tv Media Buzz FOX News February 12, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST
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>> in the run-up to the state of the union most of the media will portray president biden as being out a rope pot underpass plenty bipartisan nation then came coverage of some undeniable setbacks the argument that biden waited too long to shoot down the chinese bible did it is mishandling of the classified documents mess and polls that delivered a reality check to the press a washington post abc survey saying 58% of democrats and democratic leading
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independents do not want biden to run again. that is a remarkable figure for an incumbent president come onto gearing up for a second term at odds with the journalistic perception abiding that cannot be ignored along with the second finding of what biden has achieved an office. >> he will beast until speaking to a skeptical public, two thirds are very uncomfortable with the idea biden running for a second term. >> according to a new washington post abc poll 262% thanks biden has accomplished not very much or little or nothing and this reality is shocking to the thunderheads in the media. >> make no mistake a lot of democrats, powerful democrats don't want him to run again in 2024 it seems most americans want nothing to do with the trump biden rematch. >> it seems like the voters to get the memo ap should only 20% of americans want this man to run for a second term and it looks like he's going to. >> some of the doubts fueled by
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biden's age and the media is out of touch with how the democrats view their leader i am howard kurtz, this is "mediabuzz". ♪ speed what had kellyanne conway joins us to talk media, politics and the super bowl , the media praised president biden speech for the several partisan shots at the gop such as audit portion and touting bills with some republican backing such as the big and for structure law. >> we do these projects, again i get criticized but i make no expenses for we are going to buy american. >> this is one of the best beaches joe biden has delivered as president. >> president biden speech full of lies in the clichés classic old-fashioned liberals which lists the propaganda misinformation as we speak yeah the folks at fake news cnn, msnbc, people writing at the new
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york times washington post slobbering over joe's remarks. >> how happy were democrats with the state of the union on a tale of 10 - 10.9. >> 12. >> it was deaf, nimble, fiery and feisty and gave as good or better than he got. >> it sounded like a true maga speech to me he plagiarized the entire term platform. if a guy had blonde hair entity and i thought trump of the president. >> joining us to analyze the coverage, culture editor of the federalist. landy entered san diego laura fink democratic strategist and rebel communication. before we get to the speech has most of the media misjudged joe biden's political standing a stunning figure 50% similar polls who do not want him to run for second term. >> the eight people that guy referenced in the introduction about 70% of americans don't want joe biden to run again for president. 22% say yes 78 say no and i
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think the media was grappling with a dose of cold water at the moment where you see pulling smack the media with reality and they realize maybe the public has a perception then we do. >> when you same smack journalist love polls. howard: industry 49% of republicans said they don't want donald trump to run again. the follow-up interviews found the posters and a lot of this came from concerns about joe biden's age does the press have to do more to acknowledge the elephant in the room. >> if i can speak from the democratic perspective i think it's about electability we clutch our pearls a little bit when we see candidates like donald trump win the presidency in 2016 when we were not expecting it and the damage that does to the country, i think there's justifiable worry about biden's low poll numbers all in
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the fact that the program see pastor not well-known to the american people there are in the upside as well, when he communicates and as he did in the state of the union about his programs with respect to jobs and infrastructure and bipartisan support along with the approving economy the state of the union was a kickoff once again biden possibly proving things wrong and making this a temporal moment in his history. >> he has passed trillions and trillions of dollars he talks about it a lot but sometimes it is not news. the media consensus is that joe biden not a great or greater delivered a forceful speech appealing to blue-collar voters, isn't it true that most of what he wants will be blocked by the republican house, i do not see much of that. >> that's really great point, also this point how he's clearing a very low bar the media is clapping for president who's bar for success is very low. >> to set the bar?
