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tv   Never Give an Inch  FOX News  January 29, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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steve: you always make me feel optimistic because you know. great to see you as always be sure to dvr the shows you don't miss an episode. we will see you next sunday when "the next revolution" is televised. >> my mission was to keep american people foremost in our minds. to taliban,n these folks top have your kids and grand kids l live a life that is different. i wanted to tell a story of 4 years of protecting
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america. this book does that, and why it is important too the title "never give an inch: fighting for the america i love." that is why you to things that keep mark safe, you can't give an inch, once you compromise and round the corners. the secular left. progressives they will take a mile, we can't let america begin to erode in that way, we'll wake up some day, america will look fundamentally different than what your founders bequeathed to us. >> mike is a man of convictions. and principles. not afraid to stant up to tup stand up to status quo or make harder decisions. >> i had a lot of dealings with the secretary, i spent a lot of time with
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diplomatic missions with him. i can tell you every time mike was in the room, people knew america was there. >> we always knew who our boss was, the american people, we have to get it right for america, we could never take risks that would put us in a place. we shorthanded this america first, but it was thinking about america, as this most important place. its people, and america's place in the world as most important nation among all. >> when you work with mike. he is so focused on outcomes and results, less about the activities, it doesn't matter the actions or meetings you sat in, it is did we get the results for the american people? that is his focus. >> wherever mike was, people knew that america was strength, he projected strength, and leadership and courage. >> i am sanctioned by the chinese communist party,
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that is sending a message to me. but what they are really doing telling the folk us who come behind me, if you behave like that guy we'll come after you and iranians sending a message to my successor, don't behave like mike pompeo did, if you do, we will threaten your life, this is not about mike this is about america, make sure we don't let the bad guys change the way we think every day, about acting is seriousness and thoughtfulness to protect our nation, the things we did that cause need be pan sanctions push back against chinese communist party and seriousness we took with threat from russia and effort to we took to protect, america and israel and the world from the regime in iran. >> successfully executed a flawless precision strike
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that killed the number one terrorist in the world. >> they were righteous actions, we got them right, now i have a lot of security helping keep me safe, it impacts your the way you roll, hard to go to 7-eleven at midnight to pick up cough syrup, they are small sacri sacrifices. >> have been threats against a number of senior american officials, we have to live with the consequence of that. the decisions that we make in office. >> we had the iranians renew their threat to assassinate those that were involved in soleimani buy. >> threat is not go away any time soon.
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>> far and away greatest threat to u.s. from south outside our country is chinese communist party under the leadership of xi jinping, they want us to live differently in america, that is not how they run the she inside, they want america to live like them. >> i think secretary pompeo was one of the leading voices of calling out this threat that is the chinese communist party. it is the conflict of the century. it is not won in a yearo ro or two or three it requires acknowledgment. >> the threat to country our way of life, liberty and things we hold dear, they come from beijing and communist party of china, which is lead by now de
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dictator for life. >> what you are doing your them back at home, it seems far away, chinese communist party is inside the gates, they are here today, they are working in our schools. in our universities systems. we just saw they give 50 million dollars to the think tank that then vice president biden was running, they didn't give 50 million dollars to the penn-biden think tank because they liked penn or they wanted american students in penn to have a better life, to influence. to change the way that it thought about the world. and they are doing it across the country. >> chinese communist party has asymptomatic ways of -- systemic way of identifying critical a.i. intellectual property to help their strays in china c compete. >> this not just a party or dedictator, they have
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expansive global -- ia. bishon. mike and i were in lockstep. >> we not had someone like xi for a long time, my meetings with mihm were not pleasant. i was pretty directed, he was equally direct back to me. and it was clear, we understood that these two nations were not partners or competitors but because of xi, not because of america. they would be adversaries until such time as china ceased threatens fundamental rights of every u.s.e citizen. >> we have to stand up to chinese communist party our way of lawyer. life ar are of at stake. it is too important for exus and our allies
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it is the philippines and our friends in india. and all of them are under threat from china >> how we thought about relationship to demand reciprocity. tell us how you treat our folks we'll treat yours the same way, whether than american company trying to do, in china, same way a chinese company to do business in u. today, a chinese diplomat roams across america. >> we impose same requirements on chinese diplomats in washington, people said you can't do that. and we called chinese diplomats said. here of restriction on american diplomat in china, and you, we want to make sure it is reciprocal.
