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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 14, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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being out there and we're glad you're watching and we -- anything we could ever do for you let us know, okay, sir? >> how about a trump desantis ticket? >> sean: okay. i'll work on that first thing in the morning. i promise. wouldn't be a bad ticket at all. it would be a great ticket. that's all the time we have left this weekend, or tonight. laura's next. have a great night. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight, thanks for joining us. the real planet destroyers, that's the focus much tonight's angle. >> liberals claim to have a monopoly on loving and protecting the planet. their self righteous green messaging is everywhere. >> i use eco friendly and sustainable materials and just trying to be more energy efficient, better for the planet. >> laura: it's even worse for our kids. they're bombarded in school and
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online with straight on propaganda. now, this is a viewer advisory. this catchy climate tune may get stuck in your head. >> ♪ recycle and use it again ♪ separate your trash into the right ♪ ♪ ♪ nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah ♪ ♪ >> laura: i told you, it's going to get stuck in your head. yes your children have to listen to this stuff. mommy make it stop. forget earth day we need rebirthday. as in the rebirth of common sense. practical thinking that can ensure that we grow and we propers speaker while we're also solid conservationists. it is possible. the fact is, despite their ex or stations on clean energy, the
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democrats, through bad stewardship of the economy and foreign policy, are doggie nowhere mus damage to the natural world. let's take a quick inventory. the emergency response to train derailment. mystery's still surrounds the government's action here but the public has the right to know why the best course of action in that east palestine train derailment was to carry out a controlled burn of railway cars. now, these dangerous chemicals that were torched include vinyl chloride, flames were shot up like a hundred feet into the air. now, officials have tried to reassure the public, even told them they could go home after a while, but who believes them? >> the foxes are pacing rapidly in their pen another sign they are not well. >> smoking chemicals from the train is the only thing that can cause it because it doesn't just happen out of nowhere. >> amanda was going to feed her
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five hence and rooster this morning when she discovered them all lifeless. >> if it can do this to chickens in one night imagine what it will do to us in 20 years? >> i was here five minutes and i have a headache right now and you can smell it. >> we were coughing, our eyes were watering. our skin was very flakey and over the subsequent days became very dry. >> laura: where are the environmentalists now? where's president biden? then there's the nord stream pipeline. now the reporting of pugh itser prize winning see more points to u.s. involvement in blowing it up. now the explosions carried out to punish russia sent as many as a half million metric tons of methane into the baltic sea. so where's al gore why hasn't he spoken out demanding answers. or will we even learn anything other than, well, something
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he'll consider an inconvenient truth. and then there's the homelessness in tent cities across america from la to washington, dc, the nation's homeless population is sky rocking. we've all seen it. governors like gavin newsome pride themselves on being at the tip of the green spear. but their horrible sanctuary city policies and their permissiveness towards drugs helped turn their cities into trash heaps. people living outdoors is an eek logical disaster. >> in 2019 about 42,300 needles were reportedly recovered and we've learned today in 2022, that number was about 176,000. >> i seen cigarettes, needles. not nice homeless. >> there's already trash out there. there's already feces urine and other things out there. >> laura: now, all of this, of course, leads to horrific contamination and, even worse,
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deadly fires. yes, fires started in homeless encampments are growing in california. just last year one homeless man was charged with intentionally starting ten, count them ten different fires in sonoma county forists. so why aren't the climate change people demanding action? why not fight the democrat policies that are contributing to homelessness? and then there's drug legalization. liberals push to legalize marijuana high thc content and even hard drugs is an unfolding societal and earn environmental disaster. legalizing weed in california has caused an explosion illegal grows in our national and state forests. then the open border. remember when they talked about trump's wall being bad for natural habitats? i too worry about the travel
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pattern of the mexican gray wolf but i also worry about the pattern of violent criminals and drugs crossing our now open border. i've seen the natural disaster along the rio grande with my own eyes in 2019. trash debris scattered on these once beautiful grassy banks and all ultimately ends up in the gulf of mexico tossed by the illegal aliens crossing into america. >> we've had pasture land burnt by illegals. we've had lots of trash left behind. it's -- and it's only getting worse and it's because of all the policies that the biden administration has rolled back that the trump administration put into place and was working. >> laura: and then there are evs. now, we couldn't even escape the roth la tieing about that during the super bowl. >> general motors is going electric and netflix is coming in by including more evs in their movies and shows. so if you're going to get swarmed by an army of the dead why not get swarmed by an ev.
