tv Hannity FOX News February 6, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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politics. we'll see you tomorrow for the state of the union address. good night. ♪ >> hannity: welcome to hannity. china's incursion over america's heartland is over for now, not before a massive spy balloon from our number one geo political foe was allowed to float slowly all over north america now for eight long days but for some reason, no tough words for communist china coming from the biden white house. just petty finger-pointing aimed at critics as biden's
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cowardly feckless response to this crisis downs unfold in realtime. how dangerous is this for our national security? we'll have a deep dive into that. let us be clear this balloon wasn't out for a joy ride. chinas was collecting intelligence absolutely testing your president and the u.s.' response. day after day went by and any attempt to assure any of us that they didn't collect intel is not credible to me. is it not possible they had technology maybe we don't know about? we stopped them from collecting intelligence. do you know that for sure? i don't think anyone could answer that question honestly tonight but america needs answers. it's about our national security. why did joe biden fail to respond when he became aware of this incident? first on saturday, january 28th, the spy balloon flew over alaska. joe biden did nothing. two days later on monday, january 30th, it was flying
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over canada. joe biden continued to do nothing. by tuesday of last week, china's eye in the sky crossed into u.s. air space now for the second time into northern idaho and again nothing from your president. on wednesday, february 1st, it was in montana hovering over our most sensitive military sites including america's nuclear missile silos at nailstrom air force base. at one point, the billings airport had to be shut down because of the balloon overhead and still by thursday, the biden administration had done absolutely nothing. now, they claim they knew when the balloon was in alaska but the white house didn't inform we, the america people, about these incursion or more importantly even alert state governors or members of the congress until a photographer finally captured the balloon with his camera and reported that to local media. it appears that the plan from the white house was to kind of hide this extremely dangerous
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and serious incident, allow china to spy at their leisure and then sweep it under the rug so as to not upset the ccp before secretary blinkin's upcoming trip to beijing. once the american people looked up in the sky and discovered the truth, biden and his white house were forced to change course. blinken's trip was postponed -- not that it would have produced much any way. the white house was finally forced to acknowledge the aircraft but they claim it was unable to shoot the balloon down because of the risks that were posed by potential falling debris. that was a bold-faced lie as well. according to montana senator steve danes, this is what he said. >> look, i'm a fifth-generation montanan. i spent a lot of time canvassing the state. there are plenty of places we could have taken that balloon down. >> it was a seven-mile debris field. >> it would hit a cow, antelope -- this is called big sky country. they needed to take that shot
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when it first crossed into u.s. air space in montana. it's hovering over our icbm's. >> sean: it was hovering over alaska. they knew it there, too, why didn't joe biden take this balloon out at any one of these points? four days earlier in the wilderness of alaska -- think about this -- or two days earlier by working with our allies in canada, you know, why was this balloon allowed to continue its journey all across the entire united states? take a look at your screen. by friday, february 3rd, it was spotted over kansas. then it was spotted over missouri. then over kentucky. finally by saturday, it entered air space over north carolina and then south carolina where it was finally shot down off the coast near myrtle beach by an f-22 raptor. let this sink in to you. your president, joe biden, required the communist party of china to fly a surveillance balloon all over the u.s., multiple military bases,
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several airports, 150 nuclear silos and maybe even your own house before downing the unmanned aircraft in the atlantic ocean. he said, well, i gave the order but they weren't ready to do it yet. really? who is in charge, joe? you the commander-in-chief or the general's in charge? according to the white house, oh, it's no big deal. it also happened under donald trump. let me give you a spoiler alert that didn't happen under donald trump. that's ant outright lie that didn't stop the media mob from lapping it all up. msnbc, here is fake news saying, "did trump have its own balloon issue?" republicans sought chinese surveillance balloon as a political winner until donald trump's record got in the way. of course, there was lifelong democratic wanna-be journalist fake jake tapper over at fake news cnn eagerly promoting his phony story and meanwhile you have former national security adviser john bolten not exactly a trump lover, he's telling fox news that he could
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say with 100% certainty no such balloon flights took place during his tenure. and he's not the only former official making this claim. we have bolton, we have mike pompeo. radcliffe. the president himself. o'brien, esper. they all said, no, this never happened. it was only briefly which is total b.s.! take a look. >> the department of defense is claiming that there were three balloons, chinese spy balloons that entered the united states air space during the trump add willing ands that they were not shot down -- administration and that they were not shot down and they were not disclosed. can you please tell us the truth and if that's true? >> well, it's not true. i can refute it. >> i don't ever recall someone coming into my office or reading anything that the chinese had a surveillance balloon above the united states. >> as far as i know, every trump administration official who's been asked said they