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>> fox news alert 80 million americans now under stay at home orders. >> new york city has more cases anyone italy of third of all cases. >> deadly chinese coronavirus plague continues to spread. >> we should neverrer for get chinese communist party knew they had a lethal, contagious virus, they put tens of thousands of people on airplanes and traveled across the world spreading the viewer to us the world. -- virus to the world that was dangerous and resulted in deaths of millions of people. the virus almost certainly escaped from the laboratory in wuhan. that chinese communist party is responsible for all that has followed from that. >> one thing that secretary pompeo did is call out the tremendous impact that covid that originated in wuhan and fact they never allowed our inspectors to come in and look at, that and kept that
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information away from the world, which created so much damage. >> one thing about mike at out sit of crise, we warned president on january 28, i said to president this is the biggest national security crise he's faces as president. >> february of 20. front end of wuhan virus unleashed in america, i was on call. president, was expe speaking with xi, he was very unh unhappy with me, he used to opportunity to remind president he had leveraging too. when phone call ended, the president reminded me, that guy doesn't like you, i knew that already. i went quiet for a while, we needed to make sure we did everything right in u.s. and got the work done. >> this is as close as i came to getting fired. or potentially fired.
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>> you may be secretary of state or cia director but this is about america, why your duty to protect. we didn't get to right every day. but we were focused on the right mission. we never gave an inch with things that truly mattered for america. >> if you understand the essence of mike pompeo it revolves around his faith. his family, and the love he has for his family and around his unwavering belief in this noble and granted experience we call the united states of america. he lives to nurture and protect that idea. >> my mother was from kansas my father from new mexico, neither graduated from college, but they understood if you worked hard and told the truth, not everyone day but good things would
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happen, that was de deeply buried in what they taught me, i knew quickly that i wanted a well you build teams, you need to bring people around you who see the world the same way, they will not grant favors because they like someone. they are looking for how can i build my team in a way that achieves what it is my boss told me to get done. >> i have known michael most 40 years, we were 18-year-old freshman needs at west point, we shared the same major. we got to be design partners in a lot of areas. every time we had a project, it would be due in 3 weeks. mike would say let's go work on the project. i'd say, well, not due for
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another 3 weeks. and he was always way ahead. always just, so prepared for everything he has ever done. that is the hallmark of him and why he ended up graduated number one in our class, no one will out work mike pompeo. >> if west point taught me anything is that good leaders are down with their teams in trenches doing the hard work al alongside them and and sufficient to make good decisionses when the pinch point comes. >> thank you very much. >> ronald reagan came on the scene about time that mike was in military academy, we were young military officers. he saw the force that was u.s. military and rebuilt it he had an idea of peace through strength, a strong america would keep america safe and our allies safe and. >> from summers from kansas
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farm and west point and army and my business with my family, i tried to do two things, what is right, my best. as your congressman, that is what i'll do. >> i knew at one . he would lock at service beyond his military time, beyond 5 years active duty. and him deciding to run for congress made sent. he wanted to serve. he. wanted to make a difference. >> nobody y knew who the heck i was there were 8 people in the race, but we put forward our conception for people of south central kansas, we got electione -- 2010. >> fox news, decision desk. has called pennsylvania, for donald trump. this means that donald trump will be the 45 president of the united states.
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>> i got reelected to what would have been my fourth term in congress, i was focused on, that i was in washington getting ready to finish out my third term, and received a found call from vice president elect pence. and he said mike would you think about joining the administration. i said mr. vice president i just stent a lot of money to get reelected. he said if we found the right thing, he knew it would fall on my heart the right way, i said of course, friday morning they announced my nomination to be cia director. >> he called said, you are not going to believe this, i got nominated to be dir direct cia, i said what does he know about cook, the woulder in i culinary institute of america, then it dawned on me. i realized what a great fit. for someone with mike a background to do that. >> i said you will join me.
