tv Outnumbered FOX News February 10, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST
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♪ ♪ >> emily: hello, everyone, this is "unnumbered" i am the emily compagno and joining me today fox news anchor julie banderas, kennedy, host of kennedy on fox business, fox fox weather and meteorologist and anchor amy phrase and joining us on the cost for the first time former nfl player and mission cooling chris valletta who is the author of "teamworks" we are excited to have you with us today unwelcome. >> chris: it's great to be here. >> emily: happy friday, let's get to a. now we begin with alarming new details surrounding the chinese
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flight and the scope of the beijing surveillance operation raising concerns about our national security. we are getting new images showing federal agents pouring over the remnants of the spy flight as the u.s. continues efforts to see just how extensive the surveillance capabilities were peer sources confirm to fox news at the craft had western made parts with english writing although it's not clear if the writing was discovered before or after it was shot down or in the wreckage. now yesterday the state department revealed that the chinese spy craft shot down by fighter jets was likely capable of listening in on america's munication's. and pinpointing the location of those conversations as it flew across america. official say it was part of a fleet that had flown over more than 40 countries and across five continents. now, that was a far cry from china's claim that it is just a weather balloon. but president biden downplay the incident in an interview with
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telemundo telling us it's nothing major. >> it's not a major breach. i mean, look, it's a violation of national law, it is our airspace, and we can do it we want with our airspace. >> emily: however members of the president's own party including montana senator jon tester whose own state was visited by the spy craft or furious. >> what china did last week is completely on acceptable and a real threat to american sovereignty. china is a real threat and one we need to take seriously. we are holding this briefing today because american public deserves to hear from the department of defense, not play politics with national security. i do not care who is in the white house. we will always do our job and we will always provide oversight. this administration owes americans answers not only on what happened this past week, but on what steps they will make to ensure this never happens again. >> emily: kennedy, that
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hearing did little to assuage lawmakers of both political persuasions and also the american public who has only more questions, especially in terms of why and how the president reacted the way he d did. >> kennedy: yeah, and i have to share and senator markowski's outrage they could've shot it out of the sky which is what a lot of people said and the fact they let it go for what, another eight or nine days just continuing floating, sucking up information? and i love the president is downplaying that because that is just his m.o. it doesn't matter if it is inflation, immigration, chinese espionage, infiltration of our country, whatever it is, he downplays it and the stuff is a big deal. and we shouldn't be lied to, there should be transparency but there should also be urgency and he shouldn't get a pat on the back for being so irresponsible, letting this flow through the country, over military sites and god knows what kind of
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information they sucked up. >> emily: we actually have a video of senator murkowski's comments kennedy, i'm glad you brought it up she's at the second one into alaskan airspace it should've been shot down let alone the rest of the country, let's take a listen. >> as an alaskan, i am so angry. alaska is the first line of defense for america. it's like this administration doesn't think alaska is any part of the rest of the country here. to get to the united states, you have to come through alaska. it seems to me the clear message to china is we've got free range in alaska. because they are going to let us cruise over the until it gets to more sensitive areas? tell me where the sensitive areas are. >> emily: chris, i love the
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senator's comments for terkel reasons. she said the issues americans have which is why didn't you do something the instant it violated our airspace? who knows what they surveilled during the entire time they intelligence they gathered was clearly worth it being shot down to them and secondly she talked about feeling unseen. how clearly because of the president's response the cavalier attitude he had over especially alaskan airspace that somehow alaskans must matter less. to me that it's a hallmark of this administration were most americans do feel like they matter less to this president. >> chris: i think the visceral reaction is warranted, obviously there's a lot of emotions going around but i think this is symbolic of a much larger issue related to the geopolitical competition we are in with ch china. and uniquely how this competition ties into every major issue we debate in this country whether it is technology, education, or immigration reform. when you look at technology, reports show china actually is aggressively outspending the united states and technology.
