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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 21, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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>> unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. before we go, quick programming note... this week for the rest of the week we'll be doing our show in front of a live studio audience. if you live in the area of new york city, surrounding areas, you're visiting and want free tickets, go to for details on how to get them and hopefully we'll see you this week! thank you so much for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. here is laura! >> i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. thanks for joining us. dumb, dumber, dumbest! that's the focus of tonight's "angle." all right, sadly, stupidity has become the fastest-growing industry in america today. and nowhere is this more evident than in the academic world. now, consider the latest embarrassing revelation from the land of higher education. at vanderbilt, one of the hottest universities in the
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country, two associate deans at the peabody school's office of equity, diversity and inclusion were caught doing something that would get most students tossed out. after the tragic killings at michigan state university, nicole joseph and hasina mahoodni felt the need to send out a campus-wide e-mail about the shooting. one problem, they used the artificial intelligence app to write it for them. the bot used the typical blather and expressions. the recent michigan shootings are a tragic reminder of the importance of taking care of each other, particularly in the context of creating inclusive environments. now, these women were so sloppy and so lazy that they didn't notice the small print at the end of the actual letter which
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read, "pair fry'sed from open ai's chat gpt ai language model, personal communication, februar" whoops! the school has since apologized. dumb and dumber. well, they obviously didn't read the piece recently published in the atlantic by ian bogus title "chat gpt is dumber than you think." in a moment, we'll explain how it's not just dumber than you think but more biased than you think as well. but in a statement, vanderbilt's dean of the education school, kamala benbow said her office is, conducting a complete review of the sequence of events that led to sending the e-mail and noted that the two deanlets will "step back from their responsibilities." step back? one dean said that although she stood by the bot's sentiment urging that inclusiveness -- well, she did admit to plage requiring and apologized.
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ok. how -- plagiarized and apologized. ok, how do they even have a job at the university. vanderbilt kicked the christians off of the campus unless nonchristians were allowed to lead the group. this is the brilliance at vanderbilt these days. the equity and inclusive apps are everywhere these days. quotas in the field of medicine? >> right now, fewer than 6% of doctors in the u.s. identifies black or african-american. >> more needs to be done to make sure our physician workforce here in the u.s. reflects the diversity seen among patients. patients are more likely to follow a physician's medical advice if they do have a feeling of being heard and understood. so all of this plays a role in really improving public health. >> laura: they showed a chart with all of the .2% native american doctors, point... you get the point.
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question, does anyone out there think any politicians on capitol hill or any fortune 500 ceo's that they choose doctors when they're in a real emergency situation based on diversity considerations like for heart surgery, let's say? or do they choose their doctors based on reputation and merit? now, this equity and diversity nonsense is not making us better. it's not making us smarter or stronger or more united as a nation. it's making us dumber, weaker and more divided. the result... kids can't read or do math. teachers are afraid to establish objective standards -- they don't want to offend any parents -- and administrators like those at vanderbilt, those women, can't be bothered to compose or proof-read their own e-mails. now, remember, those two deanlets represent vanderbilt's peabody school of education. in other words, training the next generation of thinkers.
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talk about terrifying! there are some signs, though that this system is beginning to break down. notice that some of the first positions being cut by businesses right now during this economic slowdown are the diversity departments and consultants. plainly put, there's no value there. teaching young people resentment and rage is a dead end no matter how you look at it. if they fall into the mind-set that everything is rigged, that america is systematically racist, in other words joe biden's view, it's only going to ensure failure and despair and hatred of one's own country. the deans at vanderbilt came out of the dei mind-set and they were trained in racial and ethnic glibness where results don't matter, only the process matters. and this thinking, we know has come to dominate the entire democratic party. it's dominated the biden white
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house and democrat-run states and look what is happening to them. are they flourishing? now, if we succumbed to the dei mind-set, it's not just new york and california that are going to be left behind but all of america. and that's "the angle" joining me now is molly hemingway, editor and chief of the federalist and fox news contributor in charley kirk, founder and ceo of turning point usa. charley, when we think about the principles of hard work, just a general work ethic, personal responsibility and respect for others, aren't those the principle that has drive success in the country traditionally no matter what the dei fanatics try to hoist upon us? >> without a doubt, the west was built on merit, it's the life force of any administration that wants to have legitimate.
