tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News February 14, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST
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of the state, the michigan state newspaper, are the correcr that shooter is moving around campus and continuing to fire on anyone he finds.n: a thd thanndk you. the police just tweeted, suspect description is a short male with a mass , possibly african-american s is a fox newm lauren green in new york. emotions are running high this early this morning across the campus of michigan state university in east lansing, the tragic scene of our nation's latest mass shooting three innocent lives taken away. five other people critically wounded. the gunman caught on a security camera entering a campus building took his own life at an off campus location when police cornered him no information yet on the type of weapon used no word on a possible motive, either. police
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do know the 43 year old male suspect was not affiliated with the university. they say it will take days to complete their investigation. now this all began last night at around 8 30 eastern time at berkey hall and academic building. two victims were killed there. a separate shooting followed nearby at the msu student union , a popular gathering spot where one other person died. students and the community were ordered to shelter in place for hours while local police and fbi agents conducted a massive manhunt concerned parents were warned to stay away. those orders have since been lifted. the campus and surrounding neighborhoods are now safe. for the time being, officials are declining to provide any details about the victims, their identities and their relationship to the university are still being determined whether there's students or faculty. or any. um you know,
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employee that works for michigan state university in michigan state has about 50,000 students at its east lansing campus. all activities there are canceled for the next two days. fox and friends first will have more on this developing story in the next hour. i'm lauren green. let'sy in the next hour. i'm lauren green . tha let's go now to the ingraham angle. already in progress. >> which balloon? as we have said, you do notts assess that the recent objectsei pose any direct threat to the people on the ground.s and we will continueon to focus on confirming their nature and purpose. translation they have no idea so what they shot down. bud t we do know that all weeken long the american military has been having close encounters with unidentified with unidentified objects. photograph now, obviously, our military photographed theedwem, but we the public, we pay the bill. but we've seen no video or photos of these objects. well, this naturally
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sends mind creative minds conjuring, you know, you come and 349 now, at after yent, after years of dissembling on russian collusion,of lying to justify their covid dictates,e dismissing inflation claiming the b as transitory and claiming the border was secure, then failinoag exit afghanistan s without tragedy.o on so on the question of these phe unidentified aerial phenomena, you can't blame people for wondering and doubting the official white house line.a, >> there is no again, no indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with these recent takedowns. d.
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>> i loved the movie, but i'm just going to leave. >> they're cute.e it but why did norat commander refuse to rule it out?a d comm wellan, we already know that these people are incompetent and untrustworthy. trustwor and the angle can't imagine why anyone would ever doubwhtd on the government's word on ump's or ufos. >> why u wouldap. u why, i'll tell you why. because this video was releaseds and discussed last may aedt la the first congressional hearing on ufos in 50 to america, described the government spproach as strangely incuriou .s the u.s. government has often'v ignored the possibility of unidentified flying objects, even after decades oftified unexplained sightings, s of including by us military pilotsu who sometimes film a ufo, some of which movedh mo with lightning speed and incredibleve agility. so what are they hiding and why
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?e of our >> given the nature of nationa our business, national defense ,we've had to sometimesmation be less forthcoming with information in open forums than many would hope. we do not want potentialaries to adversaries to know exactly what we're able to see ow rexacl understand. we're able to seor how we come e conclusions we make. th is it that or is it the government hiding the truth? well, good people of sounde judgment are asking these question s. maybe these objects are allaps developed by china or perhaps rs russia to test our responsespo and capabilities. >> and if so, you have to ask, are our adversaries impressed by this guy?le >> we have not yet been ablely s to definitively assess whate wev these most recent objects are. and while we have noc specific reason to suspect that, they were conducting surveillance of any kindwet , wa couldn't rule that out. is there anythingth aist this point they can rule in? i have to ask, are they deviousm or are they just dumb? why i why is why the american
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military is shooting something out of the sky ove canada?r can. >> because it's part ofnorad is a narad. there is the norat par is part f like a part of a it's a it's, is a what you call a machine.t of course, we didn't do it on our own. we did it in cluley in step with the canadia up. well, at she got the norat part right at one point today. right. at one point today we ende we ended up here if a yuppy floats above us and no one seese it, did the up really float at l all? ?one of the reasons that we think we'rk e seeing more is because we're looking for more . filte they have modifiedrs the filters and the gains, as we call and if youer set the parameters somethin in such a way that to look for s watchin something, it' more likely that you're goinginn to find a certain something. >> now, watching this guy run kingo today, and thinking t i wouldn't hire him to run
