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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 15, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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donation ever received from an individual in the 43-year history of that organization. jordan says he can't think of a better birthday gift than seeing others join him in supporting make a wish so that every child can experience the magic of having their wish come true. how about that from m.j. happy birthday. tomorrow on "special report," a look at the strategic petroleum reserve and all aspects of it fair, balanced and unafraid. here is jesse. >> jesse: just another reason why m.j. is better than lebron. thanks, bret. >> bret: there you go. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: east palestine, ohio has become little chernobyl. residents there have been living in the midst of a toxic mushroom cloud having to inhale 500 tons of cancer russ toxic fumes. with acid rain coming down all over them from all the vinyl chloride in the air. it's like these people got nuked with toxins. right now as we speak palestine residents are showing up to a
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town hall where they were supposed to get the chance to confront the people responsible company let a train full of chemicals fly off the rails and lit it on fire ceo of norfolk southern alec shaw shown right there just decided to back out of the meeting. allen shaw and rail company won't even show their faces. "primetime" has a producer out there, so we will be giving you updates throughout the hour. can you imagine how angry these people are? the company responsible for potentially cancer clustering the town is hiding from them. after they were riding the rails with bad parts. surveillance cameras caught the train sparking unjust 20 minutes before derailing. but now alan shaw and his rail company seem pretty comfortable turning their backs on ohio. is it because they line the pocket of every politician in ohio? probably. maybe norfolk southern didn't have the spine to face their
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victims. >> i wake up every day. i have been sick with my upper congestion. this morning i woke up with my eyes swelled. >> my kids, we're just running in to grab something and going back to grandma's house because they keep breaking out in rashes. >> the kids do? >> yeah. >> i work by the rail track. i have experienced headaches and coughing. i try not to go outside because every time i go outside my throat gets scratchy. >> i have sore throat, headaches. my husband still has a headache. >> jesse: but ohio fauci, remember him? says she's symptoms are just like cold-like symptoms. have nothing to do with the chem warfare unleashed on ohio. slap on a bow tie and lab coat and you are the voice of god. the life in this town is being sucked up. first it was piles of dead fish in the rivers which they said was no big deal. and then it was dead chickens in the barnes and now, even indoor cats are dropping dead. >> they tell me well it seems to be run-of-the-mill congestive
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heart failure. >> vets put leo on medicine to remove fluid around his heart and lucks but it wasn't working. blood work tests show his liver enzymes were about seven times higher than normal. according to documentation from pittsburgh veterinary specialty, an emergency clinic who treated leo, they believe the cat's condition, quote: could be due to vinyl chloride gases. >> jesse: i'm pretty sure it could be. you can't walk outside in palestine without getting a whiff of chemicals. >> so i'm buy the train tracks refusely spill happen it stinks out here it. smells weird over here for sure. there's a lot of people down there. you see a lot of workers. i don't know if they are with the e.p.a. or what. but that is definitely where the train is. and it stinks over here. >> the city is still being forced to go back to work. kids are being sent back to school locked down for covid but not chemical explosion. they are being told it's all
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safe as long as you don't notice your home is covered in ash. >> as you can see it's covered. i take the samples and holding them and put them in a bag. >> you don't think people's lungs look like that grill right now? all of these people are inhaling cancerous ash and no one cares. the e.p.a. administrator michael reagan is actually saying everything is fine. he says the water there is actually pretty good. tasty. you should go try it yourself. >> would you feel comfortable bathing your children in the water or drinking that water? >> >> based on the results of those homes that have been tested, if those test results have come back and said that the air quality is okay and the water's okay, i would remain in my home
