tv Hannity FOX News January 30, 2023 11:00pm-11:58pm PST
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jeff bezos, the world's richest man, broke up with his wife and has a new relationship. how is it going? apparently bezos is putting one of his girl friends into a spaceship and sending him into space. good or ba we'll have an update tomorrow. we'll be back. have a good night with the ones you love. tee you tomorrow. >> hannity: welcome to hannity and tonight a pro-life activist who was raided and arrested by the f.b.i. over a protest outside of an abortion clinic was just acquitted of all charges. he'll join us straight ahead with his first interview. also, we have the exclusive video from the day in question, we'll show you that video. but first, growing calls for justice in the horrific death of tyree nichols. of course, this gut-wrenching
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case will be adjudicated in a court of law. white prima circumstances according to them the five african-american cops who beat him to death are racist participants in a deeply bigoted system and that's the narrative. here's the "time" magazine quote. there can be no doubt that entrenched institutional racism lies at the heart of this case. the "boston globe", "black cops kill tyree nichols. systemic racism will be the death of us all." upheld institutional and cultural racism in tyree nichols murder. fake news cnn, "the police who killed tyree nichols were black but they might still have been driven by racism, and cnn's monday dare jones, "if you think the memphis police officers had to be white in order to exhibit anti-blackness you need to take an a.p. african-american studies
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course that ron desantis just banned, and the race obsessed hill quote, entire system of policing based on white supremacist violence and we see people under the boot of oppression carry its water all the time and here's com woman cory bush. the mere presence of black officers does not stop police from being a tool of white supremacy. and she then accused the government of slaughtering african-americans at the altar. >> the idea that black cops cannot be racist toward other black people, in streets, schools, traffic stops, must come as a huge surprise to millions of black americans who have had to deal with black cops. >> it shouldn't be a surprised to people that individual black people can actually do anti-black things. >> but i think racism is still
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on the table. >> we sometimes forget unfortunately, african-americans can also be guilty of hatred and bias and bigotry against other african americans. >> race is still involved. george, you and i spoke about it on the phone. i don't believe those five cops would have done that to a young white on a traffic stop. >> the fact it was black officers shows it doesn't matter the color of the cop. it's the victim. >> how many times do we need -- do we need to see white people also get beaten before they do anything? >> hannity: everything you have heard is false. here's something that whoopi and the ladies of the view don't know, white people do get beaten by the police. in fact, far more white people are killed every year by cops than any other race. according to an online organization that tracks this data, 374 white americans died during police altercations in 2022. if you average that out, a little more than one per day, i don't know if the ladies of the view know any of the names of
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the people, the 374 people. do you think media mop devotes entire news cycles to these deaths? do they even count anymore the number of people shot, shot and killed in chicago, any more on any given weekend? of course not. why are these incidents largely ignored? according to a study from washington state university, listen to this. reported on by the "washington post" in 2016. "officers are three times less likely to shoot unarm black suspects than unarmed white suspects." and look at this study from the national bureau of economic research covered by the "new york times" also in 2016. "when it comes to the most lethal form of force of police shootings the constituted finds no racial bias. so based on both academic studies and actual data there is no systemic racism in policing. it doesn't exist." of course, there are good cops, and i would say that's the vast overwhelming majority, and there
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is a small majority of bad cops. what we saw in memphis was horrible policing from really bad cops, but blaming some kind of phantom all-encompassing boogieman is not going to solve any problems at the memphis police department or any other police department around the country. now, the left are not concerned seemingly at all. they aren't interested in improving policing. they only seem to care about their narrative. maybe these media personalities, maybe they are lying for pure political gain or harboring amnesty toward people who happen to be white, asian or other races. i don't know, maybe they just don't know the facts are they are overcome with emotion. maybe they just pick and choose. how come the 99.999% people killed in any form of violence is rarely reported on? truth always matters. that is, unless you're joe
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biden. his own doj is now starting a civil rights probe in search of anything that could back the left's deeply flawed narrative. this brings us to tonight's hannity hotseat and joining us now, darryl parks, along with the president of the national fallen officers foundation, retired dallas police sergeant trey penny is with us. good to have you back, darryl, and trey. darryl, i just read all the statistics. i just told you the truth and gave you the academic studies, so you tell me, all these people that are claiming five black officers, one black suspect killed, which was horrific. we all saw it. i do believe there rightly will be justice. but explain to me how they race, no pun intended, how they run to the race narrative immediately? >> sean, i probably can't explain that at all but what i will tell you, though, like you just said, the truth matters. i think the conversation should really be about dash camera and body cam and how those types of
