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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  February 7, 2023 5:00pm-5:55pm PST

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isn't that enough. and health insurance, doesn't everybody want health insurance. >> feet got special coverage of the state of union tonight but tucker carlson is up next pure always remember i'm jesse watters and this is my world. >> tucker: welcome to tucker carlson tonight. imagine you are joe biden and you are going to give the state stated union address because it's in the constitution it would take a lot of brass to stand up and claimed the us is better off than it was when you took over. could you do that? a little more than an hour, joe biden will do that. if only it were true. it's not true.
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this country is more divided, less self-confident, more confused and more sad that it has been in living memory for the first time in generations w face the actual risk of a world for. our problems are fixable but they are profound and they require the full attention of wise and serious leaders who love the country and are willin to think beyond the next election. we've got joe biden and kamala harris making the actual decisions. so if we had to guess, we would guess that biden is going to us his speech is another opportunity to brag about his victories and blame his failure on others for january 6, we don't expect a single honest word. we hope we are surprised but we don't expect that. we are as close as we can get t statistical analysis of the actual state of the union under joe biden. since his predecessor gave its final address, the cost of food staples in the united states is a pretty good measure.
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the price of gasoline is gone u by more than -- and consumer confidence is the mirror image and is dropped by 40%. what has risen is credit card debt. that's that seven all-time high over trillion dollars, it is estimated. homelessness as well. there are tens of thousands mor americans living on the streets than they're worth then when jo biden became president. he will ignore that fact. what can he say about it? how could he ignore it, but he will. interest rates have skyrocketed to the number of new homebuyers is the lowest at any point in modern history. american men working is now under 68%. take a look at the graph on you screen. if anything is an emergency, that is an emergency. it is being ignored. we will just import new workers and that is why the southern border of the united states is open. because it is open, millions an millions and millions of foreig
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nationals have streamed across into our country illegally. in many cases we know nothing about them at all and we can't even imagine how the long-term will affect our economy or restrict -- strain social services for you think healthcare is in shambles now, visit an emergency room in five years. good luck getting treatment. the real cost of country isn't social cohesion. this is just too many new people . at that's it matter whether the they are good people are bad people. they are strangers there there are too many of them. there's no chance we can assimilate all of them. at this point we have enough problems with our social fabric. here is one measure. in march of 2020, 31% of americans told gallup that they worried a great deal about race and joe biden took office it went up to nearly 50%. at its albeit ministration talk about, race. or racist not a solvable condition. it is genetic.
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it never changes. if you focus on it, ultimately people hate each other and that is what is happening. that might make you anxious about the future but our future is education in all of us have heard that since birth in this country. how are our schools doing under joe biden? here is one measure. the national average act score in 2022 is at its lowest level in over decades. sat scores have gone down too. 40% meet or exceed standards writing and math. in baltimore, for example, 23 schools have not a single student, not one student in the whole school proficient in math. so how is the biden and ministration responded to best, whether an alarm is going off i the education department, no. schools are just failing to measure the failure. there getting rid of
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standardized tests. hartford which just made them -- law students don't even need to take the lsat anymore because tests are racist. so there's a lot of expressed concern about racial justice an equity. has helped people? it has made a few rich. the ladies in "black lives matter" have a lot of houses bu how are ordinary people doing. life expectancy in the united states has continued to decline for all races, black-and-white american. it is now at its lowest level life expectancy in over 25 years . that is not just due to covid. those numbers have been declining every year. suicides are up 5% of no up up over 50% since before the pandemic and alcohol depth of more than 30%. these aren't so much medical problems as they are famously deaths of despair.
