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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 26, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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>> todd: a fox news alert, coroner's office revealing student madison brooks died from traumatic injuries after being hit by a car after a night out
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at a popular downtown bar. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> ashley: ashley. good samaritans rushed to help madison brooks. the lsu sophomore's official cause of death is multiple traumatic injuries, second to motor vehicle collision verse pedestrian. she was left incapacitated at the scene and died at the hospital. >> todd: allegedly raped before her attackers left her on the highway and she was struck by a car. madison brooks's friends creating a memorial along the highway where she was killed. one of those friends reflected on the impact she had on her life. >> she left me in this world
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with one thing, kindness and love is always the answer. i was going through the hardest times, i felt bullied and everything. she showed me love in a way nobody else could. >> ashley: her sorority releasing this statement, madison made a lasting impact on all of us and was a hero and donated her heart and kidney to save others. >> todd: the four suspects are 18-year-old casen carver and kaivon washington, along with his 28-year-old uncle, everett lee and 17 year old charged in connection with the sexual assault. the judge saying they cal usually laugh at brooks shortly before her death. judge myers said he personally viewed the footage taken inside the car that the alleged rape happened in. legal experts say the comments are inappropriate and could
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jeopardize the case. >> ashley: man charged with murder of microsoft executive henry tenon. he is charged with accessory after the fact to capital felony and child abuse. bri brigadon got outs hear kas to move a tire and was gunned down as his young daughter watched from her car seat. my gosh, police say the suspect did not act alone in the murder. "new york post" reveals henry tenon lived in a house once owned by brinigan's ex-wife and her husband. >> todd: release body cam footage from the night of the hammer attack on paul pelosi. this is different video, now,
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this is divine intervention. go to divine intervention one, if we can. a nun stopping two robbers trying to steal from her non-profit building. she was praying and says she heard loud banging outside and that is when she saw a ladder leading to the roof. you see her on the screen. she saw two thieves attempting to steal copper pipe. she gets that ladder down foiling the robber's plan. the robbers jumped down and escaping in opposite direct knowio. listen what she says was going through her mind. >> i looked up, he was on the roof. i said, he's got to come undo, but not on this ladder. by the grace of god, grabbed the ladder, threw it undo, looked up and the fellow jumped down, stood beside me and i said this is god's property, this is god's mission, how dare you do this. i pointed my finger and told
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him, get out and he ran away. the building that we're in is special. it's a dining room, it's a place of safety. people come together and enjoy the meal and just experiencing so much joy. why would someone want to hurt that mission? >> todd: if i learn one thing from ccd classes, never mess with a nun. sister mary says she is praying everyday for those two thugs. to this, judge ruling the san francisco police department must release body cam footage from the night of the hammer attack on paul pelosi. this is after news outlets petitioned the court saying the public has a right to see all proceedings. they will be mandated to release the footage and 911 call and parts of the interview with the suspect, david depape.
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he is facing battery, attempted murder and attempted kidnapping. >> ashley: update on the border crisis that should be headlines everywhere. the department of homelain security releasing 1100 migrants with known criminal records, just in december alone. >> todd: republicans sound the alarm over growing threat of mexican cartel comparing the murderous gangs to isis, we have the latest in a live report after this. ancestry made it really easy to learn about my family's history. finding military information, newspaper articles, how many people were living in the house and where it was, makes me curious and keeps pulling me in and the photos reminding me
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of what life must have been like for them. finding out new bits of information about the family has been a wonderful experience, it's an important part of understanding who we are. tony here from, helping people see the true cost of bad credit. what are you doing to improve your credit? should i be doing something? absolutely, unless you like paying thousands extra in high interest rates. did you know repairing your credit could save you
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>> todd: we're back with crisis at the southern border. video from rio grand valley sector showing border agents finding human smugglers after a high-speed chase. the suspects hid after ditching their vehicles, two human smugglers were arrested as a result, all five migrants are mexican natives who entered the u.s. illegally. this is jaw-dropping numbers from the department of homeland security. >> ashley: over 1100 migrants were released from detention facilities in december alone. brooke singman has the latest. >> brooke: that is right. take a look at the detailed breakdown of the release.
