tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News February 22, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST
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time >> right. wve l unfortunately, that'eft this evl the time we have lefnot this we evening. before we go , quick programing note. thiswe'l show in fr week for the rest ofe the week, we'll be doing our show in front of a live studio audience. >> if you livea of new in the a new york city, surrounding areas you're visiting, you want tickets, just go to hannitt y .com for details on how to get them. g with and hopefully we'll see youle this week. thanks for being with us.t no let yo bt your heart be trouble. >> here's laura . i'm laura ingram and thiswashing is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. thanks fng us.ning us . dumb, dumber, dumbest! dumb dumber, dumbest. >> that is the focus ofl right, tonight's angle. all right. industry in americas become the fastest growing industry in america today, and nowherethe ad is this more evidentemic than it the academic world. now, consider the latest embarrassing revelation from the land of higher education at
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vanderbilt, one of the hotteste universities in the country, to associate deans at the peabody schools. ffice ofoffice of equity, diveru and inclusion were caught doing somethinght thatg that would get students tossed out after univet the tragic killings. michigan state universityh an nikole joseph and haseena hootin felt the need to send out a campus wide email nee to reflect on the shooting. one problem they use t the artificial intelligence app thechat to write it for them. c well, no big surprise that the bot use the typical liberal dii blather and redundant expressions. this was part of it.e reshootins the recent michigan shootings eacha tragic reminder of the importance of taking care of each other, particularly ine the context of creating inclusive environments. now thes now, thesee women were so sloppe and so lazy that they didn't notice the small print ate the end of the actual letter,
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which read paraphrased fromsed r open eyeom opes, a language modi personal communication, february 15th. >> 202ry 15t0 three lollypoph,s the school has since apologized dumb and dumber. t re >> well, they obviously didn'tad read the piece recently published in the atlantic by ian bogost titled chatt is de is dumber than you think.think." well, in a momen t, we're going to explain how it's not just bia dumber than you think, butk as . but in a more bias than you thinkvanderbs as well. but in a statement, dean o benbo dean of the education school, camilla benbow, said her office is , ofe is, conducting a quote, conducting a completence review of the sequence ofs that led to sending the e-mail and events that led to sending the email and noted that the two demerits will , quote, step back from their responsibilities. >> step back one dea bn said tht although she stood by the board's sentiment urging thatgia well, she di inclusiveness, well, she did
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admit to plagiarizing and apologized. okay., how does either of them apologized a job at the university? let's not forget, by the way, a little over 10 years agodo th, vanderbilt vanderbilt kicked all the christian groups off campus unless noncareericked th studene lead theto lead the group. this is the kind of brilliance that vanderbilt these days,s. the diversity, equity and inclusion traps are everywhere. on cnn today, reporter and anchor, a reporter and anchor, were implicitl in th of medicine right now. 6 >> fewer than six percent ofor . doctors in the u.s. identify bet as black or african-american. oy >> more needs to be donesician w to make sure that our physicianh workforce here in the u.s.tientr reflects the diversity seen among patients. do have patients are more likely to follow a physician's medical advice if they d feelio have a feeling of being heard and understood. so all this plays a role impro n really improving public health. with a >> they showed a chartll o withl the data point two percent native american doctors point. u
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you get the point. think but question, do anyone doesy pn anyone out there think any politicians on capitol hill or any fortune? five hundred ceoe 500 ceo's thay they choose doctors when they're in a real emergencyconso situation based on diversity considerations for heartsurgers surgery, let's say, or do they choose their doctors basedy on reputation and merit? andnow, this equity and diversy it's n nonsense, it's not making mak us better. it'sin not making us smarter.. it's not making a stronger oritm more united as a nation.r, weakr it's making us dumber, weaker and more divided. .the result, kids can't read or math teachers are afraidd to esh to establish objective obstandards, don't want to offee any parents and administrators at. those at vanderbilt those women can't be bothered to compose or proofread their own emails. no >> and remember,w, remembe thos? peabody sc dalitz represent vanderbilt's nextody school of education.
