tv Hannity FOX News February 9, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST
by voting. >> remember that. democracy. the andy puzder, the conversation is out rightonversat now on foxn .com. and tragically, we are out of time. we could go on. >> he lives in tiktok, joins us tomorrow. night to respond to someght to criticism from the congress. have the best time to once you will see the . wow, what a great. t welcome to "hannity", all of you in our studio audience. >> you already have a good show tonight. you fothank you for coming. thank you for joining us .ting broadcasting from new york . cot these are the onlye stat conservatives in the entire state right here. there's no more anyway. anyway, we begin tonightwe with a fox news alert. >> let there be no doubt
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the political rot at america's most powerful institutionss is severe. that's what we learned today. rberal, high ranking, unelected bureaucrats from d.c. constantly put their owney claim political beliefs over that of i the people they claim to serve. thiss especi is especially true. the fbi and doj, for example,ts parents voicing their concernwee about the woke agenda inly schools were literally labeled as domestic terrorists. far right american men were broadly characterized as the greatest threat to themar-a- united states. mar-a-lago was raided in searcha of a fewof documents from trump own presidency. high levelpres and low level trp associates also faced early morning raids, perjury traps and other aggressive tacticsvion that were once reserved for violent criminals. we learned last night that one hundred and forty americans faced possible charges forr mere merely riding a bus to trump's
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january 6th rally. trum breachedl were the capitol on january six were punished punis with lengthy prin sentences. but the far left writer sean in portland, oregon, who attempted to burn a federal courthouse to the ground every night for several months. t nothey almost no legal consequences at all. the majority of the charges were dropped, completely dropped. seanmpletelyed, we could go on n and on and on that for some reason, democrats fought tooth and nail against this committee. maybe that's because the bias te and weaponization always cutse one way. as the saying goes, sometimes sy people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed. onsean, you know, seven hundredo and seventy four riots,ts some over ofr 2020 thousands ofs cops injured, billions iny property damage, dozens of deadr americans. there was no committeey january six committee. what did nbc news finallyth
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report that in fact,at they hado intelligence, really good intelligence. odence iin the lead up to januai and our law enforcement didn't act on it. that didn't make the final report autograph for money by adam kinzinger and liz cheney and company, because that didn't fit their predetermined outcome just to bash donald trump. and that c hav would have helpe our government prevent anything like that from happening again. it's ad sad. but anyway, saqqara, a great report tonight. thank you. now there is no doubt thatis the committee on weaponization this is critical if we're going to have a constitutional republic. now, keep in mind some of the most emphatic warnings i about this political rot ares cg coming right from insidehere's a the fbi itself. here is mea former special agen. she's been on this program. nicole parker, take look. >> yes, it was physicallyng taxing and emotionally jarring,. but i believed i was making an. impactful difference. and every day i wokeevery da upa
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embraced being an fbi special agent until things changed overm the course of my 12 plus years. the fbi's trajectory hasrajector onansformed on bureau, the papers, the bureau's mission. it remained the same, but its priorities and governing principles shifted dramatically. the fbi became politically itweaponizes starting from the top in washington and trickling down to the field offices. all right.>> sean: what so what's happening and whathapp will we learn in the days, weeks and monthsenwill w ahead?ry here to join us is judiciary committee chairman jim jordan. with much more november 18th. 2020 one , an fbi whistleblower discloses to republicans t on the house judiciary thahet pn the fbi created a threat tag for parents voicing their concerns for school board meetings. april twenty six , 2020 two. t another fbi whistleblower discloses that the fbiployee employees are being run out of the bureau for attending conservativeg political events september 14th.14, 2022, an
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2020 two, an fbi whistleblowert discloses that the fbi views the betsy ross flag as aymbol. terrorist symbol. septembe r 19th. , anot 2020 to another fbi whistleblower discloses thatis the washington field office is deliberately manipulating january six case files to maket it appe appear that domestic violence extremism is on 4 the rise in november 4th. 2020 to another fbi fbi fromtleblower discloses the fbi accepts private user witho information from facebook without the user's consent. and information is from only the conservative side of the political spectrum. this is only a sampling. that, now, on top of all of that, high ranking officials atat the the fbi, they put their thumbs on the scale in the past to presidential elections. remember, let's go back to twenty sixteen . remember, smeared slander donald trump.a then, of course, the fisa warrants the fisa applications. they spied on his campaignpied s
