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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 6, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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his super bowl team from 30 years ago. james brooks, offensive lineman. these guys are giants. joe walter and bruce rhymeers and david and others. it was a great night. purple friday every friday well done. job well done. >> dana: harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: we begin this hour as we wait as a nation to see if china are retaliate against america for finally taking out the china spy craft. people around the globe were watching. communist nation violated our international law. what do they think of us now? weak and indecisive? a team of navy divers are picking up the pieces after it was shot down.
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fox news captured the dramatic event as it happened live. the china spy craft fell into the ocean off south carolina. it had traveled across the entire continental united states by then. a closer look at its course. it was in american airspace for eight days hovering over montana, spending some time in a specific area there where most of our nuclear arsenal is stored. pentagon said it with as doing some kind of surveillance triggering questions of widespread national security concerns. new reports now another china spy craft like the one we saw recently crashed off the coast of hawaii. with all the facts stacked against the president's response to the dangers of an enemy craft in our skies for days, biden decided to take a victory lap. >> president biden: zbloo you were saying -- >> one step, the recommendation.
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>> president biden: they said to me let's wait until the safest place to do it. >> harris: china said when we shot it down it was an attack and overreaction. republican lawmakers in washington, d.c. are arguing biden waited way too long. >> the president taking it down over the atlanta is sort of like the quarterback tackling him after the game is over. >> what began as a spy balloon has become a trial balloon testing president biden's strength and resolve. unfortunately the president failed that test. >> this entire episode tell graphed weakness to xi and the chinese government. >> it is all about china testing the american resolve. not just the balloon but the message they are trying to send the world. we can do whatever we want and ame america can't stop us. >> another incident with a chinese spy craft crashed off
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the coast of hawaii four months ago. earlier congressman mike waltz said the pentagon called him that other instances of spy flights over his home state of florida. he spoke on fox news earlier. >> what we were told is there were multiple incursions over florida, one over texas, and then there has been separate reporting over hawaii and guam. what were the extent of these incursions? >> this video shows the moment an f-22 shot down the chinese spy flight with a side winder heat seeking missile. the first air to air kill since the f22 entered service in 2005 and the first time the u.s. has shot down -- the foreign ministry in china denied it was a spy flight and saying they oppose a u.s. attack on an
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unmanned air force by force. the chinese side repealing side of the civilian nature of the air ship and conveyed its entry into the u.s. was totally unexpected. president biden's transportation secretary took a victory lap yesterday. >> great example of the coordination and cooperation between a lot of different players in our government to make sure everything happened safely. the president gave the order on wednesday that he wanted this thing brought down but brought down safely. >> president biden and many white house officials are relieved this chinese spy flight was shot down and not floating over the united states when the president gives the state of the union address tomorrow at the capitol. >> harris: interesting noting that timing, right? they had eight days to do it. it had to be done before tomorrow. good to see you. thank you. "wall street journal" editorial board with questions now. so many are asking. why did biden wait so long to order the intruder shot down? you heard from the president's team. he wanted to do it safely.
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we'll get into it. former secretary of state mike pompeo not sugar coating it. he said the fiasco exposed biden's astonishing weakness and china's president xi will drive a truck through it. joey jones retired u.s. marine bomb technician and fox news contributor. talk to me about the eight-day delay. i understand the white house is saying they waited for a specific time for safety. what are your thoughts as a warrior? >> i don't think that's why they waited. i don't believe that. i don't think they waited to shoot it down because they were afraid it might land. in the 1960s we put a rocket on the moon. there may be some relevance what we were doing over the eight days. the truth is we are way behind china on technology and having worked in the signal space myself, our military probably wanted that time to try and see how this thing was being navigated, what type of signal was coming into it. if we had the devices to jam it.
