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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 30, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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he would join a crowded field of governors looking at it whether donald trump is or not. they feel they can get the money and feel this is a chance for them to make in roads. we shall see. a special guest tomorrow. that will do it here. "the five" is right now. >> ♪ ♪ >> hello. i am dana perino with judge jeanine. jesse watters and growth. -- greg gutfeld. it's 5 o'clock in new york city and this is "the five." super bowl 57 is set and jesse watters is amped up. the philadelphia eagles will face off against the kansas city chiefs on february 12th on fox. viewers noticed mr. world was at
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the game. check him out. where is the waldo? >> [laughing]. >> it was a jesse watters edition. his favorite team steam rolled the 49er's. america wants to know where is your jersey. why do you look like you just came from a business meeting. no word on whether jesse watters joined his bird brother climbing up greased poles. not everybody is taking the news well. we have to console bengals super fan bill hemmer. >> wow, did that really happen? wow? that's a tough way to lose. a rough way to lose. jesse watters, congratulations. going back to the big cowl. -- bowl. you waited a year for revenge and got it. the refs?
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dana, i might be a pain for a few days. [laughing]. so deal with it. see you soon. >> that's bill complaining with controversial calls after they lost a tight game. it seems like the chiefs were given extra motivation after cincinnati's mayor talked trash. the players did not hold. >> since the mayor, know your role and shut your mouth. >> the mayor came at me. i understand he is the mayor of cincinnati. he has to think about something. >> the mayor of since the tweeted this. yes, deserved that. jesse, had a good time? >> i had a good time. my voice is shot. i was the 12th man. >> [laughing]. >> i want to explain the controversy over why i wasn't wearing green.
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there is a reason. >> controversy? >> a lot of controversy. >> [laughing]. >> my daughter shamed me. where is your birch? i was staying in a place that had a dress code in philadelphia. you were not allowed to wander around with your face green or jersey on. it's not that type of establishment. >> fancy! >> why? >> i won't talk about where i stayed. it's none of your business. >> red roof? >> i was down in good seats but they show bradley cooper and the crowd goes crazy. i was also at the game. fox covered the game. they knew i was at the game. they didn't put my name up there. that's fine. i don't need to be in a suite. i am happy to be down with the fans. third controversy?
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i got boneless wings and they were lent. -- excellent. people said boneless wings don't exist in real life. you have to have the bone in the wing. i won't be eating wings off a bone in the middle of a game. pop them in your mouth. >> i agree. >> i am a good luck charm. i have never been to an eagles game where i lost. if anybody wants to invite me to the super bowl and pay for private plays or tickets. i want to wager with harris faulkner who is a chiefs fan for $10,000 of harold's money. i don't care what the spread is. straight up. >> peter doocy too? >> another $10,000. >> your voice is needing a little rest. it's better than mahomes voice?
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>> i don't allow you to wings where you stayed also. >> did they have linen napkins. >> harold, what did you make of the game? >> i understand why bill hemmer was upset. that call was the right call but there were a lot of calls in the game. without question the chiefs got fired up by what the bengals and the mayor said and patrick mahomes put on a show. i will let greg gutfeld defend the 49er's. the 49er's didn't have a quarterback most of the game. >> we gave the other guy a concussion. >> you have to give credit to your oscars. -- offense. the 49er's defense number 1. you destroyed them. it will be a great super bowl. the next 10 years in the nfl we have young quarterbacks. prescott did not make and
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burrough and mahomes match up will be awesome. you have to decide on which of the three quarterbacks you not want one will be traded next year which will make it more interesting. >> judge, did you watch the game yesterday? >> let me say this. >> don't blame biden. >> february 12th is a day i have been waiting for all year. i am looking forward to. it's the beginning of fashion week in new york city. >> [laughing]. >> i will be at a fashion show on february 12th. one thing about the empire state building. green and white. even i get it. that is treason. it's aiding and abetting. it's all bad stuff. i am ashamed they did that. >> the empire state building after the eagles won that game, it lit up green and white. they tweeted this. fly eagles.
