tv Cavuto Live FOX News February 4, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST
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that's troubling if that is indeed the case. neil: and we don't know whether that's the case, but what mark esper was telling us, there was an easy time you could have shot down the balloon, they call it a weather balloon, more than gathering temperatures for people, but this is a shot right now over the skies of north carolina, you guessed it, by the map and the map of the united states, that's the last stop before you get to the atlantic ocean and then, what happens is anyone's guess. a lot of people say we shoot it down to see what the technology because lost in the sauce is how big this thing is typically six times of a traditional weather balloon and that it's gone very, very far. some say propelled by wind, others say by things far more advanced which is why some want to take at that look at it. we'll be exploring that with among others, chuck hagel, the
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former secretary, and mark green, he'll weigh in and many, many more. we're not done with this issue. the impact what it's going to do when it comes to china and how they're responding to them, responding to us, they're not saying much, what's the big deal. alexandra with more. >> good afternoon, neil. yeah, the surveillance tools has been doing more than just floating aimlessly. the pentagon confirm they believe it to be maneuverable and perhaps at times changing course. take a listen. >> i'm not going to go into any specific intelligence that we may have. again, we know this is a chinese balloon and that it has the ability to maneuver, but i'll just leave it at that. >> once it's over a body of water, will you shoot it down? >> right now we're monitoring the situation closely, reviewing options, but beyond that i'm not going to have any additional information.
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>> well, officials have told fox news's jennifer griffin that shooting down the balloon is on the table and risk of heavy debris and civilians was why the president was advised against doing so and now it's more populated territory, and then headed over the ocean. a water takedown is a possibility and we're told they have been tracking the balloon for days now and briefed on the matter, and so far has not commented publicly on the matter. and republican says the president needs to express stress. >> president biden needs to stand up and say unequivocally it's not okay to violate the sovereign territory of the united states and he's failed to do that time and time again, that's what we need our national policy makers to do. >> officials confirming a second chinese surveillance balloon spotted over latin america. it's not believed that this one will enter into u.s. air space for the one that has, china denies it, of course.
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saying that this is a civilian weather balloon that's blown 06 course and foreign ministry feel that the politicians and u.s. media are hyping this up to quote, attack and smear china. >> i want to go to the secretary under barack obama, good to have you. and china is essentially saying, this is no big deal,you in america are making a far bigger deal out of it. what do you think? >> well. [laughter] >> that's laughable, neil, and we know it's laughable. i mean, i think the secretary of state, tony blinken, expressed the reality of it over the last hours and said it clearly. the spokesman for the president said it clearly that we know what this is. i think also, the pentagon has been tracking this. the pentagon has said this is-- this balloon is no threat to the security of this country.
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i think the decisions made by the president upon the advice of the pentagon to not shoot this down for various reasons, now, was the right one, not to do it now, it's no threat to our security. i think we'd want to retrieve this balloon as much intact as we can to find out exactly what it is. we don't know exactly what it is. we know it's a spy balloon. we got all that. but what your reporter just said that now we may have some indication that it's controlled and moveable and by the chinese, there are a lot of technologies here that we're not aware of and wouldn't be aware of unless we retrieved that balloon. neil: now, you raise a good point. a lot of people have indicated to me that as balloons go, that this is not your story book variety, first of all, it's six times larger than your typical
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weather balloon. it seems to have a lot of stuff beneath it that's monitoring more than temperatures and snow and all of that. but leaving that aside, the administration has said that this has happened in prior administrations, in other words, we have seen this sort of thing in prior firms-- i'm sorry, presidential terms. now, in the obama years when you were secretary did you see or have anything like this? >> no. i mean, it's common knowledge and we tracked it and our sophisticated capabilities and capacity to track all of these kind of spy balloons or drones, we know about those and we track them. but not that i'm aware of, neil. this is the first time that we've -- in my upon and to my knowledge that we've seen anything quite like this.
