tv Hannity FOX News February 3, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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ten billion dollars he stole is wasted on real estate, drugs and democratic campaigns. this might be the biggest game of all. tucker carlson. originals, scam, bankrupt fraud. >> tstory of streaming now on fox nation. >> oh, it's fr it's friday nighy time. we're just getting welwe'll seee monday. >> i have the best weekend. the ones you love. and welcome to hannity.y th and tonight, we are back livet s with a studio audience. k city.y by the way, it is three degrees outside in new york .u city, by the way. oh, you don't want to livee ca out. thank you for comg out in the col and all these people came out. >> thank you for coming out in f the cold weather. i know well for you. and as always, by the way,e la the audience will get the last word tonight. >> we have a lot of news to get6
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to today. we begin with 0,000-foa sixty ts foot in the sky balloon that's flying over the continentale. wa us somewhere where at this momentt this we're not exactly sure. it is a massive chinese spy balloon the size of, say,, hove three school buses.rir >> iout has been hovering overml our country for days. and why hasn'td we our governmee told we, the people about this ,the self-proclaimed most transparent administration itras history? >> china says it's a weather balloon. i don't believe anyone here believe them can say it louder.l now. >> all right. they're saying accidentally that he's flying over america's critical military infrastructure. now it'sy happening in multiple states . a lying communist spokesperson nameisd mao told us to calm dow, quote, any deliberateside speculation or hyping uperin will not help the chinese side n is gathering the facts and hopes all sides will handle this matter matter in a coolhes
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manner. how about we don't need lectures from the communist chinese and . yeah, no, noy ar doubt they'reca gathering facts about our military bases, our nucleard facilities and god knows what else. now, i have ant idecha. how about china gets their outt of our airspace and if wer spac don't, we'll blow them oute. of our airspace. >> t i don't have enough people to surveil back in their own country. they what, one point fourines billion chinese citizens they treat like prisoners? or whahat about the minority figures that havetrying and persecuted and they're trying to exterminate. whd by the wayo extermin, are wd to be cool-headed want to spy? balloon is hovering overpy us ad our nuclear sites, all while china is throwing complete and total hissy fit every single time. v an american officialisit wantswr to visit an allied country called taiwan, they say they want to reunify with now. the last time pelosi visited our pacific ally, the ccp,
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they threatened targeted military operations against us and chinat even claim that pm global stability was ruined because mike pompeo, who will a sein us in a moment, congratulated taiwan's president on w a second term, which is supposed to be what, calm, cool, collective relaxed about a chinese spy balloong ov hovering over our country. in our airspace.pace. sowh i have another question. why haven't we shot this presidt balloon out of the sky? oh, joe biden is the president . he is refusing to take anyke f action as of now. apparently, this has gonet on for days. he won't even talk about it.. he he doesn't want to answer t the questions about the little situation room. where he shoulde balloon. he doesn't have time forl da the situation room where he should our have been all day with our top military leaders. bus weekend t no, joe biden thid is back to delaware for restoril taxation. s no now, this is this a joke to him? because it's not to me. this seems to me to beto thi
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a serious security threat can't to this country.andl and , joe , if you don't want t to be president , if you can't handle it, if you don't want to work overtime, if it's too much work for you, you can bot go away, you can leave and you c can stay in delaware. leasdon't bother coming back .pn and please don't leave us withew the giggling vice president , because i don't think she knows what to do either. >> anyway, any competent leader. all t?i thought joe was bad. r >> i'm beginning to thinky am she's worse. i really am any competent leader, democrat, republican , n would be in washington in the situation room managing this crisis. e, the china has breachedng our airspace. they're now spying on us o. but the administration says it is too much of a risk to shootti a balloon down. they say they are worriet d that debris might hit a population'sf own. >> keep in mind, the drone first flew over a barren parto of alaska, the white house. they took no action.ies it then flew over the vast prairies of mountain ranges ofev montana. >> and by the way, eveen flen f
