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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 9, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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down. >> briefing for the spy plane. >> part of the global program. >> strategic cyber war fare. >> hunter biden half fake laptop story. >> oversight committee over censorship. >> didn't always get it right. >> i think you guys got played by the fbi. >> know ares, their dream is to cut social security. >> by doubling down on his state
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of the union claim. >> freeze federal spending. >> social security, as well. >> that is why biden's polls are so low. >> walt disney ceo slashing jobs. >> will rename reedy creek. >> disney will honor the debt. there is a new sheriff in town. >> the philadelphia eagles will take on the kansas city chiefs. >> people count us out, don't count us out. ♪ ♪ ♪
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[cheering] >> ainsley: nice job, everyone. lawrence is there in philadelphia because the eagles are playing steve's kansas chiefs on sunday on fox 6:30 on sunday night. lawrence, they are fired up. we are loving the interviews. >> you know, we are so fair and balanced on fox that they sent a cowboy fan to philly to celebrate with them and they have been so nice. >> steve: absolutely and lawrence, we've seen a lot of memorabilia for different teams that guy with the eagles hat, never seen anything like that. i want one. can you figure out where you get it and bring one back for me? >> i got you, brother.
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steve wants an eagle hat. >> ainsley: where did he get those? do they all wear those? >> he says he has you, he will get you one. >> ainsley: the lady at the end of the bar, what is her story, did she grow up an eagles fan? >> grew up an eagles know fa, almost like the mascot, she gets the crowd on fire. [screaming] >> ainsley: there she is, we love her, so cute. all right. >> steve: chicky and pete's. >> ainsley: if you live in the area. >> steve: lawrence will be there one more hour, stop by. >> ainsley: former twitter executives are on the hot seat on the hearing of big tech censorship. >> steve: stunning admission on the hunter biden scandal cover up.
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lucas tomlinson is live, what did we figure out? >> lucas: we found out former twitter executives admitted they made a mistake censoring the hunter biden laptop story, but denied the fbi told them to do it. to grill a mocking bird, story about hunter biden, officials say they don't recall a phrase repeated often during a hearing. here is twitter's former chief legal officer. >> people could and did talk about the laptop on twitter, still over the course of that day, it became clear twitter had not fully appreciated the impact of that policy on free press and others. >> lucas: aoc said she would rather talk about abortion and other issues. >> a whole hearing about a 24-hour hiccup, we could be talking about abortion rights, rights, we are talking about
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hunter biden half fake laptop story. >> lucas: president biden insists there is nothing to see here and think most of america agree with them. >> the only thing they can do is make up things about my family, it will not go far. >> lucas: received 12.5 million severance package when she was fired by elon musk. lawrence, you can make a lot of profit with that cash. >> steve: you mentioned a number of twitter executives said, i don't recall. the way the hearing starts, if you tell a fib, we're going to prosecute you. maybe they just don't recall. you want to make sure if you testify in front of congress, your testimony is absolutely accurate. >> lucas: you would think, you are sworn in to tell the truth, nothing but the truth, they are
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not worried about perjury. >> ainsley: you are a journalist, we are not told what to say, if your boss did tell you that, you would think you would recall it, you wouldn't say i can't remember. >> lucas: you would think, honesty is a very important virtue. >> steve: this is part of know ares ran on if you elect us to run the house, we'll have hearings, oversight on what happened, they are going to continue today, as well. and it will be interesting to see how far they're able to get and ultimately when they talk about corruption in the federal government, if they can actually find anything. a lot ofim toos we simply don't understand the rules different people are operating under. i know the fbi in detail they talked in detail about how the fbi would alert twitter to different maligned actors and
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stuff like that. it will be interesting to see if anybody broke the rules. keep in mind, twitter is a privately-held company and now held by elon musk 678 you can do anything you want to when you are a private company. >> ainsley: we're learning social media sites are thinking twice before they censure something. without investigations or without someone being held accountable and trying to get answers issue the fear for many around the country is we won't know the full truths, won't get the story. republicans took the house and vow they will investigate covid origins and many investigations that you at home care about. >> yeah, it is interesting, i think steve started the talking point out correctly, when they said they don't recall.
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that is legal speak, i don't want to lie underoath, i will say i don't recall so i don't incriminate myself before congress. then you have aoc that says it is a half lie. all right, half. beginning of this they told us the entire story was fake and now it is only half false. they have to choose what story line they want to take, just like they said he was a successful business man, hunter biden, or someone deeply troubled or had an addiction problem. we have documents now and if i'm facebook, i'm worried because the same conversations were happening there, they just don't have an executive or owner willing to put the documents out for the american people. the core is, what are republicans doing?