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and i would drink the water. >> jesse: hey, guys, the water is really good and may taste like expired dr. pepper. we tested it and you're fine. the e.p.a. didn't even test and it we'll get to that later. until biden's e.p.a. guy comes down to palestine and guzzles a gallon of faucet water, don't believe a thing he says. usually when there is a natural disaster, politicians, cabinet officials, even maybe the president go to ground zero. they hug survivors. they comfort children, they hold a press conference and say everything's going to be okay. we got your back. but biden officials aren't going near this town. trust us they are telling you. like we should believe what the government tells us at this point because the government has never lied to us, right? especially about what's good for us. the biden team just put out a food pyramid that says lucky charms are healthier than an egg. sorry, but people should listen to their gut not the government at this point. aren't these the same people who told us that flint, michigan's
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water system was good to drink? even though the water was brown coming out of the tap? remember the e.p.a. also lied to new yorkers about 9/11? they said the air around ground zero was totally safe. they told them to go outside and get some fresh air, inhale it. and 10 years later, thousands of people wound up with cancer. the e.p.a. is setting east palestine up to be another stat. and the people there they see through it. >> i want to know why we feel unsafe. i feel like we're being lied to. >> we're not safe. tell us the truth. you can smell it. we're not stupid. i think it's miserable. i think they could do so much more for the people of this town. >> to be honest with you, i do not feel anywhere in this town is safe. there's a lot of questions as far as just what the real world is actually doing. it's almost like people are thinking it's a cover-up just to get things, you know, running
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and on their part. >> jesse: sounds like a lot of these people are being forgotten. remember that word? it's like it doesn't even matter that a small rust belt town just got a chemical nuke dropped on them by a rail company? is no one fighting here for the little guy? where is mr. empathy? mr. forgotten man? where's the guy who talked the big game? >> investing in places and people that have been forgotten. so many of you listening tonight, i know you feel it, so many of you felt like you have just simply been forgotten. too many people have been left behind and treated like they are invisible. so many of you, so many of the folks i grew up with feel left behind, forgotten. it's frightening. i want to speak directly to you. >> jesse: today, joe biden was talking about trains in baltimore. but he has never mentioned the train in palestine. why? it's not his kind of people.
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>> joe biden hasn't said anything publicly. what do you think about that? >> [inaudible] this is the middle of trump territory. >> what do you think about the secretary of transportation pete buttigieg he has barely said anything. he actually had media availability but he was talking about the chinese spy balloon and laughing about it. >> yeah. i think they are too busy watching the chinese balloons fly by. and trying to ignore this problem. >> jesse: biden would rather help out someone who breaks into the country illegally than the people of east palestine. remember democrats moved heaven and earth for a venezuelan migrant? they will buy them a culturally appropriate peels of food, but the them up in a posh hotel here in times square. give them phones, exboxes, plane tickets, even lawyers. democrat mayors will even sleep overnight in a sleeping bag in brooklyn just to make some illegal feel more comfortable. see, it's not so bad, even i'm
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doing it. but when our own citizens get toxic chemicals spilled all over their town, they light the chemicals on fire and make them sign lawsuit waivers and then no show at the town hall that way in 10 years when they get cancer they can't sue them? we have spent billions helping illegals but we're going to stiff red-blooded americans in ohio and then claim we care about the forgotten men and women of this country? pretend to care about the working man? pretend to care about the environment? it doesn't matter what democrats say. just watch what they do and right now they aren't doing a thing. let's bring in tulsi gabbard, former presidential candidate and congresswoman. she is also a fox news contributor. you know, it's not that hard to forget about these people. they are on t. have a lot. on the top rated channel in the news country, tulsi. where is biden? where is mayor pete? let's stop forgetting about the
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people you claim to want to not forget about. >> exactly, jesse. it's no wonder that these people don't trust these -- our leaders. these people are in positions of great power and leadership to do exactly what these people need them to do, to show up, to be there, to provide them with exactly what they need during this massive catastrophe. but, guess what? they're not there, and they are not paying attention to them, because they don't care. they see themselves as masters. they see the rest of us as adversaries and subjects. they -- you know, the american people are basically an after thought. they are very happy to take our taxpayer dollars. very happy to spend them as they please. spend trillions on military adventures around the world. leaving people like those in palestine, ohio, those in jackson, mississippi who don't have access to clean drinking water, leaving my fellow veterans to struggle and beg and plead for pennies just to help address those struggles and those who are suffering.
