tv Cavuto Live FOX News January 28, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PST
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race in america makes it way back to the front, he's got a new book out calls raising victims. plus on monday, my buddy can, stephen a. smith on straight shooter. pete: plus check out season two of the miseducation of america on fox nation. there ends our trio of plugs. have a great saturday, everybody. ♪ ♪ [inaudible] neil: protests overnight remaining mostly peaceful in los angeles and in memphis, seattle and new york. things got heated in some places, but relative calm pretty much in all places. what to make of that, all of this after the memphis police department finally releases that body cam and overhead surveillance video of the arrests of tyre nichols that was the anything but peaceful. now a warning for all of you, the video you are about to see that was released last night is
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graphic, very graphic. [bleep] >> hands -- >> i didn't do anything! hey, i didn't do -- [background sounds] >> all right, all right, all right -- >> on the ground, on the ground. >> all right, all right, all right -- [inaudible conversations] >> you don't do that, okay? >> get on the [bleep] ground! put your hands behind your back. >> okay. [inaudible conversations] >> then lay down. >> i just want to go home. [inaudible conversations] >> watch out, watch out, watch out! >> give me your hands, bro! >> watch out. >> give me your hands, bro! >> [bleep] give me your [bleep]
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hands. >> watch out, watch out give me your hands! give us your hands! neil: well, has been body cam footage is raising a whole lot of questions as to why the police acted so brutally and so quickly. 29-year-old tyre nichols died three days after all of this, on january 10th. this all went down on the 7th. the five officers involved were fired and charged with second-degree murder, a charge for which, if they're found guilty, could keep them in jail the rest of their lives. now we're hearing two more officers seen in the videos have been suspended and are under a separate investigation. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. let's get right to it with charles watson in memphis with more on what we're learning prosecute videos and so many questions -- from the videos and so many questions after their release. charles. >> reporter: well, neiling or all along the family of tyre nichols said the videos would be disturbing, and there's really no other way to explain it.
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you see officers savagely and relentlessly beatnik also for minutes on -- beat nichols for minutes on end during the traffic stop that became violent almost immediately. >> hands! >> i didn't do anything! >> [inaudible] >> then lay down! >> i'm just trying to go home! >> if you don't -- >> i am on the ground! >> stop it! >> reporter: body cam video shows an officer aggressively yank nichols out of his vehicle as the 29-year-old tells officers he just wants to go home. a few moments later you see nick if also escape from -- nichols escape from police who then tase him as he takes off down the road. at that point officers chase him. later on other officers spot him and catch up to him. you see nichols on the ground as officers restrain him, punch him and pepper spray him. all the while the officers are demanding he give them his hands as nichols calls out for his
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mother. [inaudible conversations] >> watch out, watch out! >> [inaudible] mom! mom! >> give me your hands! >> all right, all right. >> give me your hands. >> all right. okay, all right. all right. >> hey, man, give me your hands, bro! >> watch out. >> hey, give me your hands, bro! >> all right. >> give me your hands, bro. >> reporter: yeah, and even though it appears officers have control of nichols, the assault continues. at one point you see an officer kick nichols in the head at least twice as if he was punting a football, and then officers proceed to pass nichols around, striking him with a baton and
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again punching him in the face before he finally collapses and is later dragged and propped up against a police car for several minutes without having any aid rendered. it took more than 20 the minutes for an ambulance to arrive on scene and to get nichols some help. instead of helping, officers can be heard on the scene talking amongst one another claiming nichols had his hand on one of the officer's guns. >> we got him out of the car -- >> hey, you good? >> [inaudible] >> you reach for mark gun -- [inaudible conversations] >> reporter: now, to be clear, we never hear any officer mention nichols grab their gun during the violent confrontations, nor do we see it on video. this morning, neil, we were set to speak with an attorney representing former memphis police officer desmond mills jr., one of the five officers charged. that interview was abruptly can
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can -- canceled overnight, huh-uh but he says in a statement we will review the videos together at the appropriate time. a thorough investigation of all available angles is needed before providing context or comment. my heart goes out to the nichols' family and the entire city of memphis, and we hope all will express themselves peacefully. protests remained peaceful in memphis just as the nichols familied had hoped for. activist ises were passionate and say they plan to be back out again tonight. many hadn't even watched the full video saying it hurt too much, they were simply protesting to call for justice the, and it looks like justice may be on the way, neil. we've heard from officials here in the city of memphis and in the county, shelby county, say that of their officers and sheriff's deputies on scene -- other officers are being investigated for their roles in that beating including two sheriff's deputies from the shelby county sheriff's office who have been relieved to of their duties pending internal investigation, neil.
