tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News February 14, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST
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list who are getting by and that is a security matter they're dealing with as we hear border patrol fire up on the colorado river behind us. see you back in new york. i hope today was enlightening to some degree. a national challenges and we have to figure it out. >> dana: i loved learning from you and important you were there. "the faulkner focus" is up next. here is harris. >> harris: why does our military keep shooting objects out of the sky and the white house says nothing useful about it? new information on what they just picked out of the ocean off the coast of south carolina. from that original china spy craft they shot down. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the one that start evidence it all shot down ten days ago, our military now in the possession of the critical part of the payload from that china spy craft. full of sensors and other electronics that can hopefully
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shed some light on the extent of the espionage they were pulling off. they were doing it. and who knows how much they got? when it comes to the other three objects, defense secretary lloyd austin says oh, they were never a threat. okay. so why did they have to shoot them down? what were they exactly? he didn't say. he wasn't asked. the full senate is being briefed right now. patience is thin from both republican and democrat lawmakers. >> all of a sudden we've got spy balloons and unidentified objects raining down on us like confetti. the american people deserve to know what's going on. >> someone will have to explain to me why more details haven't been made available for the public. what i don't think is credible is argue they don't have imagery. >> president biden needs to communicate and level with the many a can people. how did we get into a position
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where the greatest nation in a world doesn't know what is traversing our own airspace? >> harris: democrats are pushing, too. one lawmaker has a warning for secretary austin. not giving a full explanation only leaves room for conspiracy theories to grow. the "new york post" cover with super shade for the president. take me to your leader. do we even have one? republican congressman chris stewart of utah, member of the house intelligence and house approachiations committee and new subcommittee of government weaponization. great to have you in focus. let's start here. on this issue in particular, the biden administration, it would seem, congressman, is about as transparent as elmer's glue. why is that? why can't we have at least some answers? >> well, so yeah, they will brief the senate and house later on but need to brief the
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american people. remember, harris, they started out with this entire episode never intending to tell the american people what they knew. what they knew it was a chinese surveillance balloon that was traversing our nation. they didn't intend to ever tell us that. in fact, they were so intent on that that they were expecting secretary blinken to still go to china while a chinese surveillance balloon is over our mainland. was until the media finally reported that they had to deal with it. they have been secretive this entire time and leads to so much wild speculation. for heavens sake just tell us what you know. >> harris: i want to take a look at the press secretary for the white house karine jean-pierre. she was very dismissive. watch. >> i know there have been questions and concerns about this but there is no -- again no indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with
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these recent take downs. it was important for us to say that from here because we're hearing a lot about it. [laughter] i loved e.t., the movie, but i will leave it there. >> this is an issue of national security and we need serious people. a new op-ed with this headline. team biden needs to explain what the hell is going on. that's a quote. another calls the extra terrestrial talk a distraction. michael mccaul explains it this way. >> in montana the triad site, air i land and sea nuclear weapons in omaha, our most sensitive nuclear site. president bush was taken there after 9/11. it tells a story what the chinese were up to as they controlled this aircraft throughout the united states.
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going over those sites in my judgment would cause great damage. >> harris: house intel committee member, congressman, what can you tell us? >> once again they have botched this from the very beginning. they want to minimize it if they can. here is what we know. they knew this chinese surveillance balloon was coming over our mainland. they didn't tell us. they expected to continue the secretary's visit. this thing was over our country as you indicated with previous interviews over very sensitive military and other installations. they said that while it was over us they were able to jam it. that it wasn't conveying any information back to china. that's nonsense. though way in the world if they know they were able to do that. once having done that they decided we have to do something and shoot it down. why weren't they more honest in the beginning and why isn't our policy that they won't allow a chinese spy balloon to enter our airspace?
