tv Hannity FOX News January 26, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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to mind at the moment.. >> okay, how about article two?out article neither is article two. >> you want to be a federale judge and you don't know what article five , which lets createendo constitution article two, which creates the exactly right. >> you know what those are.s exo you wa federaldon't knowow whaty judge whose whole job is to interpret the constitution, but you don't know what its articles say. >> yeah, exactly. we'll be back tomorrow. l be bac >> hav hae a great night. gre and welcome to hannity. ty. we >> and we begin this busy newsht night with a fox news the state of tennessee is now on edge tonight. five former memphis policememphi officers, they now have been arrested and they have been charged with second degree murder after purportedly beating a fedex delivery driver to death after a traffic stop. a this all happened on january the 7th at eight thirty p.m... now, terry nichols was pulledd f over for reckless drivinorg. he was, according to reports, asking asking why he was pulled over and then that involved the backa
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and forth with the tonight, he is dead tomorrow. body cam footage showing this reportedly horrific beating.beao look at look at this. look at this face will be released to the and we are t tolold it will bexy extremely graphic nature and hard to watch. now, the city of memphis, as well as cities all across the country, they are bracing for the potential of bracing vit c so what caann we w expect ine cg the coming hours? and days? i don't know. and let's pray for peace and don't forget, we are also awaiting the release of the body cam footage inm foot the paul pelosi attack. he waul pelo geragos may have some insight into that. >> he will share with us laternh in the program.e program. first joining us with th but first, joining us now with the very latest on the ground tonight inmemphis, memphis, steve harrigan is with us . steve , my understanding is that the mother of teresa could only watch this for a minute before she had to turn away. she deuldn't watch any more . others have described this tape as a brutal beating of work is
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five officers. >> is that what you're hearing? that's right, sean. a lot of professionals who've been in the business fors absolu decades say this is absolutely the worst, most horrific the vio they've ever seen in all their experience. so we can just imagine what's going to be on it. it and we cod and we could find out as early early as 7:00 p.m. as 7:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow. that's when the tape i is expected to be released.t iso be released to the public. to the public. as of now, those five former memphis police officers have all face now multiple charges, including second degree murder. so they could end up up to 60p n years in jail. and twenty nine year old tyree nichols, he was beaten savagely on that videotape. see bureau o and the head of the tennessee bureau of investigation says it's simply difficult fordiffic professionals even to watchul this to wat tape. >> i'm shocked. sickened i'm sickened by what i saw and what we've learned through
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our extensive and thorough investigation. i've seen the video and as the amorally stated you will to in a word, it's absolutely appalling. >> this all started out as a a traffic stop, eight , 30 at night. tyree nichol. ats wasriving accused of reckless driving. there was a confronter at ran at the car he ran and then there was a second confrontation. second confrontation. the final beating took the final beating took placen 1a less than 100 yards from his house where he lived with hispa parents. according to attorneys forre the family. he callents. d out for his mother i and said, what did i do? >> shawn, back to you. all right. we'll find out tomorrow. sa sad story. in the endy , we'll findin the t happens in all of this. we wil we'll know by this time. tomorrow evening. now, the five formerthe memphii police officers now all face a series of charges, including second degree murdera that coud carry a penalty of 15 toto 60 60 years. now,ars.
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by the way. of that and on top of that, we have memphis police and memphis. th the city is now on a state of high alert tonight. >> and we're going to continuetl to monitor all of this as it unfolds. head to swamwe head to the washington swamp where president biden once again is having a very har hard time, mired in scandalmirey and plagued by his owne de cognitive decline. joe biden decided to take a big joe trip way from the oval office today. he actually managed to travelage a whole 10 miles crossing the mighty potomac is potomac river into northern virginia. wh wow, what a long trip. unfortunately, the purpose forun this outing was not exactlyg wa clear . and his bizarre, disjointed speech was almost impossible for anybod spey to comprehend.. we hav >> we've got the videotape. you decide. when i was seeking a the nomination, i said, take a seat, everybody. seaand there wasn't a single cr in the place and said that biden really is stupid. you know, where's doug ? congressman?