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they made an assessment the surveillance it was providing or conducting was not a risk to us. and their decision was let's give ourselves time to see what we can or can't do to affect this moving forward. the problem there is they come out with a horrible p.r. campaign. i'm a fair person, harris. s to run for president next cycle. i get that. there are a lot of politics hee people in a really bad spot. we have a president who has done more to embarrass and demore allize our military any president since vietnam who botched afghanistan, fell asleep on ukraine, left our southern border get invaded. no answers for iran and north korea and the one left with the football. even if our military made a wise decision to not shoot the balloon down he has no one on the team capable of messaging anything to 300 million
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americans who saw a chinese spy balloon in the sky and want to know why our government let it go across our country. if your plan is to be deceptive and not let china know what you are up to i don't know, have something believable to tell everybody else. is that too much to ask? >> harris: or just a truth. the silence was deafening. we didn't know for eight days. >> well, we knew when it traversed into our airspace. biden says he wanted to shoot it down. it reminds me of those pictures where somebody is barely holding onto their buddy saying hold me back before i punch him. maybe biden wants the american people to think he wanted to shoot it down and enough yes men in the pentagon to let it be the narrative. more than likely it was his decision not to shoot it down. he is the commander-in-chief. if there is a good reason for it from operational security having been in the world i can believe
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that. but at least have something to tell the rest of us that is somewhat true and believable. this idea they were afraid it would land on a cow in montana doesn't cut the mustard. >> harris: house republicans want to hold the president accountable for his inaction and mulling a resolution to criticize his response. this again "politico" reporting that could hit the floor tomorrow. the same day as president biden's state of the union address. democrats don't seem a bit at all stressed about the timeline. senator chris murphy tweeted i hope understands the unseriousness of shoot the balloon down twitter. it is not real, all theater. another tweet after the takedown see, all better bed weters. congressman buyers joining in on the downplay. my republican colleagues can stop panicking about a balloon.
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joey. >> chris murphy is a hack who would have us all disarmed and if there was action taken by another country we couldn't defend ourselves and put our security in the hands of a government that let a spy balloon fly over us for eight days. they are towing the party line and i'm disappointed in house republicans that their first action is a condemning resolution. let's dig into the military read enes and put something on the floor to get our technology up to speed with china and do something proactive rather than theater. you just won the mid-terms, barely elected a speaker. republicans, it is time to win not act like the democrats from a different angle. >> harris: you brought this up twice now. i wonder when you say that we need to up the grade of our technology, are you indicating that maybe we were spending all of that time, most of that time those first few days trying to figure out what, when, how, where? i think would have shot it down
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long before that. >> maybe they would have. from someone who worked in operational security and signal, there is a lot to be learned from your enemy by letting them do what they do if you think you can do it safely. it's not a partisan line but serving eight years in the military. that's not what our military is telling us. they are telling us they were afraid to shoot it down because they can't triangulate where to land. i don't buy that. the government is lying to us. i was driving friday listening to the press brief and the smugness of that general or admiral. i don't know his name. the smugness of telling our reporters to go ask china about things, with all due respect you are the same person telling us china is lying about the balloon to begin with. you are not willing to give us any truth. that is smug and not the american way of doing it and be ashamed. he will probably get promoted or undersecretary of something one day. every one else would prefer
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someone who serves and doesn't do it with smugness in his voice. >> harris: i commented on how much hot air was in the room as he was speaking. >> probably more than that balloon. >> harris: i was covering it live. >> there is still hot air in that room. the balloon is gone. from this administration. >> harris: the word payload did come up. what were they calculating with that? they never would explain it. >> payload is a term december describing the dead weight that an aircraft or some sort of propelled vehicle is carrying. most conventional terms a payload would refer to the bomb strapped to a rocket. this one it was the contraption underneath the balloon. >> harris: that was surveilling us all over the continental united states. >> what they are trying to recover now. >> harris: great to get your perspective and experience in the military.
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thank you. president biden taking jabs at the gop ahead of his second state of the union address tomorrow. new polling shows that might not be scoring him anymore points with anybody. plus the dnc is shaking up its calendar for the party's primaries. they want a head start. how to get it? why critics say they are rigging the next election for president biden. will cain in "focus" next. after years of chasing the big idaho potato truck... i finally caught it. oh man. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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>> harris: they did it. the dnc voted over the weekend and is now ready to shake up their party's primary season for
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2024. they want a head start with an automatic win for biden in south carolina. they will go first in the nation. it replaces the iowa caucus. next up will be new hampshire and nevada, georgia, and michigan. now the early primary window as well. critics point out the new calendar prioritizes states that go for president biden. they say the move will help fend off potential primary challengers. south carolina congressman james clyburn likes the move. >> you should always update your policies and procedures based upon the realities of the times where you live. there was a time it was great for iowa and new hampshire and all of that to be first but the fact of the matter is, our party should reflect its demographics.
