taking direction from his attorneys? he is the president of the united states. how come he isn't saying i want the department of justice to get to the bottom of this. you've got some unnamed attorney calling the shots? who is in charge, mr. president? if you did take this seriously -- >> harris: he is paying them. he is paying those personal attorneys and why we didn't know about this until days ago what happened in november. >> do they have a security clearance? i mean, so many questions. there are so many questions. >> harris: what else does money buy you, by the way?
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you can buy your own set of attorneys. i guess you can't, though, keep the feds from being curious now that they want to tap that second house. they are considering the beach house. he spent all weekend there. how messy are these houses it takes you 12 to 13 hours to find six files? this is a messy president just politically speaking and personally speaking. stuff is everywhere. >> stuff is everywhere and that's the problem. i think legally the biggest problem is those that were taken when he was in the united states senate. senators and members of the house of representatives cannot take documents with them. if you are in the white house you'll see classified documents on an hourly basis. but if you are in the united states sten at how do you walk out with documents? that's against the law. you sign documents saying you will not do this. what will they do about that? they didn't do anything against hillary clinton.
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i'm not that optimistic but they should and this is the problem. >> harris: always great to have you in "focus." good to see you. thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: new york governor kathy hochul pushing for a new law to ban gas stoves. hypocrisy is raising its ugly head again. alec baldwin's wife is still using the fake spanish accent and people don't like it. >> i'm going to tell you what i'm going to say. please, leave my family in peace and let this all play out, okay? >> harris: really offensive. we've seen it years ago. a boston girl, the tall tales of spanish heritage. jason rantz is in "focus" next. ♪ i'm a performing artist. so a healthy diet is one of the most important things. i also feel the same way about my dog.
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>> harris: this weekend on the eve of the chinese lunar new year a lot of people out celebrating but in los angeles, it all ended in a mass shooting. ten people murdered, ten others injured at a dance studio in monterey park saturday night.
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a 72-year-old man is their suspect. they believe he acted alone. they say he shot and killed himself inside his van after a stand-off yesterday 30 miles away from the scene in torrance, california. they also say he used that particular van to get away from the scene. a potential planned second shooting. bystanders were able to prevent that. new york governor kathy hochul catching some heat. maybe some pun intended there for using her gas stove while pushing a ban on using gas stoves. the democrat backed a bill to remove gas stoves from new buildings by 2028 and stop gas hookups in about two years. critics are calling out the governor for posting videos of gas equipment inside her own home because it tastes delicious when you cook on gas, just ask her. the white house recently came out against the nationwide gas stove ban, by the way. a new op-ed warns don't think gas stoves are safe from the man
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just because team biden is backing off. in new york and other cities across the nation the fix is in with worse to come. jason rantz, seattle radio host in "focus." why pick on how we're making our food? i'm yet to see the strong science for that. >> because it doesn't really exist. we've been doing this for how long and all of a sudden we get data that tells us it is deeply dangerous? we know it is not. this isn't a story with hypocrisy even though it is. this is about the power play for the long game. this isn't about gas stoves in the long run. it is about gas-powered vehicles which they want to ban. so they are effectively warming us all up not with gas powered heat but warming us up to this idea they'll start taking away small pieces of our lives and then they will make the big reveal which is we're banning gas-powered cars. that's their end goal. >> harris: that's the long game?
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somebody should tell the first lady. she likes to cook on gas. the white house came out with a statement it is not endorsing this. i don't see it fighting it. where the dr. jill biden. there she is. gas, when you cook on it, is delicious. i come back to you. >> you're right. i don't think people are going to give in to this very easily. i think most people are starting to see that the endgame is just to take more and more and more away from us. i think in the end when there are climate issues that we have to contend with be it emissions from gas stoves or anything else is that we should be leaning into technological fixes to all of this. let us address it that way rather than tell us we can no longer live our lives the way we see fit. it is obscene at this point. >> harris: why does everything have to be on fire like the gas on the stove? why can't we talk about transition the way you spell it out? let's do the things that will make us innovators in energy. it's confounding to me.
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it is like half the country wants to lose. >> and i think what's sad here is we could be encouraging companies to invest in technologies that could actually help the environment. instead we offer carbon taxes. so all that does is put the burden more and more on us as a consumer. we're doing that here in washington state and our gas prices are going through the roof. because we aren't incentivizing the initial investments into the technology that will help everyone in the long term. >> harris: president biden knocking down the defund the police movement as cities large and small are struggling with major crime. >> president biden: public safety, we know the answer is not to defund the police. not to defund the police. [applause] it's to retrain some police. to make sure there is accountability.
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they need more funding and they need ancillary help as well. >> harris: do the backaway. democrats have been doing the backaway from the defund messaging in the past year after it proved to be unpopular with americans and actually was killing some. former house speaker nancy pelosi says democrats could have held the house in november if new york politicians focused more on crime. here is a quote. that is an issue that had to be dealt with early on, not ten days before the election. this is pelosi talking. the governor didn't realize soon enough where the trouble was. jason. it is not like she didn't know. >> she clearly knew and so did nancy pelosi. she wasn't saying anything at the time. they hoped it wouldn't be a reality. the truth of the matter is i would love to know who was clapping in that speech. was it is same people who told us we needed to defund the police and that actually defunded the police? i'm not mad that the president
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has suddenly changed his tune. we know why he is doing it but i'll take it anyone. way thing to make the statements and another thing to back it up with action. when you go into some of his other statements where he talks about retraining. this is someone who says instead of teaching cops to shoot to kill, shoot to injure. yeah, in a moment of life or death we're going to have officers be sharpshooters and shoot someone in the leg. it's not how it works. >> harris: i want to get to this. critics are going after alec baldwin's wife, hilaria for still using the fake spawn i shall accent. this is a recent video of her. >> i want you guys to realize we have seven kids and you being here to escort them to school and to be there when they come home is not good. so on the human level you guys know i'm not going to say anything to you. you know that. so please, leave my family in
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peace. >> harris: social media blew up. one user called her pathological. another joked it will never stop being funny a white girl from boston pretends she is spanish. another was calling it beyond offensive and that's the part where people were just a year ago. jason, apparently she doesn't care what people think she uses the fake accent. >> she is committed, we can say that about her. i think at the end of the day, here is the problem that folks on the left are going to have and it is mostly folks on the left that have seen and call it offensive. if you can present as a different gender why would this be any different? why can you not then adopt it is an argument that is a valid one. for the folks on the left who called it cultural appropriation. totally agree with you. what do you call it when we lie about gender? >> harris: i was at a doctor's office with my bi racial
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children with my daughters. do you identify as black? they said we identify as americans. look what i've done. >> good parenting right there. >> harris: thank you. you've been watching "the faulkner focus" and i'm always grateful for that. "outnumbered" is after the break.
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♪ ♪ >> harris : happy monday everybody, "outnumbered" i am harris faulkner with mike cohoes emily compagno also today dagen mcdowell, cheryl casone, and mark tupper cli, and now we have the classified document scandal looks like we're going to to research more mainly the house he stayed in over the


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