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>> i said no biting. >> or if you're voluntarily kidnapped why not be kidnapped in an ev. >> laura: oh, god, that was a bad commercial. of course electric cars require car batteries which require the mining of earth materials which are horribly toxic to the minors and of course adds to more disaster. and the production of materials needed are often ruinous to land water and wildlife. and what about the war in ukraine? well, it's brutal and, of course, putin started it amidst biden's weakness. it has been a complete catastrophe for the environment. and the longer it goes on with the help of us munitions the greater the damage to plants, water, and animals. one estimate puts the damage now at $40 billion. and the un, wow, it's warning of the war's toxic environmental legacy in samples taken in a
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river east of lviv show ammonia lams 145 times the normal levels and nitrate levels 50 times too high. i ask again where the environmentalists? why aren't they calling for peace talks? and what about covid insanity? lockdowns meant no activity. and the left was so happy, all those clear, you know, satellite shots, you know, no more pollution. but democrats heavy handed covid policies pushing panic porn 24/7 that made an already bad environmental situation worse. untold millions of rubber gloves and gutters. i still see them in the parking lot at the grocery store near my house. it's enfewer rating. and the masks that didn't work and that we didn't need are now polluting our rivers and killing our oceans and wildlife. thank you, dr. fauci. and then there's wind and solar. the power of wind.
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we're told it's clean energy. well, you want to look at this out of your front window? and some turbines, wind turbines, are already falling down. >> we heard a really loud boom and thought maybe one of our buildings had collapsed and looked around and they were fine, so we were joking that, oh, wonder if it was a wind mill that collapsed and next morning i came out and in the early light i thought, boy, something doesn't seem right out there. >> laura: and in new jersey, we see the disruption of marine life from the massive wind farms being built offshore. >> this is another dead humpback whale here the ninth to watch up in new york and new jersey the past two months and act visits are blaming it on offshore wind projects. the massive equipment and drilling on the ocean floor
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could be impacting the whales interfering with their communication and travel here and leading to deaths. >> laura: i guess those save the whales bumper stickers have to peel them off and replace with save the wind, save the turbines. and for solar china's documenting that market already big time and that's more pollution because the way they produce things, more cargo ships sending panels to the united states. but it's green and it's good for us, right? and finally, speaking of china, if liberals and conservatives really cared about the environment, they'd want to bring all our manufacturing back to the united states where it's done more responsibly and also employees americans. but, of course, that would really upset john kerry and wall street. both are perfectly happy to see china grow more powerful, whether they build five coal plants a day or 50, it doesn't matter. so what's best for the planet? i'll tell you what's best. it's a strong, independent, and
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innovative american economy. one that won't happen under the current leadership. we know that. they're bought and paid for by the world's biggest polluter, china. when they say climate change, you all should grab your wallet and hide your kids. because, for them, it's not about oceans or ozone, it's about power and money. they're never going to stop flying private to davos but they want you to give up driving all together. well europe may go for that, but not us. and that's the angle. joining me now is michael shellenberger authorizing of a pock licks never. michael, we had to for the sake of time otherwise it would have taken out the whole hour, we had to leave out quite a few things on that list. nevertheless, when you start compiling it, it's quite astounding how leftist policies and so-called priorities of the
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left really are hurting and not helping the planet. >> well, that's right laura. i thought you did a really good job connecting a lot of those things to basically show that really almost everything we were told about the natural environment turned out to be wrong. one thing that you didn't mention there is that this rush to recycle plastics, to supposedly recycle plastics, it didn't make sense economically so instead of recycling plastics we've mostly been shipping them to poor companies where they end up in the oceans so the ocean plastic waste problem is in large respect a consequence of attempting to do what never made sense. we have perfectly functioning landfills and insin rateers to take our plastic, we can still recycle glass and paper and things that should be, but not plastics and you create that problem. but you described renewables, solar wind take three to eight times more land than natural gas or nuclear plant. nuclear had been so demonized by
