tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News February 3, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
appreciate you coming out in the cold tonight. unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for making the show possible. please set your dvrs so you never miss an episode of "hannity." let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, "the ingraham angle" is next. have a great weekend. we'll see you back here on monday. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. china's trial balloon, the focus of tonight's angle. now just like the spy balloon itself america's china apologist were floating around today. >> i'm waiting for the chinese of the nation for this balloon. i've had personal experience of using balloons as reconnaissance devices and they are not very efficient. they do not think the chinese
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situation closely. we'll continue to monitor. will continue to review our options and provide information and updates. >> since we are in the observation and monitoring business, norad is simply observing the balloon. they have a job securing the airspace over the united states. still. on december 24th, we take on the extra special mission of tracking santa claus. >> laura: just like they do with santa, norad should set up a website for all of us to follow to track this round figure. >> you said the u.s. is reviewing its options. i'd like some priority, is the option of shooting down the balloon particularly as it's going over more populated areas off the table? is that still amongst the options that the u.s. military is considering? >> we are not going to get into an hour by hour where the
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balloon is but will do the most to keep you and the republican informed. >> laura: that general to give us a little play-by-play. >> currently it's traversing the continental united states. right now we assess that it will probably be over the united states for a few days. but we will continue to monitor, review our options and keep you updated as we can. >> he's like al roker and the doppler radar. it's humiliating. we're the united states. even general wesley clark and former obama's secretary defense leon panetta felt the need to chime in. >> it's our airspace that we have to protect. so i suspect there are ways to be able to go after this balloon, whether to shoot it down or to intercept it in some way. or whether to interfere with what the maneuverability of the balloon which obviously is of concern. >> bob bear even more blunt in
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what "the angle" warned about last night. this entire exercise was a trial balloon literally floated by china to see how long it would take for us to react forcefully. >> this by balloon, the chinese would have taken our planes down that weren't even flying in their airspace. they force them down, we'd let it go, we'd keep on appeasing the chinese and they'll keep pushing. >> laura: for all those pentagon groupies that were buying the line that the generals were worried about collateral damage on the ground if they shut it down? get your head screwed on straight. if we can hit home plate in yankee stadium with a cruise missile launched thousands of miles away, i think we can pop a balloon without endangering human life. if not, we should reconsider what we are getting for that $850 billion a year that we spend on the fence at this point. our secretary of state should have immediately canceled, not postponed his trip to beijing
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over this chinese publication. >> this trip planned by the secretary of state, we hope things will settle down and they'll be able to get back to negotiating table. >> laura: that stupid. the u.s. statement on there should've been shortened to the point. something like we consider this move to be a deliberate provocation and a blyton down my point in violation of our airspace and sovereignty. we have taken swift action to illuminate the potential intelligence threat, to the ccp opposed to our nation and any nation can slash attempts anything to miller will find the same results. all future high-level discussions with china are hereby postponed indefinitely. that's what we should have said. this balloon may or may not be really good at collecting sensitive information. we have no idea. that's frankly irrelevant. by launching it, watching it, and watching the u.s.'s slow
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response, xi is learning a lot about us, the great united states. we appear to be more worried about offending the chinese, more afraid of protesters storming or capitol than protecting our own homeland against the communist aggressor. the sad fact is as long as biden is president, china does have all the leverage. our military is hyper focused on europe. our supply chains are still in china. we depleted our munitions by sending so much to ukraine. our military is mired in woke nonsense. the fact that xi lied about covid, took hong kong, enslave the uighurs, we just keep going on for more. for better relations, wall street wants more business engagement, universities want more chinese students. it's frankly all of it, disgusting and it's un-american.
