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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 10, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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why would they allow for the chinese spy balloon? so because joe biden is and het should have taken that thingwent out the second it i over alaska's. u all right. that's allnfor the time we havty left. unfortunately,e let notis your heart beat trouble and seto your dvr so you never missde an episode of great news for us . up next, you got a great show. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> thank you. rubinos i'm laura ingrahamthe and this is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. >> thank js for being with us.fe now, john fetterman told the people of pennsylvania that when he was running for senate just days before the election that he would be all betterd bea by last month.ll better, but now a new health scare has him spending a second night in the hospital. is he unwell? andand did the media cover thii during his campaign? more on that moments. but first, more phony science,
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more damage, kids. that's the focus of tonight'sni' angle fear, money, power.rincipt those are the three overriding principles that drove our government's hideously flawed response to covid from mandating experimental mri shots to closing schools and playgrounds to social distancing that was stupid and masking. >> it was alking, l pandemicit c and abuse of powers vianc emergency orders, big money payouts to the medical industry .is tha well, the brutal truth, which we told you years ago, is that s they never had any serious peeru reviewed studies to back up any of their egregious edicts. cipls none basic principles of immunology, such as acquired immunity through infection, were ignored. instead, the branch comedians relied on fudge studies
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with ever changing endpoints and sold them relentlesslythp with the help of flacks masca masquerading as journalistrasaly that we're all about. the science gangce actually didn't have a sciencepr on their side, but they did haveacademia pfizer , academiae. and hollywood with them all the waillionaiy. new billionaires were minted inm the big pharma industriapll complex tony fauci deborah burks. >> they became media stars, in and more than anyone, our kids ,including my own, suffered. there was loss learning, lost athletics, miss graduations, while countless others sufferedo from vaccine and lockdown induced harm to their mental and physical well-being. and now the same forces are at it again, trying to sellw normal us another new normal, a demonic campaign to destroy the natural biological order, e one where our children are once again their guinea pigs.
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and it's alle an backed by phony science and big pharma. it's pushed by radical in ous is our schools. it's adopted by big business all and big government. and of course, all the while it's glamorized by big tech and the entertainment industry. >> sam graciously wanted me to accept this award because firs i'm the first transgender womani to win this award.t to and i just wanted allnder the incredible transgendern fo legends before me who kicked these doors open for me so h i could be here tonight. ransge >>nd the field of transgender ht focus healthhc care is also booming. did you know therehan are10 nop more than one hundred pediatric gender clinics in the united states ? that's up from from zero zero jt fifteen years ago. let's face it, gender transition surgeries bring cash strapped hospitalshss big money. n >> my friends, this is not science. >> and this explainsd the relentless push to expand
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gender affirming care even forup young people. le. as a trans woman, i can tell you that it's not overly dramatic gender men careanding is lifesaving. we really need to be gende expag gender affirming care. since starting on myd happ gender from my comfort and happiness and overals anl mental health, wellbeing is just shotp an up and i'm doie so much better. >> so, you know, w ie are living in a time when are so much misinformation and birth information. we havo bee to be very clear tht we need to be listeningagain, to trans peopl je again, just like covid you questionad janes, the trans indians and you're guilty of misinformation, on, you'disinformation, you'rec dangerous. basic principles oplesf sciences though, that there are two sexes that dna is unchangeablety . that kid's judgment isn't really developed until their later years. that is all out the window. ow we know how this story ends
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and now the entire mutilation in industry is on edge. whdustry edge,y? because a whistleblower who worked on the inside is exposing what's really happening to children in these clinics. a former employee of the washington university transgender center a st. lout ss children's hospital recounts in exacting detaiifl how lifeo altering treatments are fast tracked to patients who are unaware of their long term and often life altering side effects. now, first, i want yound to understand that this is not t some political hit piece. this whistleblower describes herself as a woman politically to the left of bernie sanders. and when she was younger, she questioned her own gender and is currently married to a trans ma shen. e ki she truly thought that she was s saving these kids and what she was doing. but now she callicals itly moray and medically appalling. she explains that more thans,