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environmentalists doesn't produce air or water pollution, it produces humidities amounts of energy on land. and natural gas is one of the reasons we've reduced our carbon emissions the last 20 years. the war on natural gas by the radical left and progressive environmental unit resulted in an increase in carbon emissions last year because of their a version to things like burning wood and burning coal. so really, i think what people should understand is that technology, civilization and ordinarier including in the cities are essential to human lives and also the natural world and species. >> laura: just today michael, biden made quite an admission. he debris grudgingly kind of admitted it at the state of the union as well. watch this. >> they said biden, you want to go all -- you want to go green and in ten years we won't need
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this. well, guess what? we're going to need oil for a long time, and gas for a long time. it's not going to all go away. but look at all the refineries that are closed. because they're not investing in the nature of the business they're involved in. >> laura: michael there is so much that is untrue about that. take it away. >> well, i think the most important thing is that, really, gasoline prices are, to a large extent, determined by -- really two things. the price of oil and how much refinery capacity we have. well, president biden's epa shut down an oil refinery, a very big and important one, on the u.s. virgin islands. the owner wanted to retrofit it to make it cleaner and be able to produce much more gasoline. the biden administration didn't allow it. so we've seen a significant repression of the oil and gas industry in the united states. as long as people are still using solid fuels, like wood and
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and coal we need to produce more oil and gas as a substitute that brings down pollution and makes energy cheaper. we've seen huge spikes in energy costs both in california and also in new england where activists prevented the natural gas pipe lines. so, yeah, i mean the picture here is really one of we need to embrace energy and technology, not reject it. >> laura: all right michael i'll see you at the insect cafe later since we're not supposed to eat beef anymore either. so we'll share an insect cocktail together. michael thanks great to see you >> as the angle mentioned the green monsters really want to make private car ownership a luxury affordable only to the super wealthy. as for the rest of you, if you need to get somewhere, you have to get creative. walk, bicycle, scooter, uber. do that wherever you need to go. if you're heading into the city slip into a bulletproof vest and take the bus to the subway. bloomberg is happily reporting soaring prices are making car
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ownership a distant dream for middle class americans and since evs are more expensive they're even more out of reach. now, of course, the eu techno carats love what's happening. they passed a law to ban the sale of new gas cars by 2035 mimicking california. >> we will move forward to green and decarbon ice our vehicle fleet in california and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. >> laura: americans are being told that plug-ins are going to help combat climate change so do your part. one problem, that's another green lie. a new report from u c davis found ditching gasoline powered cars with electric vehicles won't do much at all. certainly not if the goal is to carbon neutral. the only way to get there would be to eliminate car ownership for millions upon millions of americans. as wall street journal is noting
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progressives dirty little secret is that everyone will have to make do with much less, fewer cars, smaller houses and yards and a significantly lower standard of living. maybe biden can turn that into a campaign slogan. at least for once he'd be telling the truth. >> and what if the chinese spy balloon, while a threat, is the least of our concerns? a former f-18 pilot is here next with a more chilling warning. plus, what if the real reason biden refuses to address these objects is something else all together. charlie hurt and ben domenech have reaction next. ♪
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♪ >> as usual, we had another classified briefing in which we learned nothing that i didn't already know as a member of the intelligence committee and armed services committee or for that matter one couldn't learn from reading your newspapers and watching your news channels. that's why i want to stress again president biden owes the american people an explanation. >> laura: i mean he said this on our show last night. american people have gotten really no useful information on this about multiple, unidentified aerial phenomenon just being blasted out of the sky by our military.