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that's why it's important. neil: right. >> if we can retrieve this, it's really, really, i think, critically important. neil: what if we don't? what if it just floats all the way back over the atlanta ocean for all i know back to china? >> well, again, i don't know what the pentagon's going to do, what the president will ultimately decide, but once it gets out over open waters i'd be surprised if we would allow this balloon just to float back to china, but i don't know that. neil: okay. i did want to get your thoughts that china has done this before and taiwan and japan have reported overflights over their territory by chinese balloons, but a lot more than we've heard in the past, secretary. now, a lot of people look at this and say, it's really confusing, why wouldn't you use more sophisticated means to spy on folks. there is an advantage, i guess, to this type of thing where at 60,000 feet you've got a
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sharper image than you would with satellites up significantly higher. what do you think of that? >> well, first of all, i'm no scientist, neil. neil: neither am i. >> and climatologist and so i'm quickly out of my depth on the technicality of all of this and your question, but that said, we have very, very sophisticated equipment that we use and we monitor the chinese, have, that doesn't mean they're not able to slip something in that we're not aware of. i come back like a broken record, it would be important to get this balloon in as complete a form as we can to see if there's something new that we haven't seen. the balloons are no big deal, we see them all the time, whether it's the japanese or asian, pacific or whatever, and
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drones, satellites, sure. now, how much better this balloon might be in the fidelity of what it's picking up on intelligence, better than had a drone or better than other means, i don't know. maybe it is much better. neil: secretary, one thing that struck me was the timing of canceling antony blinken, the secretary of state's visit to china. it happened yesterday morning. as you indicated here the administration apparently had knowledge of this days ago. so why only yesterday cancel his trip? >> yeah, well, again i don't know the exact answer to that, but i would offer this explanation to answer your question. and this is based on my own history and my own knowledge of how these things are done. i think there was, as there should have been, much debate at the highest levels starting with the president, the secretary, and others in our
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intelligence agencies, cia, nda and so on, so on, about whether we should cancel this or not, the meter, i mean with blinken and xi. there's another argument here, too, to be made. well, yes, they've done this, we know it, it's out public, the world knows it why wouldn't blinken go directly to the chinese to xi right now and say essentially what the hell is going on? i've always believed in the face-to-face dialog and participation, reagan did, ronald reagan was very good at it, our past presidents have done it. the longer you don't communicate in face-to-face meetings, the more dangerous things become. so i think there's an argument for that. obviously, they -- they, the
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administration went a different direction and i guess that's the right direction, and there was probably dialog, is this the right thing to do or go ahead with the meeting and they made the decision that they did and i think it's correct. neil: and i think the chinese responded, well, there wasn't going to be a meeting with you anyway and there's no big loss. you don't know who is right on that. chuck hagel always good to see you. >> thank you, neil. neil: the former secretary of state under barack obama, chuck hagel. and talking about the security committee, full plate, mark green, the tennessee republican with us now. congressman, you probably just heard with what chuck hagel saying, as much value to be gained on getting our hands on this balloon, whatever you want to call it and see what technology presumably the chinese have and by extension do it over water?
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what do you think? >> well, we certainly could have done that, neil, before it got into our-- you know, over our territory. that thing could have been brought down when it was in the elution area, and as soon as it got over our 12 miles of, you know, space over the ocean we could have brought that thing down and should have done that. president biden's had-- just a run of bad decisions on this one, too, not informing congress, not shooting it down, and just allowing it to go all-- the thing went from 60,000 feet to 30,000 feet, it's clearly maneuverable, it's got capability, they're directing it, it's over the united states of america, our sovereignty has been violated. i don't understand it. no one seems to get it. now that it is where it is, okay, let's get it over water again and bring it down. i agree with chuck hagel, we want to get as much out of it as we can and figure out what's on it and get the technology and understand it. we also want to know what
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they've gotten from us in this process. so, as we've done measures to keep it from communicating back home, you know, whatever we've done to jam it, they're learning our capabilities. so this has been a huge mistake, look, if this president, if this administration is incompetent in protecting the homeland, perhaps somebody needs to step down because this is just unacceptable. neil: what if, chairman, the chinese don't care if we know they can do this, and that this might have been planned so they could let us know we can do t this. >> i think that's a very good point to make. if you look at it sort of from the sunsu way of war in china, they're about posturing themselves so they don't have to fight a war. as they chip away at the will of the administration, which is clearly pretty weak already if you look at things like afghanistan, open border, all of that, how we stair-stepped into the issue of pushing back
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with ukraine and russia, this will of the american people, the will of the administration is what they're chipping at and it's in hopes of creating a dynamic where they never have to fight a war with us and then they're the dominant super power. this is just another small step from the chinese in a me methodology they've used for centuries how to fight war. it's time for us to push back. definitive measures, stealing of our intellectual property, stealing military secrets, mapping the united states with high resolution that i'm assuming they have on these things, we have to push back. neil: you're going to be a busy fellow, the homeland security committee chairman. we'll be exploring this and on monday, leon panetta, the secretary and chief under bill
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other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. it's nice people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. learn how you could pay as little as zero dollars at ♪ ingrezza ♪ >> all right. there the china spy balloon as we're calling it now, the weather balloon, what's the big deal the chinese are calling it. over the skies of north carolina right now. i'm told there's a competition going on among apple iphone users and samsung galaxy new phone users saying they can get the better images and i don't know how these are provided and they're looking who can get the better picture and the bragging rights. and you won't have long to do this because it's on the north carolina.