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why have these hearings? we had pat fallon on earlier, from texas, here is what he had to say, watch. >> we'll go where the information leads us. there is multitude of different ways to go now, we have the twitter files and folks put them together and we should be asking them, as well. what they were saying yesterday was thin and didn't add up. if perjure yourself. we need to know if the president of the united states are threats to national security. >> steve: as republicans go forward with series of hearings the american people want to make sure at the end the republicans are able to deliver on what they promise because if they don't and there is no there there, people will be going, i wonder if we need other hearings.
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stay tuned, more today. terrible news if you were one of 7000 people who got the notice from bob iger, who is running disney. they cut 7000 people off the payroll. there is a lot of companies, these are tough economic times. disney is trying to save $5 billion, what they are doing going forward, they will split the business into three segmentes, entertainment segment, tv and streaming, you see the disney, pas right there and the sports focused espn unit and bob iger did announce and this is of interest, they will not spin off espn. >> ainsley: disney was in the press a lot for going woke under the last ceo. ron desantis, this got his attention, governor of florida. everyone is looking into it, are
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they paying taxes? they are part of reedy creek. ron desantis says, i will take over reedy creek. they are working on legislation in tallahassee to take over reedy creek and ron desantis will be in charge, he says i am the new sheriff in town. >> that is what this proposed piece of legislation will do. if you remember when we first went down this road last spring, a lot of folks in the media were saying, disney will pay less taxes and floridians will pay more taxes. they were saying that, you got to be kidding me. this puts that to bed and this will be controlled by the state of florida, which is no longer self-governoring. there is a new sheriff in town and that is the way it's going to be. >> ainsley: lawrence. >> lawrence: so interesting, family, because i'm typically
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not for the government getting involved in private business affairs, but they wanted the tax break and it was fine when they were able to do whatever they wanted to do and still pay less taxes than the average american and now florida is saying, we don't like the stuff happening at disney. you live by the government, you die by the government. a lot of americans are saying, you know what, we're struggling paycheck to paycheck, we're going to the store paying increasingly a lot for eggs and basic household materials, they shouldn't be getting a tax break. are we getting a tax break? >> ainsley: and the disney fast pace. >> steve: lawrence and ainsley, ashley will take over, terrible news out of new jersey. >> ashley: yes, eunice dwumfour is remembered yesterday after being gunned down in her car. community members say she lived to help others and was a woman of faith.
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she leaves behind a daughter and husband. police made no arrest, but new surveillance video may reveal a suspect. a shadowy figure is seen running toward the back of the complex, where eunice dwumfour was found 6789 the fbi has joined the hunt. and john fetterman was put in the hospital overnight. he was feeling light headed before being taken to george washington hospital. he had heart surgery to implant a pacemake erlasts year. we are wishing john fetterman a speedy recovery. storms in the south with tornado already touching down in louisiana. the powerful storm flipping two trailers and blowing out windows northwest of new orleans. three people are hurt, including
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two other than which, the injuries are not life-threatening. arkansas getting slammed with heavy flooding turning highways into rivers. follow this story by downloading the fox weather app to your connected devices. the budweiser clydesdale welcome four new members to the herd. they are enjoying their time in the ranch in missouri. herd's supervisor amy trout joined us showcasing the new be ms of the budweiser family. >> it is amazing, when they hit the ground, they are about 150 poundses and usually on their feet within an hour and drinking milk within two hours and they are ready to keep up with the herd almost immediately. within 24 hours usually going outside the barn. >> ashley: the clydesdale will not appear in super bowl ads, but the farm is hosting a super bowl party.
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this sunday coverage starts 6:30 eastern only on fox. this place is 45 minutes from my hometown and i've wanted to go see. >> steve: you're invited. >> ashley: so cute. >> ainsley: you have family members going to go? >> ashley: i will have to ask them, i'm jealous if they do. >> steve: now -- ashley, thank you very much. i've been getting a lot of text messages from my friends, they said, hey, steve, where is peter? where is hillary? i've got an announcement, i am not a grandpa. you can see washington -- my two favorite correspondentses, hillary and peter with their daughter bridgette blake doocy, born february 1, eight pounds, one ounce, 21 inches long and born at the same hospital as
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peter's sister, she is just adorable. look at that baby. >> ainsley: congratulations. what is he saying about being a dad? >> i think it is just as you find out, it is overwhelming, the baby is up every couple hours and peter is trying to figure it out. >> ainsley: gorgeous photos. >> kathy and i will go take over for them so they can leave the house for 15 minutes. >> ainsley: take care of one feeding. >> steve: bridgette was born february 1, they selected the day, february 1 is st. bridgette day and she was the patron saint of babies and other things from ireland. st. bridgette is known for turning water into beer. i don't know how they do that. but we're hoping until she is
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21. >> ainsley: she is a saint, so named after saint bridgette. beautiful. bridgette blake doocy. >> lawrence: you have to be proud. >> steve: i know brittet and hillary are watching now issue at the christmas party at the white house, they walked over and the president talked to emthis and peter said do you have any advice for me, mr. president, we're having a daughter. he seemed touched by it, you know what, peter, hold her close, hold her close. and peter says issue that is good advice. >> ainsley: some babies are born, hair color changes, i have a feeling this baby will have blond hair, right lawrence? >> lawrence: that is right. >> steve: peter was born with black hair and it fell out. the baby's hair is strawberry blond. really cute. >> ainsley: congratulations, steve, really happy for you.