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and that's the angle. joining me now is victor davis hanson, senior fellow, and jason chaffetz. fox news can you better, we have so much to talk about. this is an insane day. victor, it is beyond what i just laid out in the angle. the chinese have the biden family over their knee at this point, don't they? under this, over their knee, whatever analogy you want to use. >> i thought the press conference from the pentagon was for real because they admitted to us that it wasn't just a weather balloon, it was for surveillance. second, they've known about it for some time. third, it's a violation of u.s. aerospace. fourth, it's a violation of international law. but it doesn't pose a threat. everybody says we aren't afraid it's going to fall in us, we want to know if the terrence is going to be weakening by this type of surveillance and some quarters say it's as good as the
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satellite surveillance. maybe -- also come up beside the point they might be probing us to see what our response is but they don't look at our mag amenity as kind as to be reciprocated. they are looking at as weakness to be exploited. this is a long time. assuring us last year that we were told that mark milley contacted the chinese counterpart to warn him, mark milley would call them in advance if donald trump seems unsteady. we have in addition to that. mark milley gave this testimony before congress, without any data and no supporting evidence, he said he was going to root out white rage, weitzer pharmacy, white privilege, all that has done is upended a content constituencythat died in numberd
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afghanistan, and they are short on their recruitment. this pattern is continuing and it's really reified in this latest disaster. somebody has got to take control of the pentagon, shake them up and go, you know what, this is very serious if you're going to lose the terrence again and again, something serious is going to happen. >> i'm going to be very disappointed if the g.o.p. doesn't have several surveillance balloons floating over the dnc at 2024, let me just tell you, very disappointed. jason, i found something else to jarring in addition to what dbh just said. china's surveillance stunt is going to have no impact on our future dialogue with the ccp. watch this. >> how will this incident effect the secretaries of future engagement with chinese counterparts to maintain open lines of communication. >> i think we've been very clear, we are open to maintaining an open line of communication with the prc and
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in that regard nothing has changed. >> was it millie who called his counterpart in china and said, don't worry, we got this. i'm paraphrasing, obviously. this is amazing! >> do you know what the chinese understand? they understand strength and they've just been running roughshod over us. they did covid, intel fentanyl,e our intellectual property. they are sending balloons to serve ls and there is no consequence from biden and the pentagon. joe biden spends more time with the pentagon trying to figure out who's going to figure out what bathroom fan they do protecting the united states and the integrity of the united states. what do they have on joe biden? it begs that question. why are we so soft. this is a real threat laura. if you don't meet it with the terrence, if you don't knock it down fast, guess what.
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what are they going to start doing when they start sending drones over to the united states. where is the line in the biden administration? >> laura: victor, they think that the january 6th protesters are a much bigger threat to the united states than they do china. there is no about that. and "the new york times" to this point is not at all concerned, one of the writers, the ccp is spying on us. what are they are worried about is we might actually protect our own airspace. >> the fact that balloon is still in the air moving east they're still the possibility this things escalate if the u.s. has to shoot it down, that's very dramatic. just the idea we are using military force against chinese asset would be very dramatic. >> laura: very dramatic! they do not want to hurt xi's feelings or poke at the red star of. >> i think they set the balloon over in part to see what our
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response was and is to builder expectations. they have contempt for us. when i worked at stanford university we worked with a neuroscientist lecturer who worked f for the people's liberation army -- >> laura: of course! >> we didn't inform the government that over ten years, a communist associated clientele from china donated 50 million to the universities. so it's everywhere. and until somebody stops it, it's going to continue. they have contempt for us. absolute contempt. >> laura: i want to get back to something that victor raised earlier. this is in the angle of the ultimate trial balloon. do you put any stock into this that they really want to test our high altitude targeting programs at this 60,000 altitude, feet altitude? >> sure. this is no accident. the chinese have been developing these kinds of weapons.