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according to ice, 515 had prior criminal convictions and 641 of them were facing active criminal charges. deportation officers were told to stop making arrests and clear space for the impact expected when title 42 was supposed to end. officials had to make room for the worst violators while simultaneously releasing criminals. ashley hinson says the real threat of the southern border is being overlooked. >> cut off the cartels from being able to function, they are criminal enterprise. more than 250,000 illegal immigrant encounters in december alone. since october, 38 people have been apprehended at the southern border, the threat is cartel and people who have made their way across the southern border. >> brooke: dan crenshaw is sounding the alarm cartels pose
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as big threat to the u.s. as isis. it is time we directly target them and ruling out putting them at war with cartel authorizing military force against them. we cannot allow cartels to import people and drugs into the united states and must start treating them like isis because that is who they are. chairman of the house judiciary committee jim jordan says he is ready to get to work and announces planning for a hearing on the biden border crisis, that is scheduled for next wednesday, the first since republicans took over the house majority. >> ashley: we'll bring in dan stein, thanks for getting up with us, we heard brooke's piece talking about dan crenshaw, comparing the cartel to isis. when is the biden administration going to start treating it as if
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it was isis, it is dire at the border. >> i've been studying this my whole of well, this is happening on purpose, the biden administration are co-conspirrators with the cartels, we have no interior enforcement, no law enforcement, criminal aliens are being released because there is no detention. they are paroling people under phony asylum claims and incentivizing cartels to keep smuggling people in. hobbs is operating to bring people in, send them all over the country. this is happening to expect the biden administration to change course when they want this to happen is ridiculous. the republicans in congress need to do more than hold hearings, more than oversight, they need to attappropriations and today
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mayorkas, you cannot finish business as usual, you are breaking the law, violating it and incentivizing hundreds of millions who want to come here in the future. >> ashley: the seven members who talked about this on tuesday, the seven gop members, they all spoke to the fact that drugs are being floated over the border like it is nothing. the d.e.a. seized 50 and a half million fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills and 10,000 pounds of fentanyl powder. it takes time to get those drugs in to the country and it will take time to get them out of the country. do you think it is too far gone or will a plan work to get the drugs under control? >> part of the problem is polarized system, republicans talking one language and democrats talking another democrats are invested to retain
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one party political control for 50 years and don't give a darn what is upon haing at the border or don't care about fentanyl deaths or illegal immigration, they are encouraging it and doing everything to promote it. how can you expect democrats to turn around and do something different? they are playing a long political game and so the american people need to understand our country is being destroyed by political system no longer responding to needs of the american people. >> ashley: democratic governor katie hobbs is defending decision to keep bussing migrants out of the state. she said we want to make sure we are addressing the issue and as i talked about many times in the campaign in way that was best use of taxpayer resources and something that wasn't a political stunt. what do you think of this? >> katie hobbs would not debate when running for governor,
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wouldn't have to definished a position, in her case, she is sending the people where they want to go. she is a travel agency, a partner with the smuggling operation to say where do you want to go? new york? no, chicago? great, we'll take you that. why is our tax money being used to smuggle illegal aliens. >> ashley: a travel agent, you are right. dan stein, thank you, we appreciate it. democrats adam schiff and swalwell say removal from the intel committee is act of political vengeance. >> todd: guess who else they are blame something >> this is effort by mccarthy to excite the right-wing base. >> we are concerned there is a sympahty for to do putin bidding instead of america's.
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>> todd: still writing that putin's bidding horse, aren't they? joe concha is here to make sense of it all. to where they're going. and at chevron, we're working to help reduce the carbon intensity of the fuels that keep things moving. today, we're producing renewable diesel that can be used in existing diesel tanks. and we're committed to increasing our renewable fuels production. because as we work toward a lower carbon future, it's only human to keep moving forward. the crisis inside ukraine has reached a catastrophic level with the elderly jews pushed to the very limit. go inside! she's freezing cold! there's no electricy no heat, no water. winter is now a weapon of war used against the elderly the mothers and the young children.
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they've been lined up here for hours. these are precious people who are hungry. they have nothing! if someone doesn't do something soon a humanitarian disaster is coming! so many jewish people who are just waiting. waiting for someone to care enough to pick up the phone. fears are growing that without an emergency full-scale response thousands will die this winter. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift now to help rush a winter survival box filled with food, medicines and other life-saving supplies for elderly jews and families in ukraine. they've felt the shaking of missiles. these are people who have already endured so much suffering and disaster. the fellowship has been here and across the former soviet union for decades. but the need has never been more urgent.
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taken out power. taken out water. simple water to drink. we're talking about the difference between life or death! christian; jew, standing shoulder to shoulder saying we're here to heal; we're here to help. your gift of only $45 helps rush a winter survival box filled with food medicines and other life-saving supplies. for elderly jews and families in ukraine to survive the winter. please call or go online right now.