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>> harris: "fox & friends" weekend co-host we shouldn't miss out a lot of democrats and republicans say biden won because the man you just saw, congressman clyburn, delivered the black vote in south carolina. >> yeah. that leads to the question of whether or not this move is a reward for south carolina or as you point out in the "wall street journal" written it changes the landscape of the game and the process to make it easier for another win for joe biden. you know, harris, to be honest, i don't have a big problem with consistently looking back on your electoral process and say does it provide the best voice of the people and give us the best representation for winning a presidential election? iowa and new hampshire have gained and maintained outsized influence for quite some time. but now when you do this process, when you say let's make sure it reflects the voting will of the people, ask yourself for example when it comes to joe
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biden, the democratic national committee, whether they're doing what's best for the people and their party for that matter selecting a candidate or what's best for joe biden who is the leader of the democratic party? you know, iowa might have outsize influence but a different type of politics not well suited to joe biden. it is retail politics. it is on the ground. hand-to-hand. not television advertisement. it is not deep pockets. so i look at this and say this was done -- by the way, not for nothing. like many things over the past four years when it comes to the electoral process, it was done not in the best interest of the people but in the best interest of a political party and a win. >> harris: that would be my follow-up question. what have we seen in recent years that was done in the interest of the people when it comes to this sort of thing? and you just answered that. very little if anything at all that we can point to immediately was w regard to who votes and how they vote and who goes first and all that. if you are a democrat and you think like a lot of people who say they think biden really
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isn't their choice right now, including independents and democrats, a large number of them, they are saying they want somebody younger in particular. we don't want to make the whole thing about age but look it up in the polling. what about somebody who comes along like a former barack obama or somebody that they might like in the democratic party? that person doesn't have a chance? >> they have a much better chance. i told you that -- we shouldn't just grant iowa -- i don't think we just grant iowa and new hampshire but they have an argument as well. that candidate you just described maybe a modern day barack obama who doesn't have deep pockets but a good politician has a better chance in iowa than he does with hundreds of millions of dollars in television spending in south carolina. back to the voting interests of the people to your point. i want to look at the past and future. first the future. it is not in the interest of the people to have the republican primaries decoupled. it is best to have a voting day where the people know this is
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when in our state we pick our candidates and it will decouple the democratic and republican primaries. secondly you said it. in 2020 we had massive -- the biggest aberrations of an election in quite some time. rules change in the middle of the night. mail in ballot. it was done not to help the people but to help joe biden. it was to help a political party win. >> harris: the argument was for covid. you can't make that argument now. you and i both said the same thing. if there were a young barack obama or whoever it would be the democrats would love all of that money going into south carolina might not help that person. it certainly helps joe biden. both sides of the political aisle are urging immediate compliance from the d.o.j. senate intelligence leaders mark warner and marco rubio accusing the biden administration of stonewalling investigations into president biden's classified
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document scandal. on the house side in particular intel committee chair mike turner said he expects a briefing on the classified documents this weeks but added the timing is suspicious. >> the biden administration had not engaged at all anyone in national security on the issue of threats from these documents. it took congress to step in and say we want a security threat. they tried to deny giving the briefing to us from that threat. what's interesting is that the moment this balloon became public i got a notice not from the administration with a briefing but they have to rush to congress to talk to us about donald trump's documents. they want to change the news. >> harris: you can't change the news when an enemy flies a spy craft above your country for eight days. they can try. >> we had conversation about some issues of actual substance like let's see if we can look into the purpose, motivation, intelligence collected when it comes to a chinese spy balloon
