tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News February 24, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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>> not there! >> jesse: put your own swivel chair together. i'm a 73-year-old woman who just put together a bathroom cabinet by reading the instructions. don't be like the pampered politicians having everything done for them." i would put together, but i can't. i'm incapable. tucker is up next. i'm watters, and this is my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the war in ukraine began a year ago today on to berry 24th, 2022, when the russian military rolled across the eastern border of that country. but, in many ways, the russian invasion of ukraine was the end point of the much longer story. the propaganda campaign designed to convince americans to take sides in this conflict, a conflict that has nothing,
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strictly speaking, to do with them or with america. that effort began many years earlier. july 22nd, 2016. that's the day that wikileaks published thousands of emails from the servers of the democratic national committee in washington. those emails prove that party officials have rigged the democratic process, the primary process, in favor of hillary clinton, and against the insurgent populist candidate that year, bernie sanders of vermont. within days, the chair of the dnc, debbie wasserman schultz, resigned in disgrace. the wikileaks scandal broke on the same day that hillary clinton shows her running mate, senator tim kaine, and it overshadows the nominatit followed. but more significantly, the wikileakscen to split the democratic party into pieces. more than 13 million bernie sanders voters, many of the young people, learned that the process they had always believed in was, in fact, a sham. they had been cheated. democratic leaders had to act quickly in the face of this to deflect blame from themselves on
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the someone else. the dnc's service, they claimed, had been hacked by the russian military. the goal is to hurt hillary clinton, whom the russians feared for her strength and wisdom, and to help donald trump, whom they controlled. russia hacked the servers in order to hack the election. that was the story to read "the washington post" ran with it the first day as if it were true. but there was never any evidence that was true. almost seven years later, there still no evidence. the dnc story about it servers is a lie. but as a political strategy, that lie worked flawlessly. russia made the perfect villain. it was a white christian country with a traditional social structure. it was everything the democratic party already opposed. the foreign policy apparatus in washington was happy to hate russia again, after 40 years of cold war, hating russia was mus. so they sign onto the russia collusion hoax. it had the twin benefits of paralyzing the trump
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administration, which it did, and justifying the expansion of the national security state. as the years passed and the rhetoric intensified, hysteria set in. after a while, anybody with a heterodox opinion, from right-wingers to avowed socialists, could be accused of working secretly with vladimir putin. many were accused and some were destroyed by it. it was a textbook witch hunt far more effective than mccarthyism. unlike mccarthyism, it never ended. russia remained america's greatest enemy, even as china emerged as america's greatest threat. over time, the lie the democrats told to hide their crimes in the 2016 primaries came to dominate america's fo foreign policy and then to imperil america itself. they worked a lining is a block against the u.s. the idea was pretty straightforward. you might be able to beat one strong country, but if a couple strong countries ever got together, he would lose. this is why richard nixon went to china, to make sure the
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chinese government didn't align with brezhnev, with the russians. donald trump understood this very clearly. russia will never be our closest ally, he said, but if russia ever becomes china's ally, we are in deep trouble. the combination of natural resources, military and economic power, and sure population would make the russia-chinese alliance the most powerful force in the world. the united states would soon be dethroned. we be taking orders. as trump put it, there's no reason to make russia our enemy, and there are many reasons not to you. it was a sound case, but official washington ignored it. the response shouted in unison, "shut up, putin stooge!" and they set about trying to provoke a war with russia. now they have succeeded. but the war we are fighting ukraine is not against russia alone, but also against russia's newest ally, the people's republic of china. what donald trump predicted has happened, and in the worst way. if the war in ukraine continues, we will lose, no matter how it
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ends. the world order is being reshuffled as we watch, and by the time it's over, the u.s. will no longer be at the top of the deck. that's very obvious to the rest of the world, but what's fascinating is how few americans seem to understand what's happening, or its consequences. but how would they know? no one in american politics or media will tell them the truth. since the first hours after the invasion, americans have been fed a steady diet of increasingly absurd lies about ukraine. google and facebook have joined with the biden administration to censor any factual information that contradicts the official story line. it is dystopian. joe biden's first remarks about the war gave no hint that we would be sending advanced weapons systems, and american military advisors, to ukraine. then, supporting the entire ukrainian government and its pension system, with hundreds of billions of u.s. tax dollars. no. joe biden mentioned only sanctions, which were free. sanctions he suggested would be enough. here is joe biden a year ago today.
