tv FOX and Friends Saturday FOX News January 28, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST
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blocking heartburn before it starts. one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. pete: pete: memphis police release body cam footage of the police involved death of tyre nichols. rachel: large groups took to the street. will: charles watson is live in memphis with a look at disturbing video, charles. reporter: good morning, guys. prior to the release and videos of memphis police officers beating t tyre nichols describes
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as inhumane and savage and those videos live top the description. it started an january 7 when memphis police officers pulled over nichols. >> i didn't do anything. you guys are doing a lot. >> if you don't lay down. >> i'm on the ground. >> on your stomach. reporter: body cam video shows an officer aggressively yank nichols out of his vehicle and the 29-year-old tells officers he wants to go home. a few moments later you see nichols escape from police and they then tase him as he takes off down the road. at that point, officers chase him. later on other officers spot him and catch up to him. you see nichols on the ground as officers restrain him, punch him and pepper stray him. all the while the officers demand he give them his hands as nichols calls out for his
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mother. >> mom! mom! mom glock reporter: even though it appears officers have hold of nichols arm, the assault continues and at one point an officer coming and kick nichols in the head two times as if he was punting a football and officers proceed to pass nichols around and striking him with a baton and punching him in the face before he collapses and is later dragged and propped up against a police car for several minutes without having any aid rendered. it took more than 20 minutes for a ambulance to arrive on scene. now this morning we were scheduled to sit down and talk with the lawyer representing the memphis officer desmond mills jr. and the lawyer said
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"mr. mills and i will review the videos together at the appropriate time and thorough investigation of all available angles is needed before providing context or comment. my heart goes out to the nichols family and the entire city of memphis and hope all will express themselves peacefully". follow the release of the videos the shelby county sheriff's office said it is investigating the conduct of two sheriff deputies that arrived on scene after that violent beating of nichols and we're told those deputies have been relieved of duty pending the results of independent investigation, guys. rachel: charles, thank you so much. pete: thank you very much. rachel: we had chief james craig on earlier and it was really insightful and interesting conversation, and he said when we asked him what his thoughtses were and what comes to mind, he said i want to know more about this unit and why the officers, you know, had such little experience, two to three years experience on the force, where was the supervisor, what was the
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culture of the unit, and the cultural of this department. paul morrow was the inspector general and didn't think protocol was followed here. listen. >> police are generally taught to ask, tell, make in that order. they don't always have to follow that order. i don't see any ask there. this is a relatively minor thing, it's a driving infraction and from the video that i've seen so far, it goes right to them yanking him out of the car, they're yelling, they're not deescalating and just tactically there are definitely going to be issues here. why does that matt instruct her aside from the fact of what occurred, it's way out of policy. they're way out of policy from the get go shows you that maybe it is lack of supervision, certainly a lack of in-service training and the tactics seem to be scoffer, i don't think this
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is -- so poor, i don't think it ends with an examination of just the five officers. will: if you take what we heard from paul mauro and joe imperatrice this morning, no one is taught to behave in the way the officers behaved and secondarily then, where was someone to step in? where was a supervisor, a superior to go whoa whoa whoa, stop. that steamed to be absent as well and the last line from mauro will be somewhat of a fortune telling moment. it won't end with these five officers then if that is the case. pete: yeah, it does come back to culture. i mean, the beginning of it is chaos. we don't know what happened with the traffic incident. we don't know the situation of the driver per se. they pull him out, why they did so aggressively, we don't know. they're not able to subdue him. there's pepper spray and a
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scuffle that goes on. tyre nichols takes and you have they pursue -- it's the point at which this part of the video tape where they've got him subdued and you've got the hay makers as you said, will, or the kicks to the face, that is where it comes to leadership, and i think of it in a military context being a platoon leader in combat, you have aggressive members of your unit who if leadership doesn't reign them in, they start creating the cultural of the unit, which is kick the suspect one more time when they're down. or three more times or a detainee in my context in iraq. if you don't have a lieutenant coming in saying that's it, this is over. that's not how we do things. then the more aggressive members start to create the culture of the unit and when cultures are formed, maybe units like this got away with stuff like this in the past. rachel: yeah. pete: maybe a couple extra kicks and punches was common inside this unit in memphis. we don't know that. in this instance because tyre nichols was not rendered aid and