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traveling the continental united states. it might be worthy of the top of the news cycle. but also on the issue of substance, what is in the documents is everything, right? if pence, trump, biden -- you know what? thank you for the correction. it's the only thing. if it's true the classified documents, they're not that well kept what matters is what's in them and what was inside that? it's not disconnected from the story that no one -- they're beginning to cover a potential influence peddling corruption for the sitting president of the united states when it comes to a country who happens to be the one flying a spy balloon over the united states of america. it might be important. what's in the documents. >> harris: you brought it all together and landed the plane. >> or the balloon. >> harris: it is hard not to reach a destination at those questions about connecting with
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what's on biden's laptop. >> to make it nonpartisan they said the nuclear codes were in donald trump's documents. let's find out. >> harris: let's open it all, absolutely. more words, not fewer. will cain, thank you. two earthquakes causing unimaginable devastation in syria and turkey. well, we're now told that more than 200 are reported dead. that number -- excuse me, 2,000. that number has jumped and we're told it will likely rise. looking for survivors. democrats are going to bat for the president as they wait for his 2024 announcement. >> what do you say to folks who
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say the guy is too old, should age be a consideration? >> i have seen a lot of 72-year-olds not as capable as this 80-year-old. >> harris: we see james clyburn again. of course he wants the state to go first in the primaries. he is all in for biden. new polling shows how democratic voters really feel about a second go around for biden. it's not looking too good. all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're providing greater access to investing, with low-cost options to help maximize savings. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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>> harris: the very moment that two devastating earthquakes hit the bordering countries of turkey and syria earlier today. some 2,300 people are confirmed dead. by way, every couple hours that number is jumping now astronomically. the extent of the damage is mind-boggling. one video shows rescue workers saving a young child from a collapsed building in syria. you see him there. these pictures we're looking live at the worry and distress on the faces of the rescuers in turkey. if you look closely you will see people trying to figure out what to do. i was watching during the commercial.
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they had their hands on their heads. the magnitude 7.8 and 7.7 earthquakes flattened or damaged just about every structure in the region of southern turkey and northern syria. the u.s. is confirming with turkish officials they'll assist with any needed rescue efforts. people for them. alex hogan has more on the tragic developing story. it is hard to watch that in realtime. >> it really is. in an instant so many of these towns and buildings were turned to rubble when the earthquakes hit early this morning. there are continued after shocks as people continue to search for survivors like we just saw in that video. the first earthquake this morning was a 7.8 magnitude followed by another earthquake of a 7.7 mag nitude the impact stretched for 250 miles hitting southern turkey and northern
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syria. millions of people felt it through lebanon and cyprus. more than 2300 people are reported dead. the task of uncovering bodies is mixed with moments like this. finding buried children who have survived. this medic right here sobbing after saving this little girl sitting down to cradle her after pulling her from the rubble. a traumatic experience. parents grieving dead children. this father here that we're about to see holding and giving up the body of his dead newborn child. in today's trauma there have been moments like this. take a listen. chaos of after shocks like this throughout the day. these after shocks as more and more countries are pledging aid
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and whatever they can do. president joe biden saying they will support whatever rescue efforts are needed. the european union sending personnel to this part of the world. the issue potentially could be that in syria the ongoing civil war that could create complications for rescue missions trying to relieve some of those contested areas. >> harris: i am glad you mentioned that. that part of the world would rather we didn't go there but we'll go, we always do. alex, thank you. >> president biden: jobs are up, wages are up. inflation is down. covid no longer controls our lives. but now the extreme maga republicans in the house of representatives have made it clear they intend to put it all at risk. this is not your father's republican party. these disruptive people. a simple question. are you with me?