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didn't know anything about it. >> sean: according to the "wall street journal," any prior balloon incursions under trump were so brief, they went totally undetected until years later and american intel agencies were able to piece together long after donald trump had left office so how's he supposed to deal with the problem if he didn't know about the problem and nobody in his administration knew about the problem? if you even believe that -- i find those to be dubious claims myself. there are two completely different cases even if you believe the liberal mob. in president trump's case, nobody knew in realtime. they put it together years later. on the other hand, joe biden knew about this balloon when it was in alaska, and by the way, why are any giant spy balloons from china going undetected any way? now, let's not lose sight of the, you know, forest through the trees here, the ruling government of china is evil. the ccp is interested in their own power, their own wealth,
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their own survival and nothing else. they will lie, they will cheat, they will steal, they will kill if it benefits them in any way. think of the human suffering caused by china right here in the u.s. over a million dead from covid. yes, that was gain of function. and, yes, that was coronavirus and, yes, sadly, it's likely your tax dollars may have gone to help that research. a disease they unleashed to the world. the most telling thing is remember in the early days of covid, if you lived in wuhan province in china, you were not allowed to fly to any other place in china. nowhere. but if you lived outside -- and if you lived outside of wuhan and you were in china, you couldn't fly to wuhan. but if you were in wuhan and wanted to fly abroad, no problem. that was their travel ban long before donald trump's travel ban. and meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of dead from chinese-made fentanyl that pours into our border every
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single day. what's joe biden saying to the chinese president about that? no one pollutes more than china. they fill our oceans with plastic and air with smoke. they also steal our technology, intellectual property theft is off the charts. they spy on our citizens. they threaten our allies. they suppress even the minority uighurs and now they're threatening taiwan. they're flying surveillance balloons over the continental united states and then when we shoot it down eight days later over our territory, they have the gal to threaten us, and yet your president joe biden is doing nothing but patting himself on the back. how does that make sense? why is he still allowing the communist chinese to buy up thousands and thousands of acres. look at this. this is farmland and ranchland all over the u.s., including near military bases like grand forks air force base in north dakota. according to cnbc. also maelstrom air force base in montana.
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laughlin air force base in texas. this is all according to the news. they're apparently operating at least one other balloon, this one in south america. so you have to ask this, is biden compromised or is he just pathetic, spineless and absolutely clueless as to the danger here? now more than ever, we need to know exactly what business dealings the biden family has had with china, how much money, if any did the biden family make? did they make zero? did they make billions? did they do million-dollar deals? billion-dollar deals? more importantly, we need a commander-in-chief who will do what it takes to protect we, the american people and our sovereignty. here with more, the author of "never give an inch" former secretary of state mike pompeo and former director of intelligence, john radcliffe. you wrote about presidencyshy
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in your book -- about president xi jinping in your book. you found him to be less personable than putin and kim jong un and some others. tell us what you thought when you met with president xi? >> thank you for having me on he was dead-eyed. he was evil. he never had a nice word there. there was no idea he might possibly compromise. there was never idea he would be telling us the truth, much like they've lied about the wuhan virus and it's ability to transmit from human to human. xi jinping was the evillist guy i encountered my entire time, most difficult person and most capable. he's got a big military space program. this is a serious threat. if there's one thing you can see from this spy balloon incident, he's testing the united states of america in every dimension. >> sean: secretary pompeo,
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let me ask you this. there were three incidents where a balloon flew into u.s. territory during president truffle's time in office. this were much shorter in duration them didn't know at the time. it was undetected at the time. one official said much of the information on the flights was pieced together much, much later. is that even possible? did you ever hear of any such incident when you were secretary of state? or cia director? >> i never heard of anything like this. i never briefed president trump on anything like this. i never had any one on my team -- and i talked with them over the last several days -- hey, anything you forgot to tell me? no one saw that size balloon fly across the u.s. during any time during our administration. now they say there were incursions that were undetected they supposed together. maybe that's possible.