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half of the new patients were young girls, sometimes they'd be cluster's from the same highd school. now, they often hadrom de comorbidities. they suffered from depression, pranxiety, adhd, eating disorders, obesity, and even transition process as it's s the transition process. as it's so benignly referred to . jami, the reid, the whistleblow writes about workingk it. to be with therapists to fast track it to begin transitioning. the girls needed a letter of see support from a therapist, usually one we recommendedy onct who they had to see only onceo or twice for the green light a to make it more efficient for the therapists. we offered them a templatee forp how to write a letter singl and support a transition. the next stoe vip was a singleos visit to the endocrinologist for testosterone. our own prescriptions read goese on to write that patients weree, often poorly informed about drug side effects, citing one case with a 15 year old - male patient who was describedgs
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who was prescribed a drug usedrt to treat prostate cancer. a one of the side effects is the feminizing of mens, rather, or rather boys, in this case bodies another side effect is liver toxicity, which the 15. year old experienced. t he was immediately taken offc mg the drug. his mother then sent an electronic message to the transgender center, saying that they were luckasy her family was not the type to sue. and this gets worse. rights read says the clinic operated with a lack regard for the rights of the patients themselves in missouri,atment only one parent's consent is required for treatment ofir their child. but when there was a dispute between the parents, it seemed t the center always took the side of the parent who was gone dis with the transition. my concerns about this approach . a dissenting parents grew in a 2019, she writes. custody when one of our doctors actually testified in a custody hearing against a father
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who opposed a mother's wish to start their 11 year olde ar daughter on puberty blockers. now, there are so manyinstagra more disturbing details in this piece. i'll post on instagramand on anf twitter and on my website. i encourage all of you to read this to really understand what is happening inside these clinics. they're not puttingn our children first fi. they're endangering our children. thes, to thesey announ whistleblower claims, the missouri ag today announce d angle an investigation into this so-called hospital.e is done foe the hopes justice is done for these poor little kids b before more have their bodies and their minds destroyed. and that's angle and if youoing think the schools are helping, think again tomorrow night. >>ea we're going to speak exclusively to a main motheroolr who says her daughter's school tried to transition her 13 year old and instructor to not tellin
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the parents. even more galling about this, w the social worker who tried the to transition her daughter is still employeool. id to scho >> it is an unbelievable story and we'll bring you that tomorrow.ght. a nd if th are goingand look, if g to lie about basic human biology, of course, goingfo to lie about basic fitness for office tonight, men and women a who are men are fiercely indep incapable of making sound independent judgments on complex issues, sick at shoul but thghest levels of government. this should not be , butos those unfit for office were elected and remain in office courtesyshd the same cover up operation that pushed the russian collusion, fraud tak. uffered take john fetterman. he sufferestroked a stroke whil. on the campaign trail last hi, year, leading to moments like this every pie. >> good night, everybody. i always believe that independence with our energy is critical. i do support fracking and i
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don't. i don't.again, m i support fracking. again.s my doctor believes that i'm fitr to be serving. and that's what i believe is where i'm standing. >> remember, he only did one debate. at now, despite that, the media and the democrats waved him into office. so fetterman won. but now let the poor man is hospitalized after getting lightheaded at an event. r now, hisul spokesperson says tht tests have ruled out a new stroke and that fetterman is being monitored with an eegfo designs of a a seizure. he's still under observation h tonight. we wish him a speedy recovery,be but he should have never beenen put in thi p ps position in the first place. it's the political equivalentt of putting like damar hamlin back in the game the week after he is released from the hospital. it's unconscionable. and then speakinspeaking og of e who is unwell, yet still in office, there'sis eighty nine year old dianne feinstein now.