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>> he's around here somewhere. >> i've been saying this duringas the last campaign, the off year campaign. doug knows. they view th's the deal. i u know, they view the world from park avenue, eye view and where the wealthy in fact, you get if everythin g works well for them all, that's going to trickle down and help of uf us . well, i come from a backgroundt. where that never worked. talk about beingbout deprived of your pride. look deprived of, your child, yd if you don't think we havend trl a climate crisis, come travelroe with me around the country. no, i'm not joking. not j go back. go back. go back, go back. and here we are. no president added more to the debt in four years than my president. i spoke 25? % our country'sur c entire debountt, but not very gd anyway. >> i think we all. who is tugg memory loss
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difficulty communicating, finding words, difficulty with handling complex tasks. those are symptoms of dementia.h ose ask yourself, is this the person that's really capable of conducting debt ceiling negotiations? is he able to act in good faith? does he really fully comprehendd ond understand what is exactly going on ?? because for two years,t your president, joe biden, was able to hide behind the democratic controlled house, senate and the media mob protected him.m. but now, for the first time in his presidency, joe ,ll your president will face legitimate oversight if and only of house republicans stick together. so what can we expect fromer.ti? these debt ceiling negotiations? and now with more fox business hostlarry ku larry kudlow. larry, great to have you.the fi the firsrst thing that people need to understand is this this problem with the debt ceiling. is not imminent. we're looking at may or june before really becomes a significant issue. has beenarthy rightly trying to negotiate with joe biden. joe bidehn has said no to those
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the very negotiations, the very opposite of what he said in 2011 when they came up with thee deficit reduction act and sequestration followed thatn . so the question is , why won't show now?wot joe now negotiate? do negotiate? does he think the republicans won't unite behind kevin mccarthy? won't unite behind kevin mccarthy? does he think he i does he think he's able to break the republican coalition? because i caeak the republican , after talking to many factions in the republican party, that's not going to happen.t >> they're going to be together well short. >> you know, it's very important. biden and schumer and jefferys ,they're all giving us this big lie. here's the big lie. the republicans are goingare go to cut into social in the republicanto ss are goingme. to cut medicare. the republicans are gointhg to default on the debt. it is a complete lie, sean,
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this week, in recent days, today and two days ago, i interviewed speaker kevin mccarthy. today, i interviewed majority. leader steve scalise. they both said emphatically they're not going after socialty security, they're not going after medicare. are notoing aftand they will md on the government debt. so what you got here is bidens . with this big lie. you know, this is what authoritarians do. this is what totalitarians they say something. repeatin it's not true. they keep repeating it and they hope that somehow it's going to become true. mccarthy is too smar t for thise is too . this is too smart for this. probably the country's too sma f smart was the basic point here is the democrats will do anything, sean, not to cut spend. and right now spending and the bloated size of government is the single biggest problem. it is the single biggest guest
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obstacle to economic growthospe. and prosperity. middle income folks are gettingc killed. is craziness, this is just crazy, this this big lie. and they're just denying i mean, i i've been playing itiy on my show. they were the leaders ofca housrepublican house are not going to de aro. t and biden is just just going this out with this baloney balon and malarkey. it's like some totalitarian dictator. n 96% debt to gdp ratio right 96%o now. >> that is almos gdp ratiot a a mathematical certainty that inflation will continu mateith to continue with a bad economy. but i want to take you back to 2011. joe biden comments he made on debt ceiling negotiations and now he's saying no negotiations. how can you explainow hen the fd that grown men and women are unwilling to budge up until nowl and still some of them are still unwilling to budge by taking an absolute positionya . my way or no way. that's not governing. that's no way to govern. yo you can't govern that way. this is a cycle i predict to to
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you that a lot of those memb new members who came here with my way or the highway, t they'll either be onhe h the highway or learn that they're going to have to compromise. so i am betting and i thinke the democratic party is betting on the republican party indemoc. the house will not stick together. i have spoken to all of the top players that i think are goingae to have a key role in all of this. they've all said the same thing. they will unite around a position, about 15 different plans being tossed wit they're all dealing with spending and they'll agree. that's my prediction. what's yours a? gree. my wh well, i basically agree. look, the position that biden that he's not going to negotiate cannot hold. ogeth. all right. republicans will stick together. and by the way, they're goin thc to get some democratic support in the house and eve sn in the senate. >> look to raise the debt ceiling, they're going to havent to have budget cuts. otherwise, we're going
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to continue with this inflationh and we're going to continu the re with what looks like a recession. today's gdp number was reallynur a lousy number. when youok loo underk under the, you know, go back to 2011. >> sean, i like that john boehner toughed it out with barack obama and boehner got spending caps. okay, boehner got a reductionucn in overall spending. i boehner stopped tax hikes. barack obama started out, you know, arrogantly not negotiating. boehner succeeded. i k kevin mccarthyk kevi and steve scalise and the steve scalise and th others will also succeed. i actually think they're goingtp to get some help fromim the senate this time around.ound but the crazy point is the government is spending 24% ofgo our economvernmey. if you if you go to the states in the localities, federal, state and local. >> 44% o f our economy. and that's why you're getting
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for all twenty two . the econ got the last numbers today. the economy grew at one percenot and that's the worst performance since the financial meltdown. erformancee the financial meltd the inflation rate for the whole year was six point 6 three percent. that.3%. is the highest inflatit in 40 years.ion what's the culpritin here?what i five to six trillion dollars of spending and borrowing. okay, and then student debtt cancelations could add another six eight hundred billiocanceln8 so, no00, you're right.yo there will be negotiations. the gop is not going to destroy the gog entitlement program. the gop will make good on the debt. but here's the thing.ehere's th. they will insist o they will insist on spending cuts, on new caps for future spending and they'll also have the penalty of across the board the boardacross automatic cuts. this is coming.