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last time i checked next stop is the atlantic ocean and open water and we've heard from officials the time to shoot it down or as chuck hagel said it, shoot it down gently so you can save the technology. that depends what you're up to, it's cold in the united states to retrieve this thing, it's shiver me timbers time. katie byrnes knows that in boston with the arctic blast going on. the good news, katie, it won't last for too long, right? >> oh, yeah, brief, but brutal. we're talking record cold weather in boston. reached peak negative 39 degree wind chill last night around 2:00 in the morning. that's the coldest wind chill ever in boston's history and this morning, we're talking more colder temperatures. we've reached 10 below zero, the coldest temps in boston in 67 years. and mix that with gusty winds
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and feels colder than the numbers i'm reading you. the wind has been causing problems across the state and i've been looking at reports of downed trees all over the place. some of them have been falling on people's back yards and some have been falling on moving cars, two of them in different towns in boston. heartbreaking news to report in southwick about 100 miles away from us, a baby in the back seat of one of the cars died from their injuries. the baby's aunt who was driving, she's in the hospital. in westfield, another town, two adults and a 2-year-old went to the hospital with injuries when a tree fell on their car, too. very serious wind and most people plan to stayen side today because of these frigid cold temperatures, but we've talked to some who still interest to get to work. >> it's so cold, it's freezing, you know? and it's so hard to wake up in this weather, but i have to work, you know. >> oh, my gosh, you can't imagine what i wear, i wear a lot of stuff, you know. and then my coat, you know?
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>> definitely the type of weather you want to layer up in and this cold weather is causing some really interesting fpheno phenomenons. we're looking at sea spoke over the boston harbor, cold air over warmer water and people are seeing this across the state and seeing it reported along a number of waterways. the good news, temperatures are going to rebound in big ways tomorrow. we're expected to be in the 40's here. neil: katie, thank you very, very much. katie byrne. i was mentioning what was going on with the balloon. and jen my producer, if you can bear with me. an interesting comment from dan, a commercial pilot, this thing is flying a lot lower than 60,000 feet and i've heard this from other pilots and so i don't dismiss from what dan is saying. corporate jets between altitudes 40 to 51,000 feet and when we passed it yesterday, it was 46 and 47,000 feet closer than any yet would be allowed
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to be controlled by authorities. so, he's talking about not having a lot of maneuver room. so, this thing, obviously, and its altitude can be adjusted, we've heard from others to say it flew as low as 30,000 feet, but the 60,000 feet notion that the chinese are sticking to that. they're not. it can often times be a lot lower. stay with us. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture. formulated with nourishing, prebiotic oat. it's clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. aveeno®
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invasion coming and prepared for that. trey joins us in kyiv. we spoke yesterday with president volodymyr zelenskyy discussing the situation on the ground and it comes just before a big development this morning, a massive prisoner swap between the russians and the ukrainians that saw dozens of prisoners traded back and forth. according to ukrainian officials some of the 116 ukrainians that were released were from units that defended that steel plant in the southern city of maripol and they're looking at special category prisoners partially mediated by the united arab emirates and around the city of bakhmut as they pushed forward against ukrainian positions. this drone video shows national guard firing artillery in the donbas region and they're awaiting the western battle
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tanks expected to go into use immediately upon arrival. and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy described a difficult situation in the east when speaking with fox news and added this overnight. >> the situation on the front lines remains tough, especially in the donetsk theater. i thank all of our warriors who withstand the harsh push on them by the occupiers, and defending our positions in full and even under the current conditions on the front line generate good news for ukraine. >> with the one-year mark less than three weeks away, ukrainian officials here in kyiv are concerned that russian forces led by vladimir putin in moscow are going to increase their escalation not only along the front lines, but across this country, neil. neil: trey yingst, please be safe. and joining us is the ambassador to the united states. ambassador, thank you for taking the time. >> thank you for having me.
