tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News February 9, 2023 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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jill and joe biden. yes, they had a sweet moment at the state of the union. kamala says she never saw it. it's the only thing anybody was talking about at the state of the june you but kamala didn't see it. no wonder she doesn't see the illegals. tucker is next. remember, i'm waters. this is my world. >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." used to be before liberals embraced authoritarianism, it was right. rights to healthcare, miranda rights. but if you're talking about rights at some point you want to identify the most basic human right of all? the right of self-defense.
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that's the essential right that all other rights defend. if you can't defend your family and property, you don't have any rights at all. your a slave by definition. you may be wondering in this moment of creeping authoritarianism, how is the right of self-defense doing in our country? we can give a long lecture. consider two shootings that took place in gas stations in the past year in the united states. the first shooting occurred around 2:00 p.m. october 6 in the state of missouri, a 23-year-old felon called javon taylor, a long criminal record, convictions for armed robbery, began threatening a female clerk because the gas station didn't carry the cigars that he wanted. that's when an off duty fireman decided to step in. he told taylor to leave the store. in response to that, taylor began threatening him and ran towards his s.u.v. outside. he followed him outside because he expected that taylor would retrieve a gun from the car. that's what he did.
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taylor pulled an illegal handgun with an extended magazine from his s.u.v. sante, not wanting to get shot, put taylor in a head lock. that's when taylor handed the gun to his girlfriend. the girlfriend shot the unarmed fireman in the back killing him. it was an execution. it's nt a close call. the footage is online. if you have any doubt, you can watch it. there's no debate what happened here. the local social justice d.a., gene peters baker refused to press charges against the person who killed the firefighter. now why? well, there may have been a political component. we know that because online, blm activists celebrated the killing on racial grounds. taylor was black, sante was white. that was enough for them. they're glad he's dead. consider the second gas station shooting, this happened before midnight in austin, texas. an armed man with a long
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criminal record called marquees demps walked into a shell station and got violent. >> customers that frequent the family-owned shell station in springdale can't say enough good things about 25-year-old employees nasin naz. they're stunned to hear that he's charged with first degree murder after shooting marquees demps outside the store. according to court documents, demps came in the store and caused a disturbance that turned physical. >> there was an altercation in the store. that's what started everything. >> demps waved a knife at the workers. naz told him to leave. instead, demps began trashing the store. naz's father showed us the damage. naz followed him in through the
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parking lot and shot him multiple times through his window. >> tucker: so a guy with a criminal record and a knife in his hands starts trashing your store and runs outside to his car. naz told police later that he shot demps because he feared for his life. he thought the guy was going to get a gun and kill him. that's a reasonable fear. the santes murder demonstrates it is. in this case, the d.a., a soros funded political activist is charging the clerk. he wants naz a man that contributes to society as you just heard, he's trying to send that man to prison for the rest of his life. so butt these two cases together. what is the message? if a violent felon starts terrorizing your local store, you can't do anything. if he goes back to his car to get a gun, you have to let it
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happen. so get shot or go to jail for the rest of your life. those are your choices which are not really choices at all. these are not isolated cases that we cherry pick to make some political point. it's happening everywhere. we saw it happen to jose alba in new york. he's the bodega clerk that he was sent to rikers island on a murder charge because he fought back when another thursday attacked him with his girlfriend in the store. that charge was ultimately dropped after the public flipped out because it was so unfair. but alba left this country for the dominican republic because he saw where things are going. self-defense, the cornerstone of all freedoms without which you cannot be free, you're owned, self-defense is becoming illegal in effect in a lot of places. not just in liberal places, like new york city, even in states with the strongest self-defense laws on the books. arizona allows residence to shoot trespassers on their
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property. so 73-year-old george allen kelly lived on the border. you may have heard that joe biden opened the border to millions and millions of people from other countries whose identities we don't know to just walk in. if you live on the border, this has changed your life completely and scared you. so george allen kelly was one of those people. lives on the border. he's seeing this first hand. now he's in jail charged with first degree murder because he shot an illegal alien that trespassed on his ranch less than two miles from the border, this happened the other day. now, we don't know the details of the altercation between the man in prison and the man he killed. but the man in prison has no record of killing anyone else. he's not a convicted felon. he doesn't have a violent history. the man he killed was an illegal migrant called gabriel butema he was deported several times and
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let back in. we're not attacking him. just noting it. so kelly felt threatened and shot that illegal migrant. prosecutors instantly charged him with first degree murder. here he is, george allen kelly, this is the guy according to authorities is a dangerous risk to public safety who must spend the rest of his life in prison. does he seem dangerous to you? >> i notice coming in here, my wife is present in the court. may i ask her to make an appointment for an audio visual conference? i've not been able to talk to her or anyone. >> that is something that has to be decussed with the detention facility downstairs. that conversation would have to be had with them, sir. if your wife wants to have communication with you, she can go to the sheriff's office and make the proper accommodations. >> i appreciate you giving that instruction. >> tucker: this is an elderly
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man that can barely walk, never been convicted of a violent crime. he's being treated like a child because some voice from some fascist. that's what you just saw. the judge in this case is called emilio valasquez. he's an elected politician. he's not even a judge. he's allowing the prosecution of an american citizen under arizona law and if someone comes our your probability, you have a right dedefend yourself, period. but valasquez does not acknowledge that right. he set the bail for this elderly man whose wife is live against lone in their home at a million dollars. so news of this case obviously traveled past arizona and people are justly outraged by what's being done to this man. people tried to raise money to pay that bail on go fund me.