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but now after a classified briefing revealed no information, this is becoming downright weird, dangerous even. so what are they hiding? joining me now is ryan graves, a former navy pilot whose f18 squad drawn saw faps outside of virginia beach back in 2014. ryan, what do you make of the fact that we apparently have recovered nothing from the latest three objects shot down. i mean one's up in the arctic, one iss in the yukon, another one is, you know, who knows, all under frozen tundra. but we're just left in the dark here. >> yeah, absolutely. you know, we've -- if we zoom back out and think how this started with a single balloon that was easily spotted through civilian cameras on the ground there's still this bifurcation where even our elected officials are communicating in such a fashion that they truly don't
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seem to know what these objects are. one thing they're communicating very clearly however is that it's not a chinese balloon and that's really as far as they seem to want to be able to take it right now. >> laura: well, i'm not sure i believe any of what they're saying. i mean, i get they can say that but we don't have any way of confirming that. ryan i want to get your reaction to something john kirby said today. >> these very well could be balloons of a completely benign nature, perhaps commercial or scientific research sort of a focus there, based on the flight characteristics, the visual confirmation by the pilots and some other data that we're putting to it. one sort of -- well, leading indication could be that they were actually benign balloons. >> laura: benign balloons. ryan? >> yeah, i'm not sure if we have enough information to say that either way right now. he did suggest that direction
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but at the tend of the day i don't think we've heard either way. now, there is a really a few different ways we can look at this. we've been talking about objects off the coast that we've been identifying since 2014 out there. those are perhaps examples, now that we've been seeing ately examples of what may be classified as low technology high observable-type objects. as we're opening up the scopes of our radars to try and find more of these, we might end up finding more of the objects we've found on the east coast and perhaps we'll see some demonstrating capabilities that we wouldn't expect our adversaries to be capable of. >> laura: were you flying out of norfolk or where were you flying out of when you saw those. >> virginia beach, virginia. >> laura: okay. i think a lot of people hear balloons or objects being shot out of the sky they don't know what to think. i mean, this has never happened before i don't think, right. >> laura: we haven't shot anything over u.s. air space with our own military since --
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you know, for 65 years. so are you in any way surprised that the american public is just left scratching, you know, their heads on this? >> absolutely. i think it is time for us to hear from president biden on this topic. i mean, we literally have things above our heads that we're now shooting down with our own assets. it's been very clear that they're not chinese balloons and i think we all deserve an answer of what they are. >> laura: ryan were you surprised -- >> unfortunately -- >> laura: sorry. ryan, were you surprised that the jet over michigan, i guess it was reported yesterday, that the first shot missed. i know enough of you pilots that you guys don't miss when something's that slow. is that a little unusual? >> what i would expect is that if it was a pure miss that it was a technical malfunction. these type of weapons aren't designed for stationary objects with perhaps variable radar returns. that's one of the things i've been speaking to since i engaged
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on this top particular is that as we engage and look for more data having an f 18 as a primary sensor or primary weapons platform, these aren't the right tools for the job so if we're going to get better information about this we need to use proper tools and investigate this scientifically. >> laura: ryan great to talk to you tonight. thank you so much. >> thank you, laura >> to read-out or to share about a statement or remarks from the president. again he takes this very seriously. he's being kept updated on a regular basis on this clearly. we just don't have anything to share. >> laura: nothing to share. nothing at all. joining me now charlie hurt opinion and ben domenech. nothing to share, no reassurance fro biden no the american public. how long can they play this cat and mouse game here? >> i have no idea, it's really incredible. you know, and i get it.