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she was born the same year the fmri was invented. her declining condition hass been an open secret for yearsk u in washington. >> yet chuck schumerr would rather leave her there as a reliable vote , then give californians lucid, present representationfornians.e the new york times real conservative journal. thathey reported last year thaf miss feinstein sometimes struggles to recall the name cos of colleagues, frequently, hastn little recollection of meetings or telephone conversations, and at times walks around in a state of befuddlement. one lawmaker told the san f wefrancisco chronicle that they had to reintroduce themselveso re to feinstein multiple times during an interaction that lasted several houres. this is sad and it'sriating. infuriating. e sant by the way, the same people thi. just complaining nonstop about jorge santos. app they're doing this and of course, the same hide the ball approach, appl y to biden's the 202 overall mental state. camp going back to the 2020 campaigac
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,if you can call it a campaign. and rather than calling out his hologram candidacy, the press, they played right alonlongg, helping biden win the white bidn house and then when biden can muster the energy or meds to stand for a big speech, as he did on tuesday.r afterwar all we hear afterward are oohs and ahs, the ones who wereresidt unruly and yelling and heckling the president. t not only did they makehe themselves look bad, t they really allowed him an opportunity to look vigorous. pi president biden's superpowerelid is that he's a regular person, but it wast of delivered with at of energy and a lot of pace.k ah that's where experience matters. that took all the experience inn the world and all in his comfort in that room. biden comes across as someonewha who's enjoying himself and who has the energy to be in this job for another, you know, until he's well into his 80s.e l >> he was a sharp he could be .e
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i thought he did a great job i with a father, a president biden does seem invigorated from the address, but thenn unde one day later, the truth about biden is again undeniable. you know, god , we're here. i don't blame the peopleehin struggling as much as the people behind them. lljill biden and gisele faderman should be ashamed of themselves allowing their husbands to go out there knowing what's going on . is the power really wortg hio the ongoing humiliation ofn of your spouse and the insult to your constituents? >> joining me now is ben domenech, editor at large atn the spectator, and byron york, chief political correspondent fs of the washington examiner. both are fox news contributors. ben, this is really a story about the american media, which
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is appallingly derelict in just calling and strikes on anl issue as simple as mental and physical fitness fort no office. >> is it nott? ? i don't know what you'relo talking about, laura . i mean, joe biden lookoks sos sh vigorous, he looks like you could do another hundred peloton rides today. >> just full of vim and vigorl m and energy and obviously,e he's just i mean, come on , you this is laughable. it's totally laughable.s as and when you see people readings off these talking points, as ife we can't see what's happening in front of us , it just the mas everything else they claim absurd. it makes them completely unserious. look, you can say that say h joe biden pulled off a surprising midterm. hav you can say that his policies have been popular even iflous he's incredibly unpopular. but don't try to sell us this ridiculous idea that this frail old man is someone who can about just, you know, is about to go
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out and climb mount kilimanjaro. it's absolutely absurd. absurd.n and then when it comes to thengw fetterman side of things, look, i think we can all wishovers, ah john fetterman well. we can hope that he sae recovere from whatever this is . t but at the same time, that doesn't mean that you're equipped with the tools necessar ay to be a united states senator, which we allto know include the ability to understand what's going on around you understand legislatiod votn, vote according to your understanding there. and that's something thatny i think that we just can't have any confidence in when it comes to john fetterman. >> byron, i need to play this another telling moment offore fetterman assuring the voters before the midterms i'lle will i be much better in january . but he will still be a fraud. >> my bargain with all of you, my promise to every one of you is to be that fifty first vote . byron, that's what is it'sl ab .