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[indiscernible] and lift people out of poverty. why is it that america is the wealthiest nation ever to exist in the history of the world? one of the reasons is we've had a system that's been designed around awarding merit. you see in the education system under the guise of equity, instead of trying to get more people to read and get math scores up, they're trying to now destroy ambition and the ability to have advanced classes, advanced placement classes and honors classes. the reason they're saying f you read the education superintendent's reason, if you look at the racial makeup of who takes these classes, it's disproportionately asian and white. wait a second, just because of a disparity doesn't mean racism or discrimination is to blame. thomas seoul debunked this a while ago. that's sloppy one-dimensional thinking. instead, you should ask yourself the question is what other factors can we as superintendents do to try to empower these other students? laura, i'm so glad we're talking about this because it's spreading like a wildfire.
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it's an idea pathogen and it will destroy our country from within. >> laura: to to what charlie is talking about, this is happening in los angeles. molly, the l.a. district earlier this school year replaced the honors classes at culver city high school with just regular uniformed courses because they didn't enroll enough black and latino students. officials say that this will ensure students of all races receive an equal, rigorous education. we've seen that with thomas jefferson high school, a phenomenal school, in the d.c. area. that is what it's come to. >> thomas jefferson high school in the d.c. area used to be a phenomenal school and has been taken over by some of this dei methodology and doing things like not telling children enrolled on their school how they did in the national honors exam which could affect where they're applying to school, where they're applying to college. they've engaged in -- like that's happened in a lot of northern virginia schools.
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they've engaged in racist practices to limit the number of students that come from what the school feels are racial groups that they shouldn't come from. that's the thing that people need to understand about these dei programs is how racist they are and racism is something the country has struggled with throughout its history. it's been a tool for elites to control other people. right now, a lot of these programs are ways for powerful people to retain control, but the american people don't like racism. they don't like hatred. they don't like what these programs are teaching about how to hate your own country, how to have animosity between different races. this is a deeply unamerican thing. it's deeply unpopular, but it is very powerful, and a lot of our elites cling to it. [laughter] and charley, this is even happening in medical schools as i referenced last night. a friend of mine in boston sent me an internal e-mail, i believe it it's from tufts university medical school about how there's a forum that they're advertising
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to share a dialogue and learn more about the intersections between. i think they mean among. intersections between diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in higher education. and it's a doctor who is giving this lecture later on in march. but, again, so if this infects -- and i use that word purposefully -- >> yeah, i know, that's right. >> laura: if this infects medicine, which it is, tonight we're learning more and more about this, where does that tell us about where this is going. this is life and death at this point! >> well, we already know it's infected who we're selecting to fly our airlines. we know now that united airlines is saying they're going to have race be a primary factor in who they select flies their airplane. i don't care the color of the skin of the airplane i go on. i fly on a lot of airplanes. i want to make sure the pilot mows what they're doing. your audience would be horrified to hear, hey, you'll have heart
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surgery. your doctor is chosen out of affirmative guidelines. a job as an up-and-coming medical professional is to try to get rid of the systemic racism in medicine. understanding you have to try to rebalance equity. we're talking about obliterating the most advanced medical successes in human history under the guise of. [indiscernible] the soviet union was able to continue its horrors because of ideology. this ideology must be defeated before it continues to metastasize. [laughter] molly n the french revolution, it was all about egal tare -- the elites are up here. everybody else is down here. >> there's a difference between equality of opportunity and quality of outcome.