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things actually bring transparency both to law enforcement and -- who high called for those for years but wait a minute. this is not the topic. the topic here is simple. why do people take a case that involves five black officers, one black suspect, and turn it into a race case? there is going to be a civil rights investigation. you represented trayvon martin's family. that did not happen in your case, did it? >> no, it didn't. it didn't. let me say this here. probably injecting race into the case takes away from the conversation of tyreke's life and the bigger conversation that we could all be having about safety throughout our country. for example, in my state alone we still have sheriff departments that reject body cam and dash cams so in our communities we ought to be asking what are we doing in our community? that's a better conversation that would give some benefit to what happened to tyreke. >> hannity: let's get your take
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on this, trey penny. >> look, sean, bottom line is, you've got a lot of people that want to play into the victim ment mentality. they are going into the black community and getting them up in arms -- think about this, we have over 700,000 police officers in this country that have thousands and thousands of interaction with police every day and you very seldom hear of these types of situations, because they happen only .011 percent of the time. so we have to make sure we put this into context and address the issues as they are. i'll say this, sean. they are trying to promote the george floyd deal. they want to get it on paper that they can put these consent decrees of law enforcement in across the country, because they want to be a prosecutor, every time they look around. that's why you have less and less -- less and less police officers who want to go into the
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profession. >> hannity: you're ahead of the fallen officer association. on average how many police officers do we lose every year? how many did we lose last year? how many did we lose in 2020 and 2021? >> look, we're losing, and covid threw the numbers off. we had about 600 last year. actual line of deaths, 150 officers every year so we've got to make sure we're qualifying what's happening with law enforcement. look, i asked congress last year that we needed the same level of protection that they are talking about, we've got civil rights violations that are put into place when police officers go out and do something to the community. and they can prosecute officers federally. but what happens when individuals attack police officers and the state drops the ball? then why can't we go and file in a federal court? to protect. >> hannity: darryl, can you name one officer who lost his life in the line of duty in the last three years? >> actually, right here in
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carroll, georgia, over the weekend, yes. >> hannity: do you know the name of one officer? can you name one officer? >> his first name was clarence, his first name. >> hannity: this is the next question. do you support the instanty of de funding, no bail laws, does it make american cities and towns less -- does it make cities less safe and towns less safe or more safe? >> i don't support that let me say what i support, sean. i think the issue with mental health in this country has to be addressed at its core. that's what we haven't done. until we address comprehensive mental health almost all of these mass shootings involve some high level of mental health. that should be the discussion and no one is having that type of discussion. that's what i'm for. >> hannity: i don't know how health came into this discussion. trey? >> sean, we have a culture
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issuet i want to be honest. i'm in the black community, actively in the black community across the country and i'm trying to do what i can to change the culture. we have a culture issue that we need to fix. we allow criminals to come in and victimize us and then what are we doing politically? we go advocate to get those victims out of jail and come back home and victimize us more. we've got to stop doing that because we're hurting the peel living in these communities. some people can't pack up and move to the suburbs. the reality is people have to sit here and live amongst these violent offenders. we need to start taking care of the people and i'm asking, if you're watching this channel, to get behind me and helping us, the national fallen officers foundation, advocate for law enforcement and communities so we can keep everybody safe and protect law enforcement as a whole. >> hannity: thank you both. appreciate it. now we turn to the white house, where joe biden is resting peacefully after another big day on the road late last week. he managed to travel a whole 12
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miles away for a bizarre speech in northern virginia, and today, he was at it yet again. this time only a few miles up i-95 in the real-life hell scape known as baltimore. he wasn't there too long, and by the way, who can blame him, but he did manage to make a fool out of himself yet again confident let's take a look at biden over the last few days and you ask yourself, is this man mentally capable of being your president. take a look. >> -- defense does closures and classified documents? >> are the searches in your home completed? ♪ >> was doug, congressman? he's around here somewhere. doug knows. look, here's the deal. ♪ [indistinguishable voices] >> they view the world from park avenue.
