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tv   America Reports  FOX News  February 13, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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u.s. occurred offshore but the one in canada occurred overland. so is it effective u.s. policy to not shoot down the objects overland for safety concerns? >> i would not read into this a policy decision. we will always, in deciding whether something should be taken down or not, consider the impact on the ground. >> when the chinese, the chinese foreign ministry indicated they would respond in a way they were prepared to, if it turns out the other objects are chinese in origin, is there a menu by the president how to react? >> hypothetical -- >> and china buying more oil from russia, china opening up cases in the u.s. trying to steal u.s. technology from universities, president xi is going to be meeting with the iranian president. at what point do you do a big review of the u.s. relationship
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with china and what point does the president ask for a call from president xi? >> i don't have a call to talk about today. let me again, level set here, and i know i'm running close on time, sorry, but the president met with president xi at bali at g20, and most consequential bilateral relationship in the world, the president knows that and wanted to move that relationship forward in a better way and secretary blinken was dang near wheels up trying to head to beijing to have those kinds of conversations to get some of these communication vehicles and venues back on track, whether it's climate change or military to military. we were looking forward to doing that, and then the chinese decided to fly a surveillance balloon over the continental united states and would not be appropriate to have that meeting. when are those discussions going to get back on the calendar, i couldn't tell you.
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as secretary blinken has said, it will happen at the appropriate time. now is not that time. it doesn't mean, and people shouldn't take away from this, that all communication has been severed between the united states and china, that beijing and washington are not talking. we still have an embassy there, we still have an ability through secretary blinken's good offices to communicate with senior chinese leaders and unfortunately the chinese military is not interested in talking to secretary of defense austin but there are ways to communicate. the president would tell you now is the time to at least preserve some of those lines of communications so we can avoid miscalculation. >> has this list of things set back the relationship? >> it has helped us not move forward in the way we wanted to move. >> last question in the back, the last question for the briefing. no, sir, no, sir. right here. >> james, ok. >> thank you.
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last friday you answered my question involved president biden's message during his trip to poland, but i'm wondering why he specifically chose poland for this trip, since so many countries are helping ukraine and he visited poland 11 months ago. >> the president is really looking forward to this trip. certainly not lost on any of you time to round what is sadly going to be a year of war in ukraine. poland has been an strident ally, and a generous host, not only to american troops, but millions of ukrainian refugees who have fled there in safety. the pols are, pardon the pun, punching well above their weight and very much appreciate all the
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support. the president wants to thank president duda in person, and how it's important for the kind of courage and unity out of poland and so many nato allies continues, sadly, into what will now be a second year of war. >> the people of poland -- >> thank you very much. we have to end the briefing. >> thank you, naturally i have two questions, one on the unexplained aerial phenomenon and the second on the russia and ukraine war. my understanding is that the top of officials at the pentagon, when asked if they were ruling out any kind of extraterrestrial presence were not ruling anything out, and at the beginning of the briefing, with her usual smile, ruled out that activity. >> i don't think americans have
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to worry about aliens, no more needs to be said there. >> in the days immediately after the commencement of the conflict, we heard from senior u.s. officials such as the cia director that president putin had been observed to have constricted his decision making circle during the pandemic, he was making erratic decisions and seen to have played out in what happened on the battlefield. as we approach this year anniversary, what do we observe about president putin's decision making now, the caliber of his decision making, and also his grip on power in his own country. has any of that changed over the course of the year? >> i can't speak to the way mr. putin gets advised and how he, you know, who is advising him and what they are saying. i could not begin to get inside kremlin decision making process. clearly mr. putin is not making
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good decisions. shouldn't have invaded in the first place. the country posed no threat to anybody, let alone russia. clearly he has not made sound decisions nor has his military with respect to their performance on the battlefield. still suffering some of the same problems they were a year ago, logistics, sustainment, integration of joint fires, man power personnel, unit cohesion, i could go on and on. it's borne out by the fact that he continues to change generals the way i change socks. so he's still struggling. >> guys, we have to end the briefing. i have to go into the oval, but i will see you tomorrow and thank you for the compliment on the smile, appreciate that. i'll be back tomorrow. >> john: we were expecting karine jean-pierre was going to take some questions but she has to meet with the president, so