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>> the russian military has begun a brutal assault on the people of ukraine. without provocation, without justification, without necessity. this aggression cannot go unanswered. if it did, the consequences for america would be much worse. america stands up to bullies. we stand up for freedom. putin is the aggressor. putin chose this war. and now he and his country will bear the consequences. today i am authorizing additional strong sanctions. >> tucker: "strong sanctions." that'll do it. the goal at that point a year ago today, and you may remember this, was to push russian forces back into their own country, to reverse the invasion. and that seemed reasonable to most people. it did not seem like the beginning of a third world war. oh, but it was exactly that. and by december, lindsey graham was confident enough to say so out loud. here he is. >> how does this war and? when russia breaks and they take putin out.
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anything short of that, the war is going to continue. you ask the ukrainians to give russia part of their country after all this death and destruction is not going to happen. to signal a cease-fire, russia will take the opportunity to rearm and come at them again. so we are in it to win it, and the only way you're going to win it is to break the russian military and have somebody in russia take putin out. >> tucker: so we're going to, says lindsey graham confidently, continue pouring billions into ukraine until they "take putin out." does putin know this? well, we have no idea. we are not allowed to see russian media in this country. that's too much information for americans to handle. but if putin does know that we plan to kill him, wouldn't he fight back with nuclear weapons? why wouldn't he fight back with nuclear weapons? no one in the united states seems to be allowed to wonder that, much less have a conversation about out loud. instead we are treated to more lectures about democracy. ukraine is a democracy, we are told, that's why we are on the
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side of ukraine. the problem is, that's a lie. ukraine is not a democracy. ukraine is a corrupt one-party state. ukraine has none of the freedoms that define democratic governance. freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion. ukraine is the least free place in all of europe, and probably for that reason it is joe biden's favorite place. for those who understand what is actually happening and what ukraine is actually like, it's very frustrating to watch biden say this again and again. it is galling to be lectured about democracy by a man who took power in an election so sketchy that many americans don't believe it was even real. joe biden has never had the majority of american support for a single day of the ukraine war. in fact, joe biden is far less popular in the united states then vladimir putin is in russia. that's not an endorsement of putin -- it's just true. and it says everything about joe biden's tenuous legitimacy. democracy? please.
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we are adults. stop lying to us. so, what happens next in this war? according to our elderly treasury secretary, janet yellen, the war in ukraine will go on forever, and so will our support for zelenskyy. >> let me make clear, the united states and the allies, our support for ukraine will be lasting and is unconditional. >> tucker: unconditional support for ukraine. unconditional support for a nation most americans know nothing about, and couldn't find on the map. unconditional support. that's a profound statement. outside of your immediate family, how many people would you pledge unconditional support to? how many countries would you pledge unconditional support to? this is insane, when you think about it. but the people in charge of this disaster aren't thinking the way that most americans do. the "atlantic" magazine commemorated the anniversary of the war by commissioning a piece
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today by tom nichols. he's a silly foreign establishment parasite who has been taken fiercely by other ne'er-do-wells and dumb people in washington. but the pieces fascinating. in it he inadvertently reveals the point of this war in the clearest possible terms. "now we are faced with the long grind of defeating moscow's armies and eventually rebuilding a better world." oh. defeating moscow's armies and building a better world? perfect. thank you, tom nichols. adding those items to this week's to-do list. unspecified in the piece is how we plan to do this, to defeat russia and its ally, china, and build a utopia. the piece is notably light on details. they feel better hearing about this if tom nichols and others like him in washington had a track record suggesting they could do any of this. a track record of competence and success. they don't. nichols himself seems to spend most of his life arguing with other people on twitter. he's never achieved anything at
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all that we are aware of. but then virtually none of them have achieved anything. biden's chief ukraine strategist, tori newland, he wouldn't hired plant spring break. she couldn't do it. she doesn't have the skills. now, these very same people, these demonstrably incompetent people, say they plan to rebuild a better world. all right. that seems ambitious. how about starting with baltimore? before moving onto global transmission, shouldn't we fix the biggest city in maryland first? under the leadership of people like tom nichols and victoria newland, neoliberal geniuses of grand plans, baltimore has devolved into third world chaos. but then, so has iraq, so has libya, so has every other place these people have decided to "rebuild." it should spare a moment of silence and self-reflection in the u.s. state department that the moment western diplomats and ngos left the country, afghanistan got safer. there are far fewer killings in
