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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 26, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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now, i'm going to give you a grade. >> hannity: oh, boy. >> i was going to give you an a minus, sir, but, you know what? did you not interrupt me and you did not interrupt any of your guests hoot. who let me make a pledge to you, i'm out of time. i'm working on it. i promise you, and i'll work harder. let not your heart be troubled, laura is next. >> i'm jason cha -- in for laura ingraham. last month the angle reported on a twitter files dump from our next guest. in it he exposed the deep connection between the federal bureau of investigation and twitter including how adamant james baker, then general counsel for the social media giant was about the hunter biden story being in violation of
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twitter policies but there was one section that didn't receive as much attention as the rest including details about how media organizations and big tech, including former employees of the department of justice, agreed to working in concert to protect joe biden against damaging stories. this all happened at the aspen institute in august 2020. labeled a table top exercise on combating disinformation. it morphed into smothering a perfectly legitimate story. due to new emails given to us by shellenberger -- once we started pulling the thread of which journalists and social media employees were involved we found other past associations that should raise eyebrows. first is nathaniel -- current head of cybersecurity policy at
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facebook. formerly of the department of justice, and these two, grotto and jeannine -- both from stanford, and the latter, a former bureau chief at the "washington post." now, stanford's connection is important because it was that you are playbook that this harem of journalists would operate from. the university's cybercenter published a 10-point "newsroom playbook for propaganda reporting." the irony being that their guidelines would result in said propaganda, the most interesting of these steps is number 10 which says networks must hire reporters assigned to cover the disinformation or a propaganda beat. as viewers of this channel know full well, these "media disinformation reporters" have become the foremost purveyorers of slanderous propaganda themselves. >> the hunter biden laptop, apparently that's still very
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much under active investigation, whether it's part of a foreign disinformation plot. >> the u.s. authorities are seeing if those emails we just talked about are connected to an ongoing russian disinformation effort. >> it's so obviously a russian operation. >> they are saying, you know, this is -- in reality, a bunch of intelligence officials pointing at russian disinformation. >> all reading from the same playbook. again, these are supposed competitors agreeing that getting joe biden elected was more important than their stated mission as journalists or operators of a social media platform. joining me now is michael shellenberger, co-founder of -- public, a sub stat publication. your information on twitter files is a really most interesting read. i'm actually stunned that you had current and former employees of places like npr, the
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"washington post", the "new york times", twitter, facebook, the department of justice, all getting together to actually role play this back in august of 2020. as you came across this, what did you think when you started reading what was actually going on? >> well, it really raised alarms. i mean, this is a very suspicious set of behaviors. it's important to keep in mind, f.b.i. had hunter biden's laptop in december 2019. they knew it was his. they knew it was not russian disinformation. we then saw f.b.i. warning both facebook and twitter directly to be prepared for a russian hacking leak operation relating to hunter biden in a kind of pre-debunking or debunking of hunter biden's laptop when fwubdz. we also know that giuliani was
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under surveillance by the f.b.i. you have two things going on at the same time. the f.b.i. knew it was -- you had the f.b.i. suggesting very strongly to twitter and facebook that there would be a hack and leak relating to hunter biden that would be russian disinformation. as you showed in the clips the disinformation was then spread by major news media outlets suggesting very strongly that the hunter biden laptop was a product of russian disinformation when the f.b.i. knew fully well it wasn't. in fact, any reporter who had spent any time with the hunter biden laptop also would have known. so i don't have exact proof that this was an organized effort. it's up to congressional investigators to get to the bottom of this, but it's an extremely suspicious pattern of behavior, and i should adhere, i'm a political independent. my family is mostly democrats. everybody that i knew at that time believed that the hunter biden laptop was a product of
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russian disinformation. the disinformation campaign, in other words, worked, in convincing people that it was not something to be taken seriously. >> and the idea that these news organizations got together with the social media companies and actually role played it. they projected what was going to happen. it was going to come out on fox and friends. the president would do this. the attorney general would do that. as twitter showed, they were actually pretty accurate in what they did because they practiced for it and that's what's absolutely stunning. we have just a moment left here but michael, there is now going to be a select committee that will look into the weaponization of the federal government to find out answers. what are the questions that you think they should answer? >> well, at the top of the list has to be what was going on at the f.b.i. and with some retired f.b.i. officials who went to work at twitter and facebook? we've got to get to the bottom of this. everybody should want a law enforcement organization at the top of our country, the f.b.i. to be politically neutral.