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john kirby is going to be it. and sandra, other than the reason that kirby said no reason to suspect the latest objects were engaged in surveillance but did not hear a lot of news in the 40 odd minutes. >> sandra: just that is an active program china has, provided limited intelligence to china but have indeed established a high altitude balloon program for intelligence collection, and his warning after making that clear, john, if china advances that technology, it could become more valuable to them. >> john: he said there were dozens of balloons in many, many different countries. retired lieutenant general keith kellogg, former security adviser to vice president mike pence and fox news contributor. you sat through the briefing
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with us. kirby did it in the name of transparency. i don't know if he gave us everything that he knows, didn't seem to give us much. >> yeah, john, and if i look -- i was taking notes when doing it, let's give credit to john kirby. he's good, very slick. but good. and he parsed a lot of words there, picked up, some examples, they talked about a program with the balloons, able to track it. well, that balloon was seen by two people in billings, montana, and that alerted the balloon in the incident with the balloon. and the sensor package, the size of three school busses. i always said one, but three. it did collect a lot of information. it had communications and signals intelligence capability, able to loiter, able to move around, so it was picking up information and him to say otherwise, limited information, that's wrong. we have to assume the worst, it sat over there, loitered and picked up a lot.
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when the comment was made, and laugh about it when he talked about are we flying everything over chinese air space and he said well, we are not flying in chinese air space. well of course we are not, we are before air space. if most of the satellite systems, and they do not traverse anybody's air space throughout, you know, in probably lower earth orbit or persistent overhead. one of the questions that did not come up. jacqui tried to get him to it. ok, what were the rules of engagement. we have had balloons flying where commercial airliners fly in the past. why all of a sudden are we shooting these down and what are the rules to engage them and why are we doing it. are we going to keep doing this, and we need to press him, why was it so important to do it. we have had the balloons fly for years in commercial air space. this is not the first time it has ever happened. something out there he saw or we saw that we should respond to.
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and i think the fact that he also deferred to the defense department, give us the gun tapes, that would be full transparency. just show us what you've got. see what we have, they are good tapes, heads of displays are very, very good on the aircraft, figure out what's happening. we think at least a little bit to give us more answers. so when he says we have never done this before or looked at the programs, when you looked at the previous administration, didn't have a balloon program with but have known for years the chinese have had a program. the defense department, they don't have curiosity. low tech does pay off sometimes, you don't have to have a high-tech fight to win it, low tech and high-tech can be potent. >> sandra: i want to highlight this moment, he did get to a lot of the reporters in that room. and there was one moment where a reporter questioned kirby and
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this administration on t whether or not america's borders are secure. here is the exchange. >> when it comes to these higher altitudes, are america's borders secure? >> the president takes, as i said earlier, he takes our national security extremely seriously. he has no higher responsibility than the safety and security of the american people and i don't think you need to look any further, frankly, than the decisions he's made in the last week to ten days to evidence that. >> feels like he's plugging holes, vulnerabilities we are discovering in realtime. >> you are making -- >> sandra: hesitancy. >> the question was accurate, we don't have a good handle on not only ground border, but air
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borders as well because we have not thought through it. what's happening with that balloon program, that's the issue of curiosity and trying to figure out what's happening. we are not doing it. we just picked this up a few days ago, we know the program has been active for quite a while with the chinese. and it was a great question. knowing him from his time in the pentagon, this was one of those, if i use a lot of words and talk really fast and put a lot of stuff out there and don't answer the question, maybe it will go by them. smart people picked up on that, like you. >> john: so keith, this idea we have retuned the radar, if you will, to more closely scrutinize certain altitudes begs the question, why didn't we do it a long time ago? >> john, that's a great question. part of that is true. when you change, you increase the gain on your radars. you can pick this up. but you have to be looking in
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the right place. if you are looking left and they are on the right you are not going to pick it up. and they have kind of ignored the program, it's an active program, we know where the balloons have come from, we picked that up before and tracked the program, and it goes back again. i'm repeating myself, curiosity, why are they doing this, why are the chinese sending the balloons over with the coms package on board and previous administration, i was part of the previous administration, nobody came up and told us these things were flying, and that was from secretary pompeo to john radcliffe to myself, if we had known, with he could have gained and what we need to do. this is truly the horse has left the barn and now closing the door. we have not had a good handle on it and i really do blame the defense department, national intelligence community as well that we have not had some curiosity on why are they doing thshgs and how do we react to it.