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transition team. and , yes, whehe wn he was in the white house as president. and they did it by using a fisa warrant that was full ofsinforma misinformation, that was hillrussian disinformation paidr by hillary rodham clinton. and by the way , by the way, not only was it not verified, its un was unverifiable because it was. forced. so they used christopher steele's dirty theyd christ dossier filleddosse with russian disinformation. remember, that was boughr,t, pad for, paid for by hillary as the basis of russia collusion investigation into trump and trump. now, early october, they had been warned in august of 2016 by bruce or don't trust that trt it's a political document. they didn't listen in october.i 2016 before the presidentialer election in early october,pond a they flew over the pond and they asked christophersteele steele, can you corroborate this? if you can, we will give you a million fbi dollars.give he never got his money because he could never corroborate. and guess what? then by the end of that month
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in october, of 2016, just before the twenty sixteen presidential election, they used it as the bulk of information for the fisa applicatiothn at the top of fisu application, it says verified they couldn'sut support,e then they couldn't prove any of it. and since then, it has all beenw aydisproved. tox and by the way, thankfully, hillary clinton was so toxicionn she still lost the election, even though the fbi put their thumb on the scale. as for the thirty three thousand emails that sheth deleted with bleach bite and devices that were destroyed by hammers and the sim cards deat were removed from the devices, remember jame would no prosecutor ever prosecute. but whatprosec hute meant to sao prosecutor will ever prosecute a democrat. but if you're a republican, it's a whole different ballgame. that's where we are in the state of america.o pros i don't care if you'r republican , democrat, liberal, conservative, that shouldmocr concern everybody. thenat that should concer you might rer 2019, real evidence of public corruption handed over to thei of pub that's when the fblii, decemberb
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2019 got a hold of biden's laptop from . now it was filled to the brimm with details surrounding all the sketchy foreign business ventures, most of which he had h no experience at all whatsoever for, includingno implicatingn and evidence connecting his own fatherfather, . the big guy to these dealstellin telling his own daughter, yeah, i'm not going to do what pops is doing to me. i have to give popdoing.s half my income. wow.e the joe, get the money that you made in china, ukraine, russia. but instead of validatingating hae contents of the laptopth, the fbi had it for 11 months 1 before the twenty twenty election. they warned big tech they had ta weekly meetings with big tech that russian disinformation about hunter or joe biden wouldr thon infect their platforms. now, after the new york posthe blew the scandal wide open,1 for then we had the follow up of fifty one former intel laptcials signing a public letter claiming that the laptop story had all the classic
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hallmarks of russian disinformation. they were lyin. aley werg. they had no information to back that up at all.f and none of what they said wase true. and now alanl ofswers. us desere answers. >> take a look. it is important to recognizeo fedeupt individuals within federal agencies that i amencies talking about are not acting alone.they o they operate as vitaperate al p of the left wingnt tha political movement that includes most membert includes f the mainstream media, big tech,i social media giants, global institutions and foundations. democrat party operatives and elected officials. perhaps the most egregious act and effective act of sabotage against the truth was the public letter signed by fifty one former intelligence officials. the claim the laptop had,p ha quote, all the classic earmarks of a russian information operation, unquote. that letter itself was aninform
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intermation operation that interfered with and impacted the two thousand twenty presidential election to a far greater extent. than anything russia ever couldt have hoped to achieve.o >> in other words, the fifty one intel officials that was there, disinformation campaign. and yes, it did have an impact on a presidential election. in other words, your ownin oth federal government interferedthy in the twenty twenty election and they tipped the scales to the candidate they preferred. that, of course, woulde be thek weak, frail cognitive mess known as joey, your president. sorry, i can't help myself. multiple outlets, including cbs, "the washington post",l "new york times", "new york post", all of confirmh the content in hunter biden'sre now we ws real. and now wean want to know what the big guy what was his cut in on hunter's pay for these in? schemes that he's involved in?eb and what is the fbi and doj? ani what areng they going to do abot it, if anything, to this day?
