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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 23, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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♪ ♪ >> harris : happy monday everybody, "outnumbered" i am harris faulkner with mike cohoes emily compagno also today dagen mcdowell, cheryl casone, and mark tupper cli, and now we have the classified document scandal looks like we're going to to research more mainly the house he stayed in over the weekend
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while they were flipping pages over at the one in wilmington. after the fbi spent 13 hours at that house on friday and found yet another batch of classified documents. some of them dating all the way back to his time in the senate which ended 15 years ago. republicans have lost all patients today. house oversight chairman james comer will formally request records from the secret service now after that agency said it would share the list of visitors to biden's wilmington home. comber and house intelligence chairman mike turner shared their frustration over the scandal. >> what's amazing about all of this is it takes us to the question of why were these documents here when now we learn some of these go back to his senate time and clearly he has become a serial classified document holder. >> edge took the president at his word when the first set of documents were found at the biden center for diplomacy that he just inadvertently misplaced those documents, but now this has gone from simply being a responsible to downright scary.
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>> harris : it's not just republicans now were outraged. listen to a members of the president's only political party are saying. >> it's unbelievable how this could happen, totally response will. >> to think any of them ended up in boxes in storage one place or the other is just unacceptable. >> then needs to be this independent investigation ended peasant pros independent prosec. >> harris : this is so messy my mind's eye is make-believe but sort of could be possible there is a fan in his house and papers are just whirling, they are going bob, get that one! 13 hours of that. [laughter] >> emily: snow globe. >> dagen: except for the senate part. now we know it's not just messiness. that could potentially well even with the vice presidency that is no excuse. but as a senator you cannot
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leave capitol hill or an intelligence facility with classified documents. and now, as the democrats are gasping for some excuse, grasping for some excuse, next it's going to be oh, leave him alone, he is 80. this is a mushrooming problem for the biden administration. as andy mccarthy points out, to say it is a consensus search or a consensual search that just means the government had grounds to get a criminal search war warrant. when it says it wao search, that just means they knew through the d justice and the fbi were coming to search the house in wilmington, delaware. and probably, my guess is there will likely be searches, maybe even of the beach property and no regrets, and this is the days and weeks and months ahead from biden, that simply means he
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knows it goes back to the hillary clinton james comey president looking at the espionage act. they redefined it for hillary clinton and that just means under the espionage act he is clearly was grossly negligent in handling these classified documents, but they have to show he didn't try to harm the united states of america. they can just dismiss any criminal charges and not charge him because he didn't intentionally try to harm the u.s. that is the clinton standard and he knows he will get off scot-free but guess what? so will president trump. >> harris : so actually the chairman judiciary, jim jordan, dressed that too and so has comer, chairman of oversight and so to the third worst powerful in the house, the whip today, tom emery the problem is senate members are starting to be held at a different level and
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they signed a document according to a representative emirate that they cannot do it biden has done and it's one thing if he left the senate 50 minutes ago. but it has been 15 years. so why does he have papers for so long? we know he is riding a book or has written a book, maybe he was using these documents at some point, but at no point as a senator or a vice president could he have declassified those documents, only a president, presidents he took them from could do that. that is problematic. >> emily: and it makes it more problematic if he had been using those documents for his book. keep in mind how may times he has moved as well. as senator he had a certain home and then add vice president you live in the naval observatory so for mike eight years he lived somewhere else, he moved again multiple times, so did these documents get shuffled around from place to place from holding pile two holding pile in that snow globe? i love the image you painted because i think that is what it being demonstrated and certainly can be negated to those of us who have been watching this.