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going 14 and white in honor the eagles victory. the "new york post" cover was bird brains. there was a mob at the empire state building and demanded that the lights be taken down and the person who did this to be fired. >> do you want to defend the 49er's? >> no, i don't watch a lot of football. i fell out of love when i was older than the players. >> [laughing]. >> then when i became older than the coaches. why i am watching this? i am looking at the players. they look like members of boy bands. this sport is not for me. i helped jesse with his eagles analysis. it's not we. it's them. they don't like you. >> who? >> the eagles the players or the
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fans? >> no, no, no. they can't stand you. a lot of memo don't like you. >> [laughing]. >> the reason why the eagles are so unpopular? they are the jesse watters of nfl football. they are vain, uncouth, loud, aggressive, vulgar and repulsive. jesse watters is the philadelphia eagles even on their best day you want them to lose. the kansas city chiefs pride of the midwest. very good looking. selfless america. how could you not root for the chiefs over the eagles? you think about jesse watters, what are you going to pick? >> i am going with the eagles. i have it on good authority they all love me. the offensive line really loves me. >> i want to hear about the
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controversy with bradley cooper? >> he is not from philadelphia. went outto school outside of philadelphia. i am a more famous eagles fan than he is. >> and sylvester stallone. >> andy reid the winningest philadelphia coach of all time. >> we will blow them out. >> the kelsey boys. >> the super bowl is 2 weeks from now. catch the big game on fox. turning to some are serious news. police reform in the spotlight after the beating of tyre nichols. >> [silence].
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>> ♪ ♪ >> the beating of tyre nichols sparking debate over police reform. the nation shocked by the disturbing body cam footage showing officers pummelling nichols who died of his injuries. a 6th officer was suspended in addition to the other 5 officers
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who face murder charges. democrats demand act but dismissing bipartisan acts to solve the problem. >> it would ban choke holds. it's necessary that we do all of these things but not sufficient. >> conservatives say any effort put forward can't rely on defunding the police. >> we just stop vilifying the police. we must stop listening to the voice of anger and division. >> none of the leaders for defund the police live in situations where there is high crime. >> the media egging democrats on to cut funding to police departments. >> this is so tiring and dishonest. you can't reform this stuff with
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body cameras or diversifying the police like we saw in memphis. >> you don't think the democrats will defunds the place? >> no, he is entitled to his opinion but he is dead wrong. in fairness to the senator durbin, what senator scott and booker are working on is a foundation. we are looking for an approach like with the military. some people are able to serve in combat and special forces. you think about the police forces and how we hire people and determine who should be in different unit. we do this as we defend our country and should do this for our nobel and courageous servants who get a bad rap.
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we need training protocols across the country. some say that's federalizing our police force. i don't think so. there is a way to strike that bals. they deactivated the scorpion unit in memphis. you need police forces across the country to go after some of the most violent and awful things happening in communities. they are communities -- i don't think he lives in those communities. before we talk about defunding something, you need to understand that police are essential to a functioning society. >> your reaction to watching the video? >> speechless. stunned. angry. when i looked at it, i said these peoples are evil. they are full of hate and violence. this man did nothing. we still don't know why they stopped him. there was no evidence.
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the police chief is aware of why they stopped him of alleged reckless driving. we don't know why they pulled him out of the car immediately. normally you stop someone you ask for a license and registration. we don't know whether or not they knew each other. some prior relationship there? why once he on the ground did they need to beat him with a baton and pepper spray him and taze him. sure he ran away. he said i am doing what you are telling me to do. it's disgusting. washington can talk all they want about police reform. look, i worked with cops for 32 years every day of my professional life. cops i know are not like this. these people are evil. there is evil in every bunch of society. the bill that booker and tim scott were working othe sticking point was qualified immunity.
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should a police officer lose his house because someone sues him? the issue of whether or not they are going to defund police department if they don't meet all of the standards of reforms. local police department when are the essence of law enforcement in this country they get grants from washington. if they say you didn't meet this criteria we are not giving you mondy. that's defunding them again. more police will be charged. two more sheriffs and two more firearmmen in memphis. standing around for 20 minutes. this is not over yet. this is horrible! this is not who cops are. >> greg gutfeld? >> i look at this, boy, this seems like it was worse than george floyd except the response was muted. people think that's good.
