tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News February 9, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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try relaxium sleep risk free for thirty days. that's 800 for one nine twelve eighty six . or go to try relaxium .com geetha. never miss a beat day today. autoreader .com or company store to get your pick. "tuck >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight used to be before liberals embraced authoritarianism that they would talk a lot about rights. >> you're right,braced i write ghtsything was a right, a right to health care. mirand ta rights can debatets. whether those rights or not.if u >> but if you're'r talking righu ,you at some point want to identify the most basic human right of all. >> wha t is that? ? th well, of course, it's the right of self-defense. that's the essential right upo n
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which all other rights depend. if you can't defend yourself, te can't defend your family and your property, you don't have any rights at all. >> you're a l.. by definition. >> so you may be wondering in this moment of creeping authoritarianism, how is the right to self defense doing in our country? ou we can give some kind of long lecture, but instead, how about some examples? consider two shootings that took place at gas stations in the past year in the united states . the first shooting occurred around two p 2:0m.m on october a the state of missouri, a twentyo three year old felon called javon taylor with a long criminal record convictiontaylor armed robbery, for example, began threatening a female clerk, apparently becausn es st the gas station didn't carry the kind of cigars that he wanted. that's when an off firemanat'sw called anthony santae, who was inside, decidehed to step in.or. he told javon taylor to leave ty the storloe. response to that, taylor began threatening him and then ran toward his suv outsidrds his de.e. e beca santee followed him outsideus because he suspected that john taylor would retrieve a gun from the car. and that's exactly what he did.l
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javolen taylor pulled an illega handgun with an extended magazine from his suex magazv. g >> santae, not wanting to getsh shot, put taylor in a headlock e .n taylor >> and that's one . h javon taylor handed the gune to his girlfriend and his girlfriend shot the unarmed fireman in the back, killing him. >> it was an execution. it's not a close the footage is online. we're not going to show ity to you because it's awful. but if you have any doubt, you n can watch it. >> d so there's no debate about. what happened here. ged yet the local social justice d.a., jean peternes baker, refused to press charges against the person who killed the firefighter. , th now, why?n well, there may have beenonent. a political component. we know that because online blm activists immediately ac ticelebrated the killing on racial grounds. >> javon taylor is blackgrou. anthony santae was white.h fo that was enough for them.them they're glad he's dead.ey now, conside're glr the second s station shooting. this one happened just before midnight, less than a mont beforeh go in austin, texas, an armed ad man with a long criminal
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record called marquis demps walked into a shell station and became violent. >> here's a report from the local fox station describing what happened next.d station and go customers who frequent>> the family owned shell gas station on east mlk in enough gd springdale can't say enough good things. things about 25-year-old about twenty five year old employee ecac nars, they're stunned to hear nas is chargede with first degree murder afterst police say he shotto hear and e forty two year old merch demps outside the store late saturday night. according to court documents, demps came inttho the store and caused a verbal disturbance that turned physical that there wae an distus some type of alten happening inside the store. and that's what starte d everything. >> demps wavint g a knife atstai the workers. so now. he grabbed a gun, telling him to leave.wo instead, dempsrker begans. trasg the store. that's his father showing us the damaged merchandise and display cases. the credit card machine ripped out of the counter as demps left. now it's followed him into the parking lot and shote
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multiple times through his car window. >>parkinlot and shot so a guy wu record and a knife in hisrashinr hand starts trashing your store and then runs outsidore and e td car . you see, naz tol pd police latel that he shot marki demps because he feared for his life. he thought the guy was going to get a gun and come back andnn d kill. >> and that's a reasonable fear. of course, the anthony's a reas. murder demonstrates that it is . but in this case, the d.a. this assuras funded antipolice political activist called hosie garza is pressing charges against the clerk he wants. he's seen as a man who's widely respected in his communitycontri and who actually contributes to our society society as you jt heard, he's trying to send thath man to prison for the rest of his life. so but these two cases together tonsider in tandem. >> what's the message?message? well, the message is if v a violent felon starts terrorizing people in your store, ripping your store tet on which you rely forg. your livelihood, you can't do anythingk to. >> if he goes back to his car to get a gun, you have shotr
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to let it happen. soo to get shot or go to jail fr the rest of your life. those arare your choices, which, of course, are not really choices at all.t >> and these are not isolatedery cases that we cherry pick to make some polemical point. it's happening everywhere. i we saw it happen to josé alba last summer ino jo new york se. the bodega clerk,that h the prosecutor sent to rikers island on a murder charge because he fought back . f what a , anothern an otconvicted felon, attacked himt with his girlfriend inhe. the store. >> now thathat chargt charge wa ultimately dropped after the public flipped out because it was so unfairbe. country and alba left this country for f the dominican republic because he saw where things are going. self-defense, the cornerstone se freedoms without which you cannot be free. cae ownennd. s becoming >> self-defense is becoming illegal in effect in a lotin efo places and not just in very liberal places. like new york city, even in states with some of the strongest self-defense laws on the books. arizona, for example, allowsa as residents to shoot trespassers on their property.
