tv FOX and Friends Sunday FOX News February 5, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST
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pete: will almost took out the entire fence line and the guy waving the checkered flag. will: you got me at that turn. pete: he got better as the whole thing went on, and i blocked hi- rachel: i feel like blocking interfered with -- [laughter] pete: that was after i said it was over. rachel: wow. will: was it over? rachel: it looked like you were going to win, will, for quite a while. and then, pete, you pulled it out. you said that this is go-kart season. for me, it's the summertime. my kids love to go go-karting in wisconsin, especially on those evenings after spending time on the lake. it's a fun activity -- will: that was really fun. rachel: and this one's indoors. will: we'll do it again. rachel: well, you don't get to do it again, because he won, and then you get to race the winner -- pete: you're going up against rick in the next hour. and i'll be racing rick in the
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9:00 hour. rachel: we'll see, pete. yeah, yeah. pete: well, you said you were going to throw it. rachel: i disagree. i thought it was going to be colder than it was. it was cold, but that looks so fun -- pete: rachel is going to be gunning for you. by the way, a lot of pressure for us because we have a live studio audience which we never have because we're the weekend show, we don't have the budget. look at this beautiful panel of voters. rachel: and they were free. pete: we ordered -- [laughter] have you received your doughnuts and yogurt yet? yes? rachel: you did? wow. pete: they looked hungry in the first segment. we didn't get any, but they did. and we're going to get their thoughts about what joe biden is doing to the country. thank you for being here. rachel: great having them. pete: let's start this hour with a fox news alert. the u.s. air force shoots down the chinese spy balloon that the hoveredded across the u.s. for days after it moved just over
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the atlantic ocean yesterday. rachel: navy warships, service divers and the fbi are now searching the area to recover debris. will: brooke singman has the latest. >> reporter: fox news exclusively capturing the moment the chinese spy balloon was shot down, an air force f-22 fighter jet shot down the balloon. shortly after, president biden claimedded he wanted to down the boon earlier but was overruled. listen. >> on wednesday when i was briefed on the balloon, i ordered the the pentagon to shoot it down on wednesday as soon as possible without doing damage to anyone on the ground. they decided that the best time to do that was when it got over water outside of, within a 12 the-mile limit. >> reporter: now, the 12-mile limit is referring to coastal states' right to claim 12 nautical miles of the ocean as their territory. the faa temporarily closing the
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air space around the balloon and causing all air traffic through wilmington, charleston and myrtle beach air space to be the shut down. the first chance to target the boon where it floated over water. officials i could have fired at the balloon while it was floating over montana, but they doesn't out of an abundance of caution. chinese foreign ministry responding, quote: the u.s. use of force is a serious violation of international practice. china will resolutely safeguard the rights and interests of the company concerned and reserves the rights to make further responses if necessary. retired commander lip old says china decan signed the path for a specific reason. listen. >> it followed a very specific past over the intercontinental ballistic missile bases that pete pointed out. it went into missouri where we have the b-2 base at whiteman
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air force base there. it went to the east coast of the united states. it was specifically designed and following a path that allowed it to go over our nuclear capabilities as well as critical infrastructure. >> reporter: now, the balloon was 60,000 feet above sea level when it was shot down, and for reference, a typical commercial plane's cruising attitude is typically around 35,000 feet. will: thank you, brooke. earlier in the show i had a chance to interview an intel analyst. he said, look, he has no confidence that we would have been able to completely block any electronic transmissions to china. the argument's been made, look, we knew this was coming, and we have the technology and ability to say we're going to block whatever sensors and what you're picking up. he did not have that confidence that the we would have been able to do a complete, you know, secure, you know, quarantine of that, of that balloon. and he also said at that height it could be flying over montana, it could be looking at something
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in california. its capabilities at that that height would expand much more than you would think from a hot air balloon. rachel: although kirk lip old was saying there's no doubt this was a deliberate path that they wanted to see those bases -- pete: the closer you are to anything, the more detail you get. by the way, we knew about this well before wednesday, and the only reason it went public is because there was a photographer in montana who took photos, and so they were outed on it. this administration knew about this presumably for weeks. it crossed over alaska. and yet joe biden wants to take credit for giving it the command to shoot it down on wednesday but then defers to his commanders who say, no, let it fly across the country over all of our military bases, our b-2 bomber missile sites and because of safety we're going to shoot it down over a specific portion of the coastline off of south carolina when they could have, will, as was pointed out, shoot