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we long recognized that the quality of outcome is a dystopic thing that makes the world worse for all sorts of people. it was one thing when these ideas were being put forth in education departments at colleges. very bad, but now we do have it in things that actual deal with safety, whether it's public health or airline pilots and this is, you know, when planes start falling out of the sky because of this ideology being accepted across-the-board, it is a really horrible thing. that's where we are headed. >> laura: charley, in the artificial intelligence world, i think people thought this'll be incredible because it'll be the search for objective facts but even in the world of ai -- and this is important -- there's a push for this immorphous term called inclusivity. >> inclusivity imposes regulation. >> this is a huge issue, right? the data you trained the ai on, right? it needs to be representative of who we are. the world is not just europe and
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the u.s. >> laura: that was the google v.p. of government affairs. so, again, what is artificial intelligence if not an extended arm of socialism worldwide? >> that's right! this is going to become a woke super weapon. i encourage your audience to take some time and play with chat gpt which really should be called chat dnc which is nothing more now than being an instrument to try to make the left's take over of the west more efficient. go play with it. say for for example, can you write an essay of jordan peterson or something of the like. they'll say, sorry, we can't do that. it's out of our perimeters. >> laura: we're doing that in the next segment! it's stunning when you actually dig into it. that's exactly whether we're going to do -- what we're going to do. molly and charley, thank you. as charley noted, there's a growing concern among many who's been studying chat gpt as capabilities it's being manipulated to be simply another
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tool of the left rather than being developed, as i mentioned, as a potential fact-finding resource. for example, when asked to create a poem about donald tr trump, it refused, but what about joe biden? >> a leader with a heart of gold, joe biden a name to hold. with empathy and grace he leads, inspiring all with noble deeds -- god is that bad! and when asked by my next guest if it's better to be for or against equity, it responded "being against equity means rejecting the principle of fairness and justice." alexander, new york attorney and writer, has immersed himself -- poor guy -- in chat gpt since it launched. and he joins us to share his findings. alex, charley mentioned this concern of artificial intelligence being a weapon used against dissent, against potentially a global order down the road. how concerned should we be? >> i think we should be very
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concerned. if you play around with chat gpt right now -- and i would encourage everybody to do that at home -- and you ask it questions on any number of politically saliant issues whether gender issues, racial issues, the transgender controversy, immigration, you are going to see monolithic bias all in the same direction, and at the same time, if you ask gpt why it is opining in favor of one side of a controversy over the other, it's going to repeatedly tell you, oh, i'm sorry, i'm just an ai. i don't have opinions. i am just basing my answers on research and evidence. and yet again and again, that research and evidence that it claims its basing its responses on is arming it with answers that go in the same political direction.
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obviously, that's very disturbing. it's something that i would say should be disturbing to absolutely everyone. it doesn't matter if you're liberal. it doesn't matter if you're conservative or moderate, because as we know from something like the change of management at twitter, who is in charge of these various platforms could change, and then the political bias might change. we want to insulate these kinds of systems from any bias as much as possible and so, you know, if chat gpt were spitting out one conservative bias after another, i would be horrified. i don't want it to do that. i think liberals, moderates and everyone should be horrified by this as well. >> laura: our favorite bond villain of the world economics forum thinks artificial intelligence will help in what his goal is. watch. >> artificial intelligence, but not only artificial intel
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intelligence, but also our life in 10 years from now will be completely different very much affected and who masters those technologies in some way will be the master of the world. >> laura: they'll be the master of the world! i mean, alex, you can't write this, ok? this -- this is just -- like -- it is something outs of a more -- something out of a horror film! you'll be the master of the world if you master this! what happened to free thought? free inquiry? free debate? will ai say no? no, it's determined whether it's climate change, or whether it's equity or inclusion, it's all determined, there's no debate. >> and -- and remember when we're talking about this, chat gpt became access saysible to the general public -- accessible to the general public less than
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three months ago and already our technological and informational landscape has been so transferred. imagine what will happen a year now, three years from now, five years from now. what we're going to be seeing increasingly is that all of these decisions in education, in admissions in the medical field, dating site algorithms, anything you can imagine, are going to be made for us by these opaque algorithms. right now at least, we can play with the algorithm and clearly see the biases. 10 or 20 years from now when you have a generation of kids that have grown up with surrounded by this stuff, the biases will be invisible to them. >> laura: then what? it's just going to be fact! even if it's not fact. alexander, this is such a huge topic. we needed a whole hour on it. thank you so much. and the dangerous move putin just made and, biden, well, he ignored. former trump national security
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adviser robert o'brien is here to react. plus, as china runs russia to double down on biden, --
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>> they want to inflict a strategic defeat on us and try to get to our nuclear facilities. in this regard, i'm forced to announce today that russia is suspending its participation in the strategic defensive arms treaty. i repeat, we are not withdrawing from the packet, no. we're sus-- pact, no. we're suspending our participation. >> the treaty he's talking about is the only remaining nuclear treaty russia has with the united states. it reduces and limits each country's nuclear arsenal, a necessary one when dealing with someone like putin. so it came as a huge shock that biden who spoke today about the ukraine war and vladimir putin didn't even mention it. maybe he didn't want to seem weaker than he's coming across because honestly what would he have said? at least blinken addressed it today. >> the announcement by russia it's suspending participation is