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there's an awful lot of explanation to do. frankly in some ways it's beside the point. president biden had the opportunity to protect america in a simple way and chose not to do that. >> sean: director ratcliff, you've gone on the record also saying at no time did you or anybody that you knew when you were working in the trump white house had ever heard that such an incident ever occurred. is that true, sir? >> yeah, i mean, every former trump national security official has said the same thing and as mike pointed out, the biden story keeps changing. the alibis keep changing. now they've gone from intimating we weren't telling the truth to admitting we were with the explanation you gave, sean, which is that no one knew and somehow the best intelligence community, the best intelligence enterprise in the world somehow missed this for years but miraculously in the past week, they've pieced it together to find three incidents. but i would say this, sean, i is, you know, they're trying to have you focus on a shiny
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object but their own description of what they say these instances were -- and i've heard they tried to recharacterize uap or ufo sightings and call them chinese balloons -- whatever they may be, the description of them underscores the fact it's not even in the same zip code as the national security blunder that happened this week. they're talking about potential incidents or minor incursions where something briefly transited a u.s. air space for seconds or minutes. compare that to a transcontinental voyage by a chinese spy craft that went over icbm missiles and went over the home of the b2 bomber and over the home of the oak ridge laboratories and exited over the ports of south carolina, by the way, the ports we'd u to support any conflict with china over taiwan, these are not comparable under any circumstances even if you assume everything they say to be true, which i don't, and i know mike doesn't either. >> sean: secretary pompeo,
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i'm having a hard time putting this together in my mind because it doesn't make any sense to me at all whatsoever. how is it that the president of the united states knew this balloon was flying over the state of alaska where i have a lot of empty terrain there and allow this balloon to continue through canada back down to idaho andcross and up and -- and across and up and down the country all the way to the east coast. how is that possible? does that make any sense to you at all? >> it's confounding and unexplainable to me. there may have been explosives. chinese may have been able to blow this up themselves. imagine that. if you knew that and let it go and the chinese could decide where to drop this thing. they didn't understand risks. the risk of the united states was this balloon transiting. even if they were able to stop some of the signals being
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collected. the fact the whole world saw america on its back feckless, watching a chinese balloon traverse our country, that hurts our geo political standing in ways that are -- well, they're as devastating as what happened to the 13 americans that were killed in afghanistan. our friends don't trust us, sean. our adversaries aren't going to fear fuss we allow things like this to happen. it's totally unexplainable. >> sean: director ratcliff, can you explain why in any way this was not accomplished and this balloon was not taken out of the sky when it was hovering above the alaska terrain? why wasn't this taken out immediately once they entered our air space? >> no one has given a good explanation for that. in fact, the excuses that they have given have all fallen apart. obviously, you know, we're all concerned about the safety of americans but we're talking about places like montana that has, you know, seven people per square mile. so those things, you know, really make no sense and, um, there's no credibility to what
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they're asserting. this is all spin to try to avoid the fact that we just all watched with our own eyes in plain sight a national security blunder where for four straight days, 100 consecutive hours, our enemy spy craft hovered over the united states and all of our sensitive facilities and critical infrastructure and this administration sat there paralyzed either afraid to do something or too incompetent to do something about it. >> sean: don't worry, the media is more focused again on stormy daniels. that's more important in their minds. secretary pompeo, director ratcliff, thank you, both. we appreciate your time tonight as we continue. now tomorrow night, joe biden will deliver his state of the union address but don't expect any tough words from china or for china. instead, joe is reportedly planning on trashing maga republicans even though a vast majority of americans, including democrats, they don't approve of his job as president. only 39% of americans are feeling positive about the direction of the country and