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is now dead, there's huge scrutiny on what went on there. rachel, they had body cams on. they knew eventually someone would see it. rachel: yeah, body camera was on and even if they didn't have the conscious, especially those that you can somewhat be unbiased and go maybe they were in the heat of the moment, didn't realize they were punching, it's hard to see that video and come to that conclusion but there were other officers around watching, that's the part that really troubles me. i personally don't think i could see violence happening to someone else and just stand there and let it go. it was 20 minutes before someone called -- got -- he got help and was taken to the hospital. again, not anything -- these are two very different situations. one of the things i loved about our adam klotz story he jumped in and took the punches to stop someone being unjustly hurt. that's just a cultural problem
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that, you know, could be a cultural in the department but there is also something going on in america like how could somebody just let this happen? pete: your point is well taken, but we don't know the ranks and -- rachel: that's true. pete: that matters in this context. if it's a junior officer on the outside and more experienced guys, they're probably not going to jump in. if it's a sergeant or a lieutenant, then they should be taken control. i guess we'll learn that more in this investigation. it's intimidating with fellow officers to be the one that says pull back as opposed to be more aggressive. this is a crime being committed a the this point. rachel: exactly. pete: regardless of your rank, you should be stepping in. rachel: that speaks to humanity. will: that's what i was going to bring up, regardless of rank and race, and so many times in these types of incidences we have conversation of race. you've invoked this numerous times, rachel, this inflicts something in the culture about humanity. you heard that last night from protesters who took to the streets.
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for example sarah carter was on hand for hannity. watch this. >> i have no trust for our law enforcement. if a american looks like me can kill me because they have a badge on, where's the trust in what should i trust? >> what went through your mind when you saw that? >> [inaudible]. that could have been my son. i hope that they change the scope of policing and community. we need a better relationship with the community but what we witnessed wasn't even policing. that was cruel. reporter: what went through your mind when you saw that? >> it was sad. devastating to see that happen to another black man. it was black on black crime. >> definitely not about race. this is about humanity. this is basic one-on-one humanity and we need to raise our boys to help the family raise their boys. will: i liked several things said there including it's not about race but humanity as well. that's not policing, that's cruel.
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so what's going to happen and we can predict this is we're going to have a conversation. there will be a conversation at least initiated over whether or not law enforcement in and of itself is systemically racist and disproportionally in a negative way impacted black americans. it's already begun. the question will be if you want to pursue this path once again ovillus lonizing villainizing people. we know what happened over the last two years and the numbers are black and white. that the victims of violent crime, when you pull back on policing and vilify the entire institution will be minorities, will be black americans. rachel: they always do suffer when -- with these defund the police movements. i think it's interesting too when i see that, you know, i've heard van jones on cnn already invoking race and saying just
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because they're black doesn't mean they're racist. there were protests largely peaceful. this was a peaceful protest. i think they were expecting a lot more protests a lot more protest around the country and potential violence, and it didn't happen. you hear that woman say this isn't about racism but it's about humanity. at the core, people can see four black officers, a black victim. this isn't about racism. this is about how do we treat each other. what is going on in these commucommunities and also aboutt scorpion unit. i want to learn more about what the units do. pete: there's specialized units that go into high-crime areas and take the risk and they want to clean up communities so they sign up for those units. this is about policing and we had joe imperatrice on earlier and this is about policing and call out the bad cops that helps the good cops and helps the relationship between the community and the cops.
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that's where the conversation should be had. why did it escalate so quickly and why did they get away with it and what was the culture of the unit and let's fix that as opposed to the police are bad. rachel: if you vilify the pleasure -- will: bad things happen in the world and there's bad people and they need held accountable and justice and corrected. the question is do they reflect an entire system? rachel: right. if you vilify the cops, you'll get less people wanting to be comes and get these people that only have two years experience on a unit that probably needs a lot more experience and wisdom. will: yeah. pete: we'll continue talking about that topic this morning. we also shift over to the economy where we did a segment earlier on the fact that there's a lot of companies laying people off well there's a lot of people you might call it the covid hangover, a lot of virtual jobs are gone. there's skepticism about the economy going forward and we're learning with some more data that americans are falling behind on payments as things are costing even more. car payments, something if you bought a car, better be able to pay for it.