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about, right? in the end, this is about power and power alone. absolutely. ane absolutely. and one big problem foria was the voters in pennsylvania was that fetterman was never transparent abouwat the seriousness of his condition. his doctor released a statement on october 15th, a few weeksn, before the election. sta but it wastement a very generalh statement talking about his heart rate, his blood pressure there was therer e was no information from his specialists about how serious the problem was.concerned, and , you know h, as far as president biden is concerned wit, he just did an interview with pbs. >> he was asked about his agh m. and he said just watch me, just watch me is suggesting that if you did, you'd see how vigorousg he was, what people cover actually are watching him. and regardless of press coveragee ses go, they'reiate actually seeing what's going poll on . there's a new new associated, iy wantedpoll. it's the one where only about a third of democrats saidn agaie they wanted biden to run again. and the ap did follow upt hiterviews with the respondents
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and they all talkes age.d abouta age.r old' many believe the 80 year old's a age is a liability, with people focusing on his coughing, his gait, his gaffes and theirhe i general belief that he's just not up for the world's most stressful job.l job. people are actually seeing it. o well, i think that's why i've been in part a lot of voters., republic, the republican electorate. e i mean, george santoso, most people think let the voters i determine his future in twouth b years.ou i mean, they've been hidingn ly the truth abouint biden lying about his his resume. biden's age deficiencies, feinstein, fetterman, these people lie for a living t and they're going to be all on their high horse aboutut george santos. really? come on . republicans just fall right into the trap as well. i find te >> well, to be honest, i find the job of being a member ofo c, congress, one that is muchun lower threshold to clear.say gee you know, i'm not going to stand around and say that george santurce is somehow less
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qualified to do that. thajob than alan ohmar.ted stat i think the president of lot the united states matters a lot more when it comes to assessingh those types of things. and look, can't we at leastp on be a little entertained by george santo's? i he crack dailys me up on a dae basis and i'm lacking a bit of entertainment when it comes to politics these days, dealing with all these octogenarian who we really are scared, frankly, that wouldn't be able to survive. e down >> tumble down the stairs. yeah. the byron, your point on on the on my podcast the other day aboutf. santos was brilliant. i mean, and just restated briefly. kell, there ther congre are a lf members of congress who want kevin mccarthy to just kick george santos out of the house of representativkick which he cannot do. it requires a super majority on vote . >> plus, since the civil wartwo, only two people have been expelled from the house of representatives. ou can >> both were after criminal o convictions. so, yes,f jo you can get rid of joe of george santos.
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but there is a processprocess,.r you have to go through the the process. and if somehow they short circuited, they shortcut tomehow to kick him out of the house of representatives. they'regree gonna regret it and maybe not too far inleman, g the future. alreat to sel right, gentlemen,t to see you. different standards forn hous the president and senate then e for house members oversight. republicans drop the hammerow on the biden family today, formally requesting documents that could uncover how they allb use joe's influence to get rich oversight chair r james comey is here next to respond to what hunter's lawyers are saying tonight. so stay there. those of us who are over thirty five grew up in a different america and read the news and say, i don't recognize this country anymore. we are turning on our own legacy and declaring it evil. >> americans have lost the american dream. this is about delegitimizing america itself.
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and this is the perfect time to join them... right now, switch to xfinity mobile and save up to $800 on the new samsung galaxy s23 series. to learn more, visit your local xfinity store today. because when you talk, they hear you. priority for one of the things republicans say is a priority for them ou is investigating your family, your son hunter, your brothery t jim , public psychopaths that t they want these guys to doo is something. ot's the only thing they can d is make up things aboutg to my family. >> it's not going to go very far . that was: afterpublic the b 12t wore off. okay, joe public doesn'twish ca1 it.% of all right. you wish a foxns poll shows that 61% of americans think hunter,sr biden and his various business dealings are worthy ofid investigation. and that's just what the house r li aoversight committee did earb today. they made a formal request forid the appearanceen, th on hunter s