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so.. so seventy three year old 7george allen kelly lived righ. on the border. now, you may have heard that joe biden open the border to millions and millions of peoples of from other countriest whose identities we don't know to just walk in. >> slk in. o if you live on the border, this has changed your life completely and it scared you.on >> so george allen kelly wasople one of those people lives on the border. he's seeing this firsthand now. now min f jaiirl tonight,st chd with first degree murder because he shot an illegallega alien who trespassed onto his ranch in springs. that's less than twotres milespn the border. >> this happened january 30th, just the other day. noe w wedon' don't know the deti of the altercation betweenls the man in prison and the man he killed. but the man in prison has no record of killing anyone else. he's not a convicted felon.t he does not have a violent history. the man he killed was an illegal immigrant called gabriel kuen budimant called, ae was deported several times to the united states. but let back in. we're not attackinimesg. tackin
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>> i'm just noting him. that's true. so george allen kelly apparently felt threatened and shot that illegal immigrant. shott prosecutors did noty give him the benefit of the doubt. >> they instantly charged him with first degree murder. so herm e hewith fir is st, geos kelly . >> thi, s is the guy who , according to arizona authorities, is a dangerous risk ris to public safety who mt doend the rest of his life in prison, assess.e does he seem dangerousseem to y >> i noticed coming in, your honor, my wife is in the prison in the court. may i ask her to make an appointment for audio visuall conference and not being able to talk to hernf or anyone. >> so that's something that has be to be discussed with the detention facility downstairs so that conversation would have to be had with them, sir. okay, so if your wife wantsn go to have communication with you, she can go to the sheriff's office or they can go ahea tsher dions. and make the proper accommodation that they need to make. i appreciate you giving that instruction. this an elderly man who canrly
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barely walk, who has never beeng convicted of a violent crimee al and is being treated like a child by some disembodiede voice fromsome fro some fascist. >> that's that's what you just saw. now, the judge in this case is called emilio velasquez. >> now, who's if he's a judge, he doesn't have a law degree.qu. he's not a lawyer. and yet he's a judge.. he's he's an elected politician. n e and he is allowing the prosecutioven n of an amerio citizen who exercised his rights under arizona lawn and his most basic human right,n which is if someone comes onto your property and you feel threatened by it, you have a a right to defend yourselfde by force, period.fe >>nd but the last velasquez doe, not acknowledge that right. ai and so he set the bail for this maderly man whose wife is living alone in their home right near the border at a a million dollars. s of >> so news of this case obviously traveled paststly to arizona and people were justa outraged by whatt' is being done to this man. so people triee tod to raise mon to pay that bail on go fund me,
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but go fund wouldn't allowlo thaw t. this elderly man rotting in jail was wife lives alone on a border that the democratics wi party has kept open.ha >> you can't raise money for his bail. they shut down. dy go fund me shut down the efforte to raise bail for this guy.y now, ofof course, you can raise money for blm is they burn our country down to make surbleo donald trump is not reelected.n you're not allowed to raise but you're not allowed to raise money for people are being heldl on a million bail and firstder h degree murder charges for defending their own property along an open border. true insanity and a danger to all of us , even in texas, whic ih in some places still-den a free state, self-defense is slowly becoming illegal. seg a few weeks ago, a walked o a taco shop holding it, looked to be a gun, scared hell out the hell out of everybody inside and stole oeverybod thei. he pointed this gun turn out to be fake at several customers .s ho how would you feel if you were there in the restaurant? and some lunatic with a gun starts shoving the barrel inn people's faces and stealing
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their money? elim, one brave man stood up and eliminated the threat. >> here it is . a man wearing a mask and gloves inside the takoradi aroundursday eleven thirty thursday night, pointing what looks like n poin at customers while demanding money as some hidee and throwme cash. this man takeson action just a as the robber heads to the dooro . >> still, with his gun drawnr s you only think that the money turned around and left.s >> and that's when the customer got up and shot hiwhm. , real >>iz the shooter angry, realizig the robber's gun is plastic, m returning the stolen money to customerson, taking a sip of his drink and leaving before police arrivedg . >> so be interesting. this. we should do this, play that video for the entire country and let's have a national referendum on what ought man who shotthe man the armed robber. you're eating with your familygh