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the amount of americans late on car payments by at least 60 days has doubled since april of 2021 to december of 2022. that while, and this might be part of it, gas prices were really high, they came down and now they're going back up again. they're up 12-cents in the past week, up 40-cents in the past month. if you're putting it on credit cards and costs are going up, it'll be a problem. will: to me this is terrifying about the car loan repayments. what's happening underneath the surface that's soon per happens to bubble to the surface. if we raise interest rates we'll find out how much bad debt was out there and how many people can't afford the loans they took out be it on cars or homes or whatever it might be. high interest rates famously warren buffet saying you don't know who's swimming naked till the tide goes out. high interest rates are the tide going out. a lot of people say ftx would have gotten away but for high interest rates and they exposed
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in that case fraud. will it expose more fraud? a ton of irresponsibility? if that's the case, what's the cascading effect in our economy of a bunch of defaults? rachel: right, maybe the car loans were taken out when the economy was better. maybe people couldn't predict that the joe biden administration would purposesly try to impoverish them by the climate goals and making gas more expensive and depressing our ability to extract our own oil and gas here in america. it's an agenda and making people poorer and harder for families to live. it's a war on families. it's a war on americans. that's what this climate agenda is doing and making gas prices higher and makes it harder for people to pay payments. pete: that's why i only swim in swimming pools because i swim naked. will: and the tide stays the same. pete: never goes out and always good to go. another guy chiming in on the reality -- a lot is more robin t
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in blue state withs additional cost and taxes falling on the backs of people. kevin o'leary from shark tank talked about what blue states are doing to contribute to the problem and what he's doing. he was on varney. watch this. >> most of the venture capital for the last 40, 50 years since the mid 1950s, was highlighted in places like silicon valley and around the boston area so massachusetts, new york, california, these were the hay day years. nobody wants to do business in these states anymore. let me give you an example. if i have to deploy capital, know where i'm putting it? putting my next $45 million into north dakota. why? stable policy, fourth largest gdp in america, massive tech center, a very pro business governor in bergham, and policy that makes sense for money. i can put headquarters anywhere so why put it in massachusetts where you're penalized for
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success? if you're a successful entrepreneur there, elizabeth warren's policy supertaxes you and you're punished for success. forget that. i'm going to north dakota. will: i think kevin o'leary is right and i'll come to that on my own suggesting that he said ftx was about the safest investment you could find and one guy you could trust was sam bankman-fried. rachel: we like north dakota and the bahamas. pete: but the contrast are only becoming more stark and it's a real problem for people that live in blue states. the jobs are going somewhere else and the investments are going somewhere else, but the taxes remain what they are but you can't -- that's why you're here in california saying we're going to tax you even if you move and maintain property. that's how underwater they are. rachel: yeah. all right. well, north dakota definitely not as sunny as florida. have to make choices there. turning to headlines starting with two inmates including a man
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convicted of a double murder are captured after escaping prison in southwest virginia. police finally catching up to the espe escapees in a barn aft7 hours on the run. they stole the suc after escaping before hiding from the barn about an hour from the prison. both suspects are being held without bond. a philadelphia jury is deadlocked in the case of the father of seven that's accused of pushing a planned parenthood clinic escort that confronted his son standing across the street. this happened way back in 2021. if convicted he faces up to 11 years in prison. deliberations are set to resume on monday. have you ever seen this at the gym? a new op-ed sounds the alarm on the dark side of fitness culture calling out the growing trend of influencers that go to the gym to record videos of themselves
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for social media and these clips that can go viral at often at the ex-persons of other gym goers who unknowingly appear in the background and those are your headlines. that op-ed is written by my daughter in the federalist. it's interesting because she talks about a guy who, you know, happened to be in the background and offered to help a girl with her, you know, weights or something and if you're watching the video, it's really obvious. he's doing his own thing, he was just being polite and as she post the video, she adds all this extra stuff and basically says he's a creep and he's hitting on her as she's dressed in very salacious, very revealing clothes. and she's saying don't look at me as she's very -- let's say she's very out there. pete: you're right. i've seen some of the videos. just the whole idea of filming your whole workout. i don't get it.
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will: you're not an influencer, dude. everyone is making money off the gram. pete: is that what they call it, the gram? will: come on, you've heard that. pete: i don't think i have, the gram? rachel: you're not as hip and cool as will. a lot of people go to the gym and to improve themselves and don't want to be captured in the background sweating or whatever. pete: i'm going to get my pump on after the show and get it on the gram. will: i saw this in the locker room. another guy in the locker room was like, hey, man. he's like i'm showing my progress. rachel: that is so annoying. the narcissism is off the charts. don't go to the gym and do that. pete: that's why i do that in my office with the door closed. coming up, a draw -- jaw dropping report detailing how your taxpayer dollars paid for covid research but was never properly tracked.