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i note as well, in terms of how it's portrayed i back up i should say this. i have been part of federal, criminal investigations where the level of cooperation certainly doesn't matter when places are searched. so the notion that the president keeps falling back on well we have been cooperating or as "the new york times" said quiet cooperation, it doesn't matter. it doesn't stay the fbi from coming in without warning and s.w.a.t. team and searching your house or your home in your place of business at 7:00 in the morning with guns drawn which i've seen. and i want to point out how this is being portrayed i mentioned how "the new york times" called it quiet cooperation, they seem to say it's because of i almost have vice president but because of the president's team of lawyers that they are suggesting to him keep it quiet from the public, you will quietly cooperate with the doj and that other issue, that is just p.r. they went so far as to draw a parallel with president clinton at the time, the monica lewinsky scandal. drawing the same irritation that
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his team felt and the american public felt it was just the attorneys telling us to be quiet, we are so sorry. that is how they are drawing this. keep in mind at the same time senator kaine, senator debbie dingell, they have been saying the government classifies everything, there is nothing to see here. that is the landscape the american people are receiving this while the senator chair of intel democrat senator warner, he has set i received no briefing and he is seeking right now to determine the threat assessment level of this. >> harris : tell that to people in prison for doing the exact same thing. >> exactly. >> harris : senator dick durbin, mark, also saying this is more than problematic. >> mark: yeah. and obviously he was sloppy, he was reckless, he was careless with the handling of these documents. and i found it the word he used when the initial documents were discovered at his think tank i
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was surprised joe biden had a think tank in the first place. at his think tank that he was surprised. that is a dead giveaway that he had no idea where any of these documents were. and you continue to see them surface and additional places. i don't know how many, maybe five or six batches have been found so far? who knows how a new war will be found? we still don't know the contents of what is actually in these documents. you know, from president biden's perspective the whole i have no regrets, there is no there there comments that need to be made, it speaks to his arrogance, it speaks to him not being accountable, him not being responsible, and when you are the leader of the free world, you've got to own up to your mistakes, right? and obviously there are legal issues with what he did, but typically when you own up to your mistakes there is a psychological benefit. and everyone kind of goes oh,
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wow, he get owned up to his mistakes may be a likable little more. not sure this would happen in this case but when you own something, people are responsive and receptive. >> harris : from the president promised us he would be the most transparent and leave the most transparent administration in american history, the truth could only help him. anything opposite anything like having your press secretary say on record two thursdays ago the search is over, we know that was a lie. how do we know? because nobody said it was over. thought she couldn't talk about it, how could you talk about it then? i thought it was interesting that what, set your egg timer two days later they found the next tranche of documents. i want to go here with you, cheryl. i mentioned senator dick durbin. he was asked about comparing this to taking a higher ground compared to what president trump did and dick durbin said of course biden has lost the higher ground. >> cheryl: of course he has because polling is showing americans have lost faith and confidence in him as well as how he has handled the entire mess.
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and playing politics let's go to december 2nd when the documents were found at the penn biden center. they didn't come forward right away, his lawyers didn't, they waited until after the midterms. that is a pretty easy analysis there there is a lot of politicking going on behind the scenes. member karine jean-pierre we now know was not involved in any of that so i think she has been caught a little off guard i think it shows as far as communications or lack thereof from the white house. the other thing i thought they pointed out in "the new york post" very well is if you look at the timeline and cnn reported there were ukraine documents, iran documents, u.k. documents, this was 2013-2016. that's when hunter was living in the house. and the laptop has exposed so much of these communications in particular, emails he was sending on behalf of burisma, the big guy from all of that, he sounded pretty smart in those emails. >> harris : let's talk about really quickly what was going all women in the world top-secrt
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markings at the penn biden center from what was going on in the ukraine at this time? where they'd struggling with their leadership and who was going to leave that country? if you look historically what was happening it wasn't that long ago, but there is enough there for us to ask questions. if you have a man who wants to run for president again and he doesn't want to take the easy step, what happens when it starts to get harder? >> dagen: what they did day one when these documents were found at the penn biden center tells you all you need to know. it was a lawyer from biden found them. the first call was to the white house. the white house, biden and some of his top advisors met, they called the national archives. they did not call the justice department. the national archives called the justice department. they did not call the authorities. so when they talk about
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cooperation, that needs to be stuck where the sun doesn't shine. >> harris : we will stop there. protesters in atlanta set on fire police cars, smashed windows and trashed businesses. anti-police protesting. some of the mainstream media refused calls of any of that violence they are hallucinating, obviously. your monthly lower at newday we make it easy. our newday 100 loan lets you combine your first mortgage, your second mortgage, your high-rate credit cards, personal loans and car loans into one, low monthly payment. so you can save hundreds every month. and at newday, there's not one dollar upfront to apply. give us a call.