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in other words, training. the next generation of thinkerse talk about terrifying. beginnino there are some signs, though, that the system is beginning to break down. notice that some of the first positions being cut by businesses right now during this economic slowdown are the diversity departmentsconsul. and consultant s will plainly put there's no value theree rese teaching young peopleand ra resentment and rage. >> it's a deadge is a dead end and no matter how you look ate t it, if they fall into everythint the mindset that everything is rigged, that america is systemically racist in other words, joe biden's view, it's fu only going to ensure failurere and despair and hatred of one's the deans at vanderbilt came out of the the deans at vanderbilt came out of the mindset and they ethnic gli were trained in racialdon' and ethnic glibness. where results don't matter, only the process matters. >> and this thinking we knowo de it's come to dominate the entiree
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democratic party. use an it's dominated the biden whitede house and democratmo on states. and look what's happening to them.? now, i are they flourishing now?f we if we succumb to the mindset, da it's not just new york and california that are going to be left behind, but all of america .y, >> and that's the angle. joining me now is mollie ef of th hemingway, editor in chieffeder, the federalist and fox news contributor, and charlie kirk, usa.der anfounder and ceo of tug point usa. charlie, when we think about the principles of hard work, just the general work ethick, person, responsibility, respecty others, aren'ten't those principles that drive success in the country traditionally matter w and no matter what the fanaticse try to foist upon us , mm-hmm. >> without a doubt, the westwesw was built on merit. is the life force of anyio civilization that wants to have progress, legitimate progress, to be able to have a strong economy, to be able to have protection of private property
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and actually lift people out of. why is poverty? and that really should be the i question is why is it that america is the wealthiest nation ever to exist in historyt in the history of the world? one of the reasons i one of the reasons is becausehad we've had a system that hasin te been designed around rewarding merit. now you see in our educationm system, under the guise of equity, instead of trying equ tn to lift people up, tryinge people to read and get math to get more people to to read math scores up, they're up' trying to not destro tryiny ambv and the ability to have advanced classes, advanced clas, advanced placement classes and honors placement classes and honors classes. and the reason they're saying if you read th the reasone super intendedsu education superintendents reason said, well, if you look at the raciantendent's real makf who takes these classes, it's really disproportionatel it'y a and white. wait a just because you have disparity doesn't mean racism or discrimination is to a disparity does not mean racism or discrimination is to blame. thomas sole debunked thisy one-o a while ago. that is sloppy, one dimensional thinl thinking. instead, you should asks yourself, the question is what other factors cado tn we as superintendents, do to try to empower these other studentse
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? laura , i'm so glad we're it's talking about this, because it's spreading like a wildfire. aan idea pathogen, and it. will destroy our country from ai within. now to what charlie is talking about. this is happening in losct e angeles. thisy, the l.a. district earlier this school year replaced the honors classes at culver city high schoo jusl latino with just regular uniform courses because they didn't enroll enough black and latino official students. officials say that this will ensure students of all races receive an equal, rigorous education. molly, we've seen that tha with thomas jefferson high thoms jefferson high school, school, a phenomenal school ine, the d.c. area. but this i is what it's come to. well, thomas jefferson high school in the d.c. area useda to be a phenomenal school, has been taken over by some ofs bees diy methodology, has been doingn things like not telling childre children enrolled in on their school how they ditheid hs on national honors exam, which can affect where they're applying to school. could a theyplying to school, where they're applying to college.whether applying to coln they have engaged in like
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that's happened in a lot of northern virginia schools. they've engaged in racist are practices to limit the number of students that come from what a school feels are racial that e groups that they shouldn't come from. that's the thing that people need to understand about thesey programs. are and racism is something th is how racist they are. and racism is something thatughi the country has struggled ts hwith throughout its historye it's been a tool for elitesrigh to control other people.r powerl and right now, a lot of these people t programs are ways for powerful. th people to retain control. but the american people don't like racism. thon'tthey don't like hatred.tor they don't like what these programs are teaching about dife how to hate your own country,s how to have animosity between differena deept races. this is a deeply un-american thing. it's deeply unpopular and it o needs, but it is very powerful.t and a lot of our elites clingy,i to it. s n >> and charlie, this is even scs happening in medical schools. ae as i reference last night, a friend of mine in boston sentn meal internal email, i believe it's from tufts university medica it's l school, about thee
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how there's a there's a forum tothat are advertising to share a dialog and learn more about ma the intersections between i think they mean among betweeno diversity, equity, inclusionn and justice.ducation. and it's a doctor who is in higher education.this lecturl and it's a doctor who'ats givini this lecture later on in march.i but again, so if this infects >> laurae that word purposely, if this infects medicine, whichs medi it is tonight, we're learning more and more abous,t this, whag does that tell us about where da this is going? thist this is life and death atd point. w well, we already know that it'hw infected who were selecting to fly our airplanes that wees. now know united airlines is s is saying that they're going hav to have race be a primary they sel factor in who they select flies the airplane. i don't care the color olane.n'e skin of the airplane i go on. i fly the skin of an airplane. i go on i fly on a lot ofe th airplanes. i want to make sure thatpilot mows what they're doing. the pilot knows what they're doing. and i think your audience would be horrified. i say, hey, you're goingyourd bd to heart surgery.