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the big lies frombiden joe biden and leading democrats will not stothp. the the public wants lower spending because that's the obstacleacle to prosperity right now. >> larry kudlow, always greato e to have you. thank you, my friend. and tonight, big newyou.s fromta the national archives. the bureaucrats that were thbureaucrattasked with safeguag america's secrets, they really don't seemreally to know how may misplaced documents, classified documents could be floating around i cumentsn the country. toda so today they just randomly presidents, plrmer presidents, vice presidents, hey, can you please check around the house and your office fohouse anr any classified material? now, george w. bush, better check under his bed in every closet on his ranch because, you knowcloset, chris christoph. merrick garland in the national archives, they'rck e not afraidarch war to carry out a search at least that was the case.caseh with donald trump and any republican . joe biden, meanwhile, has e halargely enjoyed a free pass. why? i the answer's simple. your fbis simp politicized.
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our doj has been weaponized noha early morning raids, no search warrants, just a friendly collaboration betwee warran bids attorneys and the doj.een bi and that should concerden's atnn american is a dual system ofat'a justice. same with hillary clinton. the t now the top secret documents of biden's house in delaware werehe in no way safe or secure oror s locked, as biden said,or and joe says the documents wered in t safe because they were locked the threat is coat we sehee oftn open. so often the threat is coming from insidminge the house. rdin joey, according to a report repr from washington and the washington and the washington washington free beacon. biden had special access bidenlo to material from his ownn fa father's time as vice president . quote, president joe tim biden'y immediate family knew more more abos location of document ,his possession than the president's aides. emails recovered from hunter's laptop from .of biden they show one of biden'sp top aides asking to locates ask notecards and other vice presidential material from the office in 2018. and that's not all, according r
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to senator ron johnson, a twenty fourteen email from hunter biden to a business partner about ukrain e appearsd to be sourced from classified material. oddly,from classified ma enougha around the same exact time that hunter was attemptintg to get on the board of charisma, a ukrainian oil and gas gianty d that eventually paid him millions for no experience. doesmillions no experience any l with you after everything you know about hunter biden? afou know about hunter bid en, doyou really think he should be in a house, in a room and a garage? around america's top secret classified documents? i don'd t think so. now, joe apparently had noh problem with it. and tonight you havetonight your why. here with reaction, formerhe director of national ofintelligence john ratcliffe. okay, so we obviously have a big problem here. here. i want to you with but i want to deal with the issue of a double standard now. hillary clinton had top secretus classified documents in her in e servers. even jim comey announced that in july of 2016 and then
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ignored the whole issue of thirty three thousand deleted emails and devices, berries, blackberries, iphones bashed up with hammers and sim cards removed. sos s and we don't know what wee on those emails. but he said no prosecutothose ed ever prosecute.prosecut but then they raised mar-a-lago. then joe bidene. has it. and not one place, not two, not three , not four, but five . and they haven't even checked his reho and they haven't even checked his rehoboth beach home. why didn't he get raided? a >> why is there a double doubl standard wash on ? i don't know that it's a doublet standard. so it's much as it's a two party justice system, as you've just laid out. democrats have been treatedtreae one way under this system.d wa of justice and republicanse differently. hillary clinton and joe biden have been treated exactlysame the same with respect to donaldl trump. search warrants and raidsident against a president. thatht was by a bookfoll and , you know, following