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>> emily: violence erupting in downtown atlanta police have arrested six people and the mayor says the charges will include domestic terrorism after the showing after it evolved into complete chaos, it also turned into war against cops. writers set a police cruiser on fire, smashed windows, spray-painted and trashed
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businesses. and atlantis police chief said even some protesters had explosive devices on them. >> it doesn't take a rocket scientist or an attorney to tell you breaking windows and setting fires is not protest that is terrorism. they will be charged accordingly and they will find this police department is equally committed to stopping that activity. >> emily: some of the media are trying to downplay the destruction right in front of our own eyes. >> i think that there is a real blurring of the lines in the use of the word "violence" it is property description is that violence? to some people it certainly is. you know, this idea that breaking windows or other acts of property destruction are the same as actual violence against humans is kind of a dangerous and slippery concept. you keep using the word violent, violent, violent, the only acts
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of violence against people that i saw were actually police tackling processors. >> emily: as he said from the comfort and safety of his own basement, mark i also note what eric erickson said which is this is getting absurd. media is more inclined more inclined to call those who dragged out the speaker's terrorists than those shooting a police officer's and down ci cities. >> mark: as long as it's for democratic because it's it's okay. if we go back to the summer of love, 2020, when cities were burning down left and right, what did nancy pelosi say question more people will do what they are going to do and she just kind of threw her hands. so i feel like number one, democrats seem to be empowering activist groups. giving them power so they can go out and make their case, but at the same point in time obviously they have a lot of confusion over what is violent and what is not violent, right?
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they continue to call these protests which i think our riots they call these protests peaceful. okay but when you light someone's business on fire, when you like the car on fire, when you vandalize, arson, all of these things are a full on assault of people's personal be my belongings, their possessions, businesses, it's not okay. >> emily: their livelihoods. margaret up the summer of love that originated in seattle 13 blocks from where i used to live. i remember speaking with two seattle police officers, multiple that summer but two and particularly that were presented a multitude of racist and political inclinations both afghanistan war veterans and they said they never experienced something more brutal or violence to mike violent than in the streets of seattle than when they had bricks and feces thrown at them the names they were called and hostility they encountered was worse than anywhere else and yet that was
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deemed the summer of love. this is no different. >> harris : i was trying to read on the screen and we had last hour too freelance journalist is with like i was was talking from his basement or kitchen or wherever it was? it is unfortunate he doesn't know what life-saving skills our police officers and firefighters have. that if you set a fire someone has to put it out, and it is dangerous to go up to flames taller than two cars stacked and get the flames out. i don't know what mystery people in a marvel comic this freelance journalist thinks he is living through were living with, but those are realities so for him to say these are not dangerous for human beings just speaks to ignorance for me periods comments are ignorant, maybe not him maybe he is brilliant and hiding it from us, but in all of this the atlanta mayor said to some surprising political words, andre dickens. what he said was this was definitely violent so i don't know how long he will last in
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that position because those on the left probably are not going to appreciate that. if he and the police chief can attack this sort of thing the way we saw some on the left not attack it in the summer of love, so-called, maybe they can make a difference at this point. i will say they are probably outnumbered by the brick throwers and all of that and its people really want to have a discussion about training or police officers, if they really are taking exception to things going wrong and police forces, then go to your city council. told him i want a meeting. this group wants a meeting. let's start to talk to each other and not throw bricks at each other's heads. >> emily: bottom line, dagen, the catalyst for this that protester the activist that was shot, he shot at a police officer. he shot him in the stomach. thankfully that police officer will survive. he might not have. it is also a washing over of the entire genesis of these protests that almost resulted in a police officer losing his life at the
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hands of a peaceful protester. >> dagen: and those protesters are actually protesting an atlanta public safety training center that the protesters call cop city because they are upset about trees getting chopped down. that is what they are upset about. they are upset there is going to be a facility that is being funded for public safety in georgia in atlanta. they are upset about trees that can be regrown. that is the root of it. that kind of highlights the insanity of the left. also highlighting the insanity is the leftist fascist movement to efforts to control words is an effort to change their meaning. so at every turn you have to