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let's try to give him the benefit of the doubt here for a second. >> laura: no, no, not going to. >> and suggest maybe there are some natural security -- you're wise not to. some natural security issues here that maybe we shouldn't be broadcasting, you know, to the general public. but what about congress? what about senator cotton? what about, you know, reeling in people like that. my biggest concern about all of that is not that you and i don't necessarily know about stuff, but that the white house with joe biden and kamala harris, are the only ones who know about what's going on. that's what terrifies me the most because we know how incompetent and how inept and how reckless these people are with the decisions they make about our border and other important areas. my goodness. you know, i don't trust these people to do anything. so, you know, the idea that they're hiding the ball from
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people who actually know what they're doing in congress really worries me. >> laura: yeah, they can't put biden out there without a tell prompter they just can't do it. it's too dangerous. ben cbs is reporting tonight, this just came across, that the us tracked, it's now saying it tracked the spy balloon after it took off from china and entered our air space back january 28th. now does this feel a little bit of a face saving move like, oh, yeah, we tracked it the whole time. seems a little odd. >> all of this is really face saving laura and look, it's all fun and games to go on all these different platforms and podcasts and talk about ufos and the like. but what we're really seeing from my perspective is a whole act of cya on the part of our military establishment. the likeliest scenario, for years according to experts in this -- we are being toyed with
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with take rest tra adversaries that is much further ahead that what we might have expected. they're toying with us ann and one of the biggest aspects that we ought to be disturbed by is the potential, and keep in mind china's military is quite young. we haven't had experience with them in the ways we have other mill takers around the world and they're gaining a reputation of being entities that reward innovative thinking and thinking about the future in odd and unexpected ways. so if you think about it this way you can look at russia and their failures in ukraine and basically say they're fighting a war as if it's the 1970s against foes individualsed by america and the rest. but what if china is coming at us like the 2030s, what if they're more than we anticipated. shouldn't that be something that should embarrass our military establishment? >> yes. >> shouldn't that be something they need to be honest with us?
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from my aspect that's the scariest. >> laura: i completely agree ben. and charlie can you pick up. we have not won a war, with all the money we spend and our brave men and woman, we haven't won a war outright since world war ii we've made errors in afghanistan. no accountability. what's going on. >> and do you have any faith whatsoever with joe biden as commander in chief, suddenly we're going to turn that around? i don't have any faith. >> no. i think that's the point, we're being punked by the chinese and the emperor perhaps has no close. great to see you both. the state department is directly funding effort to crush conservative media. this is an unbelievable story. yes, the american government is using your tax dollars to snuff out advertising of some of your favorite web sites you should
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the guise of misinformation. the reporter who broke this story and miranda devine react in a moment.
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>> laura: we told you the government's coming for your car and now they're coming for your news. a brand new investigation in the washington examiner explains how. ahead of the 2024 election the feds are working behind the scenes to demon ties successful conservative media organizations. now backed by the state department the national endocument for democracy is funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars, over a half a million in just two years to a group called the global disinformation index, or gdi. now gdi has a dynamic exclusion list it uses to pressure companies to cut ties with conservative web sites they claim are fill wind disinformation. but this is just the beginning. joining me now is the man behind this investigation gabe kaminsky
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investigative reporter and miranda devine new york post columnist and fox news contributor. gabe what else can you tell us about the government money going to this organization and how it's being used? >> yeah, thanks for having me laura. our series in the washington examiner disinformation inc has unpacked how the united states government, specifically the state department, has funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars through the global engagement center as well as the national endowment for the democracy heavily backed by the state department to an entity called the global disinformation index secretly complying black list of conservative media outlets and feeding those to advertising companies with the intent of defunding and shutting down the free and independent press. so our series has essentially linked taxpayer dollars to efforts to target the first amendment. >> laura: well, miranda, the state department has be the site