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and , hey, this person wast chosen under affirmative action guidelines. by the way, i got an email the other day ofn out of affirmativ a whistleblower at a medical school in pennsylvania, exact same thing where they have a whole zoome clase gus saying t your job as an up and coming medical professional will be medical prtrying to get rid ofni the systemic racism in medicine. understand understand? you have to try to rebalance equity.we we're talking about 're talking abouobliterating thd successful medical successes iny human history under the guise of ideology is alexander solzhenitsyn said in the gulag the sovi archipelago. at the end of the soviet union,o the soviet union was able to continue its horrors because off ideology and this ideology must be defeated before it continues to metastasize.s to metastas ize.and mali and the french revolution, it was all about egalitarianism and it way n thet was quite an attractive concept that everyone will be equal. but of course, that's never the case. the elites are always up here and then there's everybody else.. but it keeps people quiet fore. a time, does it not? but such there a difference betn equality of opportunity and equality of outcome, wet the
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have long recognized that equality of outcome is ames a dc dystopic thing that makes the the world worse for all sorts of people. fosorts of people. it was one thing when th and it was one thing when these ideas were being put forth in education departments at inlleges, very bad. but now we do have it. health and things that actually deal ol with safety, whether it's public healtine thh or airlinew, whe pilots.planes and this is when plane stars start falling out of the sky becauseae of this ideology being accepted across the board. where we ar it is a really horrible thing.ra and that's where we are headed.e tharlie, in the artificial intelligence world, i think people thought, wellople tho, ts search for is going to be incredible because it's going to be objecte the search for objective facts s . but even in the world of a.i., and this is important, there's a push for for this amorphous term called inclusive city. >> watch this inclusive, important and so is regulation. >> bias is ae issu huge issue, , . the eyeri representin on . who t.ative of wein it to be representative of
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who we are in the world. oogl >> it's not just europe and thee us . that was the google vpnt oft government affairs. so again, what is artificialis a intelligence if not an extended arm of socialism? socialism wor? >> that's right! this is going to world wide? >> that's right.a wo this is going to become a woke super weapon. and i encourage your audience to take some time and play gpt r with what should really nothi be called dnc, which is nothing more now than going to be ane th instrument of trying to make the left's takeove left'sr of the west more efficient. go play with it. for example, say, can you writen an essay about jordan peterson or something of the like? like.they'll say, sorry, i cannu that. now we're doing my parameters because it is it is stunning goin when you actually start diggingr into it.e going so that's exactly what we'reto going to do. moll dy and charlie, great to se both of you. charley n >> thank you.s now, as charlie i there's is growing concern among many who have been studying capabilities that it's beingg manipulated to be simplyi menti,
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another tool of the left rather than being developed, as i mentioned, as pota potential ft finding resource. for example, when asked todump, to create a poem about donald trump, it refused. >> but what about joe biden, a leader with a heart of gold, joe biden, a name to hold with empathy. with empathy and grace he leads, inspiring all with noble d and grace. -- he leads inspiring alls that with noble deeds. if it's be is that bad? against equied by my next guest if it's betterty to be for or against equity, it responded, th being against equity meansfair rejecting the principle of fairnessness andustice." and jua >> alexander zubkov and new york attorney and writer has launched.himself, poor guy in gpt since it launched, and he joins us to share his findings with alex. intelie mentioned this concern of artificial intelligence bein beig a weapon used against dissent, against potentially thk
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global order down the road. >> how concerned should we be ?a >> i think we should be very concerned. encourage everaround with chhatrapati right now. and i would encourage everyoneoi to do that at home. and you ask it questions on any number of politically salient issues, whetheliant issues r gender issues, ende racial issues, the transgender controversy, immigration, you are going to see monolithicolit hibias all in the same directiog and at the same time, if you ask why it is opining in favorvv of one side of a controversy, over the other, it's goingt an a to repeatedly tell you, oh, i'm sorry, i'm just an i don't have opinions. i'm just basing my answers on research and evidence. and yet again and again, that research and evidence that itt claims it's basing its responses on ig its arming itl with answers that go in the same political direction.
