tv Outnumbered FOX News February 16, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST
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♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered." i am emily compagno with my cohost kayleigh mcenany and harris faulkner. joining us today, most of the mansion global katrina camp ends, for the first time on "outnumbered," texas land commissioner and partner lop george p bush. george, we are so grateful to have your today, so honored. to the last time i saw you we
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were chatting about you and i were almost jumping out of a plane skydiving and texas but because of weather we weren't able to maybe that was a bit of a relief. >> george: we did not have to jump out of the plane, but what a way to honor my grandfather, hopefully you got a taste of texas with some barbecue and cowboy boots and country music. so hope to do it again. spin on it was amazing honoring your family and their legacy and that beautiful state of texas and today looking forward to hearing your contribution. so guys, we begin with anger, frustration, and government distrust coming out of the town of east palestinian ohio, residents expressing outrage over an emotional town hall last night blasting the lack of answers about the derailed train and growing health concerns. it has been nearly two week since the derail derailment released four toxic chemicals
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into the air. they are understandably worried and have questions. the train company norfolk southern did not show up to last night's meeting, they pulled out at the last minute claiming they were scared for the physical safety of their employees, what about the physical safety for the residents of the town that can't leave. transportation secretary pete buttigieg was also a no-show, but he tweeted about it. but he tweeted about other things including several times about electric cars, and it gets worse. we could not find any direct comments from president biden on the disaster. he did not even address it yesterday while he was speaking about other rail projects. no wonder people from the small town of 4700 feel angry and scared and forgotten. even though just weeks ago the president promised that his administration will be there for folks just like them. watch. >> investing him places and people that have been forgotten. some of you listen tonight, i
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know that you feel it. so many of you have felt like you have been forgotten. too many people have been left behind and treated like they were invisible. so many of you, so many of the folks i grew up with feel left behind, forgotten. it's frightening. i want to speak directly to you. >> emily: george, for these americans to feel so forgotten, to feel so small in the face of this administration, it is underscored when they all of a sudden supper on the national level when it is a battleground state and their elections at stake. and there some reason for someone to amplify or elevate their own position as a lawmaker at a time when it is needed most. right now for the president to say i see you to seven people, they get silenced. >> george: this is environmental hypocrisy, the call for red tape and regulation when it comes to the environment, but when we have a
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environmental disaster in recent history, the president is nowhere to be found, secretary buttigieg does not have time to get on a plane and visit with his constituents. not to mention the epa secretary is nowhere to be found. i don't know if you all had a chance to check out the town hall, but it was the mayor who was taking tough questions. and i come at it from the perspective of a crisis manager where during the trump days, president trump and vice president pence came down after the storm. and governor abbott along with the statewide electives passing out water, helping rebuilding homes, mucking and gutting and getting rid of mold, that's what leadership is about. your constituents are entrusting you with this position, and they are busy playing politics. so it may affect them politically, but i'm just disappointed in their lack of leadership during an ecological crisis. >> emily: there is a phrase, kayleigh, that my family has always said, your presence is lion, that means you physically show up, and it so much more
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volume than a tweet or a comment or the lack thereof. even if you can't show up, you make it, you get there come hell or high water, because people are dying. they are afraid to die. they are afraid, and the president does not have the gumption or the leadership to show up in person. to the director of transportation does not have the leadership and the empathy to show up. why not? >> kayleigh: let's put it bluntly and accurately, your federal government has failed you coming east palestinian. there's no two ways about it, and the timeline is damning. we just watch clips from the state of the union, not a single mention of a train derailment with toxic chemicals, some that were used in world war i, not a single mention as our president talks about the forgotten man and woman, kamala harris then gives a speech on the environment on february 8th, not a single mention, yesterday, you noted, emily, the