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over our icbm launch sites and the white house took no action and didn't tell us it was probably close to some of that farmland. china's been buying farmland all over the country. .h landthey've been buying rancd all over the country. they've been buying land nearthn our military installations all over the country. now,e chines do you think the cd would ever let americans buy their farmland, their ranch land or buy land near their military installations? stallatii would say the odds aro and biden wants to sell what more of our strategic petroleum reserveses to the chinese after he depleted it. now to a forty to fifty year low. >> thes notn stop wasting our mn hi's simply not.t fit to be president . and we have to ask dil the question, did his high dollar family business dealings with china compromised his ability to do the right thing?fs in this moment? the way we don'y of crisis? is right now, by the way, we don't exactly know where the balloonsh ex flying. that's not good news either. pea according to a pentagon
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spokesperson. if the americao know then peoplt to know the location of the china spy balloon, you'll only need to look up in the sky . >> they said that.e take a look. as i mentioned right now, oversb the center of the continental united states, that's about as specific as i'm goingveni to get, i understand may be inconvenient, but as the a rie a right loo, doe pub to know, the public certainly has the ability to look up in tn the sky and see wheree th the balloon is . >> i'm going to holde ba on lloi let me look upn in the sky. biy i don't see the balloon.n th maybe it's not in new york yet. look, i'm glad we still haveis i the ability to look up in the sky, which is a privilege. m but is it just me or does the biden administration seem to have more contempt for the american people than r our number one geopolitical foe? now, as we speak, vladimir putin, our number twog to geopolitical foe, he is planning to launch a hyper sonic missile capable of, durinr hitting the united states during a war. with >> this is during war games,ing a drill that he's doing whichof
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simulating an attack on the east coast of the but joe biden is still refusing to supply ukraine or allow europe to supply ukrainen in with the fighter jets that they need to winst the war against russia.e is somet so make no mistake, therehion is something deeply wrong with the president thats is quick to call republicans a threat to the country. the counbut will not stand up ta or even take action againstcognz a chinese reconnaissance spy balloon flyingan over us milita. forms. in contrast, today, formerer pre president donald trump, he released this video on whatom te is a real clear present danger,i and that is the growing threat . >> as president, i took the from the communist chinese. >> take a look. as president, i took the mostai dramatic action of anyabilit administration to curtail china's ability to conduct espionage in the united states . he pi i don't imagine in the uns and when i'm back in the whitee house, those efforts will bell expanded in a very, very big way. instead of hunting down republicans, a reformed fbi
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and justice department will be hunting down chinese spies. >> all right.. former joining us now with much more ,, author of the bestseller never give an inch. he's the former secretary ofmike state, former cia director , p former congressmanom, friend of the program, mike pompeo, by the way.o have mr. secretary, welcome . >>ou. glad to have you on with you. i had you on my radio show, sho. your book is phenomenal. yth >> you tell the back story ofd i meetings with putin and she and little rocket ma rocken ando john . >> that story behind that. aize is two serious, though. tonight. giv i want you to first analyze, examine, give your thoughts on how nonsocial biden and hisha administration is about this and what would be happening if you and donald trump were back in charge and this was going on . sean, thanks for having me on .n i can i can nearly guarantee you that tha stit balloon would
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still not be flying if we were a still there. this is thisha is embarrassing.r more important than that, itrtal is dangerous. i don't know wha t they're a collecting it. itth is certainly noerte sh a surveillance tool or weather tool.b it and offer to give it if it's a weather tool, we knowh should go grab it makes you ango offer to give it back to them so they can know what figur the weather is going to be likei . a truth is the truth.should is we need to figure out what's in there. we should then share thatos with the american people the mostt transparentory, administration in history should be transparent. we should be veruld bey too. there could be westernt ball technology on that balloon. we should find out who made all the equipment that's inside of i that as well and share that so that the american people can get a full picture. i'll give you a counterexamplert when the chinesey wa communist party was spying from its consulate in houston, texas, they were running the biggestd t spying operation in the history of the united states of america. we shut itn. we cl down. we closed it out. the we kicked the spies out and weyi protected the american people.rh what you're seeing today with this balloon flying over the united states is real weakness and whether they're actually collecting important informatiomportantn or not, i pe you, xi jinping is testing america. i