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a leaf blowe r. how embarrassing for the united states . now, when china doesn't even. return their calls, why should they provide administration? it's far more comfortable criticizing trump voters, , cert certainly criticizing trump voters harshly than they are aig trumthe ccp, the china balli >> did that have any was it i'm emitting signals back ? i'm not going to go into t more detail about the capabilities of that. what we do know is that over the course of less than two weeks,military our military has. the debris collection business . >> i want to reassure americans that these objects do nonot present a military threat to anyone on the ground. ogrouthey do, however, represet to a risk to civil aviationd and potentially good intelligence collection threatpu . right now, our priority is , is debris recovery. so that we can get a better sense of what these objects areh
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. i >> but don't hold your breath. the truth is that we haven'te able to gain access to the three that were shut downn friday, saturday and yesterdayw ,in large part because of the weather conditions and the thir yesd one yesterday was shoi down over lake huron.t' so it's underwater. so we'reer so going to do ever. we can to recover them, givenloe all this administration hasamer, done to destroy what we love about america. it's tbelieve hard to believe here is totally benign, that it's just all a coincidence so closelt's only because we're looking more closely now thatths we're seeing more . >> this is ludicrous. former norat commander got clancy had the best theory i've heard. >> thiy s is just conjecture from my perspective. >> i think you're also seeingf y the confluence of a distinctive activity by our adversaries to test our systems. it looksie to mes to t to beo be a concerted effort because you have any more than one object, o then it looks likeu a coordinated effort. coordinated is not a word
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coor to describe the biden gang. however however, when they're notot forthcoming, they're not transparent. when they seem to put politics, thwhenut their fear of offending the chinese ahead of what's good for america, they create a vicious cycle of untrustworthiness. f truth and that's the angle. joining me now. is arkansass to senator tom cotton, member of the senate armed services committee. senator , we learn more todayt s about this object that was w downed over lake huron, that our first attempt at b the balloon missed a number twad ,that it had its payload underneath it. it did, and that it did indeed fly overi sensitive siteves. united s so where's the president otafnan the united states addressing the nation about any of us law? i think that's a great point.thm the american people deservere an explanation from the president ab he thinksdownat
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these objects were and why we shot them down. just a week after letting a obvious chinese spy balloon fly, flyall acro all across amet i mean, justin trudeau gavee of that to the people of canadadowo last week when an american aircraft down one of these objects over canada. surely, surely justin trudeau is not a more decisive and stronger leader than americann amer president .whichi i hope that's not the world inno which we're living. the president needs to comeo th forward on camera speaking directly to the american people ,stop sending out mouthpiecessoe and anonymous sources. time w ithe reminds me of the time when ronald reagan spoke to the american people just days after soviet russia shot downso shot a korean airlines flight. s flit george h.w. bush spoke to the american people a couple of days after saddam hussein invaded kuwait. >> in these kind of moments, the american people deservehesem to hear from the president, nots from mouthpieces.erve t from th president an or press secretaries. the now, senator ,administrati the administration is still tryingon iil to act like biden'n
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super decisive and totally in control this whole time. >> what when i t comes to these higher altitudes, are america's >> thes secure? the president takes our national security extremely seriously. i don't think you need to look any further, quite frankly, mad than the decisions he's made in just the last week to 10 days. to evidence that. >> laura: senator do you see a consistent approach to thesehe unidentified aerial phenomenon or objects that are flying inthk the skies? is there consistency consistency here? we d no, laura , i will say this. so here's what wwee do know. kno we know these things aboutthere' the first balloon. there's nothing more thag more s the eye here. china spin. send a balloon to spy on america. the administration identified i it before it enteredo the alaskan airspace. down, h president biden had a chance to shoot it down. he chose not to . america spyingen flew all across america spying on america. on erica.i think part of what w
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is the president and his political handlers worried about the criticism they received foe criticism ece. but really, that's just one inik a string of failures going back to the beginning of this administration that hasoj projecteected weakness andd wea and intimidation on the part of joe biden towardbiden tos the ce communist. c remember, after the collapse ofa afghanistan, chineseps propaganda outlets, we're talking about ana afghan effect. unfortunately, i think we may see another echo in these objects of the so-called afghane effect. happened senator just in the past 10 happened, senator , in the past 10 days, the administration, it seems, still quite insistent upon meeting with china. activ >> what is there an active wetention to meet with wang yi in munich lateekr this week forw always assessing options for l diplomacy. i'll have to let the prcet the s to wang, use potential travel, tht has the opportunit ty to be
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constructive and useful. of course, that's somethin usefg atat we would take a look at now. >> senator cotton, should this. meeting in any way, shape or form go forward? >> i don't think it shouldura. lower. t wereyou know ronald reagan sending george shultz or cap weinberger or george bush sending bob gates to meet with their russian counterparts, i'd be one thing but color me skeptical of joe biden sending tony blinken to meet with his chinese counterpart under these circumstance. this is going to result in ca.afer, stronger america. >> wha >> laut do you think these objects are, senator ? i mean, one's described cylindrical ones described as octagonal ones, described as like silver, metallic, smaller balloon. what are these? hazar >> well, i don't want to hazard a guess, laura . we have a briefing tomorrowiefi mornin morning from the administration. i suspect, as these briefings often are, we won't learn muchom more in what's already been leaked to the media. that's why it's so important that joe biden himself speaknt directly on camera to the joe bn american people.