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the law. but then with respect to bidenae and clinton, we see exceptionsto to that. law ee that people are above the law and that they are treated differently. and y. i think that that was what was the intent here. i think what you saw, what wh archives. you ioned about the national archives, you saw a shift todayn in mentality from one get trump to one of save one of d they they never thought that they were going to have a side whenide comparison when they took an aggressivey took ae approach to presiden approach to president trump. but now they know that joe biden has engaged in h conducast with far more frequeny and far more severity and the likelihood of far more grave damage to our national security than anything president trump could have done. are t so they'rery tryingte to recalibrate and spin their way oud spint of >> and i think that this is all playing out in front of in the american people. >> all right. so they say that whilesa joe biden was cooperate, would otherwise they would haveha issued a subpoena. now, that's christopher wraybpoh and that'sat merrick garland. they are they're the ones bragging that they gave the order to raid mar-a-lago. but here's what they didn'ty dis say, is that the fbi already
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had unfettered access to mar-a-lago, didn't they ?fetd the fbi was already in the very room where they found the classified documentsnd the the fbi had the option to takeut them with them, but they decided not to and then called back the next day or soon thereafter. soon there after and and asked for a padlo. put on if they knew they were there. and they saw them because they were invited in, why didn't they ask to come back again and go over the documents and take that nationals designed for the national archives with them? >> well, because the intent wasf to treat donald trump differently under the law, under thwe've seen this time ane again repeatedly, partly because it's donald trump, partly becauspartly because het republican . soly i at this point, i don't think the american people are surprised by that. >> i think it's an unfortunatevm development in the system thaten we have. but again, you know, i think what's what's playing out hereie is that they never anticipated that they were going to beat dealing with a joe biden, be de joe bidealing win problem with o to this. >> and now they're trying
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to find a way out. o see john ratcliffe, always great to see. than thank youu. for being with us. when we come back , hannity hotseat. yes, the congenital liar adam schiff still whininge hannithote made a major announcement about his desires for hie an annous we political future. we'll tell you what he said. congressman mac gates will battle geraldo rivera in r the hot seat . that's t straight hot. i'm dr. paul . i'm an optimistic physician. i do recommend balanced nature to my patients because it's almost a self-evident truth that if they eat a healthy diet that's rich in fruits and vegetables, that they're going to give their bodies the rich source of biochemistry. they need to have their best chance of being healthy. i've been in the field of nutrition and dietetics for 30 years, and when i looked at the ingredients of balance of nature, i could see that there were a number of things that were so important to help. so getting balance of nature in your diet, you're getting
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our differences can make us stronger. all right. now, after being booted from the intel committee for his never ending russia hoax lies and or a ton of them and never ending efforts to deceive you, congamerican people. well, the congenital liar adam shifty sheriff. well, he took the chinese. he took the chinese spyware app. ticktock , everybody spanning tick-tock. you know why? because it might be a chinesu ke
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spying operation. h what did he do? is whining about the news about him. >> take a look. a l hello, i'm congressman adam schiff. >> i am congreman adamwith some. kevin mccarthy, remove me fromta committee intelligence committee, all for doingg my my job, for holding trump accountable. standingding up to the extreme maga republicans. republican we knew it would be bad whent is the republicans took over, but it's far worse than we expecteds .. but i can promise you this. this is nothis it the end of myc for our democracy. this is just the beginning . join us and >> please join us and contribute today. thank you. by the way, it gets for us forc. the compromise liar because a progressive group is now slamming the california congressman followin he californig hiscement senate announcement. the progressive change campaign campaige released ad today saying, quote, adam schiff plays the role oftrump a trump antagonist on tv.n tv but a recent book details how we stalled and undermined leaders that were trying to hold trump accountable. in congress.