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go fund me wouldn't allow that. this elderly man rotted in jail, while his wife that lived on the boreder that the democratic party is living alone. they shut down bail to raise money for this guy. you can raise money for blm to raise money for this guy, but you're not allowed to raise money for people being held on million dollars bail and first degree murder charge for defending their property along an open border. true insanity. a danger to all of us. even in texas, which in someplace is still a free state, self-defense is slowly becoming illegal. a few weeks ago, a thug walked into a taco shop holding what looked to be a gun, scared the hell out of everybody and stole their money. the gun was fake. how would you feel if you were there and some lunatic in a gun
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shoves the barrel in people's faces? one brave man stood up and eliminated the threat. here it is. >> a man wearing a mask and gloves inside the taceria around 11:30 thursday night pointing what looks like a gun to customers while demanding customers. some hide and throw cash, this man takes action as the robber heads to the door still with his gun drawn. >> took the money, turned and and left and that's when the customer got up and shot him. >> the shotter angry, realizing the robber's gun is plastic. returning the stolen money to customers, taking a sip of his drink and leaving before police arrived. >> so be interesting. we should do this. play that video for the entire country. let's have a national referendum on what ought to happen to the man who shot the armed robber? you're eating with your family
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in a restaurant. a lunatic comes in and steals your money. somebody stands up and shoots him back. what percentage of americans think that guy should go to jail? right around zero probably. but houston police along with the county district attorney are putting that man in front of a grand jury to send him to prison. they're saying he shot the criminal one too many times. okay. it's not hard to see why people are making sure they're putting down violent thugs. if they don't, they'll get out of jail and start terrorizing more people. that is happening everywhere. just happened in tupelo, mississippi. mississippi is a state controlled by republicans. but they started letting felons out on parole. chris copeland out on probation executed a clerk in a chevron after robbing him. he made that clerk, a man called
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prrmzier sigh sit down and shot him in the head. turn away if you don't want to see it. here it is. >> tucker: just executed him. so politicians can feel like good and virtuous people by giving a second chance to felons. felons do deserve a second chance. not everybody in prison deserves to be there. when you let people out and they don't keep track of them, expect the best, you'll like psychopaths like chris copeland in the general population and they'll execute store clerks. they're working for $8 an hour to sell you lotto tickets. people that defend themselves against criminals get the maximum possible sentence.