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in a restaurant. resta >> some lunatic in a masurk coms in and shoves a gun in your face, which you think is a gun and steals your money and somebody stands up back .ots him >> what percentage of americans think that guy should go tojail jail? t ndright around zero, probably. >> but houston police along with the county district attorney , are putting that man in front on f a granfrd juryon to send him to prison. >> they're saying he shot the criminal one too manyit's times. >> okay, it's no nt hardot har e why people are making sure. they're putting down violent thugs if they don'dot, they'lltr get out of jaiorl and start terrorizing more people. that is happenin that is happening everywhere.evw just happened in tupelo, mississippi, in mississi mississippi is a state controlled by republicans, but politicians in mississippi are letting felons out on parole. and that would include a man called chris copeland. twenty six , he had multiple convictions for burglary and auto theft. chris copeland out on probatio copeland, while outed on probation, executed a clerk inside a chevr ae after robbing him.e he made that clerk a man called
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palmview sing sit down and then shot him in the back the head. >> this footage is awful, but it's real. turn awa head.y if you don't wat to see it. >> here it is . se e so you don't get it on the road. with some stuff. maybe this one can go justt executed them. him so politicians can feel likegivg good and virtuous people by giving a second chance to felon s. nd by the way, felons do deserveino a second chance. not everyone in prison deserves to be there. but when you let peoplthere.e ou tholesale and don't keep track of them, just expect the best you're going to get. psychopaths, chris copeland, into the general population and they're going to execute store clerks. the last people deserve to be they'r executed. they're working for like eight bucks an houe work$8r to u a lot of tickets. >>op meanwhilele tha, people whd themselves against criminals get the maximum possible e lesentence. d
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>> the government gets to defend itself with bodyguards, politicians, tons of bodyguards you pay for.. congress is so afraid ofai the people, the governmentthey built a wall around the capital this week. but yollu can't fight back .se in 2we begin to see this accelerate in twenty , twenty during the blm riots. so a blm rio mobts broke the gae into patricia mccluskey'sly's p property in st. louis. s they were having dinner alt.l of a sudden the mob shows re and so in response, they did what you wouldth wha do if you awake. you grab your firearms, you'll shoot. bugrab yr t back off. e la those firearms were lawfully owned. owned, oy on their propert as was the mob. this >> here's what i is t looked li remember that they were racist, right? ?a group of highly entitled children of orthodontistsn thei
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showed up on their property to threaten them and they saido back off. racist so they're racist, said "the washington post". and then, of course,a the prosecutor called kim gardner, charged them, charged with the class. mccluskey's with crime, not the mob. the mccluskey's for daring to defend themselves. their guns were seized. now, the point of this, of course, is not to make anybody safer, just the opposite. and st. loui s not become dange safe , has become much more dangerous. under kim gardner, the city's experience, its highesr unt mur rate in decades. mut decad safety is no the poinest. t defend the point is disarming you. you can't defend yourself againselt their plans for you. now, thankfully, mark mccluskey and his wife were pardoned. these outrageous charges by the governor of the state, thank god mark mccluskey is still around. >> he joins us now. u so muchacy, thank yo for coming on . your story was so significante t because it seemed like s the beginning of a trend wherere political prosecutors send the message that you're not
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allowed to defend yourself, noto matter how crazy and chaotic and dangerous the country becomes.efend yourself. don't take up arms to defend your don't take up arms to defend your property, your family, your own life. yourand i think it's fair to sad was the beginning of a trend., no? ? >> well, it was. and , you know, this is not accidental and it's not a result. incompetence. what is our right of inadvertence or incompetence. what's our right to defend ourselves? ouit's a god given, right.asic it's a basic human right. right. well, the powers it be that want to destroy our government, want to destroy our freedoms and want to destro eedoms aycept o our culture, they can't tolerate the concept of there being a powef e bepower greater government. they have to do away with your god given rights. al n rightsl your rights. and let's leave you lea with nothing but government granted privilegesve no canbe be revoked at a moment's notice. i mean, that's exactly what'sed going on . we've got it. preside we've got a vice president of the united states to encouragest the riots.he so the riots are proper. they should continue bail. people go to jail so they can riot the next day. we'v t a government thatt encourages encourages crime and thenenforc discourages law enforcement by defunding the policeme. and these george soros
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prosecutors like i have here inc st. louis. and then what are the people do if there's rampant crime enforce and the police won't enforcend the law and the prosecutors won'e prosect prosecute the cri, people have to defend themselves. so then that same government then criminalizes self defense and throws you in jail. t now, you know, it wasn't cheapol to defend ourselves. injury and then to add insult to injury, our bar associationo0 required us to do a hundred hours each of pro bono legal services. 0 hours of so that's two hundre od hours o. our time. that's about a hundred and fifty thousand fine right there. but we can we can handle that. but think about that. poor george allen kelley down in texas. on seventy three year old man d with a million dollar bond forma doing nothing more in defending himself. the whole purpose of all thio ss is to strip our rights away, strip away our god given freedoms and give absolute control to the government, criminalize, criminalize self defense and glorify the government. -defense >> yeah. so they star andt crime waveim