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>> the wife of the exfbi agent arrested for allegedly colluding with a russian oligarch has something in common with hunter biden, their lacrosse-playing daughters. 29 e-mails were exchanged between the program in 2014. the post reporting pam said there is no comment and no connection, this before demanding the reporter put their camera away in a public space. swalwell booted from the intel committee and say kevin mccarthy move is act of political vengeance, here is why. >> this is effort by kevin
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mccarthy to insight right-wing base. >> they have spoken in favor of the russian side on intelligence committee where -- i don't know if these are people who are trustworthy with national security information, they could give that information to donald trump and god knows what else. >> we are concerned there is a sympathy for or desire to do putin's bidding, instead of america's. >> oh, boy, joe concha, fox news contributor joins us now. seems like putin and trump are their scapegoat no matter what. what do you think? >> joe: like a reflex, like a tick. this is what we continue to see. here is the bottom line, adam schiff and eric swalwell have no business being on intel committee based on their action and words. schiff has leaked to the press time and time and time again.
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he simply cannot be trusted and for years he insisted he had evidence of collusion between donald trump and the kremlin and he's never produced it when asked about it. there was this thing called the mueller report that exonerated the former president trump on that measure. media outlets continue to book schiff for interviews and treat his word as gospel instead of gossip. and eric swalwell, if you played what are first two words that come to mind when you hear eric swalwell, fangfang is the answer, the spy he had a relationship with. the removal of the two men is that consequence, todd. >> todd: analogy to what swalwell said blaming putin years after it was debunked and like saying the earth is flat, something that nobody would say
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is true at this point, but he is beating this horse and the people at msnbc are eating it up like it is the gospel. >> joe: yeah, that gets him back on msnbc or cnn, he ep coos making allegations and it stirs up the audience and there is no connection, it does have consequences, todd and ashley. look at the gallup poll from 2000en ska, two-thirds of democratic voters believe russia changed vote totals to help trump win. enough folks that watch the stations believe there is russian influence on our elections to the point vote totals are being changed and that is a big problem, that is election denial right there in its own right. >> ashley: switching gears, republicans are demanding information from hunter biden's art dealer, listen to this.
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>> we know that money was coming from adversaries in russia, ukraine and china to various accounts funding money for hunter biden in coin00 consulti capacity. they were not paying him money out of kindness of their heart, they were getting something in return. >> ashley: joe, what is your reaction? >> joe: sounds like burisma, the energy company hunter biden made boatloads of money despite not having any experience working in energy. the fact the president's son, who has less experience than my first grader with art when he does finger painting and you have hunter biden earning hundreds of thousands of dollars for his art and don't know who the buyers are, this warrants
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attention. richard painter, chief ethices lawyer for george w. bush said a foreign government could front someone to make this purchase or lobbyists could try to buy the art to win goodwill from the white house. we don't know the buyers, he could be compromised, as he could in china and ukraine and the president could be compromised, as well, this warrants attention. >> todd: finally, joe rogan calling out. >> you are not the propaganda department, you can't define things in a way to calm people down, that is not what your job is. >> that is -- >> you are acting as a propagandist, that is not mostly peaceful when a car is on fire. >> todd: saying the truth, joe. >> joe: yeah, and we saw that in
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atlanta recently, you had a guest on cnn presented as an independent journalist and he is an activist that works on behalf of antifa, if you look at his facebook page. he said it is not a violent protest if you set police cars onir foo -- fire and destroy buildings. joe rogan, as usual, is exactly right in this case. it is gaslighting and it is dangerous, because it seems to from outlets appear to say this is okay and it is not okay and we've been seeing it since december of 2020, fiery, but mostly peaceful protest is not a good headline. >> ashley: it is not, joe, good to see you, we'll have to let you go with that, have a good day. >> joe: absolutely, see you
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tomorrow. >> ashley: more than a dozen missile attacks rocking ukraine in the last few hours, >> todd: the u.s. commits tanks to aid the country. north dakota congressmanacly armstrong will talk about america's involvement in the conflict. bout america's involve the conflict. merica's involveme conflict. rmstrong will talk abo america's involvement in the conflict.