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president gives a speech on rail, no mention. at some point this becomes just purely insulting that you give a speech on the environment, a state of the union on rail and this is not mentioned. they simply do not care. and i contrast that with how the elites dealt with covid-19 in the white house, we all left wear a mask, take precautions, i remember when i was a close contact of someone and a reporter drew a seating chart and talked about not wearing masks. well, imagine elites in washington, d.c., if you were in the middle of a toxic chemical burn without wearing a mask. that is essentially what has happened to these people. and where is the irate anger that i saw with covid-19 protocols? it is woefully absent from the press and the elite here when it is east palestinian. >> emily: and about 20 miles south of youngstown was the town that was memorialized in bruce springsteen song about a town left to their own devices and forgotten because of the jobs that leave. this is an area where manufacturing jobs have left and
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again, the only time and attention that is given to this area is one elected politicians feel the need to ensure their votes. these people need to be heard. >> harris: i want to make sure that people know the facts today and i loved what you said environmental hypocrisy, because that's what this is. the people who are absent are all democrats, how interesting is that? my guest last hour want me to tears, brandon neal's neck is in pennsylvania, so this is two states now that are dealing with this. they border each other. it is not 4700 people, it's going to be a lot more than that, because it is across state lines. he said that the evacuation after february 3rd's 8:00 p.m. and 49 minutes past the hour was for a mile with the blast site, shrapnel and things flying, but the air traveled much further. that plume of smoke, those toxins, dock sequel was on my
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show yesterday, dr. marc siegel and he said ground water, air, some of that will be in the systems of people for generations to come. this young man has four young children pretty brought pictures with him of things that we had not seen, because he was on the ground, and you could see how close they were then and i said, did you get far enough away? he says i did what they said, but no, i did and it appeared to those are the facts from the ground in that town hall was an embarrassment last night coming you are right, the mayor was trying mightily, but he does not have the information. why did the transportation -- transportation secretary make north that -- north southern zoom in, we did hold shows on zoom. you cannot take the meeting and answer some questions? they don't want to. they don't want us to know the answers, and the president has ridden the train, he loves to ride the train, he makes up stories about riding the train, maybe that's why he is not touching this. if somebody in cahoots with somebody? i don't know, i want a chance to
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ask every question as a journalist. >> emily: and katrina, there is a spectrum, we have the governor from georgia's point, it's not hazardous levels and there's nothing they see, but there's a spectrum below, below hazardous is still harmful, below actionable is still impactful, so to harris' point, all of these people in east palestinian and surrounding areas where only grow and only more people affected in actual tangible ways, but the government insists that it only matters if it reaches a certain level and it has not reached at left, so nothing to see here and no reason for it to be addr addressed. >> katrina: i see this as a real estate professional as i travel around the nation, and they had five homes on it and four have cancer and when you go back to its, the route is the well system, the water system, but nobody is addressing this. so i see this throughout the entire nation and it is something that we really need to take note of in addition to that, think about these people's homes, health obviously comes first and most, but they will
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not be able to resell this home and most of them have their life savings to end their property. not to mention uprooting your children, the consistency of community, i mean, it is such a big issue on so many levels, that i think we need leadership here at this point in time. >> emily: we saw that in the island in washington state, the waterways contaminated and the resulting of everybody's equity and generational dependency for their families, your final thoughts before we conclude. >> george: as harris said, half of this is not even -- if you don't know the empress -- answer, showing empathy, lending a shoulder to a crying constituent, to a victim of this disaster, but it has been totally radio silent, and there is a lot on the plate for the president, kayleigh knows this being press secretary, but at the same time you can zoom in and telephonically call in, but show up. it is just disappointing to see up and down the chain of command
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no action ability and that people are still waiting for answers, and you are absolutely right, this is more than just the initial blast zone of 11 miles, this is a multistate, multijurisdictional crisis and a moment for leadership that we have not seen. >> emily: we assure you, we don't forget you and will continue to share your stories in that situation. coming up, the president has going for his annual physical today, just as nikki haley sparks debate after she called for a mandatory mental competency testing for lawmakers 75 and older. stay with us.