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highlight what a guest on cnn says. we also should point out it is cnn who had that banner in 2020 of a reporter in kenosha, wisconsin, who is sitting in front of a city on fire and the banner said "fiery but mostly peaceful protest" so they should know better and abc has a tweet that says six people arrested in atlanta after peaceful protest turned violent. no, it was a night of rage planned by antifa so don't call it a peaceful protest, they know better but this is an effort from left to change the meaning of language. >> emily: and cheryl, dagen talks about the effort by the left and i want to bring up the fact that the daughter of the minority catherine clark was arrested for not only spray painting bile statements we can't even report on air at a public part but for assaulting a boston police officer and then this -- this representative had the nerve to tweet this is part of
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the title of joy and pain in parenting. last time i checked this illegality, it is a felony is atrocious and appalling and that is how you raise your child come on acceptable. >> dagen: my favorite part was that the law wouldn't have an opinion about this, you think? probably not. we keep saying his people are getting off the hook and off the hook and off the hook and all these are blue cities. now i really take offense to when they said all this wasn't violence in atlanta. did you see all the businesses that cop learned and trashed a question mark did you see the broken windows? those businesses will have to deal with all of the after effects we saw to new york city in the summer of 2020, we sought in seattle, portland, so if it's a business it's okay for them to be violent against a business? that's okay? so, you know, it is time -- sadly the law's not going to fix a lot of these problems. >> em>> harris : humans lives ae
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changed, tell freelance journalists that. >> emily: coming up the nation's crime crisis is heading" for a fox family after one of our colleagues was viciously beaten on the subway. his attackers were let go. that is next. >> tech: cracked windshield? make it easy and schedule with safelite, because you can track us and see exactly when we'll be there. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: that's service that fits your schedule. go to >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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else. >> emily: we know adam is not alone. the attack on him is just the latest in a series of crime by repeat offenders who were let back out on the streets. a new york city mom with savagely beaten by a ranting homeless man at a queen's subway station she confirmed for the first time that yes, she will lose her eye because of the attack. who can forget that crazy hatchet attack at a manhattan mcdonald's? that suspect was released without bail. dagen, there's not enough time in the show to cite all of the examples of people who were beaten or killed on the subway system here all over the city without retribution, without rebuke, and over and over and over again. >> dagen: it is the left, a lot of it is straight from albany in new york state. i have said over and over again, and have been marked by democrats and liberals, if you get assaulted in new york, new york city, if you get punched in the face, the person
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who assaulted you will be back out on the street before you get out of the emergency room. that is a fax. is three things, quickly. it is bail reform, cashless bail, you don't have to put up a dollar so you got e.r. bills, doctor bills, not a dollar in bill you have to put up. it is also that there is a raise the age 16 and 17-year-olds avoid adult court and there is also which is shocking, nobody knows about that, discovery rules come discovery reform, it makes it impossible for prosecutors to charge a case and misdemeanor cases dismissals have soared from 49%-82%. misdemeanor assault cases dismissals through the roof. they don't get charged, they don't go to grand jury so if you get assaulted, misdemeanor assault, nothing ever happens to the purpose. >> emily: we talked about before, harris, half of those
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misdemeanors used to be felonies but now with reclassification then i'll consider misdemeanors which the public says it with a misdemeanor but it was a 67-year-old grandmother who was repeatedly punched in the face and can't see is will she ever could before, that is a misdemeanor. >> harris : i want to go back to adam klotz's case i spent time talking to him today, he came to the defense of an older gentleman and that man was able to get away because adam hung in there. so our prayers and our love go e know will heal. in the meantime, something won't. that is the fact that these kids were very young, you know? it's not like they were even close to 18. many of them were 15 or younger. do you know adam said he checked back with cops and they said they could only get one parent to come forward? because you know you have to come forward you need your parents, they are minors if you want to go into that court setting if you want to take the next legal steps. emily, you've been through the court systems federal level, local level as well, what is
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broken such that we are losing people even taking responsibility accountability for their teenagers who are so young? >> emily: i think the answer to that is also longer than the hour but it's a reflection of the book to my broken structural systems are in through. it has everything to do from dependency programs to a lack of accountability and reward for positive behavior, the removal from those kids from the juvenile court. you would be shocked at what is allowed and acceptable and what is the law here when dealing with maintaining juveniles here in addition to that broken culture that we have inherited i think in this town while i think people who have the means to be able to leave, the people who remain are rotting here and the system doesn't account for that. there is no compassion in the system. it is all cruel and the victims are not only those kids but all of those people who continue to get beaten or murdered. >> mark: there has also been a breakdown in schools. if you go back to the pandemic, all of the schools shut down, kids had to you know do their