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i do speak believe, though, undk the circumstances, it's better to are on the side obetter tf cn and assume that these are adversaries, either china or russiacaution an and a likelihor our air defenses, even if russia, they're not tryingpr to collecta intelligence information on the united states , even if they don't represento a direct military threat, they can stilla probe our air defenses and see what kind ofair de early warning systems we have in place. syste now, maybe they'll turn ouhavet to be weather balloons or research balloons or a balloonoo that got away from a usedns car lot. but when you're dealin gt wh with life and death matters of national security, it's always safesteng wi on the side of caun and think that your enemies like china are up to no good. e do you find itli interesting tht one of our one of our shots our missed the balloon that i've got to say that surprised me, wiowing how great these pilots had the chance to flthy with one those guysce up in an f 18 . those guys don't usually, especially on a balloon. l >> that waits a little surprisig . the no, they don't. and i doy t want to commend all the pilots, not justuall
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the fighter pilots who have actually engaged these objects, but the surveillance pilots, the refueling tanker pilots. they've done great work over these last two weeks. two the commander in chief needsk to comvery we forward and do hie explaining what exactly it is that they've been engaging, why it's a risk to ourhy it' security, why this has been secu rihappening and what his plans is to protect america's airspace. >> now protect, he's in hiding.o senator , thank you so much from unidentified objects in the sky to a rash of trainis dea derailments across the nation, one man is dead after a traina c and a truck collided in texas, sending 16 cars spilling off the tracks. deac carolina just a few hours ago, another train derailed in the town o of entry. these latest two incidents come a week after somethinges hasn't received nearly enough attention. a train carrying highly toxicng chemicals derailed in eastxi palestine, ohio, igniting a massive fire that engulfed st, very harmfulsmok smoke.e. now, after initial evacuation orde
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r last wednesday, an epa official found there wasth nothinere wag here to see. we've >> you know, we've been conducting air monitoring and sampling in the community since the start of the incident. i theover the last 24 hours. dr we continue to monitor and ase we've reported before, allre all the readings we've been recording, the community have been at normal concentrations, normal background, what you would find in almost any community. coity an what led to the fire chief lifting the evacuation to the well. >> how's that all turning out today? we learnedout? tha that there wh three additional chemicals discovered in the east palestine easte train derailmenm thousands ofal fish and animals have suddenly just dropped dead. and silk agnew is a hazardouslid material specialist, described it, thus sayinesg, we basically nuked a town with chemicals so we could get a railroad open. b we're going to be looking at this thing five , 10 , 15 , 20 , years down the linethin
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and wondering, gee, cancergee, clusters could pop up well,up, e water could go bad.ould joining me now is chris welch and girlfriend katie schwartz, wylder owner of von shore's doberman kennel. e away fro both were living about one mile away from the train derailment before they had to evacuate. now, katie, you evacuatede everything, including all the animals, multipl e trips you made. >> tell us what you felt while you were back there after thisde derailment. >>nt. so we've had to gock back to the location where our home and our business are on to gather some supplies thato we weren't able to gather the night the evacuation. t so when we went back there, web felt very itchy eyes, swelling of the face, particularly. around the eyes. we wer we coughinger, our eyes e watering our ski
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n was very flaky. and over the subsequent daysovee became very dry, continued to flake. it was flake it was less than i >> we can sachy that chris , how about you? th the accounts of w some of the people in the areasn who have , again, had to returnr to get something fromu know, fo their home or for whatever reason had to go back . i meani , the the description of the side effects people are feeling are horrible and are you worried about long lastingms impacts for the community? the community, given the s given the size and scope of this chemical and toxic fire that was ignited? >> yeah, of course, you know, yu i you know, we unfortunatelyelv had to go back ourselves to geto some materials, you know, for just foration that we have here at the house with our dogs and just for us going back ,
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i had symptoms myself itching watery eyes.g my face started feeling warm. my eyes are pulsating. you you know, i trulkny do. evacuation order was lifted too early, prematurelyrly,. i advise people, you know, ifo you don't want to go back , y to stay where you earli are as youer just said earlier, there was a coupleyo more chemicals that they have are now coming out stating and as the story keepse developing, i think they're tha still going to be more it's going to be coming outt'. kate >> well, kate, when you seee eno the enormity of this this derailment, i mean, what itultia ultimatelyte caused and they attempted , i guess, intervention by authoritie s in the explosion that happened. do you som agree with some of te assessments that this couldd be five, 10 be, 20 or process of figuring out just how badly this community is affected