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they are seriously you know,y they're serious security concerns about the biden t fami. business. for example, here's senator chuck grassley earlier today, whistleblower disclosures to my office make fi clear that the fbi has within its possession very significant, impactfulec and voluminous evidence with respect to potentialhunter criminal conduct by hunter and james biden. these disclosures also allegell that joe biden was aware of and hunter biden's business arrangements and may have been a involved in some of them.e it's clear to me that the justice department and thegr fbi are suffering fromom a political infection that if it's not defeated, will causefed the american w people no longer to trust these storied institutions. >> let mear.e be very clear . i have long revered the fbi. al i grew up. all four of my grandparentsou camer of m from ireland and my
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grandfather's brother, two of g his sons, became fbi agents. and they were d'haiti in my family the most revered ins n my family. we revere it as an institution.h by the way, for all the goode an agents that keep our country safe and secure, every day,ice thank you for your great job.e l but justice hains got to be blid . and the political weaponization that we are noaponizat ww seeino acceptable. there should be no place p for political bias at the fbi or ato the department of justice. and it's way past time that these bad actors are held accountable or it's goingof no to get worse and worse until takee at the point of no return .ook >> take a look at this. we come not to trash the fbi, i but to rescue the fbi. from political capture. seems and it seems as though that political capture was really enhanced when robert mueller and took a lot of the authority awa and power away from the field offices all over our country and centralized that power.
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it seems we don't see these abuses with the brave fbi gr agents like miss parker, who i'm very grateful served my fellow floridians the miamid field office. miss parker, i got, if the decision making more out ofo washington, d.c. and into the hands of our field, officest where we havice so many patriot and brave fbi officials, you think we'd be able to escape this political capture that quite literally drove you out of the bureau? i think that's absolutely critical.f e bureau. >> that's critical. it seems as though that politics isn't out in the field offices. it's here in washingtos here n, d.c. and that's precisely what we pri ought to deconstruct legislatively. >> wha here now with more, chain of the house judiciary committee, jim jordansman and florida congressman mac gates, as well as thank you both. i congressman jordan, you know, we had an impeachment president over one here say blower. anything like this i you said you've never seen anything like this in your life. dozens lif sens an and dozens od whistleblowers coming forward, no
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t republican or democrat.ri >> what are they telling? you know, you're exactly rightso and i think this is an important point. this is not republicans. this is not conservatives. it's notco.nserva otmatt gaetz and jim jordan. this is dozens of fbi whistleblowers coming to talk t to us.o us w and they first came to talhyk te to us while we're in a minoritys where all we can do is begin to get the facts beginth to tell their story. and many of these individuals rer been retaliated against and they're good people, just like nicole parker and thomas baker. d thomas bakwho testified todayt the first one came for his deposition on tuesday. ird the next one is friday, thatwe the third one is next week.. on tuesday, we learned about what sarah reported. reported. 140 people come to the rally one hundred and forty people come to the rally here in washington, and they werf supposed to be investigated because the washington field office the folk told the folks in bostn to investigate these people for simply coming to a political rally, for goodness sake. and thank goodness the folks in the field office, which mr. gates was just talking about, the folks in the field offices, no, we are not going
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to investigate people for exercising their first amendment rightst . and that's really what thisir fr is all about. so god bless the good peoplestmi who you'reghts right to talk abt in the folks in the fbith who were doing the good work t helike those witnesses we had dg today, we are here to serv te hr them, but make sure that the leadership is not going out, going after the americanth people. chairmane american, let me ask , because senator grassley testified todaassley ty that they acquired the authentic bank bank records that substantiated findings of their previous two reports, ben and that being that they financially have links between hunter and james biden ,two entities and individuals connected with the communist chinese regime. we hear about a one pointr five dollars billion deal with the bank of china.$1 we hear about a five million dollar, no interest, forgivable loan. we hear about one hundred thousand dollar shopping spree with a chinesa, s nationals. >> that all true, sir? >>ll, we'll wait for that report. from senator johnson testifiede the secoir report is coming. their second report. we'll look forwardnd report, toi that's the kind of informationne that i know chairman colmar on the oversight committee