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he's testing president biden, and we are failing that test. he will view this as aean: why green light for further aggression. >> why is our pentagon tellingrt the american people that we assess that the balloon does not present a military or physical threat to the people'tl on the ground at this time? >>l and they didn't tell us for days. >> mr. secretarythis, don'tnese the people in this country havel a right to know thate the communist chinese have sentu a balloon the size of three buses flying over our country? e we absolutely do.e from president biden should address the american people from the oval office or somewhere t and explain to us why they've d thde the decisions they have. i don't know why the pentagone has such confidence. maybe maybe they've been ablepl to shut it offto. is go i truly don't know., wh but they need to explain to us what's going on , why they've permitted to continue to fly, even if even there's nothing, going on inside that balloon. a it's in american airspace.merica it's a chinesen balloon.. we they're violating the most fundamental sovereignty of the unitedde states . we've seen that by administration. they won't protect our southern
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border now. they won't protect protect ski r either. this is this is truly dangerouy, stuff because every bad guy, xi jinping, chairman kim, all a the bad guys in the world saw, they saw 13 americans killed in afghanistan. we've now seen an invasion of c europehine and we now have chine flying balloons over our country. >> you know,r our secretary ofsaid state blinken said china's decision to fly this t reconnaissance balloon over the continental us is unacceptable. e contand irresponsible. that's stating the obvious. and he canceled the trip thatoud he had planned for china next wo week and maybeut you could tell us without giving away military or intelligence, cetrayway, , iy way, i want to know, would wet o have the ability to get to that balloon reconnaissance alone and actually recover it and take it down and actuallye find out what is in it?a possib? would that be a possibility? because we can't do that. we really have, from my point i of view, one action, and that is to blow it into smithereens. those are the only two optionseo
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i see with the first option sea be possible, in your view, yes,e i think i think it's possibleve to achieve i don't know exactly what's driving this balloon. but i don't know the mechanics't behind that. we have no nobody's told us .sut but it wouldn't surprise me ifha we have the ability to make sure that thatwe cou comes downn a way that we can both keep the american people safe . that's important, too. haa shbut they had a shot when s over, very, very sparsely populated.pad la. they made a different choice, sean, and they've just made a different choice, sean. they'voicee they've made a choie to say, no, keep flying, fly it on out. nothing to see here, folks. >> it's these are scary times. there's no doubt about it. congrats on your best seller, secretary pompeo. >> neverve give an inch. >> we appreciate you being here. thank you, sir john .>> s thank you, sirean:. china i price tonight, since china is currently violating r spacour airspace, and spying r feuntry without any known consequences, i do have a few more questions for hunter, biden and joe biden, who , joe according to the senate homeland security committee, made a lot of money with they wh communist party of china. now, the committee detailed one hundred thousand dollar
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gift from a chinese national. that was a shopping spree. we've talked about a lot. also, a lucrative deal with the bank of china estimates one billion leading to one point five billion dollar deal . i would think morgan chase. i would think that let's see, deutsche bank, goldman sachs, they might be a little better ck selections than hunter biden, who is a crack addict. addict at i believhae, at that time. now, according to fox news, hunter also had a stake in a chinese private equity firm. in fact, that was in october ofi 2020 one . whn psaki wouldn't say whether hunter had divested from that fund. so the question remains, doet fa hunter biden continue to hold a stake in a chinese private equity firm? >>ese here to answer that quesa and much more , according to the "new york post", betwe to answer an email between hunter and mobster whitey bulger's nephew. details a potential meeting.a this is a great company, a meeting with a chinesebassadot
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ambassador in washington, d.c. so did that meeting ever tak ta? place? and if so, what was it about? and finally, a last question for tonight. lapis about hunter's laptop frm . nes contents were authenticated by the washington post, the newe york times, cbs news, the news u york post and other outlets. but hunter still won't say for sure, nor will his lawyers say for sure whether or notel the laptop is real. so is the laptop fromc. w how authentic? now wee do hope that someone w from hunter's team will get back to us. so far , we have written them dozens of times with no answer. we're no. t holdinhereg our breo with reaction. >> fox news contributor joe concha and charlie hurt. good to see you guys. thank you. see china wants to wants us toha believe that the airship is ah r civilian research craft. >> that was blown off course by prevailing winds and they regret the incident. do yous believehere that maybee >> fly over the super bowl? i think it's a good shots.le it's some free free tickets.