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we reacted with a chips bill the $280,000 illustration. look educational president biden made a comment he quoted his wife at the state of the union when she said a country that out educates us outcompete us. guess what? we're being out educated. we are 38 in mass, we are 19th in science, we are 13th and reading. guess which is number one? china. russia actually is a performing as in mathematics. so education is critical to national security and we look at immigration reform, the flaw in the chinese system is that the ip of their geniuses belongs to the government. that doesn't happen here. the ip belongs to you and me. and it creates competition and we can actually grow and thrive and create, we need to keep talent here but we can't do that with an immigration system that doesn't allow geniuses with student visas to stay and work in this country, they have to enter a lottery. this is all intertwined, it's a time for choosing, we have to
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wake up in this country and make some decisions for national security. >> emily: i love that point so much, julie, you know i'm a raiders fan. now they are in vegas but i cheered for them as a cheerleader when they were in oakland. we have a saying that what happens in vegas started in oakland. secretary pompeo talked about the points chris just made that if all the statements president biden hit in his state of the union education, manufacturing, everything in the u.s., immigration, the list goes on. everything, the red elephant in the room, was that china usurped every single thing. the reason we were flailing behind all of those areas, the reason we are dying from fentanyl from the hundreds of thousands, it's all because of china. but he failed to address that. >> julie: i love the fact that markowski addressed that they ignored alaska, no big yields flying over, i would like to know what the reaction would've been from the white house had that chinese balloon flown over the white house because if they are able to actually surveilled and listen to conversations that means they are intelligent
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scouring which is classified information which is a sore spot in the biden household right now or in his garage. but he could've possibly given information to china if they had flown over the white house to think they would've done something then? it is interesting to note the army lieutenant general douglas sims tells us about in battle that we think before we shoot and in the case in this case we thought before we shot. what is there to think about? i couldn't believe when i read that that they actually thought about it and they actually made a conscious decision that it's okay? and for him to say it's not a breach, i mean it's violating international law, which he also said in the same breath in the interview talking out of both sides of his mouth. so if it's a violation of international law, china is not our friend. i don't know if he has caught on to that just yet, how is it you just allow it to float around and think it is no big deal and not a breach. >> amy: jeremy alaska also
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accountant so many americans and our friends here, what are protecting us and if you don't think a balloon like that can capture data, guess what? we are sending 800 weather balloons worldwide every day as the cost of tens of millions of dollars to capture sensitive data and the balloons we send up the weather balloons are so much smaller. in fact they are about 6 feet wide and the chinese balloon was 90 feet long. three buses long. so it's kind of sensitive data we get out of radio sounds with balloons which are temperature, humidity, pressure, these are things we capture from the atmosphere from a radio sound device. if you have other types of technology in a much bigger balloon, what are you actually capturing? how big of a message are you able to take back with an airborne device like that? technology really matters in a situation like this because if you have a big balloon you have the opportunity to take big chances with it and somebody else hesitates all of a sudden they've captured something and we don't even know what it is.
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>> emily: you are right, amy, technology matters as does the response of the united states. i hope next time we will be stronger. coming up, a new surge of migrants at the border to tell you about as president biden is reportedly weighing a deal that would let hundreds of thousands of migrants into the u.s. that is next. ♪ living with plaque psoriasis? otezla is a pill that can help you achieve clearer skin. with no routine blood tests required. and doctors have been prescribing otezla for over 8 years. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. ask your doctor about otezla today.
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>> kennedy: it will not let up with president biden's border crisis we are getting images out of el paso, texas, reporter control agency over 400 migrants bum-rush them trying to cross the border. yes, into the u.s. illegally on wednesday. somewhere reportedly told the border policies had changed and they will be allowed to stay here in the states. others were reportedly lured by the false promise that the u.s.