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, serious, is that the media, the fact that people don't expect great speeches from joe biden? >> is baked into joe biden at this age into your point how americans are proceeding differently than the media for the americans much to enter bigger problem then untended the media struggling with memory and getting certain sentences. that was another thing in the state of the union he missed titled chuck schumer he got tyre nichols name wrong, these would been huge blobs over the trump administration, the media glossed right over them. >> you feel that biden has been making gaffes and misspeaking for 40 years. obviously for him most of the speech was pretty good all the audience of the state of the union was 27 million that the lowest in 30 years most of the speeches are predictable. for all the media coverage does biden get any boost if most people weren't watching? >> i think that we have to
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reanalyze and look at the state of the union and a different way. viewership is lower but adjusting these clips and the viral moments is how so many people are consuming the news then you have to look at it as the cornerstone of his kickoff for his reelection campaign. we look at the navigator dials you will see the media coverage praising him is actually reflected in how the american people viewed the speech, 62% viewed as positive, 38-point say the country is moving in the right direction they are more hopeful and optimistic, those are a result of the speech and real-time dials on the folks that watched the speech it was highly effective and objective data to prove it. >> i agree, we have to adjust our expectation of ratings for streaming but this is a 30% drive under drop it super bowl sunday nfl has not seen that because of streaming this is something very particular to joe biden and the speech that he game when you look at a drop
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like that, 30% that is a big nose drive. >> i would just throw in the fact were democratic audience tuning in for the democratic president of cnn acknowledge that the same is true when a republican is giving a speech. i set the emotional highlight was the acknowledgment in the highlight of the parents of the tyre nichols black man who was fatally beaten by five memphis police officers but a lot of the pregame reporting had to do with how the white house was scrambling to change the speech, to deal with argument that president biden waited too long to shoot down the chinese by balloon, here's how he handled it. >> of china threatens our sovereignty we will act to protect our country and we did. >> that was about the mildest thing he could've said and then use the word balloon. >> ask es and nbc had these big stories how it was being reworked to deal with what happened with the balloon he mentioned the word china six times and alluded to the balloon without even mentioned it
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directly and there was no media bracketing with a afterwards, whatever he reworked was very mild which is strange and on top of that places like bloomberg said he had tonton xi jinping which if you call that taunting, that is something of a reach. howard: do you feel briefly that the press was misled by the white house saying we are going to be very aggressive in taking this on or maybe it was many white house aides wanted him to do that but the president didn't want to go on with it. >> i think they took debate the white house knew what they were going to say ultimately in the press was light on to expect there was going to be a big spy balloon moment in what we got was not even a mention of the spy balloon and indirect reference. >> people knew what he was talking about, lori do you want to jump in on this questioning. >> the media loves the spy balloon as a great visual and they were obsessed with it but i will say biden ended his adjusting his issue with a standing ovation in the chambers
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chanting usa, usa because he stood up strong against china and called out xi jinping and said no world leader would want to trade places with him. i don't think you can argue his positioning was not a success. >> i would say it was probably a democratic part of the chamber skipping the state ovation very standard. the other party usually sits on his hands, both parties do that, by the way a bizarre situation of the united states has shot down to unidentified flying objects and 48 hours the one over alaska friday and yesterday the whatever canada nobody knows what these are they have been around all the time. it's a media mystery we just know is it all related to china. i wanted to take that know that story is a work in progress. i'll come back to you laura because some pundits are saying biden has a political foil on house republicans and before democrats controlled everything when anything went wrong it was the fault of the democratic party and you would have to acknowledge media not sympathetic to the house
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republicans. >> here's what i would acknowledge i think he use them as a foil to demonstrate his bipartisan major, turning to speaker mccarthy shaking his hand and saying i'm looking forward to working with you i hope that doesn't ruin your reputation. i think the foil is a natural situation given the republican takeover of the house i think that was acknowledged and part of the reason why the speech was a real homerun. >> now we come to the part about super bowl sunday which is, did joe biden miss a big opportunity by declining fox's invitation for the traditional super bowl interview which would've been 70 with the news division brett baier or shannon bream were being talked about, 100 million people watch the super bowl , not as many for the pregame but what is your take on that. >> is a huge mess he should know bernie sanders ran an op-ed with
