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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  February 11, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PST

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time ago. [cheering] [background noises] [background noises] [cheering] what is this? what is this? what is this? >> i can't help i'm sorry. [laughter] [laughter] [cheering] pete: we went have a great saturday shows over. >> to have anything to say about the object shot down over alaska mr. president? >> the department of defenses tracking high-altitude object of airspace frequency object was about the size of a small car not similar in size or shape to the high altitude surveillance balloon that was taken down off the coast of south carolina on february 4 frequency object is flying at an altitude of 40000 feet. and posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight.
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the president absolute was involved in this decision. he ordered it at the recommendation of pentagon leaders. he wanted it taken down and they did that. space i would try to glean the low down the chute on second object taken down over our airspace in less than a week for this time our reaction is a whole lot different whole lot quicker. here's at least we know for the time being. the threat to civilian flight was pretty clear given the altitude the thing was flying at. that is why the president ordered it shot down. but, this is what we still do not know, where did it come from and why did it take a reporter asking about it for us to hear about it fully 11 minutes into a white house press conference. questions will be asked of the top republican on the armed services committee. key democrat on the senate foreign relations committee tim kaine. they are both here and how will our relationship would try to play out in the 2024 campaign?
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maybe it already is. new hampshire republican governor chris sununu's here on that along that he just launched what that might be revealing what he is thinking about next year. and we cannot forget this is a big super bowl weekend. the new england patriots owner breaking news on tom brady. he will explain. super bowl three mvp joe namath, remember him? which young quarterback he is betting on tomorrow. remember when joe is doing it he was all of 26 years old. that was then, an amazing time now but happy weekend everybody glad to have you. let's get right to it with the white house is saying about this object shot down yesterday. so much we don't know. if there is someone who does know it would be a lucas right there at the white house, hey lucas for. >> here's one more piece of information we still don't know where it was this object was first detected by u.s. radar question requester journal is reporting is not detected until
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it is already inside u.s. airspace just north of anchorage, alaska prefer the pentagon and norad are not confirming that report. oxygen out to get into specific tactics or techniques we may or may not use when observing these types of things. again norad ascent up aircraft to observe to see what it was. >> here's what we do know pentagon pat reiter said this object was shot down at 1:45 p.m. eastern yesterday inside u.s. airspace over the northeast coast of alaska. his first detected thursday night. is flying at 40000 feet, dangerously close to the altitude of some commercial airliners that's white deemed a threat as we heard from sean kirby. like last week norad launched a pair raptors out of anchorage when the jet shot down the object using a sidewinder heat seeking missile. the recovery effort and debris is underway air force ac 130 rescue planes special operations helicopters have been launched
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as well. karmic chinook helicopters are also recovering to bring the pentagon and norad still will not say exactly what this object even is. the debris scattered across the frozen arctic waters home to the largest oil field in north america. the temperatures in the area minus 20 degrees right now. so, the pentagon is refusing to release imagery of the object. the object was traveling a northeast direction across the state of alaska when it was shot down for the white house at the commander-in-chief give order to shoot it down. >> posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight out of an abundance of caution on the recommendation of the pentagon president biden ordered the military should down the object. >> of course this is a second time in less than a week the u.s. military shut something down over the united states adding to the mystery if this is a drone official syndromes don't fly at 40000 feet. >> you are right in commercial airspace you are right about
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that part thank you very, very much lucas thomason at the white house were going to center tim kaine sits on the foreign armed services committee, very influential player in all this. senator very good to see you again. >> thanks neil glad to be with you. neil: what do we know that we did not know yesterday? any country of origin no country has come forward to say hey, that is ours. just curious. >> neil i have not been given any more information than you have it. so i am free to speculate i am not revealing anything classified. unlike the balloon that shot down by a jet that came out of langley air force base in virginia, the recovery effort in the atlantic is also from virginia. unlike that incident this was a smaller vehicle but also moving very slowly. sometimes it is harder to track slow-moving than fast-moving. that may be why it took a while to figure out what it was. but it wasn't flying in civilian airspace the balloon was flying