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with water and well water and the like? >>ted yes, i think the most interesting thing is that a lot of the residents, especially inr eaour area, one point two miles from the derailment, noton being a single well was tested prior to the evacuation being liftedei . so these people arr hoe goingme back into their homes without their well. going water is being tested. i and i think that's going to innf the next few weeks become probl quite, quite a problem. emi i also i also believe that we should be able to have inde peindependent testing, done testing that is not done by norfolky or any affiliate on norfolk.'s and unfortunately, it's very expensiv e and it's very difficult to find any testing agencies or environmental services that will provide these testings at reasonable rates. we've gotten quotes for retainers anywhere from fifty to fifty thousand dollars . well, that: yeah, , th the goves going to have to step in
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on this one and to judge the transportation secretary. and i was going to b g te all al over this.l soov federal railroad, railroad. administration, all of >> i mean, this this is juste ridiculous. chris and katie, please be safe. take care of care of those thoss and we'll check back with thank you. a frantic manhunt stillt l underway for the gunman atigan s michigan state university in east lansing. the detroitat news is reporting one is dead. is there are multiple injuries. police say the suspect is ashort short male with a mask, possibly black, and they are still receiving multiple calls of an active shooterf an on cama .see students >> now, you can see students the right there. moments agre moo being let out ofto their building to safety. we're going to continue to bring you yo all the breakingth details as we get them now. >> up next, are these balloonso shoot downs meant to distract us from something else? llie hey >> molly hemingway, ari fleischer, have thoughts on that next. let's take a journey through this great nation.
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the title of it's so unprecedented. and should the public unprecede public be hearing from the president pres be hearing from the president directly on this? o >> i >> we have h beeavn as transpart as we can be . i won't speak fore the president's personal speaking schedule, but i mean, he has been deeply engaged in.
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every one of these decisions. a. oh, yeah. i'm sure he's deeply engaged. yeah, it was justin trudeau who says he gave the ordere of to take out one of the objects t over the weekend. prime m yeah, the canadian prime minister is now apparently ordering our f twenty two isarod around.. son duringe was bide all of this? doing well, we know he wasn't doinghe the traditional pre game super bowl interview with the network hosting the game. >> fox . >> but did you have time fortimf this? yoor tu the thing i like about working with governors, you to get things done like jim griffin, the president, u g >> okay, that'oks okay.y. all right.all ri so i guess now mollie hemingway, editor in chief of the federalist, and ariboth arex fleischer, former white house press secretary, both are fox news contributor s. here molly, what's going on here? i mean, they send out kirby, who's a disaster. p wh they send out kyp, who triestr her bestie. they send out ned price,does who doesn't come across as alln'
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trustworthy. what the president why isn't hte speaking out? >> well, it's remarkable. th the skies above the united states become a free fire zone, which is something that americans are no whit used to . it seems that the president addressing the issue is the least that could be done. and that's not happening. they have people, some of whom aren't very good at speaking about these issues, coming out to talk abouaking abt it. and it is unnerving. bu at having said that, biden actually isn't great to talk about the situation with china greause of how compromised he is . it it was not that long ago w thata he was denying that china posed any geopolitical threat to the e united states thatvent t is whe was running for president . he is well known to have made his family has madee a tremendous amount of money through chinese communistno entities. and so he's not really the guy that you want helpin g out in this. you know, what you hope will bea not a hot war, but but it's looking like it's becoming w a cold war with china. he's not the persoitn you want t
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the helm. >> now, ari, the press >> laurasecretary, pretty momenm time for the country. as molly pointed outfor th, end the briefing today without taking a single questiontaking.n >> what we have to endh. the briefing.>> have to end thei got to go into the t i will see you tomorrow. tomorr. and thank you forciate the compliment on the smile. i appreciate that. but t i'll be back. i'll be back tomorrow. thanks, everybody. thanks >> have a great weekend. ari kirby took some questions, but he made i don't think hee gave people a lot of clarity and a lot of his anyh so is any of this good in the current environment? ent oh, gosh, no. is look, this is a continuation of the joe bide n did when he ran for president in 2020 from hisrt basemento . he tries to take advantage ofl t the fact that he thinksen to hdrfect er when no one woul listen to him.da and today would have been a perfect day for him to address the nation. nation becaubecause nothing gotv today. so he actually could have talked aboute talkedt th the fat look maybe something is going right. look, it's incomprehensiblel when if you recall, goingog into july 4th, right. july 4th right