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would provide a free trip to canada once they were accepted into the country, fun. meanwhile president biden is reportedly weighing a deal with mexico that would let hundreds of thousands of migrants across the border into the u.s. while deporting nonmexicans mexico. the deal is said to be contingent upon the administration expanding the parole process which fast tracks work authorization for migrants with sponsors in the u.s. all right, chris, i will start with you. it sounds like we need a couple of fixes to simplify both the immigration process and border security. this sounds like it complicates it. my mistakes on the? >> chris: it does complicated but the public at issue here is the narrative around border security and immigration reform. that narrative has just been spilled into sound bites we use political baseball. if we can start talking about immigration in the context of an economic advantage, we can
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actually start having a conversation that is more productive. of course a country is not a country without a border. we all agree on that. in order to bring people into the life boat you have to stop the leaks. in texas my home state we are spending millions of dollars a year caring for migrants and governor abbott recently said if i had a penny of every dollar spent on ukrainian spending package, i will be able to lock up the border. so there are clearly things we can do. but relative to that is almost half of the people that are illegally in this country came legally through a visa system that is also broken. we need a system that and captures talent keeps talent but it also starts with shoring up the border and right now the narrative is all focused on these insane images of drugs coming across, which is true, we have to stop it, it's the insane images of people pouring across the rio grande and the pastors of texas. we have to stop the leaks at the border so that we can create an efficient system and immig
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immigration. >> amy: yes and invite people that will make the country a better place. so it's interesting because mexico for a long time has really impeded helping us with immigration and they have just been waving people into the united states but with a steel they will actually take a lot of nonmexican migrants. do you think that is going to be a successful approach, and will it stem the tide we are right now? >> emily: i know that the doj said the reason mexico has accepted this is because they demanded certain concessions on our part that we gladly gave them. so, unlike the prior administration where the deals that president trump and then president obrador now president obrador is well made were for the benefit of both countries. and it was a mutually respectful negotiation that resulted in policy that and offended both countries here. the white house has said well the only way for them to say yes was for them to get this parole process back in but critics are arguing that parole process was
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intended for a case-by-case basis. so we brought the efficiency of a system which is now being applied to mass migration. this is why the attorney general in your state filed a lawsuit last month against this. because he said this is unconstitutional, you have no authority for this and yet again, this is capitulating something that all it does is in name answer a question that really the result of which does nothing to stymie the flow that's out pouring over our borders to the detriment of taxpaying u.s. citizens or legal migrants. >> shiny objects. >> kennedy: but everyone is confused but everybody wants a better life they want to provide for their families, they want to raise their children in a safe place, so if they are being told wherever they came from that the border is open once again so no more and more people are flooding, will they get the message that there could be a prison sentence or felony charges and a five year ban on coming back into the u.s. if they reoffend and try and enter illegally twice?
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>> the quick answer is no because of his fluid chris said. all of these little solutions or all of these little tweaks being offered up basically are the shiny object to distract from the real problem. if you don't create something that is secure the border and stop everything and go back to basically the beginning and create a step-by-step process, all you are doing is trying to fix all of those leaks. and it is a boat that sinks time and time again and maybe ends up with worse problems just like you are saying for the innocent people who truly want to come to america or better opportunities. >> yes and the country has not been very good at betting those who want to work versus those who want to harm us. what is the solution? >> i don't know. >> you are a problem solver, julie. >> julie: i like to say i am like the olivia pope that i'm the fixer but i honestly don't know how to fix this. is that bad. mean the president is once again talking out of both sides of his mall. during his state of the union address he basically said and talk to the fact that migrant encounters are down but yet in 2022 fiscal year that is about
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2.3 million illegal encounters, there were 600,000 got a ways, 250,000 illegal immigrants over our border in december alone. and i weigh a hundred coming over into el paso thinking they will bust their way into canada because of what? because we are inviting them. because he is touting his amnesty plants which is an invitation, not a deterrent. >> kennedy: even a visual canada and immigration officials like are saying why is the u.s. sending people here? canada is lovely and you're welcome. coming up on number one transfer station secondary pete buttigieg said that america's roads are racist question right now the department of saying our ports may have a similar problem. it is a new program getting major funding to fix up our docs but only if they push climate change and equity goals. that sounds great, pete, we will discuss laughterte mark in my ozempic® tri-zone,