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i think what donald trump saw when he was president, there was a reason why he created much to the left's chagrin, he crated the space force. for the chinese are doing in our skies in space is dramatic. in many ways it is a war unto itself. i think they have lots of things that they want to test and the ability to not only identify it, knock it down, to deal with it. we've got to be able to capture it. i'd love to be able to capture it. if it moves further to the east over high population areas it becomes increasingly difficult to do this. the pentagon has got a lot of questions to answer and i've got to tell you, they should have -- if it came within 12 miles of united states they should a shot at over the ocean and just obliterated it. >> laura: exactly. gentlemen, have a great weekend. what makes the lip response to china more galling is what we know about how this administration treats its own citizens. on october the 4th 202021 202021
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attorney general merrick garland sent a memo to federal prosecutors giving the latter the green light to target parents who might be getting out of line at school board meetings. a few days later, we learned that the memo basically can tell my compared concerned parents to terrorists was requested at the behest of the education secretary, miguel cardona. breaking tonight they are getting their comeuppance. judiciary committee chairman jim jordan has just issued the first subpoena ofs of this committee and serve these three men. joining me now is chairman jordan himself, congressman, lay out what happens now and why these three? >> these are the three that had the communications prior to the memorandum ever being sent. so we want to get those communications because we always think they use the school board's letter that came on
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september 29th, 2021, that was a pretext to do what they wanted to do anyway. which is go spy on the american people, parents showing up at school board meetings advocating for their son or daughter. you want to get those communications. we've seen a few of them. we haven't seen them all. we have sent countless letters time and time again and we get nothing in response. we are going to issue a subpoena and see we can get the documents to prove what we think actually happened, one of the few emails that have kind of shown to have been, they were talking before they ever issue the memorandum which treated moms and dads as domestic terrorists. >> laura: subpoena asked for all documents and communications sent or received by a number of individuals referring to the fbi investigations to the school board threats. you list several present del my parents targeted by the biden administration. why have the parents listed in
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the significance? >> mom wow because some tattletale neighbor, some snitch neighbor titles, that makes you a target and you get visited by the fbi, that's half the people i represent in the fourth business of ohio. you have a couple of agents coming to us in whistle-blowers, the very first one, the first agent to step forward step forward on this issue about a year ago. here's a threat tag and 25 parents with the fbi. we don't want anybody threatening people at school board meetings but we don't want school officials threatening parents. the local lawn forests handle that lawn -- because they don'tlike s up at your house which they did 25 times, 25 different parents. we want to know how they put
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this together. they put this together with my judgment because they thought it would help terry mcauliffe with the virginia democrat, virginia governor's race. i think it backfired. when terry mcauliffe says we don't thing moms and dads should be telling schools what to teach, there were a bunch of moms and dads in virginia who said, wait a minute, we actually know our kids name, we care about them a lot more than some bureaucrat in the government and they showed up in a big way and made glenn youngkin the governor of that state. backfired of them, a whole effort to turn the government against the very people it's supposed to serve. >> congressman, you are a target. you are a target. you were a target long before this but now you are the chairman of the judiciary, you really are a target. all these left-wing rags, cnn was coming at you too. you wrote the slate that jordyn's general views promote falsehoods, encourage attacks on legitimate institutions. congressman, this is the way the left moves today. you stand up for liberty or
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freedom and you are a threat to democracy. quickly, your response. >> that is the template. the left tells a lie, big media reports the like my big tech amplifies a lie. they call you fascist, racist, they come after you. you faced a time and time again, laura. republicans face all the time. it's the nature of the business. that means you've got to step up and be stronger and get the truth to the american people because the first step in stopping this is always to put the facts on the table, get the truth out there and we can look at whatever legislative solutions to do to stop this from happening in this great country. >> laura: congressman, before we let you go, would you be in favor of a bill banning tiktok, you get a lot of bipartisan support for that but would you be in favor of moving that forward quickly? >> yes, i would. it needs to happen. we've seen it with this bal balloon -- remember, that same table with this balloon say it's an accident. the chinese, they are the one who told us it didn't come from
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a lab! a bat to a pangolin -- of course we need to enforce this tiktok van. >> laura: looking forward to this latest legislation. here's something you weren't aware of. 18 months ago the cdc held a secret meeting to discuss tracking americans who had not gotten the covid vaccine. we got our hands on the tape providing the plan in their own words. we are going to play it to you next. stay with us.