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and obviously, that's that's very disturbing. it doesn'tsomethinething thai gt i would say should be disturbing to absolutely everyone.te you're libeit doesn't matter if you'ree liberal. it doesn't matter if you're something likemoderate,, because as we know from something like the change of management ats in twitter, who's in charge of these various platforms cane poa change and then the political bias might change. we want to insulate these kinds of systems from any bias as much as possible., you know,f and so, you know, if chad egypti were spitting out one conservative bias after another, i would be horrified. i don't want to do that. and i think liberalsink liberald everyone thd moderates and everyone should be horrified by this as well. >> all right. our favorite bond villain, n of klaus schwab of the world economic forum, he thinks worlds forum thinks artificial intelligence will help in what his goal is . >> watch artificial intelligence. but no, but only artificial
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intelligence, but also sumitrabe worlds our life in 10 years from now. different would be completely different, very much affected. and who masterstrokesl technologies in some waye maste. >> laura: they'll be the master of the world! will be the master of the world .an >> there is a master, oalfyou e this, ok? the world. th i mean, alex , you can'tis writt this, okay?- like -- it is something outs this is just it is something out of a horror film, but youe will be the master of the worlde if you master this. what happened to free thought? i free inquiry, free debate? well, i say no, no, no. that it is determined whether it's climate change or whetheror equity or inclusion.l >> it's all determined.s no there is no debate debate. . >> and remember, when we're, cht talking about this church, he became accessible to the general public less than publics
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three months ago. >> okay, tha and already our technological landscape, technological an our information landscape has been so transformed. now, imagine what's goingtransfp ento happen a year from now,om . three years from now, five years from now. whatbe we're going to be seeing increasingly is that all of these decisions in education,l l in admissions, in the medicaldag field, dating site algorithms, anything you can imagine are u going to be made for us by these opaque algorithms. leastn and right now, at least, we can we can play with the algorithm and clearly see the biases geneo 10 years from now or 20 years from now when you have a generation of kids that has we grown up with surrounded by this stuff, the bias can b be invisible to them. >> yeah, that's what it's just going to be. a it's just going to be fact if it's not fact. and thhis is such a huge topic. we need to do a whole hour on . thank you so much.just made and, and the dangerous move putin just made and biden. well, well, he, he ignored forme
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national security adviser robert o'brien i is here to reat . plus, as china runs russia to double down on its big bet on putin, guess who's betting their own future on china? dowell, the nba former nba star turned activist and his kanta freedom is here on that next. are you still figuring out what you want to do when you grow upo or you spend money on that degree that you're not using degree that you're not using and still not seeing success? n. >> the truth is there are manytc paths to gethe to a life that yl want for i'm ken rusk.g i never went to inug fact,hout i started diggins ditches. ditches. no w i'm a successful businesses. ditches. no owner and best selling author. so how did i get here? throughout my life and career, throughout my life and career, i found a path to success many paths to get there. through blue collar trades.m ofx the key is painting what you want your life to look like first, then picking one of first, then picking one of the many paths to get there. and i want to show youst how i'm offering fox news viewersntrepru
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they want to inflict in thitegistratec defeat on us and tried to get to our nucleart facilities. in this regardo , i am forced to announce today that russia is suspending its participatiote in the strategic offensive arms treaty. >> i repeat, we are not withdrawing from the pact. no, we are suspendin're g our participation. >> now, the treaty he's talking particking aboutabout is the on nuclear treaty that russiawi hae it reduces and limits each with the united states. it reduces and limits each country's nuclear arsenal r unnecessary one one dealings e with someone like putin. so it came as a huge shock that biden, who spoke today about the ukraine war and vladimir putin didn't even mention it.n . maybe he didn't want to seemt wo weaker than he's coming acrosshe because honestly, what would he have said? at least blinken addressed today the announcement rus by russia that it's suspendingsi
