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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  February 15, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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grateful american citizen who knows our best days are yet to come if we unite and fight to save our country. [cheers and applause] i have devoted my life to this fight and i'm just getting started. [cheers and applause] for a strong america, for a proud america, i am running for president of the united states [cheering] [crowd chanting nikki, nikki, nikki]
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>> when i look to the future, i see america strong once more. every child gets a world-class education, every parent gets to pick their child's school. [cheering] >> and no politician will be able to close those schools ever again. [cheering] >> in the america i see, police know we have their backs. and criminals know we have their number. and our states will be safe again. in the america i see we stop the surge of drugs and illegal
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immigration. [cheering] >> that means having a real border and man tory e-verify like we got done in south carolina. [cheering] >> businesses must hire americans, not illegals. in the america i see, everyone has full confidence in our elections. [cheering] >> voter id will be the law of the land, just like we did in south carolina. [cheering] >> the america i see is freer and better for all because washington will finally serve the people instead of the
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political class. [cheering] >> we'll end corporate welfare and bailouts for business and end earmarks that fuel big government. and when it comes to our politicians, we'll light a fire under them. [cheering] >> their job is not to say things on tv, their job are to do things in d.c., like solve problems, instead of ignoring or creating them. [cheering] >> in the america i see, the permanent politician will finally retire. [cheering] >> we'll have term limits for congress.
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[cheering] >> and mandatory mental c competency test for anyone over 75 years old. [cheering] >> most of all, i see a strong america because i see a proud america. strong and proud, not weak and woke. that is the america i see. the america i see, will win the fight for the 21st century. we'll have the courage and confidence to defend our values and defeat our enemies. [cheering] the armed forces of the united states will be stronger and more capable than ever. [cheering]
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a strong military doesn't start wars, a strong military prevents wars. in this america, we'll start pumping more oil and gas and stop buying dirty oil from venezuela. [cheering] we'll stand with our allies from israel to ukraine and stand up to our enemies in iran and russia. and in the america i see, communist china won't just lose, like the soviet union before it, communist china will end up on the ash heap of history. [cheering] realizing this vision won't be
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easy. it will take an unparalleled level of commitment from all of us, it requires faith and a willingness to move past the status quo. it will require doing some things we've never done. [cheering] like sending a tough as nails woman to the white house. [cheering] [crowd chanting nikki, nikki] washington and the political class. i've done it before, starting right here.
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i will always be grateful to the people of south carolina, who took a chance on me. i love you, too. [cheering] when i ran against the longest serving legislator in the state, no one said i had a shot, but together, we won. [cheering] when i ran for governor, people said nikki who? but together, we won. [cheering] we cut taxes, created thousands of jobs and revitalized our economy. business journals started calling south carolina the beast of the southeast, which i love. when president trump nominated me for ambassador to the united nations, people said i didn't have the experience, then i went
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to work. [cheering] i told the world america would have the backs of our allies and for those who didn't have our backs, we were taking names. [cheering] the dictators, murderers and thieves at the u.n.didn't know what hit them. i've been underestimated before, that's always fun. and i've been shaking up the status quo my entire life. [cheering] as i set out on this new journey, i will simply say this. may the best woman win. [cheering]
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i got your back, too. all kidding aside, this is not about identity politics, i don't believe in that. and i don't believe in glass ceilings, either. i believe in creating a country where anyone can do anything and achieve their own american dream. the college student who's paying too much and getting too little from her education. the young adult in his first real job wondering how he'll ever afford a mortgage or starting a family. the single mom working two jobs and three times harder than everyone else. the small-town dad who saw his factory leave town and thinks
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his future went with it. i'm fighting for all of us, all of us have to be in this together. but hear this, unity does not come from faint hearts or watered-down compromises. [cheering] that just leaves everyone wanting more. real national unity comes from boldly proclaiming our national purpose and persuading opponents to join us. my purpose is to save our country from the downward spiral of socialism and defeatism. i aim to move murder upward toward freedom and strength. i'll take this message far and wide in the days ahead. and i have a particular message for my fellow republicans. we lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections.
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our cause is right, but we have failed to win the confidence of a majority of americans. well, that ends today. [cheering] if you're tired of losing, put your trust in a new generation and if you want to win, not just as a party, but as a country, stand with me. as my family and i start this journey, we ask for your prayers. and yes, of course, we ask for your vote. but there is something else we need even more, something our country needs above all else, it's your spirit and your belief in america.