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>> laura: in september 2021, the debate over vaccine mandates was raging. little did the american public now at the time that the cdc was holding a meeting discussing the potential to track those who were unvaccinated. documented on page 194 on the cdc's december meeting packet, but now we never heard the plan on tape. meet a little-known figure, cdc figure david berglund. >> there's been interest expressed to be able to track people who are not immunized or who are only partially only partially immunized. and at the current time there can be considered to be
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ex-significant modifiable risk factor for morbidity and mortality and it can be of interest for clinical reasons as well as being a value for public health he reasons to be able to track this. there for proposing codes related to people being unvaccinated for covid-19 and being partially vaccinated for covid-19. >> it's not just a tracking of the unvaccinated which is ridiculous. if you thought getting one or even two shots was going to shield shield you from being surveilled, you are wrong. after the presentation dr. david berglund open the floor to questions and comments. he was asked of those who had previously had covid and there for rejecting the vaccine whether they could avoid the unvaccinated code they were assigned. listen to his response.
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>> it has been recommended that even if someone has a history of covid-19 that it may be beneficial for them to get the vaccine. at this point in time, i would not disallow th use of these cos where they could use these codes together with a history of the code of someone wish to be unvaccinated that that would usually not be recommended st still. >> laura: this was just a plan back in september of 2021. but do they move fast. these codes were approved just two months later and when to affect of april of 2022. we reached out to the cdc to get a better understanding of how this works, why they are doing it to allay any concerns over this tracking tool. we are still awaiting the cdc's response. we'll bring it to you when they get back to us.
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those aren't the only public health control freaks who have been unmasked. interesting new information emerge this week about another meeting. just one month after the one we just discussed. this time among government experts on the topic of natural immunity. october 2021, 4 of the highest ranking u.s. officials including covid met in secret to discuss whether or not naturally immune people should be exempt from getting covid vaccines. some of these outside experts argue that natural immunity does ensure durable protection, fauci and the other officials continue to downplay that protection claiming that it is inferior to the vaccine bestowed immunity, dr. jay bhattacharya, professor of medicine at stanford. in the end, this could end up being one of the most consequential meetings of our speed 26 response and, of course, the public knew nothing
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about this. your reaction tonight? >> you basically had a small cabal of government affiliated scientists making a decision about a scientific point and they got the science wrong. they basically said that if you had covid, that didn't matter because you only had short lasting protection. i don't know what they were thinking. the reason it matters laura is at the time they were vaccine mandates that the biden administration had recommended and put in place via executive order all across the country. a lot of people including a lot of nurses who had covid didn't want to vaccine. they lost their jobs because a small cabal of government affiliated scientists got the science wrong. and they did it not transparently where they could have had the open meeting, could have had a lot of people outside telling them what the science was actually saying. >> laura: doctor, i never like to disagree with you because you are much smarter than i.
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but you are being in my view overly charitable here. do you really think that anthony found she and these other triple phd research scientist didn't know the basics of natural immunity against an experimental mrna shot? they had no clue that it was more durable russian mark really? >> it's hard to get into their minds exactly. i just have to take seriously what they say. it's hard -- i understand i am sympathetic to your point of view, because how could they get it wrong? >> laura: right. >> they did get it wrong over and over and over again. if you tell yourself, you are an expert, i am the science, and you block yourself and being criticized by others, very often you land in very bad places. it completely is an incorrect conclusion. that's what happened here. it's a matter of groupthink at
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the very highest levels of american bureaucracies. >> laura: doctor, really quickly. on this tracking of the unvaccinated by those codes they want to put in your permanent medical files across multiple hospital groups and so forth. any concerns about that? >> you could make a case for it. clinically you need to know if they are vaccinated or unvaccinated if you treat it but they are using it for public health purposes. the cdc needs to clarify what they had in mind when they put these icd ten codes in place. do they actually use it to differentiate, do they use it to get people fired? or do they actually just use it for clinical purposes. i think that distinction needs to get made. >> laura: dr. bhattacharya you're great to see you. thank you very much. we have an update to the kia boy saga. raymond arroyo brings all of it to you in friday follies, which is next. i'm down with rybelsus®.