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>> precisely.y wa while we're asking questions, why wasn't this s balloon fle detected when it first fleww ovr over our airspace? a i'm not talking abouirt montanao i'm talking about alaska. and then allh the way throughca canada, and as you said, this jr thing, it's not the balloon. you get the jersey shore at kno? the amusement park, three buses. . >> didn't they know? did they know what we did hear about that or did they know orkd not? >> tell us that' ns that's another question. >> we're asking a lot of questions later on . what if the u.s. decided to fly one of our spy balloons overinko beijing? what do you think would happen to that? bill would be happy to see us ppy itto would s exactly.and jo ite wouldn't exist anymore.d the bottom line is that thisn president , joe biden and tony blinken and the secretary of state and john kerry ,t fa the climate czar, said, quote, the greatest threat facing the unitedng. states is globall warming. are we sure about that nowme? because we're seeing in real time an actual trial balloon around what we would do if china attacked taiwan. joe biden said that we would protect them militarily. >> the chinese are probably
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saying, really, you would you're not even going afterba a balloon right now, sean. lloon,n: does by the way, does e believe that the u.s. would protect taiwan? >>in f if if, in fact, china gos for their reunification? >> does anyone believe they will? i don't think joe biden to lift a finger and i think president xi knows it. and i think they have all determined that joe biden s doesn't know today's friday. >> the scarier question is ,andn would you trust joe biden to be commander in chief? to defend taiwan if chinahe invaded? and to me, that's the scariest cause. i would trust hi sean: im with g on a weekend. exactly. theexactly. but, you know, secretary>> pompilio, i'm just being honest . know a really important point,, int talking about the fact that yoeu they intentionally flew this balloon across at a at an altitude that people could see it. >> he wanted people to see this, but china wanted us to see this balloon. release and three buses long. yeah. absolut and and it is absolutely a a giving america the middlee
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finger, saying that, you know,yg we can get away with this. you're not going to dod anything. did they know it? t did they did they not know when it crossed over the aleutian islands? i suspect they did know ito and they elected not to do anything. at the end of the day, whatn does one hundred billion, one hundred million dollars worth of corrupt investments in chin tha get this?ho >> let me ask this audience you and you can clap. f wehow many of you, if we can't recover this this reconnaissance balloon, want joe biden to blow that sucker out of the sky? sky >> how man? y next flight is there anybody that doesn't believe that's a good strategy? >> anybody you can say it. libel it's okay. som there's always a liberal somewhere, but everybody, not one person. you think the united space states should protect its airspace? advoc >> i'll play devil's advocate. i'll say i honestly worry about. it. i worry about any confrontationa with anyone between president joe biden as our commander in chief. >> iandet flying and surveilling
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our country in our airspace. ng blow them out of the sky, sendem them a message. we're not going to take, >> what's so hard about that?in no, again, i agree with you. but in terms of history, itt tr is scary because i don't as you say, you wouldn't trust joe biden to walk your dog. and it's true. and in terms of getting into a some sort of world standoff with china or russia or anybodyi else, it terrified me to think of him in that position.ds of th all right. these guys, great, great. friends of the program. joe , good colde to see you.r charlie, good to see you in sea: the studio than it is outsid ce all right.assing coming up, another embarrassing blunder of the week for the bush administration. bidengot all the lowlights. plus, wait until you see the squads melt down yesterday.i we've got the tape.t. m you don't want to miss that.strt and we'll hear from great audience on this friday night. >> a more news straight ahead. love.
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three , then 801 nine zero eight zero six nine three call now. welcome to fox news live. i'm anita vogel in new york . a second chinese spy balloon now detected in the skies above latin america. the pentagon confirms this as the biden administration decides how to deal with the other chinese spy balloon that has infiltrated us airspace and is now reported above kansas city, missouri. secretary of state anthony blinken has now indefinitely postponed his planned weekend trip to beijing over this diplomatic crisis. the spy balloon was first spotted flying over montana on wednesday. a san francisco jury finds billionaire elon musk not liable for damages in his securities fraud trial. musk was accused of defrauding tesla investors after tweeting he had funding secured to take the company private.
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in 2018, tesla investors sued, claiming he lost a lot of money when that did not happen. i'm anita vogel. now let's take you right back to "hannity". >> all right.ek another embarrassing blunderr pr filled week for your president.s ow joe biden, and he just can'tn w. get out of his own way this this writes itself. half th >> take a look. more than half the women in my cabinet, more than more than half the people in my cab, more than half the women and my administration are women. well, you take any blame for men . >> should you just take the blame for inflation? inflatiowhy not?y he because it was already therei when i got here, man. going to get to work. thank you for coming. mr. president , and even as the job market reaches historic highs, inflation continues