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fox news and especially lately on greedy pharma he read and fox news and there's a reason it is tactically very smart it's a huge audience, if you want to prove, the press is given biden cover for not doing this interview and says there have been op-ed saying is entirely fair because fox opinion is attacking biden left and right, actually the media should want him to sit for an interview that is going to be tough. if anything that should be applauded by fellow journalist. howard: this tradition began with barack obama in 2009, donald trump did an interview in 2018 but laura that is a pretty big audience to walk away from. >> it is a big audience, it is a fun topic but you have to question i think what he did when he was vice president he watched barack obama go on fox, get grilled by bill o'reilly and not have this interplay that you might want and it wasn't just because of tough questioning it was because of the angle of the interview now you see as you say you see presidents of both parties avoiding this tactically a smart move and good for fox, now we can all talk how he
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avoided the interview and how terrible that is. i think tactically it was a win for the president. howard: the president would've done signing the interview these are professional journalists is not -- the president is gop hecklers is the press covering that fairly? that fairly? and later a conversation with . kellyanne conway.ov ♪ id hit, we had some challenges. i heard about the payroll tax refund that allowed us to keep the people that have been here taking care of us. learn more at (cecily) what's up, einstein? (einstein) my network has gone kaput! (cecily) you tried to save a buck on it? (einstein) not so smart. (cecily) well, there is a smarter way to save. (einstein) oh?! (cecily) switch to verizon! (vo) that's right. for a limited time get verizon unlimited for just $25 a line, guaranteed for 3 years. (einstein) brilliant! (vo) only on verizon. ♪ ♪ [ cat purrs ] [ phone vibrates ] introducing astepro allergy. steroid-free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. now with astepro fast allergy relief,
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>> the media seized on the most unscripted moment of the joe biden state of the union these are tightly choreographed with some republican started yelling and heckling the president. >> some republicans want medicare and social security to sunset i'm not saying as a majority let me give you and anybody who doubted contact my
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office i will give you a copy i will give you a copy of the proposal. folks as we all apparently agree, social security and medicare is off the books now. [applause] >> they are acting like jackasses because they can't deal with the truth. >> they just can't deal with the truth and they make themselves so foolish. >> he wanted to beat the republicans and then he wanted to have some back-and-forth and he did. do you think he wanted that? >> absolutely. >> the media went wild over that moment and president biden standing up to the republicans but there was very little coverage whether he was swinging at a straw man by which i mean kevin mccarthy had publicly ended his meeting at the white house with the president taking social security and medicare off the table and were not to talk about at the debt ceiling notifications in the next few months, what do you think about
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that that got lost in all the noise? >> hugely lost we saw figures extolling biden's moment saying he was the negotiation, msnbc said he wanted negotiation during the speech but actually kevin mccarthy had given whole speech the night before taken off the table there was even some coverage going back to michael he had said about sunsetting social security medicaid was taken out of context it was amazing not dealing with the fact that he is never introduced a bill on it that republicans have all said 12 or 13 years later we are not doing this there is nothing about biden saying apparently we all agree, that is a win for him because they agreed the day before and the media taken that bait and spin was pretty tel telling. >> also the question on how it plays on television, senator rick scott whose proposal biden was talking about running the senate campaign committee for the republicans is calling biden confused he used that word a couple of times in a liar for seizing on his proposal to
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sunset all federal programs every five years which topics include medicare and social security so the media casting is as fair game. >> rick scott the dog finally caught the car he put his words on plain language which is something the republicans have been doing for years. in 2023 the republican study committee in the house said that they wanted to raise the retirement age from 65 to 67, senator ron johnson is on record, mike lee is on record and when republicans talk about making big cats as allegedly saving the deficit you got to know where that's going to go there cutting the military and veterans benefits and military arms were they get cut entitlements social security and medicare being the biggest tax fully once, shame on me, fully twice shame on me. we saw this with roe v. wade and republican saying it was settled while, listen they are obvious and saying what they mean. >> the funding battles every five years over any program at