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is looking to get. he's looking to get access to these suspicious activity reports thats that supposedly te are one hundred and fifty them that exist on the banking transactions and records from the biden business family business operation. you know, medicate business, i . your line when you said you're not here to trash the fbi, but rescue the fbi frome political capture afterl james comey and now christopher. and i said when christopher wrayd became the fbi director i he has a duty to clean up p the world's premier law enforcement agency. las failed in that task. my question is , can it be rescued or do we need to rebuild a new fbi? one that can be trusted, t one that doesn't take in political consideration?tical cs one that believes in equaljustic justice, an application of our laws? >> well, if we decentralize the power outside of washingtone power , i think we can vindicate the true honorable and just purpose o and honorable and just purpose of the fbi without falling victim to political capture. to political capture. sean, it's every
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in short, it's every election before the twenty sixteen campaign. ev fbi lawyer changed evidence before a secret court before the twenty eighteen campaign, the fbi was breathing life into the lying steele dossier.le dossier. before the 2020 campaign, you saw the fb before the twenty twenty campaign, you saw thinfbi doini doineverythig eveg they could to make you think som that trump was somehow russian agent or shaking down vladimir zelenskyy. and then before 2020 two, they raided mar-a-lago, all the while suppressing t the information on the joe biden laptop and suppressing anything that was derogatory to joe biden.t th and when we let the democrats bring any human beincrats g on the planet earth in to say that maybe the government isn't weaponized againstgovernme peop maybe jim jordan, i am wrong. they brought in a lobbyist, but not just any lobbyist, a lobbyist. that was an obama era dojintee political appointee who now represents googlthe and pfizerde and george soros as a paid influence peddler, bringing in a lobbyist to try to dissuade us from our path to expose the weaponization of this government would be like thate n joe biden to teach
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your comprehension and cognition class. comprehension ane chris christi to do your weight loss planning with you. >> it was ludicrous and we deserve far better. >> excellent question, c chairman. i'll askan d you first, was thee a well designed, an orchestra censorship campaign to influence the twentyelec twenty election? is that in fact, at this point?s yeah, and i like the term that a professor turley used censorship by surrogate. here's the fundamental question, sean. why is the fbi sending a list of accounts to twitter and telling twitter? we think these account ts weellw think these tweets violate twitter's terms of service. wher'sy are they doing that? o if that's not pressure, ifke that's not coercion to take down free speech, to take down political speech? i don' t know what is . so i like that term censorship k by surrogate because that's what toonow ecausek place. e and we know that because of the twitter files. matt gaetz, do you agreer files. censorship influenceyo the outcome of the twenty agenty election undenied
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on the laptop story alone, but we are just starting to learn all of the different features of shadow banning and trying to shape political thought for people in this country.i just wn i just want an fbi that goes g and stops the bad guys fromg committing crimes and hold him accountable when they do not. tf an fbi and department of justice that's trying to shapejt the political thoughice trying f our fellow americans. we can do that for ourselves. we d canecidto decide we want te for without the fbi and the dojt trying to manipulatee of the digital marketplace of ideas. >> all right, congressman mac,. thank you. chairman jim jordan, thank you. we appreciate now, tonight, joe bidened i is totally uninterested in holding anyone in the federal government accountable, especiallyody governme himself family. >> he says americaans n they dot care really what reaction she is . the co-host of the number one hit show, the five, judge jeanine pirro. >> how are "th. thank you. i'm one of the best legal minds i know. >> let's let's go over thisknowo from a legal standpoint, youu ag agree with me. e tw >> two presidential electionsenl
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in a row. th >> the fbi put their thumbse fi on the scales of the election. o well, i don't think there's any question. and what it's called show on isc election interference. ales obecause when you have thei lying to a fisa court in order to get a warrant to spy on an americani lyin citizen, to spy on the president, and then youwn get that warrant really and react again without additional evidence. that without addi is that is punisha prosecutable. then we also prosecutable. havee dossier, which was created inat an effored it to destroy the dot trump. ru at thaatt time, the presidentian candidattiale then in 2020, whae had was a suppression ofe the laptop. get this is where we get into the issue of the first amendment free speece of theh and freedom of the press for amerpresident, joe biden, to say that all the american public doesn't care about this. he's delusion. delusional an he is disconnected because three quarters of the american public who were questioned said