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what is jarring is that there does not seem to be an option. a lot of people in this country don't think they can be saved o church membership has dropped below 50% for the first time ever in this country. and military enlistments are pretty good measure about how w feel about that. the pentagon has fallen short o its enlistment targets by 25%, more than 18,000 recruits. so what is growing and thriving in this country under joe biden? dispensaries are. they are popping up everywhere and the biden ministration is encouraging that. that is the biden economy. cannabis sales have exploded in this country, gone from $12 billion to more than $30 billion a year. so we are building back that are. we are building on bead
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dispensaries. we can stop the analysis there but you get the point. but what does biden say about all this? what identify the problems honestly so we could solve them take responsibility for some shift and not limit on others. tell us the truth. if people are killing themselve of living on the street and credit card debt is at an all-time high, you can't tell u the state of the union is strong . if you can't tell us that, then we can't fix this. charlie hurt is the opinion editor of the washington times. great to see you. >> biden does not have a choice that he prescribes to this speech. but could you say if you were him? could you say that the state of the union is strong? >> i think he will do his best and that is exactly what we wil see tonight because this is a man who is a creature of washington and he's been here for over 50 years but it's the only job he is ever had, which
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is pretty remarkable saying tha he's a billionaire today based on a government salary for his entire adult life and his wife' school teacher salary. how many government workers are married to a schoolteacher and they own multiple vacation home are a million times million times over. i expect him to go full bore on claiming that the state of the union is good and you did excellent job of taking through all of those things. just two things that i put focu on what is the big picture constitutional aspect of all this. this man more than any presiden in our history has surrendered american sovereignty we no longer have a southern border. he's given it up and does not care about it. and to the point, if he doesn't even care about our sovereignty when it comes to our own airspace, he has given it all u your he doesn't care. to dissolve part of the scheme. the second thing that i would
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point to is his foreign policy. this is a guy who is the greatest foreign policy expert that washington has ever seen and he allowed allowed the situation where russia invaded ukraine and that tells you abou all you need to know the state of our country. >> i think that is a fair -- assessment. it is one thing to preside over a country but why humiliate the country and rub it in their faces and write on television, you are weak, you deserve no defense. that is what the administration does they shot it down over south carolina.
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it is almost too painful. it just happened but it's almos too painful to remember the facts that they fight in the ministration let this happen. what you think that sets about tonight? >> i don't expect him to want t talk about it and they shot it down. may be that a something that ca yield what want to avoid becaus the united states of the more powerful country. that's us going up at the chinese relationship with america. until a few years china was manufacturing the drones that they department of interior use to survey our land. there's thousands of chinese
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spies in our universities and none of them are being deported or investigated. there are actual chinese police stations in our cities includin manhattan that are only getting rated after journalists expose them and they are spying on us for three to talk to our relationship can be summed up, which is a weaker state that's not challenging china. that takes avis spying operations on us. >> there's been this debate for years. you have to help her or for you country four-week. that is this clear up a statement you can make, is it not? >> it is feared and all those politicians who yell the loudes about taiwan are you never want to deal with the actual problem of what china is doing in this country. >> that is an insightful point. thank you so much, chris bedford
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. >> so we are filling to bet tha joe biden in his state of union address in the next hour will not announce any new plan to secure the southern border, which is wide open. how wide-open is it? we have new, exclusive, and footage from our border. trace gallagher has a forest tonight. >> high-speed chases that include human smuggling in arizona, because you have interstate ten net that runs through vast stretches of open land and open road. 32-year-old timothy was driving a red gmc suv carrying for illegal migrants and the deputy tried to pull them over. instead police say that he sped away and after a 4-mile high speed pursuit, the suspect vehicle as you can see went ove into oncoming traffic before th driver lost traffic -- lost control and flipped over. two of the migrants were ejecte but survived. traffic was shutdown both
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directions. the suspect is facing smuggling charges and. to be impaired by drugs. the sheriff says that the cartels are not recruiting youn people in the united states to help smuggle migrants come up paying them 1-2-$3,000. migrant. a month ago a 19-year-old woman was caught smuggling a migrant and she tried to run and had he toddler and infant in the car a time. the smugglers run in tandem wer two vehicles will go down i 10 together, one carrying migrants at the other carrying drugs. local and state police tend to catch their fair share but they acknowledge that many of the suspects, as we know, get away. >> of course they do. trace gallagher, thank you so much. >> so the congress held some biden officials that help to testify and what is happening o the border and we are seeing ne records for new aliens pouring into this country. hundreds of thousands arriving every month.
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all smuggled by the drug cartels . republicans are trying to figur out what to do with it. they've introduced articles if of impeachment against the dhs secretary. at least 50 state of the union addresses. he's an expert on the subject. our analyst joins us to assess his speech. what do you expect the presiden to say about the border? >> i think he will try to say very little about the border. you can try to imagine what he would say. he might say that apprehensions are down a bit, which, accordin to whose numbers you use, they may or may not be. the main situation remains almost the same. people are streaming across the border and the policies have encouraged them to come in believing in effect that they will be welcome and what is to tell them otherwise. they come with almost certainly invalid claims of asylum.