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now has department is making a similar play for our ports he is announcing plans to dedicate more than $600 million in grant funding toward fixing them. that sounds good, right? oh, no, there is a catch. it's only for "projects that address equity and environmental justice particularly for communities that have experienced decades of underinvestment and are most impacted by climate change, pollution, and environmental hazards. this is obviously the left politicizing, kennedy. and using once again another woke agenda to basically punish those that don't believe the same rhetoric they are spewing. what does it say to those going to retire if they don't believe in this woke agenda that they get hurt after working 60 plus years, i mean it is a slap in the face of any working ame american. >> kennedy: it also doesn't address where problems specifically are. it is just this broad brush painted by a cracker who only
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wants to racially divide the country further. that is not necessary. he is not good at his job. he doesn't understand transportation. i don't think he understands infrastructure. he just speaks in slogans and they are empty but he thinks they mean something. and he is doing a great disservice not only to communities of color but to the administration which he serves with empty, bland propaganda. >> yeah, i mean emily, to pull the race card, but a judge is obviously taking a very big risk here. i still haven't figured out what qualified him to become transportation secretary periods i still haven't figured that out. jimmy failla is a former taxi driver i believe have more experience and has higher qualifications to become transportation secretary. but to drag race into this is just really taking and stooping to an all new low. because our roads are paved in racism? what does that even mean? >> emily: my biggest issue with this is an example of big
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government which is what this administration is about. think about what makes things slower? what makes things harder to do? write? its red tape periods regulations. that is exactly what pete buttigieg is putting on the some note applicants have to prove to the department of transportation how their product will include an equity assessment that evaluates whether a product will create proportional impacts and remove disparities to all populations in a project area. the list goes on and they talk about how a 40% of federal grants need to go to underserved communities and i argue this is putting more red tape on those underserved communities that need so much more. deserve so much more. will know the success of applying for a grant depends in large part about that specificity about who you have grant writing and applying and this expertise needed. there are so many hoops to jump through with this government and when you make it bigger and bigger, when you add on the requirements it just makes it more difficult for people who are already behind to catch.
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so this coming yet again, i hope is a program that can be dismantled for the reasons they are trying to say it is put in place for to begin with. >> julie: totally they're basically saying the quote woke capital agenda needs to be cast aside for common sense polities that protect retirees. when will they understand not only our working queen of the of the economy or the recession if you want to call it that but now you are those who risk their entire lives to build something for themselves to retire upon so they can happily finally retire, people look at their 401(k)s right now thinking when will i ever be able to retire? >> amy: it's gut wrenching. some of these people it's exactly as you said, that they have spent decades of their life devoted to something thinking that the outcome is going to be different and now to change the game is completely unfair. pete buttigieg this is not the first time he brought the race
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card. if we go back to the book, the power broker and how he has brought that time and time again and it is exactly what you say, emily. it is basically red tape because we know what's behind the concept here it also if you look at the plans, one of those for birmingham and the bus line that's going to go through birmingham, alabama, that actually goes through black neighborhoods, but that is an opportunity for nearly everyone in birmingham to be within a half-mile of a bus system. the opportunities that that opens up for people of all races and all ages and all abilities is incredible. and that in itself is going through a black neighborhood so to act like that is something that is blocking these chances for us to improve our infrastructure which is critical for our economy and daily life opportunity? it's frustrating. >> julie: chris what you make of these groups backing him saying congress needs to intervene at some point? and there are a lot of people who are on board with this, so
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does congress get involved? >> chris: i don't know. but i will tell you what, this is what drives me crazy about politics right now. i think it drives americans crazy and why we are so fed up with it is that in issue, which an investment in infrastructure to provide communities with access to resources that otherwise wouldn't get them is a great thing for our country. full. everyone agrees with that. but labeling it as racist immediately puts this entire category, look what we are talking about. we are not talking about economic advantage of these giving us, we are not talking about how it drives our country forward or moves us in a stronger global competitive position. we are talking about an issue that should not be addressed here which is this idea that roads are racist reports are racist or whatever it might be. and the previous administration actually talked about investments and infrastructure as an economic advantage. president trump did it with dr. carson with what they did with opportunity zones. and with hud to. and what that does to our
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economy and what it does to the future of the united states, we are not talking about that now. this is a little obscene and it's just what drives everybody crazy in my opinion. >> kennedy: it's one of the things that is driving her own crazy. >> julie: that list is too long. speaking, coming up there is a super bowl ad featuring that is super bowl ad featuring that is jesus featuring people are talking about on twitter. ♪ ♪ thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it?