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that this was critical information that they shouldout, have known about was suppressede by the fbiss and by twitter and social media. of t of three quarters, half them said it would have changed their vote. sod we're talking about bothboth republican and democrats. so we've got election interference. l of we've got a president who'sno saying hogwash, all of this,bod. nobody cares about it whenmeric the american people do care about it. abouk you this. >> we had an impeachment over wt leone whistleblower that turned out not to be a realowerer whistleblower, but a hearsay bwhistleblower. biden leveraging araine issue, on the other hand , you got joe biden leveraging billion dollars. you're not going to get it unless you fire the prosecutor s investigating my son with no experience being paid a fortune. so my question to youe is they're going to have dozens of fbi whistleblowers ormedia, l the mob the media. will democrats just ignore. they only like whistleblowers that are hearsay and against donald trump, but they don'tke like fbi whistleblowers. >> well, it's like the two tiered system of justice,
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john , that you always talkk ab. about what you will see t hethe media focusing on is notpp the evidence that the laptop is real, that finally ally th the networks have agreed it's real, even thoug h fifty one intelligence put their reputations on the line. i meanthough, we're talking abot five cia, the heads of the cia and acting heads. but now what we've got is the media now will not cover this.e it's like the we've got four and a halfcoming million people have come in since joe biden's beenow who the president, unvetted who they arear. >> add nine point two million.n got away. yeah, they got away.aways. ts, wha mean, it's jus outrageous. whatever it is , we don'tet know who they are.ow who they are. nobody and nobody cares. it's not being aired. on mainstream media. it's n when we come out with thn evidence, it's evidence forst us .re. and i think that american americans need to understand, sean, that when they start suppressing freedom li speech, freedom of the press, we are living in a fascist state.s to >> and as americans, it's up to us to say no more . >> how great is judge greer, i
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judge? great. thank you. all right.s when we come back , arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders, who absolutely crushed it the other night, she'll joihi us for her first interview since delivering that powerful response to biden's state ofpon the union. and also, this audiencell will have last call. i'm dead straight ahead. >>. this evening, jada never missed a beat day sunday by challenging apj. is on the weekdays living like a freak day. the work one day, pay day by day. hey, it's nice to see a day like day to day, sort of like day to day with today. >> it's cancer in the fight.
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and five today i newly inaugurated arkansas governor rising star in the republican party right. ubl, no stranger to this audience, sarah huckabee. sanders delivered an ee incredibly powerful. what do you think? you i like it. okay, and passionate response to president biden's disastrous state of the union tuesday the night. >> let's take a look at some of.
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the highlights. take a loo tak. let us reaffirm our commitment to a timeless american ideat that government exists noto ru to rule the people, but to serve the people. i'm the first woman to leadirst my state and he's the first mans to surrender his presidency to a work mob thatid can'tok evn tell you what a woman is . the dividing line in america is no longer between right or left. the choice is between normal or crazy. n normalit's time for a new genn of republican leadership. amera republicans believe in an america where strong familiewhes thrive in safe communities, where jobs are abundant and paychecks are rising, wherei the freedom our veterans shed their blood to defend is the birthright of every man, woman and child. >> m give a warmgovern welcome to governor sarah huckabee. >> sandersorarah huckabe, gover.
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to have you. >> thank you for>> being t herea you i wrote you and i was on the air after the state ofe the union and i said, you are une star of the night. and it wasn't even close.number1 and under those circumstances, no. one , bidee n has the bully pulpit of the presidency. he's got's five hundred thirty five psycho lunatics that are clapping every other word. thec atro least half the crowd is clapping and anyway, and im n thought about it, there you are in a room and you are telling truth like it's either normal or crazy, like everyone in this everybod so far is normal. you know, everybody outside of new york is crazy. but this is really what it'sth about. it's the democratic partymocrat is nothing like the olicing d democratic party. >> is that a fair statement?? absolutely. n wh i think that any person who's paying attention can see tha the absolute shift that the democrat party has made so far to the left that there's noo
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other way to describe it othere than crazy.pushin the things that they are pushing, whether it'ether its og gas stoves or defining genders,. ever by the second, everything that they come up with isup just thee moving so far ou'st ofther way the mainstream that there's no other way to describo descrie. t you know, i was thankful thathep i got to follow president biden because he doe thes help setob the bar a little bit low. and that made my job a bit easier. e othethe other part, he just hs a terrible story to tell. he has been an absolute failure over the last two years iny thai anybody that is paying attention in this country. s paying attensees those failury thngle day when they go to the gas pump, when they go to the grocery store, they are feeling the breakdown of this presidency. and so it was an absolute honor ,an incredible opportunity.o sp and i'm thankful to speakerr mca mccarthy, leader mcconnell, for giving me the chance to tell the our side of the storyy shar and hopefully share the optimistic viee w and belief