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[cheers and applause] >> harris: president biden gave a campaign speech at a dnc meeting friday and marking a rare joint appearance with vice president harris. you heard him tear into what he calls extreme republicans. he is expected to do the same thing in his state of the union address tomorrow night. new hampshire governor chris sununu laid out more of biden's playbook. >> i know what we'll hear. he will take credit for adding more jobs than ever before. after a pandemic that wasn't very hard. he will talk about we have unemployment finally coming down and inflation coming down. inflation was at record high. it couldn't have gotten higher. he will try to take credit for all of this stuff. >> harris: brutal new polling for the president. 58% of democrats say they want to nominate somebody else for 2024. 62% of all voters say they would be dissatisfied or angry if
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biden wins again. pete buttigieg defended biden in the face of those numbers. >> you saw our poll. large number of democrats say they don't want him to run again. >> he is an absolutely historically successful president. he has exceeded expectations again and again. you can't argue with the extraordinary accomplishments more than almost any other modern president. >> harris: power panel now, gianno caldwell and marie harf. great to see you both. gianno you could almost as buttigieg was speaking hear the spy balloon still crashing to the ocean off the shore of south carolina. >> yeah, as i'm listening to him, i'm wondering if he is talking about joe biden or jesus, how much praise he just said he is the greatest
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president in the history. get out of here, pete buttigieg. no one believes you. the polling shows that. what we're seeing with them trying to switch the primary, they are looking to rig the election on the backs of black voters in south carolina. we know that since the 1980s, black voters have been the reason that democrats win primaries. that is the case. meanwhile joe biden's policies have not helped black voters as he talks about unemployment, he leaves out the fact that african-american men, which is a group that they claim that they want to help, are losing out big time. the highest unemployment rate of any group in november it was over 7% compared to white counterparts at 3%. again, this is a group that they dismissed. they have not counted in. republicans are actually winning that group. he has a lot of issues to consider and this is not going to be something that he just wins without people commenting and also wanting to be a part of that primary, i believe.
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>> harris: i want to get your reaction to this. the hill laid out what the president will and will not bring up in his state of the union address tomorrow night. he will likely mention the debt limit. police reform, ukraine, economy and immigration. he is likely to avoid the classified document scandal. investigations into his son hunter biden, the mention of former president trump. other gop leaders and the d.o.j. investigation as well as the house committee removal of representatives omar, swalwell and schiff. what is your response? >> the biden team feel good right now, harris. the things he is going to talk about tomorrow night. the economy is doing incredibly well beating all expectations, even coming out of a pandemic. he will talk about our support for ukraine and talk about the poll seals you just laid out and the contrast with republicans in the house is quite stark. the biden team feels like joe
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biden has won the presidency once. they did well in the mid-terms. the democratic message is working. i don't believe the poll numbers. i think democrats -- >> harris: of course you don't. >> they know joe biden has and they know that his administration is every single day demonstrating to people they are governing and getting things done for the american people. the economic news is extraordinary and republicans are doing passing messaging bills against socialism. it is not governing. >> harris: why did it take so many days to be open with the public with a chinese spy craft over the united states. you mentioned the economy. such a disconnect between what happens with those 517,000 jobs created last week. we are still bringing back the 11 million we lost during the pandemic. that's part of that number, too. that's good news. so people feel like they can
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create jobs. the problem is have you looked at the price of eggs recently? breakfast up 38% still. the price of food is so high right now that real people who actually do go shopping for themselves, unlike i would imagine anybody in the white house, are having such a different experience than what you are describing with the economy. with all due respect, marie. gianno. >> not only that but the historic numbers in terms of people accumulating credit card debt. there aren't a lot of happy people out there that joe biden is portraying his policies are so great and beneficial to the american people when there were people literally starving. you look at what is going on with the migrant crisis in new york city how they are running out of space. they need more money. border crisis is still an issue for many, many americans. for him to dismiss those realities i think doesn't sit well with the american people. he should be realistic about what he has done and what he
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could be doing to improve the lives of americans, those who voted for him and certainly those who did not. >> harris: he would be wise to stay away from illegal immigration in particular. here in new york city eric adams spent the night in a shelter because he couldn't convince the migrants to leave the hotels that he put them in that now are balking at having all those people. and so he spent the night in the shelter to show them, the mayor of new york city, to show the migrants who he is doing a favor as a sanctuary city and feeding them. come over here and stay. he had to show them it was okay. what a topic. biden better not touch it. good to see you both. people on both sides of the political aisle are not happy. the u.s. supreme court failed to identify the culprit behind last year's leaked draft opinion signaling the end of roe v. wade. and now new outrage over soft on crime policies. would be robbers shooting an off-duty police officer in the
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head. he was planning to buy a bigger car for his family. >> we need our legislators to sit down now, understand that they were wrong. it is not a fantasy, it is devastation. it is real. it's humans, it's cops, it's families. >> harris: critics are saying that lax crime policies are creating even more brazen criminals. we know that. we cover it every day. the consequences amount to a slap on the wrist and they're rolling through our cities, criminals. raymond arroyo in "focus" next. . thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you.