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of so much mischief, and that's to put it kindly, over the decades. i mean, since i worked for the reagan administration, that's how long ago it goes back, state department's been a problem. and now we have definitive evidence, do we not? >> yeah, we do, and fantastic reporting by gabe and the examiner. it's what we know anyway, but it's just seeing that the state department, the government, is expressing descent spending someone on doing that and doing it on the guise of stamping out disinformation. disinformation is whatever the government decides it is, and that is descent. really it's descent. anything that does not go along and parrot the democratic establishment line is disinformation. and it's ironic considering that the biggest disinformation that's come out of the media in
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recent history has been the russia collusion hoax, and not one of those media outlets appears on this list. in fact, the new york post does. >> laura: i was just going to say you guys are on it. >> yes, we're on it, the new york post, because we published an accurate and factual story that has stood the test of time now two and a half years later before the 2020 election about the corruption of the biden family as exposed on hunter biden's laptop and that was deemed disinformation by the rest of the media that doesn't appear on this disinformation list by social media, by the fbi, by adam schiff, by joe biden himself. none of that, that is actual disinformation designed to rig an election, none of that appears, no. it's the new york post that appears on this bogus site because we refuse to parrot the
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establishment line. >> laura: well, gabe, we reached out to the national endowment for democracy. they told us the grants given to gdi were very narrowly focused an initiative to identify and combat the disinformation flowing from authoritarian regimes, particularly china. well, that would be nice, if that's what it was doing. and your response to that? >> you know, i think money is certainly fungible and our reporting is not directly linked, this state department money to domestic attempts to fight disinformation but first amendment lawyers in and of itself have raised concerns that the government would fund an organization that is involved in this sort of domestic activity. even if the global disinformation index is operating domestically and overseas to fight what they determine to be disinformation -- >> laura: well, gabe, what
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you're trying to say, just so everyone understands, the money goes into a pot. so when you say it's fungible if they're creating a black list, and miranda you know, they're creating a black list don't advertise to these people, this web site that doctor, that is censorship and that is being funded by this fungible pot of money that the state department is doling out to these organizations that's the scanned al. and it's only going to get worse before 2024. gabe and miranda thank you >> more details trickling out of michigan with the shooting three people killed five injured t shooter was 43 year old lancing resident anthony mcrae. the dead are all michigan students from michigan. and even as police were still trying to determine a motive, biden tried to exploit the grief
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to score political points. >> and i'm going to say something that's always controversial but there is no rationale for assault weapons and magazines that hold 50, 70 bullets. >> laura: and the seals clap. this is shameless. first, the shooter used a handgun not an ar style rifle, which he seemed to imply. and second, racial politics are at the heart of why mcrae had a gun in the first place. now, he was arrested for carrying a pistol without a permit in 2019, but prosecutors dismissed the felony charge that should have followed. the district attorney carol seaman a democrat allowed mcrae to plead guilty to a misdemeanor gun charge that allowed him to serve only a year of probation which ended in 2021. in august of that year, seaman defended her office's decision
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to drop prison sentences for felony firearms charges all together. she argued the sentencing enhancement led to dramatic racial inequity and was not in any way linked to the goal that was shared of keeping the public safe. really? so we had yet another criminal who was allowed to skate only to go on to kill all because of a soft-on-crime prosecutor hung up on racial politics. and then we have more families left to wonder, as they grieve, what if the laws were actually enforced? >> and a shake shack employee gets a settlement for being misgendered. and we've got some political valentine's to hand out. jimmy failla joins me for some fun next.
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♪ >> laura: okay. all these girls are going to be jealous now because i get to spend part of my valentine's day with what i hear is, you know, one of the most romantic guys at the network. joining me now jimmy failla, fox news contributor, host of fox across america on fox news radio. all right, jimmy, that's what, you know, that's what you tell us at least. >> yep. i treat you like a queen laura.
