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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  February 2, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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and have it professionally installed. don't miss empires have price sale schedule now. ninety eight , three hundred and today this is they never miss a day. they order an edible .com or company store to get your big. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. ucker: wtonight, you know you'rg in a non democracy when it's dangerous s to displeasesuprem the ne'er do well children of the supreme leader. for exampif you were, for exami a red light in pre invasion, baghdad and uday hussein came screaming up behind you, drunkeness lamborghini, you got the hell out of the way and youd did not complain about it. mplainand you didn't complain at
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it because you days dad ran the place and you did not want to make him mad .e and en you might wind up likelike t the members of his personal soccer team who dared to miss spenalty kicks. >> that's what third world countries are like. all citizens are not equal inver countries like that. power derives from proximityom to power. op that meansle in the second mosh powerful people in a countryftee like that are the children ofan the president. and very oftenar they don't have jobs and are addicted to something. that's the way it works in places like that. >> and for a long time, that system seemed very foreign to most americans. they were used to living in a democracy. >> they could barely even imagine it. but then during the last presidential campaign, joe biden's daughter abandoned her diary somehow in a house she was staying at in florida after she got oun t of rehab. t diary, ashley biden recounted how her father had taken showers with her when shew was young and she attriter. he did her later compulsions was yo to that experienceun with her father. >> s seemeo by any standard thae seemed like clear evidence of abuse. >> and yetr n wo law enforcemet agency so far as we know, ever
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asked joe biden about it. >> insteadstea, once joe biden became president , his fbi raided the hom re of journaliste james o'keefe and seized the evidence. >> actually iz evi, biden's diay taken by force and has nevere been seen again. sod ne the message was unmistakable. when uday hussein blows by this. lamborghini, get the out of the way. >> peasant princelings have o power. you do not. >> by the way, hunter biden's whole life has been a monumentle to that message. despite a decades long drug problem and no record of legitimate achievement of any kind, hunter biden has managedit to accumulate the highest possible academic credentials. >> georgetown and yale lawtown don't like that at home,mill as well as what appears to bioe millions and millions and millions of dollars. >> how did he do that? you couldn't do it, but then you're not joe biden's son , and that's how he did it. he cut business deals with corrupt countries that his father was conducting diplomacy and as vice president of the united states . and then we from evidence that he apparently planned to kick t
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back some of that money to his big er as part of the deal, 10% for the big guy. b now, that's completelyid illegas and yet another hunter, biden nor his father, joe biden, have ever been indicted for doing that. , the realinstead.d yest >>er and here's the best part, the real criminals we learned yesterday are the people who dared to talk about it yesterday. >> hunter biden's legal team released a letter demanding that joe biden's frien ddat imprison anyone who criticizes joe biden's son . jobiden'so these letters calllsd on the department of justice, which joe biden controls. atto in delaware, state attorney general kathy jennings from joe biden, state to file criminal a charges against republicans who dared to possess and sharets the contents of his son's now famous laptop. >> that list would include, among others, john paul, nic isaac, the owner of the mack repair shop where hunter biden abandoned, said laptop. according to hunter, biden's high paid lawyers, john paul john mcisaac should be in prison for doing this. quote, mr. mcisaac chose
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to work with donald trump's personal lawyer to weaponizes mr biden's personal computer data against his father, joseph r. biden. in other words, john paul mcisaac didn't want joe biden b to become president and pres that's now a federal crime. but wait a second.up a can we back up a sec.ay wit does that mean we can now say with certainty that laptop is real? >>? if we can say that that means that adam schiff is now running for senate in california, had better issue a statemen t pronto, correcting his previous categorical claims about the laptop. here it was adam schiff in october of 2020 when he chaireds the house intelligence committee. >> doee s surprise you at all i that this information rudy giuliani is peddlingng very well diuld be connected to some sort of russian government disinformation campaign? whole well, we know that this whole f smear on joe bidenro comes froma the kremlin.