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>> welcome tell fox news live. cries are growing louder for the biden administration to shoot down the chinese surveillance balloon that's hovering over the midwestern united states. fuzzy videos of this spy balloon appearing all over social media. the pentagon is accusing china of spying and is refuting chinese government claims that the balloon is a civilian science vessel that blew off course. and now that pentagon confirms it, a second surveillance balloon flying over latin america. a stunning sign of a robusta company. the labor department reports that well over 5,000 new jobs were added to the rules in january. that obliterated many economist predictions. most only expected less than 200,000 added jobs last month. as a result the unemployment dropped to a 50 year low of 3.4%. i am in need of vogel. back to "the ingraham angle." >> laura: it's friday and that means it's time for friday
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follies. we join fox news can be to raymond arroyo. raymond, there was a national prayer breakfast this week in d.c. i was not invited. >> neither was i. and though the president spoke at the scaled-down event, i wonder why it got almost no press coverage laura. >> pastor. i don't know. i'm a little worried how you got this whole choir here. i tell you what. i think you've got i won't go into that, anyway. when i first got to the senate it was in the days when the -- there were some very strong segregationists in mississippi. strong thurman. loving our neighbors is the essence of the american promise. a promise that comes with a new congress that's more diverse and more different and more religious, more racist -- more
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diversity >> more racist, laura? what is he talking about. he also admitted his good personal pal robert byrd mother senator from virginia who was the grand cyclops of the clan. maybe he'd be encouraged to know that there were more racists in the congress. what a bizarre event i have to say. >> laura: key and a grand wizard were pals for the president's main point was to pray for what was unity. democrats, republicans, they can see each other as enemies. they should strive for civility. >> this maga party now. these guys are different breed of cat. >> representing extremism but threatens the very foundations of our republic. >> that was in the prayer
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breakfast, what example of unity and togetherness. i like seeing that. >> laura: wasn't he like come up with them all in chains? is it he who said that? he's always screaming and yelling that he doesn't get his way. that's always him. >> kamala harris was also in capitol hill to salute some astronauts at the capitol. they must've been very small astronauts. i'm thinking maybe pre-k given this oratory style. >> returned to the kennedy space center. they suited up. they waved to their families and they rode an elevator up nearly 20 stories. and then... they launched. yeah! yeah. they did. [laughter] >> laura, this is leadership and
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prescription of space via "sesame street." they were there. they don't need you to reenact it as if you are talking to the kindergartners at story time. remember when she had the kids those paid actors he brought into the white house like, "i love space!" >> that was also about space travel. it's bizarre they keep putting her in this position. but they do. last year we reported on that kia chal where the kids weren't smiled by social media and taught how to steel kia's and hyundai's. insurance companies are refusing to ensure these vehicles in certain states. state farm says in a statement that they are temporarily stopping acceptance of new customer applications and certain hyundai and kia vehicles because theft losses for those vehicles have increased dramatically. no kidding. talking about places like minnesota, chicago, the city of new orleans, and as car thefts
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skyrocket and crime explodes in new orleans, mayor latoya cantrell dropped this urgent tweet. "world, stop: beyonce save the best city for last, the city of new orleans. you can't make this up. >> wait a minute. wait a minute. she is latoya on the spot when she's reacting to beyonce's tour guides? what is she saying about the kia story. can't get insurance for your kia or hyundai! >> get your priorities in place. they actually sent city resources having a parade to celebrate beyonce coming to town next year. look at this thing! you notice anything weird there, laura? >> laura: no one is there. >> they are afraid to come out
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because of the crime in the car jacking's. 334 plus carjackings and car thefts since january, lawyer. that's not funny. i guess you are seeing a spate of robberies related to those canada goose jackets in d.c.? >> laura: these $1500 jackets have been the target of a spate of robberies at gw university. and the school had to warn students, i guess put a piece of tape over your jackets. used to be sneakers and now it's jackets. what's next? kia is everything else. we are going to try to keep it safe. we'll keep it safe. >> i don't get it. these minutes of polities don't enforce their own laws. and you have to supper by walking or not wearing jackets apparently. this makes no sense. >> laura: i still can't believe the beyonce parade. thank you for sharing that going into the weekend.
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up next. people who walk through the capital walked on january 6th are going to do hard time while violent offenders are being released to kill again. in moments, tulsi gabbard joins us on two of the most egregious cases we've seen. stay here. even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started. powered by innovation refunds.