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that we have with the republican party. >> you've signed 17 billd 17s im law. you've only been there a month.e you have probably one ofst the most comprehensivethe co education bills in the country that you're advancing right now, includingdvancing going fm forty eighth and teacher pay to fourth in the u.s.. e covi you rescinded all these covid executive orders. executiv a lot to accomplish ins thirty one days. n th >> what else is on the agenda? >> we di we did not run and spend two i years on the campaign trail to take it easy..ur so we've got our foot gas on the gas and we're not taking it off any time soon. fac i'm proud of the fact that wed t got rid of some of the covid mandates that were totally. outdated. it's tim e for not just our state, but frankly, the country to move on and move forward. nn weed hav te banned thinghis likt ,latin x in our statent. government and yesterday had the opportunity to launch the most comprehensive conservative education reform anywhere in the country. i'm extremely excited about the facthere in that we are gov to move arkansas to the top and
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set the standard for what it can look like acrossthe the country. >> all right. let me ask you about so radical left wing socialists.cial you knowists, more on and out in california. the governor, gavin newsom, he g wasted ngoo time going after yo, governor sanders, as you probably know. and he sent out thisth tweetis t attacking you for arkansas'sarks murder rate, seemingly ignoringf the fact that you have been in office. i think as of today, a whopping thirty one days by comparison, when you look at gavin newsom time in public office, this time of san francisco mayor,govr lieutenant governor , now governor newsom has spent nearly seven thousand days driving california straight into the ground crimed and homelessness and now through the roof. the drughorethrough problem ini out of control. reports of school children being forced to walk through open-air drug dens. california ranked deadlifornia t again in the u.l haul index. gavin, you are literallye liter people out of your sta chasing people out of your state every day. nearly a thousand people a day ne
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,about three hundred thousandht a year. so, gavin, i think you oughton to be fixing focused on fixing your disaster that you created instead of lecturing a new governor that has accomplished more in thirty one days than you di d seven thousand. >> do you have any reactionnd to your friend gavin? you know, i learned a long time ago, sean, if the leftif is attacking you, you're probably doing something right. and so i it only further validates the actions that we've taken over the last thirty one days that we are doing things the right way. let'proud of the things that are taking place here in had our state. let's not forget, he literally thad to run ads begging peoplei to stay in california not thata long ago. and every single town i go to in arkansas, i meet someone who has moved from california. . you'essage to them is we're glad you're here, but don'tn' forget why you left californiadr . we are sta proud of our your gates are open for people to come, but leave your stupid politics behind. that's got to be the motto. governor , great to see you., gn
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congratulations. that was a great speech.orciate. thanks for being w we appreciate you being with us. all right.coming up, and thank you. i'm coming up. . biden's age becoming an issue.we he says no, but we've got tape that says otherwise.bide the biden blunders coming up, lowlights. we'll check inders. jimmy failla, joe concha, dagen mcdowell, the coming up straight ahead as we continue. since taking about the nature, i can work each muscle group sometimes up to three times a week. my recovery is much quicker and less stressful. >> you feel better, race better, you recover better. >> i didn't think i was ever going to be that strong. honestly, balance. i need to have a game changer. so to push past barriers that were in front of me before i take forever start now by going to balance of nature outcome. >> and don't forget to use discount code. fox news. start with the back 5% french
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issue. >> okay, whatever you say, joe , take a look. 82 >> you'd be eighty two date of the next election.f you' eighty six if you're successful and electered, finish that terms does it give you any concern? c. watch me so i can say we've. been watching joe . not and by the way, joe also saidtol here not allowed to talk about all those classified documents e that they keep finding here. they're everywheret to next to corvette's in this office, t the pen biden center, this house, that house. would how convenient. of course, h we probably wouldnt know what to say. anyway, the struggle is quite real. take a look atreal this.k at th. one . this job, this jobs, good jobs
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will be created. >> the joe, think about it.t wht think about what you'd thinkabo. about. go say hi to me. guy said hi to me. we g we go back a long way.wa she was twelve. i was thirty . sh but anyway, representative jackie here was jack and theyhee should show us the i'm delighted to see the mayor covington and mayor of covington, i should say he is covington. i thins k joe . joe mayor. t well, i'veha never believed thaw >>believe better than that. so you're right but let me talk for a second. i'm i'm a professor. ofessor. you are the president with me? no, i'm professor barton from b penn. idmy head.