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the government gets to defend itself with body guards. politicians have body guards that you pay for. congress is so afraid of the people that they govern they built a wall around the capitol this week but you can't fight back. we begin to see this accelerate in 2020 in the blm riots. a blm mob broke the gate to a family's property in st. louis. all of a sudden, the mob shows up. in response they did what you would do if you were a wake. you'd grab your firearms. back off. the firearms were lawfully owned, on their property as was the mob. this is what it looked like. >> tucker: remember that? they were racist. right. a group of highly entitled
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children of orthodontists showed up on their property to threaten them and they said back off and they're racist. a soros prosecutor called kim gardner charged them with the crime. the mccloskies were charge. st. louis is not safer. it's much more danger under kim gardner. they experienced the highest murder rate in decades. the point is disarming use. you can't defend yourself against their plans for you. now thankfully mark mccloskey and his wife were not charged. he joins us now. you story was so significant because it seemed like the beginning of a trend where political prosecutors send the message that you're not allowed
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to defend yourself. don't take up arms to defend your property, your family and your own life. it's fair to say it was the beginning of a trend, no? >> it was. this is not accidental. it's not the result of incompetence. what is our right to defend ourselves? it's a god-given right. it's a basic human right. the powers that be that want to destroy our government, destroy our freedoms and culture, they can't tolerate the concept of there being a power greater than government. they have to do away with your god-given rights, all your rights and leave you with nothing government-granted privileges that could be revoked in a moment's notice. we have a vice president of the us that encouraged the riots. so they're proper and should continue. bail people out of jail too riot the next day. a government that encourages crime and discourages law enforcement by defunding the police and these george soros
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prosecutors like i have here in st. louis. then what do the people do? if there's rampant crime and the police won't enforce the law and the prosecutors won't prosecute the criminals, people have to defend themselves. so then what? that same government then criminalizes self-defense and throws you in jail. so it wasn't cheap to defend ourselves. then to add insult to injury, our bar association required us to do 100 hours each of pro bono legal services. so that's 200 hours of our team. about $150,000 fine there. we can handle that. but think about that poor george allen kelly in texas. 73-year-old man with a million dollars bond for doing anything more than defending himself. the whole purpose of this is to strip our rights away. strip away our god-given freedoms and give absolute control to the government. criminalize self-defense and glorify the government.
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>> tucker: they start a crime wave and demand you give up your guns. thanks, mark. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: in this weird world we're in, the criminals are the victims. who are the criminals? sincere christians. they're the real problems. the middle class. they're dangerous. and the fbi, it's hard to believe this, as an organization has joined in the hunt for christians. we have proof of it. the fbi tried to manufacture crimes against catholics. the richmond field office published a document promising to punish radical catholics and their ideology. just to make something clear, the bill of rights prohibits the government from weighing in on religious questions. they don't get to decide whether you're religion is good or bad. they have to be agnostic on it.
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if you're too serious about catholicism, you're a criminal. we only have this memo because are recently suspended fbi agent brought it to the public. we're grateful that he did. kyle, thanks for joining us tonight. this -- it's hard to believe this is real. it's one -- what was your reaction when you saw this? >> my reaction is predictable. i'm a catholic, number 1. it's appalling. when the government has gotten to the point and you talk about the second amount rights and the first amendment rights to practice our religion. i'm friends that people that grew up with the latin mass. it doesn't seem reason but it's the state of the fbi that they're so desperate to find white supremacists that they're looking at the catholic church.
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they have found a gate way in what they think is fringe catholicism in order to move in to christians in general. declare them to be the actual criminals in this country or the potential terrorists. that's what i think we're seeing. the whole document basically is written from the perspective of somebody that thinks they're significant abortion rights that need to be defended and also an lgbtq agenda that has to be pushed down the american people's throats. those are antithetical to catholicism. it's easy. it's an open door in to christians in this country, which is pretty much all the country. >> tucker: yeah. also orthodox jews and islam and morm mormonism. did nobody in the fbi said it's not our job to decide which is a better religion and criminalize people's religious believes? did anybody in the bureau say that? >> obviously the whistle-blower that brought it to me. i'm in contact with a number of people that work in the fbi and
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have the same values that we do. so one of them brought it to me and said this is a problem, this person is not a catholic. but he or she stated the simple statement, that if they're going after radical catholics, traditional baptist are much the and evangelicals and anybody else. >> tucker: i'm not catholic either. i'd be defending the scientologists or anybody else. you can't do this. i appreciate it. thanks, kyle. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: so here's a completely bizarre story. two republican politicians in one state assassinated in the span of a week. what is that? plus, john fetterman has been a senator for a few weeks. some thought maybe he wasn't up for the job. he was just rushed to the hospital. sad but you wonder what is going
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saying that the biden administration blew up the nord stream 2 pipelines, the largest energy pipelines in europe tanking the european economy and lied about it. he showed how it happened. probably the biggest story of the year. what is bigger than that? we checked today. nobody has covered it. cnn, msnbc devoted zero words to it. "new york times," "washington post" ignored it. really? why? we're not going to ignore it. more updates later. you've heard about a tax on democracy but you haven't heard about two republican office holders that have been assassinated in a week. trace gallagher has more. >> new jersey police have little information about the shootings themselves and still have come to a number of conclusions. on wednesday of last week, 30-year-old councilmember was found shot to death in her car.