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to the other incidences. there are so much uncertainty. you have serious people, the general saying we aren't ruling out it is an alien. we know that it is not. but the uncertainty and the lack of information leads to great speculation. trying to -- >> harris: shooting stuff out of the sky. i'm at the super bowl over the weekend and reading about how our military has missed one of the objects with one of the missiles. i'm not seeing any reports. where did the first missile go? >> they are valuable missiles and also highly classified information on those missiles, of course. >> harris: where is it? is that something house intel will get to the bottom of? it took two missiles to shoot it down. they missed with the first. >> seems like a fair question. will we get to the bottom of it? probably not in a timely manner if they follow the same pattern they've been following for the past ten days. >> harris: we have breaking news
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and i hope you can sit by. senator john kennedy of louisiana is talking about the -- >> we don't know what they are. what is different about the last two weeks is that we've started shooting them down. but we can't find the remnants except for the spy balloon. that's what i took away from the hearing today. they are lost. they can't find them. the remnants are in very difficult terrain, low temperatures, lots of inclem et weather and they are looking but not able to find them except for the spy balloon. >> when you say there has been many -- >> i think that given where we are and the impression that this is some sort of circumstances
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that has happened in the last couple weeks, i think at a minimum our director of national intelligence should go in front of the american people and explain what we know and what we don't know without divulging any classified information. it is clear to me this is not a recent phenomenon. >> why do you think the administration waited until now to bring it to light? >> i don't know. >> fear mongering. >> i don't know, i don't know. i just know that going into the last two hearings, i had the impression that this was something that had happened over the last two weeks and that's not accurate. this has been going on a long time. >> did they give an explanation why they are shooting them down now? >> they did not. >> some are saying it is a wagging of the dog to approve
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approval ratings. >> i don't care to speculate on that. i just know that we need some more transparency. i understand the need for national security secrets, but now that this cow is out of the barn, the president and the director of national intelligence needs to address it. they need to explain to the american people. >> harris: that's exactly what you have been talking about. we are way beyond the point now where we can ignore this and those senators had just finished their briefing. so this would be two in less than a week after we waited 12 days to get the first one last week. it didn't feel like we learned much at least that senator kennedy could tell us. >> yeah. there are some questions we may not know the answers to but it is such a good example, harris, of this idea that the more information you provide people the better it is. >> harris: yes. >> the american people aren't
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stupid and they aren't children. you can talk to them in a realistic and frank manner and say look, we should have intercepted this chinese spy balloon. here are the repercussions of that. regarding the other balloons here is the unanswered questions. the things we do know. just tell people. new don't it leads to wild speculation including a lot of blows back on the administration in not a positive manner. you do get people wondering what else are they trying to hide? this is the tail wagging the dog, just a political diversion? >> harris: the bigger question for all of us with national security in mind is what our enemies must be thinking while we literally either don't know what to say at the top and it would certainly sound that way at times, silence feels that way. your last thought. >> once again, how do you think chinese leadership is reacting to this? they are surely laughing their heads off over this and what -- they watch the political dynamics play out in the u.s.
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one last thought. very important for us. i'm sorry, to go back and look at the original balloon and understand their surveillance capability and to know what information they collected on these very important and very sensitive military sites. >> harris: i mean we still don't know if there is any connection with these other objects. biden administration would like us to look to the sky and think about little green men walking around. that's a convenient disney-like narrative. >> distraction. >> harris: great to have you in "focus" today. thanks for hanging through the breaking news as the senate was briefed. congressman stewart of the great state of utah. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> harris: this is tough. three people, gunmen all dead after a mass shooting at michigan state university campus. police say five other people were wounded and still in critical condition. surveillance pictures now show 43-year-old man police say was a shooter. they say he was in no way
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affiliated with the university. and they don't know why exactly that he did this. he opened fire at around 8:00 p.m. before turning the gun on himself after a three-hour manhunt. emotions spilling over at a news conference earlier today. one doctor praising the medical staff as heroes. >> i can't forget we had general physicians, neuro surgeons and cardio vascular surgeons -- i'm sorry. so many people that just came in. >> harris: the campus has canceled all classes until next monday morning as students and members of the community grieve. critics going after former intel chief james clapper. he seems to have a new version
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of how the hunter biden laptop story actually played out. oh, new version. they are now attempting to re write history to make themselves look good. the laptop will come back to haunt a lot of people. a lot of these intelligence officials that should have our trust and confidence. >> harris: they know what's on it is problematic. now he calls -- now he says that he never called the "new york post" story on the laptop russian disinformation. clapper telling us now two years later. after, of course, we know there is so much on that laptop that it was his and everything from the "new york post" reporting was true even though twitter and even the federal government, the f.b.i. tried to keep it quiet. the white house spinning the new inflation numbers as great news. tell that to american family when they go to the grocery stores. charles, we have to take the president to the grocery store.