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it down in a very specific place in montana. will: or alabama. pete: or canada. who cares? anywhere but over our sites -- rachel: and when given the chance, when asked by the press, the little bit of time they had, what's your message to the chinese right now, to the chinese communist party, to leaders, to xi jinping, he refused to answer. he talked about other things and didn't answer that question. so no direct message the first opportunity he has with the press to send to the chinese. will: so the balloon's been shot down 6 nautical miles into the atlantic just off the coast of surfside beach, south carolina. here's what happens next. not sure exactly the time frame for the recovery. we're expecting a salvage ship in the next couple of days. there's already been a principlety established by -- perimeter established over the 7-mile debris field of this balloon. interestingly, the water in that area is reportedly about 47 feet
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in depth. rachel: you know, all during the show predictably i've been talking about joe biden's connection to the chinese. the biden family has enriched themselves with deals with the chinese, and i'm glad to hear now that representative malliotakis who was on wanted to talk about the relationship that joe biden and other members of the biden administration including john kerry, what, you know, what are the financial relationships with china. and in the case of joe biden, is he compromised? listen. >> this is a real growing concern about the foreign relations of this administration. we believe that many of the decisions they have made have been against the interests of this country, and they believe they have also jeopardized our national security, our sovereignty. i think it's certainly going to come up in the oversight hearings that are already going to be the taking place regarding the biden family and the
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relationship that they have with foreign entities. we know that hunter biden has unsavory relationships with some of our add or very shares, and i think that this is certainly going to be a part of that discussion now. and it is concerning to think that the president could potentially be compromised, that the family could potentially have shared our intelligence, our classified information with enemies. rachel: yeah. we need to get to the bottom of this. that's why it's so important to understand -- pete: absolutely. rachel: -- all of this and the laptop the. the. pete: even if that is the case or even if it's not, this is a probe of how we will react. because a balloon can carry a lot more than just surveillance equipment. it can carry weapons, it can carry wmds, emps, things that could bring our country to its knees. and this was not just about the pictures it could take of our country, but gauging our willingness to defend ourselves, and they got a lot of answers.
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will: sometimes when it comes to foreign policy, i think we as the american public can think of it like your health, it's not a problem until it is. rachel: right. will: and i think you characterized that well this morning, pete, when you said it feels like we're in a pre-9/11 situation when it comes to our relationship with china, and we should be looking at our own health warning signs, our own foreign policy warning signs. let's bring in "fox news sunday" anchor shannon bream. >> good morning, guys. will: we've got the state of the union on tuesday, we also have twitter employees coming up in front of congress to answer some questions about what exactly was blocked. hopefully not just with this story, i'd like to hear about covid as well, but also specifically when it comes to the hunter biden story. >> yeah. and as you heard for congresswoman malliotakis, they have what these house -- with these house investigations the potential to really dig into things. they've got subpoena power, so
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they're going to probe and ask a lot of questions of these twitter employees that come this week. and, you know, it is going to center a lot of the hearing about the hunter biden laptop. this week we have letters from his attorney asking state and federal prosecutors to if after people who used information, they say, disseminated manipulated information on this guys. they say we're not saying that's his laptop the. so many questions from this hunter biden case, and i think because the the house has subpoena power, they're going to dig into a lot more of what rachel's been bringing up as well. ray so, shannon, the dnc has upended, essentially, the calendar for how they're going to nominate the president. why does this matter that they're changing the order of this? >> well, it's a big push to see, i think in some ways, how much power president biden has and how much fervor there is within the party to get him reelected. remember, they're moving south carolina is at that top pot, it save him last time around. they want to reorder things.