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i view it where the wealthy view it, if everything works well for them, if everything works well for them, all is going to trickle down and help the rest of us. >> come on up, joe. [laughter] ♪ . >> no, you're not going to dance, believe me. >> talk about being deprived of your pride. look at your child. child. >> if you don't think we have a climate crisis come travel with me around the country. no, i'm not joking. go back. go back. if you don't think we have a climate crisis come travel with me around the country. here we are. i misspoke. who hewn fortunately your vice president is not doing much better. let's put it this way. kamala harris is in way over her head as well. take a look. >> we're doing the work that's about collaborating around the small businesses that will need to do the work -- we talk about our small businesses. not only sit intergenerational but also we've got entrepreneurs
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in their teens and 20's, to families who have been doing this for generations, and, you know, are seniors. so, really, that's also what's also exciting about our small businesses and who they are, because it spans the general races in addition to being intergenerational. >> hannity: you know, intergenerational. it's been going on for generations. the intergenerationalists. it's been going on for generations, in case you missed it. here with reaction, kellyanne conway, i mean, part of it is funny to me. the other part of it is these policies are a disaster, and kellyanne, people are suffering greatly because of them, and they have no ability to communicate, and yet, nobody in the media besides a few of us seem to want to even talk about it. why? >> oh, they look away. they help to create the myth of kamala harris. they covered her big election rollout in 2019.
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she ended up with not a single electoral vote. zero. quite unimpressive and she's been unimpressive ever since. i want to make it clear. the challenges against kamala harris are not rooted in racism or sexism. they are centered on confidence and communications. she's got deficits in both. sean, there has never been a present surprise out of kamala. nobody there, none of the staffers 2, 1 or so, left, and you've got her not even be able to give a speech off the teleprompter. look, the polls have caught up with her. she was asked a question in the debates, she was criticized about her crims is
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polling at 2% right now. >> hannity: what if gavin newsom says, i don't think this guy can win. would he get in? >> yes. >> hannity: kamala harris is polling at 2%. he showed up in the most disrespectful mood which i couldn't help but respect, sean, he visited the white house and did an impressive availability when joe biden was overseas. i have never heard of that happening before. he rolled up his sleeves. probably tried out the resolute desk. he was doing it all.
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i think somebody should challenge joe biden in 2024 because again, kamala harris is polling 2%. how bad is that in new hampshire? mayor pete, probably the worst secretary in modern history, he's an atrocious candidate, the worst mayor, he wasn't any good at that either. he's polling at 23% in new hampshire. over 10 times what kamala is. here's the guy i think who will run. we talked about it on the radio recently. i think eric adams is going to jump in. his wife is going down to el paso. he's not a beloved guy in the democratic party right now. somebody is challenging him. >> hannity: if anybody challenges him it's going to be gavin. kellyanne, what's your bet? >> i think i owe you $500. double or nothing, sean? >> hannity: double or nothing, yep. >> gavin newsom, all you have to do -- that's okay, i'm a philadelphia eagles fan so i don't believe to make believe
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we're winners. moving along to gavin newsom, he's only talking about that because the democratic field is so poor. the bench is so vacant. but folks, whether it's eric adams in new york city or newsom in california, just take out your iphone and show everybody what's happening in these states. nobody wants to be like california with the homelessness, taxes, and all the rest. >> hannity: that's what the campaign would be about for sure. thank you. when we return, biden's classified documents scandal not going away as many are now calling for increased oversight, and people want to see the actual documents. new questions are being raised. we'll check in with senator marco rubio, and later, the acquittal of the man who went up against planned parenthood. we've got the exclusive video of the day in question. straight ahead. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps.