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participation. assad is deeply unfortunatirrest and irresponsible. rus we'll be watching carefullsiy to see what russiat, actually does. we'll , of course, make sure that in an we'reappropy that wey postured appropriately for the security of our own country. and that of our allies . >> laura: joining and that of oa >> joining us now is former trump national security adviser robert o'brien. robert , how significantleast rt is putin's at least rhetorical move here? >> warlords, great to be. th with you tonight. thanks for having me on o things wmember when are two te to remember when it comesl tr to these arms control treaty with russia.eaties with russia, number one, the russians always they cheat , the russians always cheat. they cheated on open skiesopen they use that which wasod t supposed to be a verification method to suss out what we weree doing with our our civilhe pres. they cheated on th defense, with defending the president. they cheated on the inf treatyen and a lot of these missiles that you're seeing hit ukraine were built in violatioviolation
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the treaty, and they stop verification on newstart. so they the russians cheat in these treaties. and when they cheat, we shouldtt get out of them. out and we got out open skieskies wit and eaf when president trump was in office, inf the second thing i we need to remember, laura , th is the chinese benefit from these treaties.en't b the chinese aren't involvedoundy and they aren't bound by them. soe binding we're biting our ay to build in, for example, intermediate range nuclearexampn build an intermediate range missiles. the chinese built thousands of them. we didn't build anm. they developedy of them. they developed a great advantage over us . and the same thing on the startv treaty, they'll have more icbm missiles in two or three years i than we have in our inventory. h and you combine that with thegud russians and where i can two to one. so, you knowi'm no, i'm not too concerned about the russians suspending. involvement inod in the treaty . but what we need defenses make sure we rebuild our defensesd monetize our and modernize our nuclear triad, which president trump started doing so that we're noth there's no nuclear held. that c there's no nuclear blackmails by that can be used against us by either china or russia. >> now, speaking of china, gee,,
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is planning a summit, robert , n in the not so distant future ine conversation of the war in ukraine is going to dominate moscow and the obviously the conversation of the war in ukraine is going to dominate. >> what's your gut on what'sn going down on this? well, the chinese are goinge russians. they'll certainly help them economically which to continue to help the russians. they'll certainly help them economically, which they've been doing since the start oheyi f the war. now, whether they give military. aid or not, we'll have to see. but the chinese has floatedt fla a spy balloon over the widtharoc breadth of our country. it stopped and lingered over our nuclear silos in montana. it stopped and lingered over our key nuclear capable aircraft base, air force bases over our a in the middle of the country. and it took a little jog by our submarine pens on the east coast. so the ea and we did nothing about during the entire time it wasitn us. we shot it down. collecting on us. we shot it down, which i'm glad we s we did it as it leftn when it entered the unite territorial the territory of the united states . any hould have shot it down when it entered the unitedway, states . bu chineset anyway, the chineseo consequences. i mean, tony conse, lincoln's
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consequence was meeting with foreign minister wang yi in munich rather than in beijing. so the chinese aren't too intimidated by us? i don't think they i don't't bdf think they think very much of st us . so i wouldn't be surprised if they start giving weaponsart gi to russia to fight ukraine.vinge that'll be very unfortunate for the ukrathat would be very unfoe for the ukrainian people, for mr us and it makes the world a more dangerous place a,on russian price. >> was asked about a possiblet off ramp for putin. r, >> the off ramp is very clear , jake. president putin startejake, d ts war a year ago. could he could end this war today.s he could end thiwas war tomorro. ou our strategy has proven has bee effective. there have been naysayern proveg along that we aren't doingg too enough or we're doinmuchg too mh coalition, at every step of the way. this coalition, it has stuck together. >> not only has it stuck together, but it's. : your reaction, robert actually strengthened in reaction. >> robert , the strategy has been. effective a year later. >> well, the strategy shouldt os
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have been to deter a the invasion. we didn't do that on the heelsfo of afghanistan and other demonstrations of weakness, killing our keystone pipeline, allowing their nord stream two pipeline to go forward. so we got the invasion. i do compliment stream 2 the administration and the american peopl pipelie for supporting ukraine as the brave ukrainians are fighting for their freedom. bustream t took the time to stop the russians was before they invaded, not not after. bea >> robert t , great to see youk. tonight, as always. thank you. and once once again again, the nba is showing us its true colors. and they're not necessarilyld red , white and blue. een. they may be chinese red and o gold with a little green . >> that's the color of money the league and the chinese fintech company, the amp group,e have just gone into a strategic partnership. cover together, it covers videos vi content broadcastingdeo conten t and membership, joint marketinig campaigns and digital nice? collectibles. in other w nice? in other words, while blacords,, lives matter to the nba, lives do not matter, nor do the lives of dissidents.ristians and how abou?