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and then demand you give up your guns. >> yeah. no, no thanks. dem thanks. mark. p your >> great to see you. thank you so much..rk. thank you. so in this weird inverted world that we're living in, the criminals are actually thee victims. >> who are the criminals. wellwh, obviously sincere christians. problems. they're the real problems thise year. christians and middle class boy, they're dangerousmiddle c. and the fbi, it's hard to believe this. that was decent fbi agents. but the fbi as an organizationsn has joineded in the hunt for christians and we have proof of it. the fbi tried to manufacture crimes against sincere catholics. the fbi's richmond field officce publntly published an internal document promising to punish, quote, radical traditionalist catholics and their ideology. >> now, justs an to take somethg completely clear , the bill of rights prohibits the governments from weighing in on sectarian or religious questions. thehing ithey don't get to dece whether your religion is good or bad. rd or >> they have to be agnostic on it. >> but the fbi has decided ifto
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you're too sincere about catholicism, you're a criminal.u the document cites obvious lies from the fascist and dishonesta southern poverty law center. >> several times now, we only have this memo because a recently suspended fbi agent called hile seraphin brought itf to the public. >> and we're gratefuult hel thae to did. >> thank you so much fornigh joining us tonight. this it't.ard tos hard to belies is even real. you >> this is one of those. whe what was your reaction when you saw this? >> well, my reaction is predictable. i mean, i'm a catholic, no.ic, r one , and i think it's 1 appalling. it's one of those things that t when the government has gottenhv to the point where you talkedgo about our second amendment to, those defend our firstnd amendment rights to practice our religion, particularly t ri tthe way we want to . i'm friends with peoplen. who love the latin mass .m fried i grew up in a traditionalhe school where i actually learned latin in fifth and sixth grade and all the way through high school. and it doesn't seem reasonable ,but it is the state of the fbi at this point that they are so desperate to fin td white supremacists that they're going to look at the catholic church. but i think if we're realistict
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d about it, what they're doingn is they have found a gateway in what they think is fringee catholicism in order to to move into christians in general and declare them to be declare them to be the actual criminals in this country or the potentia the actual the criminals in. this country are the potential terrorists. and that's what i think we'rk wy saying, because the whole document basically is written wr oficanperspective somebody who thinks that theres are significant abortion rights that need to be defendedthatalso and also an lgbtq agenda that. has to be pushed down the american people's throats. and those are antithetical to catholicism. antithetso it's pretty easy.o r into count doo christians in this country, which is pretty much all the country. >> well, yeah. and also orthodox judaism and islam and mormonism. i mean, right. and no one in the fbi say, whoa, whoa, wait a second. mormonism. did nobody in the fbi said it's it's not our job to decide decid which is a better religiond cr and criminalize people's religious belief. did anyone in your world withies the bureau say that? well, obviously,ly the whistleblower who brough t to me so i'm in contact with a number of people who work in the fbi and have the samevalues
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values that probably you and i d do.o. and so they they broughtso o too one of them brought itbl to me and said, this is a problem and this person is not a catholic.but he but he or she stated the very simple statement, which is that if they're going to go afteremea radical traditional catholics, then radical traditional dibaptists are nexon radical, traditional evangelical christian and anybody else that espouses essentially what is radical, which is just d eva christian faith, and that is apparently in this country. i'm not catholic. defending t i'd be defending the scientologists or anybody else. you can't do thiscientols. y el so i appreciate you bringingset this to the publicdo. thank you.>> thanks, dr.. >> so here's a completely bizarre story, and we're not making any claims about it. other than noting itblican to republican politicians in one state. >> politicians assassinated in t a week. >> what is that? >> plus, john fetterman has been a senator for just a few weeks, some thought, well, jus maybe he wasn't up for the job. he was just rushed to the hospital. thd, but we'll see what
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is going on . that's next. atthose of us who are over thirty five grew up in a different america and read the news and look around me and say, i don't recognize this country anymore. we are turning on our own legacy and declaring it evil. what the communists did, they took down monument and rewrote history. >> this is what's happening in the united states . americans have lost something, not just purchasing power. the american dream, if you wanted to devise an energy policy to weaken us , you would do exactly what biden is doing in san francisco now spends a billion dollars a year on homelessness. china is waging war against us economically, politically, psychologically, this is about delegitimizing america itself. >> this should be a wake up call.