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that is not stopping joe from working hard on his speech with milk. look at that he's got milk and cookies and a script written in the biggest font you've ever seen. here with reaction, ari fleisher and former arkansas governor mike huckabee. governor huckabee, isn't that nice to have milk, cookies and big font like that preparing for the big day? how do you explain the balloon that was able to go from alaska to idaho to montana to kansas, missouri, all across the eastern seaboard? how do you explain that? >> couple of things you got to know, sean, first of all, the milk and cookies, that's being set out because joe really at first thought that big balloon was santa claus and he wanted to leave something out for him. he just thought he was coming later than normal. >> i'm laughing. you're funny but -- this -- this is embarrassing and humiliating for our country! it's not funny! you're funny but this isn't funny. >> it isn't but you have to laugh to keep from crying. and i have it on good
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authority the reason joe biden didn't order that shot down over montana was because he was a whole lot more afraid of beth dutton than he was of anything that the chinese could do to him so that's why he just let it go all the way until it got to the atlantic ocean. >> sean: she may be the greatest -- she may be the greatest character ever made on television. but go ahead. >> well, i'm just going to say this you know, i -- i just think sometimes when the biden administration then tries to say oh yeah, but this happened under trump, but not a single person in the trump administration at the highest levels of authority ever heard of it, you just have to say, yeah, why don't you bring a named source to the table rather than these anonymous people claiming that it happened, and i know ari knows a whole lot about these anonymous sources who claim to know something. >> sean: let's talk about that, ari. tomorrow the state of the union. how does joe biden explain to
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the country why he didn't deal with this when he had the opportunity when this balloon was flying over alaska or maybe canada or in the early hours into idaho? >> oh, he's going to flip right over this, sean. he's not going to frame it like that he won't share with the american people what really took place and how it hovered over america and those military installations. he's going to say i shot it down. all the democrats will stand up and applaud. then he'll go up to his next blow smoke line. that's what he'll do tomorrow night. what bothers me the most, sean, when you add up the biden presidency, we're a nation now that's abandoned sovereignty. we abandoned it by land when you look at how our southern border is no longer enforced. you abandon it by air when you look at how a china balloon could fly over our country. what's next? abandon it by sea? let chinese ships pull into our ports? if we sank the ship, we could kill american fish so, no, we're not going to defend america. this is what has happened now with our country and joe
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biden's acquiescence and weakness. this is what happens what happens when you abandon sovereignty. borders are important sending a signal to the world you cannot violate america's sovereignty or our borders f you do, we'll take immediate action. this is what stops nations from messing with your border. that's the type of president we need. >> sean: is there anything either one of you believe that joe biden could say tomorrow that will instill confidence either on foreign policy or the economy? governor, you first. >> i think if he says i will hereby resign the office by noon thursday, that might be the only thing he could possibly do. but, look, his numbers are so under water, sean, it's not even close to anything other than tragic. 73% of the people in the country think we're on the wrong track. only 37% of democrats want him to run again. sean, let me put it bluntly, there are more democrats that want me to run again than want he to run again. that's pretty significant. >> sean: anything you can say, ari?
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>> oh, here is the problem democrats are going to have. joe biden is gearing up for re-election. tomorrow, the speech is going to be about rallying the democratic base because he needs it. the democrats are putting all of their eggs on one 82-year-old basket. that's the problem they're going to have if no one primaries joe biden. he wouldn't want to be the democrats at the end of 2023. anything goes wrong, they're stuck with him. no alternatives. primary is in the democratic interest. >> sean: i want to warn republicans and warn them often, they better get into the ballot harvesting game, the legal ballot harvesting game the wait democrats are. that's number one. they better embrace early voting, voting by mail and stop starting on election day by 500,000 votes down. i will say that now through november 20224. that's got to -- 2024. that's got to end. they have to play smarter when it comes to ballots. all right, mike huckabee, thank you and ari fleisher, we appreciate it. when we come back, another day, another bizarre word salad.