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sunset means is not entitlement program anymore. mitch mcconnell was very careful to separate his party from what he calls the rick scott proposal. when some republicans led by marge lee taylor green loudly screwed up biden calling him a liar and all of that after kevin mccarthy asked him to be on the behavior and you can be seen shushing him a couple of times is the media right look disrespectful? >> they are completely correct is fair game to talk about social security and entitlement cuts it's all fair in the murky people generally like the quorum especially for occasions like this and if we go back to 2010 with joe wilson screaming you lied. >> 2009 with barack obama this was way more than that this was a chorus. >> the media went crazy over joe wilson doing this and he apologized and reprimanded by the house, now we cover it as a pinball game. >> marie claire called nancy
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pelosi and icon for ripping up the state of the union speech behind donald trump. >> or we suggested a different standard for democrats? >> i think there might be. >> even if that was a bad look for republicans and i think any president should be allowed to finish his speech and that he could spend the next 23 hours criticizing him how many in the media are willing to grapple the fact that the reality everybody who knows it these programs are going to go bankrupt and be insulted unless changes are made in the next couple of years. >> i think sarah huckabee sanders put it best when she said this is a choice between normal and crazy and then you have marge lee taylor green the head of the republican party in a fur collar screaming at the president i would say first i think it's a very fair coverage and you know kevin mccarthy was putting his face in his palm this is the exact scenario he did not want to happen, when you see things like the entire chamber given a standing ovation to joe biden for standing up for seniors and social security and
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medicare that is a message win across the board republicans participated. if i was emily i feel for you and the republicans. >> i'm not a republican but rashida tlaib walked out of trump's beads with other democrats and they did not attend it in the media was cheerleading for some of those moves during that administration. it is no surprise that republican step into the vacuum created by the media and start heckling so are they victims? howard: i did jump it on one more thing it is true marjorie taylor green has become a key ally of speaker mccarthy but on what basis do you call to the head of the republican party? >> she has perceived as being the face of the republican party because she is prioritizing her own individual status in the biggest individual fundraiser to that party to imply that she is not a player i think she made herself quite the player. >> you say by the media which i'm sure has something to do with it. we'll be right back.
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howard: is no secret cnn's morning show has been struggling in the ratings don lemon the former primetime liberal is again speaking out more aggressively against conservatives, caitlin collins in the house oversight jim comer about his hearing on hunter biden which included the congressman saying that twitter should not have block the 2020 newspaper report on the biden laptop. >> credible outlets like the new york post the force biggest newspaper in america, this is troubling. >> lemon one-off accusing comer of siding on credible sources like the new york post and would not go to break. >> that's a big issue but it comes to the america, hold on with your music that's a big issue but it comes to the american people to get have to suffer through all of this stuff from election deniers to people who don't believe in fax and don't have a shared reality, you know what is strange about lemons attack not only did
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twitter admit it's a mistake the next day but the post was right the hunter biden laptop was authenticated by the new york times the washington post in the cnn itself the media can't get enough of george santos, when he grabbed the prime position for the state of the union, as the sick puppy, you should not be here the utah senator told the fabricating congressman he replied that 142,000 people had voted for him, romney told him he was an and cleaning this up slightly he said he was a bigger ass. >> you should not be in congress and the get go through the process and hopefully get about but he should not be there and if you had any shame at all he would not be there. >> with the press pack until romney went on and on about santos, it seemed like an abusive mistake, news nation reporter evan lambert jailed for hours trying to cover a press conference about the trail the robinsons ohio governor said he was very, very sorry this was
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wrong the journalist had every right to be there talking to station before going to the governor's remarks, now police in east palestine ohio are saying he behaved in an aggressive manner under manner that sparked a physical confrontation, let's take a look. >> i am allowed to be on your. >> go, go now or you can go to jail. >> you want to go to jail for criminal trespassing? >> to understand my lawyers will get me out. >> i don't care. >> you are under arrest. >> sir, this is bad, stop, national tv you cannot do this. >> is all being recorded right
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i'm so glad i made it through the day. ♪ don't hesitate. ask your doctor about otezla today. howard: donald trump offered a video pre-bottle to the biden state of the union speech and he did not miss words. >> they are trying to indoctrinate and mutilate our children, he is leading us to the brink of world war iii and on top of all of that he is the most corrupt president in american history. >> joining us now from the super bowl in glendale arizona is kellyanne conway former consular in a fox news contributor. kelly yang, is at the right tone for the former president world war iii most corrupt ever?