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administration blew up the nordn stream. two pipelineord s, the largesteg energy pipelines in europe, thereby tanking the europeaneure economy and lied about he should exactly how it happened. probably the biggest story ofyer the year. what's bigger than that?. twe checked today and no one hs covered it. cnn msnbc devoted precisely. zero words to it. "new york times"ork time, washit post ignored it.. really? why we're not going to ignore work days later. >> so you've heard a lot upd aba attacks on democracy, but you haven't heard a lot about twoy new jersey republican officeholders who've been assassinated in just one week. assass >> foxes trace gallagher has a story for us . hey, tucker. . interesting that new jerseys police appear to have very thttle information about the shootings themselves, and yet they have still come to a number of conclusions stil so here's what we know. on wednesday of last week. thirty year old eunice deworm, a council member in sayreville, new jersey, was found shortlyd m after 7:00 pm shot to death inside her car on wednesday. .this week.
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fifty miles away, shortly after 7:00 a.m.. fifty one year old russellom new heller of milford, new jersey, council memberwas fo was found t to death in his car in the parking lot of entergy, anyr the company where he worked for 11 years.1 years. a short time after a short time after heller was found dead. fifty eight year old garyd curtis, also a bank employee,fon was found dead in his car of a self-inflicted gunshot wound . curtis is believed to haveso far killed russell heller. so, sodo far , police do not hah a motive in either ofav the killings. they don't have a suspect in one er one of the killings and they yet believe both were targeted. yet they are confident thatn co neither of theses we republican council members were targeted because they were council members or because they were republicans.republ it is unclear how exactly police have ruled those out.what what the evidence is .. we know the youngest one , four was a devout christian , and there is reportedly video of her speaking to her shooterel just moments before she was
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killed. although we don't haveher spea kingthe context. ments. it but to note, it is unusualo not to not have any motives and yett rule out potential motives. >> dukkha fascinating. trac trace gallagher on every midnight eastern on fox, thank you. but as i said, we have no ideat what any of that means. but it's a little weird. no, itit's aird. so is the factn senator john fetterman of pennsylvania is rushed to the hospital yesterday. we don't have details in that either. apparently began, quote,e detaii feeling lightheaded. an mri and other tests rule outs a new stroke. . he >> they say fetterman is still being monitored for signs of si of a a seizure. >> so a lo st of people lied.lid a lot of people like the entire obvi media, lied about john fairmont's obvious medical problems in ordelems in r to gei elected to the senate. here we are.the of course, we're wishing himbes. tot wi. >> don't wish him well at all. but this may be the fruit of lying. backe in siegel did not li about this back in november. he pointed out thathave the likelihood fetterman could have serious complications inig.
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office was very high. >> fetterman himself said that bls stroke was due to a blood clot from the heart that is very significant. greater thanter than 60% chances someone like fetterman with a heart in his condition, having had a stroke, will either haveru a recurrence or won't survive the term. >> dr. marc siegel joinse th us tonight for an updateh an on this story. u doctor , thanks so much for com coming on . ini have to say, and with sorror because i just want to sayfeel s again, i feel sorry for senator fetterman and hope he gets better. but you made the point that fe. s as predictable absolutely, tucker. and though he's an inspiration to people with disabilities out there, we also wonder, is he up to the job? and especially now you showedcor my clip from earlier thanet i'm concerned about a repeat of stroke, disabilities occurring even even not surviving five years now. he goes into the hospital with lightheadedness, reportedly. but i have i have t to tell you, this country has a terrible history
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on both sides.des of happening with theelling us exactly what's happening with the healt ourh of our leads . now, i wanedicalt to tellyl you, medically, lightheadednesske is not a sign of a stroke. m now, i understand that they're o monitoring him, that they're observing him, that they've ruled out a new stroke. we absolutel we absy wish him well, but they're monitoring him forvy a seizure for a few days. and i want to give you a statistic, a study that shows a five to seven percent chance of a seizure, convulsions eizure wwithin 30 months followg a stroke. and he's in that that does that mean i think he hast a seizure? i hope he doesn't.esn't. has a but it points out something. he's got a bad heart. h he has an irregular heartbeat. he had a bad stroke. he had through a blood clot.he d you know, he's honest. he's o he has a defibrillator, under a pacemaker, and he's under tremendous stress. and anybod. anybody that's a u.s. senator is under tremendous stress with the people oflvaniat pennsylvania, tucker, havee a right not just to root forsomo his health, but to have somebody who's capable ofn th serving them in the unitede, states senate. >> tucker.