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new orleans saints and caleigh's tampa bay buccaneers. now in addition to the big game we will get to them just a moment, there is big news surrounding some of the commercials slated to air including two about jesus christ. they are part of the he gets us campaigned back by a nonprofit group billing themselves as aiming to reintroduce people to the jesus of the bible and ads like this one will air during the big game, watch. >> i will prepare a feast and bring them together, he thought, but some refused to join him. he was heartbroken because he wanted everyone to be filled. not with food and wine, but with compassion. >> emily: but just saying the word jesus is riling up some people in social media. one person tweeting glad i am an atheist great other saying it is crimes personified in using it as a excuse to hate and discriminate there was a backlash we have seen on social media, what are your thoughts? >> chris: i think this is
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symbolic of probably arguably the greatest cultural erosion in the history of our country. when you look at the numbers we just dropped below 50% for the first time in terms of american's membership in houses of worship periods culture is eroding in this country, culture is beliefs influencing beliefs and beliefs come from values, values come from character and character comes from leadership area i've got seven and 10-year-old boys. i choose to leave them to help shape their character and know there is a god who loves them that love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, dullness, self-control, faithfulness, these are good things and guess what, those are what jesus put out. i think those are virtues and values we need to build in this country, not tear down. and certainly have the freedom of expression to put them out in the wide open as we should. >> emily: amen. julie, as we said earlier the part of an effort to shift
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people away from a negative public perception of christians and toward jesus paren my issue is in part this backlash is that it has been stoked by the media that has somehow as chris mentioned aired toward this public acceptance of mocking and derision toward christians and those of the judeo-christian faith. npr wrote "it, meaning this whole campaign, it means a lot more people will be sending out confused tweets about aaron "commercial" that was already flooded and the grammy awards they were referencing so here is npr, national public radio upon which many say is "neutral and objective" but as anything but intimate fundamentals are so many of our lives. >> amy: first of all npr couldn't be further bipartisan. they are obviously a liberal outlet but this country does need to find jesus, the hate in this country is just so awful. really, honestly, a most all-time high. the extreme left and the extreme right and i'm not talking about
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one side or the other because any time i meet somebody who is politically extreme or an extremist, that does derive from a place of hate. teaches us to love a neighbor, one another that's what jesus teaches us and i mean this can stomach them i think this country's disparate find jesus so their anti-american why wouldn't they be anti-god question are we pledge allegiance to the flag, we also placed to pledge allegiance to our god and i don't care if you're christian or muslim it doesn't matter, people need god in their life. awfully that will derive and maybe lead our country into a more peaceful place because look at where we are now, it's not good. >> emily: amy, also part of it is attempting to appeal to groups that have felt excluded or repelled by the church in recent years like members of the lgbtq community, different races and ethnicities, those who lean more liberal politically and yet people are saying it is
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christo-fascist. what is wrong with appealing to everyone spreading messages of love which is when jesus christ stood and died for? >> amy: look at the mote in your own eye before you look at the one in mind or something like that, the bible, right? reversed, but the point is people are so worried about what everyone else is doing that we are taking away everyone's voice. i love jesus, i love football, i love the super bowl, most of all i love capitalism. if they put money behind someone like this in the super bowl i think it's a great idea. sad, very sad that our discussion comes back we have to criticize each other's beliefs because at the end of the day it is a super bowl commercial. hopefully somebody takes away from it something they can utilize in their life for a little entertainment to talk about monday in the office. but it is very sad the conversation has come down to criticizing other people's beliefs instead of allowing us to have an open voice. and again, sadly, that comes right back to the bible and to