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as the taliban were taking over afghanistan, joe biden was asked about the taliban and whether to take kabul. >> and he said it's july 4thd is to talk about happy things.h le' >> he is fundamentallyabout haps incapable of addressing to the american people in a spontaneous way.incapable of addressing the america important information.informati. and it would be in joe biden's interest. interest on the saturday night we shot down the chinese spy balloon. he shoulony nighhot downd addre. that night we just attacked, , took down as we should have a chinese aircraft. we should have don chinesee dayi earlier. but he should have addressed, the nation then. it'sbuessed thtion inexplicablen abandonment of a presidential in communications duty. d >> and molly, i think one of the things we know about>> l washingtonau and all of us havea been here way too long overo the years, is that when a commission or a task force is appointed, it's usually a way to kick the balloon downe the road. >> watch this. concern >> i have real concerns aboute being more forth why the administration is not being more forthcoming
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with everything that it know t it ks. that part of the problem here is that both of the secondir and the third objects were shot down in very remote areas.eas. so my guess is that there's f informationt o out there yet. to share., yeah, well, we don't have a photo. we don't hav photo.e not one phf these objects. no video . t of course, people are going to think weird stuff is going on here. would yooingu blame them, molly >>yo no, i mean, particularly after what americans have gone through in recent years where recent pretty much ever yearsy institun and establishment institution has mishandleditution whatever responsibility they have. you know, whether it was the covid debacle, which was really the failure of how people responded to it, was so mucto much woh worse than evn and by the horror of the pandemic itself.eing truthful with and by not being truthfulameric with americans, it gave people no reason to trust what their institutions are saying. we hav se e military and industl complex and an intelligence industrial complex that hasgagen
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been engaged in partisan politicking. instea partisad of actually kno, how to wage and wi n wars or defend the country. so no, americans hav reason and the lack of why they should put trust incy these people. and the lack of transparency does nothing to help does . and ari, john kirby, again, he keeps getting pressed on this.ue you could see journalists are actually getting a little curious about theser objects floating above our skies. an positionthe default na appoint a task force, watch .ti >> the president, through hisad national security adviser, has today directed an interagency team to study the broader policy implications for detection, analysis and disposition of unidentifie ds posects that pose either safetyh or security risks. eitr safety y every element of the governmento will redouble their efforts to understanf thd and mitigate. >> these events are going to really they should have been doing this all along.oi >> when we havng e sp aloy airc over our country, you wouldd thn think we're already set up
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to analyze it, to figure out fi who they are, where they came from, and report to the public . it shouldn't be a task f force. it should be the daily business of government. business of government. >> laura: it s hoit should be just what we do to protect the nation. >> all right, guys, great to see you both.. >> thank you so muchright. coming up, rihanna's halftime rt show not exactly in the familyn wathy and a special valentine's a treat all the ladies out there.ine's raymond arroyo will explain it. cn es outn scene is next. u're 45. >> so you're forty five . >> so you're forty five . that's the perfect age to see some old friends explore new worldsety reco and to start screening for colon cancer. screening for colon cancer. with cancer rising in adults under 50 , the american cancer society recommends starting society recommends starting to screen earlie on cancer at agecer, forty five on collagen, a noninvasive way to screen at a noninvasive way to screen at home on your schedule and i find 92% o f cancers.may occu. i'm for people. forty five plus an average risk for colon cancer, not high riske ,false positiv ie and negativell results may occur. p ask your provider of collageramn is right for you.looking to b li