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and he never challenges corporations or the democratic establishment. now, house republican matt gates, he doesn'cratic est hot want schiff t to have access to any classified information a t all,ng tweeting, i'll be introducing legislation no t only to seem that adam schiff is removed from the intel committee, but to express a sense of congress that he should not ever have access to classified information at all. >> all right. time now for ll our hannity hotseat. >>tsea and joining mt.e now,g republican congressman matt now republican congressman matt gaetz and the cohost of the five g the co-host of the five geraldoe rivera. geraldo, i've known you a long please, please don't raise't ram my blood pressure. it'sy bloo it's almost right. >> but please tell me you can gaetz tes and you don't want me to raise your blood pressure. >> geraldon't want. >> we will okay, well, we're going to give him a chance to respond in a minute. bud in a minutt please tell me t going to let fang things boyfriend. you're not going to stick upg' for him to be on the intelmittee committee. neither he nor schiff, in my view, should even be ableshoe to get a classn or find anythig
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in the private sector. never mind the governmen privatt. ve adam schiff is a proven liar.. he used his positionintel co on the intel committee and he lied to the american people. and i know that he lied because for almost three years nightlyn on this show, we exposed his his lies and the things that he was doing in the intel community. weaponizes and politicizing information by telling the american people things thati just weren't true. >> are you supporting these twog guys? i am not.? and the reason is when speaker pelosi deemed that jim banks and jim jordan were unsuitableo to be on the january 6thbe, committee. that, to me, was a kind of political vengeance that now good for the goose, good for the gander. the fact that mccarthyer. is doinghoul it now, they should have knownkw that it's just a matter of workh time. political cycles work their way through. if he did to me,tir way
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i'm going to do it back to you.. what i am absolutely outraged by , though, is how this new congress is just just i a reflection. the last congress. d it's a do-notho nothing congres. what what in the world are ther they there for?matt matt gaetz, why are yo gaetz, wu pursuing, you know, adam schiff and passing legislation to get d him, you know, barred from intelligence to protect our country? paycheck protection fraud and some of those otherof tho th othmeaningful things for the american people, things they care about their their pocketbook, you know, they care about their safety, go after real issues.out theity. go after that. . well, i think that if you lookot at the work of the house ofin representatives today, we were passing legislation to ston p joe biden from playing politicsp with the strategic petroleum the strareserve and you're absob right. we ought to pursue clawbacks d and a lotograms.auac of these programs, and we ought to do that before raisingt befoh the debt limit. e debt limitwe ought to impose k requirements. so i don't i'll invite you her e ,although you could takeongresst
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qu guest pass and come observe a congress that is quite ite diom thedifferen last from congress, if for nfoo otherthand reason than during the battle for the speakership. he we demanded open rules, open amendments. today, we took votes on over somemendments, some by democrats, some by republicans. but certainly no one canno one d defend adam schiff and eric swalwell. schiff and eric swalwell.these are people e careers leaking and then we career liesoidering lies onto those very leaks. and adam schiff doesn't justntoe go oesn'n ticktock to publish th information, a real critique. we have that for three years is when republicans wanted access to intelligence about the origins of the coronavirus. adam schiff was essentiallyntiall the blocking tackle for the chinese communisngt party and did not get thatin information out in front of the congressman. congressman, you you play you sound a good game. rld were youd what in the world were you and your 19 colleagues doing? torturing the speaker, your speaker, your speaker designate, kevin mccarthy. >> what you lose?
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what was that? what was what did you what didwh you hope to attain? ope toin that? first of >> so, first of all, i got some constituents in the military that could talk to you about real torture.k si i don't think sitting through fifteen votes quite qualifietts but here's what we were fighting for. we believe that instead oft insa having omnibusd spending legislation that comes to us with only a few hoursds of page to consider thousands of pages and then vote on something that funds ever th y agency of the of a the government, all the ones that we should take individualhe votes on appropriations bills. that's a concession we didn'tn' have when voting began. it's when we earned by the timed it ended. we also believe that when bills. hat when, they should comport to a single subject. so i don't have to do what i'vel had to do in the past and vote on the farm bill at the same time. are voting on whether or not there's going to be war powers in yemen. we also wanted to open wanted op amendments so republicans or democrats could offer germein adjustments to legislation and everyone could take votes on these things. yon and everld u members of congress speakers, they come and go. >> but when they are now in
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congress with your filibuster right now,an, with your you are you arehe portraying yourself to the american people as a as a thoughtful legislator. and yel t the the publicity that you get characteristically almost inevitably is isinevit flamboyant. it's it'ly is flamboyants confr. >> although let me say mar-a-lago a substantive argument about changescond. the process. and you call me a constitutional question. he answer your very specific question about what he waswas fighting for.fior my only argument and matt and ir talked a lot in december, matt , you can verify this is true. my only my only beefy beef w with everybody was i wanted i everybody to be in full agreement by january 3rd, foure. days it came and went and now everybody's on the same page.e hesa gave you very specific arguments about what he was fighting for, how this congresse is different and better thannt the last better than one .attaci why are you attacking him personally?m