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so a lot of developments here and disturbing images. neil: you know, charles, i know it's still early, but all of this was still precip anticipated by a traffic stop presumably for reckless driving, but the response seemed disproportionate to any type of driving. have we gotten to the bottom of that? >> reporter: you know, neil, we've heard from the police chief and the shelby county district attorney, and they say at this point there's no evidence to prove that there was any reason to stop the tyre nichols in the first place. so it is really unclear why these officers stopped him in the first place and why they proceeded to approach him so aggressively and, you know, begin to throw him on the ground and, you know, yell at him, curse at him, tase him and do all of these things that seemed a bit overboard for what the initial response was said to be the, neil.
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neil: charles watson, thank you for that. by the way, we did get a comment from the shelby county d.a. on all of this saying that while each of the five individuals played a different role in this incident in question, the actions of all of them resulted in the death of tyre nichols, and they are all responsible. so much we don't know, this much we do know, it was a peaceful night, by and large, some were expecting much worse. but pleas from no less than the mother of this young man all the way up to the president of the united states for peace and nor everyone kind of keeping -- and for everyone kind of keeping cool during this proved to be very, very helpful. the the latest from the white house, lucas tomlinson. >> reporter: neil, president biden says he has spoken to the nichols family. when he did speak to them the, he had not seen that horrific video. now the white house says he has and issued the following statement last night. quote: like so many, i was outraged and deeply pained to see the horrific video of the
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beating that resulted in tyre nichols' death, yet another painful reminder of the profound fear and trauma, the pain and exhaustion that black and brown americans experience every single day. my heart dose out to tyre nichols' family and to americans in memphis and across the country who are bereaving -- grieving this tremendously painful loss. the footage will leave people justifiably outraged. those who seek justice should not resort to violence or destruction. violence is never acceptable, it is illegal and destructive. i join mr. nichols' family in calling for peaceful protests. on his way to camp david, president biden spoke to reporters. >> i spoke with tyre's mother and expressed my condolences and told her that i was going to be making the case to the congress to a pass the george floyd act, to get this under control. i can only do so much in an executive order at the federal level. i was really pleased that she called for peaceful protests, no
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violence, no movement at all. and so i, you know, i spoke with her about, i don't know, 10, 15 minutes. >> reporter: so far those calls for nonviolence appear to have been answered. neil? neil: thank you very much, lucas tomlinson. as lucas said, the president's at camp david this weekend. want to go to ted williams right now, former d.c. homicide detective and fox news contributor, lawyer, he's seen it from both sides here. ted, good to have you, i'm sorry on these, you know, occasions here. but this is a riddle that searches for some sort of a response. the way and the means by which, you know, police apprehended this young man that seemed disproportionate to the charge of erratic or reckless driving. maybe we'll get the details on that soon enough, but what did you think? >> you know, you're absolutely right. it is relatively
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disproportionate to a reckless driving stop. neil, reckless driving should never be a death sentence. and when you look at what took place here, these officers approached that car and initially they jerked this man out of the car. and the first thing the man said, i did not do anything. i didn't do anything. and they beat this man mercifully. i mean, you know, neil, i played this over in my mind all of last night, and i can tell you the closest this comes to was the rodney king beating many, many years ago. but, you know, neil, we expect more of our law enforcement. and i gotta tell you, this is the exception, not the norm. the many good men and women who put that uniform on and go out here and serve their communities do it in a very professional