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>> steve: thank you and kathy and i are standing by, with our children, we were always rule followers, but now we're grandparents, we'll be rule bakers, if the baby wants dinner at dairy queen, let's go. >> ainsley: spoil the grandkids then give them back. >> lawrence: steve, i look forward to the cookbook on how to make baby food, i'm sure that is next in the household. all right, guys. >> steve: lawrence, the rest of the show, please call me grandpa. >> ainsley: have you decided a name yet? >> steve: i've been told, it is not my choice. >> ainsley: cutest names. >> steve: larry, call me grandpa. >> lawrence: he does that thing, he knows i hate it. lawmakers set to be briefed on the china spy flight, senator
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marco rubio joins us. >> ainsley: and kirk cameron teaming up with kofi anderson to bring to america's children. ♪
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comcast business. powering possibilities. >> ainsley: faith, family and country issue the message our next guests are bringing to young audiences at critical times for our nation's charn.
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kirk cameron and kofi anderson king "mr. red, white and blue," both join us now. it is great to be with you. kirk, tell us about the event. >> we're here in savannah, georgia, at the library to read our book and sing patriotic songs. we are so excited to be with mr. red, white and blue and inner pas fighting for the hearts and minds of children in america. >> ainsley: why is that important to you, kofi. >> in central, texas, patriotism was taught to me, my mother is a teacher and my dad was in the military. what a good way to support kirk's book than to sing in person. >> ainsley: kirk, for families that are watching that live in the area, can anyone go? do you need tickets?
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what time is it? which library? >> everybody is invited, it is from 10 a.m. to 1-p.m. at chatham county library. this is leading up to something excited in summertime and ainsley, parent are outraged at the moral state of the union and turning out in droves. one review of sam smith dressed as satan and men dressed as women performing sex actses in cages tell us if we don't return to being one nation under god, our hope is not coming from hollywood or washington, it is in the power of god working in the hearts of people. come out, there is a role for everyone to play. we need you to join this movement. go to brave, for more information. >> ainsley: the book is called "as you grow," download kofi's
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music. there is a train coming. bye, y'all. coming up, lawmakers set to be briefed on the chinese spy flight. a six year old boy is going viral after passionate pleas for a three-day weekend. >> this is for the government and i'm protesting and i want three days off of school. two days is not enough.