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so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. pete: welcome. a new 64 page report said the nih didn't properly concede funds. they missed tuns to effectively monitor research with approved oversight and nih may have been able to make more timely corrective actions to mitigate the inherent risk. member of the house select subcommittee on the coronavirus crisis congressman ronny yak son joining us now. congressman, thank you for being here. specifically nih admitting they didn't oversee ecohealth alliance and it's a name a lot of viewers are familiar with because of their connection to the wuhan lab and not even
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watching over the tax dollars we're sending to the research. >> absolutely, peter. if you look at it, the nih budget is $48 billion and 8 million went to ecohealth alliance in the dr. peter dazik and the funding that was going on at the wuhan institute of virology that was leading to some of the dangerous research that was done there and like you said, the inspector general said had there been proper oversight, some would have been identified much earlier and wouldn't have ended up where we're at with covid. there's a lot of issues going on at nih and i think, you know, speaker mccarthy appointed me to the select committee on coronavirus and one of the things we'll do in addition to get together origins of covid, we'll look at all the stuff that's going on at nih as well and see where a lot of the money is going because there's been a real lack of oversight in general at nih and some of the other stuff that's come up recently is what's going on with the royalties and kickbacks that employees and scientists are getting with the $48 billion
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budget they've complete authority over and gives them a lot of power and authority, and i think it's a conflict of interest and it's a set up for corruption, and a lot of the people are leaving the jobs insanely wealthy and chief among them dr. fauci worth tens of millions of dollars but spent his entire career as an employee of the federal government. i don't see how that happens. there's a lot to look at here with nih and nih budget and oversight and everything else that goes on there. pete: including the private sector and there was video of folks doing research artificesser and a lot to do there. at pfizer. >> yeah, and everybody at pfizer thinks it was a lab leak at wuhan virology lab. pete: you're reintroducing what's known as the farm act, which combats foreign entities from buying american farmland. one country in particular has
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hundreds of thousands of acreage in the united states and it's china. here's -- they have 383,935 acres of farmland owned by the chinese government inside the u.s.. how does that happen? what can you do about it? >> yeah, the number of acres that have been bought up by foreign entities has gone up exponentially and 5 million acres just in the state of texas worth about $70 billion that's owned by foreign entities. you know, this is them controlling our supply chain mainly the chinese from the inside out. not to mention the recent story of north dakota where they're buying up a lot of farmland near important base withs drone testing and things of that nature. this can't happen and the farm act stands for foreign adversaries risk management about and takes seizure disordersous, the committee on foreign investment in the united states and inserts ag into the process, agricultural land
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purchase in particular and treats the purchase of agricultural land as a national security issue. we have to start doing that. we have to start looking at ag industry as a national security issue because if we don't, we'll be in real trouble down the road. pete: china said they're conducting eric relatively constant war warfare and means possible and this is a huge part. congressman ronny jackson thanks if being here. >> thanks, pete. pete: you got it. mike pompeo is joining us live and a new song is bringing awareness to human trafficking across the country. the impactful video is coming up. ♪
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pre-peering on -- premiering on "fox & friends" this morning is hoping to raise awareness to the prevalence of human trafficking happening in communities all the across america. ♪ rachel: it's happening right here as the come pan indian song to the -- companion song with a documentary being released next week. here is singer and song writer raelynn and the director of operation railroad. i'll start with you, tim. tell me about the documentary. >> we made this documentary it's happening right here because people keep thinking that human traffic asking something that happens far, far away. we kept saying, no, it's happening right here as well. in fact the united states is in the top three countries for destination countries for human trafficking, generally the united states is the number one
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demand for consuming child exploitation material, child rape videos and we have to wake people up to protect our children and that's why we produce this documentary. rachel: this documentary is fascinating and you interviewed survivors and get their stories. we're going to talk a bit more about why human trafficking is on the rise after talking to raeliynn. you were on the voice and have an amazing voice and you're from texas and live in nashville now. you can lend your voice to anything. you're now literally lending your voice to this cause. why is it so important to you? >> tim ballard invited me to play an event they had earlier last year, and i was so internally impacted by all the stories of survivors and just the initiative that operation underground railroad takes for this cause. when he sent me this documentary, i was instantly touched, especially as a mother.