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that's been clear for welley ovr a year now that they've been pushing this false narrative about the vice president and his son . >> we know this comes from the kremlin. adam schiff said. >> and of course, adam schiff would know since he, unlike you, had access to top secret wr information. you weren't allowed to see it.eo he did see it on the basis offre that knowledge, told you it wasl from the kremlin and it's exactly what dozens of former of intel officials told you. >> they saicw the evidence and this was from russia. unte >> so now it looks like they were all lying, according biden's lawyer's quote, mr. mcisaac unlawfully shared mr.d t biden's property with third parties. >> hiss prop property. biden's >> he owned it. it was his yes. the laptop. did no according to hunter, biden's lawyers belonged to hunter. biden dilin.d not come from the kremlin. that's settled except wait. no, it's not settledse.ttleto dabecause today we got yet another statement from hunter biden's lawyervise thes and thee
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to revise the first statement. >> here's today's statement. and we're quotin g these letters do not confirm mcisaac orrsio others versions of a so-called laptop. >> they address their conduct ofseekin seeking, manipulatin and disseminating what they allege to be mripulatin bis personal data, wherevers they claimed to have gotten it . >> so, in other words, wee believe the government should send these people to jail for possessing stolen property that belonged to hunter biden. >> butbu that so-called propertv may not actually exist and mayen not even belong to hunter biden. sos their argument. y ac >> it's a novel legatul theory actually affected. so novel, it's totallyling incoherent. it's like prosecuting somebody for stealing your imaginarr.yth car . >> but even if we can agree not that the laptop is real, notaboc a deep fake produced by somealr diabolical russian, i program. and to get another hunter, i biden or his lawyers have conceded that yet maybe they will tomorrow. f >>un but even if we could all agree on that, there is anothere
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more fundamental problem. >> and it's this hunter biden signed an agreement that if he left his device and john paul mcisaac repair shop in helawareairlaware f for more ths ,if you didn't pick it up, he would forfeit ownership of >> he wrote that no h one disputes that he did. and then hunter biden violated the contract that he signed and he violated it because he was a crackhead who was having an affain-lawr with his sister n law, at least three of his employees and countless strippers and , while at the same time trying to execute an illicit business, deals with the chineses . so he just didn't have time to return for his laptop laptops. that makes sense. ry bus smalas very busy. >> john paul mcisaac, meanwhile, being the smaller business owner, called hunterk biden again and again and tried to give the laptop back .iden >> but hunter biden was so busy he ignored john paul, the classic watch. >> he sort of disappearsl mc on you. so he disappearsisaac., never cw for that external hard drive that now maintains the data. so now i'm in possession pis of his laptop, a backup of his laptops
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home folder on an externalided,n drive that he provided and nolln sign of hunter. right i think i called him againth the following weekend or rightdf before the end of the month.o cc i always call customers at him the month to collect on out of delinquent bills. uh, and then, uha, i think i called him a couple more times over the next month after that. so just noonse response. >> i kept calling him, kept calling him. al he was smoking too much crack with too many. he didn't call me back . that was john paul. mcisaac's isaac's explanation. so it's kindion oand f hard toe john paul isaac for this.op. he tried his best to returnin the laptop and yet they are delw blaming him. in fact, hunter biden is demandingare attornl, cat thl attorney general, kathy jennings, put that guy, john paul mcisaa for whac, in jr what he did. >> on what. grounds? hunter biden is the president's son . if much cracke oo, to follow the terms ofco the contract he signed, that's not his problem. >> s no it's yours now in a normal country, normal.
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prosky would laugh at an argument like that. but hunter biden is betting that delaware attorney general kathy jennings will take that argument very seriously. and he has reason to believe that she will becauseje kathy jenningsnnings is not jusa the attorney general. she is a long time party hack i ideologue. deuewho can be counted on to faithfully do the bidding of democratic leaders and donors and even better, even betternnis than that, kathy jennings is a r longiend time friend of the bidn family. in fact, she once worked for b biden's brother, beau biden, and she worships his father,we joe . >> we're not guessin.g. gener here's a facebooalk post from the now attorney general of delaware, kathy jennings, dated april. >> twenty fifth, 2019.h. we're quoting. e >> i've known joe jill inmily f the biden family for most of my life. orjoe is one of the kindest, mot genuine, genuine people i've ever known. wndemocrats are blessed with may excellent candidates this year, and i am proudse choic of thoses and what they say aboutta our party. >> i'm choosinnds mo what itg je nobody understands more what it means to heal. and right now, that's what
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america needs. >> well, right nowamil, the bidn family needs something very different. and cathy jennings different may be willing to provide it. again, thipersons is the persona hunter biden's lawyers are calling on to sendul john paul to jail. there. do >> and she very well may sendigt him there. u have doesn't seem like a fair fight, really. so here yo u have john pauls mcisaaowc, small business owner, who lives in these small, corrupt state controlled by the biden family.aty the biden famiy he's peasant in this scenario. and then you hav te hunter biden is the princeling. so with no obvious means of support, hunter biden has been living in a twenty thousand dollars a month spread in malibu. and can somehow can someonhoew,f holl us out oforf the team of the most expensive attorneys in the united states of americaw ?y >> how's he doing that?f thes we don't know. has we can say one of these guys has a strong advantage in this and it's not the little guy. >> so we wondered what mcisaac john paul mcisaac thinks of this.