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and have someone tellpointe the truth, as you pointed outd . from the very beginning. just tell us the truth. the thand voters can assess dr. marqusee. >> we need to know the truth. amen. >> thank you. thank you.we so we certainly made a lot ofof fun of don lemon of cnn on thise show. but tonight, we have a sadport report on the man appears to have had some kind of emotional breakdown on television and it's ongoing. we'll have the tape. the crisis in ukraine has reached a catastrophic levele'sr with the elderly pusheeed to the very limit. very limit. >> go inside. she's freezing cold.ed aga >>in there's no electricity, no heat, no water. winter is now a weapon of war the mothers and the young children. >> they've been lined up here for hours. >> these are precious people who are hungry and they have nothing. >> if someone doesn't dople
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something soon. something soon. a humanitarian is coming up for so many jewish people who are just waiting, waiting for someone respone to e enough to pick up the phone.nte. >> fears are growing that chri stresponse, thousands will die this winter. >> the international fellowship of christians and neeand otd your monthly partnership gift of only twenty five dollars ukrato help provide food, medis ukrato help provide food, medis and other lifesaving supplies. please call or go online right now. elderly and families inhere ukraine to survive the col winter months ahead.s. please call or now. ne never bthe fellowship has bee and across the former soviet and across the former soviet union fo r decades, but the neede has never been more urgent. taken out power, kicking out water. we're talking about the difference between life on death we're h, christian ,, g shoulderoi to shoulder and sayig
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pretense, don lemon is not, he'n ashamed of being dumb or for that matter, ashamed oft fi anything else. when he got fired last year from his prime time gig for lown ratings and reassigned to mourning's, he told viewers it was a promotion and he seemed to mean it. >> so whatever else you say about mr. don lemon, he den is unflappable or so we assumed . it turns out there is , ine fact, one thing that bothers don lemon, and that's not being the prettiest person on the set that drives him insane.that d so possibly as a kind of torture kind of punishment, saelens new presidentt chris licht paired don lemonh tu with too much younger, much more attractive co-hosts caitlin collins and poppy colli and the normally steely began don lemon begin to melt down before our very eyes the other day, for example, after kaitlyn collins interviewed a republican member ofiewe congress, don lemon launched intod r an attack on republicas that wasn't actually an attack on republicans, but a not so veiled attack on his co-host, caitlin collins. >> publican can't do that.
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producers in the control roomanl gerned up the musilic to get thm to be quiet. be quie shcommercial now, but he shuts them to keep attacking her.her. >> watch thank you for taking time to join us . thank you for having me. all right. th thank you. anyou.that's going to be the tie that we're in where facts are sort of flexible and why we gote caitlyn helms out there in real time. it was a greatti interviewme and credible sources like citing the new york post as w yd credible sourciblee, saying thai facts are it's just i can't believe that we're here.view. >> caitlyn that was a greatal tnterview, a great momen on anyway. well, now moving on because let's listen. - hold that's a big issue when itn with comes to the. muld on , please.he with the musicsi. with th that's a big issue when ite amen comes to the american people. the american people are going to have to suffer through all of this stuff from election't deniers to people who don't believe in facts. we don't share have a shared rey . >> and now it's taken centere ma stage to people like marjorie
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taylor greene. g at the >> this is thanksgiving atpassiv the alcoholic, passive aggressive familiesfamiy house. house >> the american people,.pl shrek's, don lemon, the american people. >> what is it? not about the american people. it's definitely not about,facts. quote, facts. >> facts? abouit's. about don lemon feels about himself. cnhimself.n president really out to sit down with this guy overhh a few mango white claus som and just let him know that justy because somebody else is pretty doesn't mean that you're ugly. it's okay, don . you're beautiful. inside or something. >> is it going to work?w. we don't t but they got to try something. >> don lemon is on the brink that these so-called pro-life spiderman mason dashon just yet completed his most daring climb. yet we are mesmerized by these and they're legitimately dangerous. >> on tuesday morning, he freeoe climbed. in other words, that ropess thar the tallest building in arizona, the 40 storey chase tower in downtown phoenix. the climb received much more media attention than many of his other i
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>> he was arrested aftert he's t getting to the top , as he often is . bujail t he's out of jail now and he joins us to explain why he once again risked his lif.e. mason sharp is the pro life spider man. great to see you, mason. thank you for coming on tonight. >> congratulations on surviving yet another incredible. >> well, tell us why you did this. i ah, thanks for having me on , tucker. i climb these buildings becauste i want to show people how tow to have faith over fear. abortion is murder, and that'stt the truth. ye t so many people my age aree scared scared to speak the truth. they're scared to offend. they're scared to lose friends.t but we can't be scared. abortion is just like climbing. a skyscraper. it's a matte r of life or death,. and we don't have time fore time fear. that's why this time around,hope i'm raising money for a woman named hope. she's twenty two weeks weeks prt and she is partially disabled. and i wantsh to show her that sa doesn't need to have an abortion and she doesn't need to live in fear. >>d doed did you raise money byg this? yeah, i raise money every time,r
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especially by coming on your show. tucker. >> well, i mean, it's just such an amazing story because on the one hand , your athletic ability and your bravery is just remarkable in the fact r that you're doing it in support of the single most united snable position in the united states of america. >> and you don't carnd youe is n more inspiring, i would say. t >> i you talked to hope? i have personally not talkedy no to hope. she works with counselors, but i'm praying every day for her that she can receive the helpt and care. and i know that, like, what i do is risky and i know what i do is dangerous, but it's something that that needs to be done. and like s i say, everybody not- everybody, not everybody can climb a skyscraper, but everyone can speak outa baby and everyone can help save a baby at a time. they're going to let the m live big and helping hope, you know, receive the support and caree the that she needs. yeah.needs. i mean, raising money for wom a woman who's pregnant and doesn't want to be'r and you're trying to help her.