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we also need transparency. from now on, from the social media platforms, both twitter and facebook, to reveal what kind of pressure and communications they are getting from the u.s. government. i think one of the most stunning things that we discovered, attorneys general, i should say, discovered it and we published it, was that facebook under white house pressure censored accurate information on covid, fearing that the accurate information might lead people not to get vaccinated. totally unacceptable. maybe a first amendment violation, has to be looked into. i think there are other things that need to be looked at but i would say those are at the top. what was going on at the f.b.i. what kind of pressure were they under? and we need transparency on the social platforms. >> i hop you get to the root of what was going on. thank you for joining us. the nexus between the department of justice, big tech, and the media as we just laid out, gets to the heart of why house republicans are using their house majority for good.
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by establishing a select committee on the weaponization of the federal government that we just mentioned. they can assure the american people know their government is working for them. not in order to create a narrative that keeps them in the dark. but to expose the truth. joining me now are three members of the just named -- that were just named to that committee. wyoming congresswoman harriet haggerman, louisiana congressman mike johnson and north carolina congressman dan bishop, thank you for joining us. you're going to be on this committee. it's probably the best opportunity this country has had to get to the root of how the federal government has been weaponized to do things in a political way. i've got just time for one question to each of you. i want to know what you want to accomplish on that committee, what kind of questions what kind of probes can that committee go after, and we'll start burke congressman bishop. >> jason, thank you for having us. i do agree with, one of the questions suggested by michael
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shullenberger. it's bad enough what facebook and twitter did with respect to the hunt biden laptop. it's bad that all the media organizations seem to be involved but what in the world was the f.b.i. thinking? and so we've got a lot more to do but that's a great place to start. >> yes. it's stunning to me that they projected that hunter biden information would come out. they had the laptop. and then guess what? all the media that they invited, i shouldn't say they invited but that was part of that group, just got in line and squashed that story to get through an election. congressman haggerman, what would you like to see happen? >> well, sunshine is the best disinfectant. we have to get to the bottom of what was going on with these agencies, with the f.b.i., and with the conspiracy that's very clearly, very clearly took place between these agencies and the media companies.
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we have to know what happened here, and i think that this committee is going to get to the bottom of this. this was clearly a palace coup. we need to have the people answer for the decisions that they made. we all know what happened here and it was to cover up what hunter biden and joe biden were doing so that they could get joe biden elected. this is absolutely a trav jess city in terms of our elections and we need to get to the bottom of it. >> congressman johnson it goes above and beyond what they did to try to get biden elected. there were domestic terrorism issues. trying to go after the moms who were showing up at school board meetings. what other things do you want to see this committee get after? >> we now now before the election and certainly since, for the last two years, since biden took office, they have used the very agencies, federal
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agencies, that were designed to serve and keep the american people safe against them. they have turned them against them. using counterterrorism resources against parents who concerned about their school curriculum, imposing vaccine mandates. raiding the homes of their political opponents. the list goes on and on. our greatest challenge, there are so many things we should be looking into, we only have so much time on the clock. that will be our challenge to prioritize these and get the answers to the american people that are long overdue. >> the inspector general, at the department of justice, has issued more than a thousand pages talking about the politicalization of the federal bureau of investigation among others but there are other agencies involved as well. you'll have a big budget and a big opportunity to move forward. i thank you all for joining us tonight on "the ingraham angle." stay with us, in moments, garland and ray, well, they dodged any questions related to
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the classified documents scandal. oversight chairman james comer has reaction plus exclusive emails reveal senator elizabeth warren's team coached the security and exchange commission chairman on questions ahead of the hearing. we'll reveal them next. stay there.