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>> hannity: all right. tonight's biden's garbage-gate or garage gate, if you want to call it, is far from over. as turley points out there is a treasure trove of documents from biden's time as a senator that's housed at the university of delaware. unfortunately we have no idea if knowing if those documents are classified. nobody at the university will let anyone review the material. they have been trying to organize it since 2012. if only the doj and f.b.i. had some way to search through those documents but apparently search warrants are off-limits when it comes to joe biden. what about hunter biden, who had access to all the classified documents located in the biden home, where supposedly he was paying $49,000 a month live in. $49,000 -- $49,900.
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listen to what senator cruz of texas said earlier today. >> i seems he leaves classified documents wherever he goes, and we also know that hunter biden at times declared his residence to be those very same places, and so i believe the natural next step that's necessary is for the f.b.i. to examine the 1,850 plus boxes of documents from joe biden's senate tenure that's at the university of delaware, and i also believe it's critical for the f.b.i. to search hunter biden's home, office and residences to make sure there are no classified documents there given all the evidence that's piling up. >> hannity: here now, lawmaker, he's leading the effort to secure america's secrets. that's florida senator marco rubio. senator, we've got hunter biden who had access to joe's top secret classified documents when he was staying at his house. i think i agree with senator cruz, based on his background and his associations, i think it
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would be prudent to examine his home. you have a trove of documents, jonathan turley writes at helping about it, at the university of delaware, but the department of justice in a letter to jim jordan requesting these documents says they will not be forthcoming because it would somehow hurt their investigation. your reaction? >> well, we've got a similar letter in the intelligence committee. it's a bipartisan letter because it was sent by the chairman, and their answers are that it would i am peril the investigation. it's a silly letter an doesn't answer the questions we asked. it's very straightforward. we're the committee in charge of making sure the intelligence agencies are doing a good job. farther of their job is to protect classified information from espionage and putting our country in danger. we know there are letters and documents and material, the media seems to know more about it than congress does, that are out there that were not stored properly, in his garage, whatever. we want to know what those materials are. the justice department possesses
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them but the intelligence community knows what they are and are refusing to share the materials. it's not clear. we've probably seen some of these documents and materials over the years. they won't tell us which they are, so how can we know if there is a risk here, how can we know if any damage has been done and whether the plan to mitigate that damage is sufficient, if we don't know what we're talking about. their refusal to tell us what was exposed is not sustainable, it's not acceptable, and i think you're going to begin to see us take action. i hope and i expect on a bipartisan basis, until they do. >> hannity: i don't think there is going to be any bipartisan anything with the democrats. there are two investigations in the house in tandem, with some of what you're looking for as well, and that would be the house oversight committee, jim comber, also looking into the biden family, their farm business dealings and influence pedal, and jim jordan looking into the f.b.i. and doj, as the
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f.b.i. politicized, the doj weaponized, it would appear that the doj is taking position they are going to stonewall every investigation every step of the way. they will probably end up taking it to court, and they don't want to be transparent and they won't be transparent. that's my guess where this is headed. does congress have any other means available to it? can you expedite the legal process? >> well, not just the legal process, but listen, every one of these agencies, their budgets are approved by congress and have to have oversight. we have oversight over the f.b.i.'s count intelligence division so it gives us an angle over the doj and we certainly have oversight over all of these agencies. these documents they have in their possession do not belong to the f.b.i. or the doj. they belong to the intelligence agencies who authored them and they should be answering. if they don't i think we'll have to begin to do some of the things that we can do here in terms of authorizing, signing
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off, funding, et cetera, until they respond to us. >> hannity: they are going to say this is i am beading an investigation, et cetera, et cetera. >> right, but it isn't. i'm not asking for details about their investigation. i simply want to know what the materials are. i want to know what the materials are and i want to know what the intelligence agencies have concluded is the damage that was done from those materials being taken, and i want to know what plan we have to deal with that damage. that's the job of our committee and that's what we're focused on. the house committee has different jurisdictions. our area is focused. we need to know what those documents are so we can make a determination as to whether or not there was damage done and whether the plan we have to mitigate that damage is sufficient but we can't know that if we don't know what the material is and their refusal to tell us is unacceptable, unsustainable, and there will be consequences and i hope they will voluntarily begin to cooperate or we'll have to start doing some of that stuff. >> hannity: let's say they don't cooperate. what are the consequences? >> well, and i said i'm not in the business of declots but i