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their claims are to be adjudicated at a later date meanwhile they are released int the interior of the country so they are all over the plays and there are hundreds of thousands of them. the numbers have gone up dramatically since this president has been an office. why is that? donald trump had cobbled together a set of policies and practices that had cut down on illegal immigrants across the border on basically his first day in office, joe biden blew i all up. >> you covered every scandal an contemporary history. this is like partisan considerations aside, this seem like an actual- >> there has been no serious efforts to remedy this situatio and one can only conclude one o two things. one is that these democrats, th present among them, of course, some of the most downtrodden people on the earth, they reall need to come to america to improve their lives, they believe.
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the other one as they imagine that these immigrants would com to america and over time they will become citizens and gratefully vote democratic. >> you are not allowed to say that. it's so obvious that you can't say it. i'm just going to come back and take that back. great to see you, britt hume. joe biden is going to use the state of the union to tout his many successes abroad. what are those successes look like? more coverage. joe biden's state of union address is next.
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>> that was the old america and the new america, joe biden's america, the congress is surrounded by wars hey, kevin. >> for the third year in a row, an 8-foot high black metal fenc has been erected around, as you point out, the people's house for the us capitol i had of remarks by joe biden. it will be that way until tomorrow indicates you are wondering why is this all happening, this is a result of
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call made by the department of homeland security, which designated the sudden subnational security special event. for their part, the us capitol police have deemed this fencing necessary out of an abundance o caution. this has become the new normal here at the nation's capital under this administration. that means roads are closed nea the capital, creating a nightmare to commute for many americans in the nation's capital and obviously an irritating inconvenience for many others. it is also clear to point out i you will allow me, it is not lost on critics that he'll be half a fence being put up aroun the capitol building, despite this very president halting construction of a wall along th us southern border and he calle it costly and ineffective. >> if you are the afraid of the people you govern, maybe you ar not doing a good job for just a thought. great to see you tonight.
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so the war in ukraine is likely to be a centerpiece of tonight' speech by joe biden. what he probably bought mention is that shortly after the war broke out, the war that has basically destroyed the nation of ukraine, both ukraine and russia singled the pipe they were open to a -- and came close to it. but apparently the biden administration prevented it how do we know? the former prime minister just said the west, meeting the bide demonstration, blocked a truce in order to keep striking pollutant. this seems like a huge story fo me, from a reliable source. we thought we would check in with her. >> i have no idea why the forme prime minister of israel made this public i'm so grateful tha he did. how can the new york times that all the cheerleaders for this refused to acknowledge this fact
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? >> this is huge. we could have prevented this. our leaders, those in power could have prevented this and they didn't than the fact that it has not been widely reported his incredibly revealing images shows they never really cared about the ukrainian people and then never cared about the american people, democracy and freedom in all the things that they give so much lipservice to. it reveals what they really wanted all along, which was to overthrow the putin regina and they saw this war is never to d it he that would help them achieve that goal and it is disgusting to know that this is true. the thing is, tucker, no one ca predict how they will end up at what happens next or who was going to take over but we do know with russia because they have already, the writing is on the wall, we do know that russi is not going to be some pro-western or pro-democracy power that goes and takes over it. it's going to be someone that i
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far more hawkish and far more dangerous creating a greater threat for the united states fo the only way that this war ends is through a negotiated outcome. unless something radical changes , something major changes , but we the american people see and people of the world see as this will continue to escalate pushing it closer t a direct conflict to the united states and nato and russia and we talked about where that coul potentially lead, more dangerou weapons and more countries involved and increasing the ris of potential nuclear war. >> it is so reckless and crazy and out of our control, this wa for democracy has never involve a referendum. people are not allowed to vote on this. i'm really trying to find, sinc i think this is going to happen what you and i say, how does th us conceivably benefit from this ? is there any benefit that you can see?