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he did not do well in iowa and new hampshire, those places. if this goes as planned, are going to change their position, iowa's not even the top first list of these states. but south carolina did him a big favor. dnc has voted on this. it would be friendly to his re-election build, but a lot of these states are saying, no way, not going to do it. it doesn't matter if you start to strip our delegates, we're not going along with the plan. that's democrats and republicans alike in new hampshire and iowa. it's really a it's of how much sway he has at this point. pete: would that mean the state still holds the primary, but the candidates don't show up? i mean, like if iowa were to say, no, no, we still want to be at the front end, what does that look like? >> i think there's so much tradition and people know you go to those markets to get buzz going. new hampshire doesn't have a ton of delegates, and they're being threatened with losing some of their delegates. but because it's first in the nation, iowa and new hampshire,
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people go to get buzz. people want to know who's visiting here in our diners, our churches, our veterans' halls. who's coming. so a lot of times it's not about this huge group of delegates, it's about creating the buzz. so those early states are confident saying we're going to move ahead with our plan, and we think people will still come. will: what's coming up this morning on "fox news sunday," shannoning? >> we've got senator tom cotton, he has a lot to say about the china balloon as it was floating across the nation. he said shoot it down and pull antony blinken from the trip. both those things have happened, but i've got so many questions about when senate intel with was briefed, so many things to discuss with him. jared bernstein from the white house is coming over, a great jobs report for the white house this week. but as you guys know, our polling shows people still feel like their personal situation is not good. they think we're headed for recession, and they blame this white house. and on our panel, reince priebus today, and also you're going to meet the most amazing woman,
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miss lily. she is an angel on earth, and if you're tired of scary, sad, bad news, you're going to want to meet miss lily, because she will remind you there are good people in this world. rachel: we need good people. pete: we're reminded every time shannon is on. rachel: that is true. [laughter] >> thank you, guys. rachel: love you, shannon. we're going to turn now to your headlines. tennessee suspends the licenses of two memphis emts who responded to the scene where with tyre nichols was beaten last month saying they failed to treat snuck also for 19 minutes -- nichols for 19 minutes at the scene. raising tensions over disney labor disputes as workers reject the latest contract proposal. disney offering a 35-year -- 5-year contract with about a 10% raise that would see even the lowest paid employees making $20
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an hour by 2026. workers say it's not enough. also this week florida legislature will have a special session on the governance and powers of the reedy creek improvement district. the war on disney's long list of woke failures, check out the most recent episode of my podcast, from the kitchen table. and a survey on reddit asks name a food combination that you love but other people might think is weird. some of the answers were weirder than others. one user suggesting sharp cheddar melted over a slice of apple pie. will: a lot of people do that. i've never had that. they swear by it. rachel: another saying peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. someone suggesting salt and vinegar chips topped with sauerkraut. will: what is that -- pete: do you like pickles and peanut butter in. rachel: as often as aye been
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pregnant -- will: look at that cheese. pete: it's a little old. rachel: not down with this, but i love salt and vinegar chip, and i'll try the sauerkraut. pete: pickles and peanut if butter? will: you're not doing that? who took that bite? rachel: i did. [laughter] will: people comment on us sharing food. rachel: all the time. pete: salt and vinegar with sauerkraut? rachel: not bad. i love salt and vinegar chips. it's the not bad. will: i think i like the peanut butter and pickles. pete: i think i like the apple pie and cheese. sweet and savory. will: just hold the commercial for a few more seconds. will: what do you think, which was the best of the three? will: peanut butter and pickles. pete: sweet and savory of the apple pie and cheese. surprisingly good. rachel: will and every pregnant woman in america. will: i'm supposed to read. rachel: i'll do it. president biden is not expected
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to admit this during his state of the union address. pete and i -- well, that's will and pete. you can do it. will: pete and i do off the wall with a reality check game show. pete: and from the state of the union to the state of our economy, put the camera on the voters, because i'm talking and chewing at the same time. there's our panel of voters live in studio. we're going to discuss the impact of inflation on their families, something everybody feels. rachel: absolutely. pete: coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ i realize i'm no spring chicken. ♪ ♪ i know what's right for me. ♪ ♪ i've got a plan to which i'm sticking. ♪ ♪ my doc wrote me the script. ♪ ♪ box came by mail. ♪ ♪ showed up on friday. ♪ ♪ i screened with cologuard and did it my way! ♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard.