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(birds chirping) well this isn't gonna work. try this. (celebratory choir sings) this... will work. scooore! pick up score! at walmart. >> todd: right now ukrainians are hiding underground in kyiv as russia launches a wave of
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missile attacks, after the white house agreed to send tanks to ukraine going back on previous vow not to. here with us is congressmanacly armstrong. thank you so much for being here, is this move in the best interest of the u.s. and our taxpayers? >> well, once we've committed the money, i think it is the best move to help shorten this conflict and if we're all in, which i believe we should be, we better help them win as quick as possible. it is helping spur our european allies, we will send some leopard tanks. if we're in it, be all in it. we have to have a conversation about transparency and how the money is being spent. >> todd: john kirby took to the podium yesterday and had this to say about tank inventory. listen. >> the pentagon assesses, they
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don't have excess in their inventory, they are all gainfully employed for our own national security defense. >> todd: that said, here are weapons we have sent to ukraine and how long it will take to rebuild our stockpile. we've given a million 155 millimeter shells, that will take five years to replenish, javelins, five years to restock, 1600 stinger missiles, 18 years to replenish. are you worried that all of these moves in the aggregate are going to compromise american battle readiness? >> i think so, i mean, we are 31 and a half trillion in debt and none of this stuff is cheap. this is one reason i'm so happy we're in charge and going through regular order. there are a lot of positive benefits to taking vladamir putin off the board without a u.s. soldier getting shot at. what the american people don't like, this is put into omnibus
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package at midnight and voted on at noon the next day. a lot of reasons why we should debate our involvement and track the money, not the least of which how to backfill our supply to make sure our u.s. borders are protected and u.s. military maintain position as best fighting force in the history of the world. >> todd: we have a defense budget, i will not get into the specifics, it is filled with woke priorities that are not helping our military readiness in any way, shape or form. it you got rid of that stuff, we'd feel better about our operational readiness. >> i think recruiting would be better. >> todd: 100%. get your thoughts, you have been appointed by kevin mccarthy to be part of new subcommittee overseeing weaponization of the federal government. what is going to be your focus,
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congressman? >> my focus is always going to be protecting american civil liberties, even before the news we know about how the justice department treats democrats differently than republicans, president trump different from president biden, we know the relationship between big tech and big government is increasingly dangerous to privacy protection. doj and dhs are collecting data on u.s. citizens constantly without the benefit of a search warrant and that is something we have to address as we move forward. the government should work for us, not against us and far too often that is not the case and this is in my opinion long overdue and i'm excited to be part of it. >> todd: democrats don't like this idea, that speaks volumes as to what a good idea it is, weaponization seem to benefit democrats and never republicans. congressman armstrong, great to have you on the program. >> ashley: fox weather
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meteorologist amy freeze is here with the fox weather forecast, what do you have this morning? >> 10 days ago, we had lowest snow cover across america that we've had in a decade, it is changing this morning. 81 million americans are under winter storm alerts. yesterday maine, turning out half foot, new york and west virginia getting decent snow in the latest storm. it will exit to the east and looking at another storm racing down from canada. alberta clipper, fast-moving storm on the heels of this, which is exiting. by the way, new york rein mas snowless, big apple two days away from setting a record from the latest snow date in history for winter season. these are alerts that remain for the storm exiting to the east. the clipper will bring light snow.
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we could make up deficits in syracuse, they are three feet behind the seasonal average. they are typically the snow capital of america. they have had little this season. looks like just off lake eerie, and ohio, good dose of snow, everybody else couple inches. great lakes are delivering best snow for western pennsylvania and portions of new york and ohio. this is low pressure system, watch how it races across duluth, messy in minneapolis, fresh dose of snow will make things tricky to travel and watch, syracuse still waiting for snow on this side of the clipper. they hardly get anything. all in all, it your honor its out to be a messy couple days for northern plains and northeast. we get cold blast for the weekend, this art tick air will be colder than we've seen all of january, hasn't been this cold
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since january. >> ashley: around christmas, five degrees. amy, thank you. more fall out over president biden classified documents scandal, but no transparency. >> every member of the committee regardless of democrat or republican were unanimous in that this position that we're left in limbo -- >> todd: former president trump, did you hear this? given the green light to return to facebook and instagram. we'll tell you the response, his response to the social media giant. cheryl casone is next.
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i screwed up. mhm. i got us t-mobile home internet. now cell phone users have priority over us. and your marriage survived that? you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. oh i can't hear you... you're froze-- ladies, please! you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. i was trying to work. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl! woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles. that's why i do what i do. that and the paycheck.