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ago, yesterday during her presidential campaign kickoff, nikki haley sparked a debate about older politicians holding office. she's calling for lawmakers over the age of 75 to undergo mandatory mental competency testing. >> in the america, i see that a permanent politician will finally retire. [cheers and applause] we will have term limits for congress. [cheers and applause] and mandatory mental competency tests for politicians over 75 years old. >> kayleigh: so age has become a bit of a discussion with our current president. a noticeably democrats have been saying different things in front of the cameras than they have behind the scenes to reporters. believe it or not, that happens. a "politico" piece, "new york times" piece illustrating this and george, i want you to listen. governor murphy saying publicly of new jersey i don't hear any chatter of anybody considering
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talking him -- taking him on in our party for good reason, what i see is a guy who is still on the top of his game, inter interesting, bill shaheen is a dnc member called joe biden physically fit and energetic, not the first words that come to mind. "politico" saying behind the scenes democrat senator basically talked about trying to convince joe biden not to run. a house member said "turn off your phones as they were talking" and said there is no alternative, and the best part was this, make it or throw was a democratic lawmaker who recalled speaking to jill biden and hoping to plant a seat about a one turn that correlation of victory and told her how her husband should be celebrated for saving democracy, when asked if i could use that on the record, the lawmakers shouted back "absolutely not." your thoughts? >> george: i would agree with the thesis, into something that a here and i'm at lee from democrats that are well connected with the political scene and any democrat is probably thinking about what are the alternatives. so i think as we get more
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progressed in this election cycle that you will start seeing some names float. now governor gavin newsom and some others have categorically said they are not running, and take that with a grain of salt. every politician and everyone including myself is always looking for higher office, so this story has yet to be written, and am not surprised a large democrat donors and grassroots supporters are looking for an alternative to joe biden, because they know that he is our ghibli the most vulnerable one-term president in recent history. >> kayleigh: the problem is there is not an alternative, that's what "politico" puts forward, people are uncomfortable with the idea of the vice president saying without a viable alternative, democrats find themselves at a dinner party with guests in a horror film spoof, terrified of a 2024 candidacy, but even more scared of other classical forms. >> harris: i will look at the actual words, governor murphy is from my state, the same man who said, well, if taxes are your
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issue, don't live here. brilliant. taxes are everybody's issue. and to then, with shaheen, he did not say anything about mental capacity or acumen, did he? he did not talk about that. he said that he has physical and energetic. i know plenty of physical and energetic 80 something-year-old's. that's not the issue, the issue is can he finish his sentence is? can he pull out of afghanistan and listen to the generals and then deploy the mission in a way that we don't get killed? can he do the job? can he show up as you said talking about presents so eloquently, emily. and the answers to that seem to be, may be, rarely yes. and i don't know if he needs to be tested for that, but we have been battle-tested as the american people for where his failings are. and it is obvious right now that with the spacecraft from, i mean with the spy craft from china and all of that that he is not
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ready to speak. i said last hour that i think he has lost his voice on some of these issues. >> kayleigh: he certainly has come and it's not just age question when it comes to the democratic party, but also senators, emily look at this, dianne feinstein had to be told that she retired by a staffer, watch. >> i have not made that decision, i have not released anything. it will be -- you put out a statement? i do not know that they put it out. >> emily: look, mistakes can happen at any point, a miscommunication with their staff, but i think that there is a level of scrutiny see around that makes it a little sad, i feel a little bad for her. that is my state. she was my senator when i was like tiny, tinier than tiny and i am 100, and she is still senator.