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a 60000 beats which is above civilian airspace did not pose any danger to civilian aircraft this was flying more in the 40000-foot range we do know that from public reporting. that does pose a potential challenge to civilian aircraft that is where the president ultimately order to be taken down. >> and by business the call bearing at the lead. we were 11 men since the press conference yesterday when jon kirby and responses from reporters questions on rumors of some object that was knocked out of the sky came up. do you know whether that was by design? at that question not been raised we still might not know? it looks i do not know the answer to that. it would not be unusual even if this had happened a little bit before, they're still trying to get more information may be the white house was wanting to have more information before they put it out. but enterprising reporter asked the question and the president's team gave the answer that was as full as it can be at the time. neil: it comes at a time when
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americans are concerned about the whole balloon incident last week. how safe are our skies and what is getting through? who is getting through? your thoughts? >> and look, we do not know the origin of this is proof do know the balloon is chinese it was an ill-conceived ill-timed incompetent move. china really wanted to have this dialogue with secretary blinken. and so to have this happen right before that dialogue demonstrated some significant i think incompetence and may be a left-hand/right-hand problem for some elements of the chinese and military might be doing some things the chinese government is unaware of. and that is one of the biggest questions i have out of this, what is going on? i'm on the armed services committee i know you're still talking to senator wicker who is a lead republican on the committee. this is the season we start to write the defense builds the one billy passed every year for you can be sure both the foreign
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relations and armed services committee as we shape the defense bill throughout the spring, incidents are going to get a lot of attention pretty specially make sure you're making the investments we need to keep everyone safe. >> are arty seizing on the balloon incident for the commerce department announcing six chinese firms, technology firms that might invent something in the directly or indirectly to the balloon incident. that they are blacklisted. which means they cannot do business with us nor are we with them. that list is likely to expand as much is the earliest sanctions against russia for the ukraine war. are you worried all this was standing could get out of control? >> we had a hearing on the u.s./china relation the foreign relations committee we call strategic competition. china is a competitor certainly. there also an adversary.
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we do have to be creative. are there areas we can work cooperatively with china? you know, public health or humanitarian response to disasters or things like that. because you need to keep a line of communications open between the two most powerful nations in the world. one of the most disturbing pieces of news i heard this week was in general often try to call his chinese counterpart about the balloon incident and they did not pick up the phone. you will remember during the cold war is tough as it was between the u.s. and soviet union at least there was communication. if you have that you can avoid unnecessary or accidental escalations. we have to figure out a way to make sure as challenging as the relationship is, that the communication is thorough and robust so we do accident have a miscalculation. neil: really quickly on that thought center if you step back and look at congress' role in these type of international incidents. even to the point of declaring war, could you update us on
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that? >> so, i am a big believer congresses of both parties intended to advocate for presidents of both parties were making power the most power we regard and that constitution. this week 22 centers 11 democrats, 11 republicans led by todd young of indiana introduced a resolution to repeal the iraq war authorizations for an oh two. we should not be at war and this is a congressional declaration. at this case there wasn't a war is over we should declare it over. as you know iraq is gone for an enemy an adversary to a security partner and trying to combat terrorism groups like isis. but also to try to check the rating aggression. we should not leave a live or authorization pending against the nation is now security partner with the 11 plus 11 have the votes to get this passed in the senate. it will be the first time congress has repealed a war authorizations since 1971. neil: keep us posted on that
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center was good to see you in the meantime enjoy your weekend of the super bowl i have no idea who you are rooting for progress in group in kansas city of a chiefs fan. >> now i know. you doubled that. senator kaine good to see you again. let's go to senator roger wicker on the senate armed services committee the ranking member there. senator, i do not know but china certainly exercised. they are absently shocked that we shutdown this balloon. they want it back they say this is a provocation that has to be responded to. i do not know what that response will be. there also hanging up the phone on top u.s. officials. what do you make of all of this? >> you have raised the larger question. first of all let me sam glad we shot the object down. i wish we had shot the chinese balloon down over alaska.
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we certainly knew about it in time and decided not to do it. at the briefing on thursday the administration officials were really patting themselves on the back for the very professional way they had handled the situation, letting it go in alaska but the continental u.s. and only to the atlantic. i am glad it is clear they're not going to use that procedure again. the larger lesson that we have here, neil, is that no red under the direction doesn't have what he said they need. you pointed out in the questioning for tim kaine just now, it is harder sometimes and certainly different to track a slow moving. this one did not seem to have any way to decide the direction.