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neil: i know a lot of ukrainian soldiers will be going to poland to get up to speed on these tanks. you were generous enough to offer the ukrainians. how long do you think that process takes? >> the one thing i'm sure of, and i can say, is the ukr ukrainians should be provided with all they need to fight the aggression of the russians. and this is the coalition formed months ago to repel the russians invasion and show our determination and willingness to deliver all kind of weapons to ukraine that are necessary to make this military effort of our neighbors effective. neil: i understand, ambassador, both president zelenskyy, as well as president biden plan trips to your country later this month. i don't know whether they'll be
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there together, but what can you tell us? >> i don't know either. the only thing i know is that the date has not been set yet. preparations are ongoing and i do believe that this upcoming possible visit of president biden to our country is proof of our credibility and our ever growing role in this new geopolitical configuration. poland has become a pivotal country not only in terms of humanitarian assistance, but also in terms of our military assistance to ukraine and i believe that this is-- it's about time to elevate poland to the role played and enjoyed by other american like, and with the russian threat, i believe that this could be one of the topics of the potential conversations and also between our presidents. neil: do you know anything, and president zelenskyy has
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mentioned this, ambassador, of a major russian offensive? i only say with the back drop, vladimir putin recruiting tens of thousands of more soldiers for this effort? >> to be frank, i'm not terribly optimistic about the duration of this war because i think we are going to face protracted conflict in the months to come. my impression is that we tended to overestimate russia's military might before the invasion began and now we tend to underestimate it. i believe that unfortunately president putin can still flood the front lines with manpower or cannon fodder, if you will, and the russian society are remarkably resilient, unfortunately, much more resilient than we are, i mean the west, or the pro-ukrainian coalition and that's why, as i said, i'm not very optimistic
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about the duration. although i am quite optimistic about the final outcome of this war and of course, i keep my fingers crossed as i believe overwhelming majority of my fellow countrymen to ukraine to eventually win. neil: well, your people certainly stand out, sir, to put it mildly. between your offer for tanks and training ukrainians on these tanks and our own with abrams tanks that are coming, as you know vladimir putin has turned that crossing a big red line. what do you think he meant by that? >> there's fear of escalation in some western countries and we've already heard such voices coming from some european capitals, but i believe it's mr. putin who escalates this conflict. we do know the escalate. p this is about verbal threats
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we have to cope with, of course, we should not stop now. if we don't stop putin now he'll return with a vengeance and we'll pay a much heftier price in 10, 15, or even 20 years in another confrontation with russia. neil: thank you, ambassador marek magierowski, the polish ambassador to the united states. and the balloon to comment on where things stand to a private function in syracuse, he didn't take any questions on this or i think anything else. more after this. to fight inflation is to pay off your high-rate debt to lower your monthly payments. at newday we make it easy. our newday 100 loan lets you combine your first mortgage, your second mortgage, your high-rate credit cards, personal loans and car loans into one, low monthly payment. so you can save hundreds every month. and at newday, there's not one dollar upfront to apply. give us a call.
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>> all right. i want to correct something i mistakenly said it in the last segment i apologize. but president biden was indeed asked about the chinese balloon situation when he landed in syracuse for a private event, i'm told. he was asked about the balloon and he says, we're going to take care of it. that's all we know. we're going to take care of it. meanwhile, we're going to take care of what's happening at the border as well. that's a promise from the administration, but growing indications that it remains out of control. there was a car chase involving a teen smuggler and a crash. i think everyone is all right, but it's just a reminder how dangerous it remains there. bill melugin in rio grande valley with more. >> neil, good morning to you. the ages of these human
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smugglers continues to get lower and lower. the video you're talking about ages 12 and 15 and it's wild video. we'll show you right now. take a look, this was on i-35 in freo county. those juvenile human smugglers losing control of their truck and hitting an embankment and launching it into the air, it goes airborne crashes on i-35. texas dps comes to make rescues, broke out the rescues and pull out a 12-year-old, a run away from home. a badly bloodied and wounded illegal they were smuggling and the 15-year-old driver, and everybody survived the injuries as a result of this crash, the 15-year-old has been charged and law enforcement believe these young boys, they were in a stolen car, by the way, were recruited on social media by cartels and smuggling organizations something that continues to be a problem here at our southern border. another problem, the runners and the got-aways. take a look at footage we got