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look past the failed ideas of the leaders in washington and find the courage to be part of the solution. cast you hava the fear our best days are behind us and join the movement for country renewal. stand for america together with me. i'm more confident than ever we can make this vision real in our time, because that is what i've seen my entire life. as a brown girl growing up in a black and white world, i saw promise of america unfold before me. as proud wife of a combat veterans, i saw people's deep love of freedom and determination to defend it. as governor, i saw our state move beyond hate and violence and lift up everyone in peace and as ambassador i saw america is the standard, where we lead, the world follows, who we are
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issue the world wants to be. i'll never forget the day as ambassador, when i stood on the simon boulevard bridge between columbia and venezuela in south america. i watched thousands of venezuelans walk by, holding their babies in the hot sun for hours to get one meal they might get that day. where they came from, they had been killing zoo animals for food. they were fleeing socialism and yearning for freedom. when i left the bridge, the families started to gather around me. i didn't understand why they flocked to someone they had never met. then it hit me, they didn't care who i was, they cared where i was from. in me, they saw america and in america, they saw hope. the time has come to renew that spirit and rally our people. our moment is now.
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our mission is clear. let's save our country and secure our future and let's move forward together toward our destiny in a strong and proud america. thank you, god bless you and god bless america. ♪ >> harris: so nikki haley officially just finished her first campaign speech in her run to the white house and she went to her home state of south carolina to do that. we knew leading up to this, after she put it on video that she was running for president in 2024, that we would see her. what we saw today with nikki was quite interesting, we saw for the first time in this run, in the last few days her mention the words president trump as part of her journey. it has been complicated up until
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this point to do that because he's already in it, now she will be the first announced competitor of his, we know the following that donald trump has. it's on. this is "outnumbered," i'm harris faulkner here with co-host kayleigh mcenany and emily compagno, joining us gerri willis and senior advisor for vets on duty, jeremy hunt. great to have you. >> great to be here with you all. >> harris: the media already launched attacks on governor nikki haley. accusing the daughter of indian immigrants of having on-again, off-again relationship wither had race and piece titled nikki haley's complicated racial dance, it says in 2001 she listed her race as white on her voter registration card three years before entering into
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politics. haley never publicly addressed her reasons for doing that. the ladies of "the view" pounced on haley, something they have done before with her and other republicans, this time sunny hostin accused her of using her race as a tool. by the way, sunny's first name is not sunny, we'll get into that later. >> when she wants to say the right thing, she's a political grifter and chameleon, the bar is low, it is on the ground. >> harris: jeremy, what is your response to that and just seeing nikki haley officially on the campaign trail? >> this is a dance a lot of progressives do when you have a color that doesn't fit their narrative, they dance around and grasp at straws to try to make sense of this.
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ambassador haley, it is great we have a deep bench of folks that are coming up issue not oxygenarians, it is time for fresh faces that can unite folks. i am excited we are getting beyond the biden era, this proves there is light at the end of the tunnel as we go into '24. >> harris: kayleigh, what is the toughest part of the fight for nikki haley? >> kayleigh: taking on donald trump. you listen to her speech, she mentioned joe biden several times, president joe biden is not her opponent right now, currently her only opponent is donald trump, and we didn't hear her talk about him other than she was nominated ambassador by him. it is smart to declare now,
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being the only person in the race against president trump, she got a lot of media attention and we'll be talking about this for days to come, likely mike pompeo and pence, will come, as we await for the biggest name to come in, which is ron desantis. when you look at nikki haley polling, she was 1%, now 3%, she was the hottest name in politics in 2011 to 2015, i would say. this is the case, polling 3%, for governor ron desantis to get in now. will he get in? how can you wait when you are the hottest governor in republican politics seeing how hard to regen erate that attention a year later. >> the message to fellow republicans, we've lost seven of the eight popular votes. our cause is great, our
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messaging is failing, we are failing to convince the majority of americans and majority of our party that we've got the right messaging and right execution. i appreciated her line that true national unity comes with emphasizing a national purpose. the right national purpose, the right national identity, that was a veiled blow to the current president who touted his ability to be unifier in chief, has failed miserably at that. we talked about the sacrificial lamb element versus all press is good press. she's been open to attacks from president trump who said what was she doing in 2018? she joined private sector making $200,000 a speech, why didn't she stay through the 2018 midterms and she just re-emerged in 2020, like we were talking about earlier, some can say that
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was precursor to 2024. that is criticism circulating, to your point, if others jump in, i wonder what will be said. >> in 2022, al was on the trail. ambassador haley showed up in georgia for me, that matters a lot. >> harris: and you said crowds were big. >> the crowds were big, a lot of people came out. that matters who is putting money where their mouth is. >> she will have to compete with tim scott potentially in her home state for money and donations, interstate competition. >> harris: do we have that bit of nikki haley from moments ago, where she talked about the 21st century versus the 20th century and generational politics. my team will let me know. go ahead.