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school work from home, some were not doing any school work at a all. and schools throughout history have been like a stabilizing support system for a lot of these kids. i know my mother-in-law used to be a teacher in inner-city cleveland and when it snowed in cleveland and all the schools were getting snow days, inner-city cleveland kids still had to go to school. why did they go to school? because they were fed breakfast and lunch and they were guaranteed to eat if they went to school. and i feel like schools like the support system they used to be has just crumbled over the course of the last few years. >> emily: such a great point but importantly we have to go we could talk all day but george soros spent over $40 million establishing the leftist district attorneys across the nation. i wonder if that 40 million should go to the hospital bills and the funeral expenses of the victims of his asinine policies that been put in place. coming up, bill marr is slamming the by demonstration claiming they are all in on trans indoctrination in our schools,
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>> harris : bill marr and his real-time panel towards democrats for their left indoctrination going on right now in schools across america. mar even accuse the biden administration of being "all in" on pushing trans ideology on our youngest children, watch. speak of the more and more you look at the cook and this is all about that stuff. all about identity, it's all about being or trans, children can't understand that stuff. not in kindergarten. >> most of the people making their government we are making our liberal people who think it's a great thing that in america now anybody can be whatever they want and of course trans is a real thing. rare, but real. but rare. that part is what we all seem to have to pretend we are born i don't know jump ball. >> and their parents i seen in south carolina where they are bragging about their children at
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four, five, or six transitioning. and i'm like what he talking about question work they haven't let the natural process happen. >> i think the bite administration is all in on t that. >> harris : cheryl we are talking about children in kindergarten were really, really young. we certainly come up the money you hand them does not have a gender. they have not been sexualized yet. that's what we were going for in that conversation. what do you say to belmar? >> dagen: this is the by demonstration i want to push these things anyway they can do it and look at what they are doing with tsa. $18.5 million has been given to the tsa for gender-neutral screening at checkpoints. so we have to be gender sensitive now at a tsa checkpoint in an airport. >> harris : what does that mean? what is it mean to you, gender-neutral searches? >> dagen: i read through what this technology to be determined is going to actually it just says it's supposed to be more sensitive if there is a pat down
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process. more sensitive because that person with a gun or the terrorist trying to get on the plane we should definitely make sure we don't offend them. when they've got their gun in their carry-on bag. [laughter] >> emily: that's ludicrous! >> harris : we have a situation, emily, where if you have a woman and they will randomly search you they get another woman so i'm really curious to know if you are transgender do they get another transgender person? will we be fair about this or just overboard where people will still be insulted? >> emily: yes, the latter and what you can count on is your talk down my text always being wasted. this administration capitulating to a very small, minute part of the situation the mic population that is the most vocal controlling impactful segment of our american country great good on belmar for having representative mace on there, good on him for saying common sense that somehow has to be covered as sums toward del my type of breaking news because
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it's calling a spade a spade, it's real and it's rare, what is wrong with the white house confirming that? they'll never do it. >> harris : marco how surprised are you that the white house is weighing in to issues like this but we can't even get transparency on the president having 15-year-old classified documents that he shouldn't have taken as a senator? >> mark: that is kind of the direction president biden has been pulled. he has been pulled further and further left throughout his presidency and now he has gotten to subscribe to these woke ideas. to talk real quickly about how this is really playing out in the schools, my gut feeling is that these woke agendas are going to persist in schools because there are no consequences. there is no consequences when you push this down kids throats, down the parents throats. if you were to compare private schools to public schools and private schools have their own sets of problems, but things act a little differently. if something like this were shoved down kids throats, the parents could step up, they
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could say we don't approve of this and then the school realizes there are consequences. i might lose these tuition dollars, so that speaks to what is going on this week, i guess this is school choice week? maybe we need to have those discussions about school choice within the public school system. >> harris : there are consequences in public schools come to do to have been in virginia? glenn youngkin, winsome sears, jason mirrors, so to tell parents whose kids aren't schooe are no consequences, they may he something i made some friends that would disagree with you, mark. the bigger issue in terms of transgender and issues that belmar is talking about, it is that schools, many, are saying that teachers don't have to tell the parents when the children are expressing gender confusion. and to say, oh, don't tell the
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parents? that is unimaginable. even beyond that, a pe place lie new york city were a corporation has to bylaw conduct a sexual harassment training for their employees, new york city has a video that corporations play that says sex is assigned at birth by the doctor. and you are not allowed to speak up and say, science? so this is happening at the school level. so you want your children to be educated in science, but they are literally not allowed to say i don't believe that i believe in biology and genetics? because adults in new york city are not allowed to say that. >> harris : wow. we will move on. that is a lot. we could talk a whole hour about this.