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i deployed with a lot of folks who lived every single day under a huge plume of smoking that came from toxic burn pits. there are so many veterans right now who are in the post 9/11 generation who are suffering from rare cancers and diseases that the v.a. and the dod still today refuse to recognize and provide them care for. so you have pointed out so many examples of how we, the american people, have been lied to hey, just trust us. this is fine. everything is going to be okay. and yet more and more people are suffering, begging for help. and still those in power showing they really don't care. they care more about themselves and their own power than they do about caring for the american people. >> jesse: president biden claimed his son died from a burn pit in iraq. there is a burn pit in ohio basically and the guy is m.i.a. i'm getting this report here. the e.p.a. is looking like didn't really do any of the tests on the water. the rail company that caused the spillage hired some in-house shop, some firm to do all the
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testing. and it's the same type of firm that b.p. hires to say oh, yeah, the gulf of mexico is totally fine after b.p. dumped a bazillion gallons of oil into it. that's the kind of place -- exactly the same shop. and, tulsi it's like a john grisham novel. handing out pieces of paper. before we come in to test your water to see if it's clean. sign this piece of paper so you won't sue us. this is a scandal. do the republicans need to drop everything they are doing with these hearings and focus on this? >> yes, they should. the people there in palestine deserve r.r. deserve it. the american people deserve it. the conflict of interest there that you are pointing out that the company that's responsible for this disaster is legally liable for this disaster has now been the one supposedly in charge of saying hey, trust us, your water is okay. your air is okay. go back to school. go back to work. give me a break. how is this not in their best
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financial interest leaving the health both short and long term impacts of these people on the line. that is what is at stake here. >> jesse: they bailed on the town hall. they bail at the last second. they say, you know, i'm not going to show up. >> yeah. that right there just shows exactly who they care about. they don't care about the people there in palestine. they don't care about the people who are being potentially at -- put at risk by the fact that the ohio river has been found to be contaminated with this stuff. we are talking a lot about the air. but the fact that the water has been found to be contaminated. they have tested it. the toxins are there. but they are saying don't worry about it, it's a big river. the toxins will be small enough by the big river. give me a break. >> jesse: until mayor pete comes to palestine and takes a bath in the water that they claim is so pure, i don't think anybody should bathe there, bathe their children. i will believe it when i see it, when the guys in charge actually come down and show what's up.
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all right, tulsi gabbard, thank you so much. love having you on. >> appreciate it. >> jesse: well, sticky sammy was in court today for bag-grabbing and we will tell you what happened there. also, judge jeanine is next on how to get control of america's courtrooms. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. i work hard, and i want my money to work hard too. so, i use my freedom unlimited card. earning on my favorite soup. aaaaaah. got it. earning on that éclair. don't touch it, don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. - this one? - nope. - this one? - yes. - no. - what? - the big one. - they're all the same size. wait! lemme get 'em all. i'm gonna get 'em all! earn big with chase freedom unlimited.
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♪ >> jesse: americans are losing respect for the judicial system. here's a man, he's claiming is he a convict. just finished serving his sentence. is he bragging about how is he going to kill again. >> have you ever killed anybody before. >> hell, yeah. i got 17 years in. i got two bodies, six in super max. that's the bodies they know about. i got caught for two murders. they dropped one. i had two murders. home invasion.
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three armed robberies, possession of a firearm. >> do you feel any regret for the killing. >> hell, no. because i will kill again. hell, no. hell no. >> were the people that you killed were they innocent or were they just. >> [bleep] well, one was a cocaine [bleep] him. the other one, he got robbed my boy so i had to come get him. >> jesse: atlanta police, we're actually going to send you guys this video. you might want to keep an eye on that guy. it's just chaos in the streets but also in the courtroom. americans have lost their self-control. this is in buffalo where family members upset are at a proceeding for that mass shooting a little while ago tried to bum rush the killer. >> we love our kids. we never go in no neighborhood and take people out. don't do it. [shouting] [shouting]