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>> todd: we're back with the latest on joe biden's classified documents scandal. we have rare bipartisan agreement on capitol hill, democrats and republicans accusing biden administration of
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st stonewalling during this scandal. >> i will take every step i can on every committee i serve to impose consequences on the administration until they provide these documents for the congress to make our own informed judgement about the risk of national security. >> every member of the committee, regardless of democrat or republican, were unanimous in that this position that we're left in lim bo until somehow a special counsel designates it is okay to get briefed, it will not stand. >> todd: that comes as top white house officials deflect on questions relating to security. >> usually what happens to someone in the chain of command if they do leave with a piece of classified material that they are not supposed to have or is not secured?
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>> i think if you do it inadvertently or do it and you don't have it secured in a locked bag, you self-report, which is exactly what the president did. self-reported. >> todd: despite senators have be top secret clearance, director of national intelligence says he is concerned about leaks, but hearing yesterday did not go well for dni, both parties not happy. >> ashley: and president biden heading to springfield, virginia today. >> todd: to divert information from the economy. cheryl casone has details. >> cheryl: old strategy that is good, put your attention over here, never mind what is happening over here and attack someone. he will attack republicans today over the economy, which will be interesting. he will go after virginia later today. we have a sense of what he's
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going to see from fox business and with regard to the economy, he will say biggest threat to progress is maga economic plan that will raise taxes on working families and he will point out there is 30% national sales tax, which has been brought up by some republicans, not majority, make gas prices more expensive, pull from the sbr, and cut social security and medicare. there has been some discussion about raising the age of medicare to 67 and social security benefits, you take at 70, these are not widescale proposals. karine jean-pierre did give us preview what is to come from president biden speech today, listen how she characterizes this. >> he's going to call out republicans, in particular, in the house, who are saying they want to cut social security and said clearly they want to cut medicare and cut medicaid or
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defense spending. >> cheryl: look, some republicans are putting this idea forward, kevin mccarthy will bring some things to the floor to be determined. inflation has been soaring under this president, 6.6% or 6.5%, sure, we have gotten better, but 6.5% inflation rate is not a good number. eggs and bread and things americans are paying for. >> todd: fiscally dementing gop, just ask yourself, who would you rather have in charge of your wallet and our nation's wallet, if it is democrats, live with that, that is an odd choice. >> cheryl: they are a little unfair and will be twisting, that is my opinion. >> ashley: cheryl, not to get too far off topic, we will switch topics. one thing i did not see coming, this one about the doctors and
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wanting to stop covid mandate. what is going on? >> cheryl: it comes down to they want more freedom to say maybe there are different treatment plans near some people, maybe some people can't take the vaccine, maybe for others, it is. get back to the doctor-patient relationship on an organic level, not have the government tell us what you can and cannot recommend for treatment for covid. here is the letter from doctors, during the last threer yoos, we experienced interference with the doctor-patient relationship by the government. you spoke with dr. michael mccain and dr. marilyn. >> doctors cannot even speak freely regarding their opinions about vaccines or medications, they must tell the government narrative. >> when biden expands this
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covid-19 emergency, he can authorize and do things he doesn't need approval from anybody. >> cheryl: this is we know covid is endemic, not pandemic. >> todd: get back to the practice of medicine. >> cheryl: get government out. >> todd: he's back. >> cheryl: he'll be back in the coming weeks, maybe guard rails in place for former president trump. he is finally going to get back on faceback and instagram and he issued statement after learning the news, here is what mr. trump said facebook will reinstate my account, such a thing should never happen to a sitting president. we did hear from nick president of global affairs. take a listen. >> end of the day, we believe the american people should hear from including on our absent
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services for those who want to lead them. he is former president of this country, vying to be a candidate for next presidential election. it is right to let the two-year suspension expire, it is up to his team, he is now free to use facebook and instagram. >> cheryl: former president trump was suspended? know judge of 2021, the day after the assault on the capitol. >> todd: it will get fun. thank you. apparently college math is a white sys heter patriarchial space. did you know that? did you know that was a word? jimmy failla is on deck next to tell us about it. >> ashley: check in with brian kilmeade, what is coming up on "fox and friends"? >> brian: hi, guys, president joe biden set to ifr dollar remarks on economic progress, major companies are laying off