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>> i like the speech, it was well written and well put together. she's great at defining problems, not great at telling what the solutions are, how she will drive forward. with nikki haley, who is she? what would she do? we're familiar with her, we've seen her, let's see what the details are. >> harris: you mentioned usage, jeremy of race and gender and compartmentalizing voters on the left, exclusively to them, they do it a lot. the other issue that has come up because of president biden really is age. nikki haley hit on that, let's watch. >> we won't win the fight for the 21st century, if we keep trusting politicians from the 20th century. [cheering] >> harris: kayleigh,
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contemporaneously, we were watching and you said that is a shot at former president trump. >> kayleigh: then i gave pause, what was interesting, that was clever on her part, it seemed like a veiled shot at older generation of politicians. president donald trump was not a 20th century politician, so it was a way you could glean what you wanted, it being attack on older generation of leadership or an attack on president joe biden, maybe that was how she plans to attack her only opponent, which is donald trump. >> harris: you have seen democrats toying with that state, make it the first primary, it has tremendous amount of black voters, well over million non-white registered voters. 73% in a fox news voter analysis in '22, put the black vote at
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22%. when you break down to party, 34 are dem, 59 lean or are republican voters, 7% independent. there is room for nikki haley, but what will happen if senator tim scott -- >> great question, scott is such a big personality, people are drawn to him. >> harris: he's african american. >> he's african american and people know him, he's a known quantity. south carolina is growing, population is going down because of low tax rates, it is very much like florida in that way, very conservative. i think tim scott might be the pick, it will be interesting to see. >> harris: last quick thought from you? >> the left has come out swinging toward nikki haley, right? politico article, she is in a racial dance and "the view" calling her racist and saying
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she is not leaning to her race and questioning her priorities and vanity fair is smearing her and comparing, saying nikki haley 2024 pitch, america is awesome if you compare your country to countries committing genocide. zero engagement from the left in terms of her accomplishments as governor and ambassador, instead they are ripping her apart on the same concepts that the left has been hammering the last two years dividing the united states. she's combating a different type of battlefield right out of the gate, that is right unfortunate. >> harris: that is really well put, with sunny hostin, she picks on nikki haley because she doesn't think her name -- and i was watching that day, sort of leans toward what her background would be, but sunny is short for
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her name and that is not fair, i would never pick on sunny for that. >> that story has been debunked. >> nikki is indian and it is on her birth certificate. >> harris: grasp at straws. china is threatening counter measures against the united states entities after the spycraft was shot down and learning more about when the biden administration started tracking that spy plane, january 21st, people, it is after valentine's day now. - "the most perfect medium, because it will preserve its own level; because having intrinsic and universal value, it can never die in our hands." true then. true now. let rosland capital help put gold and silver in your hands. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals.
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all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here. >> kayleigh: china is threating the united states, beijing is claiming the united states flew airships over tibet, something the u.s. denies. do not think the spy flight will have an impact on relations between the u.s. and china, curious statement to make, she told politico this. we seek competition, not conflict or confrontation and everything that happened in the last week and a half, we believe consistent with our stated approach. emily, that defies logic, it doesn't change the relationship
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china had a spy balloon across the entirety of the united states, they threatened retaliatory action, but nothing to see here, according to the vice president. >> emily: this is par for the course for this administration, what has been incumbent on this administration is handling threats and perceived threats with aplum and decisiveness and security in mind, and what we expect from the commander-in-chief and administration of this country and answering questions for the people. the two concepts this country has at the moment. we know there is no physical border at the southern border, they don't care about sovereignty or safety there, this is a real issue >> the fact she downplays our greatest existential threat
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shows how uneducated she is on the issue. if she was paying attention she would understand how china has infiltrated our society and in the sky. >> and julian turner reported on february 3, we had seen the spy balloon take off from china, that was pushed back on by the pentagon and member of the national security council. now the "washington post" is reporting, in fact, that was true, which leads question number one, why was our reporter pushed off that story. number two, if we did know, why was the president not briefed until january 31st, a week later? >> harris: i hate to be like that, negative nilly, do we know if that is true? we saw what happened with afghanistan, he wasn't listening to the generals that wanted to exit quite differently.