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>> he's the author of americanwy injustice. he joins us now with hiser, lawyer, bryabrian roka. >> thanks to you both very much for coming on . >> jump on the guys.o yo just to you first, the obviouseu question. so here you really are,u're a the little guy i sn this case.he >> you're literally a small business owner and you're being threatened by the family thatyou runs the country. are yostu intimidated by this? you must be a little bit more . >> i'm a little bit. but you've got to remember, tucker, i've been dealing with intimidation from all fronts for the last couple ofinf years, so i've kind of gottend o used to it. this it. is this isn't as bad as being accused of being a traitor and workingrussia with russia to affect an election. >> but it's pretty close. so tn on i would assume as a smallne business owner, when someone drops a deviced someon for you to repair, you want them to pick it up so you cano take get paid. i assume you didn't want to take possession of thesee dei devices, correct?ceect? >> oh, absolutely.utely. i' i mean, i'm in the businessthe
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to recover data or repairpr and fix these products. and thei want to get paid for these jobs. i t. d i didn' yeah, but that's your fault. now? now, apparently it is . >>at i want to ask your attorney a question as an attorney and so hunter biden is hired, among many others, a man called abbeyl lowell, who's a longtime l democratic lawyer, well regarded among lawyers, mos extremely expensive, probably the most expensive attorneys in the united states . >>e do you have any idea how hunter biden, who doesn't have a job that we knoe knoww o, who's all kinds of claims against him, baby ? among others, how is he affording abbe lowell? well, that's the question that i have as well. you know, way beyond that, how many attorneys does he need ? he's got abbe lowell. he's got attorneys representingr him in quitees a few of his mate criminal matters. many does he need? and the fact that abbe lowell
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actually went along with this letter, which really produced a lot of lies about john paul saying that john paul access the information without hunter's consent when we have shown hunter's consent, everyone knows hunter consented. the fact thaeveryonet this attorney would participate in this is i just don't understand it. >> well, i mean, clearly, this is not about hunter biden. >> obviously, i'm guessing here. i have no knowledge that i'm not disclosing. but if a lifelong crackhead who's fighting a million d different battles on a millionif different fronts and doesn't appear to have a job, canfordlla afford abbe lowell and a stable of other attorneys, this is clearly an effort by the democratic establishment, by donors to crush you guys fotr political reasons. >> is that an unfair assumption? well, that's exactly that was the first thing i thought of.
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i received no notification of these letters until someone from cbs contacted me yesterday. i was in the car and they asked for a comment and i had no idea what they were talking about when when i read the letters, i was appalled at this is really someone with so much money or acting like they havemc a lot of money going afterth someone who is really the little guy and he's doing it it on purpose. >>im he's trying to intimidate. and it's interesting to me that this happened when it did because as you may know, we filed a lawsuit against numerous parties, cnn and politico. but one of the parties is hunter bidecnn, litn. it was very difficult to findwh where he wasere he. you know, he was in d.c. for a couple of weeks. he was moving around. well, we finally tracked him down and we were able to serve him last week.e last week.