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on wednesday of this week, a 51-year-old man from new jersey was found shot to death in his car. in the parking lot of ps&g energy, the company where he worked for 11 years. a short time after heller was found death, a 58-year-old was found dead in his car of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. so far police do not have a motive in either of the killings. they don't have a suspect in one of the killings and they believe both were targeted and yet they're confident that neither of these republican council members were targeted because they were council members or because they were republicans. it is unclear how exactly police have ruled those out. what the evidence is. we know that eunice was a cristian and reportedly video of
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her speaking to her shooter moments. it's unusual to not have any motives and rule out potential motives. tucker? >> tucker: fascinating. trace gallagher on every night at midnight on fox. thank you. as trace just said, we have no idea what means of that means but it's a little weird. so is the fact that senator john fetterman of pennsylvania was rushed to the hospital. we don't have details. an mri and other tests ruled out a new stroke. he's being monitored for signs of a seizure, a lot of people lied about john fetterman's obvious medical problems in order to get him elected to the senate. now we're wishing him the best. tonight wish him ill at all. but this may be the fruit of lying. dr. marc siegel did not lie about this. back in november, he pointed out that the likelihood fetterman could have serious complications
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in office was very high. >> fetterman himself has said that his stroke was due to a blood clot from the heart. that is very significant. greater than 60% chance that someone like fetterman with a heart in his condition having had a stroke will either have a recurrence or won't survive the term. >> tucker: dr. marc siegel joins us with an update. thanks for coming in. i have to say with sorrow, i feel sorry for senator fetterman. hope he gets better. you made the point this was predictable. >> absolutely, tucker. though he's an inspiration to people with disabilities, is he up for the job? i'm concerned about a repeat stroke, disabilities occurring even not surviving five years. now he goes in to the hospital with light headedness. i have to tell you, this country has a terrible history on both
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sides of the aisle of not telling us exactly what is happening with the health of our leaders. i want to tell you medically, light head edness is not the sign of a stroke. i understand they're monitoring him, observing him, they ruled out a new stroke. we absolutely wish him well. they're monitoring him for a seizure for a few days and i want to give you a statistic. a study shows a 5 to 7% chance of a seizure within 30 months following a stroke. he's in that window. does that mean i think he has a seizure? i hope it doesn't. he has a bad heart. he has an irregular heartbeat. he had a stroke. he's on a defibrillator and pacemaker and under a lot of stress. anybody that is a u.s. senator is under a lot of stress. the people of pennsylvania, tucker, have a right not just to root for his health but to have somebody that is capable of serving them in the united states senate, tucker.
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>> tucker: and to have someone tell the truth as you pointed out. just tell us the truth. voters can assess. >> we need to know the truth. >> tucker: amen. we certainly made fun of don lemon on cnn. tonight we have a sad report that don lemon has had an emotional break down on television and it's on going and we'll have the tape next.
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>> tucker: you can see we spent many happy years making fun of mr. don lemon of cnn. at times we'll concede we've been cruel. but as we have mocked him and we have, there's been honestly an undercurrent of real affection. we admire don lemon. how can a man so limited have such boundless self-esteem? doesn't he know he's and idiot? he has no idea. this is the guy that once suggested that a commercial airliner had been eaten by a black hole. when people laughed, he was unbothered by their laughter.