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we have not done it very well and some great questions today, just not some great answers. >> sandra: i spoke with congressman waltz, sits on a lot of relevant committees to the developing story, this was earlier on historically speaking what we have encountered as far as any of this before and dealing with it now. >> in the history of north american air defense command and its 65 year history, we have never shot anything down over the united states. now we have shot down that we cannot fully describe in the last week. this is a time to hear from the president. >> sandra: the last point, this is the time to hear from the president, deployed admiral kirby a moment ago, karine jean-pierre said she will be back tomorrow, heading to the oval. about time we hear from the president on this? >> absolutely, he should be out from. i'm known president trump for a
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long time, he would have been out there right away. get out there and say we may not know but assure the american people we are looking into it and tell them there are some things we did not correct here, we are going to fix it and figure out how to solve the problem, the low tech delivery system and communication system and signal intelligence system we don't have a good handle on. my opinion, he should be out there right away. one thing with president trump, and you know this, and john knows it as well, he would answer a question from an ice cream maker if it was outside the door. he would talk to anybody and i think that needs to be said. >> sandra: we have a bit of news here. we do now getting word defense secretary austin is going to step in front of a camera, just landed in brussels, they are taxiing, and we are told from the pool that he's going to give a statement about the objects soon, general. >> john: we look forward to
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that. all right, general. great to have you with us. stay on stand by in case there is more news. >> sandra: now the coast of south carolina after bad weather over the weekend. bryan is in myrtle beach. >> good afternoon, the weather is better than this weekend when salvage operations were temporarily suspended. temperatures are in the 60s, 2 to 3-foot seas but john kirby just said naval divers have not been able to get in the water, they have been able to recover debris, including electronics and some portions of the structure of the chinese aircraft. we did see four rigid inflatable boats launched on the way to the debris field, about six miles away from myrtle beach, south carolina, as they continue the
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effort to salvage the sky craft. the recovery here in south carolina is different than the recovery operations underway for the three unidentified objects shot down over the weekend. this is larger, had maneuverable capabilities, and the u.s. knows this is a high altitude spy aircraft. kirby said the tech was not new, listen. >> we assessed that at this time these balloons from provided limited additive capabilities to the prc other intelligence platforms used over the united states. but in the future, if the prc continues to advance this technology, it certainly could become more valuable to them. >> defense officials last night said they adjusted norad's radar
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to spot smaller objects at high altitudes only after this incident which traversed the u.s. a week, even though though knew of the program for some time. >> why didn't you recalibrate the systems earlier if you knew the chinese were an issue. >> the chinese high altitude balloon alerted us to the speed and slowness, and being able to detect, we decided do it at that time. >> john kirby said the u.s. has had discussions with senior chinese officials and denied the u.s. has flown ten spy balloons since january of 2022 over mainland china, sandra. >> sandra: bryan, thank you very much. and as i just mentioned, we are waiting now as the story
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develops over these unidentified objects, defense secretary lloyd austin has just landed in brussels. we are told they are taxing and austin will come to the tarmac and give a statement, as soon as we have it, we will turn that for you. >> john: for more on president biden's response to the shootdowns or the lack thereof, marc short, great to see you again. thanks for joining us on this monday. we have now shot down more aerial objects over u.s. territory since pearl harbor in 1941 and yet not a peep out of this president. >> i think it's quite remarkable. as congressman waltz was saying we have never shot down objects over american air space and in ten days it has happened four times. i think it's time for the president to talk to the american people about this and seems we had to have a balloon
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roughly 20 stories over the united states, actually caught on social media, let's not forget, that's how we learned about this, but it required for this administration to realize the intent of the chinese toward the united states. too little conversation about their aggression toward taiwan, about building islands in the pacific with military installations, last week, laser studies going over hawaii, there's been countless instances of provocation, including funding the russian war in ukraine by buying oil and partnering with iran. they are adversarial with the united states and the administration needs to level with the american people. >> john: john kirby is saying we are trying to be as transparent as possible but have no information on the objects shot down but each and every fighter jet has a gun camera, and when it came to the iraq war, the afghanistan war, we were seeing bridges blown up, terrorists being taken out within hours of it happening.
