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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  February 5, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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that it was my hope. until next week you can find us on-line or on trey gowdy pp podcast. good night from south carolina, live live "life, liberty and levin" is up next. ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, i'm mark levin, this is "life, liberty and levin." we have one great guest tonight victor davis hanson, he and i, full hour. i know you will love it. before we get to victor. how about we talk about the constitution a little bit as applies to the current events. what do we do about a situation where a president
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of united states his appointed attorney general, the direct or of fbi, the u.s. attorney also appointed by the president of the united states, and special counsel appointed by the attorney general of the united states, what do we do as a country if they stonewall the house of representatives majority of whom are republicans? what do we do as a country if the national archives, also part of the executive branch, is also stonewalling the republicans? in other words, what to we do if separation of powers is violated by the executive branch. and the executive branch is only body we think, that can enforce the law. it is the executive. we have reached this point. we have most dangerous fbi today since history of the fbi. we have most dangerous department of justice since
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it was founded by grant in 1870. we have the most dangerous attorney general since george washington hand-picked an attorney general in 1775. attorney general did not actually become a person who would be confirmed by senate and head department of justice until the department of justice was founded as i said in 1870. you know the department of justice, the attorney general, the federal bureau of investigation, the u.s. attorney, none of them are in the constitution, they were created by congress. so how can it be they can stiff arm the united states congress? here is the deal. they can't. let's say jim jordan or james comer hold hearings but they need information, they need witnesses. they ask them to voluntarily provide them, and executive
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branch says no, let's say they subpoena them or they say no or redact information. they ask different of treasury for wire transfers involving hunter biden, or a member of the president's family, apart from hunter biden they say no. what do they do? remember the january 6 committee, january 6 committee benefited from fact that attorney general, u.s. attorney. were on their side, same party, they benefited from the fact that christopher wray was bending over backwards to accommodate them and the democrats and from the head of of the executive branch, joe biden is a democrat. and so they used the fbi, department of justice u.s. attorney office and all of the rest to go after republicans. whether their state legislators or legislatures, that are republican, or pro
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lifers, whether they are people who were merely parading and quote, unquote trespassing on capitol grounds they went after them too, and going after former president trump, can you name any democrats they targeted? are they angels? no. we have a house that wants to do an investigation consider the biden family that is special counsel should be doing but the attorney general refuses to appoint in case of their finances and foreign dealings. i have looked into this carefully, the house of representatives republicans, need to preserve their authority under th constitution, it is called self preservation. the republican house has to preserve separation of powers and preserve our governmental system.
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there is supposed to be a balance of negotiation, you work things out one branch with the other, but if one branch is swrupt corrupt, you have to actor the house will seek to be power they seek to be. what can they do? we have a history. we look at our history, it didn't begin yesterday. history began when the nation was founded. congress has an an i. >> inhe inherent
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power. the departments and officers are not in constitution. they have power to legislate, pass budgets, and congress has a lot of power, if it cannot enforce that power, it has no power then. even the supreme court has recognized this. so if congress is being reasonable, they are asking for information to go over classified information taken say by biden and others. they could look at tax returns. the s -corporation of a sitting president, and former speaker of the house and supreme court justices as well, the supreme court opened doort door to that. if they want to look how fbi is functioning. which is an important matter, we learn that have been monitoring american citizens and censoring
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distribution of information on the social media outlets among other things, given the way they conduct themselves with the s.w.a.t. teams and the so many other reasons to look into fbi, the fbi is not free to just blow off our elected representatives and neither is attorney general of united states who targeted parents and pro lifers and republican legislatures and a former president. and all of rest of it. they have to have the power to asking. act, these are dangerous, grave times, the republicans in the house have pulled together committees and asked for information and witnesses they need to enforce it. now here is what they do. if this can't get worked out, they look at this inherent am complied power it has been held up in supreme court in pass on rare airc rare
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occasion it was used, has not been used since 1930s. what it mean s, the house or senate, buts house in this case, can hold an individual in contempt. they vote in relevant committee that say judiciary committee, comes to the floor for a vote, and then the house has to vote it up or down, you would hope that republicans would vote it up, up. we do have a few stragglers out there. they seem to put that ahead of country. that is not acceptable in a case like this. we're talking about separation of power as a real battle, i can assure you if shoe were on the other foot, democrats would be quick to pull the trigger, then lay say house of representatives votes to hold that person in contempt, and referred to u.s. attorney's office, and