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>> jason: with classified documents popping up in offices all across the country the national archives is now asking former presidents and vice presidents to recheck their personal records to see if maybe some of those pesky documents somehow made it into their possession. at the same time, in a move they probably regret, attorney general garland and f.b.i. director christopher wray decided to hold a press conference on an unrelated matter and avoided talking about this at every time. >> is the justice department urging other former white house officials or high ranking intelligence officials to go back protect actively to review their own files just out of precaution to see if they may accidentally have retained any material? >> i'm not going to be able to talk about the latter question. >> are you concerned that the system for accounting for
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classified information in the executive branch may be broken? >> obviously i can't comment on any specific investigation. >> jason: they sure could have if they wanted to. joining me now is congressman james comer, chairman of the house oversight committee. congressman, chairman, i should say, today you received confirmation that the national archives general counsel will come in for an interview with your committee and this won't be an easy interview, i suspect. what do you expect to learn from this? what are you trying to get at with the general counsel from the national archives? >> we want to know all the questions that every american wants to know. we want to know what type of documents we're talking about that have been mishandled. we want to know why was president trump treated so much differently than president biden. we want to know what the exact process is supposed to be once documents are packed up and loaded on a truck when they leave the office of the president and vice president and
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follow them into the private sector, and we want to know why they haven't been transparent about this. in the first instance when the documents were found at the first place, at the biden center, those documents were reported on november 2, but we didn't learn about it for more than 60 days later, and only then we learned about it through a leak to cbs news. so we have a lot of questions for the national archives and they are finally going to be given an opportunity in a transcribed interview to give us some answers. >> jason: what i don't understand is the department of justice, when it was donald trump they spread him out for a photo opportunity to make it look like, look at all these classified documents, and then when it's joe biden or somebody else, even vice president pence, they don't do anything about it, and it's just stunning to me that you had the senate intelligence committee, and i presume the house intel committee not even able to review the contents, in camera review is the term we use in congress, right? where you can go in and review
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the documents. how is it that you can handle the idea that congress cannot even review the documents that were found with president biden and others? >> this is the entire problem we have in congress right now. we have a federal government filled with bureaucrats that have exceeded every level of priority that they were given. they are acting on their own. they are disregarding every order from congress. they are disregarding the law. this is what a lot of us would call the deep state. it's out of control. it was out of control before joe biden became president. but joe biden has enabled this group of bureaucrats, and they are just completely disregarding the law. they are disregarding the constitution, and every american, whether you're liberal or conservative should be concerned about this. >> jason: look, if the president wants to all he has to do is pick up the phone or sign with the struck of a pen, will you
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threat members of the intel committees review this document? there is not a single document that the gang of eight or the senate and house intel committee cannot review. they get to review what the president gets to review. why they are holding it back, and you even have chairman senator warren, you know, from virginia saying, hey, how come we can't look at these documents? you know it's bad when he thinks it's bad. >> it's terrible. think about this. a bureaucrat is telling the chairman of the intelligence committee in both the house and the senate of different parties, you don't need to know what this is, we'll take care of it. that's wrong. and we have to do something in congress. it's unfortunate that the senate passed this omnibus spending bill because the power of the purse is the only way we're going to be able to rein in this federal government that's out of control right now. >> jason: appreciate you joining us tonight.
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a bombshell report about how elizabeth warren, senator elizabeth warren, and her office coordinated testimony with the security and exchange commission ahead of a senate hearing. the heritage foundation oversight project of which i'm associated, through a request, obtained emails from warren's office to the office of chairman gary ginsler two days before his testimony in 2021. the email from warren's economic policy adviser includes a list of questions that senator warren planned to ask. along with suggested answers for the chairman of the sec. the adviser also wrote, "let me know if you're okay with the questions as currently written." two days later she sent a follow up. "let me know if it's looking like the chair has any issue with the framing of the questions."