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why aren't we seen the gun camera video from the f22s? >> a lot more transparency that could be going on here. with the american people first and foremost, and with congress. a lot of questions need to be answered, and do we know if there are any american companies facilitating the construction of the balloons. the reality is we have tried to say from an economic standpoint we can continue to partner with china but not serious about companies in ways that could be adversarial to the united states of america. >> john: the fact the chinese balloon lingered over u.s. territory seemed to be problematic, but john kirby said yes, when you are 60,000 feet above the ground as opposed to 120 miles with low earth orbit satellite or 22,000 miles with a geo stationary satellite, you can glean a lot more information, signals intelligence. senator steve deigns said this over his concern we are not
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hearing anything from the president on this. listen here. sorry, i have to read this. says the lack of communication from the biden administration regarding the closing of montana air space last night and the recent shootdowns that took place over alaska and canada is unacceptable. the top priority of the administration should be the safety and security of the people of the united states and keeping the american people informed is a key part of fulfilling that duty. my colleague from abc asked a pertinent question. we talk about border security on the ground. what about border security in the sky? >> well, i think it's clear this administration has failed to secure america's borders, whether it's the ground or the sky, and that's problematic from the very beginning. and also questions even keith kellogg was addressing in the last section, our administration, the trump pence administration was never briefed on this, i think too often our intelligence community and the pentagon believe we are going to study the problem and once we have solved it or answer it,
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we'll address the administration. too often they have to recognize they are accountable to the american people first and foremost and so they can make decisions. >> john: in terms of where we are with china, congressman mike mccaul. >> this balloon went over three of our most sensitive nuclear sites, one being in montana that runs the triad, strategic command in nebraska, and in missouri, b-2 bomber site. it was by design. >> so john kirby said they have spoken to china about it, there were discussions, contact with high level chinese officials. there has been no apparently military to military contact. are we being tough enough with
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china? >> no, we are not, saying from the start, i think vice president pence gave two strong addresses during the trump administration how we need to be more realistic about the threat china poses with the you state. we are not tough enough, and it's what's happening in the pacific and the aggression toward our allies in the pacific, doing with ukraine and iran. no, we are not serious enough about it and the best explanation i've heard likely so far, they continue to build, as china builds the ballistic missile program, they are able to get better sensitivity as far as locating targets. it makes perfect sense to fly over the military installations. >> we have talked about reaction from the republican lawmakers, but not just republicans upset about the lack of communication from the white house. congresswoman alyssa slotkin of michigan says we are interested in what the object is and purpose, as long as they keep
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traversing the u.s. and canada, i'll ask for congress to get a full briefing based on the exploitation of the wreckage and from a connecticut congressman, also a democrat. >> in the absence of information, people will fill that gap with anxiety and other stuff. so i wish the administration was a little quicker to tell us everything they do know. >> john: so kirby got out there, he said a lot of words, out there for 45 minutes, did not give a lot of information other than china has a surveillance program and don't believe the three latest objects shot down were involved in surveillance, but can't rule that out either. so where is the transparency here? >> there's no transparency, john. i think they face another challenge, which is congress can get quite territorial, too, what is the information that we are owed. if you start losing members of your party, that becomes a political problem for the current administration, too, and certainly they need to make sure that they are educating them, too. >> john: one other question quick if i could on a completely different topic. one more classified document
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find at former vice president mike pence's house on friday. should there be a special counsel appointed to look into the classified information that he had in his possession as well as president biden and president trump? >> i think that vice president pence have been very forthcoming, welcome any sort of continued search into his home and he's asked us to cooperate with all authorities. i don't see a need for a special counsel, or for president trump or for biden either. i think it's the responsibility of the department of justice. they shouldn't have to pawn off the responsibility to a special counsel but no investigation that's been announced into vice president pence so i don't see why you would name a special counsel. >> sandra: another threat in the sky that you will only see right here on fox, our cameras were there on the southern border as a cartel drone is grounded for good. border officials seizing the drone they say was used for human smuggling.