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>> we know who was profiting from this. the biden administration and these pro- poor republicans and democrats in congress, they sen over a hundred billion dollars of our taxpayer dollars over to find and escalate this proxy wa against russia through ukraine is a lot of military industrial complex companies that are profiting off of this i know there's a lot of folks as we've seen another regina change forc in the past, they are licking their chops of looking at the money they will make going into try to rebuild these war-torn countries but the people who ar losing are the people of ukraine , the people here in the united states. if this goes on more more peopl will be suffering more and more destruction around the world, i europe and around the world. >> if american support of this, depending -- they would not be having recruitment shortfalls. tulsi gabbard, great to see you. >> tucker: so we know for a
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fact that we both leave that we will hear from joe biden and he will tout his success in ukrain and push for a much larger war in russia. the secretary of defense and army colonel in the us military was involved and he has worked year now that ukraine is not likely to win this and for saying that he was attacked. he joins us tonight to assess the actual state. you should acknowledge that you fed indicated by reality after year of being denounced as some sort of traitor to your country. your description of what is happening it's is what the pentagon tells us. what do you imagine the ramifications of this? >> he's going to declare victor when there is none. he's going to insist the future will be different from the past in the world will produce roses but in fact we see the opposite americans need to understand something.
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we struggled for 40 years with the cold for. we managed to emerge from that without a nuclear confrontation with russia, without a global war with russia. in addition to that we ended up as the superpower with superiority in every category o national power within just 12 funds, joseph biden has managed to ruin it. he's not only made russia powerful because russia has profited anonymously from this. its economy is robust and capable and going gangbusters. their forces are larger than ever and as you point out, they are in ruins. we got to meet goldplated weapons can't maintain we canno recruit quality people and instead are deciding must have quality, we are doing something you are familiar with, we are dropping standards to accommodate people who are not qualified. this is a disaster and we are spending a trillion dollars a year on defense and that is wha we are getting for it.
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i don't know a larger disaster than the one that biden has created in the last 12 months i even possible. >> tucker: and with defunding the police and covid and the iraq war, none of the people responsible for those tragedies will ever acknowledge their mistakes or apologize. it seems like a core problem. no one ever admits that they ar wrong. >> more than that, let's face it . none of these people have any skin in the game. that is the biggest problem. they are not part of this. doesn't make any difference to them that ukraine's population is being reduced to about 22 alien from 37.4 and ukraine is dead nation. that his armed forces are in ruins and no number of tapes or new weapons for change the outcome. it is time to stop it that is a humanitarian would do. >> tucker: it is like when all the christians in iraq that killed them left and nobody eve said anything about it.
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doug macgregor, i appreciate your coming on with your perspective and announce that you've been vindicated for real. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: so clearly it's too late to do anything but the chinese military aircraft that hovered over some of our nuclea launch sites, but some not members of congress are taking the threat seriously. the congressman from new jersey is one of them he just introduced the deal to strip china of trade privileges and -- it seems obvious that every republican in the chamber what support this pick you think the will? we are about to find out. congressman, thank you so much for coming on. it is pretty straightforward. the piece of legislation from what i can tell, are we going t strip china up its trade privileges. how many members are supporting this? >> we are building a group and
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i've talked to a lot of people. beer going to get sponsors on a lot of them back in may 26, 1994 , president bill clinton severed the relationship betwee human rights and trade and that is when we lost china. that is when we lost that. that is what they said all they care about his prophets and the gave the multilateral corporations making money hand over fist. they've gone from bad to extremely worse. they are being subjected to genocide. their big decimated all over china. so the oppressor, the chinese communist party cups are horribly oppressing the people of china. taiwan could be next. certainly hong kong now has bee largely lost. so our bill says, bill clinton, you had a flight slightly used that there should be linkage with human rights had trade. i'm taking that whole template