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charles payne is coming up. helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. cole hauser is an award winning actor who has starred in good will hunting too fast, too furious and the current hit show yellowstone. beyond his impressive career, he is a proud supporter of the tunnel to towers foundation. i was able to spend some time with cole and his family to reflect on those who have sacrificed so much to defend our freedom. i know how much you care about america and our veterans
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and all the things. but you have such a platform now. yeah. and to share that with us that we need to get the word out that we have to take care of these great heroes and their families. you know, as i started to be more and more successful, i was like, how can i help? but when i heard of the tunnel of the towers, and i met brandon in idaho and his family, i was like, wow. there's actually a charity where we know where the money's. going to go. we have 95.1% of every dollar goes to our programs. and i think brandon's a great spokesman for t2t and and his wife, shannon, has two daughters. i mean, oh, my god. they're just special families. so pretty much, if you put your life on the line, if something goes bad, they're there. that's awesome. yeah. they're incredible people, man. you saw all the stuff we put in these homes, right? i was i was blown away. and they deserve it. they earned it. this is not of course, we give them a mortgage free home, but look what they gave up. they gave up their bodies so, cole, why should americans give donate help?
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tunnel to towers foundation. i mean, is there any better organization to help the people that has fought for this country and the freedoms that we have? it's that simple. it is that let's take care of each other. and you're going to join us on that mission. thank you. hey, i'm cole hauser. i want you to join me in supporting our nation's heroes and their families. it's only $11 a month. go to t2t dot org. (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion. patients taking tepezza may have infusion reactions.
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>> harris: january's inflation numbers are in hotter than expected, up 6.4% year to year. higher than economists predicted again. president biden touting the numbers in a statement saying inflation in america is continuing to come down, good news for families and businesses across the country. inflation for food at the grocery store came down last month again. but when it comes to the actual food that we eat that he might not know about because he doesn't go to the grocery store the prices are up 11%. how does he miss that? butter, flour, lettuce, all more expensive. eggs, 70%. yes, we have avian flu to deal with. we should be able to overcome that with our strong economy and
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at least not be up 70% for eggs. fox polling shows americans are not feeling so optimistic at all. 86% calling inflation their top concern now with most saying it is not at all under control. 80% describe the economy as poor or fair. nearly 3/4 of americans saying a recession is likely this year. charles, they are not economists and they are predicting things. >> they have to spend money. they say what is coming in their paychecks and how far it goes and doesn't go. they have to predict the future. i this i the word economics is a greek word that involves household budgets, right? people watching this show know a lot more than either people give them credit for economists or certainly the kind of smoke that president biden was blowing there. good should not have been in his statement. we went from 6.5 to 6.4. you pointed out some things, fuel oil is up 28%. electricity up 12%.
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if you make everyone buy electric vehicles let's get electricity down from there. baby food up 10%. air fares up 26% from a year ago. shelter. rent up 8.6%, the highest on record. it is just -- >> harris: that's the highest jump on record. >> highest number on record. >> harris: what is driving rent to go up? >> the lack of places to live. inflation we had into the housing market. it all goes back to the spark, inflation spark we had. the biggest part was the 1.9 trillion that went out there. the rent forgiveness. landlords trying to -- listen, if you can't charge rent here you have a vacancy there. we have forced this. a lot of these things are forced artificially and hard to turn them lower because they become
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embedded. this is a scary report in that way. >> harris: we have put americans in a position where if you rent your home and they took away salt, the state and local taxes that reduction, which really benefited the middle class. that's a dirty little secret. >> it was great in blue states in particular. we are talking about getting to the point where salt was for homeownership. people will get in a position to never own a home because they barely pay rent. how do you get a down payment for a house if you are in a rnt trap? that's what's happening. >> harris: people dipping into their savings at a record amount since the pandemic started even because they have to do it because paychecks don't go as far. housing, if you aren't incentivized to buy a new house with lower interest rates. you aren't now. the fed is trying to turn inflation around and not
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incentivized by writing some of the interest and more of it off, you will rent. now you tell me rent is up 8.6%. where did the man go where said it was too blank high? the bottom line for today. the first thing you said this morning is consumer product index, harris. >> consumer price index is rough. the parts that came down will go up like used vehicles. the inflation crisis continues. that's the headline here. inflation crisis continues whether the white house will admit it or not . we pray they'll do something about it. the crazy thing. they do things like trying to put more money into the economy artificially and what sparked the inflation crisis in the first place. i will keep yelling and trying. >> harris: i listen. charles payne making money on fox business and making sense wherever he goes. fox obtaining the chilling 911
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call in the killing of that new jersey republican councilwoman earlier this month. >> a man shooting into the driver's side of a white vehicle three times and then he ran. >> harris: remember last week we talked with her head of campaign when she was running before she was in office. she was beloved. a live report coming up as police still have not named a suspect.