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>> harris: america's crime crisis taking a sickening turn. nypd officer is in the hospital
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in dire condition we're told. he was shot in the head as he was picking up a car that he bought online. he had the cash on him. he was just 26 years old, father of two. a police union chief says more needs to be done to help. >> for some time now we've been listing to our legislators talk about crime as if it is a fantasy and not real. talking about it as if it's numbers on a page when in reality it's human lives. they are living a fantasy world. we've asked for help before. we're asking and demanding help now. >> harris: that police officer was off duty when he was robbed and killed. new orleans has been dubbed the nation's murder capital of the nation. it is trying to get crime under control. we've seen their mayor begging for federal help. after they defunded the cops. police can now shut down businesses that knowingly and repeatedly allow crime or harbor
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criminals. the ultra liberal tourist town of asheville, north carolina with some stunning new crime numbers of their own. the police department there reports there has been a 200% increase in break-ins just last month and violent crime is also skyrocketing. raymond arroyo, fox news contributor. are we changing as a society as we allow soft on crime policies to continue? >> well look, harris. we are seeing it from one end of the country to the other. it is a mentality, an ideology. less en the jail population and demonize the police and this is the result. when you put more offenders on the street than officers this is what you get. lawlessness, crime, murder. now they aren't only targeting our police with abandon but you see this mentality. it is a gang mentality at play where you send young offenders, repeat offenders back onto the
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streets and they continue to create crime and enact lawlessness. why? there are no consequences, harris. certainly in my city of new orleans you see what happens. we demonize the police, under a federal consent decree which means cops can't pursue anything but violent offenders. they can't do it because of the federal law in place and consent decree in place and there are scads of paperwork the poor cops are buried under and not on the street keeping the public safe. this is running rampant. i don't know how we get it back, harris. they can't retain police anywhere. asheville, new york, new orleans, we can't hold onto our police officers and is it any wonder? they have no backup. >> harris: that nypd officers is hospitalized in dire conditions our prayers with him. he is a dad of 2 and 26 years
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old. we need the police officers and at the same time we need somebody to take an honest look at what you laid out. we could hire three times more cops but if the law is going to increase the repeating of the worst among us to commit crimes i think the rest of us are going to have to pitch in. >> right. >> harris: it is a hard number to get your mind around how many criminals will be flowing. >> we have to prosecute. we're not prosecuting these offenders. we aren't keeping them behind bars because as the retired police chief in asheville said, when the mentality is lower the jail population, public safety has to be the focus of law enforcement, not lowering jail populations arbitrarily i'm sorry. new orleans city council saying we'll shut down businesses that harbor serious crime. how about shutting down the city that harbors serious crime. don't blame the businesses. >> harris: speculation now a
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g.o.p.-led panel to investigate the supreme court's failure to find the person who leaked the draft opinion for roe v. wade. that leak and decision led to scary protests at justice's homes. it is dangerous. there was an attempted assassination on justice brett cavanaugh outside his home and led to a spike in violent attacks on pro-life organizations including pregnancy support centers. 100 of them firebombed or otherwise vandalizeed. the f.b.i. has only indicted two people. raymond. >> look, the gop congress is correct to demand, we all should be demanding an f.b.i. investigation of who leaked that dobbs decision. harris, they put in charge john roberts put in charge the marshal of the supreme court,
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colonel curly and god bless her but she is the inspector clouseau. no investigatory powers, voluntary phone records and text records. that's not good enough. she had incomplete public logs and the clerks that she should have been investigating walked out the door at the end of the term. she didn't get to interview all of them. we need a serious investigation because the credibility of the supreme court and the freedom of that court to rule without influence or undue pressure put upon them is at stake here. we cannot have these draft decisions leaked to the public and weaponized politically. can't happen again. >> harris: we have a little bit of this to get to. good to see you, raymond. thank you. fox news alert now. u.s. attorney in maryland and the f.b.i. have announced charges against two people for plotting to attack the power grid in that state. the feds say if the pair were
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successful it would have threatened the lives and left thousands of people in maryland in the cold and dark. the suspects are scheduled for a court appearance today. more news on this as we get it. but again, they've caught two people who were plotting to take out a power grid in maryland. we're all over this story. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" after the break. o, so when our windshield cracked, we trusted the experts. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high-rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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