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tadium the airspace over the stadium. you know, then these puffy people, they're running around rihanna , they're flying like pollen. it was like an artisti.c haze favre fever season. you know, i didn't knoon, i w wa to do with them, spray alliegro on them or something. a onwas quite a display. quite . >> well, i just if i'm going - to dance, i actually like seeing it's hard to see the dancing becausee the costumes were so large . i mean, it looked like a flyingu machine.raed it was like a convention of hazmat workers. i mean l, it was quite early on this halftime show and it may explain the costuming. she revealed that she was pregnant, which is wonderful. but at one point, laura ,poin i thought she had become heri own opg why in. yeah, i expected her to deliverh a special guest star beforey wav the medley was over there. you migh there.t call that a mof disturbia. yeah, that was a little .a mo and why did she smelling after that? >> she said, i don't want to be okay with that. and did you catch the moment when she had that makeup? >> she paused and she used that
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whole makeup deal ? >> well, this is her best line.i she's been doing this for seven years. she hasn't been touring or doing albums. and i guess she's not getting paid. sonog she figured, dana, i'm gg to drop a product in the middle of this baby . sure. that's a good business. produ woman you know, there was alsoe some controversy over rihanna'so lip synching, though, laura . >> you have to at least holde the mic to your mouth when you're fake. >> singing y wojou coming in the air and screaming, itm going to do the instantaneously the fair and the well. ey. >> l well, that was a little that was kind of obvious, wasn't it? i don't think she was even trying. i think she wai thins laughinge the whole thing.y have t >> well, they have to prerecord some of this due to threcorde tg ,the dancers in the choreography. and look, it's a huge space and god bless her, she's pregnant. was but rihanna wasn't alone. sheryl lee ralph, who sang
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the black national anthem, alsoe ha'sd a super bowl lip syncnl malfunction. >> laura to and the three oh b t sheryl lee ralph said it doesn't matter that she lip sync laura . theadershit really doesn't matter. well, it does matter when you're doing no choreography. and the song is lift every voice and sing, not lift everye and thand mouthed the lyrics. >> so you got it out this way.s but i was waiting for the third national anthem, the national to that. ukraine. i can't believe they didn'ts at get to that. that was really upsetting thatho is at the end of the game. you miss that as valentine's day, laura . and for those ladies trying to avoid valentine's, they are getting down to the studs, so to speak, searching for love in an unexpected place.s they're getting down searching i
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ladies, no joke. home depot is where you go if you want to meet a man.go i just deleted all my dating and now i'm coming in here to hokeypokey to find my nextome husband. >> you have know specificallypod we're single m men at home depot for the third time this month. no h >> no husbands. sight. i'm sorry.ra: okay, that is fun. >> lau okay, that is honey, we'ree i think the hardware they're seeking is not in aisle three . yo piu this is in-store pickup that i don't think they'rethey going to fin'rd. f you look, if you really want a guy,n don't go to home depot.a guy do we go in and out just to findd u the thing you need and you get out of there if yo thiu wanf to find a guy. gals there go to the golf course club. you go ta o the rifle range. >> wait a second. han that's where guys hang out and i'll tell you, when is the last time you went into a home depot for anything? oh, whiteley's . o get
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>> when i was shot by rebecca to get light the that was it. only re that'sas would the only reason w you don't spend time there like you're going for. there to g you're going in there to get ma. roofing material and get a light bulb that at the drugstore these ladies arei looking for extended day laborers. i thinyou knk that's not what tn find. i think it's actually k a goodio idea. good, you're giving me all whrts of good ideas here. this is a great idea. why go to the camera crew, follow you? camera cr yeah, that would be fun.ow you. >>at's for the reality. show, raymond 1000%. but now that would be actuallynk that's great. i think that is a hilariousit anea. i'm all for i'm all for people. go te going to dig and fix stuff. men and women who cao n fithx s. . >> go to the home depot. i love both that. new our agreement, thanks to the g radio. t. you go >> a new dating game. exactly. nl right. you've got it right.ew cal right. a fox news alert back to thety t campus of michigan state university in east lansing, r where students are on lockdown after a shooting on campus. we're hearing there areg poli multiple injuries.
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we're expecting police to hold to holce at a press conference atth the bottom there of this hour.ts the suspect is still on the loose, reportedly a short male wearing a mase k, possibly black. a local fox is reporting thathrh the shooter went through four different areas at msu. poli police are tellingce are t stude and staff not to come to campus. for the next 48 hours. , a joining me now is benjamin guevarra is a junior at msu. w e ben, first. well, we know you're safe . >> what are you hearing frome the campus, from the campus? er' not much from those schools,a lo but there's been a lot of information online through twitter and everything. and benjamin, that multiple gunshots. what is i mean, you feel safe at school? i know a lot of my friends kids ha have gone to msu over the years, but you feel safe in east lansing, especially on campus. what does thisto o to your justerall fe overall feeling of safety and well-being? to there?