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wow, kamala harris is not having a good vice presidency. we have the tape. also, it appears the left is starting to turn on her. even the "new york times" is saying so and then later, an investigative report on just how your left wing media mob lied and lied again about president trump and is still lying about him. one of america's most prestigious journalist publications, they admit, the "new york times," "washington post," all the other ones got it wrong on russiagate. trump, we'll have the details. stay with us. ♪ when pain says, “i'm here,” ♪ i say, “so are they.” just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve who do you take it for? - i get headaches. a lot. but no way i'm gonna keep taking extra strength products. no way. it's vanquish for me. a special formula goes right to the pressure that causes the pain. no need for extra strength products. defeat headache pain.
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>> i think most of us who are devout public servants understand we in government have great possibility in terms of the range at which we work as government. >> sean: all right, now besides being so eloquent, the vice president is a great story teller. here is a reminder. >> they suited up. they wave to their families. they rode an elevator up nearly 20 stories. they strapped into their eats and waited as the tanks beneath them filled with tens of thousands of gallons of fuel. and then, they launched. yeah! they did! ha-ha. >> sean: your giggling vice president. wow, what a story teller. what a wordsmith. any way o this program, we've been sounding the alarm about her struggles now for a long time but the mob, the media,
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they are just now starting to catch up. a brutal takedown of harris, even in the "new york times," revealing dozens of democrats feel she's "not risen to the challenge of proving herself as a future leader." others have even given up on her completely including apparently hillary clinton. hillary apparently telling friends kamala doesn't have "the political instincts to clear a primary field if joe biden doesn't run." here with reaction, clay travis and red state deputy editor kira davis. kira, we'll start with you. the general consensus, she's not risen to the occasion. why is it the neverending giggling? maybe you can explain this to me. i cannot interpret that. maybe you can explain, why is it the word salads where she sounds like she's lecturing a group of first graders when she talks to people? what is this all about? >> well, sean, welcome to california where i'm coming to you from today. this is what we have to offer
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you. this is the state where our politicians fail upward. they have absolutely no push back. they don't have to really work for their jobs. it's just sort of a royalty position at this point, so she's never really had to prove herself before, and then you know they say iron sharpens iron but this is california and iron and sharp objects are basically illegal here, so i don't know how a person like kamala harris is supposed to, you know, learn how to do her job correctly. you're absolutely right. she is a failure, but we're not exactly sending our best from california. sorry about that. >> sean: i'm not even sure, clay, if she can stay on the ticket if biden does run again. i'm not sure she'd remain on the ticket. what did you make of hillary clinton's comments? what's your general impression of the speaking style like we just played for you? >> kamala harris talks in two different ways, one like she's
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talking to kindergartners as evidenced by the story about strapping in. that's what astronauts do. we kind of understand. you hear her talking about the moon and how you can see it. she talks as if she's reading a story book to kindergartners. simultaneously she also talks -- sean and kira, you may have been in this camp before -- when you have to get to a 500-word limit on a paper and you've only got 300 words of opinion and you kind of massage the other 200 words over and over again to get to that 500, that's a bad combo for somebody who is a heartbeat away from the presidency. i actually think, sean, she's the single best asset that joe biden has in his 2024 camp campaign, because if he were not to run, if would be racist and sexist by the identity politics rules that govern the democrats now for her not to be the nominee. and i think what you're seeing is -- and i told you a couple weeks ago on the show, i don't think there's any doubt that joe biden's going to run, even at 82 years old, even for
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weekend at bernie's ii, the see qwest to weekend at bernie's i which was his first election because this keeps democrats from having to reconcile and deal with kamala harris as the on nominee and getting absolutely -- as the nominee and getting absolutely slaughtered out there in 2024 because she would lose to whoever the republicans would put up and she might lose in a ronald reagan-style wipeout and might be the walter mondale of 2024 four years later. i think that's what they're trying to figure out. you know this, sean, when the "new york times" absolutely lambastes you like they did in the front page article today, that's basically the propaganda arm of the democratic party. if they won't say anything nice about kamala harris, there's nobody out there that will say anything nice. she's in real trouble for politically viability going forward. >> sean: could she ever win, kira? could she win the nomination? >> no, i don't think so. let us not forget that when she had more than 15 seconds
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to talk during the 2020 primaries, she crashed and burned like a chinese spy balloon being shot down over south carolina, so absolutely not. i don't think she has a prayer. >> sean: touche'. great analogy. we appreciate you being with us. kira and clay, thank you. a man plead guilty to a brutal murder of a 13-year-old in florida. our very own jonathan hunt has the very latest. also, you're going to love this. an investigative report, media ripped apart for their coverage of the russia hoax. i mean, chapter, in verse and detail on how they did everything wrong. devin nunes and joe concha coming up.