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>> i thought he was joking. i realized, it would be a t tremendous hon t honor to work with him in this role. >> he had given up everything in his life to be part of mission set we were on together for two years, a dear friend, a great patriot and served america well. >> my goal was to help make mike successful. and the agent successful and advance the security and protio prosperity. >> we told cia, they would go out and get to do things they wanted to do, reasons you go to the cia, is not for a safe space, you go to cia because you want to be excellent do hard work, my predecessor, had a very different understanding. he would not use the worth -- word spying, he said we don't spy, i tell the american people, the cia is best e espionage
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organization in the world and we're safer for that. we always had our teams back, even when there were days they didn't go the way we wared. >> we pulled together to save american lives, and that was mark of an impressive colleague. someone that always put america first. that characterized mike's conduct the whole time in office. >> i am hopeful when i left the cia, i left it just a little bit better than when i found it. >> secretary of state rex tillerson latest departure from trump administration. >> i was briefing the president almost every day when i was cia director in town here, asked me to stay. and he said mike i'm thinking about making a transition, about asking you to be secretary of state, would you be willing to serve, like when he asked to be cia director, i was --
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still had so much more work to do at cia, i so believed i was delivering good val furvalue for american people but then president said he was thinking about it, it was ease to say yes. and take on what i knew would be a more public role. a broader role. and much more difficult role in so many ways but president asked, it was the right thing to do. >> there is a big difference between the cia and state department, it say different mission, you are making policy there working on behalf of the president achieving your foreign policy objective ins. >> they could not be more culturally different, cia thrives on hard missions, taking appropriate risks and delivering measurable outcomes on a timeline that they have been asked to deliver. state department is very department, much bigger in terms of people, its mission
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is. >> it was much more frustrating at the state department. there were far too many people at state department who called the deep state, when you try town mine the secretary of state, and have a theory says he may be secretary but i know more than he does that issue is dangerous in a democracy. the trump administration was a tough place to be. i can't tell you how many people came to me, said, oh, you served at cia director just take your 18 months, check the b box and get on, i never thought about quitting, not for a second. and while we had leaders leave because the president didn't want them we had a handful of folks, they didn't want to stay in the fight. for whatever reasons. and i -- not -- not personal, it is about fact they wasn't about to give up a singling second of opportunity to serve -- single 6 second of an opportunity to serve, you have a responsibility to
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stay at it as long as president will give you the leash to do, that until for me i was not going away until he told mer on the good lord took me, it was oner on the other. >> shake up on the white house, john bolton is out at national security advise or. >> i have known john a long time, he chose to when he left administration, write a book with details that were almost certainly classified. while the administration was still in office, that is dangerous. i think it is -- >> a shame, and i think it presentiit -- presented a lot risk, one should never tell the stories while that administration and to the is nstill in was, this is bad for america. >> very concerned about people that work for him. their families. he wanted to make sure that
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anyone he sent out overseas had fullbacking of u.s. government, they would come home to their families, for those of us who work him close, everyone knew that mike knew his brief as well as anyone in room, and always gave you comfort when you sent them out to negotiate on behalf of u.s. >> my original thing, i told him, i can do this for you, one year was 18 months. then 18 months to him the secretary of state. saying come over to state department. and that turned to the 4 years, until at 11 a.m., on january 20, we walked out of state department together and made sure we delivered until very last minute on behalf of american people in keeping your folks safe. >> america deserves to win, i wanted to be a part of helping it win.
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republicanronald reagan had the fame out line, we win they lose.