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>> oh, i won't go all not. no, no, no.y his staff said it was windy i dn that day. timeso i don't know what's wors. the fact that he fellt three times or that they blamei the wind, i don't know.g us anyway, joining us now warm hado audience welcome to the bottom line, host of fauci and our friend dega mcdowell, fox news contributor joe concha, fox america host jimmy failla is here as well. good to see all. hey, how are you? you know, so we're going to have a super bowl ade going featuring our our friend and our colleague, greg gutfeld . he is the new king of late. he's night right now, right, exactly. we're proud ofwh himat. ig is what's amazing is he's beating all these network shows. >> jimmy kimmel and fallonn an and co-pays are right up. cabarrus, you know what? and i'm like, this is great. one of the reasons is they
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won't show that on those networks. those networks or will they? will . >> no, no. aren't. did you see colbert hasou they you still have to wear a mask in the colbert audience. >> but i take a look at thisre audience because there's not one person here with the mas oni on . at least last week you did.- busot if i somebody dragged me to colbert, i'd want my face covered to actually , i .actualo >> i would choose, like, takenet a nap in the gutter before i arriving in new york cityt tho gutter. but but they but there's no ship that like they're not funny. thank you. y they're with their. wellou, jimmy is funny but jimmy jimmy look, you know what it is , but they're they're trying to still they're like little coltish shrink. s th well, that's the thing. the problem is colbertco is activism. mascarlbero is comedy. and that's why tickets c to colbert, a twenty five to that and one hundred to get
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out. nobody wants to watch this $, bt shame on biden for not giving us a super bowl interview. by the waybowl, by the way,way. how gutless is . it's gutless.n: how is by the way, this administration thinks transs admini parent is who has a baby. >> they have a good if you have to know. thank you. n i was not thatot. but if you have to know because he's not doing the super bowl interview, biden doea s like the eagles because he thinkses don henley is a great singer. >> s that's a good show. you follow the media. the isn't isn't that a big part ofct it?o you know, if you think back to leno, letterman in the early days, you think johnny carson before that? sure.e i mean, they were funny. said >> they weren't taking sides.t y carson always said that this isn't my job. iright. >> my job is to entertain. the minute you get political, yo you lose your niche audience. right. half the country. and for joe biden not to doha the super bowl interview,d by the way, that would be ae huge audience for this is a tradition that goes back to 2004. evereorge w. buso h sat down with every network and even
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barack obama sat down with every network, including thisy neck obama one . the and donald trump did the interviews as well with donald trump, sat dow- nk with me. that took a lot of courage, ofse course. yes. all right. we're friend.s. >> everyone knows.t fo yeah. you're dojos a friendly joe , joe . but for him, not to do this, he is the most protected prote president and the most handled president and the least accessible president that we have ever seen of the tv era. d >> and for him not to do this right now, gutless is the rights word. >> i think it's close.s.t wrong. all right. pa went along in the last segment with our great, great, great american panel. stay with us.h you wo you're not goingn' to believe je who democrats actually want to run instead of joe in 2020 four. we'll tell you next as we continue on a must in your medicine cabinet. your medicine cabinet. >> less sick dayns love s callsg on cycads.s! >> the number one call shortening brand. shortening brand. i highly love cycads unique think formula. it shortens calls zakim sync
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all right.n: all right. so if joe biden doesn't run for reelection, we have a new poll.v democrats say they have two really good options. >> option number one , her vice president , kamala. she' that makes sense, given that she's such a brilliant orator like joe . >> take a look and talking about the significance of the passage of, th right.e si the significance of the passage of time. so, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time. >> do you plan to visit the border? not today. more parents are seeing the value of educatorsva at saiw we're not paying them nearlye'ou american. they strapped in to their seats
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and waited as the tanks beneath them filled with tens of thousands of gallons of fuel. ed and then they launched. yeah. >> yeah, they did. s numb that's numbeerr one in the paul number two in the poll is none other than hillary clinton. ne anyone think that's what america needs right now? >> anybody at all? viceow do you explain our giggling vice president ? i cannot figur.e that oute of the passage of time because time passes. t th >> and that's what the passagess you missed what she said today. she was on the road talking about getting superexcited about electric mustnt. know >> did you know why? t it