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we don't have arson and looting and sustained riots where dozens die. yet, this was worse. what does that tell you about these things in the pass? the media amplified them based on race. this is an example where a variable is controlled. that's race. both sides are black. in this incident, if you remove that var able, the media can't amplify this as a race thing so it becomes a training thing. what does this is a about the past and those were all about training when there were white cops. it could be training all along. we that said on this show all the time. it was always about systemic
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racism. people are saying it's still white people because they did the training. as if blacks don't have the agency to do the right thing. my favorite line and i won't say who said this because it's pathetic. could you imagine those guys doing that on a white guy? what does that say? it say us are saying that those black men are more likely to kill a black man than a white man? what does that even mean? you can find tapes of cops doing this to white people. you just don't see it amplified? you didn't see this amplified either. nothing like the other ones because race was removed. now it's about training. we are all for training. training is not about defunding the police. we have to ask ourselves what happens when we decide to do die in the police force and speed
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that up? when you change requirements. lowering requirements. you might have more of that? are you willing to accept that knowing there will be less riots than with white cops? there will be more actions if the training is not up to speed and qualified people are replaced with people who are inexperienced. you will sigh that. you said it's not a riot because it's black on black. >> do you think there was not the riots because the officers were fired and charged. there are differences here? >> yes. i would say if there were just 2 white guys in there, it would have been a different story. it would be portrayed differently in the media. >> one of the things you bring up is the retirement and the retention and recruitment issue.
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there is a big problem in major cities and small towns across the country over the last several years. what is the answer? the only antidote is more money. it's the opposite of defund the police. if you want more money for different training or to keep those older officers there with someone with several years on the force rather than all young guys, maybe this could be avoided. i think we will see more arrests and perhaps additional calls for needs in that community. the scorpion group was created because the level of violence in memphis got to the point where the community said we need more protection. that was the prong protection. -- wrong protection. i don't think that means you have to have federal legislation. perhaps it could be good.
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i don't know if will stop this type of thing? >> no. it's not going to impact this. the training protocol within the local police department and minneapolis can also charge them because these cops have a duty to intervene if deadly forces unjustified against an individual. this department is down 500 cops. >> yes, they need more money to find them. jesse watters you did the 5 news and you did a fantastic job. is joe biden about to dump kamala harris? a top senator thinks the president should do in 2024.
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learn more and view important safety information at >> ♪ ♪ >> elizabeth warren in damage control after failing to give kamala harris her endorsement to be on biden's 2024 ticket. >> he should be run again. >> he is running again. >> should kamala harris be there the second time around? >> i really want to defer to what makes biden comfortable on his team. they have to be a team. my sense is they are. i am not suggesting there are problems. you think they are. >> it's obviously raising eyebrows and forcing warren to say she fully supports the president and vice-president's reelection together.
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you got to wonder. why would liz say that in the first place? while biden is weeks away from making his 2024 campaign official democrats in new hampshire are not being quiet about how much they don't want biden to run. only 18% of voters back the big guy. they prefer pete buttigieg instead. let me stick with warren. she is not a fan of kamala harris you? can't help but agree with her initial take that she had to clarify. everybody is waiting for kamala harris's next word salad, next foot in the mouth. next mess. >> yes. warren should know that the only answer to that question is yes. otherwise you are going to get raised eyebrows. she made a mistake sometimes when you are doing a radio
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interview, you think you are just talking to your friend. you can get people to say just about anything. you think nobody is watching. can you imagine having to be in the white house and you are on the kamala harris police beat and you are looking to see? you know that republicans are going to criticize her. wait, the calls are coming from inside the house. the problems within the democratic party. i had the brain room look up how many times in history a president switched horses for reelection. it's very few times. i don't think that will happen this time. warren is getting ready i believe for a reelection run of her own. she is up in 2024. i would not be surprised if she would take or even ask for a cabinet position with the biden administration to lead the summit. >> interesting. you don't see her running for president? >> no. >> okay. biden claims he is optimistic about america's economy and
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future. the latest nbc poll says otherwise. 71% of americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction. does joe not get it? >> he is optimistic because he will cut kamala harris from the ticket. >> [laughing]. >> my sources inside the vice-president's office are saying kamala harris is calling warren pocahontas behind her back. warren, no one had brought this up. she is the only one bringing it up. just say they made a great team and won and will do it again. it seems she didn't like kamala harris because she feels kamala harris leapfrogged her into the rightful line of secession.
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she flamed out before she took off kamala harris. warren was polling well. stayed in the primary for a while. warren is planting a kernel in joe biden's head. if you are thinking with something and want to drop her, i am over here in massachusetts. >> that sound reasonable to me, harold. pete buttigieg is the mayor from indianapolis. >> [laughing]. >> one reason i think you could poll a lot of people and they would poll higher in new hampshire than president biden. many of the democrats are upset he is moving new hampshire out of the order of being number 2 the first primary in the presidential race. senator warren misspoke. on radio you don't get a sense of how you sound.