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manner. these the officers were rogue officers. they were power-driven. and i gotta tell you, neil, the thing that troubles me is i don't believe that this was the first time that these guys have acted the way they did. they felt very calm in their environment beating this man the manner in which they did. neil: now, in the meantime, ted, you've probably heard unit that these officers came from -- not the two that are now being investigate filed a neighboring county sheriff, but the five involved, they're part of this scorpion anti-crime unit. and i'm wondering whether it's a different esprit de corps. i know right now the mayor and the police chief have suspended the scorpion group's operations, but what do you know of it, make of it? >> well, the scorpion unit came in because crime was off the charts will in memphis,
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tennessee, and it came into being in about october of 2021. and what you had was a lot of officers who had some experience on the street assigned to this count -- unit. but what has happened unfortunately, neil, and it is happening all over the country, is that the experienced officers have left these various units, and they've left it to some inexperienced officers. now, i'm not saying these officers were inexperienced. these officers, clearly, they ranged in their 20s and 30s. so they had some at least 5 years of experience on the police force. in the scorpion unit was something that was needed, but at stage i think it needs to be disbanded, and i would hope that at some stage they'll put another unit in place. neil: you know, ted, one of the first things that came up even from benjamin crump, the lawyer for the family of tyre is that,
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quote, we have never seen swift justice like this, referring to the almost immediate firing of the five officers involved and then, of course, these charges against them all the way up to second-degree murder which could land all these guys in prison for the rest of their lives if found guilty. so he said that that was instrumental in getting ahead of something that could have resulted in a much more violent reaction. do you agree with that? do you think that the reaction we got, which was relatively calm -- some incidents in new york stomping on police vehicles and the like -- was because local authorities got ahead of hit -- of it? >> well, they did get in front of it. ben crump is a personal friend of mine, neil, and i can tell you that the memphis citizens and the lawmakers there, they got very much in front. they were proactive rather than being reactive. but this could not happen, i
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would hope that at some stage this would be somewhat of a blueprint for the rest of the country. but because you have unions, because you have certain rules and regulations many these various -- in these various cities around the country, may or may not be able to be put into place. but with i think fact that they were proactive and the citizens of the, of memphis as well as the citizens around the country saw that they were trying to do something will in memphis, i think it helped to quell riots perhaps around this country. neil: yeah. let's hope it stays that way. some protests and demonstrations are still being planned, as you know, ted, for this day and this weekend. we'll keep an eye on that, and we'll be talking to you later in the show. ted, in the meantime, thank you. want to go to john yoo right now, what these officers are in for and the expanding investigation into over officers that could have been involved. we told you about these two with
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who have been suspended from the shelby county police department. former deputy assistant general and uc-berkeley law professor, justice thomas law clerk, all of that. you know, i was looking at a lot of these details, john, on this particular case, and the use of violent force or over-the-top force is something that struck me whether it was necessary, you know, whether that comes out just by the sheer volume of it. i counted looking at the video myself pepper spray, multiple kicks, punches, swings of batons, kicking the head three times. i mean, this is something that seems way out of bounds with, you know, someone who's already been taken and is down. and i'm just wondering whether that comes in to their case when it does come before a jury.