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>> jesse: and then in wisconsin a handcuffed defendant went nuts and actually attacked her own defense attorney. >> an expert hired by the defense was expected to testify tuesday but attorney quinn jonalee said the doctor needed more time to complete his report. reluctantly the judge agreed to trial. that's when she jumped out of the chair and lunged at a attorney. a deputy had to wrangle her off of him and to the ground. the courtroom was cleared for several moments. >> jesse: i'm going to go out for a limb and say the attorney dropped her as a client. a judge who knows a thing or two about the courtroom. when you see angry family members, you understand why they are an grirks lunge across the table at a defendant, how do you handle something like that? >> well, first of all, when you are getting ready for a sentencing in a murder case, like this buffalo case, i mean, 10 people were killed. they were killed by a white supremacist who claims he came in to kill black people. if that isn't fired up enough for you, but as a judge, i would
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come out and say, ladies and gentlemen, this is a serious proceeding. anybody who makes a peep, i'm throwing you out of the courtroom. you expect the emotions to be very high. and they were in this case as she talked about, you know, you killed our kids. we lost our kids. another family member goes after the defendant. but, do you know what is so interesting, jesse? >> jesse: what's that? >> they get that defendant out of the courtroom in three seconds. if only the police were that quick with victims on the street. >> jesse: that's a good point. >> we would be better off. they were saving this murderer. what the heck. >> jesse: would you tell the deputies before the hearing if a family member maybe lunges at the defendant wait a beat or two. let them get a shot in. >> judge jeanine: jesse, are we on tv now? >> jesse: tell me with this other guy. this guy gets out after serving a sentence not only does he say he is going to kill again, he admits to other homicides. can we do anything about this guy? >> well, that may be bravado to the extent that you consider that bravado on his part. no, you can't do anything about that. unless it's specifically with respect to someone where you can
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show that there an imminent harm, imminent danger to a particular person, this guy is just mouthing off. i will tell you what, if he kills someone who is caucasian, you automatically have a hate crime because he has established the premise for a hate murder. the guy is a dirt bag. but we will see if he is full of it or not. there goes my pen. i keep complaining about these pens. >> jesse: knock on the cure you admitted on tape that you may have committed other murders. we would like to talk to you. can they at least do that. >> sure, they can do that and he can slam the door in their face that will be the end of that segment. >> jesse: judge, thank you so much. see you on "the five." ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your luggage. sticky fingers sammy is flying. biden's old nuke guru flew back to minneapolis for a court date after snatching two grand worth of designer lady's luggage. rebecca brennan cut the baggage handler coming out of court. >> do you still have a security
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clearance? are you going to plead guilty today? did you steal any luggage today? who are you wearing? >> why would you want some lady's dirty clothes? >> jesse: the luggage looter was released without bail and ordered not to contact the victim. the judge referred to biden's fired nuke official not as mr. britten and not as miss briton but as mx briton since sticky identifies as nonbinary, whatever that means. sampson night britten faces up to five years in prison and this isn't sticky's first run-in with the law. in december finger wases in court for snatching more bags at a las vegas airport. little sammy should be back to
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court in april. so if anybody is flying that month, maybe bring c carry on. we just found out who posted mini madoff's bail. the whole thing was fake. plus, how to deal with someone like whoopi. ♪ avoiding triggers, but still get migraine attacks? qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. qulipta gets right to work. keeps attacks away over time. qulipta is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. ask your doctor about qulipta. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? >> vo: for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby
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tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. >> jesse: all democrats do is blame republicans for everything, inflation, climate change, even mass shootings. like the one at michigan state you heard about on monday. some loan walked on to campus a gun-free zone and opened fire killing three students and injuring five more. the guy had a long history of mental illness and was charged with multiple gun-related crimes in the past in 2019 illegal gun charge a felony that would have put him away for five years but the soros funded d.a. carol
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seemen let him walk with a misdemeanor. never served a day in jail. the fact that he didn't have a felony on his record made it possible for him to buy guns after he got off probation the man's own father almost red flagged him to get the guns out of the house but didn't happen. so, everyone blew it. the judges, the d.a.s, the dad, but, if you listen to the media, the gun's the problem and we all need to lose our rights. >> well, you know, it's kind of crazy because i think of all of the banning of stuff that's going on in this country. banning of books, books don't kill people. banning of trans people, i don't know any trans people or of any trans people that have killed people. >> jesse: whoa, i'm going to have to stop you right there. have you ever heard of google? we googled trans killers and within seconds you find out a bunch of trans murders maybe you don't know them personally but we know of them.