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t the christians? a >> joining us now is an eskandar freedom, former nba all player and activist. thd as first, , i love your shit ,your reaction tonight hearing e that the nba is once again moving forward with a massive business partnership with communist china. >> thank you for having me. it's not surprising to hear that nba is only trying to strengthen their relationship with china. i mean, it's not like the nba at this point is china's lapdogt . and they will care about ri the nba, will care about human l jurights and social justice ul it hits their pocket. anythin you know, as soog n as you say human anything against the chinese government or china's abuses,, t they're going to do c whatever they can to silence you.ra you knowzy, what drives me crazk is their hypocrisy.he they will talk about all the human rights violations and political or, you know,encea political prisoners in america.
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but when it comes to china bit , they're going to stay silent. tg so that is the one thing that >> what just blows my mind. >> what happens. and as when we hear anotherstats after another controversy, the united states , maybe it's racial, maybe it's something else. members of the nba lecturing injustices america about injustices, racism, inequity, lack ofdo opportunity inclusively. do they haveve any credibility on that? >> you know, i wasin actually tt see him walk around with thoseae guys, and i promise many oven fr e them did not really even care about it. they were only doing it foruse their own prthey knohere -- bew anywhere, anything that money they talk about is not going against the chines to affect their money and business. and as soon as they say, anything against the chineser ti government, they know their shoe sales or jerseydeals saleor theirs, their endorsemeni or their nba contracts is going withe in big trouble. so i had many conversations. with many of
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the players.say it even they were telling me wes don't feel what we say. we just say because it looks good on tv and they think we are more than athletes. and i just could not believe it. i so i do not respect them ato no all. i mean, lebront james bashing trashing c conservatives. mouth is rme on onservat, reall. let's put your money where lebr. your mouth is . >> right.ebron all espn examined the investments of forty principal nba owners and found that they've o collectively have more thanfouno ten billion tied up in china.n d now, this is an addition to the nba's direct business in china,h which has the valuation of has five billion dollars. 5 billion. this is real money and it'swaysr it's about money.pick i and they're no different in many ways. it'sa tha trying to pick on tha than any other major, majore 50s fortune 500 company that has major investment in china.>> >> i mean, it's all aboutting w itthe color green .
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exactly.y actu i mean, starting with brooklynat netshe genoci owner josé the guyt actually who funds the .ad ameri and i can now believe that adam silver is allowing them to have a team. but just like you said, for, 40a the nba owners, got tied up0 bil around ten billion dollars inio china and no people thati don' i don't have a team to play fors it. just shame, because how can the biggest dictatorshipt in the world like china can can'tra control the 100% american-man ad company and fire a us citizenze? that just blows my mind. t think >> and i had no answer to that. well, and as i don't thin american citizens can go over to china and do the same thing,r to china and can they ? thing now, that's not how it works. hi there's no reciprocity. and as greatrks. to thank you so ifch. show if you've been watching yov the show, the mascot vaccinee effectiveness against the transmission of covifectiveg i mean, we've been telling you that that was nonsense for more than, well, two and a half years, especially for young n people. mandat >> so much of these nonsense mandates were ridiculous.
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but our colleges and ourtill dr. scsities still have mandates in place. us for a w dr. skat scott atlas hasn't been with us for a while. >> he's here next. what a privilege it is for you to have me here this evening. ladies and gentlemen, don't worry. i'm going to get them all to my we can learn to get along, for god's sake. they apologized. . and finally, dear abc chidi spogli satisfying a project that's drybar peper, a celebrity favorite salary. cheek's. and of course, just twenty seconds.