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so i think your point, you know, our president and commander in chief should be the best of us. he should be the leader in the room, the one that shines bright, or she, the one that has had amazing brilliance to surround themselves with even more brilliant specialty experts. and to have sustained faith and confidence in that prowess and in that ability to communicate and empathize and nurture and make decisions and articulate why and recall facts why and to know that when they are looking us in the eyes, we are not forgotten. i don't want a president that is the best of what is around, the one that we could get up there. that's what you settle on for dinner and the buffet line in a cafeteria. that's not the commander in chief. and i do think that for nikki haley's proposition, i think that term limits are absolutely necessary, at least then there will be some drive for elected officials to get something done during that short window and to not spend it just pandering to their suspected voters, but i think that to the mandatory acumen ten -- acumen test would be a vast waste of resources that we don't have, so there has to be a way maybe it is triggered in a democratic
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objective way, because clearly competency and acuity is big in question in this white house. >> kayleigh: you are spot on, the competency test, major minimum requirements in the constitution, but a competency test, let voters decide. i don't always agree with their choice, see john fetterman, c joe biden, they choose. that's their choice. >> katrina: and all leaders should be tested regardless of age coming want to know that they are mentally capable and also physically capable of leading and we have spoken about this. >> harris: that is interesting. >> katrina: i think that everybody should be tested, and the waters could be muddied, so what doctor is testing who? who is getting paid under the table? so i think that that has to be figured out. but i want to know that especially now with mental health becoming such a big issue across the board that you want to make sure that your leaders are mentally capable of leading. and i think with mental health also comes empathy, right? with being comfortable in yourself, then you can show empathy to others and relate to
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others where if you are struggling within yourself, you can't lead. >> harris: short of that, emily brought up a good point, i don't know if we have the resources to be able to do it fairly as you said, but to the debates, that's what makes those doubly important. >> emily: so true. >> harris: you have to use your words. >> kayleigh: and candidates have been avoiding those debates. a detriment to the american public on that front. don lemon accused of sexism on what he said this morning about two nikki haley and her age. don't miss this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ d silvercoin to be - "the most perfect medium, because it will preserve its own level; because having intrinsic and universal value, it can never die in our hands." true then. true now. let rosland capital help put gold and silver in your hands. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals.
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oh man. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪ ♪ spun out, don lemon over at cnn is doing it again, sparking more accusations of sexism, what is it with this guy? just this morning he said presidential candidate to nikki haley should not promote competency tests for elderly politicians, because she and this is a quote "it is past her prime as a woman." watch it. >> this talk about age makes me uncomfortable, i think it's the wrong road to go down, she says people, politicians or something not in their prime, nikki haley is not in her prime, sorry. when a woman is in her prime in her 20s and 30s and may be 40 us. to me. >> prime for what? >> it depends, if you look it