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they blow it off, do you remember when that happened before? it happened with eric holder when he was attorney general of united states on "fast and furious," remember? he authorized gun dealers to sell weapons to drug cartels for some strange reason they wanted to track the gun, one killed one of your border agents, remember that? and the house wanted to see some of the underlying mem randa and information he relied on. holder, and day which refused they hold him in contempt. nothing happened. the january 6 committee held people in contempt and u.s. attorney has gone after several of them in the case, for matter that seem ridiculous, people asserting their fifth amendment rights and asserting that at least limited privilege here there is no justification. now what happens? congress votes, they send it to u.s. attorney and u.s. attorney said, no, i don't
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think so. congress has the power -- listen. this is not kook stuff it has been done, dust off the law, congress has the power to send the sa sergeant of arms to secure that individual. that is to arrest that individual. the executive branch plays no role. they have the authority to take the individual and jail that individual for a period of time. now the there are due process rights but nearly as ex textensive as you talk about criminally charging, they are held in contempt of the house of representatives that individual, could have an open hearing in front of a committee. say the judiciary committee,
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they can ask their questions, and they can release that individual, or hold that individual over, for more information. now it an unpleasant process. as you can understand. but like so many things that democrats do, and so many things biden, and merrick garland and christopher wray and nancy pelosi have done, they break tradition. they are like bulls in a china shop, breaking everything in their sight. and i am telling the republicans in the house of representatives, one thing to investigate crucial, it is one thing to issue subpoenas, crucial. if another thing to enforce em, i know you will be attacked by media, the media is corrupt, they are left wing, and you will be attacked by phony tenured professors, ignore them took
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take courage on what is going on in israel,ed in the netanyahu and his government putting in place reforms, they are out of control. and they undermine representative government in israel constantly, we have a situation with joe biden executive branch, undermining the government and unleashing criminal law enforcement against people with whom they disagree, it is one thing to investigate, one thing to collect information. it is quite another to enforce. i want to suggest that the republicans take a very close look at this when i come back, t the great victor davis hanson, we'll be right back.
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mark: welcome back we have victor davis hanson. i want to discuss a number of subjects with him. from broad to specific. my interviews of victor go too fast. welcome, you have written a piece, the establishment is
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the revolution. i thought it was a particularly brilliant piece, the establishment is the revolution. >> in 60s people were marching on campus president's office to demand change. now the campus president is the one that is surplus presses free speech. -- suppressing free speech. a novel armies of the night, pentagon inaugurating everything from white rage and in the ranks on its own. i could go on. all of the stein uses whether disney or american airlines or where i work stanford university, they are agents of change they have wealth, power, representations influence. it a top down woke revolution. the establishment against us the people.
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mark: the establishment, words almost it makes sense, it is the revolution. these are the people who are up ending our society, they are promoting anti-white racism. they are stereotyping minorities who have the borders open in most out rhathey reject capitalism and embrace socialism, who are brain washing our children, going after the parents. and after pro lifers. they never had to raise a finger in violence, they just do it. >> they just do it. the last 4 directors in succession of fbi have one thing in common they either mislead congress or lied y
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under under oath or claimed amnesia, you look at lois lerner and the irs. we had a tragedy in memphis, a horrible beating, 5 african-american officers, in rogue faith, killed an innocent african-american. yet police chief is black. and 60% of the force is black, 70% of memphis is black we have van jones, a recipient of 100 million dollar bezo prize lectures america this is proof of racism. these are revolutionary ideas that exam from the come from people who are wealthy. john kerry flies on a gulfstream and lectures us the problem is your leaf
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pblowers. it is not the people in the streets that demand that we stop exploring a of natural gas or open the border i'd open or destroy it. it is the elite. very different from most revolutions, these are not grassroot revolutionaries. >> what is it about that? about people who in the system, in its peaceful diversity that causes them to want to burn it down? i am asked all of the time, why are billionaires, and multimillion air so left wing. >> they live such pampered
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lives they feel guilty. they try to virtue signal or performance art certain displays of caring ofi empathy as a way of justifying they are quite privileged. the other thing, twin to that idea, i think is they are never subject to the consequences of their own ideology, here in california, gavin newsom lectures us as we go to mcdonald's about wearing a mask but she at french laundry with no consequences without wearing one or nancy pelosi shuts down mom and pop hairdressers while she sneaks around during the quarantine to her hair done. and al gore elec lectures us. but he sells his worth less
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ka cable company to carbon fewing qatar, the people feel they are morally superior to the rest of us, they can't follow the consequences. almost of issue, school choice, is bad, charter schools are bad. home schools is bad. yet people who tell us they are bad, their kids in prep schools. here in california we always get lectured about why we need high electric prices to didis-- discourage use. we have an elite class that is not only guilt ridden but assured you can never suffer what you advocate for others, that is what desantis, i guess, sort of wanted to tell us, when he
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sent a lot of illegal aliens to martha's vineyard a sanctuary city, first thing they did they gave lectures how noble it is to be documented, a nano second before getting them in buses. >> is this akin to what you snow fascist or marxism regimes, the conop concentration of power and wealth. not a result of capitalism, it is centralization of government and economic activity. i want to address that with you. we'll be right back.