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>> well, neil,st a good point and, actually, you can think of this as involving two different types of investigations. one will be as to those five individual police officers and whether they committed, essentially, attempted or committed murder. i expect as we've all seen from these videos all five of them will go to jail in the end. if they were smart, they would plead guilty and never step foot before a jury, because i think the evidence looks pretty overwhelming just from the video. but there's a second kind of investigation, neil, that goes to your question which is, was this five rogue officers, as mrs this the result of a pattern or practice of way the memphis police department runs itself? are there policies, training, special units that are deliberately being instructed to do these kinds of things over and over again? if that's the case, that's the job not just of the memphis
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police department and d.a., not just the job of the tennessee attorney general to look into, but also the job of the federal justice department and the civil rights division. this is kind of investigations that actually the biden administration has put a priority on. let's see if they're going to get involved. i expect they would get involved after watching that that video, and they're the ones who are going to have to see whether this is part of a broader pattern or practice of efforts to violate the civil rights of people in memphis. neil: and, indeed, we're getting word that the department of justice is, you know, very close to opening a civil rights investigation. what would that mean, very quickly? >> well, it means that you would not look just at these five officers, but as you suggested, neil, you would look at more officers, you look at other cases, you look at the leadership and the training, the way that the police department is organized. it's a thorough, thorough investigation of the whole department, not just five people, not just this one incident. neil: all right. thank you very, very much, my
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friend, giving us a good sense legally what we could be facing here. now, we're going to continue to follow the fallout from this case here. you might have noticed that tyly nichols multiple times, six that i counted in the video, called out for his mother. it turns out that his mother's home was but 100 yards away from where all this was going down. when his mother later learned that, it was like another blow. she couldn't comprehend it and has refused to watch the video to this day. we'll have more after this. rn on the south side of chicago. it has been a long road, but now i'm working for schwab. i love to help people understand the world through their lens and invest accordingly. you can call us christmas eve at four o'clock in the morning. we're gonna always make sure that you have all of the financial tools and support to secure your financial future. that means a lot for my community and for every community.
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the administration was crowing about some numbers that show those migrants coming from countries like cuba, nicaragua, haiti and venezuela, those cases dropped prohibitive thely, about 97% down to a 7-day average of about 115 in the latest period in january versus, obviously, 3,367 in the last 7-day average in december. now, what that does not if include though are all those from all countries, better than 130. there the numbers are much more mumming and about north of -- numbing and north of 25 the 0,000 so-called gotaways, to say nothing of those who were never captured, something i raised with the texas governor, greg abbott, earlier this week. >> you're a very informed person, and we're misled by the president. the average american is completely misled by the president who, i think,
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purposefully issued misleading information to make it look to the public like there was some decrease on the border. he's wrong for two reasons. one of which you pointed out, and that is they're talking about these four different countries. americans immediate to know already people -- need to know there are people coming across the border from more than 140 different countries. and so he's admitting a large number of people coming from across the entire world. second thing as was reported and is a fact, and that is this time of year is the lowest time of year for border crossings. and so this is just seasonal. and if nothing else happens, there will be the natural increase in february and march escalating all through the summertime. but then to add to in the, biden's -- to in the, biden's new border policy is actually going to be attracting even more people to enter into the united states illegally. so biden is doing nothing but
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sowing chaos which is exactly why republicans in the united states house of representatives need to put the pedal to the metal to make sure they stop any type of program like this by the biden administration. neil: you know, governor, you mentioned this period is one that tends to be slower. now, we know already in december for the total month there were a record number of encounters, 251,487. do you then suppose that number when january numbers are tallied in the aggregate will also be smallersome. >> we'll see. -- smaller? >> we'll see. and, again, there's so many asterisks involved because as was reported, which is accurate, there are so many gotaways that are not reported in the official numbers issued by the federal government. neil: how many of these, governor, are influenced by this deal we have with mexico to deal with asylum cases to the tune of adjudicating them on their side of the border to the tune of about 30,000 a month? it might be too early to sort
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divesting -- to start the divesting or tabulating this, but what do you think? >> so it is too early. as that program goes into place, it's my analysis and the analysis of others that that is actually going to increase the number of people coming across the border. the reason is because the biden administration is basically granting parolee status to these people who are coming across the border illegally. and all that will do is to spur even more people to rush the border thinking that they, too, will get parolee status. but to be clear, what the biden administration is doing is flat out contrary to federal law. federal law does not allow this mass parolee process. it requires any president, executive branch to issue parole on only a case-by-case basis. and so we, the state of texas, we filed a lawsuit to put a stop to this program by the biden administration because it is clearly, unequivocally against the law. neil: you know, governor, if you