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to come down. >> calm down. calm down.y guy one guy that i'm aware of when i stopped riding amtrak, thatba. had a key to get in the back. l why the is america ever, ever,r ever set a goal that it didn't reach? when has it everto navia didn't, maybe a time? >> did you know that half the women in his administration are women? womenn'can't make it up? harri kamala harris. well, she was a much better and her endless words. >> yeah, they continued this week as well. take a look. bob and doug returned to the kennedy space center. they suited up. t they waved to their families and they rode an elevator ups. t nearly 20 stories. they strapped in to their seats and waited as the tank beneath
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them, filled with tens of thousands of gallons fuel. and then launched. yeah, they did. ng we are doing the work that is about collaborating around the small businesses that will need to do the work. b that's also what's also exciting about our small businesses and whowho they theye because it spans gener the generations in addition to being intergenerational int.t >> here with reaction, let's welcome the host of outnumbered, co-host of outnumbered, emily compagno as well as the host of kennedy on our sister network, fox business. busifoand of course, fox news contributor tom delay is with be us . mr. shillue, how aren you? good to see you guys. how are you? l all look who's here. you know what's amazing to me
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is and i'm i'm going to start with all of you. >> i don't think she tries hilao to be funny, but this is hilarious. >> why don't latye night comics. ever play this? thi >>nk i think t we're the only o channel that does that's for sure. i think it's unfortunate,lifornr having grown up in california under her reign, to see thatof now she's been propped up. mac she's part of a machine that gloats over the political donations because she was always just a representative ofk checking boxes for them. right. ar i had to suffer underbo her as d.a., under her as attorney general, as senator. and now we are s all suffering under her as vice becau president where those gaffes matter becauseseter. things like the southern border where she's abdicated her than, it's more than just laughs she's now soleendering any form of of solemnity and also grasp of how serious that problem to then tune of the deaths of law enforcement who are putting p ustheir lives on the line to p us secure. any >> i don't knomow whose horsere anymore, kennedy. i don't know. i used to think it was bidenhe by a mile, but i'm thinking she's more dangerous than him. >>th well, she's actually pulle worse throughout this
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administration. ever knowsbecause everyone knowf actually it's not a great alternative. engod forbid something happens i to the president . we certainly don't hope that it does.r pr but when when you watch her,e sh you realize she's not ready for prime time. every time she opens her mouth,w you you it's it makes sensen th that she won't make it to one vote in the presidential race. 202in 2020 are giggling. >> vice president . that looks likturdaye a saturdae skit to me, but it's just shese laughs as a glitch like it is a defense mechanism because shed h has nothing else to say. she can't think on her feet.'s she has read things well, you know, she's not very good at executing a mission. if she were, you know, she would have found those root causes by now. we would have solved all ofof our crises at the southern border. >> all right. knoi don't know if many of you know this, but tom does a pretty amazing joe biden. yeah, well, it's not as goodn without the hair and makeup, but, you know, when i do it for gutfeld , it's really all it's all about the squint. >> you know, get out of
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my face, man. he does get angry very quickly, though, doesn't he? >> yeah. you know, he'll just a man. are you a ? yeah.m he goes from very calm to veryry angry, very quickly. >> and it's kind of kind of freaks me out. fo the way, what's that? a sign of? >> i think there's a name for it with the letter be . >> all right. give us your best, biden. kam and who do you think is worse, e carmela or joe ?si i well, i mean, he's the president , so he's the one wele got to worry about. but i think a lot of people think folksy. i just think he's weird. and a lot of people say to me, oh, you must he gives you soo much material. and i say, no, he doesn't.of som how am i supposed to if you're trying to make fun of somebody, you have to take it in a veryhat strange direction. you've got to give me somethinoi to work with . but when he says half the womeni in my administration are women.h and the other half, i guess a they're women, too, right? , tobut, you know, he's the oneo does the comedy every day. >> where am i supposed to take it from there? >> all right. but do your imitation, okay?
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you got to start with the square. a ki get out of my face. come on , honey was just a kid.o he didn't mean any harm. come on . needs the he likes he likes and lawyers. he needs them both to . all right. today, nancy, they called the squad members drama queens after their meltdown yesterday. >> thi afters is after congressg omar was removed from the house foreign affairs committee. and she's right, by thhinke way you listen to them, you would think that the world was ending. >> take a look. republican are waging a blatantly islamophobic and racist attack on congresswoman omar. the go the gnop is now doing wht is best weaponizes against o a black, beautiful muslim woman. this is about targeting womenine of color in the united states of america.f america. >> that ou that our country is and i'vei ws said it before.