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so that is my first question always, what did we know and when did he know it and which part will he tell us? u.s. monitors watched over the flight path that would have appeared to have taken it over guam. the crowd took unexpected turn according to several u.s. officials talking to the "washington post" who said analysts are examining possibility china didn't intend to penetrate the heartland with airborne surveillance. what was their goal and why didn't we shoot it down? that is the "washington post," furthering we know with jillian turner. >> jennifer griffin has pushed back saying it was accidental air shift that is chinese talking point is what sources were telling jennifer griffin. i want to play white house contradiction and get your reaction on the other side.
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>> absolutely. >> okay, we don't have that sound, jeremy, go ahead. >> what is amazing, we now know a week before the balloon got into our air space, we had eyes on it and knew it was happening. when it was flying over our country, the white house said, we want more information on it, we are concerned about civilian impact here. that was hog wash, they knew a week before, it could have been shot down in the territorial water over alaska. >> harris: or guam, we watched this since january 21, it had not gotten to alaska yet. >> as an intel officer, this is more than just gathering intelligence, it was probing our security response, how does the
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united states respond to foreign assets and they found the american government is unprepare, unfocused. >> and unwilling to be transparent, senator blumenthal, a democrat, said we could share a lot more that would not compromise sources and methods and karine jean-pierre says we're sharing all that we can, all this as the white house is discussing according to nbc, whether the president should talk about shooting down an object in air space, it is unfathomable. >> it is, as a reporter, you think, i don't know anything at all. what about the why of this. why is china doing this? does this tell you about the military there, is xi jinping testing, probing us, as you just said, because they don't want us to defend taiwan? we have to think beyond this
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balloon, what is china doing and what is their motivation? >> the best communicator in the white house is joe biden, no one believes that. >> harris: have you seen her recently, word salad, like kamala harris. >> disturbing picture of teenage girls in america, so sad, the staggering number that admit to feeling sad, hopeless and even suicidal. t to address my fellow veterans because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for you family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no... give us a call. your heart is the be at of life. if you have heart failure,
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one in three say they are seriously considering suicide or 20% say they have been the victim of sexual violence. this is hard to comprehend, if you meet three teenage girls, one of them has probably consider suicide, that is extraordinary number. >> harris: as parent of 13 and 16 year old, i can tell you when we came out of lockdowns, there was mental illness that had been undiagnosed in schools, this is in new jersey, jersey shore, south of manhattan. part of the issues is those important years, our self-esteem is struggling anyway, and you get people willing to act and we've seen violence in all parts of society, but that age not discerning damage they are doing and bullying, they engage in that and it is something we as
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parents have to wake up to, both parents of victims and parents of those who are boys. we got to start to act now. if you notice your kid is pressuring somebody else, you are just as responsible for what they do. 14-year-old adrianna cook, the super bowl resigned because he released public information about the fact her parents were looking for help, she had been smoke being marijuana reportedly from a vape and that was put in the bloom stream far too early and he is gone from the job. people beat her up and bullied her and it was really, really hard to read this because it is so close to home in new jersey and parents are talking about it. you have to look at both sides of the equation, not just the victim side. if you are living with a bully,
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you are seeing it. >> social media puts toxicity and competitiveness. one thing my parents gave me, when i dealt with feelings like this or every woman deals with self-esteem issue, i didn't look to the world, i looked to the creator of the world who created me with a purpose, that faith element is important in combating toxicity. >> growing up with that faith instilled in you with the knowledge that you are made in his heavenly glory, you are indescribably perfect, not because of who you are, but because of whose you are, your parents instilled in you unshakable sense of self that no earthly impact or voice could penetrate, that is looking in society. other statistics are unprecedented as cdc said, they are appalling and heart
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breaking, young men, a third in terms of suicide thoughts and i point out the most affected group was american indian and alaskan groups. think about what your money is being spent on, your time being spent on as forced by local, state governments, what awareness do you hold? are they telling you about pronouns or certain programs that you are not sure about that your money is going to? did you know the statistic, the undercurrent of people forgotten because attention is most important thing and this is being squashed down for the dollar, lobbying efforts big tech has on administration, number one recipient being kamala harris. it starts with inner parents, faith and better end with our government. >> i have a little one, three
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going onnen tla, we are thinking about what you are saying, how can we impart truth, teach her our values, we teach her that her identity is rooted in christ, when she gets to the age and hears viciousness, she can stand on truth. >> my three year old can be friends with your three year old. >> get rid of the phones, it is up to mom and dad in so many cases to say, sorry, no. this is the influence, it is distracting them from other things that are important like faith. there has to be other touch stones other than the phone and social media. >> you don't often see senator blumenthal and hawley on the same side of an issue, they are looking to get those under 16 off social media, more "outnumbered" next.