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will: well, in just two days president biden will deliver his state of the union address after a promising jobs report. but a new fox news poll reveals 80% of the voters consider the state of the economy poor, and 74% believe the country will go into a recession this year. our panel of voters joins us now to react. glad to have the chance to talk with you all this morning. can we start with a show of hands, does anybody here feel strongly as we head into the state to have union about the state to have economy? does anybody feel good? janine, you feel good about the state of the economy. >> i do. i'm the only democrat on the panel, and i just say 12 million new jobs in 24 months is awesome, the lowest unemployment since 1969, i think that's very
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good. i like that he signed, joe biden signed another, what is it, 5 million people up for the affordable care act. i'm a physician. people go broke, will, over health care. i love that more people expanded aca. gas prices are easing, inflation's easing. we may have a soft recession. it may not be as bad as we're thinking, so i'm going to go out on a limb and say i feel good. will: beth, i already see you shaking your head. [laughter] >> janine, you are so wrong. you are so wrong. you know what? this is the thing about inflation, we can't escape it. i don't care about the jobs report. i don't care about those numbers. those numbers are skewed. we cannot escape inflation because we feel it every day, and it's not just families, it's affecting corporations, not for profits, it's affecting businesses, entities. every time we get in our car we feel it, every time we go in a grocery store and pay $7 for a dozen eggs, we feel it. and it's going across all demographics are affected by inflation, and this poor
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economy, and i do not think that biden's government is the answer to solve it. will: so, frank, i see you nodding along with what beth had to say. janine points to numbers that joe biden will point to as well on tuesday. what i hear beth making the case for is personal pocketbook economics, what you feel as you live today in the united states of america. >> i don't think joe biden's gone shopping in a while, and if he has, he'd see not only higher prices in the stores, but empty shelves. we're getting hit by both, and, you know, you probably don't believe in trickle down economics down there -- the. [laughter] but it is trick trickling down. it makes it harder -- look, uma small business owner, makes it harder to provide for your employee, it's more expensive. harder to provide for your family whether putting food on the table or going on a vacation. more difficult, prices are up 2x over three years ago. will: let me talk to you, margaret. you are still a registered democrat but identify more as a
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moderate now. what would be the issue that sort of started to migrate you along that political spectrum? >> for me, personally, it was the way the biden administration, all of the democrats handled covid with the kids and what they put all the children through and the way they're handling it now really. i'm not really seeing this, i mentioned this in the last segment, i'm not seeing support for the children that we need. and everything is behind, everything is wrapped up in red tape and administration, and things just aren't moving along quickly. are there's no efficiency in the administration. will: madeleine, you and i have talked in the past, i know crime's been a big issue, like margaret, you have sort of migrated from democrat to beyond moderate, now you're suggesting you may be voting republican. what has been the major issue for you in your transformation? i don't know if you're going to call yourself more conservative, but certainly voting republican. >> the number one issue, of course, is crime. but as far as the economy is concerned, i'm amongst the working poor. i go to work every day, and i
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work very, very hard. i can't afford to pay rent, i can't afford to buy food, i can't afford car fare. these are real life issues, okay, that are affecting the majority of people. all right? the tax bracket that we are in, we're getting killed especially in new york city with taxes. they're taking out almost our whole paycheck, half of our pay, and then we're expected to continue to the go to work every day and feel good and be productive at our job when we're thinking, i'm not making enough money here. why am i doing in this? i'm going to work every day just to go to work. i can't afford anything, you know? and so the economy, i think, amongst the working poor people in minority communities, the economy has to be the number one issue, has to be, besides crime. so we have taxes, inflation and
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crime. will: right. you know, you bring up an interesting -- i want to transition to another issue. i don't think it's disconnected from the economy, and it's certainly not disconnected from the plight as you described of the working poor. and it is immigration. i am i curious just to ask the entire panel, we had a poll up earlier that showed 67% of voters considered it an extremely important issue, illegal immigration. as you eight sit here today, how many of you would say this is it is a very important voting issue for you, illegal immigration? all of you, including janine. this is important. if i might go back to you, now, that's just a bit of a surprise to me -- >> right. will: as a democrat -- >> i'm a democrat and, you know, i'm a second generation american citizen. by parents are both from new york actually, but that being said, immigration the way it is right now is not sustainable. so we have to figure out a way to fix it. you shouldn't be abusing women