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embedded by texas dps in hidalgo. immigrants ran into a public restroom in an effort to hide from border patrol and border patrol went in and found them in a stall, three guys from mexico, but that's the sort of things these runners and evaders do down here in an effort to get away and then we'll take you out to arizona, take a look at these photos, a major meth bust in border patrols tucson sector, agents seizing 90 pounds of meth during a traffic stop at gila bend. and he had 90 pounds hidden in the trunk, the driver was a mexican national holding a visa to be in the united states. and lastly to the miami sector, a mug shot. border patrol agents near key west arresting this previously deported honduran national who had an interpol road notice for attempted murder in honduras. a big warrant out for his arrest and again, they arrested
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him in key west as part of those migrant boat landings up 400% since october 1st and neil back out live since the fiscal year began in october, border patrol reports they have made over 3,000 arrests of illegal immigrants with serious criminal histories, including 10 for murder and more than 70 for serious sex offenses. we'll send it back to you. neil: bill melugin, thank you for that. and brandon judd on that, the national border council patrol president. you heard that report and you're aware of the issue coming to capitol hill on whether the administration is doing enough. we're told that homeland security chairman mayorkas would not allow border patrol agents to testify and next week they would be open to it and they get to select who testifies. can you tell me what's going on there? >> yeah, and that's a huge problem. congress knows who they want to have come testify before them. they asked for four specific
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witnesses. the secretary mayorkas said no to three of those witnesses and he's going to allow one and then he's going to send another witness. while chief modland is going to be a good witness and a credible individual, he doesn't have the knowledge on the ground of other three witnesses that congress wanted to see and that's frustrating to every single one of us. i know chief bovino and chief owens and what they would bring to the table would be extremely important for the american people to understand and for mayorkas to say no to that is very, very frustrating to every single one of us. all we want is an honest conversation. if we can have that honest conversation maybe we could get this fixed. if we can get this fixed then we save american lives and we also save migrants' lives and that's what's important to us. neil: i got the feeling that the two parties are not on the same page just by this one day of hearings and i'm reminded of jerry nadler saying the first hearing says it will show the
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racist tendency of the extreme maga wing of the republican party. what do you make of that? >> that's so, so upsetting to me. every time i hear the race card when all we're trying to do sen force the law. it doesn't matter what color we are, it doesn't matter what color the people we take into custody are. i personally have arrested people from poland, russia, ukraine, that are whiter than i am. it's nothing to do with race, everything to do with the rule of law. it has everything to do with securing our borders in order to safeguard the lives of american, the american people. if we can do that it's a job well done. for them to play the race card on security of this nation is completely disgusting, but that's all they have. they don't have facts. they don't have the evidence to support any of their claims. so they use political rhetoric to try to deflect on everything they're doing wrong. neil: and then you have adam schiff testifying that the border crisis worsens and yet republicans seem intent on demonizing migrant families. and now, we just sow some men
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and women rescuing some of those involved in a vehicle crash trying to save their lives so i think that would dispute that notion. how do you feel about that attack line? >> that's why law enforcement is so difficult to do today. the job is so insanely difficult because we have politicians that are going to politicize every single thing that we do. the fact remains, if we had the proper policies, programs and operations in place we would be able to secure the border. if law enforcement would look and take care of the bad apples, which there are very few in law enforcement, if we could take care of bad apples and if nadler would look at that and schiff would say let's take care of the bad apples we could be safeguarding the american public. instead they demonize every single one of us which makes it difficult to put on the uniform and patrol the border every single day. neil: wild stuff, brandon, wild stuff. i knew you would have a reaction to this.
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and the national border patrol council president. in the meantime, a mysterious death, a killing, really, of a new jersey councilwoman. they're still trying to get to the bottom of it, and it's leading to unlikely developments. molly line is on that. i'm worr schwab. i love to help people understand the world through their lens and invest accordingly. you can call us christmas eve at four o'clock in the morning. we're gonna always make sure that you have all of the financial tools and support to secure your financial future. that means a lot for my community and for every community.