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>> if we have a rematch of biden versus trump you will hear a lot of that for both of them. i think it's marker president trump is only announced candidate for 2024 important point to have a voice out there and to make sure he shows the contrast between he and joe biden. had president trump realized that joe biden speech was going to be a lot of trump kinda policies maybe he would've said things a little bit differently or tacked on to hey joe i'm the guy that talked to and embrace the forgotten man and forgotten woman, forgotten child i'm the one who broke the back of the drug crisis if you're the guy that will undress the southern border and hardly ever visited let alone talk about that now. the tonal politics all the way around is obviously very ruckus i don't think joe biden's problem is his age or his tone i think it is his policies he can't qualify the left-wing enough with all that spending and he doesn't want to embrace moderates and he visited tremendous opportunity to unify and embrace the country just by going on fox news today 100 million viewers at the super
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bowl. >> i was going to ask you about that we can spend half a minute on it. you think by not sitting down with a fox news anchor that biden is fumbling if i say a big opportunity? >> you can. he is no eagles running back in that case. he is fumbling a big opportunity but also continuing, this administrations policies a way of operating through spite and pettiness edges seems really petty and self sabotage to not take the advantage to sit down with a fox news anchors i'm sure of their choosing and bring the message to the entire country give a very self-selected and low rated state of the union this past week because people don't want to listen to joe biden not only does it make them a comfortable the stumbling, bumbling and bumbling, they don't believe them they don't take as energy, the competence, the mental fitness they think is
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dishonest to the nbc nose pull attributes released last weekend and if you think he's unpopular what about the woman over his shoulder, kamala harris she is less popular rating records every day of the vice president not for her gender and race but being unpopular. howard: that's got a lot of media coverage as well. the media pounced on the new york times report the other day that the justice department special counsel investigating donald trump jack smith subpoenaed mike pence who is fiercely considering his own race for president that was treated with a huge bombshell, should it even? >> no of course not but the media has no choice everything is a bombshell, the russian collision that they cannot find for three years has never apologized to those of us on the campaign that one fairly and squarely the ukraine impeachment, the second impeachment the january 6 committee, people don't even talk about that report that came out a month ago. these are taxpayer-funded investigations and yet donald trump is there on his property in mar-a-lago today as we speak. they've never been much
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interested in getting the story so as much getting the president and they look at the resurrection of the committal case in manhattan stormy daniels and they look at the subpoena of mike pence and maybe the georgia investigation also as their last stand but they never realized that they keep slipping on their own banana peels. may i remind everybody the civil case on the stormy daniels matter, she ended up having to pay donald trump money. so i think mike pence is on the record saying why he did not comply and testify to the generate six committee it didn't have to do with executive privilege, he was very clear he said i was in congress for 12 years and vice president mike pence said the idea that one party would choose all of the committee members is antithetical to have a by pa part. howard: let me jump and i have a couple things i want to get to you wrote a piece for the new york times the case for it against donald trump. for him to succeed, fewer insults and more insights,
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campaign the centers on the future not the past in the channels of people's grievances as not his own, you say while some people view the former president as abusive and scornful others see a candid resolute leader who is committed to america's interest, you worked for him for four years but at the same time you are recognizing in the balance piece that his baggage could keep him from winning? is that right? >> sure it's what i share with him privately as well isaiah publicly privately unlike a lot of people who do one or the other. howard: just of the audience understands are you an informal advisor? >> i am not involved with president trump 2024 campaign and most important i was not involved in the 2020 campaign the last time on the political team was 2016 and we know what happened. i've been a policy advisor obviously the white house but i think donald trump, let's review
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some facts, what he did on the economy, energy around the world taking out the terrorist, recalibrating fair trade deals our economy we did not have the inflation now we do not have americans telling pollsters, everybody's pollsters that they're worried about a recession and they're not financially better off, 61% say they don't think joe biden has accomplish very much. the other fact for all the talk and walk about other candidates the only announced candidate right now for 2024 is donald trump the first republican primary is in about six months committal take place in milwaukee, wisconsin it is supposed to, the way that we had the big debate august 6, 2015 fox news hosted in cleveland yet a hole for a stage where are these candidates if they get around and criticize donald trump they better put their hat in the ring and run. >> the rest are waiting, i think you started to go here earlier, some conservative commentators are saying and biden speech he was feeling the maga agenda made in america, is that true, isn't