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kabul now than they were 18 months ago. pedestrians and couple can walk to dinner and i wo to without bg ready. that doesn't tell the whole story of afghanistan, of course, but we shouldn't ignore that fact. it means something. if you spend billions trying to make a place better and it gets worse, you have an obligation to think about why. maybe you're doing it wrong. maybe you are not as powerful and clever as you thought you were. maybe there is a problem with your formula. but none of this ever occurs to people like tom nichols and toria nuland, and, for that matter, joe biden. the more discredited they are, the more self-confident they become. they see every failure is evidence of their talents that are more desperately needed than ever. what is this? well, it's called hubris. hubris is the delusion that causes people to mistake themselves for god. they imagine they have power and wisdom and foresight they don't actually possess, that no human
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does. hubris is a species of mental illness. these people are unwell. they are crazy. and there's nothing more dangerous than that. hubris has caused more suffering than polio. it cause more deaths than smallpox. and, apparently, we are in the middle of another epidemic of it. douglas mcgregor is a retired army colonel who knows a lot about hubris. he joins us tonight. not to single out tom nichols, who is one among many people afflicted with this, but to say that our goal is to crush putin's armies, the army -- over a million-men armies of russia, and build a better world, does that strike you as a little ambitious? >> well, not really. if you consider the washington strategy right now led by president biden. wi-fi at one war when you can fight two at the same time against two of the most powerful nations in the world? everything that the biden administration has touched thus far is a disaster. the world is de-dollarizing. here the commies are not
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growing, russian economy is growing faster than europe's economies. we have a fire sale on dollars in u.s. treasuries. last year russia's budget deficit as a percentage of gdp, 2.3%. america's budget deficit is a percentage of gdp was 5.4%. the ukrainian armed forces having a manpower crisis. they are hurting boys, old men come and women in uniform. the ukrainian armed forces are strained to limit without nato military manpower, manning and conducting operations, their forces would fall apart. then you look at nato. nato was deeply divided. turkey is ready to leave the alliance. they are aligning more and more with each passing week with central asia, with china, with russia, and other countries. germany is desperate for the resources to keep its scientific industrial base functioning. germany is not going to stay in nato if this war continues
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indefinitely. and finally you have russia itself. our greatest achievement has been to enable putin to build a russian military establishment that is larger and more powerful today than we have seen in 30 years, and qualitatively it is superior to anything the soviets fielded in the 1980s. as you and i speak, the russians are assembling the largest stockpile of artillery ammunition, rockets, missiles, and drones, frankly, since the second world war, and they are about to hurl all of it at ukraine and finish the job they began a year ago. >> tucker: i grieved when i hear that nice people in this country, and i so often hear it, root for zelenskyy like he's a sports hero. they have no idea what's at stake here in the massive global realignment, because they don't want to you in the very few others to tell the truth. i appreciate you coming on tonight. the biden administration has spent billions and
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billions -- apparently, hundreds of billions, if you total it all up -- in ukraine. but it's done nothing for the people of east palestine, ohio. it really does seem like a metaphor. erin brockovich joins us next on that, and much more, on this special edition of "tucker carlson tonight" on the year anniversary of the war in ukraine.
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: east palestine, ohio, and ukraine are not technically related in any way, but you still can't help but notice the difference between how they are treated by the biden administration. the administration just announced another $2 billion in funding for ukraine, and we sent them over $100 million already, but no money for the people in east palestine who, as you all know, were exposed at no fault of their own to toxic chemicals. erin brockovich is in east palestine tonight we thought it would be interesting to talk to her. thank you so much for coming on. can you see the disparity? the disparity between the concern for the people of ukraine -- which i'm not discounting is real -- with the concern for the people in east palestine connector seems to be a huge difference.