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that's what it sounded like. wait a minute. but i -- look, wanti love everybody. i wonder if joe unrun everybody in the clown car .he i , i want stolen valor. blumenthal, i want de blasio.k i want no, i want al gore. he's still bunched up red in the face range in about two hours. i want red my vote.2000 maxine water. s has got to ban all of. yeah. elizabeth warren joe?abeth warren. >> joe kamala harris is like the rice krispies vice president's right. >> snap, crackle, pop.po that laugh is incredible. but even when you take away her authenticity problem, she ifer you just grade her on her performance, which we should dos at the u.s. southern border, if there is a raid that is belowa
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south, let's invent that, because that's how bad thingsfen are. obviously, five million peopleyl have come into this country. numbtwee is killing a records ki number of americans between the ages of 18 . >> forty nine . so even democrats would tell dem yoocrau kamala harris is aa nonstarter. hillary clinton, however, would love to see joe biden nott an announce because then she getset a third crack at the presidency. >> wouldn't that be p. i agree. you >> you agree? well, can i . yes. hillary is like a stray cat. that we fed once, and it won't stop coming back like she will never stop running 20 years from now, trump rallies are goinrs frog to be chanting help her up. se but she's kind of the darke. horse candidate.hey talk about,o then they always talk about, you know, if you saw the poll for places and aoc got likea 10%, aoc could never run a fulll campaign because it wouldr expose her stupidity, like they try to insulate hercr againsitic t criticism. g they say like,en oh, you have a problem with her race or her gender . it's no, she's dumb.i ? you know what i mean?e stud aoc is so dumb.y for she studied for a covid test. ?
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you understand she can't run a campaign stop it.. >> they got nobody. it's true. she got her degree inecon economics. yeah. omics.and she didn't knowployme how the unemployment rate was calculated. >> oh, boy. ntslculatedthat's right. >> sean: r but, you know,ea it's really goi funny. really quick if you've got to go. oh, i was goinng tg to sayo p , as they keep telling us , the democratse are the party of the youth, but the names come up are biden, yo, i've see bernie and hillary. i've seen younger facesan on money, you know what i mean? let's give it up. dagen jimmy fallon when we comeg back . this great audience,reat they gt the last word as we continue. >> i formulated balance of nature with study and research. you know, when i started in high school, i was taught every isolated chemical has an effect and a side effect. >> and your job as a doctor is to balance the side effects with the benefits. >> but with fruits and vegetables, there are no negative side effects. and so the key was balance of
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professional about how to get in rhythm and stay i n rhythm. >> learn more , ed, stop a viborg connection. ende la time to go back to my bartender days. we call it las calt call audiene members. what do you like? is what you dislike aboutp firs the show. you can grade it i sof you wane do whatever you want, right. who's up first? somebody over there as a microphone. >> who's that?y. what's your name? dylan analeigh. they'll all you guys togethe art >> yeah.ques so doing it together. yeah. illegal i'm not allowed to ask that. we
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question. it's illegalll, how once. >> well how long y'all been b dating. >> oh no, no that's fine. yeah. friends. that was a very quick no. okay, so you got an aa plusn last week. >> tonight and all the time.t oi i know when i turn on my tv, i know i can count on >> and i just have a quicks to question for you. yes. what can be done by thate ane y like us to motivate and inspired the younger generation to get involved to make a difference. >> first of all, you are the younger generation. >> but i wil l tellyour you, follow your passion, follow your hearto and what i what i tell my kidsn is whatever you love to do,e, id when i started in radio, forid y example, i didn't make any f money but would find something y you love and then find a way that you can make money. last and make a living and raise your kids with it. that would be my advice. q uestianelast question quick, di, somebody and say hi, diane .l hi. great to be on youthr show. what a quick question. with all the capabilities that the u.s. possesses, both in
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technology militarily, how and why would they allow for the chinese spy balloon? so because joe biden is and het should have taken that thingwent out the second it i over alaska's. u all right. that's allnfor the time we havty left. unfortunately,e let notis your heart beat trouble and seto your dvr so you never missde an episode of great news for us . up next, you got a great show. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> thank you. rubinos i'm laura ingrahamthe and this is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. >> thank js for being with us.fe now, john fetterman told the people of pennsylvania that when he was running for senate just days before the election that he would be all betterd bea by last month.ll better, but now a new health scare has him spending a second night in the hospital. is he unwell? andand did the media cover thii during his campaign? more on that moments. but first, more phon
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