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and children in these sents, but we do have a way to fix immigration. it is a huge issue, 100%. >> cassandra, why is it a biggic sure -- issue for you? >> i'm a first generation immigrant, came from brazil. spent tens of thousands of dollars to get my papers, didn't break the law. followed everything by the book. i don't think that it's right that we punish the people that did the right thing and we reward the people that breaks the law. we can't have an open border. the first and major job of a prime minister is to secure our -- president is to secure our borders and make sure that we are safe. i don't feel safe. fentanyl is a huge problem in the country. will: right. >> and the borders are open. illegal guns is a huge problem. the borders are open, and he wants to take our guns away? will: so fascinating perspective, by the way, from the voice of an immigrant. dominic, what would you hope to hear from biden tuesday night at
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the state of the union? >> definitely immigration, there's got to be some type of control and enforcement with people across the border. inflation, interest rates. there's a clear night and day difference between people two or three years ago, to echo what frank said, compared to now, and i think people are really aafraid of the future and what's going to happen. will: samantha, before we go, i know you're a registered republican. a lot of people don't talk about what we might hear in the response from republicans. at this point with all these issues, what do you want to hear from your party, from republicans? >> you know what? i want the republicans to stand up and put some backbone and follow through on their promises because i don't feel that the republicans do what they say they're going to do either. so we can blame the president, but if there's no follow through, you know, with our party, we're just as lost. you know? will: what, one of the reasons i love talking to you guys, i never know what i'm going to hear. it's fascinating to hear the voice of an immigrant that
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immigration is important regardless of political parties and the experiences that you all have in this economy. we'll be talking to you later the next hour, i believe with rachel. thank you, guys. >> thank you. will: still ahead, a border town hospital on the brink of collapse as migrants overwhelm the community. the facilities director joins us next as residents are forced to wait for health care. ♪ ♪ the gmc sierra with handsfree driving, ♪ yeah... it rocks. ♪ step up to gmc with 2.9% apr for 5 years and no monthly payments for 90 days on sierra light duty models. if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee,
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♪ rachel: welcome back to "fox & friends." as illegal immigrants flood our country, a or border town's only hospital is on the brink of collapse due -- as it runs out of resources with a surplus of migrant patients. here to cuts, the president and ceo of yuma regional medical center in action, dr. robert. doctor, thank you for joining us this morning. i have friends who live in yuma, and aye been hearing about the strain on the medical resources in your town. for well over a year. are things reaching a critical
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mass right now? >> you know, for us it's been, it's been a long journey, you know? rachel: yeah. >> we've been at this for well over a year now. we track our expenses for a period of over six months, actually, our uncompensated care, and we've calculated that we've provided over $20 million in uncompensated care to the migrants crossing concern. rachel: so, excuse me, doctor. when you say we, who is the we? >> the hospital. rachel: the hospital itself. >> the yuma regional medical center, yes. rachel: okay. so the city of yuma, are they providing anything? are the feds helping in any way to provide for the cost? >> no. the city, the state, the feds, federal government, no payer source for these individuals. rachel: unbelievable. so, obviously, this is going to -- by the way, i i lived in a rural agricultural-based town similar to where you're at except you're right on the border. it's the hard to recruit.
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>>s. it's the hard to get enough staff there anyway, medical staff in some of these communities. you need to expand care because you have so many migrants. what's the plan? who are you talking to, to deal with this problem that you have? >> you know, we've talked to everybody. we've talked to the state, we've talked to our u.s. senators, we've talked to our congress people through our legislative staff. we've reached out to secretary mayorkas. you know, we just don't have the payer source. everybody is sympathetic and lends a listening ear, but nobody has a solution. like i said, it's been going on for over a year. we've provided $20 million in care to these, to the migrants that are crossing the border, and we just don't have a payer source for those individuals. it's not a sustainable model, to have these continued rising expenses without a revenue source to offset that. rachel: what's going to happen to your hospital? >> we're going to keep functioning. we're -- hospitals operate on a
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very thin margin, 2-3% margin every year, and we're really not different that -- than that. so we're fine today and we'll be fine tomorrow. the problem is, is if this continues, you know, it's going to build up and it's going to be, it's going to continue to be a problem. a mounting problem. rachel: yeah, i know -- >> $20 million for us, you know, that's just the care we've provided. we've had to provide flights, you know, air ambulance flights out of yuma, we've had to increase staffing to help with these the individuals. so the cost, that $20 million in is the care that we're not compensated for that we've provided. the other infrastructure that we've had to add is uncompensated as well, obviously. rachel: so really quickly, do any other residents in yuma besides the illegal immigrants get free care from from your hospital? >> no, they do not. rachel: so just for those who are illegal. i do know residents in yuma who have told me because the wait