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and saying we need to do it and we need to do it now. china isn't exporting nation without experts on economy rise to a trickle. we need to say unless you make serious progress and end the torture, political prisoners an consecration camps have forced abortion and all those horrible things, this horrible practice of stealing people's organs, 50 e- 100,000 people, 100,000 victims every year who are killed to get the orchids and they go after 28 years old. it is from people like uighurs and the following -- this is something that is going on right now. so we are saying have to clean up their act or their ability t send exports to those markets will disappear severely and substantially. >> tucker: meanwhile people
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like larry fake blacklock, ibe this is probably the only -- [indiscernible] >> thank you. it will make a difference. heckler not done that, we would have a different china today. that's one bathos that. they have to stop stealing our secrets. >> tucker: the one thing they care about is trade for sure. thank you very much. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: as the people who run the country pretty much all of them foul into the us capito tonight, they are going to pass by in some cases step over americans who are dying of drug addictions, stray pay, crumblin streets in decay. here is a tweet that caught our attention tonight. i had to go to union station of walk-through a cloud of pot smoke at the front door and plastic guy urinating on a
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handle twice and i saw guy sell harewood to a woman which she took into the bathroom. sad. it's not just washington. at this everywhere. it is being ignored and it should not be paid as the most basic measure of national health . michael as bed though she is on of the great journalist but he' the author of san francisco pretty joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on. if you want to know how the state union is doing, walk outside and look around. >> absolutely. what you see here is the continual decline of standards, the things that we are documenting in san francisco an los angeles and most major cities in the country, i was shocked when i went to union station in dc, there was open-air drug use and people using the bathroom everywhere. these are usually people in the late stage of drug addiction an we are seeing virtually no
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action by yet. that biden administration is considering opening up supervised drug consumption sites. this is something that we stamped out cigarette smoking but now they want to promote th smoking of fentanyl and math in special designated zones across the country. this is a decision that president biden is deciding right now. when his son came into drug addiction, they got the best health possible people loosing what progressive come it's ende up being very cool and they're leaving people to rot and die i their addiction. democrats have done a real disservice on this issue and it should be a major issue for bot parties and they should take action on. >> tucker: that is such a smart point. but hunter biden got addicted t crack, his dad didn't hand him bunch of crack and sent him to his ruger that would would be essentially homicide. i appreciate you coming on.
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>> two standards. >> exactly. >> good to be here. >> tucker: there's no doubt that biden will complain about january 6 back pay or what alive . for the total shameless life that is. we are also betting that he wil not mention the -- the transact for storm the capital and the occupy that. their goal is to keep child mutilation legal in oklahoma. >> chanting trans- lives matter. >> tucker: so it wasn't insurrection was not an insurrection. they can only demonstrate. they are not going to jail. it is kind of weird since the
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insurrection of january 6 net, it shows you how afraid they ar of voters who still have testosterone levels. they are terrified. that is really the theme of tha thing. if you are yelping about an insurrection and you with north that, then how can you even continue to talk. >> apparently the only approved insurrections are the ones that want to advocate the genital mutilation of young kids. they should have been yelling transfer trump that they. and% of those people looked mentally unfelt and should have mental evaluations for the othe thing that is very apparent, a lot of those are paid activists and probably being paid by thos making a lot of money off this industry. some people want to call the civil rights movement. it is a major market in which people are making a lot of mone off of this. this is like you see planned
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parenthood shifting from just butchering babies to let's put your kids too. they are making billions a year. they are prey on these deeply troubled and conflicted kids an they should be condemned and instead they are being praised and it could be a $5 billion industry by 2030 and the other aspect to me about all of this, people are steady op-ed going i shall be like god and say boys can be girls and girls boys bid this so many things that are wrong with this. people are making billions of dollars off of this. >> tucker: it is such a fair point about mental illness. those of us that are eccentric never liked you make -- but self castration not the biggest sign of mental health. i'm just saying. can we agree on that? >> we can agree on that and the sad thing is nobody comes alongside them and says let's talk through this before you do something that is life altering. >> that is exactly right. we are the adults.