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don't mind my going back to the president's visit to the border and his initial meeting with you, i believe at the airport, and it strikes me as that was a limited meeting. and after that, i think you gave him a letter to explain what was going on. he claimed not to have read it hours later. can you tell the us a little bit about that? >> sure. first, to be clear, that was the eighth letter that i've sent to the president about the border. i have received no response whatsoever. but to make sure that he knew what was in the letter, you showed on your show and other shows a period of time when i was visiting with him there at the el paso airport, and i wanted to make sure he knew there was one key component of that letter. i have five bullet points in that letter that he can insure that he uses current law -- not new law, but current law -- to enforce the border to stop illegal immigration from occurring. i said it's time for you as president of the united states to step up and do your job and
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enforce these laws that already exist to stop the illegal flow of people coming across our border. neil: so it looked like a single page, governor, so there wasn't much to it. i'm not saying not much substantively, i didn't mean it like that, but that it was a quick read. anyone could realize that quickly, and -- read that quickly. and hours later we're told the president still had not. what did you make of that? >> so we purposefully put it on one page to make sure it wasn't a long document that would be long and complicatedded to read. i talked about the chaos that he's caused in the country and in texas and if about the ways that he's violated his oath of office in the constitution, and i made those five points about what he needs to do. and he's just ignoring all of this and federal law and imposing his own will and policies which are open border policies allowing these people to come in from more than 140 countries across the globe. neil: as you know, many of your
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critics, governor, including those at the white house said it was a political stunt. what you did with the letter was a political stunt. what do you think of that? >> so because i have previously sent him seven letters and got no response, i figured i had to be this in person to hand him the eighth letter to try to get a response from him. he did say at the time that he would, you know, try to work with us. but, of course, we've heard nothing from him. and so the only thing the that is a stunt is what the president is doing to allow people to come into the united states contrary to united states law with no accountability for the president. neil: so i know you're in a wheelchair, sir, and you've done a very effective job as governor dealing with that and now are in your third term. was there my understanding that because of that you wouldn't be able to actually tour the border with the president? if there are a a lot of pavedded areas where i think that could have been accommodated. who decided that that meeting at the airport would be it?
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>> the biden administration. to be clear, biden administration had announcedded days before my meeting with him that they were going to el paso. but it wasn't until late the night before he arrived that they sent an e-mail to a lower-level person in my administration that got up to my chief of staff to invite me to meet the president at the tarmac at airport. with no invitation to do anything else with him. listen, i've been with the former president of the united states, president trump, on the border. and as governor, i've been on every component of the border, so i can get around on rocks, on roads, on dirt. whatever the case may be. so there was nothing stopping the president from including me with him other than the fact he did not want to attract -- remember this last thing, neil, and that is el paso at the instruction of the biden administration completely cleaned up all of the migrants who were sleeping on the streets in el paso to sanitize --
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neil: who did that? >> -- so the president would not see anything out of place. neil who did that? >> so it was the border patrol who were asked to do that. the president of the united states took border patrol off the border to clean up the streets of el paso. neil: got it. real quickly, sir, your name keeps coming up in a growing list of potential republican governors who might entertain a white house run. i thought while i had you here and you were a captive answer, you would answer, are you going to run for president? >> neil, i'm focused on one thing, and that's being governor of great state of texas. neil: all right. because the governor of new hampshire said the same thing, just reelected governor in the great state of new hampshire. i, i've heard that out of governor kemp in georgia, reelected, loves the great state of georgia. they all kind of have that in common, and then they the run. i'm not saying they are. is it fair to say that you want to and prefer to stay in texas for these next four years rather
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than make a white house run? >> so the only accurate thing to say, neil, is that my focus is only on leading the great state of texas. neil: all right. the great state of texas governor, greg abbott. meanwhile, we're getting some updates from benjamin camp -- benjamin crump who is hinting at widening investigations and charges to come. we just don't know much more than that on the death of tyre nichols. we'll keep you posted and take you to the latest after this. r n and paying off your high rate credit card debt? and still have cash left over to put in the bank? with a newday 100 va cash out loan, you could do it all. take out an average of $70,000 - with no upfront fees. no upfront appraisal fees, termite inspection, or water test fee. because a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money.