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it did not have a mechanism like the chinese balloon had. but, for quite some time at least a couple of years said norad does not have all the capabilities that we need. your points about the hutzpah with china i absolutely agree. i do not know that they were not testing us with the first incident that we do not know where this one came from. probably china, possibly russia. you could almost guarantee it was launched by someone who does not wish us well. neil: what has come forward that's so weird about it. but senator wicker's i was good seeing you, thank you very much and appreciate it. we are going to explore this and a lot detail with mike turner world on monday in charge of the
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house intelligence committee. but again, what are we learning from this? in our reaction to this? hopefully by that we might have some reaction you learned a lot about why this particular object was shot down. it's size was one thing but more importantly is where it was flying and how high it was like at the same height roughly is a lot of commercial aircraft. that is what did it that is what prompted the shootdown. it means serving veterans is what we do. it means if you need cash, you get more at newday by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value, not just 80%. it means newday has been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own approvals. we can say yes to a veteran when other lenders say no. it means we come to work every day knowing we have the privilege of helping veterans make the most of their va home loan benefit. it means no bank, no lender-- no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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neil: still we do that is what we have come up with written objects we don't know kind of object. let's go to lieutenant general we do not know where this came from. certainly if someone had this they would've said it is ours. maybe not. we are being parceled out this information and they already know, but your thoughts?
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>> neil it is good to see you again. everything that has been said makes classifying the flying object pretty quizzical. someone said earlier one of the defense spokesman said is where the unmanned aerial vehicles, and drones whatever you want to call them cannot fly at that altitude. that is not correct. they can if you look at our global hawk it flies up at 6000. m cute nines can fly up at 4000. but here is the problem. he reports are it did not resemble an airplane. we can rule out global hawks or reapers uavs like that. one would then presume and might be another balloon but there is no verification that either. so quite frankly until more is released about the object is going to remain in the object of
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unidentified flying objects. five if i could refer to your military expertise if you'd like me to the particle here the way it was described yesterday when they had their sights on this from the night before. it was run up the proverbial intelligence and food chain on the way to the united states gave the okay to shoot it down. i just wondered in the event norad finds us and immediate threats, could it opt to take matters into his own hand and shoot it down without going to the scan chain of command? >> neil that is a great question short answer is yes. but the commander of the north american space command actually confirmed that in one of his press conferences he had earlier this week. if there is any indication a direct threat against the united states he has it within his authority to go ahead and
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eliminates the object, whatever it might be. absent that at, and this became an issue in respect to the spy balloon a couple of weeks ago he is obligated to report up to his boss who is the secretary of defense. who then would notify the president and then and decisions would go from there. clearly there's a bunch of indecision and uncertainty from the pentagon and the white house that was evidence of last week as a chinese balloon across the entire continental united st states. it was pretty clear the administration did not have an answer for that kind of problem. this week the pentagon and white house acted more rapidly and clearly they were more prepared. neil: if you were a bad guy or enemy of the united states are just not keen on the united states and you want to spy on the united states, even this latest incident galvanize you?
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>> it's an interesting discussion it has been watching this unfold over the last two weeks. it's been frustrating as someone who is very much interested in ensuring we have the strongest defense in the world to observe all the focus sorted on these small issues where in fact the larger issue is china it was clearly testing our defenses. this was more of a policy issue that an intelligence issue. once again it is something we have to pay attention too. and neil, if i may i wanted to comment on something both senator kaine and senator wicker said about senate deliberations on the defense budget that are coming up. it is directly related here on options that norad has. norad gets her interceptor aircraft from the air force. but our air force today is the
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oldest, the smallest in the least ready it has ever been and its entire history. if you take out the ghost other dod agencies, the air force has been underfunded for 30 years in a row. there needs to be a wake-up call to rebuild our air forces. prince general thank you very much of your service to this country that goes without saying. general david deptula all this. maybe the next commander in chief a lot of people are interested in the job for nikki haley's pointed view a campaign run this week. i wonder what chris sununu isng thinking the a same thing alonge with dozens of other republicans. republicans. more after . and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. i'm feeling better. body pain? headache?