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help her?magine anything you'll be more virtuous than that. you'll be attacked, but not intn my house. maso n, great to see you.s, >> thank you. thank you so much. so matt walsh has worked prettyl tireless, tirelessly and pretty effectively to expose what's actually goings on with the transgender, which means horrific child mutilation. child musurgeries. he's now pushing for a bills ho that would outlaw in his home state. with an updatxt e on where that is . we'll be right back . angie, you are not going to believe what i am going to show you right now. >> when a group of women put me on flawless second skin, the latest biotech cosmetic breakthrough under one . i watch what happened. >> i only did one eye and i see huge difference so far . they have put the product under my right eye and i see a dramatic difference. i just found the golden ticket. i'm telling you, this is unbelievable. i've shown it to my daughter and to my boyfriend. they couldn't believe it.
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fast, absolutely free. that's m two for two for two for. tha >> we were shocked and probably most people were shocked to learn that vanderbiltwell-r medical center, which is aes vei well respected hospital involve mutilation of children's tennessee, is involved in for the mutilation of children's, for profit . n they brag about it on camera.weo now, we know this because of matt walsh, who foundth the evidence. >> so yesterday, a hearing in tennessee state house democrats arare outraged not by the going mutilation going on at vanderbilt medical center, but t they were mad at matt walsh, one democrat man called john ray clemens asked walsh for his credentialh s. h'
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>> it was walsh's response. >> can you give u cs some educational background orn your health care education experience, mr .. n he while she recognized >> my experience in health care, educational background, i'm just curious. a you have testified as to a loth. of your own research.d what i'm curious for what purpose you do that and what background you haveyo to qualifies you to speak to that?y backgr >> well, my backgroundou qualifies me to speande k to ths is that i'm a human beingn se with a brain and common sense. >> and ins have a soul. and so therefore, i think it's a really bad idea.o it'schemic chemically castrate children. that is my experience. also my . , i did know it's true. i did i didn't i didn't go to college, but i did go to schoog long enough to learn how tofor read so i can read the data for myself. and that's exactly what i've done. >> i clemens here.ativ and for what purpose do you conduct your research and use this brain of yourhas, mr. walso you recognized?r >> i use ithe put forposr the pn beying to protect children from being castrated or mutilated. that's one of the things i try to do.
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>> what kind of soulless freak is john ray clemens? you could sit there hearing all this stuff and take the side of the castrator of children. >> it's just beyond.e of but matt walsh is the villain. >> in another hearing, walsh left another tennessee lawmaker, this one called calecb hammer, completely speechless. just curious, your definitiot a >> if you feel like people are adults at 16 , should people are adults at eighteen. >>. but actually , they're your your brain is not fully so w developed into your twenty five . >> so we should be having a conversation about whether we should even be doing the surgery. people at eighteenies to p, but certainly before eighteen. it's absurd. 16 i mean d-yo you, do you think that a sixteen year old can meaningfully consent to having their body parts removed. do no. >> oh caleb whammer. another ghoul defending the indefensible had no answer.. go god bless matt walsh. d for doing that.