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lines are so long, heavy had to take their children, you know -- they've had to take their children 50, 70, 80, 100 miles away to get care because sometimes the appointments just take too long. really great having you on, so so eye-opening but also so depressing to hear that none of our federal officials who caused this problem have any solutions for the good citizens of yuma, arizona. >> it'd be great if we had one. we're looking for that. that's what we need. rachel: maybe you need to run. all right, doctor -- [laughter] i know you're busy. thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you, rachel. rachel: coming up, crews working to collect the debris from the chinese spy balloon after it was shot down over the carolina coast. that balloon falling near congressman russell fry's hometown, and he joins us next. ♪ ♪
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pete: we are back with a fox news alert. more on our top story, u.s. navy teams are sifting through a 7-mile-long field of debris after military forces shot down the chinese spy balloon that hoveredded over the u.s. for days, maybe longer. south carolina congressman russell fry represents the district along the where crews are searching and joins us now. congress banker thanks for being here. i saw you yesterday saying this was shot down right near your hometown. first of all, just lay out what happened for us and why you think it took so long. >> yeah. yesterday, i mean, was a normal
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saturday. obviously, it was projected that the spy balloon would be near us, but no one really knew for sure. and so yesterday i was actually headed home, and on the way home there was, you know, you could see it at this point. people were pulled over on the side of the road. if you've ever seen the movie independence day where people are come coming to out to their porches, pulling over their cars, it reminded me of that. got home, and, of course, it goes down. we're so accustomed in this town to pulling in visitors from everywhere. we just didn't have chinese spy balloons on that menu when we do that, but here we are that myrtle beach, south carolina, was kind of the epicenter yesterday in world affairs. pete: yeah. nobody had a chi-com spy balloon on their bingo card, it's true. why do you think they waited for this very specific spot in south carolina as opposed to taking it down in montana or alaska? >> those are questions with, pete, great -- i mean, those are questions that i have.
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it sounds like intelligence officials knew about this balloon since alaska, since it came through in our air space in alaska. and, look, those are very wide open, rural areas so why let them continue their mission telegraphing whatever information back home that they want to, putting americans at risk. look, there was a missile that was fired over myrtle beach yesterday to take this balloon out. that's concerning on that front alone. but to wait that long, why? and it really wasn't, what was shocking to me was that it wasn't until, you know, the media actually picked up on this, i think in montana -- pete: you're right. >> -- that white house officials actually began addressing it. that's concerning. china is one of our biggest adversaries, and to have them kind of fly a balloon from one corner of our country to the other is very concerning to me. pete: yeah. and then we end up with missiles in myrtle beach. as you said so well. real quick, recovery efforts, what's your understanding of what's going on there?
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>> well, obviously, i think they're securing the perimeter to make sure that they can get into the waters i. sounds like it's much shallower than they originally thought. the county yesterday put out an advisory that that if debris lands, to let them know, and they'll coordinate a response with federal officials to get that that. so could take a couple days to collect everything, obviously, but they're well on their way of doing so right now. pete: representative russell fry, thanks for your time the, we appreciate it. a good way of describing it, like independence day. get out of your car, stare at the chi-com balloon, missiles over myrtle beach. thank you, sir. up next, with two days before biden's state of the union address, will and i will go off the wall to the remind him that america is in jeopardy. i'll take will cane for 800. concern will cain for 800. and still ahead, get ready to go-kart. rachel and rick get behind the wheel for our next competition. looks like rick is getting some practice laps in. not really fair.
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the ways america is in jeopardy, with a little game. pete: this is our own version of the iconic game. let's reveal the categories. what you have this morning are border disorder, inflation nation, green energy, afghanistan and, of course, classified documents. will: all right. pete: these are the categories at any price point you want. will: wonderful. we'll let you play along. we'll give you a little bit of time to answer the questions as well. pete, why don't you start us off. you're going to host me, correct? so i pick a category? pete: pick your category and your amount, please. will: i'll go border disorder for 200. pete: all right. here's the clue for you playing at home on border disorder 200 and seeyou get it correct. counting at 251,487 this month, so the month, had the highest
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illegal migrant encounters ever recorded, a 40% increase from the previous year. what month was it? ♪ will: we'll let you guess as well. i don't think january numbers are in just yet, we've seen another record every month, i'm going to go with what is december. pete: what is december would be correct. fiscal year 2023, over 250,000, the numbers seem to staggeringly go up each and every year, that's according to customs and border patrol. will: all right. pete: may i pick? will: put it in the bank. go for it. pete: i'll take border disorder for 200's gone, i'm take inflation nation for 400. will: all right. here's your clue, the answer. during the biden administration, consumer prices to roads in 202e in 39 years. now this common food's price skyrocketed 120% now costing americans $4.25 on average.