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up, if you google one is a woman in her prime, it will say 20s, 30s, and porteous. >> another decade. >> and i agree with that, so she has to be careful about saying that politicians are in their prime. >> harris: okay, first of all, two things. don lemon, oh, my goodness. watching democrats trying to figure out what a woman is is a lot. the kayleigh. >> kayleigh: s, don lemon always gets me laughing especially in the morning i guess. >> harris: you are not laughing, no one is. >> kayleigh: i do see the clips. it did not bother me and i stood up for him when he mentioned that they had mommy brain, fine, i have mommy brand, i'm not offended by that. but why are you googling one is a woman in her prime? why are you googling that, secondly, women in their prime, margaret thatcher became prime minister in her 50's, nancy pelosi who i don't particularly like, however it's
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hard to argue she was not good at her job. she was excellent at her job keeping dems together, she became speaker for the second time at 70. so what are you thinking, don lemon, and why you googling, put down the keyboard. >> harris: one arm men in their prime? he is five years older than nikki haley. she is 51, he is 56. i'm not watching that morning show, because i don't like to be alone. >> george: i have to break up the popcorn on this one, any time a public figure tries to mansplain, it usually goes downhill. so as a devoted husband of 18 years and my wife, and i am not going to say her age at this moment to -- >> harris: you are a good husband. [laughter] >> george: in her 40s and she is absolutely in her prime. she is kicking it in her professional career, and raising two boys, and an amazing partner. and i think about another strong woman, barbara bush, champion of literacy was raising money until
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the early 90s out there pressing the flesh and making sure that adult illiteracy was a priority for adult readers and communities in texas. so i'm just going to break the popcorn out, because this is bad news for don. >> harris: again and again and again. at 57 i think that in your prime is when you wake up in the morning and you can rock. >> emily: your prime as any day you are above ground. this does not surprise me, but only surprises me is why he has continued to be given a prop form -- platform. he continues to offend and appall viewers. and any listener has seen it on a clip. we know there is not too many live viewers, i don't know why he is googling for a segment, that shows the level of intellectual prowess we can expect from that show, but i think it is deserving of an apology and deserving of at least a mission of some time how patently lee inappropriate that comment was coming into your point, kayleigh, every supreme court justice was nominated to be such in her
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50s, toni morrison "the bluest die" was published when she was 40. there's not enough time to combat his name and with the amount of women who have contributed to the society in this world implanted in such meaningful ways past their prime. i can't say the same for don lemon. >> harris: i think probably more people have seen don lemon on the show in these three and a half minutes with however many hours they are on. katrina. >> katrina: i am in my 40s, and i feel better now than i did in my 20s and i think a lot of women would say the same thing, you come into your own coming to feel good about yourself. spill and confident. it's before you don't care what people think and i had my first child in my 40s, so i think that things have changed where women are getting better with age and embracing ourselves and so, and i'm not a fan of his. i have to say back in the day i did some segments on the show and he always threw me under the bus. so i just boycotted it. >> kayleigh: you have to view him through the lens of comedy.