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can tell you what's at our disposal and it goes beyond blocking nominees. every authorization, every one of these agencies in the intelligence community, they need a bill, us to write laws that authorize them to do this. they can't pass it out of our committee if they don't authorize that we can start fencing funding meaning they won't be able to use money even if it's appropriated to them, by law, they won't be able to move monies around. they have got nominees obviously to bring before us. they are coming to us all the time to reprogram funds, move money from one part of the budget to another because they need it for some other purpose they didn't anticipate. these are all options at our disposal and we'll begin to use them if we don't get answers hoot. who the republican majority in the house, they could defund it until they cooperate, is that right? >> they can defund it but we in the senate can even refuse to pass bills that allow them to spends the money funai they got the spending. you need two things, funding and the authorization. the law that authorizes you to spends the money. it's a two-pronged approach and we can deny both of them. not just the house majority but
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i think we have enough votes in the senate until we get answers. >> hannity: appreciate your hard work as always. when we return, straight ahead, a new poll reveals what you, the american people, think are top issues are facing our country. number one will probably surprise you. senator lindsey graham will join us for reaction, and we'll talk about his time with president trump this weekend. also, i have a bone to pick with lindsey graham, and it's a real bone to pick. anyway, also last call tonight, you get to tell me what you liked and didn't like about the show. it's getting a little nerve racking. also, a pro-life activist was acquitted after an altercation with a planned parenthood worker. we have the never before seen video. we'll show you for the first time straight ahead. tony here from, helping people see the true cost of bad credit. what are you doing to improve your credit? should i be doing something? absolutely, unless you like paying thousands extra in high interest rates. did you know repairing your credit could save you
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>> hannity: a new poll released by gallop today highlights americans' growing disdain for washington. an incredible 21% of the american people responded and selected the government and its poor leadership as the biggest issue facing our country. by the way, placing it far ahead of the second most popular answer, and that's biden surging inflation, and six points ahead of where it was in the last gallup poll. this poll reflects the sentiment that's often repeated by one of the greatest presidents in my lifetime, as we unveil a new segment what would ronald reagan say? take a look. >> we, as americans, have the capacity now as we've had in the past to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom in. this present crisis, government
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is not the solution to our problem. government is the problem. [applause] >> hannity: the american people were right there. reagan was right then, and they are right today. joining us now, senator lindsey graham who this weekend was campaigning and endorsing president trump as the kickoff to the 2024 election cycle has now begun. senator graham, good to have you back. before we get to that, so, we agree on a lot of issues. we don't always agree. over the years we've had our differences, every once in a while i want to reach through this television set and pull you by the tie and say, lindsey, wake up what are you doing? that happened over christmas. why? can you explain to this audience why on earth knowing that the republicans were coming into the house -- >> i can't hear. >> hannity: that's a great setup. >> i'm not dodging the question, i can't hear. >> hannity: i believe you. >> can you hear me? >> hannity: i can hear you fine. thumbs up. >> you just had ronald reagan
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on. reagan protected the defense department and made us strong. this omnibus bill did suck, you're absolutely right. we put $1.7 trillion in a pile. nobody knew what was in it. i had three bad choices, shut down the government. not going to do that. continue the resolution, which kills the defense department, and inflation is at 7%, i voted for the bill because it increased defense spending by 10%. which means that we actually have more money to defend the nation. i'm hoping my friends in the house can do a better job, so i'm not put in this position again but to my house republican colleagues, you send a bill over to the senate that cuts defense, i'll try to kill it. >> hannity: all right. can you hear me now, senator? >> got you. >> hannity: you got me, all right. you kind of heard but then you didn't hear. i was going to go a lot harder. >> i sort of knew where you were going, listen, i get it. i didn't like it either. >> hannity: but you didn't have to go along with it. could you have worked with the
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house but we'll save that for another day. let me ask you, so you were with the president this weekend. he kicks off his campaign. gets your endorsement and the governor of south carolina's endorsement, and what you said this weekend was, you know, how many times have we heard, we like trump policy but we want somebody new and then you said, there are no trump policies without donald trump. it's interesting you ask that question because, two potential contenders in this nominating process would be nicky haley and former secretary of state pompeo. people we both like. and i asked both of them the same question. what policy differences do you have with president trump? neither one of them really had an answer on any policy differences at all. it seems like the trump agenda is the agenda for the entire republican party. so, how will other candidates distinguish themselves against donald trump if they agree with his policies?