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looking at a development that's got a lot of, you know, experts and security folks confused. a new jersey councilwomen who was assassinated and trying to find out who could have been behind it. the latest from molly in newton, massachusetts, molly. molly: may, neil. the fbi is now offering assistance in this case the hunt for the killer of this new jersey councilwoman as the prosecutor's office are delving into all aspects of eunice dwumfour's life, and shot this councilwoman inside of her white s.u.v. and happened outside of her home on wednesday night. >> the fbi is aware of that incident and we are working with all of our partners in order to find out more about that incident. molly: the 30-year-old republican was serving a two-year term that started in 2022. she was recently married, had a 12-year-old daughter and very
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active in her church. new jersey governor bill murphy was stunned by the brutal murder and praised dwumfour for doing her job with diligence. she served as director of churches for the nigerian based royal assembly and described as a world renowned international ministry on her linkedin page. >> we believe it's very person because she was shot seven times in the face and another seven shots were hit be everywhere. for somebody to get so close to somebody and shoot them so many times it has to be personal. molly: no suspects have been named at this point in time. the community is slated to come together to remember eunice dwumfour on tuesday, neil. neil: molly line on that. it's a bizarre situation and they're trying to get to the bottom of it. trying to get to the bottom of what happens next with this chinese military balloon that's almost over water as it leaves
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and travels through the state of north carolina. so, think about it going through alaskan elution islands, canada, montana, you know the drill, through central united states, and now ready to exit. the president has commented on this just a short time ago saying we're going to take care of it. what does that mean? we'll ask adam smith, ranking member on the house armed services committee. a powerful player after this. the better. that's why america's beverage companies are working together to deliver more great tasting options with less sugar or no sugar at all. in fact, today, nearly 60% of beverages sold contain zero sugar. different sizes? check. clear calorie labels? just check. with so many options, it's easier than ever to find the balance that's right for you. more choices. less sugar.
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don't know what that means. perhaps my next guest does. a very integral player in this. adam smith is the washington democratic congressman ranking member on the armed house services committee. what do you think the president means we're going to take care of it. >> thanks, neil. good to be on. i don't think read anything to an answer to a shouted question at a different event. i think we need to hear directly from the administration what they're going to do going forward. i wouldn't read anything in that. what the administration is doing, look, this is not just about one spy balloon floating over the u.s., it's a critically important issue, a clear violation of sovereignty by china. the larger issue is how aggressive china is being all over the world and how the u.s. and our allies need to organize ourselves to respond to that, to be able to deter china and to be able to build the support we need internationally, so that their vision of the world
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doesn't take over, and that we can maintain a rules-based international system in the face of chinese aggression in many places. not just because of this balloon. so, that's what i want to see, is what is the broader plan and by the way, the administration does have a broader plan for dealing with china and that's what i think is most important issue. neil: well, maybe he has to spell out that plan to your point, sir. >> yeah. neil: i did ask because he did cancel antony blinken's appearance in china and some people say on both sides of the aisle that would have been an opportunity for the secretary of state to get in china's face about this and other, you know, provocations. what do you think? >> yeah, well two things, first of all, he does sort of have a clear plan and we're building alliances all over the place. i mean, the claude to get japan, australia and india to work with us which they have done, japan and australia in particular have beefed up their defenses in an effort to be in a position to deter chinese aggression in the region and we just m the announcement recently that the philippines
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is going to allow the u.s. access to more bases on the philippines because the philippines is concerned about china. we had the semiconductor export ban to china that was done last year. so there's clearly a plan to pull that together, but to answer your specific question. i think that's a mistake. i think secretary blinken should have gone to china because part of our approach here is to show that we are willing to engage with china. we don't want a direct conflict with china. we don't want a war. we want a peaceful, stable world and part of that is communicating with china so i don't think they should have canceled that visit. i think that conversation should go forward. neil: do you think that china wasn't embarrassed by this, but might like this, might like showing the united states what it can do and to eve the u.s. flummoxed? >> yeah, no, i think that china is very embarrassed by this for several reasons, first of all, it's not a particularly effective surveillance tool, you know, i mean, we're
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familiar with the technology and what it can and cannot do and really nothing this their satellites can't see to a certain extent. it's not like it's some brand new fancy technology that china is showing us that they have this incredible capability. second of all, it's never a positive thing to have your spying efforts exposed to the globe. so, it's not a positive for china in any way, shape, manner or form. you know, so, i think it shows that china had, well, in the last year, china's had a number of struggles and you know, president xi is out there saying they're going to overtake us. we are the west, will inevitably collapsed a cornerstone marxist ideology and china is struggling to deal with covid, having their economy fall backward and countries in their own region turn to us for support and i think that we need to foot stop that kind of-- >> all right. >> but it's going to be a long-term challenge no
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question. neil: i think you're probably right about that. adam smith washington democrat washington house armed services committee. thank you very much. we'll be pursuing this on your world on monday when we take a look at this with the likes of leon panetta and both parties over several administrations how to deal with a crisis that grows even as this thing keeps moving. get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high-rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health.
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