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jesus and not being able to follow some of those basic moral concepts and principles. that america was founded on. >> emily: i love to be alone most of all, football is second to that. and kennedy, part two amy's -- >> kennedy: capitalism is pretty great. >> emily: top ten. one watch the commercials part of that campaign it speaks to such a fundamental and biddable concepts again. why is that vitriol, where does it come from? >> kennedy: it tells you it's a real threat it's much better to have people hateful and divided. and it's much easier in terms of religious faith, particularly christianity, to paint people a simpletons who you know just worship an old guy in the cl clouds. they develop this but if we are encouraging people to think about things like unconditional love and compassion and search and where that really powerful. that is on the up to do on your own. a conversation you have to have with yourself, not a hate filled
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other ring angry conversation which is eclipsed all reason and society and i think it's a good thing and it will start conversations with parents and kids and neighbors. but the most important conversation you have is with yourself and that inward self-examination which is very much missing and necessary right now. >> emily: also 90% of the things we see online are from a tiny fraction of the population, a very minority but the most important conversation is with your family and god. we will be right back, in case you missed it is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ i came here for love ♪ ♪ i came here for love ♪ with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhhhh... here, i'll take that. [woo hoo!]
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>> big show today, governors of new york and new hampshire here in town, they will drop by to talk to us for everything from the chinese spy flight to 2024. secretary mark has thoughts about that and whether there were other flights during the trump administration. grover norquist is here on the state of the economy and how much longer your dollars will keep shrinking and super bowl lvii and just turk oh days on fox, brian kilmeade is there, he joins us along with jim gray i am john roberts joins henry and me at the top of the hour for america reports, it's friday, isn't that a good thing? ♪ please don't stop the music ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> emily: welcome back, it's
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time for in case you missed it. the kansas city chiefs will take on the philadelphia eagles in super bowl lvii this sunday on fox. the big game is setting up to be the first ever super bowl showdown between two brothers, kansas city tight end travis kelsey against older brother, jason, a lineman for philly both looking for their second super bowl ring. their mom, donna, says one of the toughest things about raising two future nfl stars was feeding them. she tells "the wall street journal" that growing up each of her big boys was able to devour an entire chicken single-handed just for starters. why is that totally the scene from footloose? chris, your thoughts? >> chris: first of all i know my mom is watching and laughing out loud because of the amount of food we went there in my household i was an offensive lineman, i think we had pounds of pasta in our house at any given moment. i'm super excited about this game. i love it because of how evenly matched this game is. this is one of those games where you just don't know who is going
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to win so you kind of have to look at the little wild cards. but jason travis, what a cool story, right? i'm sorry, i played the same position as him because he is a heck of a lot better than i was, but i played center. he is an amazing player, the leader of the offensive line, this is cool because it is a game that will come down to the offensive and defensive line. while the eagles may have the edge talent-wise, i am giving the edge to andy reid and patrick homes because they are crafty. andy reid is very successful. more than ten days to plan for a game. >> emily: i am italian so we had pounds apostate in our refrigerator too and i'm not offensive lineman. andy reid also and notable component is the coach is the winningest coach for the eagles is now the coach for kansas city. >> kennedy: right so he knows both playbooks in and out but i love the story about these two big boys because they played sports year-round, not just football pier they basketball and lacrosse. everything else you could possibly imagine. mom, donna, said she felt like she got a raise when they went to college.