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definitely don't want to put him in a tough spot, end quote, and it appears the chairman didn't have any wish these questions because senator warren asked almost verbatim from the email, check this out. >> chair, advocates say crypto markets are all about financial inclusion but the people who are most economically vulnerable are the ones who are most likely to have to withdraw their money the fastest when the market drops. does this sounds like the path to financial inclusion to you? >> jason: joining me now is mike davis, president of the article 3 project. mike, i know you've got some background working in the united states senate and the staff there. i served in congress for 8 1/2 years. i have never, ever heard of somebody prepping the witness with the questions with the suggested answers, especially from somebody like senator warren who proposes and tells the people, i'm going to fight wall street. i'm going to go after the sec.
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i'll going to hold their feet to the fire. meanwhile, she's playing footsies with them suggesting here's the questions, are you okay with them? i have never heard of that. have you? >> i have not, jayson, and you were the chairman of the house oversight committee. i was one with of the staff leaders on the senate judiciary committee for then chairman chuck grassley. i helped grassley with 30 senate hearings on the judiciary committee, and that was during the trump years. we didn't even do this during the trump years. this is supposed to be an oversight hearing and they are supposed to have aggressive oversight, not this coordination with this independent agency, the sec, that they are given questions to the chairman and asking if it was okay if senator warren asked these questions. is it a surprise to anyone that elizabeth warren is pretending to be someone who she's not? >> jason: right. look, we preached out to senator warren, gave her hours and hours and hours to review this and get back to us, they totally ignored our questions, and instead sent
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us what read like a boiler plate, she's a warrior against the wall street -- it's absolutely embarrassing they would come back, you look at what she says publicly what she puts out on twitter, i'm working hard to fight against crypto currencies. i'm working hard to hold their feet to the fire but this email demonstrates they were doing exactly the opposite. almost asking permission, if it's okay if we ask these questions and you might want to answer it this way. >> didn't gary come from goldman sachs. >> i want to switch topics. tomorrow we expect footage to be released in the attack on paul pelosi, inside their san francisco home. but why such a delay?
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this happened a while ago. this has been a real fight to get -- get this body camera footage out the door. >> yes, this is horrific what happened to speaker pelosi and her husband, and, you know, it's awful what's happened to him but if it is routine for these body cam videos to come out to the american people, if it's routine to produce them in response to media requests, you have to ask why are they playing it here? why are they dragging their feet? why do we have special treatment for the pelosis? what are we trying to hide here? >> jason: i think that's the core of the question. why this special treatment. i think we all know why the special treatment. mike, thank you so much for joining us tonight. new data shows that covid deaths were massively overcounted, plus new evidence that the national institutes of health didn't provide any oversight in the funding that ended up going to the wuhan lab. the maddening details in moments. stay with us. [ marcia ] my dental health was not good.