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>> well, it is certainly concerning to the people of east palestine. we are pushing a month now, and they still don't have any answers. it's very obvious that something has really gone wrong out here. i've been out here down on the ground, and they are really frustrated. they don't feel they are are there administration cares about what's happened to the community. so it's very apparent they are concerned and not being seen or heard. >> tucker: you make such an interesting point, and i don't know the answer to this, but you've been around this kind of thing before. you think that there is something specific you are not being told. that's your sense? >> yeah. there is. it's like, oh, my gosh, come on. 44,000 fish are dead. we have seen them out there today. they are aerating the creeks, removing stuff. the wellheads are locked. what's up? you don't have to go any further, in my opinion, then a hundred years.
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a study we all know the miners did for us, the canary in the mine shaft. it's in the canary down there and it dies, might not be good for humans. you have dead fish. that might not be good for humans. you have dead animals. might not be good for humans. you have sent a horrible mixed message to this community. drink the water, don't drink the water. safe, not safe. it is horribly confusing and extremely frustrating to them, and something actually has gone wrong here, and it's information that has yet to come forward, and the story will continue to unfold. >> tucker: that is so nicely put. i want to pick up on something you said. the wellheads have been locked? what do you mean? >> so, in the schools -- the children can't drink the fountains, and on private wells around here, they've got locks on them. so they obviously -- come on. if there is no problem, you don't need to lock a drinking fountain, he don't need to be aerating the system. you can explain away all day long to me that nothing is
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wrong, but i see what's going on here. >> tucker: i think it's better to make judgments on the evidence than on the words. i agree with that. thank you. erin brockovich, good to see you tonight. >> thank you, tucker. it was nice to see you. >> tucker: center josh hawley represent missouri in the united states senate. he's been watching all of this. thank you so much for coming. you just can't -- i mean, you hate to connect unrelated stories, but you just can't help but notice the difference in the level of concern for ukraine versus ohio. >> yeah, and i don't think they are unrelated at all, tucker. the truth is that joe biden and, let's face it, congressional republicans, have spent over $100 billion and counting on the ukraine where, and meanwhile the folks in east palestine have poison in the water, and in the air, and it's clear the infrastructure in our country is crumbling. and what is this administration doing about it connect frankly, what is congress doing about it?
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not a whole heck of a lot. and i think that is a stark contrast. i would just say republicans, you can either be the party if ukraine and globalist, or east palestine and the working people of this country. it's time to say to the europeans, no more welfare for europeans. let the europeans take the lead on europe. it's time to put the working people of this country first to make those folk strong again and to make this country strong again. >> tucker: if you keep ignoring people and short-circuiting the democratic process, they get increasingly radical. everyone is like, "trump is a radical." trump is pretty moderate, actually. are you concerned you could see actual radicalism in american politics, just borne a frustration cannot buy wouldn't that happen? >> you look at what the mayor of east palestine said, for example, you listen to the folks on the ground there, and i see the same thing over missouri. my state is not different from ohio. it's not different at all. people say that the folks in washington, d.c., care more about the borders of ukraine then the borders of our own country.
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they care more about what's going on over there than the drugs flooding into our schools and our communities in missouri, and every other state across this country. they care more about other countries' roads and bridges than they do about our own. so yeah, i'm concerned. i'm concerned about the fact that folks don't feel they are represented, they not feel they are spoken for, and the truth is, most of the time they are not. i have to say to my fellow republicans, it's time for us to stand up and speak for the working people of this country and put them first. >> tucker: amen. because people will get too frustrated, and no one wants to live in a really volatile country. senator josh hawley of missouri, thanks for coming on tonight. >> thank you. >> tucker: what's interesting is how the worst, most destructive people in the world are almost always painted as the heroes, and vice versa. so zelenskyy, who is clearly and demonstrably a destroyed live things, not a builder of things, a destroyer, has taken over $100 million in your tax money, and now he's telling you, how
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dare you question that? and if you question future payments to him and his wife, it's dangerous. watch. >> interpreter: i would like to thank all of the american people that are supporting ukraine. the congress, the president, the tv channels, the journalists. >> tucker: more on that. this special anniversary edition of "tucker carlson tonight," the one-year anniversary of the war in ukraine. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ hese special moments back. it's the powerful relief my joints need. blue-emu, it works fast and you won't stink.