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- [announcer] payroll takes too long. at least it used to. now, there's roll, the app that makes payroll as easy as sending a text. you. you're slinging tacos and you've got a minute between orders to handle payroll. what do you do? step one, type 'run payroll', respond to a couple questions, and that's it... done! and they're paid tomorrow, not four days from now. if you know how to send a text, you know how to use roll. go to and get your first three months free and unlimited payroll. >> welcome to fox news live, i am jackie ibanez in new york, chilling details on what may have triggered a shooting rampage in so
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northern california that left 7 form workers dead, accused 6-year-old gunman beenraged with his boss billed him $1 hu $100 for damaging a forklift. >> ukrainian forces await tank deliveries, russia is now launching new attacks on eastern ukrainian f ferterritory. following a barrage of missile assaults in donbas region. back to never give an inch now. >> when president trump came to office he was briefed by president obama that north korea nuclear program would
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prove to be his greatest national security challenge, it was a huge challenge. chairman kim was launching rockets. we set about a fundamentally different approach. we knew that t t we tried to create a space to separate. >> north korea program g got started with the secretary. it was really a trump-pompeo effort to engage in diplomacy with north korea, our idea was to show kim jong-un there was a future outnuclear weapons. >> whether the cia or state department we were working so hard to achieve that outcome, really help the north korea people, i think we really were hoping that chairman kim would make that decision to get rid of his nuclear weapons so the aid
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that development become into north korea. we could bring them to modern sent century and help the people of north korea. >> easter of 2018, i left the united states on good friday to pyongyang. another planet. when you land there, you fly in you can see gray buildings, they are living in poverty, also the case when i trave i travel that first time we had america return home otto warmbier, i was mindful that person sitting across table from me killed an american and was evil. >> i walked to shake his hand, through a translatesser he said, i am surprised you showed up here since you have been trying to kill me, i was taken aback.
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i decided to lean into it a little bit, i said mr. chairman, maybe i still am. and it proved a great jumping off point through translator took time too -- but he laughed and smiled. at that point i think he knew i wasn't going to let him bully me or threaten america, we could have a serious conversation in a way that was candid. >> north koreans were so upset they kept asking to have a different diplomat come. back to those convictions to never give an inch. secretary held his ground and north koreans said, mike pompeo is bad, he is hurting the summit, he is not willing to give on the position. >> there were a handful of countries that would have preferred next man up. it wasn't just about me personally, it was that i
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was the conduit for information that was representing what america was intending to do. theory, if you can get around that nasty guy pompeo, then maybe we'll get a different spongts from response from the trump administration. >> he had a goal. >> we made a lot of progress, we came to understand the risk profile of north korea better and the summits, totaling 3, that president trump had with chairman kim. i think were only mechanism that provided any real possibility we achieved when america needed us to achieve there. >> i think this is a potentially more dangerous situation than watergate, we're at a dangerous moment. >> feels like we're in opening st staifnlgs. stages. >> it looks like collusion, it looks like he is
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listening to putin more than american intelligence. >> before i was sworn in as cia, narrative of donald trump as a russian asset was rampant, it resulted in impeachment of u.s. we were not working on behalf of the russians it was -- if there was anything we were probably the toughest administration on russia in at least a couple of decades. but it was an enormous challenge for us to confront that media narrative. i think that putin understand we were serious and determined, if we said we were going to do something we would. >> putin will do things that help putin sa stay in power. possession mike had at cia had a clear understanding of putin and what drives and motivates him and his interests that helped him at secretary of state. >> vladimir putin is not someone to be admired.
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he is quite but people confuse his cleverness with the fact he is a brutal dec dictator. he has trump's ear, who represents u.s., he is willing to use that power if you want to get a deal done, take him seriously and negotiate. >> we understand that vladimir putin was never going to change his desire for greater russia to go build that -- we build soviet empire, we knew that. the previous administration had seen what happened in crimea, still would not give the ukrainians the basic tooks they needed to defend themselves, we were aware crime crimea was a jumping off point. we were determined to provide ukrainians with what they need come front russia, and ever -- to build
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our military, all things that one does it deter an a adversary. >> i think russia and north korea are regional threats that are pain and can be troublesome, i think it requires convictiontion and understanding of that threat. for both administrations, we're not winning that unless we have that from administration to administration. all across the country,
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>> after two years of negotiations, united states together with international partners achieved something that decades of animosity has not, a long-term deal with iran that will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon. >> previous administration decided that iran was a
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business partner. to enter into a deal with them and keep the world safe. this was insane. we took three quick actions we bottom the mission center around the iranian issue. second. we began to unpack all of analyst-- analytic work that was done in support of nuclear deal in my judgment one of the worst agreements that america has everen everen ent -- entered into, the truth is that the agreement that nuclear deal that was known at jcpoa, gave iran a clear legal pathway to a nuclear weapon. for america that is dangerous for israel it is put your entire national risk but within i guess a couple weeks of me becoming
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secretary of state we got out of deal put in place maximum pressure campaign denying iranians resources to underwrite hezbollah, and houthis and hamas and gaza strip. we began to take away from them resources and money with which to threaten the world. >> we knew that president rightly terminated, was a major di disaster it was a blank check to the iranians. it was naive they would use it to buy ice cream and cars for middle class, they bottom a military industrial complex and supported terrorists and proxies in the region, and intimidated neighbors with new wealth. >> we put pressure on.