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in a world of intellectual pretense, he's not ashamed of being dumb. when he got fired last year for low ratings and reassigned to morning, he told viewers it was a promotion. he meant it. when you say about den lemon, he's unflipable so we assumed. turns out there's one thing that bothers don lemon and that's not being the prettiest person on the set. that drives him insane. so possibly as a torture, punishment, cnn's new president paired don lemon with two much younger more attractive co hosts, kaitlan collins and bobby harlow. the steely don lemon began to melt down before our eyes. the other day, for example, after kaitlan collins interviewed a republican member of congress, don lemon launched into an attack on republicans that wasn't an attack on republicans but an attack on his
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co host, kaitlan collins. can't to that. producers turned up the music to get him to be quiet but he shushed them to keep attacking her. watch this. >> thanks for taking time to joins us. >> thanks for having me. thank you. that's it. that's the time we're in where facts are sort of flexible and -- >> that's why we have kaitlan collins on the hill. fact checking in reel time. >> citing incredible sources, citing the "new york post" as a credible source and saying that facts are -- it's -- i can't believe that we're here. >> kaitlyn a great interview. all right. moving on. anyway -- now moving on. listen, that's a big issue when it comes -- hold on with the music. that's a big issue with the american people. the american people have to suffer through this stuff from election deniers to people that don't believe in facts, we don't have a shared reality and now it's taken center stage to
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people like major taylor green. >> this is thanksgiving at the alcoholic passive aggressive family house. the american people sheiks don lemon. it's not about the american people. it's definitely not about facts. facts? no. it's about how don lemon feels about himself. cnn president chris licth ought to sit down with this guy and let him know because somebody else is pretty doesn't mean that you're ugly. it's okay, down. you're beautiful inside. or something. is it going to work? we don't know. they have to try something. there is on the brink. the so-called pro life spider man just completed his most daring climb yet. we're mesmerized by these. tuesday morning he free-climbed without ropes the tallest building in arizona. the 40 story chase tower in downtown phoenix. he was arrested after getting to
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the top but he's out of jail now and joins us to explain why he once again risked his life. he's the pro life spider man. great to see you, mason. thanks for coming on. congratulations. tell us why you did this. >> yeah, thanks for having me on. i climb these buildings because i want to show people how to have faith over fear. abortion is murder and that's the truth. yet so many people my age are scared to speak the truth. they're scared to offense. we can't be scared. abortion is like climbing a sky scraper. it's a matter of life or death. we don't have time for fear. i'm raising money for a woman named hope. she's 22 weeks pregnant. she's partially disabled. i want to show her that she doesn't need to have an abortion and doesn't need to live in fear. >> did you raise money by doing this? >> yeah, i raise money every
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time especially by coming on your show, tucker. >> tucker: it's just such an amazing story. on the one hand, your bravery is remarkable. the fact that you're doing it in support of the most unfashionable position of the united states of america and you don't care is even more inspiring. have you talked to hope? >> i have partially not talked to hope. she works with counselors. i pray for her every day that she can receive the help and care. i know what i do is risky. i know what i do is dangerous. it needs to be done. like i said, not everybody can -- not everybody can climb a sky scraper. everybody can speak out and everybody can help save a baby at a time. helping hope, you know, receive the support and care that she needs. >> raising money for a woman that is pregnant and doesn't want to be and you're trying to
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help her? you'll be attacked by not in my house. thanks, mason. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: so matt walsh has worked tirelessly and pretty effectively to expose what is actually going on with the trans agenda, which means horrific child mutilation surgeries. he's now pushing for a bill that would outlaw in his home state. he joins us next with an update where that is. we'll be right back. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2,
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[music plays] if your instinct is to help. ♪ then clearly you care. ♪ you have what it takes to be a care professional. home instead. apply now. after my car accident, wondnder whahatmy c cas. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris
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ci had no idea how muchw i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> tucker: we were shocked and probably most people were shocked to learn that vanderbilt medical center, a very well-respected hospital in tennessee, is involved in the mutilation of children's genitals for profit. they brag about it on camera. we know this because of matt walsh who found the evidence. yesterday at a hearing in tennessee, in the state house, democrats are outraged by the genital mutilation going on at vanderbilt but they were mad at matt walsh. one democrat, a man john ray clemons asked walsh for his
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credentials. her's walsh's responses. >> can you give us a summary of your healthcare education and experience? >> mr. walsh, you're recognized. >> my experience in healthcare? >> your educational back ground. i curious. you testified about to a lot of your own research. i'm curious for what purpose you do that and what background you have to qualify you to speak to that. >> my background qualifies me to speak to this i'm a human being with a brain and common sense and i have a soul. so therefore i think it's a bad idea to chemically cast strait children. that's my experience. also, i did -- it's true. i didn't go to college. i did go to school long enough to read so i can read the data for myself. that's what i've done. >> jesse: >> representative clemens? >> for what purpose do you conduct this rush and use your brain? >> mr. walsh? >> i use it for the purpose of trying to protect children from being castrated and mutilated.
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>> what kind of a freak can john ray take the side of those that castrate? matt walsh left another lawmaker speechless. >> curious of your definition if you feel like people are adults at 16 -- >> people are adults at 18. actually, your brain is not fully developed until your 25. so we should be having a conversation about whether we should even be doing the surgeries to people at 18. certainly before 18, it's absurd. do you think that a 16-year-old can meaningfully consent to having their body parts removed? do you? no? >> caleb hemmer, another ghoul had no answer. god bless matt walsh.