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meant to with relaxium eight under three two two zero four zero four eight under three two two zero four zero four call eight under three two two zero four zero four eight under >>ree to two zero four zero four. >> it's february 2020 three and vaccine mandates mask mandates are both still things thatt, happen on college campuses. t universin fact, the universif michigan just announced that ifr you live on campus, you better george get your booster or get out.d up george washington university has the same requirementl next n and up until next week, it's this i still making studentss crazy! how can any of and faculty wear masks. place?s is crazyl . how could any of this stillan wi be in place now?ch is co we've seen research, of course,d obom cochrane, which is considered to be the goldli standard for reviews that or masobliterates any reason fok usage, wearing masks. the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenzanza illnesss
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like illnesses or covid-19 like illness.s -- influesza-like illnesses or covid and on the vaccines, a recentik lancet review says a covered infection protects you as much g as getting the vaccine. e are sa now, who could have predictedyis that? non a lot of people are saying thavi this virus and in the nong like vulnerable population is almost giving like a vaccination because it's giving some acquired immunity to people who are exposedan to it. d t to heaand people don't wantr that. but that seems to be what's happening right now ing ac the united states . a loed immunt more people are gg acquired immunity. >> joining me now, dr. scotts d lets you look the same doctor , at least from octobe r 20 , 20 , former kovr-tv advisor at the trump white house. he's also the author ofr of " a plague upon our house. what aa n apt title. dr. atlas. and for now, it's almost well,rs. let's say like two and a halfbrs years, you and i and a few brave others were just they were we were trashed for saying that these vaccinendates mandates ultimately wouldimat mandates wer that the maskel
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mandates were obscene because masks didn't effectively makee much of a difference and colleges still haven't caught uence and colp. yeah, laura , i'm actually veryl concerned. i mean, we can laugh at itaugh s because it's absurd.on t on the other hand , we havheeouv giveersin our universities and s university professors a tremendous amount of societaot respect and responsibility. we entrust them to teach critical thinking to our children and to take care of our kids. kids and instead, there's a denial of fact o and instead, there is a denial of fact on thousands of university and college campuses in the u.s., it's the cd, evenc' itself, even in october of 2020 said, quote, it's illegall to re and unethical to require testing." and that was i testing. and that was in the pre vaccine th era in the most lethal time of we the virus, the form that wase n present in twenty , twenty . we have now a virus that is farf less lethal. they hav peopl, almost maybe 90f
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people have had covered . they have biological protection that is better, not just equal , but better as proven by the data from the vaccine. th better as proven by the datae vc from the vaccine, the vaccinine has side effects.real we still don't have a real assed accurate assessment of the side effects, even though we've hade had 5 or 6 billion doses. you have to five or six billion doses. yowou have to wonder whyt thaiy is . and no w we have universitycomplete laf officials really showing a complete lac ck of critical fa thinking, gross incompetence. i mean, this has got to stop. you ha and unethical behavior, frankly. i mean, this has goto to stop.. i'll thatto wonder why is . i'll give you one reason. the u.s. that receive more tha universities in the u.s. that receive more than 500 millioilln dollars a year every year from the nih alone.. there's a financial sort of migt like a one word, one might say, corruption. they don't speakthon't independt ,even if they knew what when ar they were talking about. you have to wonder, when areldre parents going to question n allowing their children to be
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treated like this? really, they have a minuscules m this risk of a serious illness from this virus? t yes.hea shows less than or the data shows less than or equal to influenza. that's a fact. influenat's a fthat's not argu. and in fact, the most recent study from npd group in thnuary of this year on the mosis yeat viral of the e lethal form of the virus from the twenty twenty data showed that even those estimates were. the risk fro overestimated.m healthy pe the risk from this illness foros healthy people, college age is extremely low and we have done tremendous damage to an entire generation with causing an obesity crisi, massivs, masse psychiatric illness, suicides. you self-harm, state visits to doctors. 's frankly it's a heinous disgrace. it's frankly probably the most unethical time most un in modern history in public health guidance now , it's hideous. hours earlier, we were talkinga about how the equity and inclusion agenda is having
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in such terrible effectclsschool on medical schools, and that'ss. totally lowering standardsthat'e obliterating objective, objective merit. >> but the sam with the deal wis corruption is found in our media. media outlets ares are tr trying to pretend that everyone thought closinpreteng schools ws is a a good idea. this is from vox. goo earlier today. it "it can be difficult to remembw now that one of the few things most americans agreed on infor u mid-march, 2020 was this. we had to for our children's sake, we hacd to close the schools. >> wait a second.e sc most americans i certainly didn't agreehool that ever. wait a second. probably didn't either.? but again, everyone's in the cia mode because they know people are now slowly but surely on to this game and onyoi to what happened. >> i'm back in march. 2020. i wrote in nationa20, il media o johnny ineos and david katz, we were the loudest we said open the schools were destroying low risk people wereo
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not using enough protection for protthe elderly. this was not just derided.. it was censored, was actively as acensored, during 2020 when t mattered. and there is you're right., an orwellian rewrite, a an orwellian rewrite, heinous ru a completely heinous run frome s accountability. and it's important we cannot let that happen. because these people in power are apt to do these draconian lockdowns and things again for s other so-called existentiao-call exises. i'm predicting we'll see these restrictions foristentiam predie climate climate change if we don't stocp this and get a public airing off this issue, that racial emergency climate emergency, all sorts of possibilities.f dr. atlus, so good to see you.o sedo not be a stranger. t all right. the far left wants to make you think that religion is kind of dead, especially among our youth. >> but the revival is happening at astbury university ining th kentuckyos and proving those critics wrong. w eventhost's no spreading to schools across
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the country. >> a student from one of those universities joins us next. looks like you've been sleeping well, megan . he's back to my pillow guy and you're looking good. >> still feeling good? well, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, we've got the best pillow ever. mypillow 2.0. oh, it's so soft. and smooth. it's cool to the touch. how did you do that? well, we took my pillows, patented pillow and combined with this new technology that we didn't have back then when i invented mypillow to bring you the best pillow in history, mypillow 2.0, just like all of you, i never imagined mypillow could get any better. that's why i haven't changed it in nearly twenty years. then i heard about a revolutionary new technology and i knew i had to bring it to you all.