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>> sean: turning now to a disturbing story out of florida where a teenage boy has just plead guilty to the 2021 murder of 13-year-old cheerleader tristen bailey. she was stabbed over 100 times. our very own jonathan hunt has a full report from our west coast newsroom tonight. jonathan, what a sad story. >> it was a truly horrific story and a truly horrific murder, sean, to which aiden fauci pleaded guilty. he was just 14 years old when on maye may 9th, 2021, he was seen on surveillance video walking with a classmate, 13-year-old tristen bailey a cheerleader south of jaxsonville, florida. she was later found stabbed to death apparently struck with a knife 114 times. today was to have been the start of jury selection in the
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trial but fauci, now 16, changed his plea to guilty at the last minute telling the judge, "i'm sorry for the bailey family and my family." the local sheriff issued a statement today paying tribute to tristen bailey's family saying in part, "their strength and grace throughout this case has been incredible. this agency will forever be connected to the bailey family and this community will forever being bailey strong." prosecutors say they will continue to prepare evidence for the sentencing hearing. that's likely to happen in march or april. those prosecutors say they will be seeking the maximum sentence in this case. that's life in prison. fauci not eligible for the death penalty because of his age at the time of that horrific murder. sean? >> sean: jonathan hunt, thank you tonight. now, the liberal columbia journal review issued a scathing rebuke of the media reporting on the phony russia
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collusion hoax with a special focus on the new york "toilet paper" times and for good reason, they were wrong on nearly every single thing they reported. they promoted the alpha bank server hoax and legitimized christopher steel and his dirty hillary clinton bought and paid for russian dossier and discredited the nunes memo that was proven to be true and pushed the story of the trump tower meeting between donald trump jr. and a russian lawyer which wound up being a complete flop. they made countless other errors all while heavily relying on their anonymous sources. they got a pulitzer prize for all the lies they told. any way, here with reaction, joe concha and former house intel committee chairman devin nunes. devin, 18 months, an exhaustive study, the mueller report, pulitzers, quote "new york times" legitimizes christopher steel. isn't that the same christopher steel we now know, devin, was offered $1 million
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in early 2016 by our own fbi to corroborate any part of the steel dossier and he was unable to do so and by the end of the month, they used the uncorroborated information as the bulk of information for the fisa warrant? >> we're now on year six or seven of the sean hannity show getting this right and a band of few merry reporters that was on to this at the beginning. it's good the reporter took out the "new york times." "new york times" was bad in this. kind of left "the washington post" alone, which i think is a little interesting and, look, remember, the media was in on this, sean, so all of this talk about, oh, they got this wrong. they got that wrong. no. no. no. they knew it they were buddies with fusion gps. fusion gps was planting this the hillary clinton campaign had paid for t so, look, it's $25,000 words. i read through it. i'm glad that they're kind of getting the story right but
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still the fake reporters and the fake newsrooms that took part in this -- they knowingly took part in this and likely took money for it. >> sean: joe concha, we follow this you follow the media. you are probably the only objective media analyst reporter out there today. they got all of it wrong. and devin is right. it wasn't just the "new york times." they're highlighted in this particular study more than any other but it was "the washington post." it was abc, cbs, nbc. it was msndnc, it was horrible. fake conspiracy channel. they all got it wrong. tonight, they want to go back and talk about stormy daniels seven years later. it's like they cannot give up their addiction to all things donald trump whether true or false. they don't care. it's -- that is their manna from heaven. >> because you would have to have shame, sean and all the acronyms you just named. cnn, abc, cbs, nbc, pbs, mpr