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the china spy flight. we learn the spy campaign is part of a larger surveillance program that has been going on for a while. >> ainsley: senator marco rubio sits on the foreign relations committee and joins us now. good morning. i know the briefings are classified, what can you tell us? what can you learned that you can share with us? >> there is a lot the public should know, it is not classified. the president should have gone before the country and explained here is what it is and here is what i have decided to do and why. it is lack of clarity that led to concern that people now have. it is very simple. every country, all major countries have satellites that operate on orbit. every time they orbit the earths, they can take images and so forths, like a ring camera that sends updates of what is going on around there. spy planes and things of that
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nature. in between where spy planes can fly and satellites operate, there is valuable space and balloons allow persistent surveillance, they can loiter over an year and send back realtime video. what we've never seen is it loiter over the continental united states for that period of time. what is clear, agencies of the federal government knew this was heading to the continental united states, days in advance and didn't notify congress until the news was about to run with the story and allowed it to cut a path across the middle of the country and never explained to us, and i mean us as the american public. >> steve: you heard reporting over the last week or so and they said it happened during the
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last administration, but they didn't know until after the fact. according to "washington post" or something like that, they decided to go ahead and started looking and retroactively figured out this had crossed in the united states airspace a couple times. do you buy that? >> no, let me tell you a couple things. systems today, nord stream 2 and spy agency designed to look for spy planes, missiles, not balloons, number one. number two, have chinese flown these things in the past? yes, i was aware they had a balloon program. has it done what this one done? absolutely not. if i want to get from point a to point b, i have to go through a route path, that is one thing. this entered over idaho and cut path across middle of the country, that has never happened, not now, not in past,
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it never happened. if it had, they never told us. this is different from the other one, two different universes. >> steve: if nord stream 2 can track santa, they should be able to track something that is the size of three school buses. >> unless santa is on a balloon. the point is, look, it is not just norad's responsibility. it is can project this is where it is headed from its prajectory, they knew it was heading to the continental united states before it entered air space and they didn't do anything about it. >> ainsley: why do you think that is until it was in south carolina when they had the opportunity when it was leaving alaska and could have shot it down there? >> i think they should have shot
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it down before it entered airspace over the united states. i don't dismiss, imagine this thing falls or kills somebody or damages property, i don't take that piece lightly. flip that over and say what if this thing had a self-destruct mechanism, had capability to bring itself down, chinese military operating it, that posed air risk, as well. what if this malfunctioned and fell on someone, then you have to answer those questions. those are things the president could have come on camera and said, there is a balloon, here is why i'm not going to shoot it down and here is when we're going to take action. that is as much a problem as anything else. >> steve: you have lots of questionses, hope you get answers today. thank you for joining us today. coming up -- >> ainsley: still ahead, head to philadelphia, lawrence is having breakfast at chicky and pete's.
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>> lawrence: live in philly ahead of the big game, the band will take us out. [cheering] ♪ ♪ ic breast cancer are living longer with kisqali. so, long live family time. long live dreams. and long live you. kisqali is a pill proven to help women live longer when taken with an aromatase inhibitor. and kisqali helps preserve quality of life. so you're not just living, you're living well. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts may result it can cause serious in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms,
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which nfl players depend on sleep number? boom! circle him. all these guys do. yeah, this beast. guys who do the griddy do. turns out 80% of nfl players have a sleep number 360 smart bed. it's game-changing sleep. only from sleep number. my asthma felt anything but normal. a blood test helped show my asthma is driven by eosinophils, which nucala helps reduce.
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nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. >> ashley: fox news alert, new jersey councilman found dead in his car a week after the unsolved murder of councilwoman eunice dwumfour. rus heller was shot to death yesterday morning in the parking lot of the energy company where he worked as a supervisor. gary curtis was found dead a short time later. he was a former employee of the
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utility company. police search for who shot and killed eunice dwumfour. police have not named a suspect and have not linked the cases. in the wake of holiday meltdown, that left scores of americans stranded, according to prepared remarks obtained by nbc, top southwest executive plans to say, let me be clear, we messed up, we did not have enough winter operational resilience. the hearing is set to start in about two hours. and sound the alarm, disney making major movie announcement, during quarterly earnings call, the company is works on the third installment in the frozen franchise and pixar is bringing back, woody, buzz and the gang. buzz lightyear tweeting his excitement and writing off we go
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to number fine, to infinity and beyond. the plot and details are being kept under wraps. janice, you have the weather and a couple people behind you. >> janice: you have friends with me, kansas city, what is your name? >> pat. >> janice: that makes sense. what is your name? >> pat. >> you're a boston fan? >> live in nebraska. >> your name? >> pam. >>-- from the office. >> where you from? >> delaware. >> what are you in new york for? >> we went to see aladdin on broadway -- >> but the highlight is? >> fox friends. >> janice: 43 in new york city, we have warmer air and colder air behind it, the storm system is moving toward great lakes, snow behind that and risk for severe storms, we could have
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gusts of 50 to 60 miles per hour for parts of the ohio valley and severe storms we will watch today. heavy rainfall for parts of the southeast. who are you voting for >> go eagles. >> in philadelphia is lawrence, say hi to him. >> hi, lawrence, how you doing? go, eagles. >> lawrence: hi, guys. thank you, janice. good morning, family. as you can tell, the energy is still so high ahead of the big game in philly. i want to talk with young ladies that work here. how long you been eagles fans? >> all our life. >> since birth, baby. >> since birth. everybody comes here to eat before the game. what is best thing on the menu? >> crab fries. >> fried crab mac and cheese. >> are you going to win this week? >> we hope so. >> yes, 100%.