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>> jason: you might remember that back in september, president joe biden declared on 60 minutes that covid was over. the actions from his administration, well, they would suggest different. two nights ago the white house held a reception for freshmen members of congress. but there was one caveat. members were required to produce a negative covid test 24 hours in advance or present proof of a current vaccination status. if not, they would be required to mask up and socially distance. so you could be forgiven if you believe the white house doesn't want this pandemic to end. but a recent time piece explains why they should. "the former milwaukee county chief medical examiner conducted a careful review of some 4,000 covid-19 deaths reported during the pandemic there. his research revealed that nearly half had no link to
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covid, an analyst of l.a. county and national data collected during the omicron variants suggest that they are being overcounted fourfold. joining us is a doctor who is a board certified doctor and a fox news contributor. doctor, thank you for joining us. you just came off your shift. >> i did. >> you put on this nice jacket for us but right underneath it i can see, you just literally came. >> yes. >> jason: what are you seeing with cases, you've treated people by the thousands? >> today i saw about 40 patients. only three of them tested positive. i can tell you first hand we're no longer in a public health emergency crisis, at least right here, right now, in new york, and really for most of the country. now, if you're a high-risk person, if you're a senior citizen, have heart disease, obesity or diabetes or a weak immune system then you're at
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higher risk. take precautions to protect yourself but for the rest of us it's what we call endemic. we have the tools to treat this disease. we have the antivirals, the paxlovid. we have remdesivir. in milwaukee, 4,000 covid deaths supposedly but only half of them were truly deaths by covid. the rest of them were overcounted, and this is really a serious problem. we need accurate data reporting in order to have the implementation of good policy and protocol. >> jason: that's the concern here. this week at the white house briefing, the press secretary, look at what she said about covid. >> covid isn't over. we've been very clear about that. hundreds of americans are dying every day and cases are increasing today. that's why we take common sense measures like covid testing
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ahead of large indoor gatherings at the white house. >> jason: i mean, it's just never ending fear mongering. what's your reaction to what the press secretary said? >> yes, covid is still here but it's nothing like when we first had the beginning of the pandemic three years ago. three patients of mine tested positive for covid today. only three. that's a very low number. the mortality rate for covid right now is extremely low. less than 1%, and i can tell you first hand, jason, that we're no longer in a pandemic or in an emergency situation and i see that every single day with my patients. this is fear mongering. why are we doing this? why are we giving out these false numbers and information? what is the purpose? we need good data, good accuracy, when it comes to this information so we don't have unnecessary masking and unnecessary testing and pushing boosters on unnecessary individuals like 6-month-old babies. that's not the right way or the right approach. even, for example, in denmark,
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they just conducted an investigation that found up to 75% of their covid deaths were truly not that number but actually 75% less and we're seeing that throughout the country. i think we're at a point that we've made so much progress throughout the past three years it's a matter of just knowing your risk and taking the steps to protect yourself. >> jason: i feel for all of those families who didn't get to see their loved ones, and it could have been cancer. it could have been something else, and yet we were told, you know, don't go see them. don't even go to their funerals for goodness sake and they missed the mark by half. it's disgusting. thank you for your great work and for joining us on "the ingraham angle." we appreciate it. over the course of eight years, the nonprofit group eco-health alliance run by peter dazik received $8 million on research
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on bats in china. the institute at the center of the lab leak theory. while "the ingraham angle" was demanding answers on the lab leak theory in 2020, we were labelled conspiracy thereists and as recently as november this past year dr. fauci was still dismissing it as improbable. >> it's possible that there is a lab leak but if you look at the viruses that the nih funded, and it was a very small grant, $120, $130,000 per year, of granting to study bat viruses in a surveillance way, to see what's out there, if you look at those viruses, and you look at what was done with the viruses, it would be essentially molecular impossible for those viruses to