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seriously. she doesn't want them in your home, but if new york's governor hochul has a gas stove it is all right then because it tastes delicious when you click on gas. is the latest example of rules for the end not for me. coming up from the left. off your monthly expenses, call newday the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you take out an average of $70,000. use that low-payment home loan to pay off your high-rate credit cards. then, pay off your car loan. and then take the cash left over and put it in the bank for the financial security that every veteran deserves. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance
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>> more classified documents found in job mike biden's home those from his time as a senator more than 14 years ago, when the world was he doing with those documents? the latest on the expanding scandal with the congressman konica coming up, protesters in atlanta torch police cars and smash windows hit some people claim they were nonviolent question mike leo terrell has some thoughts about that, we also congressman pete hegseth jonathan turley and general keith kellogg on ground in the ukraine. john roberts, sandra and i will see with the top of the hour for america reports. >> emily: time and time again we have seen hypocrisy from the left. ramberg california governor's five-star meal after he pushed for mandates? and nancy pelosi's lockdown to find find a hair appointment? and climate czar john carries countless private jet trips? now it's kathy hochul's turn. the democrat recently pushing for a ban on gas stoves in new
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homes and commercial buildings in the empire state, but then of course pictured using a gas stove. dagen. >> dagen: i want all of these liberals, i want kathy hochul and aoc to stand out in the middle of manhattan and scream at the top of their lungs to te giant chinese american population of new york city and tell them they will no longer be allowed to use gas with their walk cooking. because it is anti-asian, it is culturally insensitive and quite frankly, to use a left wing word in its racist they are trying to force chinese americans to not use gas. that is how the cook. this is all across california and they've had serious problems in asian communities in california and on the left coast. is completely insensitive.
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>> cheryl: new york city restaurants are fighting back because you really want electric burner and set of gas when you go to john george or wherever but small businesses, small restaurants, they will have a tough time trying to make this conversion. how many restaurants turn over in the city? any new business by 2025 they want to pull this one up all this, that is not enough time to get ready. >> emily: it's not! and how important livelihood is to putting food on your table, let alone trying to actually enjoy life here in america. time and time again it's getting squished down. add-in hypocrisy of governor hogle enjoying the gas stove while people and families and businesses suffer? how much more back in the stomach? >> mark: and all of these small businesses, the restaurant small businesses were completely shut down during the pandemic so they were struggling, they are trying to get back on their feet, and now they are going to have to take on additional cost
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to replace their current gas stoves. to have kathy hochul withhold gas stove thing, if i'm not mistaken, the reason anyone was even considering banning gas in favor of electric stoves was not for climate change but rather because it caused asthma. >> that's made up. >> harris : they are blaming ventilation problems which you have to ventilate when you click with electricals also buried by the way i have yet to find an element on electric stove that immediately cuts the heat. rate question worked as a cooling process. if you are a small business, i'm just thinking of potential injury situations if you have to convert and your workers are not used to having to cook on electric stoves. it is very different. i know at our home in arizona we were forced to have that. and it's very different, my a conversation with my daughters is very different we are cooking. right? it's not that you can't teach somebody but everything has an arc and a curve and you are talking about livelihood and raking in the money. being able to support your family on your small business
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and now you're throwing more challenges at them for science, science that does not exist on changing gas stoves. >> cheryl: it's about fossil fuels it has been from the beginning in berkeley the first city that forced this on small businesses and new buildings, although like half the power plants in new york for example are powered with natural gas. none of that makes any sense. could kathy hochul stop wearing that jersey? you will jinx them. give them a break. [laughter] >> harris : she better take that off because josh allen will cry. >> dagen: where a 49ers jersey. >> emily: more, stay wit r adh. '. before advil. advil, dual action bites, pain, two ways. advil targets pain at the source. acetaminophen blocks, pain signals,
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>> many of us are leaning on our faith in the power of prayer in fact today. our fox family is grieving.
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our senior vice president of news and politics allen died on friday. allen had been with fox news channel since it launched in 1996. it was his first job after college. and over the next four decades allen rose up through the ranks, but all along, all along the way he made a deep impact on all of us, his co-workers. from those of us in front of the camera to those find the scenes, so many of us counted him as a friend. most recently he oversaw the network's political coverage, including the midterm elections. he was a superstar at it. and while he did love his work, we all know he loved his family so much more. his wife rachel was his high school sweetheart. they will be married for more than 20 years and had two children. his son ben is 17, his daughter olivia is 13 now. it was alan's big dream for both
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of his children to go to college. a gofundme page has been set up for the family to help make that dream come true. as we remember our dearest friend and colleague alan, say a prayer with us to sustain his family. may he rest in peace. gone too soon at age 47. >> john: fox news alert, cartels and their deadly fentanyl pour across the border, a major trial now underway in brooklyn could blow the lid off the u.s. and mexico's war on drugs. u.s. prosecutors say mexico's former top cop was secretly taking briefcases filled with cash from the same drug cartel he had a reputation for fighting. allowing them to safely move their product into america. >> sandra: what other secret


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