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>> lawrence: guys, how long you been an eagles fan? >> my whole life. >> lawrence: what are you expecting in the game? >> the eagles to win. >> is jalen going to show up? >> oh, yeah. >> lawrence: big time. how long you been eagles fan? >> anita. >> lawrence: what are you expecting during the game? >> we got it. >> lawrence: what if you guys lose? >> you are waivering the thought, that is negative. >> lawrence: we don't need it. >> right. we are winning, we got it, stay on the one equal even line. >> lawrence: thank you, i appreciate it. to the a team, how long you been an eagles fan? >> my whole life, born in philly. >> lawrence: born and raised. what will the score be this game? >> probably 40 to 17 maybe. >> lawrence: a blowout? she has confidence.
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that is what i'm talking about. did she get the confidence from you? >> definitely, eagles are going to win, take it. i don't think it will be -- i think a struggle, sorry. 34-31. >> lawrence: that's a good score. guys, i want to take you to my a team right here. tell me. what is going to be the score for eagles versus kansas? >> close game, 21-28. but it doesn't matter, we're going toin with, i feel it, i see it, it is going to be like this, man, everybody know about philly and eagles, great coach, great team, one dream, super bowl. baby, baby, going all the way, "fox and friends," i love y'all, baby. >> lawrence: love you back. all right. kathy, end with y'all, need one more pep rally to get the fans on fire. what can you tell me about the big game? >> eagle shirley is there for
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her team, the fans, all around the country, not just here, philadelphia. be loud and proud of our team. take thissin with, we're going to win, 38-17, eagles all day long. let's go, everybody. >> lawrence: i'll send it back to you guys in new york. >> steve: excellent. thank you, lawrence, fantastic, love that crowd. still ahead, a politician we can all get behind, a six year old goes viral for his message to the federal government demanding a three-day weekend. that kid joins us live coming up. first let's check in with bill h hemmer. >> how you feeling about that, the eagles are jacked up. >> steve: i'm jacked up, too, i'm a grandpa, peter and hillary had a baby.
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pictures are in "people" magazine. >> keep it going, thank you, steve. at this hour, members of the house are getting briefing on china spy flight. what will they learn and what will we be told about this? fall out on claims about social security, rick scott at the center of it all and makes the case on our show. tip your waiters and bartenders, maria b, james freeman and cast of thousands join dana and me13 minutes. we'll see you then, top of the hour.
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enough. here is his message for the federal government. it's now gone viral. >> i'm brodyand this is for the government. i'm protesting. i want three days off from school. i've been tired of school lately and i've been dreaming for three days off. two days is not enough. i need time to just play and go with nanay and stay home and do whatever i want outside. >> steve: i am with you, brody. joining us brody and his mom jessica canyon. good morning. good morning. >> steve: brody, you are a big star now, aren't you? >> yep. >> steve: you've been viral on tiktok and instagram, how does
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it feel? >> i mean, it's great. i can't believe it. >> steve: jessica, so a lot of kids would like more time off. at what point did you think, i should put this on instagram because he wants more time. >> i think it was like the same day. i told him, i would send it to the government, but i didn't know what to do with it. i will put it on tiktok and instagram and see what happens. >> steve: brody, who in the government do you want to change it? who can change it to three days? oh, that's a hard question. >> steve: it is. >> steve: is this like a joe biden thing, a president thing, a congress, who is going to make brody's dream come true? i've stumped you.
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why do you need extra time? >> i think everybody does and i think they're getting tired of school. >> steve: yeah. >> and i think they need time. >> steve: that's right. i heard you say you need more time to play with nanay, who is nanay? >> she's my granny that does everything she can for me. obviously. >> steve: i think your nanay would rather you were off everyday so she could play with you. >> how do you know who my poppy and nanay is? >> what is going on? >> you can see the picture of nanay. >> we have control working with the tv director, able to put different stuff on tv.
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when you hear from the government that you have a four-day school week, will you please let us know, you will be the most famous in the world, kids all over will go, brody, you're amazing. okay. jessica, good luck. >> thank you. >> steve: he's adorable. all right. jessica and brody joining us on georgia. >> steve: we all want three-day week ends, just saying. more with lawrence, he's in philly, coming up. ♪ if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee, even if it received ppp, and all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then we'll work with you to fill out your forms and submit the application; that easy.
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and down in philly. [cheers and applause] >> what is the buzz song? she is shy. it's so good being here, guys. i will allow the band to play us out. ♪ i
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i'm out. ♪ >> bill: that's a party, okay. here we go. good morning, everybody. better late than never. nearly two weeks after a breached american airspace intel officials finally briefing congress on the chinese spy flight. it is happening now. we're in new york city and good morning i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." i got a good sleep, did you? >> bill: really good. >> dana: nothing like your own bed. lawmakers finally getting answers on the flight that has inflamed washington and beijing. defense officials are briefing the house as we speak.


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