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and "the washington post" and "new york times" and other publications. they have no shame. you read this study and it is as thorough and in-depth from columbia university as it gets. they took 18 months in compile this report and you can't get back and not think about dean bee kaye, who is he? he was the "times" editor and chief during the trump presidency. he said during 2016 that he would gladly serve jail time if it meant getting his hands on donald trump's tax returns so it's no surprise how the "times" conducted themselves in this fashion. in perpetuating this lie. that's what it was for the better part of almost three years and they did so with this utterly backward premise that donald trump was guilty until proven innocent. so the "new york times," they pout their activist cape, right? they felt it was their moral obligation to get rid of him for the good of the country. in other words, bekay's
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so-called journalists became activists quoting kyle pope who was the columbia journalism review's executive editor, quote, no narrative did more to shape trump's relations with the trump than -- with the press than russiagate, excuse me. story which included the steel dossier and the mueller report resulted in pulitzer prizes as well as embarrassing retractions and damaged careers. those pulitzers won't be returned. no one is getting fired for this at this point and bekay is on a beach somewhere counting his money in retirement. gallop found in a poll not too long ago that 84% of americans agree the media is to blame for political division in it country, sean. that sums it up. >> sean: the congenital lyer is now off the intel committee, devin. turns out he lied regularly and repeatedly and he was wrong with pretty much everything he said. on the other side of t you
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were proven right but that part of the story never seems to get told, sort of like ray donovan saying, where do i go to get my good name back? when does nunes get to go to say, see, i was right the whole time? >> sean, you only said one liar. there are two liars no longer on the intelligence committee. others there took part in this also including the former speaker of the house who was very well involved in inn this. she was in the gang of eight meetings. she spent two or three decades on intelligence. she knew damn well this was a lie. look, this is why i've taken a lot of these companies to court and i'll continue to do so to try to get my name back. i think others have to do that also. >> sean: well said, devin nunes and joe concha, thank you. straight ahead, you won't believe how much flip-flop fauci is now charging for his speaking engagements. also, we'll play tape from last night's bizarre spectacle at the grammys. what did tom brady do to set off social media this morning?
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he didn't say he's playing again. i'll tell you that. reaction straight ahead. hi, i'm john and i'm from dallas, texas. my wife's name is joy. we've been married 45 years. i'm taking a two-year business course. i've been studying a lot. i've been producing and directing for over 50 years. it's a very detailed thing and the pressure's all on me. i noticed i really wasn't quite as sharp as i was. my boss told me about prevagen and i started taking it. i feel sharper. my memory's a lot better. it just works. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ♪ over the last 100 years, lincoln's witnessed a good bit of history. even made some themselves. makes you wonder... what will they do for an encore? ♪
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>> sean: after completely botching nearly every aspect of his covid response, dr. flip-flop fauci is trying now to cash in on his moment in the spotlight. tonight, he's facing mounting criticism after it was revealed that he's charging up to a whopping $100,000 for any speaking engagement. here with reaction, fox across america host jimmy failla is with us. all right, $100,000 a speech to be wrong. there was nobody that was more wrong about covid than this guy. starting with masks don't work. wear two masks. wear three masks. if you get the shot, you're never going to get covid.