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and now all of a sudden we see this when there were alwayss al there was always talk of, oh,d n hunters going on the offensive. he's going afternd rudy. he's going after. all right. joh never a mention of john paul. and then all of a sudden, two of the letters, the primary, most of the paragraphs, most ofi the description in the letters are john pauptl. th >> right. well, i always pick the poor guy to destroy uday and qusay, drive into you drunk.t pu >> and you're the one who getsi. punished for. godspeed to you both. i appreciate john pauljo mcisaac and angelo rocha. >> thank you both. >> thank you. thank you. so we haven't watched a ton of cable news recently, but wen assumed with mass layoffs underway acrosa.s the u.s. economy, an egg shortage, crumbling cities, the prospect z of a third worldon war looming on the horizon. >> we should we othee knew whatg the other channels would be covering because there are an awful lot of threats out
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there. what we didn't know until we tuned in to msnbc and cnn the other day was that all of those threats go by a single name. >> and that name is mr. jorge santos. jorge santos, weeks into hise pv new job as a freshman memberio f congress and just months from his previous life of near total anonymity, jorge santos has somehow transfer formed inically the single most dangerous and historically significant figure on the globalt figuren t >> today, jorge santos is like 9/11 in human form. >> nothing will ever be the same . now that jorge santos is here, you will never forget the moment you first saw jorge santos. >> where were you whentory jorge santos was elected? it's a storyl te you will tell your grandchildren watch on capitoll hill hill. this is jorge santos reality.. itre seems almost every day then are new questions about the freshman congressman's pasct ,some stretching back more decade decade. >> can you keep up with all
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desantis allies and controversies? he is now out trumping trump in terms of flooding the zone with , not just saying that he played volleyball, but he had a scholarship, that he slayed teams from harvard and yale, the perfect portrayal of self loathing that he clearly is so disgusted with himself. and so disgusted with the life that he's led a life of lies, a life of fables. >> people didn't decide because they thought he was somebody totally, totally different. it was a lie and a fraudulentdo' election. >> hpee haars to resign, not toe a volleyball champion. and he doesn't appear to be a champion of the peopleth either. the voters did not elect youe ,o mr. santos. they elected a version of youtin invented by your imagination. sadly, jorge santos represents so much that is wrong today. lies denial and death of shame. >> it was a stolen election. it was a stolen you hearr:d adam kinzinger say t and cnn filled in the blanks. >> it's not just the jorge
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santos claimed that he once played volleyball in court play volleyball in college. it's worse than that. indescribably worse.geor jorge santos told other people. >> outlet and cnn can exc exclusively confirm this, that he had a volleyball scholarshivp ,perhaps the most coveted credential in collegiate sports . but he didn't. >> it was all a facade. >> it was a tissue of lies constructed to deceive the american people. there was no volleyballere's scholarshinop. there was not a single dollar a volleyball scholarship. s >>ma george santos made it all p out of whole cloth, out of thins air. jorge santos is an ersats isz volleyball player, a fraud, a goole. coople voted for this man believing he had played collegiate volleyball on ad he . scholarship and had. >> and yet tonight, ladies and gentlemen, this thief ofball
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volleyball glory strides the halls of the united states congress unimpeded by law. >>aw enforcement. >> it's like another, insurrection and by the way, wer are hearing tonight, we can't gg confirm this, but continue our investigation. e di jorge santos, there are reportsk tonight that a he did notat actually work at citibank. he did not work at citibank, no volleyball scholarship, never worked. >> citibank, what percentage ofs the people who voted for george santos under false pretenses would have done so ha he d they known he never plad volleyball and never worked at citibank? we can only guess. obviously, a very small percentage. >> so ignore the chinese spy chn balloo,n. ladies and gentlemen, jorge santos. there is , by the way,agon d a chinese spy balloon flyingoeo over the united states . the pentagon does not want to shoot it down. >> why don't you want to shoot a chinese spy balloon down? it seems mean and racist. i why are they shutting it down? n george santo santo with more