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the president's brother, james , and hunter's business partner, eric sherwen, to turn over information and records related to their foreign business dealings. they want to find out whethe tr members of the biden family leverage joe biden's position as vice president , of course, to sell assets aroundov the world. chair of the house oversighters. committee james comey joins mern now. congressman, i guess you don'tay need them to appear personally t . biden's attorney did reject your request, saying the committee lacks legitimate legislative purpose and oversight basis for suchgit, records. so no appearance, just records. and they say ntoo of that. >> your response tonight?e purp well, there is a legislativef al purpose and there's a national security concern. first of alll with the nat, witl security concern we saw yesterday in our hearing with twitter executives. the laptop is real and that's a problem for joe biden. or joe bbecause on that laptop s many emails, text messages, pictures showing him right in te the middlese of all these
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adversaries in china, ukraine and russia. that were paying his family millions and millions of dollars for services that we don't know what they were.e bid' we don't know what exactly the bidens did to earn millions and millions of dollars from our adversaries. advand the fact that joe biden' during the presidential campaign lied about it, then that's a problem. and legislatively, we've got to fix this influence peddlingmt . if we don't fix this, this und is only going to get worse. the democrats complaineder aboue it under trump. and i can tell you it'n fasmilys a serious proble am with theat's biden family. so there's a legislative req purpose and a national security y we'vetorneythat's wh requested that information. >> congressman hunter's attorney in a letter said that a sent to you that his requestubpn can be compared to democrat assubpoenas to president trump's family that republicans fought in the last session. obviously,s argu he's arguing tt that was more valid since trump's kids worked inthat the white house. >> how would you respondy neve to that point?r show edwell, they never showed the kids were selling accesse be
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to donald trump. that's exactly what the bidens e family did. that was the biden familyst wit business model. and it wasn't just with hunter.s it was als o with both the president's brothers. but we're just zeroed in on oney specifically because we're very concerned about the significant sums of money that camsue from companies directly affiliated with communist china. so china we have specific requet we have ample evidence not just on the laptop, but also from i e people who have come in ewho were involved in some of those business schemes, th with abidance. is spe so we have people that have told us specific things, their specific things on the laptop that are very concerningrnin every, concerniny american. every american shouldto whe be concernedthhous as to whethe not this white houseof and this administration is compromised becaus oe the millions t and millions of dollars that that the biden family has taken tm the biden should want to set the record straight. they should want
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to work with this committee to to clear their name. ty but they continue to obstruct and they continue to doac n everything iothingn their abilir to act like nothing's wrong mien we all knowy th that it's y fishy that this family family's taking in millionsllons of of mn of dollars.o >> yeah. have they gotten srio rich ?n hn i mean, biden's been a public servant for 50 years.a pretty nicpublice houses. e ho >>us congressman, good to seen e you. thank you, ladies.rfed edgentlemen interfered with thea united states of america 2024 presidential election knowingly and willingly. that'sthat's t the bad news is o to get worse because this is the investigation part.aura: >>th later comes the arrest part . that was congressman clayon higgins putting former twitter execs on blast overg rece their meddling in the twenty twenty election. now,iv predict his warning rece. predictable coverage from the enemies of free speech. this looks preposterous. they're goincialg to arress t ko the twitter officialw,s for what you know, for trying to takeonas
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down posts by white nationaliststs. hav a private company has the right to to have whatever they want on their platform. is twitter supposed to allow and unlimited and and everythingn h on their platform? >> and nobody think nothis reasonable person thinks thi.s.u >> clay higgins, membeser of the house oversight committee, joins me now. .r resp congressman, your responseon to that argument? how how does moderating contentn rise to criminal activity?mplaio may we complain abouutt democras criminalizing politics, criminalizing things that shouldn't be criminalized? they're trying to turn that >> i look forwink, on you. well, very mucarh look forward to long conversations with some of theseeys that hav attorneys o taken that position on behalf of the clients. >> of coursegoin, posturedare gn to protect the biden crime family. slowly an and we're going to slowly and judiciously dissect that that position that they take,e violation of state and