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turn into sars covid 2. when you talk about a leak maybe there is a lab leak but it's not the viruses that the nih was funding. that's almost certainly the case. >> jason: dr. fauci, how do you actually know that? the health and human services, they have an inspector general. they just issued a report revealing that the agency didn't do the basic oversight of eco-health alliance before handing over millions of dollars of research. joining us now is gordon chang, keystone institute, senior fellow, and author -- just an absolute wonderful book, "the great u.s.-china tech war," really an expert on china. this is, i mean, to have the inspector general is a whole other level to come back again and say essentially, you know what? you didn't know what you were doing. you handed this money over. you weren't paying attention to it and you did go out and fund this. kind of like, you know, what our
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good senator, rand paul was saying, he was more right thank wrong. >> when you put this into context, jason, this is worse than it appears from the inspector general's report. you've got to remember, 2014, the obama administration puts a mother torium on federal funding of gain -- moratorium funding on gain of function research. what did he do, he funded a chinese biological research lab to do this research. you would think there would be oversight but remember the state department in 2018 did a survey of that you would -- the institute was not adhering to basic safety protocols. j . >> jason: when you have somebody to get so comfortable, they aren't used to the oversight, lord fauci, we're not going to
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touch what you're talking about, but how did the chinese approach this? when they see this kind of stuff they exploit it for their own good. how do you think the chinese react to this? >> they are just laughing at us. all of these revelations because they know that in that lab, they were doing gain of function research. there were two published papers from 2016 and 2017 by researchers at the wuhan institute. one of those papers co-authorized by peter that discuss gain of function and specifically, both pairs, acknowledge funding from dr. fauci's national institute of allergy and infectious diseases, and then he has the temerity to go before the senate in 2021, we didn't gain function at the wuhan institute. >> the "new york times" is reporting that china is waging a campaign of intimidation against people who joined the protest against zero covid, which were the boldest challenge to the
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communist party's rule in a very long time. and an embarrassing affront to its leader xi. will this change anything? >> the communist party is going to coerce protestors but right now in china people are really, really angry, and it's not just the zero covid rules that were lifted in december. it's the way the party has been handling things. it's the economic downturn, because the economy in reality is contracting. the plunge in property prices, that's the reason why you had those spontaneous protests at the end of november. there was no organization, no leadership, no coordination, but they broke out across the country because people were thinking the same way. so they reacted the same way when they heard the news of that fire on november 24. >> jason: thank you so much for joining us on "the ingraham angle." we really do appreciate it. all right. the worst media offenders of the week, "the ingraham angle" has got its eyes on you. governor mike huckabee and davis bring you the tape you don't want to miss, stay with us.
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>> jason: it's easy to become numb to media bias these days so "the ingraham angle" is keeping
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track of the worst offenders of the week. joining me now is governor huckabee, mike huckabee, the former arkansas governor, and the author of "drawing lines, why conservatives must begin to battle fiercely in the arena of ideas" and the host of a podcast. let's begin with don lemon, the gift that keeps on giving, made this claim about a new florida law that curricula be vetted beforehand to keep out porn and other lessons that aren't soughtable for children. how dare go desantis do that. watch this. >> it feels like the 1950's all cover again with book banning. this is cancel culture from people who are, i guess they just want our kids to be ignorant and control the teachers. it is -- this is outrageous. i really don't even know how to explain what's going on here.
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it's ridiculous. >> jason: all right, governor. you've been a governor. governor desantis did that, and you just heard don lemon. what's your reaction? >> first of all if you're going to do the worst media segment you need a two-hour special. you can never cover it in a couple of minutes but what makes this so ridiculous on his part is that he misses the whole point. governor desantis is not banning books of every kind. he's simply saying that some material is appropriate for mature teenagers and adults and some things are not appropriate at all for children ages six and seven. and if he doesn't know that then he needs to take that wool cap he was wearing, pull it down further over his eyes, nose, and his mouth and shut the heck up because he needs to understand that parents who are trying to raise children don't want them to be exposed to things that are just absolutely obscene and pornographic. >> jason: i think exposed is probably the right word there, governor. what's your take on it? >> i mean, i think it's