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anybody going to flag her for disinformation? well, our next guest has been on the air with these people kellyanne conway the former counselor to president trump and a fox news contributor. people watch t it, kellyanne. they hear whoopi lie and they believe it and no one is on thethere to corrected her. what do we do with people like whoop? >> i politely fact checked in real time. also, jesse, there are four other people at the table instead of nodding their heads and sipping coffee at nervous moments they can say can i disagree with it but i don't know what the point is another troubled person who had a history of mental illness and problems with guns that went through the system because people are just looking the other way. so we saw that in parkland. we saw it in newton. we saw it in uvalde. you always have people -- you always have egotistical people
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of all types who make these shootings about themselves. remember beto o'rourke in uvalde and el paso a couple years before that he made it about himself and campaign instead of the grieving people. you have been covering this for several years now. and it's important. these d.a.s are out of control. we all know the reckless, feckless policies like defunding the police, cashless bail, letting criminals go free, not caring much about the victims. watching the burning and looting of major cities, but what people are just starting to realize and know by name, jesse, are these soros backed district attorneys they are so dangerous and have so much power. like the one here in michigan, she decided whether this guy would get another gun charge such that he would not have been able to legally procure and use a firearm. >> jesse: "the view" just lies about it. how are we ever going. >> we're fact-checking. >> jesse: how are we going to
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get anything done in this country if they lie and we have to point out the truth. >> there are lies coming from the white house which has a lot of gravitas and the white house press podium every single day not silly ones like joe biden is our best communicator although that's true in ted. realize inflation is transitory. crime is not going up in every major city. i also wanted to say something else. people like to make everything about race and sexual orientation and religion and politics. the fact is, that the largest increase in firearm sales and ownership in the last few years was among black men and black women in this country. it's up 58.2% according to one study. they want to protect themselves like the rest of us do. and, jesse, "the washington post," abc news poll was released last week. i'm sure they were sorry that they asked this question and will never do it again. they showed a 7 point dip from 56% to 49% among americans who favor a, quote, assault weapons ban. and do you know why that is? joe biden says we need an assault weapons ban. the guy at michigan state used a
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pistol. and people know that every time you call for an assault weapons ban you are doing it and nothing happens. then we go onto the next shooting quote nothing happens. they don't trust that they think you are trying to disarm and remove the second amendment right from law-abiding citizens. >> jesse: the guy used a pistol in a gun-free zone and look what happened and the soros d.a. let the guy skate. what else should we do kellyanne? she wants to turn the whole country infantry into a gun-free zone. what are we going to do with the criminals. >> like they do in california. >> jesse: break into theview some day and just knock their heads together, please? the country, i think, would give you a medal. thank you and tough loss. >> i will see you on the set of "the view." >> jesse: tough loss on sunday. >> tough loss but we love our birds. see you in vegas. >> jesse: senator feinstein is retiring and this time she knows about it. there was some confusion yesterday when feinstein's staff
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announced she was retiring but forgot to tell her about it. >> when you are announcing you are retiring. >> oh, i'm not announcing anything. >> no? >> i will one day. >> you will? thank you, ma'am. >> not too far away. >> thank you, ma'am. >> jesse: later that day one of her staffers let her know they have decided she is retiring. >> i haven't made that decision. i haven't released anything. it would be. >> you put out the statement. >> we put out your statement. >> i didn't know they put it out. >> okay. so, it is what it is. i think the time has come. i have a whole other year. i have things that are underway. i expect to achieve them, i hope. >> yeah. >> and so we will see. >> jesse: farewell. we remember your legacy being chauffeured by a chinese spy for two decades. delaying the kavanaugh hearings and, of course, fighting with children over the green new deal. >> i have been doing this for 30 years. i know what i'm doing.