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that a win for your side if he wants to co-opt the things that donald trump was talking about and trying to do? >> definitely i think his speechwriters are reading the polls and they know what they are selling americans aren't buying he spent trillions of dollars of money that we don't have on things that we don't need it he's trying to say the inflation reduction act was so great. even john kerry let alone other white house advisors have admitted the inflation reduction did not reduce it was about climate change. also past with 0 republican votes, we have a very divided country and a very the country divided washington. i think many people are looking past joe biden and trying to find an alternative for 2024 and there stuck with joe biden kamala harris and another reason they foolishly said joe biden had an amazing midterm election the best midterm for president in 60 years only because joe biden kamala harris were not allowed to campaign nobody wanted them they sent them to union station that is not a
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swing state. >> let me jump in. >> he went to maryland and she went to california a trip home for the weekend nobody wanted that. howard: was concerned about joe biden's age but donald trump would be 78 at the next election, is a former president the best president for biden to run against and vice versa as opposed to going against the younger contender? >> we will let the voters decide it's their voice and their choice but i can see in case we have biden and trump again but this time bought under biden's incumbent and has to campaign more than he did when he was hiding in the basement and trump i said my new york posttest a talk with the future not the past and talk less about the 2020 election and much were about future invasion people in this country are scared and worried it's economic but also an odd time with rising costs and crime people feeling like things are unfair. paying for student loans of lawyers and doctors and wire people walking across the board i don't think age is the issue i think energy, acuity policies
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are. howard: we will talk football in just a moment. cans. oh, boy. meeting a new young homeowner for the first time is a unique challenge. -so you think you can help? -i can try. hey, what you doing? oh, just cleaning my trash cans. wow. it's important to build trust. see you put your address and phone number on here. well, you can never be too safe. with trash? progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto -when you bundle with us. -don't look at the hedges. -they're a mess. -no one's looking at the hedges. every piece of land has a story - written by those who work it. like the caggianos, who are brewing their own legacy. or the wrens, with their drama free plot - tranquil and serene. the upshaws? they diy, all the time. while the nelson's play lead in their own adventure, 150 years in the making. there's a story in every piece of land.
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the country. >> i am indeed we've been doing that a while i pass on the tradition to my four children all teenagers all here for the super bowl today we are super excited but were not unique because eagles fans is a great way to grow up i remember going with my aunt maria my two cousins in the freezing cold veterans stadium we do that now the eagles fans can show up any stadium in this country and see a huge contingent of green and also includes in the lean years we eagles fans know what it feels to suffer heartbreak but it's an exciting season with howie and nick and the whole team i know a lot of eyes on two brothers playing together, travis and jason kelce and andy reid fan he was eagles coach for 14 years we just don't want him to win today because he's the chiefs coach. it is exciting. howard: front page stories in the washington post about the years when black quarterbacks
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could not get a starting job like that in the nfl and all the years that they lost. today as you know we have the first super bowl to two black quarterbacks jailing her to the eagles and of course patrick mahomes of kansas city, are we giving closer to the point that we would not even have to have a big news. >> i really hope so but we should pointed out because people should know the history i'm glad my children know the history in philadelphia we had randall cunningham, donna van and now jaelyn hurts a long history of african-american quarterbacks who have done us proud as fans and performed on the field. i'm glad the people know it but you're right hopefully, we have an increasing number of black coaches as well i think that's progress and everybody ought to know it. howard: since tom brady doesn't start the fox sports analyst until 2024 i coach them how to do this in two weeks, we will let you take a shot at it doesn't fully have a big advantage because patrick
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mahomes of the chiefs is basically hobbling on one leg with an ankle injury? >> he does have an upper ankle injury and i spoke to one of the perfect tan last night one of the ten men with a heisman and in the hall of fame and he was talking about how serious of an injury that is but i know patrick mahomes will bring his a game we can't just talk about quarterbacks, these teams i want everybody to know all the rules of football in the players positions the eagles have the best offensive line in the league and we have in the entire season of power through the injuries and of course look at kelce on the chiefs, 15 receptions of the playoffs. it's a really high number. i'm excited we have an advantage because our fans phoenix ten local phoenix station reported 62% of the fans will be for the eagles and 38% for the chiefs. howard: i gotta go, i will mention your name to fox sports.