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she came right back and corrected it. he gave an endorsement of the two. i said all along and one of the things that the vice-president can do to strength herself and the president and country is focus on crime and immigration. he was a great crime fighter in california. she has had missteps. can you imagine her convening police chiefs across the country to talk about if we should have standards in training? what we should do differently. this is not working. what is the best thing that can be done? >> but she won't do. she has the power. >> that's what i would advise her team to do to strengther her and the nation. >> why doesn't she do it? >> i don't know. i am with jesse on this. liz is not supporting kamala harris because she feels kamala
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harris cut in line. kamala harris was the latest popular, least persuasive candidate and hopped to the front of the line? because she ticked the right boxes. liz is pissed off and i agree. imagine cutting in line based on your identity or heritage or lying to get into an ivy league college. she has every right. she is sending smoke signals out there. >> oh! >> don't bury the hatchet, liz. >> are you done? >> yes. >> very good. up next. dancing to disaster. america's worst mayor laurie lightfoot is busting a move as murders in her city soar. >> ♪ ♪ >> woman: why did we choose safelite? >> vo: driving around is how we get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we trusted the experts. they focus on our safety...
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so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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hi, i'm william devane. did you know there's only been two times in american history - two - when the national debt was larger than gross domestic product?
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>> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> chicago mayor laurie lightfoot can bust a move but can she run a city? she was dancing while crime explodes in the windy city. crime is up this year. your honor, she probably won't lose because of dancing in eye parade. >> she should. >> things are happening in the city. what should we do to address these numbers? >> the problem is cashless bail and truth telling. this is a mayor who is not familiar with the truth. crime is going up in chicago. murders are going up. we have the numbers here. carjackings, theft, sexual assault. battery and burglary. people are beating each up. myrj crimes are up 61%. you get the drift.
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here's a woman who was dancing in the street. she is clueless. she said crime is coming down. you need to support the police. you need to have accountability in terms of making sure that the police are doing their job, that prosecutors are prosecuting. this is not difficult stuff. i say the same thing over and over. don't have to reinvent the wheel. this nonsense, she has big cooperations moving out of chicago from citadel to boeing and mcdonald's is afraid to send people out. i lived in chicago for 3 years. it was a beautiful city. she doesn't know what she is doing. get her out! >> if you were advising her, is this what you would advise the mayor to do? >> to add to the crime things, one of the consequences of the crime is that the miracle mile
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they lost one-third of the retail businesses along there. you don't have crowds coming to shop. we saw what is happening with the ransacking of stores and shoplifting and nothing gets done. she is running for reelection. it's a large city. there is a lunar new year's celebration she is invited to. yeah you should go. we will see if this is a tough prim primary. i think she is likely to get reelected. >> they seem pretty happy. enjoying themselves. if she gets reelected, it's on them. corporations are leaving.
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maybe this is a natural evolution away from cities. originally they were safe because there was foot traffic and shows and restaurants. you look around the cities and thanks to amazon and zoom and a safer environment. cities are dying out. why don't these people care? maybe they have not realized it's dying yet. cities used to pride themselves on certain things that right now they ignore. people living outside of major cities don't go into the cities anymore. i grew up in the bay area. go to san francisco once a week. people live 20 miles away and don't go to the city now. why be disgusted? we might be close to this idea. if we step back and take a 30 year look at this. we are watching the death. >> do you agree with that?
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>> well, i moved from the city so i am ahead of the curve. i am not mad at mayor laurie lightfoot for doing this. mayors watch in parades and when the drums come on, that's something you do. are you just going to do like this? you stand there like an idiot so "the five" doesn't mock you? the miracle mile is gone! it's like the miracle half mile. >> you took all day to come up with? >> they smashed and grabbed half the mile away. she ran on being anti-corruption. she gets in there and let's all of the teacher's unions steal the covid money and pay themselves. then tries to hand out extra credit for school kids. she is vulnerable. there are a host of people running.
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a wealthy guy will pay his own way. one woman who used to be a teacher and another guy who said let's hire more cops and the police union endorsed him. not a guarantee for laurie lightfoot. >> ahead, ilhan omar confronted over her history of antisemitic rhetoric. >> ♪ ♪ sometimes you're so busy taking care of everyone else you don't do enough for yourself, or your mouth. but eventually, it will remind you. when it does, aspen dental is here for you. we offer the custom dental treatments you need, all under one roof, right nearby. so we can bring more life to your smile... and more smile to your life... affordably. new patients without insurance can get a free complete exam and x-rays, and 20 percent off treatment plans. schedule your appointment today.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> playing dumb or just plain dumb? ilhan omar claims she was unfamiliar with antisemitic tropes concerning jews and money after tweeting out things like israel hypnotized world and america's relationship with israel is about revenge. we have's sound bite. >> i didn't or was not aware that the word hypnotize was a trope. i wasn't aware of the fact there are tropes about jews and money. this has been very enlightening
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part of this journey. >> that was amazing. that's the best! dana, i had the fox brain room put in a call to her at home. she talked to her husband and brother. >> that's the same person. >> thanks. >> [laughing]. >> that was a joke. >> you said that. >> [laughing]. >> we are on the show here. >> i know. i think this is being brain washed about israel. everything has to with israel's evil. >> she doesn't realize it was a trope. maybe that was just said all the time. >> she is a political science major. she has her degree from north dakota state university in 2011. never heard any of this. just occurring to her now?