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>> this is a fox news alert ins a very strange story. the pentagon, as you may have heard, is now tracking a very c high altitude chinese spy balloon over the northernstates united states, over montana. right now, they're seeinge on y photographs of that balloonr on your screen. the pentagon has decidedsc for some reason not to shoot down the balloon, even thoughit they say's it's flying over some , quote, sensitive sites. so there are intercontinental ballistic missile silos in that area. l te in th what is this? gy >> joining us now is jameel jaffer from the national security institute. >> well, thanks so much for coming on . this president make a lot of complicated decisions. this doesn't seem complicated. there's a chinese spy, glenn . >> why not shoot it down? what do you think is happening here? yeah, it's a great question, tucker. you know, what's really interesting about this incident is that the defense department has made clear that thist tht t the first time that we've seen chinese spy balloonsloon overnts us territory in the past. what's interesting about thitisa thrticular incident is the fact that we've called it out, we've made it public, and that ove they actually froze the airspace over billings,bout montana, and put planes up thinking about taking the shot
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., tucker now, why they didn't takenoting the shot, why they didn't take it down. hard to know. tucker, but it's worth noting, back in 2001, the chinese forced down an american spy plane on hainan island, kidnaped us airmen, airwomen, for a number of days and stole a bunch of surveillance assets off that plane. t now, that was almost twos decades ago. >> so you almost answered my question. do you think if the american pentagon floated a spy balloon over chinese missile bases, : yo that chairman g. would say, you know, i'm jusinkt i'm not really sure how to respond. maybe we should justa u.s. let t keep floating? >> yeah, look, i think that's highly unlikely. i mean, you saw nancy pelosi? went to taiwan just a few m months back and kevin mccarthy is going to taiwan shortly. and the chinese were taiwanese threatening to shoot down nancy pelosi's plane. so, you know, it'spe clear tha'e the chines ae would take actionw >> it's surprising that we're yw not wantan to be as fair as youe can in situations like thisthe because there's so much we don't know. >> butcoth you'r e tempted to leap the conclusion these people are completely impotent. ey're >>no but could there be a good
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reason we're not shutting it >>wn? well, you know, you could saywh that they wanted to see where it's going to go, what it's tryinghey'rean track. s and is it looking at our icbms? is it looking at something else they may be collecting information off of it, too. so there's a possibility there are good reasons for not shooting it. bu idown. but it is odd that you would i announce it, make it clear that you've seen ite it and then not take action. ac >> well, that's exactly right. it's such a smart i appreciate. than >> jameel jaffer, thank you so much. thanks. dr.. >> so a woman called elon omar has been on the house foreign affairs committee. omar came to this country from somalia, and then she proceeded to make it very clear she doesn't like the country she settled in. >> according dna evidence, she also married her brother in order to immigration fraud, something that obviously happened for which she's never been punished. tucker:so today, for a bunch of reasons unrelated to that, the house voted to expel ilan ai omar from the foreign affairs committee. and in responsrs e, a theater kids in the squad completely lost emotional contro offor real. >> watch this.or i this is about targeting women of color in the unitedge
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states of america. don't tell me, because i didn'ts get a single time in the spotlight like it was threatened. >> thank you. let me.ex the gentleman's time has expired on .right omar is right where she belongs. gentleman's time has expired.e . >> the gentlewoman's t needed on the foreign affairs committee. he r clarity, conviction. the gentleman's time hasy expired. and she is neagueso longert doin recognized. >> the gop is now doing what it is best at weaponizes inag head against a black, beautiful muslim woman. the gentleman's time hasan's expired, will not be silenced. . the gentleman's time has expired. but omarcongresswoman gentlemas expired. that our country is with you today in this chamber. no longer recognize. men an wow, these people are really troubled. it really is the party of weak and angry women. adt to make of this? t >> adam croll is an expert on this kind of behavior during his many yearsisio on television
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and comedy. >>w. as to the show, he joins nw us now. ainment i mean, you have worked in the entertainment business for many decades. >> you'vye seen emotionallyin incontinent people. how would yoent pe hou compare them it woul to what you just saw here? >> i thet would take many of tho to make one and sen e how she a person of color. she's whiter than i am. let's look and say, well, solong that's a good subject, which is i've said for a long time, it's never been a better timel i to be an actuastl racist because you could just hide among everyone who's being accused of being a racist, which is everyone in america who's not a person of color. >> they're hysterics.e there are also sending movement back , you know what i mean? >> like, they seem incompetent . >>ri they seemca insane. they seem hysterical, like. bul liket i thought you weren't supposed to . >> so i actually like and respect women just saying te and you were not supposed to call women hysterical because that's a stereotyp