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because violation of state and federal laws, many layersg the what we're what we're doing inis in congress right now, noestiga oversight committee is investit to get in because they'veic clearly crossed the threshold of reasonable suspicion, which calls for investigation and who investigates the investigatorshe in this case, the fbi, the congress investigates the fbi through our committee's oversight committee. appointed h appointed that spear, the there reasonable suspicion evidence we have is tremendou ts. eff so our investigations will move forward in an effort to produces what the next threshold is ,>> - which is i. sir, sir, what is the probable cause or probable cause for what? what's the actual crime? i mean, i was a criminal >>fense lawyer in my day, so i'm just i'm always against the whatd be is it'd be differet from the fbi agents versus civilians, fbi is subject
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to color of law. us goes and title 18 laws and the fbi, basically, the fbi used the twitter executives and twitter's platform and mechanism, the civilians thats that made decisions with twitter, conspired with the fbi to to restrict the constitutional rights andof to suppress the vote. ricaof american citizens so thao adthe broader laws were were we conspiretod to be committed twit between federal agents and fbier and twitter executives who got shot, gets charged wit with what ultimately be determined based upon the probable cause level of evidence we're able to produce fbi agents will be ta charged differently than civilians. you understand, as does the wany things work. but they conspired together to commit election and voter
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suppression. so you're arguing that they're acting, that you're arguing that they're acting under colo evrnder of state law? >> i believe that's what you're arguing. but under yeah. well, really under. fire under the . yeah, yeah. oh, yeahs ri.aura: obviously, that's but again, this is appalling what twitter did. i mean, they know it and they're really indignant about it in republican oversight. t really spot on, i think has to be really spot on . really critical, but really specific. and i loved your back and forth ,made a lot of people sweat .rer but i think it has to be really clear what we're talking about here. >> what would the charges be ?-s what would the talking about federal i mean, an b investigation would reveal exactlbecausy the charges would, but those charges will comed whc after the next thresholdth is crossed, which is probable cause. this is the investigatioigationn part. and federal agents absolutely. the fbi used twitter and theiran
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platform and conspired with twitter executives to perform voter suppression acts, which are which areo denye against the law, federal firand state and to deny the ft amendment rights of americans, which is which is part of the crime. so, you know, specific charges are yet to be determined, ma'am, but that's what investigations do, will reveal evidence. >> we and we we cultivate that evidence and determine probable cause to arrest. congressman, i want to see>> lau the documents. i think they'll be fascinating discovery here if war continues. >> and we really appreciateanote your job. no doubt. thank you. thank you so much. and yet another has republican council member ined new jersey has been gunned tha down. we have a live report moments.yo plus, why did that chinese spy alone have english writing all over it? john radcliffe, relaxium or dni? >> he's with us next day. they're this jj never missed
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members, both republicans, were shot to deat, h in their cars. r fox news correspondent kevin cork is here with all dis details kevin .y >> yeah, really a tragic story here that continues to unfold tonight. evening, laura . two new jersey republican officeholder was assassinated in just one week.dt and tonight, law enforcement ini the garden state don't havenc many answers, but att ne the moment, they're still trying to convince the public that neither person killed wasl. targeted because of their party affiliation. here's what we kno week,w so fan on wednesday t, of this week,ni5 shortly after 7:00 i1 n the morning. fifty one year oldheller russell heller, a milford, new jersey council member, gop was found shot to death in his car inyear the parking lot where heat worke for 11 years at p.s. emg. now, a short time later, thiss n man, 58 year old gary curtis, was found shot dead of an-infli apparent gunshot wound , self-inflicted. it'sctelieve believed he killedo still, those shootings come exactly one week after another new jersey gop council member
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was found shot dead. is gumf thirty year old eunice jumped for a gop council member in fairfield, new jersey, found shortly after 7:00 pm last wednesday, shot to death in her car . now that shootin shooting takinl a relatively short distance, about fifteen mileess away from the other shootings. again, in particular, the one involving new jersey gop council member as well. the very latest for you, they hav please do not have a suspectmine and jump alex murdaugh. they have yet to determine a motive in either shooting.he and despite the similarities, they don't believe they are related yet. say yet because i and i say yet because it seems a strange when you think aboutt all the math, you put it all gop together. what are the odds that two council members, both from a the gop in new jersey, of all places, are shot dead a week apart from kevin ?ic, th >>an it's horrific. thank you. yeah, total amount of intelligence gathering to look at the totality from western intelligence to go put together