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>> harris: we do have new information in that killing, two weeks since a republican councilwoman was shot and killed outside her home in new jersey. she was only 30 years old. fox news now has the 911 calls after the shooting. >> i heard gunshots. i looked out my window and i saw a man shooting into into the drive's side of a white vehicle. three times and then he ran away. >> harris: a lot of detail there. senior correspondent laura engel has been on the story from the start. the 911 call tells us a lot. >> it does. the 911 call gives us a glimpse into the terrifying moments when gunshots rang out. nine callers reported hearing
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shot fired with two callers say they saw someone running from the scene. we obtained the recordings from the night that 30-year-old councilwoman was shot and killed while in her car outside her town home. this happened on february 1st. the county prosecutors office said she was shot multiple times through her driver's side window that caused her white s.u.v. to roll into nearby parked cars. here is what another witness told dispatchers. >> she left on foot and ran into one of the hallways on foot and a white car just drove up and crashed into two cars. the person in that driver's's car is probably not alive. >> they county dent file more about the suspect. check out the grainy footage from the scene capturing a person running. investigators hope more people will come forward with any other surveillance video or information in the case. police are also asking for dash
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kam video from drivers who may have been in the area between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.enter the time range of the murder. the family is struggling to understand who could be behind the shooting. she was previously a pastor, emt, worked for a church-based nonprofit and the mother of a 12-year-old daughter. anyone with information is urged to call police. we'll bring you more as we get it. >> harris: thank you very much. new in the hunter biden scandal now. the president's son was bragging about his relationship with former president obama's ambassador to china just before his business associates arranged multiple meetings with him. that's according to emails found on hunter biden's laptop and reviewed by fox news now. former democratic senator max baucus was sworn in as the u.s. ambassador to china in late
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february 2014. about two months later hunter biden said this in an email from the laptop. as his associates were setting up meetings with that brand-new ambassador to china. on baucus we have a very good relationship and i can ask anything we need. hum, bet the chinese like that. a republican member of the house oversight says this raises more questions for president biden. >> then candidate biden told the american people that he did not have any business dealings, he didn't have any knowledge of business dealings of his son. we found out through the "new york post" hunter biden laptop story that wasn't the case at all. we talked to folks in china and this could be a national -- think about this, the president of the united states could be compromised. >> harris: that's the whole point of all of this. it is not some fascination with hunter biden and what he types on. it is national security and the
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president. jason chaffetz fox news contributor and former utah congressman. this comes at a time when china has been flying stuff over us trying to get information and we can't even get our hands on everything on the laptop. they denied it for two years. >> yeah, the government has had that material for years now. i think they've known for a long time at the f.b.i. and the department of justice that this is a problem. in this particular case with the former senator from montana, max baucus. he goes into office with joe biden. they are both senators at the time that hunter biden was eight years old. and hunter biden just had a birthday. he is now 53 years old. to say he has a very, very good relationship is probably not a stretch of the imagination. the problem is hunter biden takes a stake in bhg is the organization there that has a stake in china.