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howard: when joe biden sat down with pbs judy the other day she asked him the 2024 question that is become unavoidable. >> you would be 82 the day of the next election, 86 if you are successful and elected and finish that term, does it give you any concern? >> watch me last night i heard people were saying watch biden he doesn't have an age issue anymore. >> joining us on the radio
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talkshow host and fox news contributor. howard: judy is asking biden about the age question shows us in the media in the polls showing him most immigrants don't want to read again your times columnist said he should've read again journalist are addicted to polls is this becoming a big and damaging story for the president? >> i think this is interesting to say the least, you do have the media constantly talking about the president's age and i think of his opponent causally talk about the president's age but what you saw took place on tuesday as republicans jeered him when he talked about this earlier in the show you saw president leave the teleprompter in a very british polymer and terry style, to debate these numbers one-on-one if this shows anything it shows from the media perspective yes he might be old but to some extent maybe he stills got it. >> it's clear joe biden will continue to campaign on protecting medicare and social security which is a flashpoint of the state of the union but democrats have been arguing for
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decades republicans want to push him off the cliff and newt gingrich in the '90s arguing with reporters flow integrative roof and not cutting medicare and social security but are the media pretended that republicans are going to blow up the two incredibly popular programs? >> i think this is actually a situation where the media is overplaying their hand a little bit and i think they played into joe biden's hands because in the speech he says you guys want to cut social security and medicaid republicans get up and they say no we don't want to do this and then the white house is preparing for him to say that they pulled the tapes out they pulled senator rick scott's plan out. >> how did the media fall for it. >> the media covered the divide and sort of saying there's some members that said this and some that did this a very interesting thing that the president said in his remarks that was really important to understand if you get out of the media hyperbole he said there is a distinct minority of you guys that want
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to cut social security i'm not saying everybody but at that particular moment you saw the entire chamber rise so my prayer across the street from this building is the capital and i think we can come to resolve they won't cut social security and medicare for senior citizens because they know it's american politics and it's been there ever since washington. >> ultimately both parties are going to have to cooperate. >> i would ask about donald trump accusing ron desantis of grooming young girls this was based on a 20-year-old story from a right wing website we see the new york times version there about his year in 2001 - 2002 as a high school teacher in a blurred picture desantis yearbook picture so the former students recorded by the times are saying he came to a couple parties where alcohol was served but it was after graduation and trumpets posting this saying that is not iran is it he would never do such a thing and here's afforded governors response. >> i would also just say this i spend my time delivering results
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for the people of florida and fighting against joe biden i don't spend my time trying to smear other republicans. >> my question richard why hasn't this gotten more media attention of the inflammatory charge. >> at the goodson interesting predicament, i think the reason why hasn't got so much attention on the media because the media is focused on the other big story coming out of florida which is everything to do with the fact that the governor of florida has blocked the teaching of ap african-american studies. howard: that's overshadowing? i think in this moment because a lot of folks in the media maybe they picked the side were hot and ten haven't thinking the banning of this is both unjust and unreasonable to high-level high-quality high school students who want to take this course as an elective. howard: it is surprising to me that has got more attention but i also want to emphasize there is not an allegation that he touched any of these young women 20 years ago but i think this will come back. i have a half a minute for you what about the justice
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department subpoena mike pence as part of the probe of january 6 is the media falling into the trap of expecting or hoping that donald trump be indicted? >> i want to be very clear i don't see an indictment happening to the former president of the united states, i will just say that i do believe if you watch this carefully and read the experts from mike pence's book he gives you a lot of information in this book and number two, more importantly, i think maybe mike pence team says subpoena us so we can say were not giving you this testimony willingly and were coming down and being forced to give it to you we also don't know if the mike pence team is o negotiating on what te subpoena looks like. >> what we do know the former president trump steam is going to delay or defeat this by claiming executive privilege, i doubt that will work. >> richard fowler, great to see you as always that is it for "mediabuzz", i'm howard kurtz, you can subscribe to "mediabuzz"
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meter we look at the five busiest stories each day and whatever i'm exercised about and feel like ranting about and you don't have to hit commercials. we are back here i will remind you next sunday at 11 eastern and with only media analysis show on national television, see you next week. not so smart. (cecily) well, there is a smarter way to save. (einstein) oh?! (cecily) switch to verizon! (vo) that's right. for a limited time get verizon unlimited for just $25 a line, guaranteed for 3 years. (einstein) brilliant! (vo) only on verizon. all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work helping them achieve financial freedom. we're proud to serve people everywhere, in investing for the retirement they envision. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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