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by the east so i can but i kouroussa through busway is is could i lose one of your losses on target on the killer sideway as one of your losses on the international military busway? >> late last night, he told judy woodruff it wasn't a big deal . and tonight he tells telemundoac it's not a majorh, c breach .e p we'll consider the disturbingy a details about the chinese spy balloon. we found outlloo found today thi joe biden surely has to knowd we a source telling foxst is that n had western made parts and even. had english writing on it. ay if that wasn't bad enough, the state department says it'ser confident that the balloon manufacturer has a direct relationship with china's p withmilitary and is an approvd vendor of the play. joining now, john ratcliffe, former director of national intel and the trump natadministration. john , i heard former cia woeratives float this possibility that us technologyie would be found o or evidence of
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it in that balloon. yet bideabn is quiteou cavalier about this.l unfo >> your reaction tonight?rty i' well, unfortunately, i'm not that surprised, laura .i wa in fact, i warned about this.p d i mean, when i was dni, i wrote an op ed talking aboutt the china threat, but talkingcon about how american companies all the way from wall street tow the silicon valley to hollywood ,all all puttingoo industry across all industries, o basically putting profiturs abow our national security, doing business with with china and so i haven't had the briefing yet. i'll get it next week. buthatt i understand that that question has been asked about whether or not our technology was in the chinese spy balloone' and satisfy answer wasn't one.n. i hope to get one , bu unft unfortunately, i won't be surprised. and laura compan, i think what w companies would sahyy to you iss well, why shouldn't wen'? the president doesn't seem concerned. mpetitor s he doesn't. he's talking about chinati as a as a friendly competitor. thing that i think is most stunnin
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still. and that's the thing i thinkou that's most stunning and all disappointing. this to me. this all this to me is , you know, this president still hasn't his been moved to confront china or change his opinion. f a million dead americans from a virus from china didn't move him. one hundred thousand mov americs from fentanyl from china hasn't moved him. l securityis nationa catastrophe last week from a national security standpoint where a chinese spycraft was allowed to takese transcontinental voyage across our most sensitive sites and critical infrastructure. and he's passing it off as asod no big deal or even a good thing. well, john , do youse dec actually think president biden is the one making thesisallye decisions? i mean, do yous really thinkx l he's mastering has mastered the complex details of all the ins and outs of these these surveillance balloons? it doesn't seem that way to me.i your reaction to that now? >> i mean, i see what you see, laura , and , you know,ngin he's changing stories in the middle of interviews.
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he's changing alibis literally n in minutes. and so, yo'tu know, i don't knoa what i do know is that this u this national security team that he has in place is unwilling to confront our number one adversary. noy, matter what they do, no matter how many timesy pa they pants joe biden and thento united states in public, they take no action. d me and it's why, you know, i get this question earlier today, someonl the i keep hearing,e director , that all these generals and admirals are sayingt they're they're saying that they think that china is going to invade taiwa tn in the next two years. do you think that's going to happen? and my answer is whygo wouldn'tn they ? why wouldn't president do that'e i mean, wars are either fought e or they are deterred.d ch and this president has has noti deterredmatt china no matter wht make they have done, no matter what offense they make,, matte no mr what they do in terms of violating our sovereignty and, you know, i think that we allwa should be incredibly concerned . where
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i was hoping that this would be an episode where everyone would the bipartisan alarm about what china has chi done, really the impact on our country going forwargod. but the president is sendingusu the wrong message on this. it's business as usualand ch and china is our friend. >> well, if he's not if he's not bought and paid for,. n he's certainly acting like he's bought and paid for. john , thank now, after a ron desantis said he was targeting diversity, equity, inclusion lessons at florida universities, those institutions scrambled to delete the evidence. but chris rufo still found out what, they are planning. >> he shares the shocking details next. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system.