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e. >> but then she totally gets u p and behaves in a way that can only be described as hysterical . >> she's literally in a in a state of hysteria. li >> if this was a copilotp and sh on your commercial flight, youaa would get off of the plane, right?o-pilo >>t, you'd i don't want this nub anywhere near a yoke. that's so obviously. -- it's >> but it's kind of our fault. . like if you really think about it, like covid was our fault. yes. we have horrible leaders, horrible politicians. fauci, cdc, rochelle walensky, t we listen to them, we yell at cd our own citizens to put a mask h up. >> w we didn't have to do it. we could have done it if we stood up. and it's the same way with racism. they bang the racism drum at every moment of the day. and we buy into it. we back off. we don't want to talk about the race hustlers that are out there. >> they're constantly doing this. it's our fault it's r faul. min we're letting this very small u minority do this to us becauseer everyone is so scared of being ,
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racist denier. called covid denyer vaccinator, a racist. o and like, we're so freakedut tht that we let these nut jobs take control and then run amok. >> she marries her own brother. okay, so that's that would seem like the headline. i don't understand how you could read a news story, but you'll tomorrow more whatever ih you think of reviews and not not see ellen omak, who married herd own brother. ad >> but if you did that, you'd i be called a racist. everyi think every cultureit's is against marrying your own brother. >> i don't think that's like an anglo thing. angnole, it's you are critiquig a woman of color and thus youfo. are a racist. >> oh, universal standards.t yes.sett yes.>> tucke it's a default setting.n, >> can i just ask one question? if you'r e leave, do you go home? and of course, she's looking at the tape of herself because she obsessively google hs people lie star. >> always do. narcissists always do. and you see het r owcrying on p reviewyos. >> start crying over a committee assignment and say, you know, i'm a i'm nt a brave, >> i bold, competent woman. >> i can't imagine that. i mean, i imagine when she goese home, she first has to feed her
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19 cats and then she can hop on the computer and watch this horrible, pathetic performance in a victim culture world. a >> she gets an oscar for that.h. so, you know, we're coming fromd a different generation where you would yell at someont ahold. get a hold of yourself, woman, have a shot of brandy, pull it together, you're a leader. you're making a fool oflf yourself. but now we're in a victim culture reward center. >> now, and we're handing it out. >> so she gets an emmy for that last question. >> the nineteen cats, they judge that, don't they ?t y secretly that kind of behavior.t >> tabby's do they do. catses. people think they're cats. don't judge them. tlying. >>ey're they're like, oh, they see right through your soul. >> i totally agree. yeah. adam carollar:, grea adat to se. thank you.m ca >> well, air travel has gottenoe very, very tough. it's gone, but it's very hardhat to rely on commercial airlineso. to get you for in place.appening what is happening exactly? well, we have foundbrave
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a commercial airline pilot isave enough to joinen next and help us understand what is going on . we'll be right back . 'll be rfox nation presents theu have to lose yourself before you find anything. let me watch the mustache. >> burt, remember when movies were movies? vaccination does classic burt reynolds movie come on and then watch burt reynolds and lost weekend on fox station. america is screaming. >> it's going to be showing up at fox nation .com. hi, my name's eva. >> i'm from new york and i lost thirty three pounds with mike lindell. next, medical is led by america's number one weight loss experts with over thousands of members losing tens of thousands of pounds. go to join next .com to change your life. today, it's spring.
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solitaire. grand harvest and enjoy a new world of solitaire. discover fun and challenging levels with so many exciting features that i don't even have time to tell you about. so download solitaire grand harvest for free and see for yourself. >> in a country this big, you really need reliable air travel just to function. rave but our air travel, commercial air travel is degrading. clearly, if yo tried tu tried tt recently, you know that noa bi one says it, but it's very, very obvious.s th >> and a big part of thats an is the covid mandates.pilot hads air traffic controllers thd pilots were told t vac theyd to be vaccin, had to wearshed masks. >> and anyone who didn't was punished for it. feeling commell vae effects of that. >>cc jeff channelers, a mas a commercial airline pilot, refused to get vaccinated or wear a mas a endk and in the ene won. amazingly, he's still flying. thank god c.handle jeff joins us now. comin jeff, thanks so much for coming on for your bravery and coming on tonight. and congratulationy overs on yourould sum u victory over the insane mandate. >> if you could sum up what you what youthink is going on with our commercial air travel system, how would you get even