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>> tucker: since we are risking nuclear war to defend what we are calling democracy in ukraine, it might be worth checking in with americans, since in a darker see their opinions should matter. according to the polls, americans, actual americans, think we should stop giving money to ukraine. in the new ap poll, for example, just 37% of americans favor sending taxpayer dollars to the corrupt and repressive
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government of ukraine. now, the man who runs at corrupt and repressive government, zelenskyy, was just asked about this. watch his response. >> interpreter: if they do not support ukraine, they will lose nato, they will lose the clout of the united states. they will lose the leadership position that they are enjoying in the world, that they have been enjoying for a reason, and they will lose the support of the country with 40 million population, millions of children. our american children any different than ours? don't americans enjoy the same things as we do? i don't think we're that different. if it happens due to various opinions and a weakening and depleting of assistance, that
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ukraine loses, russia is going to enter baltic states, nato member states, and then the u.s. will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending our sons and daughters to war, and they will have to fight, because it is nato we are talking about, and they will be dying. >> tucker: they are selling that man as a hero, and he has for a full year done his best to get your sons to your to make ukraine to die on behalf of his country. he's not here, he's an antihero. lieutenant colonel daniel davis joins us. i'm just amazed that the u.s. media, in conjunction with this administration, has been able to sell this guy, who clearly has contempt for the lives of american citizens, as george washington. have they been able to do this? >> it has been concerning me for quite a long time, tucker, i'll tell you. but this could be just played really is kind of a whole new
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level of basically claiming that it is our obligation to go and fight on his behalf. it's not. the idea that he's fighting for nato in europe and to prevent american -- it's nonsense. i'm sorry we have to be honest with us, but you can tell after a full year avoid that russia has eked out about 15% of one nation on their border. they pose absolutely no threat to nato or to the united states national security, because they don't even have the capacity. so this issue is between russia and ukraine, and that's what needs to be resolved. but the idea that this could expand to nato and that we would have to go fight? that would only be a choice that we make completely outside of any need for our country. >> tucker: why has no one stood up really every single day for the last year to say, you may feel for the ukrainians, i certainly do. we have no historic debt or connection to ukraine. we have no treaty with ukraine. have nothing to do with ukraine any more than we do with east timor or congo.
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this is insane. why does nobody say anything about it? >> i suspect that is starting to change, because look, we have absolutely bent over backwards to help ukraine and given a staggering amount of our own national security equipment. yet, more and more is demanded, and now i think he actually wants us to go and fight for him, which i can understand from his perspective, but i cannot understand from our perspective. it's time for us to say we need to focus on american national security and american needs, and that does not mean getting close to potentially striking a war between russia and the united states. >> tucker: nicely put. lieutenant colonel daniel davis, thank you. >> always my pleasure. >> tucker: the biden administration has effectively ignored east palestine, ohio, and really all of ohio, which has been rotting for years, parts of it. and they went and said to kyiv this week, and the air raid sirens are played for dramatic effect. america was impressed with the display. he is church hill.