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>> america is the greatest force for good in human history. we should never be ashamed to say that. >> for those who do not have our backs we are taking names. >> i wear heels it is not first fashion statement because if i see something wrong were going to kick them every single time. [cheering] [applause] [cheering] neil: alright and then there were two or there will be as and when they went nikki haley presumably joins donald trump on the republican presidential front. those interested in getting republican nomination there are a host of other names and mentions and hinted including my next guest the governor of the beautiful state of new hampshire chris sununu. good to have you back very quickly to see you. neil: do you get anything from the slick commercial, and if you will to kind of wet the public's
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appetite? looks like she's coming out strong. ambassador haley is terrific she would make a terrific president frankly for the so long way to go before new hampshire has a first primary for a lot of folks will get in the race some people take a lead other folks will that's typically how goes the primaries which is what should happen there should be a lot of debates. but we are really just getting started. 400 kick off at this address snippet of it but it looks good. if she was to come out early from us to come out stronger. neil: back to that you are going to have such an ad or piece of film? >> i'm going to have you star in my ad, neil. neil: it's all downhill from there. [laughter] what do you do though? i want to make a point these are getting to be more packaged and produced affairs. >> i'm not very packaged or produced. i think everyone knows that. whether it is myself or other folks getting in the way everyone will have a low bit of
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a different style. we cannot be candidate or party the democrats had terrible policies going nowhere in washington. we got that. we got the memo. we know how great america isn't got to be for something we've got to bring results driven solutions. when you look at new hampshire and traveling the country live. we live for free or die limited government low taxes individual responsibilities whether they agree with your politics or not you converse not us. was in very successful or very fiscally responsible. not where my path leads about these to make sure there's a path. as long as we don't have candidates running just to run or sell a book party had enough of that. i don't mind if a lot of candidates get in the race a lot of us on the republican side know you've got to have the discipline to get out. to get out of the race make the
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best choice going into 2024. >> i did not happen in 2016 for. >> that is right. that is the worry. quickset is the worry. i don't to speak for kim at reynolds when my great friends from iowa or myself these first in the nation states that will come up. there is going to be a lot of pressure on candace not doing the right thing and getting out and whittling the field down for we have levers we can pull and push. they are still so much to be played out here. look, might mission right now is not about chris sununu is to expand the republican party to think outside of our comfort zones reach into the next generation be positive and aspirational and get people on the team right now might not missing the leadership of the team is something they want to join. we have got such a good core about what republicans can be about basic myself and others who are in the trenches day today i'm a 24/seven governor today. we bring a lot to the table
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opportunity not just talking points topic talking points are easy but actually getting things done but redesigning systems for showing the results we have had. and then being able to share that with the rest of the country. neil: if you do enter you are the governor of new hampshire expectations are so high it's his estate going back to the days when he beat bill clinton and the new hampshire primary. but everyone said because bill clinton had such a strong second-place showing the race was on. so, almost anything you do would be greeted like ants him anyway. quickset is exactly right. people think it's an advantage but just the opposite. if i won my own state they would say it's not by enough if i lost i would truly be done. they put the best quarterback on the cover every year end they never in the mvp award next year. there be a lot of extra pressure on and i understand that. but again right now my focus is not really about me and what i am about but it's really about
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that new hampshire model we have been successful driving forward on her people are excited about it. i have a little different these are the abcs and you do not couch my words i don't overthink the politics we just go, we get stuff done we try to stay really positive about it. to show who ever the next present on the republican side, we are not going to get 60 votes were not going to have 60 u.s. senators. you have to have some experience in terms of give a little get a lot. you want border security which we wants. we want immigration reform you've got to go to work some democrats to get the stuff done. those records of success will do well down the road. neil: we watch very, very close to him that slick ad think it might be a good idea, we'll see what happens for. >> not my style but i appreciate it. neil: always good to see you chris sununu just want in a land's latest election. in the meantime robert kraft of the patriots for years he and tom brady were inseparable and had to separate.
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and now he is saying tom come back, even if just for one day. i would have hired actually talented people from all over the world. instead of talentless people from all over my house.