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? >> tucker, thank you for having tucke me. i appreciater. happy groundhog day. first, let. m e say happy birthday to my beautiful wife. you're amazing.mazing i love you and have a greatou time in charleston.have a great secondly, these arecharle my opinions. i don't speak for anybody and i d certainly don't speak forlf or the company i work forth, nor do i represent them tonight. >> as we know the mass media, all because a lot of troubleillegal and grief and we all knew thates it was illegal. and from the beginning we w couldn't express that it was illegal because we really didn't know what we were lookiner but g for. consider but now, thanks to a good friend of mine, a consider my brother, i call him captain cross. that's his superhero name. he unearthed the mother of all public policies, the moab. it's the federal aviation act of nineteen fifty eight .st a and in that act, congress declared to exist public radio transit. they created the faa and the faeated faa a created the polics to safeguard and ensure and promote safety in air travel and air commerce. so that's the law right there.rl now, the biggest part of that
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law is actually section three ,d one and that one , it establishes the authority of the administrator and it says the administrator shall not submit his decisions for the approval of nor be bound by decisions or recommendations of any boardm d, committee or ay other organization created by executive orderth. so the faa administrator has full unilateral authority to make aldecil decisions regarg air travel. now, one former administrator, dixon, went before the senate and he said that masking would not be regulatory mandates. that was the line in the sand that they drew. they said no, and that should have stuck. but everybody tried to enforce it anyway.lo >>ok and what' at s interestingf you look at the faa reformation and modernization act of 2012, d section eight , twenty nine dictated that an the faa and osha declare and corroborate on an m.o. you in august oft 2014, the faa putu out that memo you and it said that osha could regulateasiana
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some of their occupational safety hazards affectingl ar air crew members on aircraft except for flight deck crew. so pilots were carved out and and there's no way that they could mandate that against pilots. it was illegalit was ill. eserve and the result a this deserves i a much longer conversation. tha i apologize for lack of time to fully get all of that. but it's clear thatrespon the response to covised is a con reason that people can't seem to get to play on time. to se jeff chandler, i appreciate it.u i hope you'll come back . good to see you. thank you.ucker: thank you, tucker.have p >> so all politicians have people who imitate them, who do impressions of them. >> kamala harris is one of the few who really doesn't. and that's because kamala harris herself is doing a kamala harris impression. therherself oing ae is no actuaa harris. and so it's kind of it' a meticulous, very tough, very difficult to pull off the rambling incompetence cad the cackling
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but we have searched the entire continental united states for theysomeone who can do it.>> bef >> and we have found one . watch this before we get to all that, i am kind of left here.prd my namene is vice president kamala harris, first woman, drapey, and i can answer she and her. >> i'm a woman attting the table wearing a blue suit. my pronouns are she and her fauci fifo from i'm i'm wearingn a blue suit. >> one of many my pants are old navy and school buses are yellow because think about it,r yellow school busenas are our nation's largest form of mass transit. >> yeah, largest for mass transit. so clearly the person you sawrst his name is s.t.or has the kindn of faintly hallucinogenic tlquality down, but it'sin the kakul that she really nailed.
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she joins us now. estie, thank you so much for coming on . the kakul. >> can you just do that again? i think you perfected it. >> hello, america. yeah, well, i don't know. >> i don't know. hey, i don't know if you livefr with others, roommate, spouse,ie friends, whatever . that cackle around other people, how do the when you do that, kakul around other people, how do som they respondetim? pla sometimes they leave the it really depends on what what team they're playing for.i th but for the most part, iint turn heads for sure. eti think i think i fine tuned t down to get it to sound just like her, just for masochistic reasons. >> one more time, the so isn't perfect. >> so the state of the union is coming up next week. >> do you have a preview for rea us ? llwell, tucker, i really want to make sure that we can galvanize our time. and when we get there, we wantn'
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to lead joe into the passage ofe time. but really, we don't want it to be too much into the passage. exhoe going to have a venn diagrapefullm explaining everytg and hopefully there will be yellow school buses. does i mean, does it change t the way you feel about yourself that you're able to dory, ve differing like this?ry well, it starteden very, very differently. i downfor me. i downloaded tic-tac during the pandemic like many other very bored americans, among other people around the world. oneand one of the followers toi me that i had actually soundedsu like her. and i replied to the video. and after that, the requests just kept on coming inl and given her content and all the great, wonderful speeches that she's given, i haven't runv out of any content yeter.. so no. >> and you never will peace be upon her. we're going to go out of this with an actual camel, a camel, carmello, whatever . kakul just so our viewers can see how perfect your imitation . >> thank you so much.