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the withdrawal from jcpoa it was a patient path to a nuclear weapon, when luke at affects of maximum pressure campaign it was tremendous, all that then lead to strike on soleimani, a way to bring back -- deterrents. >> xi jinping noticed and chairman kim noticed, every leader said, he is serious, these are men who with they say something they will follow through on it. we delivered amazing outcomes for american people push back against the regime in iran in a way that no administration had been repaired to too, we took a lot of risk connected to that but risk we understand we did our best to mitigate
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>> i was a young kid, making
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my way through this first -- i was a young cadet in my first difficult summer, two classmates invited me to cooky and lemonade, i did not know it was a bible study, they lead the way, it has remained so. important part of who i am, my wife and i o taught fifth grade sunday school, my faith life as grounded me and kept me going. >> itself has been a parts of who he is, how he views thins. >> not that it dictating policy, it informs how i think about human dignity and protection of life and america's judeo christian foundering, you can't separate these 2, i never tried to. i would do my duty, to the constitution. but always do it realizing there is something bigger
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than me, i'll go work with this and meet with chairman kim or vladimir putin, and i am doing my best, there something out there that is helping that is even bigger. >> secretary pompeo of the not afraid to share the fact that he was a man of faith. he had certain beliefs, he held strong and dear to his heart. >> mike is a committed christian. it was driven moment one of my first days in state department, i walked into his office he had the bible open, i thought this is a go i who believes when he says he believes, and this is not for public consuspicion, i was impressed. taking his brief down time to read the scriptures. >> i kept the b bible on
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my desk to re to remind myself why it is we do hard work, i didn't get to it every day but almost every day, i would read just a little bit, it would really ground me and remind me of things that were most important in the world. the interacts his in the world, so, inspite of what press would write about me being a j christian ge cell. >> we didn't just talk about it we were trying to secure human dignity in america and the world every place that we could, my role secretary of state his opportunity to work to make sure no
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american money went to providing abortion services, we were relentless about that. in ways that previous administrations had not, i'm proud of that. >> faithfulness is doing the hard work and not being afraid to take a tough stand despite what popular opinion may be, it is staying with your principles. >> a person of faith, i come to watch people who think it is all about them. think this about their greatness or their moment or their victory. there is something bigger than that out there. as a christian, i have known that for a long time. you are fourth in line for presidency, mike pompeo, you still know that there is something that is bigger than you, every day. when there are tough times or something does not go right, you have a place to go pray and ask for guidance
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and wisdom and i did that.
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>> no matter of what mike decides to do. he can't help but think about how he's delivering for the american people. it is this uns faith and this number will and grand experience that is known as the united states of america. >> i think he would make a great president. i'm sure health make a decision one way or the other and i'm sure he will spend a lot of times praying. >> i don't know yet know what lord will call if i run for higher office or re
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reenter public service, i get asked mike would you go back and change anything, might you go back at it if someone asked, i never declined an opportunity to try, where i thought i could make a difference to deliver on behalf of a country that has given me so much. ♪ ♪ >> hello america, i am mark levin. this is "life, liberty and levin." we have a grealit show. two grea t guests speaker of the house kevin mccarthy.n oumcr buddy leo terrell. have we a lot of ground to cover. but before we codo. you heard of advance placement courses and a college boarnd


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