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>> i really don't know, but i do know this. we're lucky it's a party to have mike pompeo, who was a terrific secretary of state. nikki haley, a strong voice in the u.n. for the american first agenda. my buddy and loved him, scott, right? mike vince, maybe the most decent guy to ever serve in the government, all talking about running for president. here's why i am with trump. i know the downside of trump but let me tell you about the upside of trump. there are no trump policies without donald trump. you know why nato gave $431 billion in defense spending increase? because they thought trump really moment when it he said he was going to pull out. you know why the capital -- we moved the embassy to the united states to jerusalem? every president before trump said i will do it but then all the smart people said it would create world war ii. trump said i said i would do it, i would do it. he's responsible for securing the border through his personal will. when he put tariffs on chinese
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products, it scared the crap out of mexico and they said, yes, beal glad to give you 28,000 troops. we'll be glad to keep people in mexico because he thought trump, they thought trump would put tariffs on mexican policies. there are no trump policies without the man, donald trump, and to all these people who are very talented, i don't think you could do what he did, and i want him to have another shot, unfinished business. >> hannity: you know, politics is a nasty business, you know as well as anybody, and you mentioned a lot of names. you mentioned tim scott, nikki haley, both from your state of south carolina, mike pompeo, chris hogan, chris christie, i think the rumors are probably true that he's thinking about it. we keep hearing about ron desantis. he's been great governor for florida. he, according to every report, he's thinking about it. the question is, you know, at
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the end of the day, primaries always get nasty. look at the state of south carolina. it used to be friends with john mccain who ticked me off more than any one politician in the world. you were friends with him. okay. remember when it got to south carolina, how vicious that campaign was with george w. bush? so it always starts out people trying to be friendly. it never ends up that way, does it? >> no, we need to get ready for a real spirited contest. why trump? you mentioned like desantis, if you try to tell me that ron desantis is not a good governor in florida i'm not going to listen to you. if you try to tell me mike pompeo is not qualified to be president, i'm not going to listen to you because i think he is. i am for trump not because of the flaws of anybody else. i'm for donald trump because i know what i'm going to get. we need somebody that, on day one, can get this country back on track. that can secure our border and bring order out of chaos. somebody the russians and the
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chinese fear. somebody that can take the fight to the terrorists. the abraham accords are the result of donald trump impressing the israelis and the arabs, he's the best solution to the problems we face, not because of the flaws of others but because of what i know he can do and i'm telling your listeners right now, when you hear, i like trump policies but i'm ready for somebody new, there are no trump policies without donald trump. >> hannity: senator lindsey, graham, always great to have you. thank you. all right. when we return, a big verdict today. a jury adequating a pro-life activist after an incident with a planned parenthood worker. we'll talk to him and his attorney, and we have for the first time gotten exclusive video that shows what really happened. you'll see it for the time a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the number one cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds!
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>> hannity: all right. good news tonight as pro-life activist mark -- was acquitted by a pennsylvania jury earlier today, this is after he was raided and arrested by the f.b.i. some 25 agents in september, charged with violating the face act. this altercation, with a planned parenthood escort. as you can see in your upper left-hand corner, mark, accompanied by his son, standing away from the entrance to the clinic, when he's approached by the escort identified as bruce love, who repeatedly tried to handbag nice him, allegedly verbally harassing him and his son before hauck eventually shows -- tried to diifies the situation. escorts are not to antagonize or even engage with any protestors,
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a rule love clearly broke. but this begs another question. why is biden's doj so fixated on taking down pro-life activists but seemingly uninterested in the hundreds of attacks on pro-life centers around the country? or what's happening outside of supreme court justice's homes, for example. mark joins us along with his attorney, peter -- with us. thank you both for being with us. mark, let's talk about the situation. first, the arrest part, and, you got arrested. they 25 agents, 15 cars i red, and guns drawn. is that true? >> that's true, on september 23 at about 6:45 in the morning, when those 20 or so-called agents, in full swat gear, heavily armored vests, battering ram banged on my door. >> and your kids were inside, your wife was inside.