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it just makes you anxiousl i' to come to school. i mean, i'm just very nervoujus like even right now, i'm justg m like super tense, like sitting in the house, like everything's locked ue p. and then are you hearinghearing the helicopters that are being reported that arthe, i guess, e? looking for this suspect? > yeah, i mean, just constantly there's helicopters acro. rens all across campus >> and what is the chatterearing among students on campus that sl you are hearing who are actually i know you're justt th slightly off campus, but the studentsts on ca on campus,l are people calmly reacting, reacting to this, justcomm listening to the recommendedenda portions of the university, not obviously not leaving their roome.s? i'm not i mean, it's like shock all across campus, like different locations that have beenn reported.po i think it was jusrted.t there'n just a lot going on . you >> and do you live with anybodym ,ben?ith my are you by yourself there? i'm with my roommate for now.e >> okay, so you're just tryingio to gobble up any piece oft
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information you can go online?a >> yeah, well, right now,i th he's still this is one individual. i think it's onl only one individual. >> and he somehow is still on the loose, but they will yea find him, i promise you that. b all right. yoben, are you hearing anything else? >> no, right now, just a lot of sirens wail just be a lot ofn th movement from the shooter. >> all right, ben, we really itk appreciate it. >> thank you so much. so e ther stay safe there. thank you. you, to . bowl bro >> all right. last night, the super bowlr bi brought us another big moment. buffalo bills safety damar hamlin came out to thankda the first responders, the medical team who helped save his life. yew, justet over a month ago, the twenty four year old collapsed in the middle of that big game i going into cardiac arrest. go all remember that. we covered it extensively on the anglein cardiac. e his heartbeat was restored on the field.s heartbeat wa everyone came together over this rival football fans, democrats, republicans couldn'th go anywhere without hearing
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people talk about what happene to damar hamlin. so we are ecstatic that he has recovering. we love seeing him at the bigth game. but since the accidente acci, wa gotten scant details about whath actually happened, why this happened, what would cause ane otherwise healthy young athleteo to suffer cardiac arrestd on the field? well, hamlin talke d about this for the first time. describe >> how did dr. describe what happened to you? >>ed t i would stay away from ie always been a healthy, fit, energetic. yo was man being, let alone actually . so it was somethinsomething it t st that we still process and i'm still talking througg through my doctors just to see whateryti everything wasng. t what well, there's still more questions and answers about what did happen to demar.
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for years we've seen young athletes just like himle. collapsing and we brought you the stories on the angle. sohamlinfind when hamlin does fe exactly what happened, we hope he shares that because thisand e need hs to be prevented. and we hope this story and his story will help make that happen. >> i've been suffering for over eighteen months so far afterhe i got the covid duringjob. the vaccine, i lost my job. i was not able to work becausec. of my medical condition. dosen marc>> oh 3rd, i got my second dose.. i woke up on march 4thi woke. 4. i got a horrific pai i got a horrific pain ineye. the next thing i know, i'm the next thing i know, i'm on m the floor in my bedroom. >> i had a massive brain bleed, massive. ay >> we brought you story after story here on the angle of took the covid vaccine and then people who took the covid vaccine and then say they suffere red devastate think
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injuries. you've b so what do you do if you think you've been harmed by the shot? well, you file a claim with the prog s.p., which is the countermeasures injury compensation program, well,a that's exactly what susanna newell did 11 months ago. newell did 11 months ago. she said she started getting she said that she startedons ab getting reactions about 30 hours after herou second covd dose. she was eventually diagnosede wh with small fiber neuropathy, which causes a persistent wh and an autoimmune disorder that can cause jointau and fatigue, joint paisende and fatigue. she's often bedridden because of it. her medican becausl bills inclu0 eighty thousand dollars forfor a chemotherapy drug that can actually help with this type of pain.but but so far she's receiveduto and only an auto reply to her cm claim with the ccp. and my next guest readdressing says that she is permanently disabled after participating in 2020 astrazeneca clinical trial. she says after that first shot,
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she suffered severe paresthesia ,which is a burning or prickling sensation. she had blurred and double vision, motor dysfunction los and her legs and the memory loss was significant. sy that's just a few offile the symptoms. she, too, filed d claim with the ccp and contacted astrazenecaus directly. joining us now is brian drasin, cochairman of react nineteen .f brand has the cic or astrazeneca responded to yourcls claims? an as of tonight a, i still have yet to speak to a actual human being. astrazenec a. in and no, i have not received a response regarding my cacpare claim. know, >> a lot of people who are bigno defenders of the vaccine, any of the vaccines relatedy drug to covid will say, well, every drug has side effects and youg, can't you know, it's overall a good thing. it's helpelod a lot of people. and so just pointing oute the few adverse reactions isn't