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the time over one pointa woul one million people in florida would be eligible for medicaid if coverag ie is just said, i agree to expand it. >> it's not this. know that this is this isn't calculus. >> i know that a lot of republicans, their dream is to cut social security. medicare. well, let mecare. say this. if that's your dream, i'm your nightmare. yeah, i feel geriatric.acht ric who can't even walk the stairshe of air force one wants you to think he's the political equivalent of freddy krueger. all right. but beyond his cringeworthy
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haunts, the speech was telling for what it left out. gov. ron desantis a successful reshaping of florida's collegeok system after desantis unveiled a new playbook for ending de at florida public universities. those colleges move really fast to erase any evidence of whaty t their plans were, but my next guest was able to recover them. investigative journalist chris rufo has just publishedy f a devastating expose about the university of south florida's program. now, the documents hobe obtained show how the school wantedr whit to teach that america is after force for white supremacy. of ge that's not all. f after the death of george floyld ,the school encourage students to attend racially segregated counseling sessions labeled as healing spaces. joining us now, chris rufo, manhattan institute senior fellow chris , the school also promoted so-called white identity development. >> take us through that. cri >> so this is an idea of taking critical race theory and then
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applying it using psychological techniques that really resemble programing. they have a whole efromei infrastructure from their counseling center that embraces these radical theoretical principles. prt they do is they work you through this position where you have to admit your white guilt or white fragility, your white shame, and then you have to reorganizet yourself not towards psychological health, but towards left wing racialistn th ideology. and so what you're seeing here is that they've taken those principles. they've created all of these fake jobs, diversity, equitys to and inclusion, and then they're running kids through these programs in ordee themt wir to left wing activists. offices some of the materials that they've published from actu of multicultural affairs actually said that they want students to go out int protest. they want to support defund the police. they want to support prison e leftabolition, every fashionaw left wing cause. ro and when ron desantis said no more of this, al l of a suddeng their webmaster got very busy trying to delete the documents. >> we found them and we're going to hold them accountable. lthe office of multiculturalffi
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affairs fromrs us . students, they also released antiracist resources for studentsluding, n including on the unlearning of racism and white supremacy, saying the goal is to facilitate growth for white folks. s se chris , the justification for all this is seeminglyre benevolent . we all wan. t to comwhate togetr and understand each other more , buts do what does this do to unify the campus?mpus? >> it doesn't. the point is actt it doesn't. the the point is actually to divide the campus. they're holding raciallyy segregated counseling sessionscl . they're reducing individuals to a racial essence. you knowenceno, i'm not christor rufo. i am a white male. poisonous and that's how i should think about myself. for people of alla it's poisonous.l it's bad for people of allt is racial backgrounds.divide but that is the purpose. pe it's to divide. it's to fill people with eitherf shame or rage. this is all part of the critical race theory, ideology, and for, taxpay whatever reason, taxpayers all over the country have been stop, funding this stuff for years.
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it's time to stop.ese offi it's time to take up this legislation to abolish thesek offices that don't help anyone. and i thinthexactlk that's whaty what ron desantis is going to do now is to santos's funding effort going over among? >> i was there at th the public. spe >> yeah, well, i was there at the announcement. i gavegoor a speech with the governor and people were goingit wild. they loved it.'sng t be very i think it's going to prove to be very popular. and what i'm doing with this investigative series is to show people it sounds good in theoryn in the language that they have diversity, equity ideol and inclusion. but in practice, it's left wing racialist ideology and it's for wrong now. >> chris , great to see you tonight. thank for looking into this forh us . now, what did kamala think s between hersat husband and jill at the state of the union? the last fight has her response . are you guys having fun or are you here with your family?
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where are my kids that are going to get really offended if i do not offend everybody? anybody else been fired recently?
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>> laura: kemal harris is incapable of telling the truth it seems even about a kiss.
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>inc. wh[speaking non-english l] >> laura: she didn't see the kiss? greg got filled next. >> todd: a fox news alert, chinese spy that hovered over the military base the mainland for days is ce of listening in on american conversations and transmitting that information back to the ccp. you are watching "fox & friends first" and i'm toddtodd pyro. >> ashley: ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. taken from the surface of the ocean, but officials say still searching for electronic


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