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you come in here and you say it has to be my way or the highway. i don't respond to that. >> we're the people who voted you. you ever supposed to listen to us. >> how old are you? >> that's your job. >> i'm 16. >> you didn't vote for me. >> she voted. >> [shouting] it doesn't matter we are the ones who are impacted. >> you know better than i do. so i think one day you should run for the senate. >> well, slap fighting is the hottest new sport in the country so politicians want to make it a crime. and "primetime" will take you live inside the east palestine town hall where the rail company just ran away. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine
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>> jesse: fox news alert. moments ago there was an outburst at the palestine, ohio town hall. listen. [shouting] everybody listen up. [inaudible] in my community. [applause] [cheers]
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[inaudible] everybody's behavior [inaudible] than what we are getting right now! >> jesse: the people of east palestine showed up to the town hall thinking the company that dropped the toxic bomb on their town would be there. but norfolk southern and its cowardly ceo alan shaw backed out. they are hiding f from the residents after turning their town into little chernobyl. and "primetime" talk to the people in east palestine, listen. >> are you experiencing any symptoms. >> a little light-headed and my lips did get all tingling yesterday morning when i went to clean up the house. it smells terrible up around the house. there is black residue on the pictures, surface stuff. >> i hit a cloud of something down in there that it put me -- i went to the hospital. i was worried about me -- i have
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been so stressed out they put me on an ekg thinking i'm going to have a freakin' heart attack because of my stress being so high. i want to know what i sucked in. >> i just feel like when i'm outside and the wind is blowing, try not to breathe in too heavily. after about 15, 20 minutes, my throat felt like there was gravel in it. i mean, it was -- i have had a sore throat since then. >> i vomit within 10 minutes of being in that home. the air is still terrible. absolutely terrible. i will not take my children in there because of that, yeah. yeah. burning of the eyes, trouble breathing. and then i just get nauseous within 10 minutes. you know, my husband popped in to try to get anything, you know, phone charger, things that they say are safe. you cannot get the smell out. it does not come out. my kids' friend said they lost cats. you know, their pets have been, you know, sick. and then we have kids' friends who have rashes and my daughter was one that also had a real bad -- looks almost like a sun burn. >> e.p.a. is letting us, you
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know, giving us -- i mean not giving us any numbers. they are saying the air is clean. we know -- we have heard that before 9/11. the water was fine in flint, michigan, different things. so that is in the back of your head. >> they told me they were going to do an air quality test. never got a call back, three times three different agents from that number said they were doing an air quality test. >> if i could, i would definitely move. >> i'm old. i'm not ready to die. i hope i don't have any after-effects is what worries me. >> jesse: ohio congressman bill johnson represents east palestine. so, congressman, you are there at the town hall situation. what is the mood like after the ceo didn't show up? >> people are very frustrated, people are angry, jesse. they came here for answers and they are legitimately frustrated that the company that caused
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this accident is not here to be accountable. but i can tell you what, i am here. i'm gonna stay here. i was here on monday. i walked around with the mayor, the fire chief, some of the emergency crews, the e.p.a. representatives of norfolk southern. i'm going to stay here. and if the railroad is not here tonight but i'm taking their questions. and anybody that's got a question for norfolk southern that they can't get to them tonight, i will take their question and make sure that they get an answer. >> jesse: well, i have a question if you can ask norfolk southern. are they going into people's homes and making them sign liability waivers in order to test the water? >> you know, i haven't heard that. i haven't seen that. i'm going to ask about that when i talk to -- when i get out of here tonight. tonight's first time that i have heard that. but i have not heard that from any of the residents here. >> jesse: can i give you another question? can you ask the e.p.a. if they did their own testing because
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we're hearing that norfolk southern hired a private contractor to do all the testing. and you know what it means whether they hire a private contractor and they get the results that they want. >> yeah. i will go back and ask the e.p.a. that. it's my understanding that the e.p.a. has overseen all of the testing. i mean, they are the ones responsible for enforcement of the clean air act and the clean water act. so legitimately they should be the ones that is pulling the trigger on the testing and validating that the testing is being done properly. but i -- the regional director is here. i understand the e.p.a. administrator is going to be here tomorrow. so, yes. i will find out about that. but it's the first time tonight that i have heard anything about waivers of liability. >> jesse: okay. well, please send my love to everybody in the town and they have our support and we're not going to stop covering the story
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and thank you, congressman, for what you're doing. you seem to be really on top of it and thanks for communicating everything to us and communicating our questions to the people. >> jesse, thanks for giving me a chance to be on. we'll go back in and continue the work. >> jesse: all right. please do. thank you. >> jesse: well, when it comes to mini madoff, nothing is what it seems. he's not a billionaire philanthropist. is he a schemer. he is not a shy, innocent tech nerd is he a orgy enthusiast. i'm starting to wonder if he is even a vegan. when mini madoff was finally arrested and released on a record quarter million dollars bail. we were told it was the biggest bond in history. nicholas ruiz the u.s. attorney running the case said so. we all figured at the very least he would have to cough up what, 10, 15%, which is $37 million?