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>> nikki haley officially announces a presidential run. katie pavlich will talk about the odds and the rail disaster, town hall giving residents answer. we will talk to a resident who is taking it into her own hands. and the prosecution expected to wraup up the case in the alex murdaugh trial. i'm john roberts, sandra and i will see you at the top of the hour. >> a young woman who defected from north korea is putting things in perspective. she defected as a young teen to be human trafficked in china. she recalls bleak living conditions and her family
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struggled to stay alive. she is now a u.s. citizen and graduate of columbia university. she says many classmates at new york's most elite schools were brain washed like north korean students are. >> it is funny when people say to me, not having a problem is a problem, they literally create a problem out of nowhere and create injustice out of thin air. their oppression is somehow we can't catch evergrowing pronouns and that is biggest thing they face. >> kayleigh, who better to rip off the veil on top of that school than someone who experienced it first hand and under a regime acknowledged to be such, hear what remains to be acknowledged, oppression, the indoctrination in our system. >> exactly right.
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powerful words from ms. park, words have taken on no meaning, socialism and communism, when in reality when she lived in north korea, that meant north koreans dying, her father put in a hard labor camp for trading sugar. we talked about banning funds for transgender services, an activist says this is genocide. go ask those suffering from genocide what genocide is, what communism and authoritarianism looks like. that is right. harris. >> harris: the power of knowing is what she's talking about. this is not her opinion. she's telling us about a place unseen to us, we could never walk in her shoes, that is powerful. why do you think they don't want us to use gas stoves?
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there is no science behind that, it is power grab, control grab, socialism or communism? it doesn't matter what you call it, it is unamerican. >> it is great hearing from someone who says we are not overreacting. we have been sounding the alarm and the left says you are overreacting and fearmongering, now this is someone who lived in that regime saying, look, this is not a road you want to go down, we have to raise alarm now and make noise in school districts so we don't look like north korea in the future. >> a member of my family is interviewing for jobs on college campuses and sat in front of a panel asking questions and 50% of questions other than about race, gender, who you are, how you interact with the idea issue not can you do the job, what is your background.
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50%. we have our priorities screwed up on this situation. >> we talked about preparing your children for onslot of this material world, how do you -- young girls for college for the possibility of that around the corner, what do you do to start with, i fear shielding them is not enough. >> i need tips, this is good. >> harris: no, a lot of pressure. i begin with my young women under construction. with exactly what you talked about, with faith. i start there and say why do you think that you or anybody else are loved more than the lord? we're all his children. i start there, the who, not who you are. i also start with what is here, what you know is more important than what you look like, texture of your skin, color of your hair, things immunable about yourself, show people that you
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can accomplish a lot. when they discount you, it is because of what you did or didn't do, not because of what you look like or the color of your skin. that is important. i want self-confidence to come from place you can accomplish pride and self-confidence, somebody doesn't have to give them moments to make them feel good about themselves and succeed, we rise because we do, not because we are or we look like. >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment.
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study found generally consistent patterns of reduced genetic diversity and decreased connectivity in neighborhoods with fewer white residents. panel, what do we think? >> i would love to have bambi out of my neighborhood, eating all of my shrubs and flowers. >> i like bambi. beautiful. >> thanks for watching, here is "america reports." >> sandra: thank you so much for the second time in as many days, senators meeting with military leaders for a classified briefing, learning more about china's military capabilities, day after the update on the flying objects shot out of the sky. >> john: some critics questioning if the biden administration moved too quickly to take down the three objects last weekend, after acting far too slowly on the original chinese spycraft. to


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