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i don't blame the self cast writers. i felt sorry for those encouraging them great to see you tonight. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: stop by this point are you publicly to watch biden speech? it you should. it is history. if you watch it, be forewarned that biden is going to break ho he handled covid of all things beauties not going to beg for your forgiveness. here is an advanced expert. two years ago covid shut down our businesses and robb does of -- virus mcdivitt. extending the poet today covid no longer controls our lives. covid didn't do anything. it was a little bug from a chinese military lab. our government shutdown businesses and of the schools. these lock lockdowns took plays because politicians want to the and they took plays against the vice of people who actually kne
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better like the professor of medicine at stanford university. thank you so much for coming on. this must drive you completely crazy since you were intimately involved see if anybody had a hand in this disaster set up an brag about it. how does that make you feel. >> it is ridiculous the biden demonstration has been an utter failure in this covid pandemic management. a very large number of older people have died that didn't need to die if they had done a better job up protecting us. our children left of school in 2214 note discernible -- as european union countries ope their schools. in a quality that's almost off the scales. and you saw people lose their jobs over vaccine mandates that are still ongoing in the biden demonstration still defends. the track record of the biden
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administration that manage the pandemic is among the worst in american history. it is nothing to brag about. >> tucker: isn't it a scientific principle that you cannot find the truth unless yo are willing to acknowledge wher you were wrong? isn't that at the center of science? >> science requires humility, humility to admit the places where you were mistaken and to come out change your mind. inside you hold strongly to the method. you don't hold strongly to -- the conclusions change when new information comes out. this scientific power self so many of the people in the biden demonstration, i once respected many of them. it is sad to see them embrace these kinds of policies that ar been so destructive to the live of so many americans. >> tucker: really quickly, you are medical school professor. are you worried about declining
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levels of trust in medicine and in the healthcare system among americans post covert mac -- post covid? >> i'm very worried about that but i think it's vital that americans have trust in public health and so many in medicine failed or they don't acknowledg it. i think the first step to redemption is repentance, turnaround. i think if the american public health, if the head of the cbc came out and said we are so sorry for all the tremendous mistakes, harm, damage we have because, it would be painful an hard to do but it would be the first will step in restoring th trust that is vital to american about the health of the population. >> tucker: that is exactly right. if the head of the cdc did that i would've plugged that. the country believes that. thank you for your wisdom on this as always. so the now disgrace quickly charged crypto exchange just
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sent letters politicians who he sent money to say, hey, can you return the money we sent you because a million people got defrauded. it's not clear if that is never going to happen. it's not clear if any other media outlets got ill ill-gotte gains from ftx, and they will ever pay that money back. this is the biggest financial scandal probably in history. joe biden is expected to ignore completely tonight, even though the democratic party was the main beneficiary of the money. glenn greenwald is a journalist working on sub stack and finds the story interesting he joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on. it is a little weird when the story broke come up he said to one another this will be out of the news in a week and actually it was does that shock you? >> yes and no. bernie made off was found to be
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with a bunch of political offices, you would think there would be a story that would go on prime time and i think the reason why they wanted to get rid of this is it is too revealing. get anyone on the phone of washington just by offering the a check and he would do whateve they asked for it shows that there are politicians that are buried in the parole that are i favor of regulating a new currency, crypto currency, who suddenly got word that they should stay out of it and it turns out they were getting big money. he said in an interview that he purposely touted his donations to democrats and hit the -- head the ones that he gave to republicans. if they donate to republicans, they hate you paid so there so much going on here that reveals a little bit too bright of a light on how it all works. >> tucker: i wonder if there
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is any hope that you spend so many years the media that some of these well-funded news organizations will just get to the bottom of it, a clear serie on what happened. >> the problem is that so many of them are recipients of the money. right just forgot a huge grant and everyone knows the politicians, it is not their money. that money was stolen. was a ponzi ski and people are without their money while these politicians keep the money that doesn't belong to them. >> tucker: it is really unbelievable. glenn greenwald, thank you for that perspective. so we are learning that joe biden is going to single out smokers and not fentanyl and beth smokers and crack smokers, they are all getting met with subsidies. no, tobacco smokers, they are going to get attacked because they are the problem.
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trace gallagher has the story. >> not only will the president go after smokers. he's planning to tell us that the immigration plans to help people stop smoking altogether for the hope of cutting cancer depth rates by 50% sometime in the next 25 years. that set the president or the white house will actually outline the plan, give us a step-by-step of what to do. instead biden's so-called corne just replaced a one part cub la harris and two-part -- this that they quote. for committed to continuing to use authorities and programs to keep making progress and especially with a focus on helping individuals avoid smoking in the first place and supporting americans who want t quit. i understand as well will focus on cigarettes and flavored cigars, he should come as you mentioned, thus prospect of things like crack and fentanyl and pot, which studies shows ar
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not only harming other american but also proving detrimental to everything from education to motivation and life overall. >> it is unbelievable. so they are not going to say of word about it. you couldn't make this up for i i know you are not making it up. trace gallagher, you can use -- who you can see every night at midnight and you should. >> we are betting again we don' have a verified copy of tonight 's speech but we are thinking that joe biden probabl vote mentioned the ever-expanding scandal around his sons and their families business dealings abroad. this time last year the laptop was still considered a dangerou russian conspiracy theory. brandy defined new differently. she's the author of the laptop. thank you so much for coming on. it is one of these questions, how could joe biden mentioned
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this but on the other hand, how could he. >> tucker, i think a normal white house would just say a million miles away from the sor of corruption scandals that are engulfing joe biden's family an threatening his presidency joe biden has had this lifelong habit of sort of thrusting his sins in your face and daring yo to challenge him and so, for instance, he has invited a dreamer into the room tonight where his biggest disaster as the border and i would not be surprised if he invited hunter biden to join dr. jill and even his brother who pays all its bills and maybe even joe's brothers to our involved in the family business. is invited, for instance, the father of someone who died from
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the 20 and he's not offering th solution of closing the border to stop the spoke -- fentanyl from porgy and. so who better to have -- the stigma about drug conviction . and i'm not saying he's going t do a pet i think probably wiser heads would prevail. i wouldn't put it past him. and every time he mentions chin or russia or ukraine, that influence team that is family owned for so many millions of -- and that will just remain and they wonder why he doesn't try to address a vampire.