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hilarious that democrats like don are always obsessed with the 1950s and the jim crow era. it's like that's you guys. that's your fault. they can't let it go, but you guys did that, and second of all, the idea that we wouldn't want to vet what's in the classroom -- >> exactly. >> the exact argument that he's making that we shouldn't be looking at the books that are in the classroom. it's not a book banning law. it's a law that says we need to vet every book in the classroom. to my mind don has to explain why we don't need to vet every single book in a child's classroom. >> jason: you're exactly right. let's move on to number two and go to msnbc, and how they reacted to donald trump being reinstated to facebook. have a look. >> as though you can satisfy that part of the country or the electorate, i think that's a fool's error as well but john has made a good point which is that you don't want to -- whether you're a company or an institution, you don't want to
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hand over the keys to democracy to have someone destroy that democracy. >> jason: wow, being on facebook is going to destroy democracy. all right, kira, you're up first. >> he thinks that our democracy hinges on facebook? this is why we're going to lose a major war because millennials like mira think that letting people like trump just speak on facebook would be the end of democracy. she doesn't understand that our democracy revolves around the republic voting and the constitution. >> jason: governor, heaven forbid we institute the first amendment and allow a former president of the united states to participate with the first amendment. >> you know, a good rain would drown her because her nose is so high up in the air in misunderstanding what democracy is for heaven's sake. democracy is the idea that everybody gets a chance to say what they think. it's free speech, as you just mentioned. some speech isn't all that great. i would say hers isn't all that
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hot. but she has a right to say stupid stuff like she just said and i don't think we ought to ban her from saying it. democracy is allowing all kinds of points of view, and then letting the citizens make the decision, which point of view makes the most sense. >> jason: absolutely. let's stay with msnbc, and joe scarborough. he got covid even after having a third booster shot and here's his unhinged reaction. >> i'm just going to do this as a public service announcement to those people who love their children, family and friends, and want them to be healthy. yesterday when i was talking about getting covid, and should have gotten a fourth booster shot, a lot of these freaks oh, fourth booster shot, listen, here's the deal. moron, it lasts six months, abe a year. >> jason: governor, do you love anything as much as joe loves his booster shots? >> i wish, you know, loved a lot
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of things that much. i love god, i love my wife and family, i love my dogs. i'm not that fond of the booster shot. i took the shot. i took the booster. but, my gosh, i'm also looking at this and saying, most of us who took the shots still got covid. we didn't have a severe case of it. now we're beginning to say, maybe this thing has run its course. heck, i'm going to believe joe biden for once. just a few months ago he said covid is over. i'll accept that from joe biden. >> jason: good enough. what's your reaction to joe scarborough? >> i mean, if i did anything four times, if i tried to graduate from high school four times, if i tried to take a product back to wal-mart four times you would tell me that's a failure. would you tell me get my money back from wal-mart or maybe you're not destined to graduate from high school. this idea, oh, we just take one more booster, that will be the thing that proves i love my child, by the way, i think it's
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very sad that governor huckabee just let all of america know that he doesn't really love his family if he's not going to get his fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh booster. >> jason: some people will help them to get it, but talk to a doctor, don't listen to joe scarborough for your medical advice for goodness sake. here's what finally happened when joey bayhar claim she had a fact check on the issue of guns and mental illness. have a look. >> i have a fact check. [laughter] >> what was the incredible source? >> it's from brian actually. >> oh. >> spread it out. >> i can't find it. >> somebody say what it is. >> i don't have it. >> we'll come back to it. >> we'll be right back. >> very quickly, do you have that fact checked that joy is looking for? >> i do not and i think it was
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very symbolic. there was nothing there. very symbolic of "the view." >> jason: governor huckabee, last word? >> if you're going to shoot your gun it's always better to load it first. she clearly had an unloaded gun when she tried that one. >> jason: thank you both. appreciate it. the kind of problems utah has, the new york city will never have. i'm not talking about me living there, "the last bite" explains up next.
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>> jason: new york city complains about traffic but nothing compares to traffic in my home state of utah. >> oh, my god. that's scary. >> oh, my god. >> it could come at us. no. oh, my god. oh, my god. that's scary. >> look at this guy. >> oh.
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>> jason: those are elk, folks, that's it for us tonight. i'm jason in for laura ingraham. thank you for allowing me to sit in her chair. thanks for watching us this evening. i hope you have a wonderful, wonderful night. thanks again for watching this special edition of "the ingraham angle." gutfeld is up next. *** [applause] >> greg: happy thursday, everybody. that's right. it's me, tom. greg is out getting his unibrow tweezed. trust me, it takes a while. there was a time tha


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