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york, fallout from china spy flight likely to take center stage in washington over the coming week. they say the biden administration allowed it to happen by not downing the spy balloon sooner. democrat claim there were similar incurring while donald trump was president, senate will receive a classified briefing on the matter this month, white house will brief leaders into investigation of classified documents found in possession of president biden and former president trump, it might happen this week but may not meet partisan demands, i am jon scott, now back to "life, liberty and levin." ♪ ♪ mark: welcome back.
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victor davis hanson, central centralization of government and everything, those who do centralizing get power, they get rich. the rest of us directly or indirectly we're serving their interest. >> i think that is the point. that is under soviet system or life style of mao and associates, we have remember that fidel castro or the pierre brothers back. >> usually these revolutions or takeovers of society come from upper middle class, and often a rivalry among each other they feel somehow their genius was not appreciated or they were the true voice of the so-called people. they take power. it is usually a top-down phenomenon, they never ever
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want to live the lives they advocate and insist on for others. mark: i note here. lennon did not come out of poverty or mao, castro did not come out of poverty, they all meet your definition. upper middle class to middle class. i would say that is pretty. the rule rather than the exception. in united states the same them. >> i work on the stanford campus, a strange phenomenon is free-speech area and the posters, radical of the antifa blm category, you walk through student parking lot you can't decide if the
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preferred car is a bmw, mercedes or a lexis, they are all there, we either disengage monster of the mind we don't want oscars we don't turn on the emmys or watch super bowl, or read "new york times," or when we try to engage them, we don't discuss the issues, always a defensive mode, we're not racist we're not sexist, please stop that. we have not been able to galvanize the 51 to 5 5% of people who don't like the woke revolution, it is because they control the institutions of communications, thought, accessing all age entertainment, sports. k-12 academia, i think conservative movement traditionalist movement is
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at a loss, they are looking for some guid guidance it is bewildering when the revolutiona not like anything we have seen, not like the '60s, a sloppy cultural revolution, tune in, drop out, do your own thing, zone a commune, grow your har l hair long. >> it is daunting. i am concerned, that you have grassroots conservatives who really get it. theythey -- the pain, of gasoline prices food prices, they see what their children are buying taught in public schools and repulsed by what is being done to their country, they are those who fight our wars our firefighter and police officers and electricians and plumb plumber,
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many of them saying good god, what in the world is going on, yet they don't have a lot of power within our culture, whether it is universities or teachers unions. here is my concern, i hate to say this, i'm not trying to be p provocative, if tens of millions of people have no way of addressing their concerns or anger, through a representative system, are these people on the left, i call them american marxists whether they identify that way or not, are they creating a situation where at some point some way, the lid will blow off this society? that is my question to you when we return. i'll be right back.
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mark: welcome back victor davis hanson. i said at break, if you destroy the civil society. if you muscle up the irs, to target the average citizen, if you undermining the police, so the public has no reliability on safety in the streets if you are driving up the cost of gasoline to fill a truck or a car, with really no future energy despite promises, if you're applying the laws now, not based on justice or applying the application for grants and contracts -- based on race other status and so forth, what are you doing?
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>> that is the question we wrestle with, these debates took place within defined parameters, but left is a saying we'll change the system and institutionalize the system so we have an exclusivity on power forever. the filibuster, we is get rid of it, the court it used to be sei sin to tack the copack the court for political purposes. let's deny the minority party in the house the right to select its own committee member representation and tear of state of union address on national tv. when people are trying to make change and they are self critical, that is the story of america.