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he throws his sins in your face. no wonder he's afraid of those people who govern. they taken it too far, actually. >> totally. >> tucker: thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: it's a few minutes that would tell biden reads his state of the union address, showing a binder containing aipac copy yet this speech. if you look carefully you can see clearly the word pause in his script. it tells and went to speak and not to speak. set up put it all into perspective, we go to the man that we turn to first to figure out the big picture story who joins us now. >> thanks so much for coming on. what is your overall view of tonight's state of the union address? >> well, he is coming to talk t us tonight at writers has him a 21% and 65 plus of his party%
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don't want him to run again. , a harris poll spores. 66 the country -- so he knows what he's going to do. he does three things, he missed some forms, he ignores, and he attacks. very going to hear that he didn't inform one point for inflation or interest rates wen from two-point for when he went in another 30 year mortgage ove the 6.5 and he doubled natural gas, all the things that the speakers though she won't mention any of that. he will try to warp it in some way. what else can he do that he is going to have more like he always does page you will never hear that 5 million people entered across the border illegally enrolled here about a hundred thousand fentanyl death and you won't hear anything about racial tensions and you won't hear anything about interracial climates going up a we saw in florida and this dr. that was murdered in a
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cross-section and california. you will hear none of that. and then he attacks. he takes his chain out and he hits this dead horse of january 6 again and again. there talking about new developments and let's get to the bottom of this. and he will then go after, as h said, smokers, especially guns, and the people who want to have back alley abortions, crazy people like that, and the climate change, he will talk about that. in the thing about it, tucker, is he gets animated only when h goes after his opponents, half the country. so he will be on the top -- teleprompter, he will slur and be incoherent but if he strays off the teleprompter, you will see that he goes into this animated coded he yells he gets very excited. that the only thing that seems
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to interest him is to divide th country and go into this ultra mega speech fighting where he slurs and smears the people and then he calls it unity. he makes a denser and calls it peace. >> tucker: i have to say that michael and jon meacham are no quick talents bid they've been mediocre but they've been at th top of american journalism history and now they are just kind of hate spewing partisan figures. i wonder what does that say. i'm shocked by ed if i'm being honest. >> i think they are metaphors for the client of the american electoral. there kind of critical popular historians and they were very careful to seem like they were going to be on npr and pbs and disinterested. i don't know what donald trump did to them but they lost all bearings, all sense of
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moderation, perspective. now they spew hate the with the architects of the phantom of th opera ultra mega semi pasha's speech be at its tragic. that has to a lot of people tha couldn't handle this populous calibration of the republican party paid. >> it brings question as to why what they doing that they were doing. a minor question with a quick. you been around a while. three of the presidents -- no one you know smokes cigarettes. working-class people and even most of them smoke cigarettes. tiny percentage of people smoke cigarettes for that is what he is talking about. what year is this, 1971! what is that! >> i think he looks at the middle class and he's got these deplorable zingers and he despises them so he goes after them and he goes after gasoline
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and trump and natural gas and smoking. he doesn't like the middle class . >> tucker: i'm not ashamed to say -- thank you for coming on. thank you. bret northrup will pick up the state of the union union starting right about now. extra looking life of the house floor in the united states p-uppercase-letter bayer now minutes away from president biden's second state of the union address. always a big event in the nation 's p-uppercase-letter reddick comes as the president deals with a huge list of major challenges but the fallout from the chinese spy craft and revelation of classified documents, a course across the southern border and inflation i crime. >> welcome to washington. >> the president is now in the us capitol ready to deliver his spee


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