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pete: i think 4.25 is the key clue, because everything's gone up so fast. it's not meat, that's a little bit more expensive. could be milk if. we're giving you a moment here. i think the answer is what are eggs. will: in the form of a question, he nails it. eggs. up to $4.25, historical high. in some areas of the country, eggs have gone up 137%. pete: south dakota, minnesota, wisconsin, up 118, 116 president, up clash 1.78 from a year ago. will let's keep it rolling. president your pick, will. will: let's get big money. i want green energy, 800. pete: 800 on green energy for will cain. here is the clue and for you at home. i know this one. in minnesota the biden administration issued this in january as the administration turns to a foreign supply chain
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amid their push for green energy. will, what did the they pursue in minnesota to pursue their green energy agenda? will: okay. i'm going to give you a moment. i'm also going on the real with you because i like television authenticity. the answer's in here, but i didn't know it. [laughter] i would not have known this so, pete, i'm going to have to get an x on this. pete: you're going to get an x on this? the answer would be, what is a 20-year mining ban in northeastern minnesota. it's called the polymet mine. it's been a political issue in minnesota for years. they started the permitting process in 2005. they would mine copper and nickel, cobalt. but it's been shut down, slowed down and now there's been a 20-year ban put on great jobs in minnesota. will: in 2021, 70% of the global supply of cobalt, now a behind e mining -- a mining ban. pete: yep. let's go to afghanistan. and since we've gone -- i should
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go 1,000 because it's such a disaster, but i'm going to go 600. will: okay. not quite as bold as me. [laughter] it only took the taliban this many days to retake the country. you've got in the. pete: yeah. i mean, because they said it would be a year, year and a half, two years. what do you think at home? a little more than a week. what is more than a week. what is -- i mean, i have the answer too. [laughter] i can't fake this, it's acting. will: what is 10 days. pete: 10 days, is how long it took. what's staggering about this, america in jeopardy, is that these so-called experts in green had assessed that, you know, they would stick the around and fight the taliban, yet we expected them to hold out for a year or two. ten days. will: let's see the board one more time, i'm going all the way, classified docs, give me 1,000. pete: big money will.
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here's the clue. months after publicly shaming former president trump for possessing classified documents, remember that mar-a-lago raid, joe biden was found to have about 20 during can his time -- during his time at vice president in how many locations? will: how many locations, is the question. you at home can play along. i don't need that. i know the answer. it's three. three locations. pete: that we know of. will: that we know of. pete: the chinese-funded biden penn biden center, whatever it's called, fake think tank, his garage with the corvette and then, of course, adjacent to the personal office locations. all very secure -- will: so far. pete: secured by hunter. that was quite a game. will: america in general. ty. that's just to get you prepared for the state of the union. we'll see if any of these categories come up on tuesday night. pete: and next time we do it without the answers. will: all right, rachel, over to you. what are you, outside? rachel: yes, it's outside.
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it's cold and we're getting ready to gear up. pete won the first round of go carpet, but not before will's car took a dramatic turn into the fence if. we talked to fox legal, they let us air it. rick: now it is our turn to race. round two of our competition, cody browning, coo of supercharge entertainment, madison, new jersey. cody, kick us off. >> ready? rick: yeah. >> go. rick: oh! we didn't get, like, a 3, 2 the, 1 -- 3, 2, 1. [background sounds] rick: whoa! [laughter] i'll go around you, the ones you kicked out. how many is that? rachel: let's do three! rick: oh! okay, that was such a cheat,
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rachel. not a chance! [laughter] rick: there is no way, there is no way rachel won that! [laughter] oh, my god. that was -- ♪ ♪ sus®. i'm down with rybelsus®. my a1c is down with rybelsus®. in a clinical study, once-daily rybelsus® significantly lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill. in the same study, people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome to the fourth and final hour of "fox & friends" on february 5th year of our lord 2023. nascar is tonight, season kicks off so we're kicking it off with go-carts on fox square. if you were just watching, rachel took on rick in the second round of the tournament that's happening this morning.
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