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i will say it again. the white supremacy happening is unbelievable. udon't tell me this is aboutn - consistency. a don't tell me that this is about a condemnation of anti-semitic remarks. this time our time has expired. now, a single time has expired.. i'd like to thank no longer recognized. >> wow.d. >> sean: wow. look at tom. lookt okay, it's oh, look at that face. know, oh, you know. >> all right. so this is a woman that has a history of virulent anti-semitism. i mean, it's all about the benjamins. she tweeted, israel has hypnotized the world. may allah awaken the world to may allah help them see the evil doings of the people of israel. and on israee comment after anor
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after another. thesow we'll talk about the foreign affairs committee. now, where were all of these squad members when marjory taylor greene was kicked offbe all committees? she's allowed to be on other oth committees, noert this committee ,just like swalwell fang commi things friend was kicked off the intel committee in the congenital liar adam schiff was kicked offwallwell, but thec allowed on other committees. so where wery e they bacwek inr' the last congress? >> why why weren'ty don' they speaking out then? because they're hypocrites and because they don't see what this was, which is virulents anti-semitism. the bottom line is that her comments are disgusting. tism, unthey are unworthy of a g congresswoman and fory some reason, she's been enabletd and encouraged by the squad and by her constituency, apparently to keepr and and ren that seat . but thathe is far from the principles that this country was founded on .ould it is far from the principles that congress should represent, especially sitting congress people. and it is far froms people the principles that our foreignn affairs committee represent, which is our strongest ally, israel. r th iand support for them.he so i applaud this. and frankly, what she's seen is simply accountability for
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her heinous comments. and by the way, heinr partouy hd the opportunity a little bit ago to censure her, to taked op steps to make surepo that, by t way, many did and many did not.e >> and that's why she stayed there. so i want to know, as the squad is in hysterics and talking about apologies, what apologiese her democratic cohorts extended toward the jewish american tha population. if we're going to get thatt reac reaction every time we kick ati democrat offont to the committe i want to kick one off a day. s: >> k yeah, let's do it. kennedy oh, but the emotionalism is out of control. they cannot be taken seriously. ke with these tantrumsi and meltdowns. but what i wan tt to know, he morosi, no one writes some legislation. she is she is one of the leasth me productive members of congress, which means she's not representing her constituenc ny also within her constituency here where we live inople. new york , there are a lotan jewish people and they want to make sure that she ilhan is condemning some of acc the things that ellen omar has said because they're not acceptable and , you know, and going up against those
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the committee stripping and saying, you know, i can doal no wrong becauseim i'm muslimcat american. no, you actually cannot be an anti-semite. and that should be condemnedf co by every member of congress, especially the people that sheet shares, her progressive strain >> sean: with president biden. well, you know what? i'll say one thing for the squad. they stick together. they have each other's b back a. i didn't see. imagine seeing that adam schifff talking about swalwell this way. oh, dof you pick up on my good friend swalwell? ng you know, i can't believe the cast of characters and that so man thay of them get elected. >> that means half of our neighbors are nuts. ryin the country. that's kind of scary to me.r fre i have not seen our friends in a long time. it's great to have you on the show. >> great to see you all again.g. thank you for coming back .e yo appreciate. good to see you. i get to see you on great show,' which is doing great. w
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>> by the way. how great is it? greg gutfeld show beats all sho whenlate night shows. very good to see. right.on when we come back , a brutal, brutal attack on a young girla riding a school bus. her parents, they want to press charges. we're going to show the devastating video. if you are a parent, it will break your heart. also, we'll get reaction. >> mark geragos is next. straight ahead, this amazing jj never missed the day sunday in the pga is working on the weekdays, living like a freak day. these de de de de de . hey, it's nice to see that day to day, and it's not a fine day to get to that. >> some things are big. others are huge. in empire, today's half price
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hard to watch. take a look. >> this is reality. wow. now, the mother of the victimhe says it's not the first timef in that she has heard of instancess of bullying in the schooltrict. district and says they will press charges. good for her.dade don't back dowstrin the miami-dn school district added that at ie least one of the offenders has beenw york arrested. f and meanwhile, in new york , look at this, a 90 year old owner of a famous candy store, b ray's candy store, was viciously beaten by a strangerth around 3:00 a.m. on tuesday. pootake a look at this poor gui face. ray alvarez told the new yorkme post thao bet crime continues te a problem and that they are note enough cops on the street. a and by the way, now the nypd