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neil: we're learning right now that the family of tyre nichols said the video footage, of course, that has been seen by the world of their son's beating by memphis police, it's left them angry and saddened, a good many of them looking for answers to what was behind his death. his mother claims that she has not seen that and doesn't intend to see any of that. alexandria hoff right now with the latest from washington. >> reporter: well, neil, i think many people who watched it would agree that this makes them angry and sad to see, and officials had warned that the video was highly distressing using the word inhumane. it's very graphic so, please, keep that in mind while watching this. it starts with officers approaching tyre nichols' car on january 7th. he's dragged from the drivers' seat without explanation. >> [inaudible] >> i didn't do anything! you guys are really doing a lot
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right now. >> just lay down. >> i'm just trying to go home. >> man, if you don't lay down -- >> i am on the ground! >> stop it! >> reporter: profanity and threats of violence are persistent from the officers, nichols is rolling over onto his stomach as commanded when it appears pepper spray is detected, the sound of a taser is activated as well with. nichols jumps to his feet and runs off. once officers catch up with him again, you can see nichols on the ground as officers restrain him, they punch him and pepper spray if him all the while demanding that he gives them his hands as nichols cries out for his mom. >> >> mom! mom! >> watch out, watch out. [background sounds] >> mom! mom! >> reporter: the beating continues even though nichols appears more limp and in control of the officers. still, one is seen winding up and kicking nichols in the head.
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he is then passed around for additional punches to the head and face. he's also hit with a baton. with that he collapses and is later dragged and propped up against a police car. no aid is rendered, and it took more than 20 minutes for an ambulance to awe arrive on scene. officers can be heard talking amongst one another claiming nichols had his hand on one of their guns. >> then he was going for a gun too, so i'm, like -- >> he grabbed mark's gun. >> we got him out of the car -- >> hey, brother, you good? >> he hit me. >> you reach for mark gun -- [inaudible] >> he had his hand on my gun. >> reporter: to be clear, there's no indication from officials or from the entirety of that footage that nichols had ever reached for an officer's gun. neil? neil: alexandria hoff, thank you for that. want to go to howard safir right now, former nypd commissioner. i was struck by what might have precipitated all this in the first place, and the memphis
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police chief had said the officer that was doing the kicking, officer and other officers that later joined were already ramped up about mr. nichols in his car. she went on to say something did happen, we don't the know what it was. they allege he was driving on the wrong side of the road, but we've not within able to prove that -- been able to prove that, so we don't know what got in this started. we do know it seemed to be a pretty fast and violent initial reaction to reckless driving, so what do you, what do you make of it? >> well, first, it's total overreaction on the part of these five officers. i say officers, you know, neil, i'm always the first one to deend fend police. but -- defend police. but in this particular case, i think it's indefensible. these five actors were acting as criminals in police uniformings. if -- uniforms. something ticked them off. we don't know what it was the, but it does not appear to be a
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violent act on the part of mr. nichols, and it does not appear that any force was justified especially when you're doing a traffic stop. you should be disescalating, not escalating what's going on. this is one of the worst incidents that i've seen. neil: you know, commissioner, we're learning about this so-called scorpion unit where the initial five officers involved, they were part of this elite, i guess you would call it almost a separate s.w.a.t. team to deal with crime in the memphis area. but later on we discoveredded that two deputies who joined this, they are with the shelby city sheriff is' office, i'm told. they have been relieved of hair duties pending an investigation into their role in all of this. so that's seven officers who were part of a pretty significant pile-on. what do you make of it? >> well, first, you know, there's nothing wrong with special units, but you have to look into how they were trained, how they're supervised.