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it is tied with chinese intelligence official. hunter biden is flying on air force two with the vice president to china and using connections to come up with business deals that enrich the biden family by the millions of dollars. >> harris: is this the source of saying. things are tying together more. it's a country that hates us so bad that when covid was spreading they didn't give anybody a heads up. so badly when they were flying a spy craft over us they said it was a weather balloon that had blown off course on a non-windy day. when you look at this, should the american people have known about what was going on with the bidens before they voted in the last presidential election? >> yeah, that's what is so offensive about these intelligence officials that tried to suppress and dismiss this information, you know, and did go after donald trump. it is about china not being --
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not being held accountable. all of this ties together. everybody should have known because the reporting was actually there. but the stories were suppressed. and still to this day we don't understand about hunter biden's art dealings or understand how much money he still may have coming out of china. how is it the bidens -- joe biden is a united states senator on $174,000 a year salary. how is it that he has beach houses and multi-million dollar mansions and you start to look at hunter biden. he claims he owes some of these houses and he doesn't. the paperwork is really fuzzy here and what gets the american people. all this privilege that ends up in the bank account of the biden family. and why isn't that exposed? you have to fill out financial disclosure forms. it seems those are incomplete. >> harris: you know what we aren't talking about because of flying objects and everything
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else, the classified top secret document that were found in possession of president biden. there is more to come. the top secret part of that. the part i really care about that has to do with national security among all those classified dock. . at least some of them having to do with china and iran. we'll go deeper you can bet. so there was this letter, an open letter that wrongly suggested hunter biden's laptop was russian disinformation. people signed it. one of the signers says he wasn't trying to say that. former director of national intelligence james clapper, who told "politico" he deliberately distorted the letter he and more than 50 others signed, many of them joe biden backers. clapper told the "washington post" there was message distortion. all we were doing was raising a yellow flag that it could be russian disinformation. "politico" deliberately distorted what we said.
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it was clear in paragraph five. here are the receipts, though. >> to me this is -- this classic textbook soviet russian crafted work. >> harris: you got it, right? he said it. a new op-ed lays out clapper's motive. he is worried now that the gop controls the house and vowed to haul in the letter signers and make them testify under oath. he is trying to pre-shape the narrative. trying to get out like a prequell, jason. >> look, clapper is once again demonstrating the political hack that he is. most people don't realize if you are a rank and file person and you have a security clearance when you leave your job you lose your security clearance. these people still have security clearances and should not. i this i the house republicans want to know >> harris: can i pause for a second? why does he have a security clearance? what does he need it for?
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>> i don't think he should. i think they should lose it. people at the highest levels when they leave they still have those so they can communicate and interact with others. i am not here to justify it. i am saying these people should be -- these things should be yanked back. they should not be there. i think what the house republicans want to understand is why and who? who was the person, who was the ringleader? 51 people in the intelligence community did not just spontaneously come together and accidentally put this together. who did it, who pushed it? they got the desired result. you know what, mr. clapper, brennan and everybody else that signed this thing? where was the letter of apology and clarification. only now that house republicans are in charge that you are actually getting caught in this. i think it will be very revealing if they can actually get to it. these people lied to the american people and misled and said we have a security
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clearance, you don't. we know, you don't. guess what? you shouldn't look over here. that was the justification to suppress the story. by the way, harris, couple of weeks before an election. what a coincidence. >> harris: shouldn't the american people have really known the facts and are some of these other media who were helping to feather and further that disinformation lie, are they complicit in this? there is movement you could take that's punitive against some of these people if you really wanted to. poll after poll shows americans including democrats want somebody else to run in 2024. yet another top democrat coming to president biden's rescue, though, saying don't believe the numbers. plus critics laying into transportation secretary pete buttigieg for his sponsor lack of one to the catastrophic ohio train derailment. >> he has been nowhere to be
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seen. i don't know of any local officials he reach out to. i don't know how he can possibly know very much at all what's going on there. >> harris: the toxic after math is causing major health concerns for people on top of reports of animals falling ill and even dropping dead in some cases. ♪ veteran homeowners: making a big car payment every month? car loans can be expensive and the payments high. consolidate that car loan into a newday home loan and save hundreds every month.
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cloud. some reports east palestine, ohio will never be the same. fears that evacuation orders may have been lifted too soon. people should have stayed away longer. locals are already reporting their animals are suddenly dying and some of them are even having strange symptoms themselves. >> when we went back there, we felt very itchy eyes, swelling of the face particularly around the eyes. >> i was here five minutes and i had a headache and i have it now. you can't spend time here without feeling like crap. in it is safe and okay, why does it hurt? >> harris: that's the question. alexandria hoff with more. >> there was heavy concerns about the effects of vinyl chloride that was released and burned in trenches. a known carcinogen making the images we saw more grim. on top of that as you mentioned
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additional hazardous material has been or continue to be released into the air surface soils and water. it is revealed in a general notice of potential liability letter sent from the epa to norfolk southern airline. the presence of several other toxins. you see them here. all are irritants. hazardous material expert is very concerned about the cancer-causing one. >> these are bad chemicals. vinyl chloride itself separates out into gas and hydrogen chloride. we're still not talking about if there were any toxins proper produced. >> he was surprised a bulk of residents initially evacuated have been allowed back into their homes. eps says no levels of concerns have been detected in the homes
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receiving the reentry screening. but in their letter to norfolk southern the epa notes materials detected in local waterways causing issues. dead fish reported, illness and death in pets and other wildlife on top of people detailing the bad smell and reporting headaches and nausea. federal regulators have said air quality and drinking water in the area is safe. >> harris: that better continue because those people were allowed back in. alex, thank you very much. critics are calling out transportation secretary pete buttigieg for ignoring the derailment disaster. what else is new? he discussed plenty of topics, other topics at an event yesterday. the derailment was not one of them. >> i would urge you especially because often this is more in your hands than mine, to really work with organized labor, to work with your contractors, to work with your community colleges on building a workforce that reflects the community.