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thank you. and here's here's the real and we spoke of course, with kamala harris. there is no real thing she's doing impression of herself, but whatever you see the point, pretty good. d >> so we do try to anyways many animal segments as we possibly r can,ea because animals are grea. seen anybodynever own an animal like this, an animal that is known for spraying horrible scents into the faces of anyonn sprayie appt it. >> but we found somebody.we fou and that's next. d hey, mom, if i could talk, wht would i tell you? i'd say thanks. for giving me khoza quinn all these years. keep them moving with consequent joint health supplements. the number one that recommended
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well cared for. >> our service comes at no cost to your family. connect with us today. >> emotional support. animals are everywhere on airplanes and on the train. >> usually their dogs or cats or ferrets. and a lot of people judge. we do not judge. >> animals are a great wayr: to get emotional support. but very few people have adopted skunk's as emotional support animalr obs for obvious
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reasons. >> truly, mcglaughlin has done h she's the founder and owner of indiana, a skunk rescue. >> emotional support skunk don is called princess diana for reasons we're going to find outa in a minute. >> she and princess diana joinus us now, along with heather blaney. now and heather who also has an emotional support skunk. this one called nugget's. a nosuw we have julian , heather, princess diana and nugget all joining us . kand we are grateful that you'r. here, both of you. g he >> so thank you.putati leont me just ask the obvious question. so skunk's have a pretty badal k reputationin in the animal kingdom for spraying noxious mist into the faces of ho everything that approaches. >> how do you avoid that? well, actually , that's like an old wives tale. i really think that our parents and grandparents told us that as kids, so we would stay away from them because it does smelll bad when they do. but in reality, it takes a lot to get skunk to you have to keep bugging them and bugging them before they will finally turn around and spray you. they give tons og firsf warnintk
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first, they'll puff alwal upy and stomp and stomp and runn thk backward abous before they ever even think about spray and spray. in the last resort. >> work for yeah, my dogs seem to pretty quickly in skunks. >> so you'vee them never been te your dogs. tucke don'r:t leave them alone. soah, well, that's blame the dogs. t >> you're right. so but the bottom line is that neither one of you has ever been sprayed. >> he'd been sprayed by your o o emotional support. skunk'u have s no. so our domestic skunks are t actually dissented and they're dissented before we get them so t. e tic skunksm as >> so they cannot spray if i'm s they want it to . what do they like that? i like a wildlife rehabilitatorn and yeah, i've been sprayedspra i've been sprayeyed straight in the eyeballs three times. it doetimes.s happen, but not tt often. not often. at all. oft >> yeah, well,en three , three times seemsou hav a little often, but i thine k it's i think it's great that you still think i do over.o over you're going to think i do over
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one hundred a year or two.four t so we're talkingim out of>> tha eight hundred skunks 30%t'. >> you know, i guess that's o a pretty good look. that's a pretty good ratio. no, i completely agree. >> so what k most of us don't know a lot about is we're afraid of getting sprayed in the eyeballs and blinded by them. >> what is it like whe ton yo get sue live with them? >> whawit are they like? they're kind of like a mixture between a cat dog and a ferret, all rolled and into one reallyrr little personality is a very cat like and ferret like. they use a litter box. litte they know their namer s. name they come when they're called. they're very affectionate. i have a ramp that goes up to my bed and they climb in bedn and go to bed for the night. and they give kisses and they like to be held and cuddle. >> most of them.e be some of them don't, buaut most i them do. 'vr i mean, they are beautiful k that i never really looked at me, always afraid to approach this . >> do you ever have problems with bite? no, i haven't. i mean, sometimes they're like
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danti is like anything else, but i don't think this one shef. wouldn't bite if she was on fire. this is princesss princess dianr she's so sweet.fter i named her after princess di, but yeah, some of them, justg ee like you get dogs and catsare mo and everythingre seems more nip than other onehas are notspatch actually hangs out with me. >> i'm aer dispatcher and he wor hangs out with me at work. so really.y sold oh, that's pretty great. we've totally sold me sp emotional support. >> skunk's, thanks you. juliore mcglocklin, princess diana and nugget, we appreciatee we'll go right back . to this big day. never miss beat today. orderer edible .com or coming to get your perpich. >> we're at the beginning of really a new chapter in the hunter biden story. new revelations keep coming.
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the climate, you will undergo surger y without anesthesia because it's not a religious cult. it's you under science. >> we're going to go full report on that tomorrow night. thesia. surgery without anesther the climate. have the best night with love. . night with love. . hi, welcome to "hannity". welcome to "hannity". a live studio audience tonight,e in new york city. i am so glad you could be with us tonight. congresswoman omar's service on the foreignoman affairsservi committee is now officially over. >> people happy about thatn comt you think she's not happy about it now? today, some people did something to her committee assignment and now she


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