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well, i thought that's why you u invited me, sean. >> you attack him becauseo nose to nose with your right wing righ. onno i'm here. i said i don't even get to defend themselves, said i don't. know. >> i don't know, man. i mean, i don' t know. you. you. >> i all i know is what i readps in the newspapers. i appreciate that's got a lote e to rehabilitate everything they you're here. >> i like it. well, i think that will have a better believe moving. >> i do. because of these changes. yeah. i wouldn't expect you guys the last for god bless. >> i wish i was here to getso the last of the best. sometimes, for example, will craft will sometimes come together. it's tough. will republicans come together l on the debt ceiling and will they stand strong at two agains. twenty two because biden is betting against that. >> that's why he says no he sayn negotiation. well, if we pick the right fight, i was discouraged to see my colleague john bacon announced on meet the press that he believed that no cutd os
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in entitlements could everementd be acceptable to his wing of b h the republican party.d have w i actually think we should have requ requirements if we imposed iremenwork requirements on snapn and on medicaid expansiod n body to dalts, we would havelity t the ability to savo e one trillion . >> publican's unitilill repu. >> i know you're going to have a mother mother with three children among you, children atk home make her work.? >> yeah. and you know, you can meet works and a lot of state requirements. a lot of these states bynteering volunteering at nonprofits, by helping out a afitst your lol church, but social training, >> how a training, security. well, when we guys when we were i think we got along bettern than i thought we would.ught >> thi.s actually worked out. uh we may do this again.. thank you both. all right. straight ahead tonight, noight e have interesting information from attorney mark geragos inte exclusive information on what you can expect with the paul pelosi body cam footage bo that is expected to be releasedh
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tomorrow. why did he open the door to the cops and say, hey, guys, come supp on in when supposedly there wasr an intruder in the house? soundsin t odd. wil we'll find out what he knows.t e and then later, don't forgetst our last call segment. you get to tell us what you like, don't like about the show. e straightfinal grad ahead. >> thanks for being with us. did you know that every time you drive in traffic, you're likely sharing the road with a sleepy driver? that is incredibly dangerous. sleep deprivation and insomnia affect up to 70 million people per year. and it's about time that we bring that number down with relaxium sleep. after years of watching patients struggle, i developed the formula for relaxium sleep relaxium sleep addresses. the root of the problem by balancing levels of neurotransmitters in the brain and by restoring the natural sleep cycle. >> the relaxium has been a miracle for us since i began. >> the risk is improved our marriage. i don't even know how we lived for thirty years without it, because now i know this man
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know about that night and a lot of things that don't make sense. diings that don'd paul pelosi mr away from the officers? what did he say to them?'t he sm why didn't he seem more concerned about the presence of an intruder in his home? my next guest ha home?s exclusie information about what we're likely going to see and here tomorrow. and joining us now is defense attorney mark gerago is defes ih us . all right. so this is this is a weird case from the beginning. froso paul pelosi makes a four minute call because an intruder. is in the house. four minutes. seems like an awful long period of time. if afor minutes ken intruder ise to be talking to nine one one. h i have an intruder in my house,. said police immediately. here's the address. boom. hang ue addrp and protecess. t yourself. t happen that didn't happen.po then the police showlice s up. paul opens the door. how hey, guys, how are you?you? this is according to reports. he that's the way it reads.come o come on in. he didn't say, guys, he's in there. he's apparently, i'm told that the weapon might even be seenra. on camera. we'll find out tomorrow. apparentlywe wil, talk to somebw
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that saw this. >> what are we going to see tomorrow, mark? well, what i'm told is , is that, by the way, it's kind of interesting the way this tape is coming out is newsd agencies had to sue in order to get the body cam released, which for just one second. contrast that with what's wha happening down in tennessee. the nichols case, whereease t the police are going to releasee the body cam front and center. one of the reasons for that tha is and one of the reasons thatey foughtstrict attorney , in my opinion, has fought so hard, nord nott to release this is its not help the prosecution. and what i'm told is , is that it's going to it's going to askn more questions than it answers. once you see it.ou can and i'm told also that you can see portions of the hammer from the body cam and that one of the reasons, the only part of p this that kind of befuddles me is i'm told also thatalso
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the defense lawyer for this young man who supposedly broke into the house has joined in, not wanting it released. and thatt is somewhat kind of confusing or perplexing to me, becaus e by all accounts,e the person who was who i talkedi to about this, it says itays certainly raises more questions than it answerertainly s about what was going on . >> you've been a high profile h defense attorney for many, manye years now. defense atlook, if somebody is m and they have an intruder in their house, my first instinct is toing to be try to get to nine one one. if i can't, i'm going to be in the business of protecting my home myself. ng my home, myself and my family. my family. t now, if you get to make the phone call, which, whic apparently we know he did,, an and then the police show up, itm doesn't seem like a natural tural reaction to say, oh, come on in, guys, casually., and then the attaccasuallyk, acg to reports, came in front ofrtsi the police officers when he
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threw the hammer in the back of this guy's skull and nearly s kullkilled them.that so that does not seem like normal behavior to me. if you have an intruder incop sw your house, the cops show up, you run out the door and tellm n him he's in there and th te cops go in and do their job. >> does that seem normal to you? >>, the kind of the wild card here is that it appears fromever all accounts, i've never talkeda with the accused , but it appears that this is somebody who's got mental health issues. if thahealt is true,th i i can e the the the making of a phone t call. i can see trying to humor thisoe person. i can see that.e all of that. the part that i join. the i'm joined at the hip with you e on is once the police get there, that's when you jusrt you don't f that door. i mean, i don't the i don't. go back in. you don't return. yo you get the out, especially if i'm 80 years old and i've just been awakened out of my sleep. the police are there and i finally got help..