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>> harris: i felt bad for the women around him. they really did not know what to do with him. and they often don't. and nobody wants to watch uncomfortable people on television. and they looked uncomfortable with him. anyway. good luck, don. i am in my prime, baby. coming up, the democrat led city where a 23 schools had zero students proficient in math at grade level. not a single one. that's next. ♪ ♪ start right here on our family's cotton farm in north alabama. the heartland of america. to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. experience the farm to home difference for yourself. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news.
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do i just leave it here? we all have a purpose in life - a “why.” no matter your purpose, at pnc private bank we will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve it. so let us focus on the how. just tell us - what's your why? >> kayleigh: a report out of the city of baltimore find side and 23 of the city's schools, there were zero students who tested proficient in math at
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grade level. think about that, 23 schools, not a single student. and that is tragic. the basic math is not what the left is focused on. they are flipping out because of books governor ron desantis wants to pull from florida schools like this one titled let's talk about it, a teens guide to sex and relationships, graphic pictures of acts. this one is called perfectly norm or went back to normal health and for children as young as ten. our students are failing at schools. covid has put them behind. this closure that liberals insisted on, did this. but if you look at governor desantis, his press secretary websites, they have these books up. they are inappropriate, so inappropriate we could not put them on the air right now, the pictures. but somehow kids can find them in schools in florida. >> katrina: this topic makes my blood boil as the mother of a 5-year-old, we should be focused
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on math and science, what about teaching kids about financial literacy? and how to do their taxes. but sex? when did this become part of what we teach these young kids in school and the thought that they are not allowing parents to determine when these issues are discussed and to teach them what to their value should be it something that should be discussed at the home, i am all about the home space, the home is where you have your sanctuary, your family values to start, i have to be honest, i toured a lot or my young son and when i sat down with the principal, they said to me do you have any questions? my question was what is your stance on religion? and discussing gender? and they were shocked, we don't go there. we don't go there, that something left for the parents. but i think a lot of states, that would probably not be the answer, right? so i am grateful i am in florida and i love governor desantis and that he is taking a stance and i love his guts, because i don't want anyone to take responsibility for teaching my
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son what i should be teaching him at school, and i mean, sex? it was just never a topic in my home, god forbid it ever come up. a >> kayleigh: or with your teacher in the library. >> katrina: and they are saying that teachers should talk about their sexual orientation? >> harris: without the parents permission or presence, that's the problem. >> kayleigh: not a single one was math proficient. >> harris: everything that katrina said, she said from the perspective of being a parent, so where are these parents? people get upset over a whole bunch of things, if you told me that nobody in my child's constellation times 2,000 was proficient, i would be furious. their tax dollars are paying for that education. so we need what they have in florida, we need what they have in arizona, but the new democratic governor katie hobbs who were not debates, by the way, because we talked about that earlier, things that she
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might flip the switch on this. they have the matching of the dollars in their state to follow the child and put the child where you want to put them. they need this. and they especially need it in baltimore, because of it is not working coming want to move out of that system. >> kayleigh: no doubt, and my home state of the lord, your father what he did for our state making it one of the best dates for freedom of education. first school choice plan state wide, and published the op-ed in "the wall street journal," school choice is sweeping the nation from florida to utah, now 31 states have followed in his footsteps. >> george: hopefully texas can join the party, we are far behind, it is meant florida and arizona that have led in terms of opportunity, scholarships, and opposed to most politicians, i come from the background of being an educator in the public school in a struggling community in south florida before he went to law school, and i can speak to you all day about teachers unions that indoctrinate you and force you to join the pact and
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their political ideology, but you know, this topic triggers so many different discussions whether it is parental rights, i have always believed that this type of curriculum has been a trigger at the largest parental revolts you will find in modern american history, and austin we had a drag queen tuesdays where the public library kids that were -- >> harris: we covered it. >> george: k-12 were again in expenditure of public resources, that's why in texas we have a waiting list, not full opportunity scholarships but over 120,000 students predominantly from black and brown communities that want to line up either for christian or per secular public charter schools. and so let's bring this back to the basics, and parents -- i'm so thrilled to see whether it is in county virginia or other parts of our country that are raising their voices, because these are our tax payer dollars and our children. as a father of two, it makes my blood boil as well. >> kayleigh: no doubt, and out of maine, emily, i may be wrong,
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but i believe it. you can go in the years that governments have money to go to a parochial school in the event that there is not a another type of private school in your jurisdiction. >> emily: to the uproar and outcry of the liberal left as such. that's a hypocrisy that is coming from the course of the democratic party that they say all day that they care about everyone and particularly they say people of color and underserved forgotten and the like. but that's exactly who is being affected disproportionately by this. what do you think the demographic makeup is of those 2,000 kids in baltimore? if this party really cared about that, they really cared about the food insecurity and the violence and the book deplorable conditions in the classrooms and clearly the educational level, then this would be a top priority. this would be an emergency, but the democratic party only looks 2 feet ahead, they care about that talking point of the day, because the investment in the future as our children, that's an accurate statement.
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what do we have if we don't have them? if they are uneducated and unable to perform basic math, oh, but they can tiktok all day, they can handle the apps and get on the subways. they're so much that is being absolutely distorted and worked in a priority of the administration with those kids and when president biden says forgotten americans, i see you, i will be there for you, number one as our children that are committing suicide at record levels. if the emergency of the cdc is teen suicide and youth suicide. it all ties together and is also the silence of who is in charge now. >> kayleigh: in baltimore has $1.6 billion for their schools and according to the daily mail, the ceo just got a $100,000 race. so interesting allocation of resources. coming up, what's the matter with men? "new york magazine," we will ask you george. >> george: i will go first. >> kayleigh: we love him. asking that question as masculinity comes under attack. we get into it next.