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deeply unfortunate and irresponsible. we'll be watching carefully to see what russia actually does. we'll, of course, make sure in any event, we're postured appropriately for the security of our own country and that of our allies. >> laura: joining us now is former trump national security adviser robert o'brien. robert, how significant is putin's -- at least rhetorical move here? >> well, laura, it's great to be with you tonight. thank you for having me on. there are two things we have to remember when it comes to the armed control treaties with russia, number one, the russians always cheat. they cheated on open skies. they used that which was supposed to be a verification method to sus out what we were doing with our civil defense with defending the president. they cheated on the inf treaty and a lot of the missiles you're seeing hit ukraine were built in violation of the inf treaty and
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they stopped verification on new starts. the russians cheated on the treaties. if they cheat, we should get out of them. we got out of office skies with inf when president trump was in office. the chinese benefit with the treatise. the chinese aren't bound by them. we're binding our ability to build for example an intermediate range missile. the chinese built thousands of them. we didn't build any of them. they developed a great advantage over us and the same thing on the star treaty, they'll have more icbm missiles in two to three years that we have in our inventory. you combine that with the russians and we're outgunned 2-1. i'm not concerned about the russians suspending their involvement in the treaty. what we need to make sure we do is rerebuild our defenses and monetize our nuclear triad which president trump started doing so there's no nuclear blackmail that could be used against us by either china or russia. >> laura: speaking of china, xi is planning a summit, robert,
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in the not-so-distant future in moscow and obviously the conversation of the war in ukraine is going to dominate. what's your gut on what's going down on this? >> well, the chinese are going to continue to help the russians. they'll certainly help them economically which they've been doing since the start of the war. whether they get military aid or not, we'll have to see. if the chinese just floated a spy balloon over the width and breath of our country and stopped over aaronic silos -- over our silos in montana and stopped and lingered over our air force base and took a jog by the submarine pens on the east coast and we did nothing about it during the entire time it was collecting on us. we shot it down. i'm glad they did. we should have shot it down when it entered the united states. any way, the chinese -- there are no consequences. tony blinken's consequence was
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meeting with mr. wang yi in munich rather than in beijing. the chinese aren't too intimidated by us, i don't think. i don't think they think very much of us. i wouldn't be surprised if they start giving weapons to russia to fight ukraine. that'll be very unfortunate for the ukrainian people, for us and it makes the world a more dangerous place. >> laura: on russia, pryce was asked about a possible off-ramp for putin. >> the off-ramp is very clear, jake, president putin started this war a year ago. he could end this war today or tomorrow. our strategy has been proven effective. there have been naysayers all along saying we're not doing enough or doing too much. in every step of the way, this coalition, it has stuck together. not only has it stuck together but it's actually strengthened. >> laura: your reaction, robert. the strategy has been effective a year later. >> well, the strategy should have been to deter the invasion. we didn't do that on the heels
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of afghanistan and other demonstrations of weakness killing our keystone pipeline, along their nort stream 2 pipeline for going -- nord stream 2 pipeline for going forward. the time to stop the russians was before they invaded, not after. >> laura: robert, great to see you tonight. thank you. once again, the nba is showing us their true colors. they're not necessarily red, white and blue. they may be chinese red and gold with a little green. that's the color of money. the league and the chinese fin-tech company, the ant group, have just gone into a strategic partnership together. it covers video content, broadcasting rights and membership, joint marketing campaigns and digital collectibles. isn't that nice? in other words, while black lives matter to the nba, uighur's lives do not matter, nor do the lives of dissidents. how about the christians? joining us now is a former nba
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player and activist. first of all, i love your shirt. your reaction tonight hearing that the nba is once again moving forward with a massive business partnership with communist china. >> thank you for having me. it's not surprising to hear that nba is only trying to strengthen their relationship with china. i mean, it's not a lie that nba at this point is china's lap dog. you know, they will care about -- nba will care about the human rights and social justice until it hits their pocket. as soon as you say anything against the chinese government or china's human right abuses, they'll do whatever they can to silence you. you know, what drives me crazy is the hypocrisy. they'll talk about all the human rights violations or political precedences in america but when it comes to china, they're going
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to stay silent. that's the one thing that just blows my mind. >> what happens -- and as when we hear another after another controversy in the united states, maybe it's racial, maybe it's something else, members of the nba lecturing america about injustices, racism, you know, inequity, lack of opportunity, inclusivity? do they have any credibility on that? >> you know, i was actually in the same locker room with those guys. i promise, many of them didn't really even care about it. they were only doing it for their own pr, because they know anywhere -- anything that they talk about is not going to affect their money and business. and as soon as they say anything against the chinese government, they know their shoe sales or jersey sales or their endorsement deals or their nba contracts is going to be in big trouble. so i had made a conversation with many of the players. even they were telling me we don't feel what we say.