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then he sent me this song and was like, hey, would you be apart of this documentary and sing this song. first of all i was crying in my truck listening to this song, but i was just instantly touched and i was like 100% yes. whatever i need to do. and then to watch this music video come to life and to be able to just bring awareness into a community because not a lot of people know that child exploitation and child human trafficking is literally happening in their communities and if i can lend me voice and talk about that, to me that's what -- that's why god gives us a platform to be able to do these things. rachel: absolutely. let's take a listen right now.
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rachel: that's so moving. tim, human trafficking is up 35% since 2020. why are we seeing that increase? >> a lot of it has to do with the fact that we shut everything down in our response to the pandemic, not realizing what that would do to the social safety nets that have been built in, schools, after school programs and children were sitting ducks for quite a long time. pedophiles have easy access to them through the online platforms and you'll see in the
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documentary, in the united states especially that's how traffickers get to our kids. there was an abundance and millions of additional reports during the pandemic to the national center for cases originating online, those are now coming to fruition so we're seeing the effects of that right now. rachel: i wonder also how much our open boarders and the strength of the cartels who also run these networks have to do with that. really quick. >> absolutely. i spent ten years on that boarder and written op-eds for fox news on this. with the open boarders, you're bringing kids right into the lion's den and again, we are the demand so that border is the last defense to protect a lot of foreign children and we're letting them right in and not protecting those children like we should be from our american pedophile monsters. rachel: we loose track of 40% of children that come unaccompanied across the border. it's shameful our complicity in human trafficking. tim, thank you for coming today.
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i love the name of your operation, underground railroad, this is sexual slavery for children and women and young boys as well. raelynn thank you for lending your voice to such a important cause. it's beautiful. i hope everyone listens to your video and watch this is really impactful documentary. awareness is the first step. the music video for it's happening right now is out and the documentary will be released on tuesday. tim, raelynn, thank you for joinings us on "fox & friends". >> thank you. rachel: back to fox news alert, body cam footage showing the beating of tyre nichols is as five former police officers are charged with second degree murder. harold ford jr. from memphis joins us next.
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images that i've never seen in my career before perpetrated by police officers just the manner in which these officers physically asserted themselves onto mr. nichols and even the aggression with language was appalling. will: fox news alert, the disturbing body cam video showing the beating of tyre nichols and five former memphis
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police officers charged with second degree murder. pete: harold ford jr. is a tennessee congressman whose district includes memphis and joins us now. harold, thank you for being here. you have a more intimate understanding of memphis and the police department and culture. what did we see? >> first of all, my condolences out to mr. nichols and his friends and family and those that were touched and moved by this. i watched the show this morning and a i think a lot of the comments that some of the former police officers you've had on and even some of you all's reaction to it resembles and reflects where many of us are. i was struck, i think probably most by what appeared to be a lack of training and lack of preparation, physically and mentally, on the part of the police officers. i don't think these officers are not representative of officers across the memphis police
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department or police officers across the country. we would be foolish not to as a nation and certainly as memphis police department try to understand how this could have happened, how they could not have had the training or had a soup visier there. i think one of the things that often comes out of this and you all have talked about this this morning and a lot of times far flown answers on the extremes and if we all are serious about it, we probably need to think long and hard about national training standards and national protocols for being a supervisor for being on on-site when there is these kind of units because as pete said earlier, you have to have these specialized units and you want men and women to sign up for it, but you've got to give them the training and this episode here certainly reminds us there's a long way to go on the front. rachel: one thing they like is measured and front and the
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situation like this brings up so many emotions and we saw the chief of police in memphis talk about how poorly these officers acted and there seems to be a feeling that she's distancing herself from that but if you did listen to chief james craig and the others who were commenting on this unit and the lack of supervision and the poor training, that really goes to her. i mean, as he said it starts at the top. >> i think it was one of the other lieutenants you may have had, former nypd lieutenants that you had on or maybe last night or this morning said this is probably not going to stop with the five officers. this is a lot to digest what we've digested and seen and processing and i'm certain that local political officials are thinking many of the same things, rachel, that your question com contemplates and we'll have to wait and see. for this family, i tell you you've got to give a lot of credit to the mom and step dad