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the fact that there are serve patrol officers -- seven patrol officers at a violent scene and no supervision is something that really needs to be looked into because, clearly, it was the on the radio and there were people responding. where was a sergeant? where was a lieutenant? why are they there by themselves? neil: no, all good questions. if you don't mind, howard, i'd like to move on to another video that was capturing the nation's attention when it was released early yesterday, and that is, of course, the paul pelosi break-in video where he's hit with a hammer. a lot of questions being raised there as to what could have been, but i was just surprised this that there wasn't a watch on the then-speaker's home period whether she was there or not or that that there was more security, you know, always looking at that property. if what did you make of it? >> well, first, the capitol police are responsible for the protection of pelosi in her
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home. why they were not there, why they were not under surveillance with cameras, i have no idea. but that's certainly something that has to be looked into by the chief of the capitol police. as far as the reaction, you know, police officers have seconds to make a decision in that kind of situation. i would have hoped they would have taken some action quicker, but, you know, that's something that is quite different than what we were discussing relative to the memphis center? but hopefully, they would have disarmed or taken some forceful action to prevent that perpetrator from hitting mr. pelosi. neil: he seemed remarkably calm throughout this. he's an 82-year-old guy. this other guy swings at him with a hammer, fractures part of his skull, he's in the hospital for weeks. he still has some surgery to come, i understand. what did you think of how he dealt with this? >> he dealt with it perfectly. unfortunately, it didn't result in him not being injured. if you listen to the 911 tape,
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which i have, he is giving all kinds of signals to the operator that he is in distress and he is being held against his will. so, you know, the response of just two officers, and i think that's what it was the, is probably not the kind of response that should have taken place. neil: commissioner, thank you very much for giving us on -- your perspective on these twin development videos that give you pause, to put it mildly, especially one involving this young man and what happens now, tyre nichols. we're looking and seeing around the country how demonstrations, protests are being planned. everything has been largely peaceful, we showed you that at the outset of the show. such rallies or peaceful rallies to remind police there are those who can go too far with a reminder as well we won't go too far. let's hope that holds. after this. go better...togethe.
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neil: do any of you remember the movie fatal attraction with glenn close? she had this fixation on michael douglas, and all of a sudden things got out of hand. picture what california's doing. california is glenn close in fatal attraction trying to hang on to rich people even when they try to leave the state. lydia hu has more. >> reporter: neil, proposals for a wealth tax are coming from eight states in coordination with each other. the goal, the state lawmakers say, is to make sure the wealthy people have no where to hide. the measures vary from state to state, but generally, they aim to take a cut from large asset holdings every year regardless of whether the asset grew in value. lawmakers in california want to tax all forms of personal property or wealth. this would include not just real estate, but also business
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interest, unrealized gains and even artwork. the california bill would also require taxpayers to pay these taxes even if they move out of state. in illinois taxpayers would have to recognize gains on the value of their assets as income even if they haven't sold the asset. and new york's proposal increases state capital gains taxes so much that according to "the wall street journal" the government would take half of every dollar in investment earnings. >> this would be entirely new in the united states, and it's pretty novel worldwide. >> reporter: critics say these new tax schemes will encourage the wealthy to run away to states like florida and texas, but it seems lawmakers proposing these reforms know that. that's why we have california's attempt to tax people even if they leave. neil, back to you. neil: all right. thank you for that, lydia, very, very much.