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we just say it because it looks good on tv and they think we are more than athletes. and i just could not believe it. so i do not respect them at all. >> laura: lebron james trashing conservatives. come on! really! let's put your money where your mouth is really, lebron. >> exactly. >> laura: espn examined the investments of 44nba owners and found they have $10 billion tied up in china. this is in addition to the nba's direct business in china which has an evaluation of $5 billion. this is real money. it's about money. they're no different in many ways -- not trying to pick in the nba -- than any other major fortune 500 company that has major investment in china. it's all about the color green. >> exactly. starting with brooklyn nets owner. the guy actually who funds the
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genocide. i cannot believe that adam silver is allowing him to have a team. but just like you said, 40 nba owners got tied up in $10 billion in china. no wonder people that i don't have a team to play for. it's just a shame because how can the biggest dictatorship in the world like china can control 100% american-made company and fire a u.s. citizen? that just blows my mind! i had no answer to that. >> laura: i don't think american citizens could go over to china and do the same thing. that's not how it works. no reciprocity. thank you so much. if you've been watching the show, mask, vaccine effectiveness against the transmission of covid... we've been telling you that was nonsense for more than two and a half years, especially for young people. so much of these nonsense mandates were ridiculous. our colleges and our
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universities still have mandates in place. dr. scott atlas hasn't been with us for a while. he's here next.
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>> laura: it's february 2023 and vaccine mandates, mask mandates are both still things that happen on college campuses! in fact, the university of michigan just announced if you live on campus, you better get your booster or get out. george washington university has the same requirement, and up until next week, it's still making students and faculty wear masks. this is crazy! how can any of this still be in place? now, we've seen research, of course, from cochran which is considered to be the gold standard for reviews that obliterates any reason for mask usage. wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza illnesses like illnesses -- influesza-like
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illnesses or covid-like illness. a past covid infection protects you as much as getting the vaccine. now, who could have predicted that? a lot of people are saying that this virus and the nonvulnerable population is almost acting like a vaccination because it's giving some acquired immunity to people who are exposed to it. and people don't want to hear that, but that seems to be what is happening right now in the united states. a lot of people are getting acquired immunity. joining me now is dr. scott atlas. you look the same, dr. atlas from 2020. former covid adviser from the trump white house. he's the author of "a plague upon our house! ! " dr. atlas, it's almost two and a half years. you and i and a few brave others were trashed for saying the vaccine mandates ultimately would be wrong and the mask
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mandates were obscene because masks didn't effectively make a difference and colleges still haven't caught up? >> yeah, laura, i'm actually very concerned. i mean, we can laugh at it because it's absurd. on the other hand, we have given our universities and our university professors a tremendous amount of societal respect and responsibility. we entrust them to teach critical thinking to our children and to take care of our kids and instead, there's a denial of fact on thousands of university and college campuses in the u.s. it's -- the cdc itself, even in october of 2020, said "it's illegal and unethical to require testing." and that was in the prevaccine era in the most lethal time of the virus, the form that was present in 2020. we have now a virus that is far less lethal. maybe 90% of people have had
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covid. they have biological protection that is better, not just equal but better as proven by the data from the vaccine. the vaccine has side effects. we still don't have a real, accurate assessment of the side effects even though we've had 5 or 6 billion doses. you have to wonder why that is. and now we have university officials really showing a complete lack of critical thinking, gross incompetence and unethical behavior frankly. i mean, this has got to stop. you have to wonder why that is. i'll give you one reason. there's about 15 universities in the u.s. that receive more than $500 million a year every year from the nih alone. there's a financial sort of -- one word might say "corruption." they don't speak independently, even if they knew what they were talking about. you have to wonder when are parents going to question allowing their children to be
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treated like this? really, they have a minuscule risk of a serious illness from this virus. yes, the data shows less than or equal to influenza. that's a fact. that's not arguable. in fact, the most recent study from the group in january of this year on the most lethal form of the virus from the 2020 data showed even those estimates were overestimated. the risk from this illness from healthy people to college age is extremely low and we have done tremendous damage to an entire generation with it causing an obesity crisis, massive psychiatric illness, suicides, you know, self-harm visits to doctors. it's a heinous disgrace. it's frankly the most unethical time in modern history in public health guidance. >> laura: it's hideous. dr. atlas, earlier we were talk about how the equity and the
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inclusion agenda is having such terrible effects on medical schools. that's totally lowering standards and obliterating objective merit but the same deal with this corruption is found in our media where now media outletting are -- outlets are trying to pretend that everyone thought closing schools is a good idea. "it could be difficult to remember now that one of the few things most americans agreed on in march 2020 was this. for our children's sake. we had to close the schools:." wait a second. most americans? i didn't agree with that! you didn't either. everyone is in in in the cia mo. everyone is surely on to what happened. >> laura, back in march 2020, i wrote in national media, as did david katz, we were the loudest voices. we said open the schools.