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griff jenkins is live in mission, texas, the exclusive for us. why would there be a drone, ok, griff, we will get back to him as soon as that shot is back up. he's always bringing us the story directly from the border and sometimes we have a bit of a problem. but we are following obviously the breaking details from the cartels, griff jenkins has been doing some spectacular reporting on all of this. griff, the question is why would there be a drone operated by the mexican cartel on the u.s. side of the border? >> yeah, that is exactly the question, sandra, and it's so windy here you would wonder why would anyone try and fly a drone but the smugglers and the cartels do, it gives them the advantage, eyes in the sky. this picture we shot over the weekend when border control agents were able to capture the drone operated on the u.s. side. smuggler fled back to mexico but he was using it to guide
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migrants past agents. we can show you video of the migrants that were brought into custody, guided in that. and that is the problem, the sophistication of the level they have that. but we have learned exclusively from law enforcement sources that not only was this an incident on the weekend, but it happens all the time and we have this footage of a drone that was captured, the video from it showing large groups of migrants being guided past agents on multiple occasions and it comes, sandra, as the biden administration is grounding our surveillance blimps because of cost and the rgv, border patrol chiefs gloria chavez says she worries about them having eyes in the sky. >> money is tight, that's the difference between us and the cartels, they have unlimited funding, unlimited capabilities. >> and not only is the
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technology getting worse, but the smugglers are involving teenagers, you see here, the arizona tucson sector chief, 16-year-old and 19-year-old caught smuggling, they are u.s. citizens, smuggling six migrants in a pick-up truck and speaks to the problem of how brazen the cartels have become, to flying drones on our u.s. side to incorporating american teens in this problem. sandra. >> griff jenkins, thank you very much. we'll see you again soon. john. >> john: a microsoft executive murdered in front of his 2-year-old daughter. his widow facing the accused killer, not to condemn him, but instead to beg for his help. >> henry, if you get to hear this, please choose now to do the right thing. >> john: what she's asking of her husband's accused killer.
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that's coming up. >> sandra: also times square, one of the busiest places on earth. crowds are tourists were not enough to keep a gunman from opening fire in the crossroads of the world. one of the violent crimes now commonplace in the nation's largest city. >> john: and just one of the millions of reasons lady gaga's father says the big apple is rotten to the core. he owns a restaurant in new york city and says the place is going to pot. lady gaga's father coming up, to explain. ♪♪
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>> sandra: up dpat on the -- update on the story we brought you earlier. a u-haul hitting eight people on a sidewalk in brooklyn. the suspect is in custody after running into a police car.