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has released a photo ofe the suspect, but no arrests have been made. here with reaction, all of this is defense attorney mark geragos. >> mark, great to have you,s fo sir. thanks for having me on . sean, i like that we were sean: embracing the casual friday. >> yeah, y well, i'm glad you look better for me. i think i'll wear black nextg te week. but, you know, you and i, we've been friends a long time. >> we've battled, we've agreed. we disagreed. always respectfully. but i think every american has h got to look at something like the beating in this bus and ad u 90 year old guy. and he's not the only older person getting a beating. you and then you look at these stores shutting down because you're allowed to walk out with nine hundred ninety nine dollars worth of stuff. and they won't stop you if youi get arrested for robbing a bank in new york ., sets you the no bail law set you free. no to go rob another bank and not e bail, defund, dismantle. this is what we get now. t why are these cities allowing us to have its trust? hav
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well, it's interesting because a we have each other a long time. and i think when we first met, it was kind of a previous kinddh of crime time, the 80s, d the 90s, when we had this kind n of kind of rampant crime, at least the way it was reported. you know, there are peoples ha who will say, oh, this is this is not really what's happening. but alk l yoatu got to do is tan prodok at that that video on the bus. and as i told your producer,yboh anybody who's a human has gott s to just it's sickening. i mean, that you're talking about kids that are under i 10 years old that are engaging in this. where ar re the adults,es the adults havee been a responsibility. i mean, i'm defending right nowe kids who have been expellelld from school for telling jokes, yet these kids are beatinga bus. somebody's lifeless on a bus.pri soti you have to you just have to wonder where the priorities f when it comes to the other who situations where you've got
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kind o busf the elderly who are business owners. it's a challenge in the innerinn city right now.ha i've got two officers both in manhattan and in l.a. and it's extremely dangerous. and part of the problee probm ie you've got this we've got outdoor insane asylums. ta we have unleashed the peopleues, with mental health issues. yor we don't do anything with them. at least the mayor in new york is starting to target these people. >> but l.a . is just the wild west at this point.d >> that said, i hope that little girl's okay. and i hope this 90 year old store owner is okay as well. marc, great to see oka. s. thank you. special in when we come back , l.j. the lawrence jones, he joins us a ci special investigation into dea the ukraine crisis across the country. in also, janice dean will checn as we continue this friday night. night. glad you're with . i'm jonathan lawson here ance to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pen program. >> if you're age what are the td
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we are. and we do. s surg all violent crim amerie is surgingce america, due in large part to the left wing's embrace oflis the radical anti law enforcement policies to defund, dismantle nobel. >> our good friend, t lawrence jones recently spoko eg to the families of five kids who were tragically killed, including one father who lostth his daughter due to the brutality of the notorious ms 13 gang. >> take a look at this.3 ga what'sme going through your head right now as we have this conversation and i miss my daughter. yeah, she was a good time. she was my best friend. you know, she was a little me. hmm.. and i'll do anything just to have her right here. >> yes. yeah, we all. do. yes. we all have a laugh.
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>> mom, help me.ll and out playing ball, watching dumb movies, falling asleep. yeah. you know, those special father e and daughter moments. >> hmm. i won't ever have it back .. >> wow.n: law lawrences investigation intore america' youths youth homicide s this saturday, 10:00 p.m. rightn here on fox. he joins us now along with the author of the brand new book,g i am the storm. empowering stories of people who fight against overwhelming hits on bookstores everywhere. >> hanadi, .com boxcutters, j meteorologist's fox and friends host kynasto. yon. t >> oh, you've had your own tragedy. i'm going to get to that in a second. if you can't listen to that, that father and feel that pain, you don't have a conscience and you don't have a soul. >> how heartbreaking as a father you were, i foolishly thought i sent my kidss to college. >> my job'overs over. it's never over.ou ima you worry forever. coulgid you imagine livinge
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with that the rest ofn your life? >> and that's when youcr see a grown man cry over the deathts of that. it really takes the air oue fatf all those family members. had >> they weren't related.comm the only thingon they had inence common were they all los ot their daughters to the violence on the street. and it's because the leaders aren't doing anything about it. they allow the criminals doingla to have the street. you know, three years ago, sean, you sent me on the road cod you said, i want to cover liberal cities iven crisis.d and part of that were family members grieving the death oft e their children. i can't tell you you how many i interviews that i had to do off of them begging for help. but there's something different that's happening in this country. sean, you played the videoplide, the kids beating the hell out of each other and no one didnyt. anything. adults there didn't do anything there is a real crisis in america goingog to parents need to take back their households. there needs to be are accountability. these kids are beating their teachers. they're shooting just anywhere e ,drive-by shootings, s carjackings. it is the country is out of control. and part of it is because we