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i'm not going to return back ,n especially if it's somebody who's got a weapon. i've seen the weapon, have seen weapon. presumably the weapo presumably the weapon was something. yeah, something he could see because it's all right. g he couhere. g >> why would you ever go back in? >> great question. let me g let me go to the memphis issue and tyree nichols. >> w e we showed the picturewill sho earlier. we'll show it again.itgain you have five police officersvei now, officers now chargedce with second degreeicer murder. everybody that has seen the videotape that i have heard and i don't like to rush judgmee to judgment. i believe in the presumption of innocence. i've been consistent my entire n cons career on all of theseistent m innocent until proven guilty.ine but every person thant untilt hn it and described it, it sounds chilling. ndand i'm a little afraid aboutt what we're going to seeng t tomorrow. face. look at this young man's face. there are five officers there. s if he's not armed, there are ard ways nonviolent ways to handle this, at least on the surface. at l but again, i want to see
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the tape before i make a judgment. a i look, i'm with you.with you. i you know, we we go sowe fough far back that we used to used to say we fought like cats and dogs. i y we fought like gates and rivera twenty five years ago. riveralways been consistent. you've always been consistent about the presumption ofs intern innocence. but this is interesting because. here the law enforcement agency cam,oing to turn over this body cam. presumably tomorrow is what what we're told. th and they didn't have to get sued. they didn't fight it. ite prosecutor is not fighting it, even though they're announcing charges against these five officers. officers and ben crump, who has see.n the the tape itself, who represents the victim's family, has said that it'sng horrifying and the mother can only watch less than a minute of it. and you can see the brutal, you know, beating that this kid took. if youshave five officer and the guy is not armed and heh
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looks like that something t is wrong to me on the surface.. we well, wait till tomorrow. untilr wero won't make a final judgmen well, we'll know a lot more by this time tomorrow. mark geragos, always great to see you. thank you, sir. when w. e come back , disturbing d new reports about the number of illegareportl immigrants that ae crossing the border. our own sara carter, she's withi the wives of border patrol agents. and we have to hidegoing their identity because you're not going to believe whattohey they had to tellto sara . that's next. and then later, last call, you get the last word. t i get my grade. at you lik what you like, what you don't te like about the show. we'rhow.e here for you. you can let me have it if you io want. hurt me. my feelingu want.s the other nis i got to see straight ahead this is cowritten debris. wet nail fungus grows nonoxynol gel, cleans out fungus by removing cowritten debris using onyx. using onyx. 90% of nails improve by at
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>> biden's border crisisay and is worsening by the day and there's no end in sight. newly released data from borderr patrol agents revealed that intn anotheer, crossings hit yet another new all time high thth more than two high hundred and fifty thousand crossings. s on top of the five plus million in the first two years of the biden administration. and ito gets worse because the cbp also confirmed that weao now have reached one point two million gateways under joe biden, two years now.e peope we don't know who these people are. we don'tw where they are. we don't know why they're here. they are simply roaming free tht around the country. and by the way, we didby know, o watc caught one hundred people on the terrorist watch list.. how many people on that list got through that we don't knowow about? our own sarah carter recently sasara cart down with the wivese three border patrol agents for an exclusive interview. ect ther and we had to protect for t their identities for their own safety. safety.and listen to what theyd
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to say. >> i drove here to speak today.. >> i feel like our agents have been forgotten. forgotten. i mean, they're unsupported. morale is low.el they're being spread thin. and i feel like he basicallyy p put a target on my husband's back and all the agents back ,a agenreally by highlighting untrs and not supporting them. as an organization. and the agents all felt. neglected since president biden has taken office. is there just a complete shift ? >> yes, yes, yes. explain what that's like as theh wife of an agent. of an >> i mean, they feel powerless. i feel powerless because b my husband's trying to do anything and everything he can to keep the border safe , to keep us safe and here is ansb administration that has maded my husband and the rest of the agents look powerless or people that are breaking
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>> thews. the most amount of problems our homeve had in our home was in the but the first couple of, months, the first like six to eight months within this administration because so much change so fastadminist and thern nothing the guys could do. there was, our agentsen if they were quicko change that. even if they brought it up. they were quickly turned down to say you don't have you don't have a choice. what is your worstr nightmare? first ofwors allt nightm, our h. know everything time, but they go to work. there's a chance they're not th coming back positive.. >> right. we we never know if this suicide going on is going to affect them. sog on will affect t our husbanm sure many of us here have had u experience of them getting hurt, getting that call. by it's nerve racking, but the same. right, knowing what's comingarer in. i'm scared for my kids because we do know for a fact thatere is there's trafficker's that there's cartwell living here and there among us . a that's so that's scary.