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what are you learning, alexis? >> hey, sandra, still a pretty active scene in brooklyn. according to an nypd police source, this suspect, i'm told is from nevada and driving the u-haul made some statements to investigators after he struck to many people saying he did it on purpose. step out of the way to get a closer look in brooklyn. at least eight people are injured and there are some pretty serious injuries, two people in critical, two people in serious, seven civilians and one police officer injured here. it happened just before 11:00 this morning at 5th avenue and bay ridge parkway. this person was in the u-haul, drove up on to the sidewalk at numerous locations. seven crime scenes in total, hit a 30-year-old walking and three people on mopeds. a witness, jennifer, you said saw the u-haul driving erratically and heard him driving something behind him. >> i heard hit something, a big
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bang behind us and looked out the side of the window as we were turning the corner and saw a u-haul speeding down the wrong side of the street and dragging something, looked like a motor bike or motorcycle and we came around the corner, we were looking for a parking spot, saw debris of a food delivery person, their belongings and boxes and delivery stuff and pieces of the motorcycle and metal were strewn down the street. >> scary situation. according to the nypd, it's still an active and ongoing case. don't know what charges the driver will be facing but some people in very serious condition and saw surveillance video from a nearby business, and the man slammed into somebody on a motor bike head on. so have to see how things play out in terms of charges. sandra. >> sandra: awful, on top of all the things you have to worry
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about, that was a cyclist that was dragged under the vehicle, so anticipate an update on their condition, hopefully we have some news on that shortly. thank you. >> john: a man accused of murdering an executive at microsoft appearing today in a florida courtroom where the victim's widow was waiting to see the suspect face-to-face. mollie, this was rather unusual. >> it was, it was a very, very brief court appearance, the man facing the judge, conspiracy and murder charges in the death of the microsoft executive nearly a year after he was gunned down in front of his toddler daughter, conspiracy to commit murder, child abuse and second-degree murder, prosecutors believe the 61-year-old felon worked with at least one accomplice for more than a month leading up to the shooting death of bridgegan in
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february. now his widow is raising two daughters alone. >> henry, if you get to hear this, please choose now to do the right thing. please help us receive justice sooner than later. >> he had just dropped his twins off from a previous first marriage at his ex-wife's house and heading home to his current wife with his 2-year-old daughter when he came upon a tire in the road. when he got out to move the tire, someone fired multiple shots. and gardner fernandez recently relocated, moving 2,500 miles to washington state with the twins. he returns to court next month
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and a trial, a trial date has been tentatively set for july. john. >> john: mollie, thank you. >> sandra: new inflation numbers are set to be released tomorrow, and many are concerned about the potential impact. consumer price index is expected to drop 2.6%, year over year basis but many are concerned about the fed raising rates to further slow down inflation. jackie and brian, thank you for waiting. inflation, ok, everybody is still worried whether or not we are getting this under control and feel there's one thing that affects everybody in the country, every single day, the sky high prices. so, what are we learning, what are we expect to learn tomorrow, any further indication, inflation is peaking.
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>> here is the thing, talking about inflation coming down, heard the term disinflation, but the number we are expecting tomorrow is probably a number with the 6 in front of it. looking for 6.2%. i think it could be higher than that. markets, investors have wanted to see inflation come down faster. people on main street want to see inflation come down faster, but this is rather slow, sandra, so there is starting to be some concern this inflation has come down, but it's sticky, the fed may have to raise interest rates faster and more than anybody thought. >> sandra: it could be brutal. we are already in a situation it's really expensive to borrow money to buy a home, buy a car, the interest rates are going up because they have to in order to basically weaken the economy to bring the prices down. so, where are we? is there a straight line
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decrease or take years? >> i don't think so. i think jerome powell has gotten it wrong again. he called inflation transitory and got wrong, toocht i think he should have been more aggressive and that's why i was disappointed with the last quarter point. just take the mallet out and do it. people are tired of how long it's taking and you are right, the more it goes on the more it sticks in the economy and embedded. but having said that, i've been saying it for quite some time, sandra, i think 2023 will be a bumpy year as a result of this, and most of the market optimism you are seeing -- >> sandra: pop the big board up. a lot of green on the screen. school of thought, the jobs market is strong and that will get us through this. >> i think that's the problem. as long as the labor market is strong, and the housing market cracks, he has a big problem in front of him.
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and a change over in 2024, it's early for that but i think that's what the market is looking at. >> sandra: it seems the white house is getting flagged on tweets, have you heard, or seen this, president biden, he tweeted this out from the president of the united states account, under my predecessor, deficit went up four years in a row. the last two years, my administration cut the deficit by more than $1.7 trillion, the largest in american history. it's hard to read it on the screen but twitter flagged it and said statistically accurate yet misleading and points to covid spending led to huge deficits in 2020 and 2021, and created the deficit reduction in 2022. and however biden's other spending increases made the deficit 41% larger than trump's large noncovid deficit.