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have the liberal d.a. to say there are no consequences for your crimes. but we also have parents that thnt to be friends with their kids and we just can not have that anymore in a civilizedy we society. >> it's really said i don't bet know how .er la i bet most of you know that janice loswst her in-laws, both of them, because of the nursing homeco fiasco with covid-19 and governor cuomo at the time . . meanwhile, the javits center had three thousand beds that donald trump had built. they didn't use any of them. then he brought into the navynun hospitalg and the nursing home owners were begging, begging the state, do not send us covid patients. we dy takingo not have the capas of taking care of them. dad >> and you lost your your husband lost his mom and dad and you lost your in-laws that day. noyour credit,sa you have been unrelenting in fighting for justiced , not jusa for your for your husband and your family, but for every victim that that had to go through that pain. >> well, i'm grateful for you. i'm grateful to the audience els
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because you gave me a platform. thine else wasryon thinking that this guy was going to be a president someday and we still don't have accountability. it's almost three years later writing a book. i don't know, you wrote a five point two million dollar k book that we now know he wasitie writing while thousands of people were dying. and had he written condolence cards on or called us and said,r i'm so sorry, i'll spend the rest of my career trying h v to write this wrong, were wouldh have forgiven him. but instead he covered it upavds >> i've asked you this because e i think justice needs to be hada for these families because they were warned again a and again. it wasn't like they didn't haveh an option. they had a hospital that wasknew built for them and he knew .id >> cuomo knew .woul he said many times it would be like fire through dry grass if the virus got inthoy the nursingrg. >>g he always knew it could be deadly. i hope you sue them and i hope you win. i hope it's a class action suit. and everybody it lost, an>> by elderly relative will all be compensated properly. by the way , sean, before we go , i think it's because janice would never say thi thes
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>> all the media, they supported andrew cuomo hand his book, why he used taxpayer funds to do that. they created reviewswsal and everything for the book. janice can't even get a review her book by all of these media companies. it is sad they're tryingr bo to sink her bookok because she tells the truth and some of them are complicit. and what happene ened in thd in thesei thin nursing home scandals because they wanted to prop them up? i think everybody shouldshould y t onbook, see the stories that took place. she's a friend of not only thisa network, but the american people, because not everyoneke has a megaphone like janis did,h it. she is notis just a weather m woman. om, someonshe's a mom. cared she's a someone that really cared about her husband. and she was a daughter in law and she fought for him. >> and we thank you, janice, for the hanadi .comom bookstores. all around the country. great to see you thank you both for coming. all right.e last when we come back , you this y wonderful audience, you get the last word. it's last call grade me and you get to grade me.t was it a good week on wednesday
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you won't get anywhere else but bear in damar hamlin. make our special coverage on fox news channel. all right. it's time for me to go back to my bartending days. this audienc bd lastac call. this audience gets getsth to grade the show. tell us what they like, don'ty likelike. >> first question is from some guy named i feel like biden. my first question is from chris , but i had to give somebody the microphone. chris , where are you? hey, sean.r he how are you? i'ght over here. but i'm going to givm goine in s .d that >> and that's been the grade since 1996 since. wow. same to you. when i was in high school, really. >> so, you know, i remember people always we talked about rush babies, remember that >>ole generation and how much do we miss rush. >> right. too much.e do and you know, it's funny. thank you for you make thisry happen for me every day. i don't have that camera, that microphone unless you're watching and listening.
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>> and thank you. thank you, sean>> thank you, and let's hope we changee country and save this country. >> all right, ben, where are you? >> hey, ben. how are you doing?at's goi doing well. how are you? good. what's going to on gi? i'm going to give you an a plus. also, whichever producer made pit h n of biden and kamala, i think bid they deserve a raise as well. >>en aala, they i don't disagre. michael, where's michael? we got a michael somewhere in the audience. where's mike ?im right next to him. right over here.. hey, michael. here.are you together?her? >> i mean, we we came here with fordham collegepublican republican like, wow, i'm glad you came i. >> thank you. you. by the way, these poor peopleor at hom people, these are allin w the conservatives in new york . >> there's no more . would >> all right. tha what what would you like to see that i can do to improve my show? that's a tough question. i mean, i think the audience is a good first step.e it? this is really going to be it was great. and the guests you had on tonight were great to keep up the good work. hope, thanks to you, best of luck to you guys in school.o re >> hope yoalu doly really well.
12:00 am
thank you all for coming. but w i hope that we'll have a greatin weekend. it's going to be freezing, but we appreciate you coming out ihe nrtunat the coldel tonight. l unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for making the showpossib possible.. please set your dvr so you "hver, ever, ever miss an leisode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, the ingraham "the ing angle is next. she has a great show.m havean a greatgle" a great week. >> we'll see you back here monday.nday. ♪ ♪ i'm laura ingram and this is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. ofina's trial balloon. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, just like the spy balloon itself, america's china ameri apologists were floating arouncd today. >> i am kind of prepared to accept the chinese i'planation for this balloon. i'veve had some personal experience with using balloons ef because devices and they're not very efficient. i don't thinfi dk the chines
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