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the way they have conducted themselves and the way they've not only called for or accepted our condolences and sympathy across memphis and the country and the way they've called on the community to react and conduct themselves and i give them such, such great credit and such a moment of con service connected nation and crisis and pain for them. pete: harold, i want to echo what rachel said about your willingness to engage in conversation and often might be disagreement and thoughtfulness in whatever it may be and mention add moment ago extreme reaction to this instance and i'm curious what you think is warranted and there'll be those that call for entire reimagining of law enforcement in the wake of this. if you have here injustices occur and you call out injustices and do those injustices call for a larger -- the conversation will be pushed into the forefront, a larger reimagining of police and i'm curious your stance on this. >> you and i have a good
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friendship and ability to go back and forth and talk rationally about all issues and this is one of them. i listen to some of the people that were interviewed by our reporters there on the ground and there were families -- women and mothers saying they were concerned about their kids. we have to take all of this into account and when we bring transparency to any organization be it the police or government, we have to be willing to take into account all of their concerns. we shouldn't defund but we have to conceptualize differently how community relations with police and the communities they serve and protect, how they interact with those communities. pete: yeah. harold ford jr., thank you very much. great points. will: thank you. rachel: thank you. i'm glad he brought up the mom. she really has acted with such dignity through this. pete: for sure. we're going to turn to a few additional headlines starting with another terror attack in
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east jerusalem. a father and son in serious condition after an ambush shooting this morning. israeli police say a 13-year-old palestinian boy open fire at close range. the teen was wounded by an armed member of the group he attacked. this comes one day after a palestinian terrific review of systems shot and killed seven people outside a synagogue on holocaust remembrance day and deadliest attack since 2008 and that gunman was eventually killed in a shootout with israeli authorities. congressman matt gaetz slamming the pentagon for prioritizing wokeness yet again. they prioritized a $90 million research contract to lloyd university. race play add factor in the pentagon's decision to award the air force contract to a historically black university and the secretary of defense is not to make sure our research and development contracts are given out to people of the right race, it's supposed to be
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focused on keeping the nation safe. those are your headlines. make no mistake about it, between race and gender, those are the priorities of lloyd austin in our defense department right now. rachel: no question, he's prove that had time and time again. will: i can't even concentrate on this segment. there's a gigantic picture of pete eating over my shoulder saying yumny yumny. gigantic face of you eating a rib. pete: you've seen me eat beef on this show many times, all of us, but the european union wants us to change what meat is? mark morano under new insect meat now. rachel: would you try it? pete: i'd try anything one time. ♪
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lab-grown meat makes way to your dinner plate and mark joining us now. great to have you on the show. the eu essentially approve it had and putting it on the menu and what i would love to ask you, mark. i'm going to ask you when it comes to b bugs and lab grown meat. is there a point -- it's obviously being shoved at the consumer. is there a point where the consumer says, okay, i'll take it? >> great question. here's how their plan is to make us eat lab grown meat and bugs. they're trying to make meat a rare and expensive treat. and this has been the stated goal of united nations report and goal of people like al gore and pushing for all sorts of bpa regulations on agricultural and it's a plan of bill gates who literally is now america's single largest farm owner according to cbn news and he
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wants us to eat synthetic beef to save the climate and what they're doing with the net zero climate goal in places like the netherlands and in sri lanka and moving to canada and australia, they're cutting down high-yield agricultural and creating intentional food shortages so a desperate chaotic public can going to be more open to eating anything that's cheaper or more readily available and, hey, they are promoting insects as a great alternative protein to meat. will: i got a plate full of burgers and a buddy over here eating a big mac for breakfast. there's no migratory spiders, crickets, yellow meal worm or house crickets in any of this right here. so, mark, back to lab-grown meat, you'll never get the consumer to go you know what, you're right. i'm going to save the climate here by ridding the world of cow farts. trading things for convenience
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and lab-grown meat backs a thing for convenience for the consumer. >> it might be. because what they're going to do again, lab-grown meat is not your impossible burger, these are meats made and they'll be mass produced and printed and certain kilograms per minute and print them on a 3d printer and stick with burgers. will: coming up, lawrence jones has a burger at the top of the hour coming up.
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will: fox news alert and protesters reacting overnight as memphis police department released body cam footage of the death of tyre nichols. rachel: dell straiters shuts down a -- demonstrators shuts down a major highway as protesters took to the street. pete: lawrence jones is here with harrowing footage and alexandria hoff live with the protesters and charles is in washington with a
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