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he joins us now. thanks. it's so satisfying to -- you expose these people as truly filthy people. >> yeah, i think -- they exposed themselves is what i think most of all. the interesting thing, too, i'm sitting there in the hearing. i was giving my view on this bill, i'm if favor of the bill to ban the mutilation of children. i'm giving my view as a tax payer, not an author of the bill. their failed and embarrassing attempts to discredit me were humiliating to them. if you can prove i'm a terrible guy, that makes it okay to mutilate children? they don't want to talk about that because they know they can't defend their position. this is a position that the defendant are constantly in on many issues, particularly this one, where their position is something that is so unspeakably evil that they can't speak it. so you can defeat them in an
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argument by trying to get them to state their premise. they can't even state their premise. caleb hemmer does believe that 16-year-olds can consent to having body parts removed but he can't say it out loud because he knows how crazy it sounds. instead, he falls silent. >> tucker: you look at john ray clemens. he's in favor of cutting breaths off of girls? how can anybody say it's okay? >> i can't see in their minds. i have to imagine that they know at some level they're wrong but idealogical by beholden to it. that's why they don't defend it. as if i need credentials to know that abusing children is wrong. >> tucker: as a harvard trained physician, i agree it's wrong. s that, matt.
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>> thank you. >> tucker: so a few years ago,20 years ago, carl's jr. a fast food chain seemed too be on its way out. a man called andy puzdner, a lawyer, was chosen as ceo and turned it around. how did he do it? he tells us ahead. good will hunting too fast, too furious and the current hit show yellowstone. beyond his impressive career, he is a proud supporter of the tunnel to towers foundation. i was able to spend some time with cole and his family to reflect on those who have sacrificed so much to defend our freedom. i know how much you care about america and our veterans and all the things. but you have such a platform now. yeah. and to share that with us that we need to get the word out that we have to take care of these great heroes and their families.
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you know, as i started to be more and more successful, i was like, how can i help? but when i heard of the tunnel of the towers, and i met brandon in idaho and his family, i was like, wow. there's actually a charity where we know where the money's. going to go. we have 95.1% of every dollar goes to our programs. and i think brandon's a great spokesman for t2t and and his wife, shannon, has two daughters. i mean, oh, my god. they're just special families. so pretty much, if you put your life on the line, if something goes bad, they're there. that's awesome. yeah. they're incredible people, man. you saw all the stuff we put in these homes, right? i was i was blown away. and they deserve it. they earned it. this is not of course, we give them a mortgage free home, but look what they gave up. they gave up their bodies so, cole, why should americans give donate help? tunnel to towers foundation. i mean, is there any better organization to help the people that has fought for this country and the freedoms that we have?
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then he retired and then he noticed that something called esg was completely distorting the american economy. he decided to fight back against it. so we sat down with him for an hour of new episode of "tucker carlson today." here's part of it. >> we're facing a group think on the left that is really metastasized almost in to a
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religion. they use things like climate change, like equity over equality. we're no longer talking about hiring people based on merit. we're talking about hiring people based on diversity. forget martin luther king. we should judge people on their character. we're openly judging people on their race or sex, this is a terrible trend. a lot of it descends from this esg mentality that the left has been able to impose on us through control by these asset managers. >> you must it happen in your world. in college, the radical left was on college campuses or the socialology department, but they weren't running big companies. they weren't asset managers. you spend your life in this world. you must know a million other ceos. a lot of them are infected with this brain virus.
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>> yeah, you can't avoid publicly supporting it. privately it's not real. for example, starbucks and amazon. they signed. they're on that stakeholders -- one of the stakeholders is employees. when they wanted to unionize, they said we're stakeholder capitalizes. our profits is going to go down, you're going to make less money. they fought unionization tooth and nail. >> sure. we'll pay for your abortions but not maternity leave. >> yeah. there's a lot of baloney working through the system on that but there's a real threat, esg investing and what they're trying to impose on the american people using american people's own money to implement the policies. >> they're not just investors but pension funds. >> if you want to change the world, do it at the ballot box or do it with your own money.
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>> do it with your own money. or by voting. republican that? andy puzder, the conversation is out right now on we're out of time. we can go on be. lizs of tik tok join us tomorrow night to respond to criticism from the congress. have the best night with the ones you love. see you then. [applause] >> sean: wow. what a great welcome to "hannity." ready to have a good show tonight? thank you for coming. thank you for joining us. broadcasting from new york. these are the only conservatives in the entire state right here. there's no more. anyway, we begin with a fox news alert.
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