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but, like we said, nothing is as it seems. it turns out crypto fetterman didn't have to post a regular bail bond. he got something called personal recognizance bond which means mini was free to go without putting up any cash. he just had to pinky swear to pay the quarter billion if he skips. now, mini is a trustworthy guy. you can take him at his word. i know what you are thinking. wait a second. didn't mini have two sugar brothers? and that's true. and they barely put up any money. today we found out who the sugar brothers were. they were unmasked. andreas and larry kramer. two stafford university guys put up the bond. cramer kicked in a half a mill and papke floated about 200 grand. that's far from a quarter billion. so, who are these guys? well, pepke is a tech professor.
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i don't know professors carried around that kind of cash, but the other sugar bro is larry cramer, the former dean of stanford's law school. my first question is why did two stanford professors want to free mini that badly? and, two, how did they cobble together that kind of scratch on teacher's salaries and, three, why did biden's u.s. attorney prosecuting the case claim that mini paid the biggest bail in history when he didn't? next, american men are in mourning after raquel welch passes away. ♪ ♪ ♪ma ma ma ma♪ [clears throut] for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops with two times more menthol per drop*, and the powerful rush of vicks vapors for fast-acting relief you can feel. vicks vapocool drops. fast relief you can feel.
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>> don't worry. i'm going to get them tonight. we can learn to get along for god's sake. did they apologize? hell no. and finally, dear abc --
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>> jesse: it's wednesday. water's cooler. we have our fox weather meteorologist here first up. politicians working overtime,
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but not what you'd expect. they're trying to get a new show taken off the air. the show? well, it's called "power slap." take a look. >> that's a knockout! >> jesse: i'm going to watch this. i can't wait to watch this. >> i see this all the time in my timeline when i'm scrolling. i'll stop and watch. it's mesmerizing. >> jesse: because you're a caveman. >> we are all a little bit. i can't believe this is legal. isn't this felony assault? >> jesse: you sound like one of these politicians. >> oh, great. >> jesse: that's the most offensive thing i can tell someone. i'm sorry. i take it all back. up next, america's men are in
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mourning tonight, especially gutfeld, after the death of actress raquel welch, a sex symbol in the '60s when gutfeld was growing up, and died this morning after a brief illness, but her legacy will never die. i wasn't even going to do this story until i saw geraldo and gutfeld nearly in tears this afternoon. >> they were in mourning. yeah. i think a lot of american men were mourning as well. she lived a fantastic life, right? 82 years. an icon in both film and fashion. and, umm, yeah, she filled -- >> jesse: that was a very moving tribute. >> thank you. i'm trying not to mention the
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prehistoric bikini, because i'm married. >> jesse: very well done. you stood up on the landing. >> very good. >> jesse: finally, a husband is in hot water, not nick, with his wife after he gave her a performance review, and he posted the performance review of his wife on the internet. his wife, not happy about that. would you recommend anybody do that? >> no, not if they want to live. you know what i mean? i read part of the story, and it said that he said she was quiet the first hour after he handed the performance review to her. and then she completely exploded. i'm, like, i can't believe it took her an hour. that's amazing. >> jesse: nothing scarier than when the wife is quiet. >> oh, that's true. for an hour, you're in big trouble. something is stewing in there. >> jesse: you'll get one of those things with the flame. >> she should take him to the slam thing. >> jesse: thank you very much, nick. so abc executives are freaking
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out. "primetime" is beating "the bachelor" in the ratings, and they're panicking over at abc, considering bringing back chris hanson -- harrison. hanson was the guy that busted the pedophiles. that's not the pedophile buster. chris harrison could be coming back to save the franchise from "jesse watters primetime." i'm happy about it, because i'm a huge "bachelor" fan. text messages. john from ohio. hi, jesse, i want to know where the heck is fema. why haven't they been here to help us? i don't know where fema is, where mayor pete is. i don't know either. and georgia, the same government that told us in vietnam that agent orange was safe for humans. we saw how that worked out. coyote from north carolina. why hasn't anyone put sticky sammy on the no-fly list? i don't know, coyote. that is a very good question. i'll have to talk to the tsa.
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sherry from denver. jesse, i think slap-shooting to be the way to solve stalemates in congress. you know, you just get -- kevin, put some powder on it. we don't condone violence on "primetime." dvr the show. "tucker" is up next. always remember, i'm watters. this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." east palestine, sits on the border of ohio. a toxic mushroom cloud rising thousands of feet over the town is certain to affect the state next door. that's why three days after a train derailed there, spilling dangerous chemicals on to th


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