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bowls one of the most successful football franchises ever, certainly tom brady did not hurt that. mike caught up with the new england patriots owner he was saying i am serious. take a look at. quest i have had an opportunity to speak with him a few times since then. we actually work together yesterday at something. he is just one of the most outstanding people i have ever met in my life. we were lucky to have 20 years together. neil: indeed and he feels the same weight when i talk with him on the subject of working under you. he want to celebrate a tom brady event. but it would require in order for the patriots to pull it off him signing a one-day contract or something like that, could you tell us about that? >> well,. [laughter]
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i think i've been doing an interview and someone asked nay whether i would be willing to do that. and i said absolutely. and of course it's whatever tommy wants. but in the end we hope to have him back for many years in the future. i know all of our fans want to thank him and celebrate the greatness that he brought to our franchise for two decades. and we want to do it in a respectful way. when you think about it, nfl has been in business for over 100 years. and we had the privilege i don't know if it's a 50000 players in the history, we had the pleasure and honor to have the greatest of all time who has won seven super bowls which no other team or individual has ever done. neil: you talk about the good
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feelings a lot of patriots fans have. they weren't good three years ago when he left for tampa bay. are a lot of those wounds healed now? and they just look back to the good old days in the 20 seasons with you? >> well, he is a new england patriot and he will always be. what he did with us and how he came in as a rookie, the circumstances he came into the game and the way it happened, you know 911 happened. and the fact that a team called the patriots red, white, blue won the world championship it was just a great coming together of a lot of great forces. neil: you know, before he announced the summer i am really retiring he was reportedly
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looking at other teams and were told looking at your team, the patriots. had you guys talked about that? >> i think you'll have to ask him about that. i tried not to speak for other people and what is their thought process. look, all we can say is he is a great quarterback. he still is. he made his decision to retire. if he had chose to continue applying i think he would play at a very high level. definitely be in the top five or 10 quarterbacks in the league. neil: you did not make any overtures to him yourself? i am just saying what you did. >> we are blessed to have a great young quarterback in mac jones. as our quarterback and i am a
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strong believer in him and his development. neil: which is your way of saying it nail i'm not going to answer that question exactly. >> well, you are a pretty wise gentleman. it. [laughter] look, that is why rupert and locklin hired you. neil: i don't know about that. >> two of my favorite people. neil: and of course fox's broadcast of the big game. how do you think is going to go this weekend? >> i root for the new england patriots a. the first two super bowls we were in an 1996 and 2001 were both in new orleans. both games done by fox. we were privileged to win our first super bowl right after 911. three or four months later.
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it's a great coming together pretty always remember what a great job the fox announcers did with the game. it was really one of these special moments in my life. we are privileged to win there. so fox and the kraft family branded together pretty strongly. >> i am curious though it's a pity kansas city philadelphia are. would you like? >> i like the new england patriots. it. [laughter] i predict to you i think this'll probably the most watched super bowl ever. there are two great teams to great coaches to great quarterbacks. it will be a very exciting
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payment. neil: definitely as well let me ask you little under your leadership certainly become one of the most consistently profitable franchises and football history. i am curious what you make of some changes that works. jeff bezos maybe kicking the tires on table thinking about the washington post to take them for mr. snyder 20 think of that? >> my understanding is that the team is up for sale. they hired bank of america to do it. i am not really privy to full all of the buyers are. i think jeff is probably one of the most competent business
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people when he has done, built a company like that and built a scale and maintain quality. he is definitely a tremendous operator. for those of us that are privileged to own nfl fran franchises, it is the one thing i believe more than anything builds community. we need good operating people in their individual towns. i think jeff would be a great owner. sitting on goldmine your self ever thought of the idea front wonderful run with wonderful franchise and ready to cash out. no, after my family, the new england patriots is the most important thing in my life. it is not a business. it's really part of my family. it is part of the community.
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makes the whole region manner. i just love being in the locker room. being around the players. i've been so privilege to own a franchise in my hometown. the good learners love the topic. >> he speaks his mind. robert kraft owner of the new england patriots. probably one of the most influential sports figures in the world right now. not inclined to sell the team come the patriots anytime soon and avoiding direct questions when it came to whether he is wooing tom brady or if he would ever consider to sell his team or if jeff bezos and by the team just not his temperament joe namath coming up in this broadcast as well. heat, the youngest of super bowl winning quarterback at the time. and certainly within the top five since that time.