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i'll take you to white castle. >> laura: fantastic. and, look, we kind of match or at least we accent each other. we're going to get to the romance in a moment but first, since you're an avid fast food connoisseur and i know you are, i have to ask if you've ever come across or had a moment like this. >> welcome to kid burger home of the good burger. can i take your order? >> you're not like other people are you? >> can you kindly point us in the direction of the little girl's room? [laughter]. >> laura: that's seeping into real life now. former shake shack employee just got a $20,000 settlement because he was misgendered by co-workers, didn't receive support from management when he reported it? jimmy, 20 k because he got the their or he or she wrong. >> yeah. you can see this in the new court drama, 12 angry them. come on, laura, this is stupid. but the idea that it was 20
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grand, it isn't actually a lot of money in california. you can make more than that in one drag show for kindergarten kids. but this is insane. i mean, the only other thing i would add is 20 grand at shake shack is two extra value meals because it's so overpriced for the crazy liberals that eat it. >> laura: i love the tik tok videos of all these a grieved liberals of i have my pronouns on my pin or i'm a barista and it's on my pin and you still get it wrong. they break down in tears like they have a playing. >> nothing can be more offensive than a paper straw. moving on. >> laura: exactly. all right jimmy valentine's day's almost over but if you haven't gotten anything yet for jenny, might i suggest something from the bronx zoo. ♪ ♪ love me, truly. true love.
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give me your love ♪ ♪ got me hooked with your wild ways ♪ i can't get you from my head ♪ >> laura: nothing says love like a roach, jimmy. >> and i just want everyone in the rest of the country to know we're not kidding this is a real program. but the problem is supplies are limited because all the new york roaches are moving to florida. they said the taxes were too high appear adams put other roaches in their roach motels so they're fleeing now. but, dude, anybody who thinks it's a good idea to buy someone a roach for valentine's day doesn't have a human partner to begin with so this is going nowhere. >> laura: don't you love those gifts like well, i made a donation in your name. i think that was a seinfeld evidence once. we want to see evidence of the donation. i named a star after you, here's your certificate.
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i named a star -- get out of town, where the chocolates. >> jimmy, what do you think that biden writes on his valentine's day cards? what do you think he's writing? >> oh, if you got a valentine from biden today it says happy saint patrick's day. that's my guess. >> laura: exactly. >> my second guess is it probably gets a little kinky from there. you know? like i never have problems with inflation when you're around. you know, something like that, laura. i'll give you a night to remember but i'll forget your name. like this isn't good stuff. but the truth is, biden sent jill balloons for valentine's day but norad shot them down. so now it's a mess. >> laura: and we understand they are benign, right? there was no significant pay load on the balloons. did china launch them and have they been observing them since the balloons left china, which they're all made in china anyway and floated to the white house? right? what about kamala, what would a
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card from kamala say? >> oh, wow. roses are red, vie lets are blue, if you like dumb women, i'm the gal for you. that's my first guess. >> laura: very self deprecating. >> my second guess would be please be my val tied because my husband is kissing jill biden. probably number two. number three is, i love you more than i love a venn diagram which is saying something because we know kamala loves a ven diagram. >> laura: or outer space jimmy. she loves outer space and electric buses. oh, my gosh. i would never allow anyone to name a roach after you. okay? great to see you happy valentine's day. all right a student shoots his shot this valentine's day. the last bite is next. with voya, considering all your financial choices together
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can help you make smarter decisions. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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♪ this feels so right... ♪ adt systems now feature google products like the nest cam with floodlight, with intelligent alerts when a person or familiar face is detected. sam.
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sophie's not here tonight. so you have a home with no worries. brought to you by adt. . >> laura: could you make a 94-foot putt to win a car? well watch this auburn student.
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>> i've got craig here. he's about to put that 94-foot putt. should we just let him do it? he's just going to do it. all right. there it is. there it is. oh, that -- no way. no way. no way! no way! oh, my god! [cheers and applause]. >> he just won a car. >> laura: that is wild. gutfeld next. ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> greg: awesome. all right. keep going. you're not done yet. yeah! i need it all. love it. happy, happy valentine's day. that feeling in your heart is cupid's arrow and definitely not from a vaccine. who knows. you'll be dead


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