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there couldn't be a more exciting time for transportation. it has had its -- it's -- we've had balloons. >> harris: he thinks there are too many white construction workers. he is not serious. an op-ed says buttigieg would rather talk about balloons than the rail accident. power panel now. former republican arkansas governor to the show. and a former democratic party chairman. governor, your top line reaction to how this is being handled by buttigieg. >> it is extraordinary he had the opportunity to speak to county officials from all across
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the country and one thing on their mind is what if this derailment had happened in my territory. it was an opportunity to talk about it. specifically in reference to the emergency in ohio because of this derailment what's important is that you are there, you give accurate information, and that is critical for the public that has been so impacted by it. confidence is not going to happen in future unless you take appropriate steps to prevent that. that's the job of the secretary of transportation. him not to address it is extraordinary whenever you are talking about what type of work. >> harris: you were governor and scott bolden you have not been a governor but understand what governor hutchinson is saying that needs to be done. why can't secretary buttigieg step up and do that job?
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what is so funny elsewhere that he has to laugh about that he can't look at this disaster unfolding in slow motion. >> in all fairness he was on stage at the national association of counties. i don't disagree with the governor. >> harris: do you think the story is funny in any regard? >> i this i the audience thought it was funny. i'm not sure buttigieg told it as a joke. >> harris: he laughed. >> here is the bottom line, though. you have hundreds of thousands of people, maybe thousands of people affected by this disaster. the secretary of transportation is the leader of that industry group. the government regulator and he missed an incredible opportunity to comment. i don't have a problem with anything he said or did in response to questions. but it was an opportunity he could have volunteered to say let's remember those folks in ohio and why are we transporting large amounts of these chemicals through neighborhoods that are poor and disen franchiseed,
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black, white, brown or yellow? many are suffering now. he think he missed a real opportunity. >> harris: i don't think he knows the story that well. certainly he would be asking the same questions you are asking and he would be doing it publicly. we hardly have any information. governor, you can speak to this about the things flying in our skies that they are shooting and missing in one account. i want to know where the first missile went. it took two. we have a lot going on in the transportation secretary area of expertise, so to speak. >> well, we do whether it's supply chain issues that we've had to deal with or whether it's the delays that we've had extraordinary problems with over the last few months to train derailments. it takes a secretary that pays attention to it every day and gives right information and accepts responsibility for what is happening in the
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transportation area. i've been to response disasters and again it is information and being there and having the right officials answer questions is really critically important. >> harris: not to mention the fact it is on the border with pennsylvania. you will have to now have leadership across two states potentially. we haven't seen -- i have to see the local wind reports but if you can see it from where you are standing, you are worried about the people next door anyway. you have friends, relatives, people on the state next door. it is again unfolding in slow motion. buttigieg thinks it is hilarious. quickly, scott bolden transparency. it is almost as transparent as elmer's glue on the issue of shooting down things in the skies above. >> the issue of communication about these things that are being shot down, you can change the -- what are the challenges.
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biden administration. i'm a committed democrat. their communication, getting in front of the story. explaining to the public what's going on what's flying over us. instead of -- there may be security issues but you need a communication strategy. >> harris: it took them 12 days to brief congress. senate got another briefing today. republicans will have plenty to say. good to see you both. "outnumbered" after the break. "outnumbered" after the break. maybe try switching your car insurance to progressive. you could save hundreds. that's a great idea, tv dad. but i said the exact same thing. some day when you're a father, you'll understand. i'm his father. it's not a competition. listen to your tv dad. drivers who switch and save with progressive save nearly $700 on average. life... doesn't stop for diabetes.
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