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>> to find a day of this kind of presidential bravery in a war zone, you got to go all the way back to 1864, july, when abraham lincoln as president went to see confederate soldiers who were firing on washington, d.c. >> i think it's historic. it's like when jfk went to berlin in 1963, when ronald reagan went to west berlin in 1987 and said, "mr. gorbachev, tear down that wall." >> zelenskyy has been called the churchill of our generation, and biden going there today, i think it's going to be a moment for the history books. >> what an inspiring day. what an inspiring few days. i drew immediate parallels to jfk and berlin, reagan at the brandenburg gate saying, "mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall." of course the danger was far greater for joe biden. this was just about as good as it gets. >> tucker: the dishonesty and the recklessness, the pure stupidity, and the aggression
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really boggles the mind. glenn greenwald is the host of "system update." do you think maybe we have passed a threshold in propaganda where there is no coming back? if doug brinkley can say something like that, which is so obviously untrue on every level, where does that leave us? >> i think the key is to actually acknowledge how potent war propaganda is. if you look at the opinion of the american people, which nobody cares about, and he asked them if the united states should be the world's points men, they will say no. if you asked them if the united states is involving themselves in too many wars come overwhelmingly americans will say yes. yet every time we are presented with a new war, they are able to rally the public to support it, including a country that most americans have never given any thought to come for good reason, which is ukraine, and now we are therefore a year pouring more and more money and more and more weaponry into it. even though it has nothing to do with the lives of the american
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people except a tiny sliver of elite who work for raytheon and the cia. and the reason is, they depict something as banal and theatrical and contrived as biden's trip to kyiv for five hours as some sort of world historic event that everyone in reality will be forgetting about by next tuesday. and it's constantly designed to play at the heart strings, and the decent impulses of the american people, to support things that are just not in their interests. >> tucker: are you worried, big picture, the americans will become so frustrated at being ignored by their leaders, and really mocked by their leaders, that they will get radical in a way that's dangerous? >> i think you are seeing that around the world. the reason why people are turning to all kinds of antiestablishment leaders, or antiestablishment proposals like brexit, where the united kingdom just removed itself from the e.u., or change a very unconventional leaders like trump, or both scenario in brazil and the like, liver
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promises to bring down the steps meant, the democratic and republican party settlement or the western military establishment, people know that they are not on their side, the public will go to them regardless of who they are. that's how much the hatred has compiled and assembled for these institutions, and i've to say it is well-deserved. yes, you can have negative outcomes, but these institutions have made their own bed and now they are lying in it. >> tucker: bolsonaro and trump are moderate guys. they both believed in the system. but you can get people who truly want to burn it down, and they would have an audience, because people are so justifiably infuriated. >> the outcome of the contrast between what is happening in ohio and what is happening in ukraine that everybody ignores these people in ohio, because, as we know, those are the people in our country who do not count, and they all know it, if you get to the point where tens of millions people start to realize that their political leaders in both parties do not care about them at all, their anger will
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eventually lead to, as you say, something far more radical than the supposedly radical readers we have already had. and i could be dangerous, but it can also be healthy. when you start trifling with that stuff, the results are really unpredictable. i want to say again, the fault lies with this establishment that is growing increasingly arrogant and insular. >> tucker: everywhere they just uttered is true, and i think very wise, and people should pay attention. glenn greenwald, thank you so much. great to see you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: the biden administration committed the single largest, most profound act of industrial terrorism, sabotage, and history. they blew up the nord stream two pipeline, which brought energy to western europe from eastern europe. the consequences of this will unfold over the generations. we are going to bring you an update on that. next, on this special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪
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the crisis inside ukraine has reached a catastrophic level with the elderly jews pushed to the very limit. go inside! she's freezing cold! there's no electricy no heat, no water. winter is now a weapon of war used against the elderly the mothers and the young children. they've been lined up here for hours. these are precious people who are hungry. they have nothing! if someone doesn't do something soon a humanitarian disaster is coming!
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so many jewish people who are just waiting. waiting for someone to care enough to pick up the phone. fears are growing that without an emergency full-scale response thousands will die this winter. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift now to help rush a winter survival box filled with food, medicines and other life-saving supplies for elderly jews and families in ukraine. they've felt the shaking of missiles. these are people who have already endured so much suffering and disaster. the fellowship has been here and across the former soviet union for decades. but the need has never been more urgent. taken out power. taken out water. simple water to drink. we're talking about the difference between life or death! christian; jew, standing shoulder to shoulder
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and find out what your case all when a truck hit my car,ade. ♪the insurance companyed, wasn't fair. eight million ♪ i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou ♪ ♪ >> tucker: the nord stream 2 pipeline was the most important piece of infrastructure in the world. it supplied energy to our nato allies in western europe, and helped western europe continue. then it blew up.