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can the governor of california do that? can any governor of any state do that, if you want to leave, making sure they grab on to you or at least your wallet when you do? after this. all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're providing greater access to investing, with low-cost options to help maximize savings. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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♪ neil: all right. whenever we do a tax segment, we get a a lot of reaction including those who say what am i doing in a high-tax state? if i should move. for that perspective, gary kaltbaum in florida, he has seen a lot of people join him there. adam lashinsky out in california, he's seen a lot of friends and family members leave him there. gentlemen, it's good to have both of you. adam, i ended with you with a polite, you know, sort of ribbing there, but what is going on when california or at least
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one legislator trying to woo others is seriously thinking of imposing a tax on the upper 1% and then even if they leave, making sure that they pay it regardless? >> well, i doubt it'll be very popular, and i doubt it'll actually happen, and, you know, politicians do all sorts of nutty things, neil. but i actually think it's kind of pathetic that people would build hair lives around the taxes -- can their lives around the taxes that they pay as opposed to their community or even states that nurtured them and gave them their fortunes. gary, i know that you didn't move to florida recently or just to avoid paying taxes, but that is how i feel about somebody like ken griffin. illinois built his empire, and he just says, okay, bye-bye -- neil: didn't he build his own empire? what did the state have to do with it. >> i would say that it created the environment that, and the community that he belt it in, neil. -- built it in. i think it had a big role.
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neil: gary, what do you think of that? >> here's what's stunning, california from mid '21 to '2 22343,000 people -- lost 3443,000. -- 343,000 people. there's a simple rule, people, capital and business will flock where they're treated best if able to, and you're seeing it in droves. and it's amazing just to watch them continue to do the same things over and over again that just don't work. and a place like illinois that people are migrating from, you have a statement senate that says -- state senate that says we want to send the message there's no place to hide. so if you're successful and if you're wealthy, there's no place to hide? i would suggest that statement should be for maybe criminals. so, again, there's eight states trying to do all. i suggest there's 42 other states that are lagging about i. the rell to haves in florida -- realtors in florida are just loving it when these states come
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up with these crazy ideas. neil: whether they see fruition, i think keeping someone from, you know, paying their taxes when they've left the state is a crazy idea, and it'll probably never happen, adam, to your point. but i do notice a lot more creativity on part of some states to raise taxes than to address spending. i mean, last year at this time the california was swimming in $100 billion surplus, now it's not. i just find it ott that maybe they could -- odd that 345eub they could be a little more creative -- can creative when it comes to addressing the spending part of it. >> well, sure, of course. i agree, and that's a given. but there's a lot of, long history here, neil. we have a wealth tax in california. it's a property tax, and we acted years ago, as you know, with prop 13 to curtail that property tax, to make it difficult for local jurisdictions to raise property taxes. so it doesn't surprise me that government officials looking to raise revenue would look for other ways since their own citizens tied their hands long
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ago. and gary accurately pointed out it's not just taxes. there are many reasons why people come to or leave a state. i don't dispilot that california has its issues right now. neil: all right. you know, gary, i'm just wondering where does this go, was a lot of these -- because a lot of these states that were swimming in money aren't swimming in money, and we might hear more of this, right? >> if it continues, you're going to see the population grow in texas, you'll see it grow in florida, you'll see it grow in areas where they're going to the advertise the what these other states are doing. and look, the amazing part about these statements, they're already very high-tax statements. it's very -- states. it's the well known, talked about on a daily basis, and you would think they would learn a lesson from them that the you should treat the success and wealth the right way. these are the people that pay a lot of the tax thes and bring a lot more people and employees and schools and all kinds of things to the state. so unfortunately, it looks like
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they're going the other way. neil: all right. gary, i'll put you down as a maybe on california. always good seeing you, adam, thank you very much. in the meantime, we will take you back to memphis, get the latest from there. so far peaceful protests but, again, anger over a video that has shocked the nation. after this. with chase freedom unlimited, you can cashback 3% on dining including take-out. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or the tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. well, good luck with that. earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? ... pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team.
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