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she has apologized. under our grace we should accept that apology. i think that taking her off the committee is the right thing to do. i don't think the republicans should disarm when the democrats do it to them. >> you are not aware you are not supposed to hate the jews. >> [laughing]. >> i have been clear about this from the beginning. when she was criticized i read her tweets. they were reprehensible. i have the same grace that dana spoke of. you give people an opportunity to grow and learn and become better people. i don't think the has to stop. there will be a vote on the house floor and speaker mccarthy already lost 3 republicans who
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say we can't go forward if we are playing 7th grade politics. >> what do you think, judge? >> she said she didn't know they were tropes. where did she get that statement? she is fromsomalia. when you put that together with her actions on the house floor and the committee where she doesn't want to fund israel and wants to fund palestine and doesn't believe israel is important as an ally in the easting. -- middle east. that adds evidence to what the truth is. i will leave it at that because i have to. >> jesse, defend her. >> okay. >> look, young producers are not aware of tropes. i tell dumb blond jokes all the
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time. >> i didn't know the dumb blond thing was a trope until dana reminded me. >> she is blond. she should be stupid. >> i laugh it off, though. >> that's true. >> you learned a lesson. >> i did. was that unofficial or not? you can't tell? >>ir can't. "one more thing" is up next. i think i changed my mind about these glasses. yeah, it happens. that's why visionworks gives you 100 days to change your mind. it's simple. anything else i can help you with? like what? visionworks. see the difference. hi. i'm charlie kirk.
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deign time now for "one more thing." judge? >> part three of who is hunter biden is now out on fox nation. here is a little of what you can expect. >> we're at the beginning of a new chapter in the hunter biden story. >> new revelations keep coming. >> we are concerned that joe biden has already made the decision that we're cover to cover hunter's wrongdoing part
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trophy the series we learn of new revelations that show what happened in 2020 with the hunter biden's laptop and how the fbi and intelligence community were in regular contact with big tech to censors the story. and essentially the fbi ran noah interference for the presidential campaign. >> dana: all right. we're going to watch that and wish a very happy birthday to a young man be he is 1 years old. robert porter lee berry goes by popo. one of the executive producers of this show and his wife had their son popo and the stepbrother owen. and this is at the one year birthday -- it's a ceremony and all these objects are placed on a tray a stethoscope and guess what he chose in the microphone because is he going to be an entertainer it was wonderful, beautiful event i learned a lot about the korean tradition and
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we wish him a happy birthday. greg? >> greg: this will be a fun show. paul morrow, douglas murray. aerial pink. yes, jimmy failla, kat timpf. let's do this gl greg's yoga ne. hedgehog. when you see a hedgehog stretch like this you go that's one limber hedgehog. that's a hedgehog that can throw a hell of a party. >> dana: that's good mobility. very good. >> greg: that's a hedgehog. >> dana: what's ya got. >> jesse: jesse's bear news. >> greg: barely news. >> jesse: who is that guy on the right? yogi berra. they found a bear on mars. >> no they didn't. >> jesse: winnie the pough. there is now life on mars and that is a fact.
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tonight, "jesse watters primetime" read this for me, dana. >> dana: prostitution running wild in california. >> jesse: secret videos show you at 7:00. >> harold: watch this las vegas police officer and good samaritan pull somebody out of a are can a. >> dana: oh my gosh. >> harold: thank god for them being there. >> dana: they are amazing. that is it for us. "special report" is up next. hey, bret. you got a cousin on mars? >> bret: yes, maybe. good evening, this is "special report." i'm bret baier, breaking tonight lawmakers are pressuring the justice department to access to the materials and specifics of the investigation into president biden's possession of classified documents. meanwhile, the president has made a decision on the idea of sending one very specific american weapon to help ukraine battle russia. white house correspondent jacqui line has that and more live from the nort


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