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workers left and right and what he'll do, he'll attack republicans, what can he tout, if that is a verb? wait until you see how tech workers are spending their time and joe rogan slamming mainstream media for violent antifa riots and governor kim reynolds leading the effort to have school choice across the country and jd vance, is setting in on the hill and pete hegseth could grow a beard, he chooses not to, why? we'll discuss that and deals you can't pass up and people will ask you to buy it for them. don't miss a minute of "fox and friends," while you are watching, gradually get dressed. you should let your clothes off the night before. hey, man. nice pace! clearly, you're a safe driver. you could save hundreds for safe driving
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from force factor, the #1 beets brand in america! >> todd: a new transportation plan in sandy ago go county
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looking to price drivers out of their cars and looking to take mass public transit propose 'ed new plan three half cent 300 miles to toll lanes tax for every mile they drive and juice all that tax money to fund the city's $165 billion public mass transit projects. >> ashley: jimmy failla is the host of fox across america and fox nation. he is joining us at the desk. california, the state is actually going to ban the new sale of gas cars by 2035. >> i saw that. >> ashley: now they want to tax you for every mile you drive. why such the push? glad i don't live in san diego. >> whoever is o pushing this stf must own stock in u-haul. so many u halls leaving the staff. no one wants to live that way. impressive what they're doing with this structure the guy it
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hurts the most the low income owner. single mom. check to check. disproportionately his income gets hit the highest when you jack up the commuting. the problem with mass transit no one takes it already. less than 3% of the population takes mass transit. no one wants to get on the train at 5:00 in the morning with some pantless time traveler arguing with a sandwich. that's not how you start your day. do you know whether a i'm saying? >> todd: so funny you say it. when i lived in l.a. i worked downtown we did take the subway. langers express. only time people took the get a pastrami sandwich business casual go for lunch and come back. >> both of those activities involve risking your life and well-being the pastrami and subway ride ever taken the barton it's where seal team 6. it's bad. the problem is again they always jam this stuff through not on
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the back of public sentiment. no one caress about climate change they want to pay more to commute. that's the racket. think about the last climate bill we passed it was called the inflation reduction act. because no one cared about climate change to pass a bill that way. if i gave away a bill free beer and pizza. it would be called free beer and pizza. i wouldn't have to lie about it. that's the hook. >> todd: brace yourself, a vanderbilt professor now says college math education has become a, quote: white cisheteropatriarchy space, okay? here we go. i don't have a question here. i just want to read the topic title the -- literally focus on coping strategies here we go among queer and transgender students of color 1/2 imaght white cisheteropatriarchy in stem for protecting their academic success and
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intersectional identity. what did i just read? >> i have no idea what you just said. >> we need to let our viewers pause to google 90% of those words. whatever ever happened? never play scrabble with that guy. i don't know five of those words. anyone who tells you math a white guy thing has never seen my report cards. i wasn't crushing the field in math all of this like labeling and terming and gendering obviously we respect these people their right to exist. my neighbor is a latino gay man. do you know what he wants to be called? michael because his name is michael. he doesn't need all of these labels. all these labels try to sell us grievance so they can piggy back off the grievance. i can't recite that statement i promise you at the end of the lecture when we were done googling. these people are oppressed give me something on their behalf. it's always the grift.
2:59 am
>> ashley: why is it always math? this is the second or third time this has come up. in california last year they were saying that math has become racist. why math? why numbers? >> this is the thing. maybe it's easy to get over on the math people. i don't have an answer here. i really don't. >> ashley: i'm not a math girl. >> low exception. math is unfair to these people calling them dumb. that's what you are doing. you can't expect them to keep up with the rest of us in a cisheteropatriarchy non-gender train leave chicago at the same time a car drives out of filly. what just happened, piro. >> todd: can i give it another. >> under graduate mathematics education white cisheteropatriarchy space and opportunities for structural disruption to advance queer of color justice. >> that's just what a white cisheteropatriarchy denier would say.
3:00 am
>> ashley: the wheels fell off this segment. >> were they ever on. now we have to take mass transit full circle. >> todd: from a cab driver no less. jimmy, great stuff. >> ashley: thanks, jimmy. >> todd: thank you, thank you. "fox & friends" big show three hours begins in 3, 2, 1. have a great thursday. [laughter] ♪ left in limo, outrage on can capitol hill over free think. >> the administration is stonewalling. >> shot close range. >> opening statements in the trial of alex murtaugh. >> what have you heard as fact are not. >> murtaugh crying in court as they described the legal scene to his wife maggie and son paul. >> this is about freedom. >> policy reversal regarding ukraine. >> the u.s. is sending 31 abrams tank equivalent of one ukrainian


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