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>> the president is a politician, he wants credit. the fact is, his budgets have been a deficit disaster, a worst disaster this year than he's lefting on. they already have been, actually. americans need a president to get spending under control. president biden wants to goose spending as much as possible. that's why inflation might still be a problem. he's not interested in reducing spending, he's interested in getting his program through and his program is spending. >> sandra: i think that's going to be interesting when we look for the consumer prices to come down. you've got restaurants and stores and you know, that decide the prices to the end user who have to anticipate what is happening next and if you see the administration on the spending route, you don't necessarily drop your prices because you see the fed raising interest rates, you have to look into the future and say are we going to get this under control. maybe we'll ask lady gaga's dad
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about this. he owns a restaurant. >> i'm sick of the president talking about the deficit and technical truths he tells. technically accurate, but whether you understand it's a sham. >> 50% of small businesses expect to raise prices, you should ask him that question. >> sandra: he's sitting in the green room, waiting to come in. i watch it here, even though it's the same time. thanks so much. john. >> john: multi-tasking. still waiting for defense secretary lloyd austin to make remarks on the airborne objects the military has been so busy shooting down in the last week, as we wait for that, a transgender center in a missouri children's hospital now under investigation by the state's attorney general. the shocking claims by one whistleblower that has parents outraged. that's coming up next. month? ig car pay car loans can be expensive, and the payments high.
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>> john: missouri's attorney general is launching an investigation into the transgender center at st. louis children's hospital after a whistleblower accused the program of lying to the parents of young patients, and claims some children suffered injuries from treatments. mike tobin has been looking into, and more on the alarming allegations, mike. >> and the attorney general, john, is basing that on a claim by the whistleblower that the center, the transgender center is harming children with the treatment choices and parents are left out of the loop. now, the facility being accused is the washington university transgender center at st. louis children's hospital. whistleblower says the program there provided experimental drugs, puberty blockers and
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hormone therapy to children without informed consent. and they will not treat underlying mental health issues or track bad outcomes. and a statement in part, we have received disturbing allegations that they have been harming hundreds each year, including experimental drugs on them. statement goes on to say his office is thoroughly investigating to make sure no children are harmed by individuals who may be more concerned with the radical social agenda than the health of children. parents are children in the program came to the defense of the center, saying the attorney general is basing the investigation on a statement from only one person, the defending parents say they are closely involved in the children's treatment. >> tell me if the a.g. has a transgender child. if he doesn't, and i don't think he does, he shouldn't be saying anything about this. please ask the parents of these kids. we know what's right for our children.
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>> washington university has issued a statement saying they are alarmed by the allegations and have begun fact finding to get to the bottom of this. john. >> john: mike tobin, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: our next guest, john, personally impacted by the city's rising crime and homelessness. joe germanotta owner of an upper west side restaurant and father of lady gaga. >> thank you for having me on. >> sandra: pleasure to have you on. you were out there talking about this, and felt so real, like you were talking from the standpoint of a businessman, a restaurant owner, but also a resident of new york, and you are deeply impacted by this crime spike. how? >> well, i mean, i'll share with you. i would never raise two girls here again, right, it's not safe anymore. the crime -- you know, it's unpredictable, you don't know where it's going to happen, when
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it's going to happen. >> sandra: are you seeing this in your restaurant, too. >> i see it mostly -- the upper west side used to be pretty immune to this stuff but now it's full circle. like the city took a step back ten years, right. i want to say the 1980s, but not as bad as the 1980s. ok. >> sandra: john is with us. >> john: hey, joe, how are you? i was in new york in the early 1990s, just as the whole transition was beginning under then mayor giuliani. you did not want to set foot in time squares by 1992 or 1993, but 1997 rolled around, it was the place to be. what do you think is the prime contributing factor to the deterioration of the city? is it leadership, is it increased social pressures because of the pandemic, kind of all of the above? >> well, i mean, our mayor took over in 2021, i don't see a