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mobilize and move things and make it harder to find. we found that the first time and i get stirred up in the storm it might get. bite sentiment moving around during some parent. >> fox news can confirm the navy has located but not yet recovered a portion of the payload that was attached to the spine limits about the size of a bus it is mostly intact for the payload is a violative of the onboard electronics are printable into entire payload is said to be the size and original jetliner ring a couple thousand pounds. this bible it was 2 feet tall, told the statue of liberty it's still mostly 50 feet underwater. unmanned vehicles have been brought in to a map tag and eventually assist enable divers and pulling up the debris. according to u.s. officials divers have recovered potentially high value equipment in recent days for the fbi says the investigation is in its early stages only a very small
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amounts of electronics, and the balloon by canopy and wiring have been sent to the fbi lab in quantico for analyzing. they are catalyzing and decontaminating this debris. bryan, thank you for that bryan llenas in south carolina. more than 25000 are dead three nights. esg... -diversification, futures, options... leverage. -excess cash flow. gold. the world is full of financial noise. you are right on track to hit your goals. our easy to use investing app and local advisors can help you stay on track. j.p. morgan wealth management. not that into saving, are you? -whoa, dude... -money. cuz... cuz you paid too much for those glasses. next time, go to america's best where two pairs and a free, quality eye exam start at just $79.95. book an exam today at ♪
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- the past few years have been a challenge for our physical and mental health. - join kate and me as we get personal about our own journeys and how the conversation around mental health has changed. - watch our conversation on peacock. [background noises] >> this is what keeps them going in turkey of their lucky enough to find a survivor four days after the devastating earthquake that is already claimed within 25000 lives. jamie kind enough to join us on
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an emergency operations at the international federation of the red cross. jamie, how are things looking right now? >> is a dire situation. they are on day six of a massive crisis in southern turkey. millions have been affected. many millions have been displaced we are looking at an operation that will not just last past the search and rescue phase which we are ending now going to the humanitarian phase but we are looking at long-term recovery. there lots of challenges facing the population ahead. we've got great local capacity upon which we are building. just when to start by saying our team here is a personally affected. my field coordinator lost his mother and his sister and he is here running the operation. the resilience of this population is astounding. i have seen operations before, i am right and many in my past. i continue to be blown away by the magnitude of resilience and
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care this population can give to its own. neil: were told the rebuilding efforts alone could be many years. some say even more than 10 years. it's hard to get a sense when you're trying to save lives. but the magnitude of this is something likes the likes of which few people have ever seen. >> that is it. on day one it's about getting tensed and those people. it is cold. i'm fortunate enough to be in an office with a heater behind me. there are many people outside that are not there. and what we need to do is move ourselves with that population. an experienced and live with them through this crisis. move them from an immediate tent to more places with sustainable transitional shelter. we are calling and thousands and thousands of tents with winterization kits think of those heaters to people. that is the keeper and we have to make sure in the immediate
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phase those people are protected, kept warm and then moved a very, very quickly into sustainable transitional shelter solutions that can take them long it's in the future. >> jamie, thank you for that on the update. you are doing the lords work. we are passing along numbers and ways people at home can help. in the meantime the operation of red cross to help people in turkey on. it is going to go on for some time. in the meantime after they shakedown up a balloon and of course this latest object issue and then concerns about china there are those who are now rethinking connections to china. not that there is any known connection for the latest shootdown. but the balloon is enough for some to say enough. i want you to meet at north dakota mayor who long before the balloon incident was saying that. after this. ime money moves with merrill.
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>> balloon was flying at 60,000 feet which is above civilian air space, didn't pose any danger to civilian aircraft, but it was flying more in the 40,000 foot range. we do know that from public reporting. that does pose a potential challenge to civilian aircraft. that's why the president ultimately ordered it taken down. neil: we talked about senator tim kaine talking about it coming down. it was an object flying within the range that commercial aircraft do. and bipartisan support the president having done that. not so much how he handled the balloon incident about a week ago. let's go to alexandria hoff how lawmakers are dealing with this. >> hi, neil. yeah, as far as the object goes, we could be talking about another balloon, maybe a glider, perhaps. we don't know. the only description that u.s. officials have provided us with is how thi


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