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we're destroying low-risk people. we're not using enough protection for the elderly. this wasn't just derided. it was actively censored during 2020 when it mattered. there is, you're right, an orwellian rewrite, a completely heinous run from accountability and it's important we cannot let that happen because these people in power are apt to do these draconian lockdowns and things, again, for other so-called existential crises. i'm predicting we'll see the restrictions for things like climate change if we don't stop this and get a public airing of this. >> laura: racial emergency, climate emergency, all sorts of possibilities. dr. allas, so good to see you. do not be a stranger. the far left wants to make you think religion is kind of deeing dead, especially among our youth. a revival is happening in kentucky and it's proving those critics wrong. in fact, it's now even spreading to schools across the country. a student from one of those universities joins us next.
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>> church attendance in general has gone down particularly amongst the millennial generation. >> i think many millenials are leaving the church because they don't feel that the church is
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relevant or meets their needs. >> the percentage of americans that identify with any religion has been on the decline for decades. the biggest generational dropoff is with millenials. >> laura: well, maybe that's the case for organized religion but maybe the conclusion is a little simplistic because we're seeing something interesting happening on college campuses across the country. it started on february 8th at asbury university in kentucky. chapel services started that morning and then they didn't end for 13 days. 50,000 people flocked to the small town to experience the asbury revival and that ended up spawning marathon worship services all over including at cedarville university in ohio where my next guest played piano for six hours straight. joining me now is lala, a student at cedarville university. la latha, this started at your
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school a week ago and it's still happening? >> yes. >> laura: this is wild! what's going on here? explain it to our audience. >> yeah, thank you so much for having me on the show, laura. um, god is definitely at work in cedarville. it's been absolutely amazing to see, because we see students worshipping. we see students praying. we see students praying through scripture specifically. we see students repenting of their sins and turning to ch christ. it's been so beautiful to see. >> laura: lalatha, is there a sense that the world itself, when we see it in many ways coming apart in the seams, the attack on traditional families, the gender bending, the culture, you know a lot of people think is pretty depraved, drugs, all -- everything for, i think, for young people today, there's so much pressure on young people in social media to people -- are now people seeking a, you know,
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a refuge in scripture and in a consistency in the almighty? >> definitely. i think that hope can only be found in christ and that's what we're seeing here in cedarville because, like, a lot of times people turn to all of those things that you mentioned as a way to escape their reality, but i think hope can only be found in the work of christ on the cross and that's what we're seeing here. we see people putting their faith in christ and turning away from their sins. and it has been absolutely wonderful to see. >> laura: now, are people coming to the revival who maybe were skeptical? doubters? weren't sure they believed? have you seen personal transformation along the way? >> yeah. i think even in my own life, it has made me a lot more cog that
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of the fact e-- cognizant of the fact that eternity matters and we're living for so much more than just the here and now. every single one of our decisions impact that. it has just made me want to live a life that is more worthy because the bible tells us it talks about returning to our first love. i think that's what we're seeing. i'm not sure i would call it a revival yet but i think we'll know based on the fruits, because it's not going to stop here. this is something we need to see in neighborhoods all across america. it's not confined to cedarville in any way or asbury or anywhere else. the same holy spirit that's here is at work -- >> laura: this is awesome! so great to get away from politicsing into that really, rally matters. thank you for joining us tonight. up next, the last bite has to do into the georgia probe into president trump. you don't want to miss it next.
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>> laura: that georgia grand jury probe into donald trump,
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the jury foreperson spoke out today. >> what would your reeks be if the da decides against bringing any charges. >> i will be sad if nothing happens. this was too much, too much information, too much of my time. there was just too much for this to just be, oh, okay, we're good. buy. >> if there was just a perjury charge. >> i would be happy as long as something happens. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: yeah, all right. happy tuesday! happy tuesday, everybody. another beautiful audience. so, how do you know when you're in the middle of some form of hysteria? well, if people say you're crazy for pointing it out. you see this now with gender assignment surgery for kids. proponts


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