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just for those kids attending our kids schools. >> those kids ar that's a fact.i carto kids attend the same high schools our kids attend. i think what needs to beht or bs brought to light is or be investigated is individuals indivi that are already ins that are the position to patrol, liket ar my own guys that are not stating in the facts. unfortunately,cts. we do need ta bluntly honest. so we need to be reandl indi individuals like mayorga thate t do a severe cover up job is not healthy for the country. >> joining us now,ve investigative reporter fox news contributor sara carter. so under joe biden., the first no two years of his presidency, he's not enforcing the laws ofah the land and that is the laws that are he's aiding and abetting in the law breaking. enterinn given preferential treatment to those entering the country illegally. co vaccine mandate, no covid test free phones, freed transportation. >> they hope taxpayeck summatior
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on the hook to supply food, water, housing, medicines andmei education for their kids. netheiand the cartels are rulin. and i can't hear the wives ofags these agents, they're putting. their lives at risk every day. ' >> and it's frustrating because fr the cartels are winning. >> absolutely,shocking. i mean, it's gut wrenching to hear the wives talk, to talk to border patrol agenttalk and e that they don't have a voice.. these wives are speaking out for their husbands and for allas the border patrol i can tell you thereer were so anymore because they want to give a voice to theirt toe ao husbands and they feelice to thn the biden administration has literally, literally h thrown them under the bus is whatwhat i one of the wives said to me. targeting them publicly. . the morale is down. one of the things that washe tho interesting to me was the factwn that they were sayinge the hypocrisy of the administration saying this
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is about immigrants. this this wa brougs broughhtt te u. th the us hispanic business council and the women thatwa i was speaking to . some of them were immigrants. they had come here and became legal citizens. bthis is about the men and illegally and this is about the men and women of lawur enforcement and our federal agents and standing by their side, protecting our nation. and being undermined by their president who shouldndermine be enforcing the law. we'd all go to jail for human trafficking. all right. thank you, for that great report.port. when we come back , back to my s bartending days. last call you get the final word. you get to grade me what you like, what you didn't like. straight ahead, you won't face me. i'm like zyrtec. allegra won't make you drowsy. >> and allegra starts working two times faster than claritin. so when allergies take to tell u a legrande before your symptoms take over you and for take over you and for congestion relief, deal at your pharmacy. >> i'm jonathan lawson. >> i'm jonathan lawson. here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pen program. er the three ps.if you're age 5n er the three ps.if you're age 5n looking to buy life insurance
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and i feel humbled and honoredt that you are giving mee privil the privilege to give you a greeting tonight. h >> very good aannity: yot beinu on time. >> we got to get right to the yu point. we love you. we're glad you called. ell, well, i . i've been watching you for decades, including the hannityha and colmes era. so i'm uniquely qualified to give you a rating. i feel you interrupt your your guests, your your your top notch guests too much.i feel and if you could followu my advice and when i see it,adv i'm a physiciawhenn and i see a patient, i allow them to tell me their symptomatology so i can make an accurateymptom diagnosis. plus the latatologe great larrya said what his success was, and what it was, was he never learned anything from listening listeninto himself.
12:00 am
you have to learn that now. i'm going to give you a grade.t oh, i was going to give you ana a minus, sir. but you know what? t, you did not interrupt me and and you did not interrupt any of your guests. and you're going to make a pledge to bring in a pot, u, my friend. >> all right.i' time. it's been a criticism i've had.l i'm working on it, i promise you. and i will work harder. let no but not your heart. >> be troubled.t your laura's next. i'm jason chaffetz, in for laura ingraham. and this is a special edition of the "ingraham angle" from new york city last month. >> the angle - reported on a twitter philes dump from our next guest, michael shellenberger. >> in it i, het he exposed the e connection between the federal bureau of investigation and twitter, including how adamant james baker, then general counsel for the social media giant, was about the hunter bid
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