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did you know that, jimmy? >> ha-ha! he's been all over the map. i mean, if we were being honest, more americans would rather get driving tips from stevie wonder than health tips from anthony fauci. sean, this guy was a disaster from word one, but they're billing this as a motivational speech which is hilarious because the only thing fauci ever motivated to do is change the channel. who is listening to this garbage? >> sean: the problem is at the height of this pandemic, a lot of people were listening to him. there was a lot of pressure broughtta to bear on this show -- brought to bear on this show and my radio show. my advice was i don't know anything about your current medical condition, your medical history. i'm not a doctor. i'm not qualified to give it, take it seriously. i knew people who died from this and then make up your own mind based on what you learn on your own.
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and we put on people with different views. everyone else felt really free to tell people what to do. this guy got it all wrong. when they said if you got the shot, you're not going to get covid, that was probably the biggest lie, wasn't it? >> oh my goodness gracious! and that's the problem here with these one-size-fits-all health initiatives is objective observers knew, number one, natural immunity matters. number two, ok, if you tell the public one thing and then another thing happens, you are the one that's undermining faith in public health initiatives. for all the criticisms of us for throwing the challenge flag when they got things wrong, no one undermined faith in public health more than dr. fauci who, sean, as you know, got addicted -- he got addicted to hair and makeup. the guy liked going on tv and he realized no one was going to book him if he didn't say we were all going to die, so there was fauci day in and day out throwing first pitches,
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getting bobblehead dolls. go ahead. >> he actually said on "60 minutes" in march i think of 2020, masks don't work. maybe they stop one little drop -- but the mask isn't going to protect you. all right, let's shift gears here. we turn to last night's grammys which by the way very, very -- quickly -- became a bizarre spectacle after ben affleck -- poor ben -- was caught on camera and looked visibly bored. then sam smith gave this weird, bizarre, satanic looking performance of their song titled "unholy" which included devil costumes and dancing in cages. >> it was sponsored by pfizer. oddly enough by the end of the show, everybody watching was hoping to die of a fatal disease. like, did you see -- poor ben affleck's face as he's sitting there in cryptoarena, he looked like he had just invested with sam ba
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bankman-fried but getting to sam smith for a second and that whole satanic drag queen show, i personally wasn't that impressed because if i wanted to see transgender strippers, i would go to a liberal kindergarten class but that's the part of this that's so absurd. stick with me, though, that's the part that's so absurd. they branded this as like rebellion and revolutionary but everybody in that arena loves this sort of thing! they're like, who is the drag queen? i want to book her for my niece's five-year-old birthday party. >> sean: you'll have to explain the obsession of bringing drag queens to elementary schools because i don't get it. thank you. up next, last call. you get the final word straight ahead.
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monday-friday and you can be featured. john from oklahoma is on with us. big john how are you. >> hi sean john from oklahoma. i'm doing great. i want to thank you for your service, i'm a long-time listener. >> sean: thank you. >> and watch your show every night. >> sean: well, i appreciate it. listen, a lot of people give me good grades but i have gotten ds. if you could improve one or two things on show what would you like me to do differently? >> i appreciate that. sean i love your opening with secretary pompeo and director ratcliffe. the only thing i would change is some of the segments just give a little bit more time. i'm going to give your show a b plus today. i know that you have endorsed the conventions of states. >> sean: i have. >> along with pete hegseth and i really think that that's the only thing that's going to take this country and put it back on the right track. >> sean: the guy that really is the expert on it is the great one mark lavine, he wrote a book
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about it and we went over it in great specificity and detail. a lot of states have signed on to it, not quite at the number we need yet. i'll take the b plus we can always improve. thank you for being out there john. appreciate it. god bless you >> tomorrow we're on at 11:00 after the state of the union. let not your heart be troubled. here's laura. see you back here tomorrow. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is the ingraham angle welcome tonight and thanks for joining us in washington. shooting blanks that's the focus of tonight's angle. what does it take to get fired in this administration? >> biden administration official is no longer employed by the biden administration after allegedly getting caught stealing luggage from not one but two different airports. sam brinn ton was responsible for nuclear fuel and radioactive
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