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is relevant or meets their needs. >> the percent of american or m. s who identify with any religion decade iss been on the decline fos.r decades. w >> the biggest generational drop off is with millennials >>. well, maybe that's the case foro organized religion, but maybncei a conclusion is a little simplistic because we're seeing something interestine weg happeg it s on college campuses across the country. it started on february eight that astbury university in kentucky chapel chapel services started that morning and then they didn't end for thirteen days. sm fifty thousand people flockedaln to the small town to experienc e the astbury revival, and that ended up spawning marathonudingt worship services all over, cedarville university in ohio including at cedarville university in ohio, where piano my next guest played piano for six hours straight. s lala joining me now is lalitha ghadi. she's a student at cedarville university. lalitha, this started at
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your school about a week ago. lr school a week ago and it's still happening.d it'sl i mean, this is wild. >> what what's going on here?n ? explain it to our audience. >> yea explain it to our audience. >> yeah.w, thank you. laura. um, god is definitely at work in it's beefor having me on the show. laura got is definiteln absoy ak at cedarville, and it's beeno absolutely amazing to sees pray because we see studentsin worshiping, we see students praying, we see students see praying through scripture. specifically, we see students repenting of their sins christg to and so i beautiful to see. there a >> now all of that. world is there a sense that the world itself, we see it in many ways h coming apart at the seams.ams, e the attack on traditionale gendg families, the gender bending the culture, a lot of people think is pretty depraved indeprv eddrugs, all everything, i thinr for young people to have song pl much pressure on young peoplekig
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in social media do people are now peopleu seeking a refuge in in and scripture in >> def a consistency in the almighty. b i think i think that hope canedi only be found in ll.e and that's what we're seeing like,ot of timese. people turn to all of those things that you mentione is like a lot of times people turn to all of those things that you mentioned as a way onl to escape their reality. bubet i think hope can only be found in the work of on the cross and that's what we'ren seeing here. we see people puttings. their faith in and turninglutey away from their sins. been absolutely wonderful to see. to th >> now, are people coming to a revival who maybe were? skeptical doubters not weren't sure they believed. and have you seen personal transformation along the way? ? yeah, i think even in my owne ao life, it has made me a lot more cognizant of the fact thatc
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eternity matters and that we fact are living for something that's than just the herejust the here and now and every single one ofs our decisions impact that.t t and it has just madeo me want to live a life that is more worthy because the bible tells. us that it talks about returning to our first love. revival yet but 'sse whaeingt we seeing. thin i'm not sure if i would call ikt a revival yet, but i think we'll know based on the fruits ,because it's nothg we nt goineg to stop here. this is something that we need to see in neighborhoods all otacross america. anywhere it's not confined to cedarville in any way or astbur thy or anywhere else.t work - >> the same holy spirit that's i here is at work this is awesome. lalalala thought so great to get away from politics. into something that's really,m really matters. thank you for joining us .ing i reallythank you tonight. up next, the last bite has in something to do with that georgia probtoe into president trump. >> you don't want to miss. i can't believe this is how you kids talk to your friends. this is talking.
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foreperson spoke out today. >> what would your reaction be if the da decides against bringing any charges? >> i will be sad if nothing happens. this was too much. too much information, too much of my time. there was too much for this to just be, okay, we're good, bye. >> if just a perjury charge, he will be happy if something happens. >> see. >> todd: breaking right now, multiple explosions rocking -- the "wall street journal" reporting chinese president xi jinping is preparing to visit russia for a summit with putin very soon. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier, in for carley shimkus. an act of defiance againsthe
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