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>> we are awaiting a white house press briefing, karine jean-pierre will take questions on the lack of it the response to the environmental disaster going on in ohio, plus an epa update live on the ground at the scene of the trail derailments. we will be watching that for any news from there and update especially for those who are suffering through the unknowns at this hour, and charles payne will be here to react to president biden back on the attack on the economy. we will get charles' take, come join us live as "america reports at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ open ♪ i'm a hardworking man ♪
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>> emily: welcome back, asking what is a matter with men. it claims that men are floundering at school and in the workplace and some conservatives to blame a crisis of masculinity. the new yorker pace goes on to say that men are increasingly dropping out of work during their prime working years overdosing come and drink themselves to death and dying earlier including by suicide, and they are empowering the new brand of reactionary politics premised on the return to better times when america was great and unsteadily when men could really be men. is there a crisis of masculinity in america? george? [laughter] >> george: well, i would say, yes, but with a different perspective and that is instead of coming forward with new solutions, this particular author who publishes peace and they new yorker did not come forward with any solutions, he questions the traditional family model. and that ties into the last
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discussion we had, that the left genuinely believes that government and bureaucrats are the better knowledgeable base of wisdom when it comes to raising our children in the next generation of americans. and that's the fundamental difference between conservatives. yes, men aren't flocking to the republican party, because we have the better ideas. and that's why we have been successful this past november and we are going to take back the white house. we know that there is a crisis of confidence among men, but that criticism always comes from social media influences and popular culture. but if we just -- and the reason that i ran is because i believe that it's located in the hearts and homes of our people. instead of all-knowing bureaucrats in washington, d.c., experts, so let's get back to the basics. let's let fathers raise their sons, which is what i am trying to do, and really is my priority raising my boys who are nine and seven to be kind, compassionate, to think about serving others, that's what our country needs to get back to instead of just
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trying to redefine gender and trying to reimagine who we are as a gender. >> emily: and you are raising a boy too, men flocking to the republican party, so are women, so are minority groups, so is everyone, because we have the better ideas and you can see the crisis of masculinity as a crisis in narrative being pushed by a woke small subset of the left there refuses to acknowledge how amazing men are in their true real form. >> katrina: absolutely come to your point, the family unit is the most vital thing in the country. it's a foundation for everything, but the narrative is changing and i honestly think, and i am a woman and a big supporter of equal rights, but i think that feminism in many respects is creating a lot of unhappiness with women and has turned the relationship with men and women upside down on what i found is a lot of successful women that i know who are single are frustrated because they say, the only men asking out on dates are the ones that want a sugar mama, and they don't want to work, and to that .7 million men
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are now out of the workforce and they are just sitting out. they punched out. they are just waiting for a free ride somewhere. and i love men, and that's why we discussed -- that's why i watch "yellowstone" because i was brought up with a man's man and a man taking charge of the household, and so forth, and i think that secretly all of these women pushing these feminist values are yearning for that, deep in their core, they are just not saying it. then i think that if we go back to the roots as the country would change tremendously, the man being a man and the women being a woman, it women embracing their femininity is what we need. >> kayleigh: the revanche asked rights, it is an affront to biological and perhaps bay buckle determinism. it's a way to hit people and faith in the right sentence, the bible women are empowered throughout. so maybe he should go check that out. but final point, this does not have to be a zero-sum game, i'm glad that women are achieving things academically and
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professionally, that does not mean that men cannot. though this author may think so. >> harris: as a woman, you can live in your empowerment and your potential without hating men. you said it before the commercial break, we love men. that's not what this is about. i do get a little concerned when the left wants to take punches that men, that you all might become defunded. because that's what they do. they build up rhetoric against one thing that we definitely need in our society. and they just reimagine the pay and though resources for them, so i sort of say it in jest, but i am concerned, we need you. >> emily: we do, we n need to come over you respect you, we appreciate you, the list goes on, men. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪ ♪ ... ♪ ♪ hey! that's mine. i'll buy you a pony. advanced hydration isn't just for kids.
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>> i just realized it's friday eve, people. >> our favorite day! >> last but not least, lightning round, scientists are answering the question, which songs make people the happiest. "good vibrations," followed by "i got you," "i feel good" by james brown and "madness house of fun," criteria including song structure and the amount of beats per minute. emily, go. >> i cannot believe pink's song is on the top five, i call sham. >> i love bob marley is on there. >> how is cool and the gang not on the list? "celebrate," that will get you out of the seat. >> now we know what will get you out of the seat. >> bias against country. george strait should have been on here. i only know two of the ten
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songs, so i knew "uptown girl" and "ymca." the others -- >> "ymca" is great. >> 100 weddings, i'm hundred years old. >> the trump rallies. good memories of it. >> repurposed in a good way. >> i end up with the weddings that play a lot of barry manilow "o mandy." "america reports" now. >> sandra: thank you, harris. former vice president mike pence is pushing for parents' rights in iowa. he visited the early caucus state to denounce radical gender ideology in public schools. >> john: pence is calling on conservatives to take a stand and protect american values. they say they have no choice but to fight and win a culture war against the left. the former vice president joins us to talk about this and a whole lot more coming up. >> i worry
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