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really helpful. >> what do you say to those people? >> well, the sad reality well, the sad reality is ,en w is when when we dismiss peopleal that are suffering with very real diseases, we're just we're just missing their their reale n need for medical care.en so what we're doing when we raise these people, which is essentially what we're doing by dismissing these complaints,n is we are sentencing these people to a long and horrible outcome without medical care, wo without recognition and without financial compensation. >> well, brian , i know i must, know five or six people justix l sirsonally who've had you quite significant reactions to usually it's the second shoot and there have been over eleven thousand claims, i believe filed that ccp about the covid vaccine. five hundred and forty three have had decisions rendered, which is under five percent of all the claims o
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and that's just 19 of them.them only nineteen have enlisted as eligible for compensation. now wet know don't know all but the cases. we don't know all the detailss of all the cases. but that's a pretty small a percentage. >> does does that tellg? you. anything? are it is , yeah. in the sad reality is that the people that are being approved, it's for myocarditis and anaphylaxis, which are a reactions that are disclosed publicly and acknowledgedy the by the fda and the cdc. if you do not have a reaction that's acknowledged by the cdc or the fda like small favor neuropathy like susanna newell has or ocular hemorrhage, likesd the other guests that you previously discussed, that'sprol it. you're not getting an approval.e othe issues are historically happening with other vaccines, even those diseases with the covid vaccines are not beingg approved. transverse myelitis is being, denied. gb's is being denied. dise
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these are very simple diseases that the fda, the cdc, the nihnu ,they all have known aboute these diseases because of previous vaccines. so it blows my mind that fora tl some reason, the kobad vaccinesn are held to a totally different standard than all of the other previous vaccines that we have implemented in this country. thatell,countraura: we why do yt is ? >> well, we have our theories.yw >> you know, the sad reality is , is if we do acknowledgecc that these covidines vaccines do present more risk than just a few handful cases of myocarditis and anaphylaxis,f m then we definitely have a farwev greater mess on our hands. >>r gr so there's a lot of mone on the line. pfizer obviously has made billions billion and billions of dollars. they fund a lot ofse researcarch fellowships, t fellowships. y they give a lot of grant money. they're incredibly powerful. ng. pharma is incredibly powerful here in washington, but the fda has acknowledged that the vaccines have caused soe ass for people, as we
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saw in that meeting last month when that was revealed. apt brian , we really appreciate your joining us and we wish you the bestand we of lk going forward. we're not going to drop thisr >> up that's for sure. up next, new detailsne on the shooting at michigan state university. >> so stay there. what a privilege it is for you. to have me here this evening. ladies and gentlemen, worry i'm going to get them out tonight. we learned that long, for god's sake. that they apologized. , now. and finally, dear abc to smooth, heal, and moisturize your dry skin. gold bond. champion your skin.
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♪ invoices this is a fox news aler ♪re s ♪ >> laura: this is a fox news alert come the police arsuspe searching for a suspect to shoph multiple people michigan stateel university east lansing.w the campus occurred by several agencies including the fbi and t the atf detroit.canc all campus activities are canceled for the next two days. the police have deplored the student faculty to not show up tomorrow. five victims fiv are being tread at lansing hospital calledso sparrow hospital. also just to reflash gnomic refresh, the first shooting here at 8:00 p.m. and the next were not too far from one of the mais
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heard an hour later appearance of several buildings have been cleared. m t the police managed to do that and the suspect again, wearing a maskribe described as short and armed and dangerous spirits of people are still being told children that is it for us tonight. set your dvr so you never miss us and we will see you tomorrow night. ♪ ♪ >> todd: a fox news alert, three people are dead and five others in critical condition with a shooting michigan state university overnight. the authorities confirming suspected gunman is dead from self-inflicted gunshot one. you were watching "fox & friends first" on a tuesday morning, i'm todd pyro. >> ashley: i am ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. two separate locations and now the community with the senseless shooting as authorities uncover all of this. >> this truly has been a
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