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noticeable change, i don't know if you do. i mean, it's -- there are still some things happening that i mean -- you know, the urination laws in new york have been lifted, the pot stores, they are everywhere in new york city. >> sandra: the garbage. >> garbage is piling up. >> sandra: you can't get through the tv screen, joe, is the smell. >> you can't get the smell through. >> sandra: it's not good. so, i don't know, what's your message then? what are you telling people? >> i think we have to polish the big apple again, that would be my message. but get our eye back on the ball. it's crime, cleanliness, it's the broken windows theory. if the place looks like hell we are going to attract the wrong people. >> john: new york survived some dark times, were the old jack lemmon movie, i'm dating myself here "the out of towners," that was a new york city you didn't
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want to go to let alone live in. but if you can can survive what it was in the 1970s and 1980s and become a better place, could it become a better place again and what would it take to do it? >> i think we have to get -- keep our eye on the ball again, and remember the see something, say something, and remember the, you know, just let the cops do their job, right. and you know, do some policing. i mean, in the neighborhood now, the cops are walking the beat again, which is great. we see them, we thank them, you know, i offer them if they want to use the facilities or come in for a cup of coffee, i mean, that's policing. all right. i mean, what we have now is, you know, kind of -- some neighborhoods are good, some neighborhoods are bad and that affects people coming into new york city, all right. >> sandra: i was just having this economic conversation with the panel here before you and said i'm going to ask joe about that. we were basically talking about the fact that obviously tourism
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has been impacted by crime, but as a restauranteur, you are dealing with so much, including inflation, and even though, you know, some economists say there are signs inflation is peaking and this and that and the other thing you have so much to worry about. as far as pricing is concerned, you have do look out into the future. is crime going to get worse and keep tourists away, are prices going to remain high or go higher if we keep spending. you have a lot on your plate. but what is all like that for you? >> well, it makes it hard. there's a lot more variables than there used to be. you know, you mentioned the crime and people coming to new york. i mean, overall, ts up from out of the country. you can see tourism is up and i get a lot of those customers that come in to have dinner. but it's the regional traffic that's down, ok. the connecticut and the long island, and new jersey, westchester, they are not coming into new york city.
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i understand ridership is up, but i'm not seeing 'em. >> john: i guess a lot of people still working from home. this is not the first time, joe, that you've been in this situation. art berg whiskey bar in grand central station closed down, you told the mta i'm not paying you 260,000 in rent, grand central station is a hell hole, business is down 30%. for you to go from that to where we are today, i mean, you've seen the steady deterioration. >> yeah, i mean -- we are going to survive, there's no question. there's enough business to survive and to break even, all right. but it's not like four years ago, four years ago i mean business was booming, all right. the economy was great and people had disposable income, it was -- it was a great place to be in new york city. i hate that video. >> sandra: you know, i can see why your daughter is such a brilliant business -- you've got
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the mind of not just a restauranteur, but an entrepreneur and a businessman. we appreciate you joining us, joe. >> john: thanks, joe. great to see you, appreciate it. good luck in the future. by the way, they are having a difficult time turning the video around, but secretary of defense lloyd austin has just landed in brussels for a nato summit, made some comments upon departing the aircraft. he said recording the objects shot down i want to reassure americans these objects did not present a military threat to anyone on the ground, they do, however, present a risk to civil aviation and potentially intelligence collection threat. right now the priority is debris recovery to get a better sense of what the objects are, and one of the keys, too, sandra, they have no clue where the things came from. >> sandra: that's the bottom line. we have acted out of an abundance of caution to protect us, to secure our security and interest. this is a rough verbait, we will
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play it out in its entirety in the next hour, but we'll see what more we learn, john. hey, great to be with you. another breaking news afternoon to start the week, john. thanks for joining us. >> john: good to be with you. if monday is any example, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday will be interesting as well. >> sandra: thanks for joining us. i'm sandra >> martha: we have breaking news. i'm martha maccallum. what is out there? why are we now shooting them down apparently on site? any moment now, we'll hear from the defense secretary of the united states. defense secretary austin, remember, the chinese government does not want to speak to him. they didn't return his phone calls when he reached out to talk about this. now he has a statement and we are going to get it and play it for you moments from now when the defense secretary of the united states speaks in the wake of everything we watched this weekend. it's worth listening


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