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okay. >> hannity: let's run the video here and why don't you explain to people where you are in proximity to the planned parenthood facility, and this guy keeps coming up to you and tell us what happened from your perspective. there is the guy in the yellow and you're the guy that he's approaching. so what happened? >> sure. so at this point he's about a foot away from my son. after already having one altal altercation with him. friends out there praying, redirecting him, my son moves behind me. i can tell he's visibly scared. there proceeds to be further insults at me directed at my son about me. and, at this point, i step in and i tell mr. love, you will see right now, to go back to where he normally stands. so i walk him there, and tell him to stop talking to my son. he doesn't have any permission
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to talk to my son. the next thing i know he turns around and he's talking to my son again, and then you see the push. >> okay. >> hannity: it's not the worst thing in the world but didn't you face up to 11 years in jail for this? >> that's correct, yes, i did. >> hannity: all right. let me bring in i want to keep running this because, you know, i don't know, maybe i'm just a little old fashion, peter, you're the attorney who won this case, if a guy comes up to you repeatedly on the street and is a threat to you and your family and you're not even in front of the facility, isn't he a block down from the facility? >> he was well away from the entrance and the face act, federal act that they charged here is about access to the clinics. it's not about dealing with issues down the sidewalk, and this issue should have been in the municipal court, and actually was. the municipal court threw it out because mr. love wouldn't show up for trial. so right here today, what we did was win a big victory for the
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pro-life movement against the biden administration. they were trying to scare pro-lifers from coming out on the sidewalks and being active. biden, that doj sent their best prosecutor. the top guy for face prosecutions from washington to help deal with this case in philly and that jury once we finally got it seated, took about an hour to find mark not guilty on all charges. >> hannity: listen, i grew up watching the broad street bullies and bobby clark and all these guys, i'm sorry that push did not warrant 11 years in jail. however, it was planned parenthood guy that kept going up to him and, i don't know, did he ever threaten you, mark, at all? >> we've had many encounters over the years, it's been about 20 years that i've been out there. it's the first time he's really overstepped his bounds, and my son really was the bait for him.
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you know, he says -- he throws all sorts of insults and vulgarities at me and my son. i usually just let it flow off my back like a duck. >> hannity: i'm glad you won this case. peter, thank you. you'll continue, i assume, your activism. now the question is, will the biden doj go after those groups that are attacking pro-life
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>> hannity: back to my bartending days, we call it "last call," where you, the viewer, get to grade the show. what you liked or didn't like. if you want to participate call my radio show 1-800-491-sean for a chance to be featured. joining us tonight, mike from deerfield park. beautiful, the free state -- you're in the free state of florida and you've got a yankee shirt on which means or one of the new yorkers.
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got the hell out of new york and went to florida. i give you an a plus for that. >> in the 1970s, yes, sir. >> hannity: smart. all right. what do you like and what do you dislike about the show? how can i improve and what great do i get? >> let's see -- nothing to improve. i want to say quickly is you refer to mark levin as a great one. i consider you one of the great ones. you're honest, unwavering in integrity and your love for this country and the people, and last week, somebody gave you a c-minus, and the doctor gave you an a-minus so i'm going to give you an a and two pluses tonight. who high also like the yankees like you do. you know what it is. it's talk radio and there are a few of us on fox news because we have all sorts of opinions on the channel, there are only a few of us that are allowed and have the opportunity, and you give us this opportunity, to
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give a different point of view. and, you know, we don't have this camera in front of me without you. thank you for that. you make it possible, and everybody else that watches. i'll take it with humility and keep working hard every night to earn your viewership. we appreciate you being with us. that's all the the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with u set your dvr so you never ever miss a show of hannity. let not your heart be troubled. here's laura. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham ham and this is "the ingraham angle" from los angeles. thank you for joining us on a very busy night. we begin with the real killing machine. now, in the wake of the horrific murders of tyra nichols, the debate about police reform has once again being reunited. >> when you look at what's taking place, the police culture, we need reform, we need to dismantle these systems and these policies. >> we need t
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