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>> laura: george soros strikes again. injured three others at a d.c. metro station this week was previously led off the hook by a progressive prosecutor backed by... the billionaire george soros. according to "the washington free beacon," isaiah trautman was charged with assault and battery november 2021 only to have those charges dismissed six months later by virginia prosecutor jim handley. if only was i jan six protester because we'd have to never worry about him being sent out in the streets. that's because we know some overzealous liberal judge jury of d.c. activist would've locked them up for years and for much less i don't know a few misdemeanors, take the case of russell alford, he was found guilty of four misdemeanors like entering a restrictive building, disruptive conduct, parading or
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picketing in the capitol building. here is what happened during his sentencing. alfred's case was before judge tanya chaplin, the obama appointee known for handing down some of the topic sentences for j sixers. declining a plea deal he thought he was innocent and like many, the jury returned a fast verdict. guilty verdict, same day as closing arguments. the doj asked for 13 months in prison, claiming among other things that spread disinformation about what happened to ashley babbitt and she wanted to tour ands against future insurrections, the judge said. handing down the judgment, the judge claimed that she was not punishing alford for applicable lease but "it has to be made clear to anyone there will be certain swift serious punishment
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f"for parading, for sending him to prison for a year. again, talking four misdemeanors. joining me now is tulsi gabbard, former presidential candidate and army reservist. we are learning about, you know, to go a to justice on the same day. one, this murderer on the d.c. metro was obviously let off by this liberal judge and the area where the university of virginia is, and what this judge is doing in the january 6 cases where misdemeanors. a couple of misdemeanors and you are locked away for a year plus. unbelievable. >> yeah. this example, these two comparisons right there, perfectly epitomize what happens when we have self-serving politicians who weaponize law enforcement, undermine the rule of law to advance their own selfish political ambitions.
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not only do we see how this makes us less safe in our communities and our country, we see the dangerous consequent's of how they directly undermine our democracy which is based on the rule of law. so when you have these politicians and these people, judges weaponizing for their own selfish interests, we lose our democracy peer there are regardless ofwhat political parn we should all be very concerned with this because it sets the precedence that whatever political party may take charge or be in power in the future, this is now the norm where they weaponize law enforcement to advance their interests against the interests of the people. this is not what a democracy is for this what we see in a banana republic. >> it totally erodes public's trust in what we need to have trust in which is our justice system. here is that nbc report i told
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everybody about last night, detailing the utter failure of law enforcement ahead of januar. watch this. >> law enforcement had a very direct role in contributing this failure, the security failures that led to the violins. >> people familiar with the committee about his work that members downplayed the finding because they wanted to keep the focus on former president trump. >> tulsi, we are just learning about this. we suspected that. but pelosi-schumer-et al. could have stopped january 6th, is that not the case? >> the evidence is pointing to the fact that the statement that says that they underplayed the fact that this could have been prevented with law enforcement before anything ever happened because they didn't want to talk about it in the practice of committee, exactly my point, they are not interested with the
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truth, they are not interested in the best interest of the country, they do not care about our country, that's the only logical conclusion that anyone can draw from all of this. they not only care about their country, they only care about themselves and their power and even worse than passively not caring, they are actively destroying our country. that is what should be of most concern for all the -- for all of us as americans. if you love this country and you care about us, our democracy are safety and security and our freedom, play very close attention to this. take action to throw these people out of office. >> laura: you hit the nail on the head and remember, pelosi and that schumer had call in the reinforcements, the capitol police that work with them to make sure the building was secure. people were committing acts of violence. doesn't excuse any of that. but securing the building they didn't do what they could've
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invoices destroys half time at a recent school basketball game last week, north dakota seventh grader jj franks was given just 25 seconds to hit four shots, including one from half court. well, what was the prize? $10,000. here's what happened. . (cheers and applause) >> come on! [cheers and applause]. >> laura: oh, my god.
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what a kid. that's a lot of talent. if only our politicians hit the basket that often. congratulations jj. that is it for us tonight thank you for watching. always remember set your dvr so you never miss your angle and remember it is america now and forever. see you over the weekend on instagram and greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪ ♪ >> greg: it's so much fun. oh, stop it. don't. stop it. don't stop it. happy friday everyone. as always on friday, what do we do first? we welcome tonight's guests.
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