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when we have that tragic shooting if you say that 5 african-american rogue cops killed a innocent african-american victim in a city that mostly black with a black police chief and black assistance police chief, you tells us that is a symptom of tw white racism, sort of jump the shark, here in california, a 25 billion dollar debt of reparations for slavery that was eliminated 158 years ago, in i in a state that was never part of the confederacy, it was part of the union and 27% of the population was not born in the united states. white so-called white minority makes up about a third of the state's p
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population. you get to that degree of absurdity that creates a lot of frustration, you don't know how to discuss these things or how to enter into debate within reason able limits, you can't discuss transgenderism or female sports, to have their college athletic programs ruined by biological males destroying records that women set. these are areas of fierce debate. if you can't debate them, you are labeled an an me of t-- enemy of the people, that is what is worrying the people this is not the democratic party, not the progressive party, a neomarxist socialist effort to change the way we talk about politics, we make politics. that changes the very way of government. so that is institutionalize
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their way of america. mark: joe biden pretends to be a moderate. he is not. you had the 6 circuit court of appeals. involving farmers, white farmers were either getting to back of the line or no subsidies just focused on black and minority farmer, not just that, but medicare, doctors are told to provide services priorities for blacks and minorities and older white people, really, they the take a look at this. the government to to determine dee dereimbursement to see the racial make up and other programs, student loan program, one of last argument that biden administration made was whereas white students owe i think 6%. black students owe perhaps
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30%. still on their loans this is aimed at that, we have every bit of a racist activity in terms of the administration programs, like we have never seen before, blatant as there was in reverse during the wilson administration this group gets, that group does not get. we guard less of their situation. if you are a white from appalachia, or it is of no consequence. i'm saying, you are not surplsupposed to discuss it. >> the left was clever in getting rid of class, they used to be for the working man and so-called exploitation of the system, class is a few edidea they never achieved revolution in u.s. because of y upward mobility of the free market system, they substitutessed sub-- substituted race it took hold under obama
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administration that lane labeled 30% of the population nonwhite, like that lebron james is a victim, meghan markle is a victim, anyone can be a victim and has grievances that have to be addressed by the government if they are nonwhite, second, they have ossified cals fi -- of whiteness. we have a society fully en graded, there are about 15 ethnic groups with higher per capt capita income than whites, suicide rate of white males is higher than latinos or african-americans, you look at people who tied in iraq, and afghanistan, the white male casualties are or
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fatalities are double numbers in the general population, yet we had chairman of joint chief alleging without evidence they were culpable of white rage, i think people have this idea this country is back in the 19th sent century, it is not. we have made progress, and race is. ingsincidental to your economy status, but they don't want to address that. they say it cannot be constructed, that is why you see in h old days in our racists society people tried to pass as white. now wherever it is the connist to pass as nonwhite for per so
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preferential treatment. >> when we come back. difference between quality and equity. i'd like to thank our sponsor liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. contestants ready? go! only pay for what you need. jingle: liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.
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mark: welcome back america. victor, ev equality and freedom used to be the two big things in our country, the core fundamentals in the ddeclaration. you can't have freedom without equality and day which require vi virtue. our county has succeed every other country on face of the earth, equal opportunity, we're not perfect, we're more perfect than any other countries. our institutions are not perfect, but they are more perfect when they are not hijacked. that said, it may have started with obama but it is biden who started to slip the word in equity, he started signing executive
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order. the day he was inaugurated. it has been planned for some time, you are right with obama, his most radical people are in places in bureaucracy, what is difference. >> i think it simple. equality is equality of opportunity that everyone is free to succeed or fail on's level playing feel, equity is a government mandated equality of result. on the back end everyone will be equal a a equal in almost of aspect of your life whether your house, job job car or ideas, people warned us about it, part of problem with challenge of democracy, once a man votes equal to another person biologic he feels that the government must make him equal in of other
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aspect that entails loss of liberty and freedom. the greatest worry that the majority of people would rather be poor and equal than all be better off with some more equal than others. i that is always our challenge. we have resisted it pretty well because once we enshrined liberty, we had talent that star participated in equal fashion but i guess results were not enough for the elite once they became an elite they decided now one -- no one else could be upwardly mobile in the way they did it. they changed the rules, they have manifested itself, in university they abolished
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the s.a.t.s and any ranking of competitive gpa, they select people over a minimum standard based on race or gender or sexual orientation. it is very dangerous, what made ame unique was meritocracies. you rush this with military or airline pilots or nuclear planting operators are high-tech physicists that is the fuel of that wonderful system. and if you bring in a common source item why ideology replaces mirror merit there is no reason our standard of living would not reflect that fallacy. mark: going hand in hand is police state, i could never be equity, and equal outcomes they continue to press, press, press, and squeeze the society and
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members, you get the horrific situations, you need a police state it will fail. so what is the answer to that? get a new police chief. you know, or be tougher. on the people, never to be never reverse course, you see it in the blue states in california, illinois, and new york, we have failed states within the united states, so many of these people want to expand their failed state to cover all their rest of the states. so far thank god we have fed federalism, but it is on weaknesses victor davis hanson, i could do another hour with you, i want you to know how much you are appreciated here and the country, god bless you sir. >> thank you, same here mark. mark: we'll be right back.
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mark: welcome back. to to joe you. >> joe biden nominated someone to a federal court at a washington state. she was asked by senator john kennedy, what is article 5 in constitution. which is the a article that allows for amending the constitution, she said she didn't know, he asked about article ii. he said, she didn't know. i'll bet you see can find the invisible abortion section. we have a exp supreme court justice, justice jackson was asked in writing her view of natural rights? that is the founding theories that under lays the ddeclaration ofment
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independence, she said she did not have a position. the courts are loaded up whye id ideologues, i'll see you next time on "life, liberty and levin." >> written to another big censorship and. mark is actively enforcing buying propaganda as a gift to me for telling the truth about gas cells and the next from tomi lahren and show you how you can fight first humiliation as china


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