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because they had to eat there. >> emily: exactly. next up the super bowl halftime show. pop star rihanna is headlining this year and she has had a ton of number one songs and says she went through a whopping 39 different set lists to nail this performance. amy, how excited are you? >> amy: i can't wait. mom on stage only think about it she started the age of 16 with jay-z and the def jam record label and she has had an amazing career but now, mother, we know most artists take a turn when they become parents, and they enter different phases of their life, i think will be an awesome performance for her, the baby boy's name is taurus but i doubt we will get any sneak peeks rather than what the media already released but it will be all about her during halftime. >> julie: i love one of the masonry and she chose to do this and be on such a big stage and have so much pressure on her is that she did it for her son to teach him a lesson. this is a lesson i teach my kids all the time to persevere, to be strong and basically to be a bad, i can't say that word, and
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you don't mean but she is a perfect example of a mom so good for her periods >> emily: you and chris i'm sure you've seen a million super bowl halftime performances just like us to my favorite of all time is prints, obviously. but what about you, how excited are you for rihanna and chris stapleton singing the national anthem? i'm super excited. >> chris: excited about stapleton but my favorite super bowl moment was whitney houston, right? >> 1991. >> julie: that was over-the-top. i'm actually going to the super bowl this is the first time, i'm interested to see how they set up and tear down so quickly. i always wondered that. it goes away and all of a sudden you come back and there is a giant production set on the field so kudos to whoever puts that together, but i'm super excited about seeing rihanna, as is my wife probably more than me. >> emily: and finally inflation seems to affect everything and super bowl parties are no exceptions or prices for party staples like meat and boos are up as much as 8% over last year. but here's one piece of good news, guides, prices for chicken wings are falling as supply
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increases, thank goodness, kennedy! >> kennedy: interesting, alcohol price is up 6%, nonalcoholic drinks up 13%, will be forgoing those at our super bowl party. >> emily: the choice is clear, julie, is it not? >> julie: i will not forgo any alcoholic rings in my home. and for the super bowl even more so but i will not be drinking on the super bowl because i will be anchoring the fox news special. we'll be doing the big five clock show on sunday. the big sunday show, we get a post super bowl special so i will be watching the super bowl in its entirety. spewing awesome and you'll both be there? >> yes, cochise, can't wait. if you are making guacamole at home the california crop is supposed to be really good. go ahead and load up on the glock because those prices should be down. >> emily: say no more. moonshine and guacamole, i am in. more "outnumber" in a minute. ♪ we found love in a hopeless place ♪ ♪ we found love in a hopeless place ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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and headache may occur. ask your doctor about otezla today. >> that's right, last but not least, most of us don't need an excuse to throw a party, certainly no one on this couch. but, it might just be what the doctor ordered. a recent study suggesting that celebrating life's best moments might be good for our health and well-being. as long as the celebration has the three components, write this down. gathering with other people, having food and drink, and highlighting an important milestone. kennedy. >> we don't do it enough, it's too easy to blow these things off and that is one of the things you regret when you are older. so when you have something big happen, absolutely celebrate it, get people together and if it's your birthday, don't be afraid to tell your friends to celebrate you as well.
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>> as a loved one we love the occasion to celebrate someone we love. >> absolutely, we love to gather, family, friends and togetherness is key. stress is a massive killer, that's been studied, it's biological, get together, have fun, be optimistic, and joyful and you are good to go. >> here is what i loved about it, two additions to the article and said so, first of all, really encourage people in nursing homes and community centers to have this for the benefits on them, and also let's stop having lawmakers limit our celebrations, right. we should be encouraging parades and everything. every monday. >> i've always said, and it is a saying, i did not invent this, but laughter is the best medicine and i believe laughter with friends is even the better medicine, so celebrate everything. i have no problem celebrating. i will celebrate every milestone, i have many to come, but the children, i celebrate their birthdays, make it a big, big deal, these are the times we should be celebrating. too many debbie downers in the
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world. >> it can be the end of the week, the end of the day, as long as it's something. >> schedule it. we schedule everything else and the final word on this, don't delay joy. >> seize the day. >> don't put it off. >> we are here to celebrate with you and we celebrate you. thank you for watching us, you guys. don't forget to dvr the show when you can't watch live. have a wonderful weekend. here is "america reports." >> only thing they can do is make up things about my family, it's not going to go very far. >> have relations now between the u.s. and china taken a big hit? >> no. >> frankly? >> no. >> how do you know? >> i know, i talked to them. >> you would be 82, date of the next election, 86 if you are successful and elected and finish that term. does it give you any concern? >> watch me. >> john: president b
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