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>> he those are the mal washer joins us now. matt , thank you. it's so satisfyingtisfying to w you expose these people as truly filthy peopleou. think yeah, i think well, i mean, they expose themselves to and to i think i think most of all and the interesting thing, too, is that i'm sitting there in the hearing i was i was giving my view on thi s bill in favor n of the bill to banhe the mutilation of children.n of i'm giving my view as a taxpayer and a private citizen, not an author of the bill. o so there really failed in. embarrassing attempts to to e discredit me were notattemp only humiliating for them, but also totally irrelevantst, humiliatinen if you can prove that i'm a terrible guy, does that automatically make it okaye to mutilate children then? because that's what we're supposed to be talking about. bun?they dt t they don't wanto t to talk about that because they knowdeft they can't defend their position. this is the position thaa tposii democrats and the left are that arnstantlyconstantly in os in particular on this one , ther where their position is something that is so it's so unspeakably evil. evilthat they can't speak it.
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so you can you can defeat them in an argument simply by tryingm to trying to get them to state their premise. they can't even statr e their premise. i mean, this is caleb hemerds cn does believe that 16 year olds can consent to having bodyut l parts removed, but he can't say that out loud because he knows how crazy it sounds. >> and so instead, he just fall. silent. you look at someon e like john clements, looks like sort of a normal person. maybe he has kids. he's in favor of cutting the off girls. >> i mean, how could i mean, how could anybody get to a place where that's okay? >> i think, you know, i can't ct see inside their minds, bu stn i i have to imagine most of these people know at some level thatgu it's wrong. but they're just ideologically beholden to it. and again, is why they don't it. even attempt to defend ithy and said instead, we get this a credentialism thing going on as if i need credentials to know that abusing children is wrong. >> will is a harvard trained physician. i agree with you. it's wrong.d matt walsh, great to see you. thank you so much.. thank you. you.
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>> tucker: s so few years ago, twenty years ago or so, carl's jr. and fast food chains seem to be on its way out. fo mankod chaino andy puzder, who s a lawyer and had no experience running a big company like this. his chosen ceo a to completely turn it around.tu an amazing story. how do you do it? he tells us straight this g'day. never. you never miss a beat. say, hey, saturday order an edible .com or a company store to get your big one to pay only forty dollars per month to watch fox news and more. over a million people already do with sling tv. it's the tv you love for a price you love with sling. there's no installation required, no hidden fees and no contracts. keep fox news and your other favorites and save over eight hundred dollars per year. offer just forty dollars per
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like climate change, like equity versulis equity over equality. you know, they we're no longer e talking about hiring people're based on merit.t hiri we're not talking about hiringng people based on diversity. forget martin luther king's. we should judge people based on their you know, their character, their qualifications, their merit. we're not just we're now openly judging people on their race or their ch . sex, thi this is this is a terrible trend in this country. i think a lot of it descendses from this esg mentality that i the left has been ablemp to impose on us through control by these asset managers of american business, america's private sector. it must be weird to see it you happen in your world.worl so when yod.u were in college, c the radicaoll left was on collee campuses or at the sociology c department, at the state university oamr whatever , but they weren't running big companies. you certainly weren't asset manager. they, and you spent your life in this world. you must kno w a million other. ceos and now a lot of them are infected with this brain virus. ith and you're really kind of ct
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you can't avoid, at least publicly, supporting it. now, like i said privately,rtin i think the stakeholder capitalism thing isn't isn't real. for example, starbucks, amazon, you know, they signed there sig on that that stakeholderolders one of the and one of the one of the stakeholders is employees. so when their employees wanted they said e, did they come out and say, you know what, we'rewe stakeholder capitalists,s. our profits are going to go down? our are goingo mats to go up. l you're goinges to make lessmo money. but, you know, we're really.youh good guys.t no, they foughuniot unionizatioi cause now, oon tf courseand , tl pay for your abortions. webut not for your maternitylea. leave. that's right. so there's there's a lot of there's a lot of baloney>> yea th that's o kind of working through the system on it. but there is a real threat and esg investing in what these large asset managers are trying to imposwhe on the american people, using american people'sg own money. yeah. to implement these policies. po and not just bigli investors lie people's pension funds t and stuff. yeah. look, if you wano cht to changen the world, do it age thet the b box or do with your own >>wn do it with your own money r
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by voting. >> remember that. democracy. the andy puzder, the conversation is out rightonversat now on foxn .com. and tragically, we are out of time. we could go on. >> he lives in tiktok, joins us tomorrow. night to respond to someght to criticism from the congress. have the best time to once you will see the . wow, what a great. t welcome to "hannity", all of you in our studio audience. >> you already have a good show tonight. you fothank you for coming. thank you for joining us .ting broadcasting from new york . cot these are the onlye stat conservatives in the entire state right here. there's no more anyway. anyway, we begin tonightwe with a fox news alert. >> let there be no doubt
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