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who blew it up? well, the biden administration promised to blow it up, and then it exploded. and afterwards, the white house and the media claimed russia did it. russia blew up their own pipeline! borne at the state permit, a very sinister figure, says she's pleased it's gone. the biden administration blew it up. there's really no doubt about it, but democrats are sticking with the lie that russia did it. we thought we would ask jimmy diller who he thinks did it. he joins us now. jimmy dorr, thank you for coming on. it seems obvious the biden people did it, but in doing it they cause this environment till catastrophe but also shafted their so-called nato allies. why does no one seem to care about this? >> will, americans -- people forget what happened. americans are the most propagandized people in the world. >> tucker: that's true. >> and they don't even know
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what's happening with the nord stream 2 pipeline. they think the propaganda happens to other people, so this is 100% propaganda war. and why doesn't joe biden want to investigate this? why doesn't congress want to investigate this? if they investigate it, it'll show the united states didn't do it and russia did it, so i don't they want to investigate it? sweden, denmark, and norway already did their own investigation of this. they won't release it. why won't they release this investigation? just like they don't want to investigate the cause of the coronavirus outbreak. they don't want to know the answers. they don't want to investigate them, because they already know the answers. you know, america has turned into a mafia state, a tiny cabal of people have control of our government, and they are using it to do war for economic profit. the difference between our mafia state now and back then, the mafia helped defeat the nazis back then pay now we are arming nazis. isn't it just like america to ignore the nazis suffering at
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home trying to buy eggs while eastland nazis and other countries? it's unbelievable what's happening. this is really about world war iii, and why aren't they investigating it? they won't even ask them the question. an article came out detailing how they all blew up the nord stream 2 pipeline, and the american press won't even ask te people he named in that article a question about it. they would ask victoria nuland. they won't ask sullivan, they won't ask antony blinken. those people won't even give a statement about it. you know who will talk about it? kirby and the press secretary at the white house, because i'm sure the people to do the decisions have a pipeline right to kirby but not to antony blinken, not to sullivan, not to victoria nuland. by the way, these are the same people who lied to us into the iraq war, lied to us about libya, lied about syria. dropped so many bombs in syria, they ran out of bombs. they are doing the same thing. america is a world serious. 400 military bases surrounding china. we provoke this, but people don't know that. the cia got in bed with the right wing nazis in ukraine to
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overthrow the democratically elected government of ukraine in 2014. we had a peace deal. it was called the minsk accord, and they violated it. who did connect ukraine kept showing the don donbas, and thas why putin had to be provoked to. nobody talks about that. every news station -- by the way, you're the only one doing this, and i applaud you for letting people come on and speak the truth about what's actually happening in ukraine. other stations, when i watch what they do, they start history of ukraine from putin's invasion. they never tell you that we overthrew the democratically elected government in 2014. they never tell you that they didn't stop showing the people in the donbas. they don't tell you that the former german prep minister said the reason why they did the minsk accord's in the first place was so ukraine could builp their military to get ready for this where they are provoking. so the american people are
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waking up. anyway, i'll leave it there. spew and you sound like a putin shale, jimmy dore. >> [laughs] this is the most propagandized country in the world. it makes me sad to agree with you, but i do. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> tucker: we are going to take a break from the super depressing news from ukraine on this one-year anniversary dish a part of a fascinating conversation we just had from mr. wonderful, kevin o'leary. that's next. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: kevin o'leary is one of the most successful -- certainly one of those pay down my famous investors and businessmen around, because he is a tv star in addition to a business man. he's on "shark tank" and has been 15 years. he's canadian. he has a really interesting analysis of the economy in the united states, and basically he believes certain places are becoming very different from
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other places. they will be no business in places like new york and california before long. we talked to him on a brand-new episode of "tucker carlson today." here's part of it. ♪ ♪ >> massachusetts is as well with entrepreneurship. elizabeth warren will punish you for success. she will make sure you pay super taxes if you are successful. the regulatory environment that is prohibitive for business. new york, even worse. new jersey, forget about it. california is not in business. you can't do business there, and they are leaving like droves out of there. so this competition of states is beginning to occur. i could put money anywhere. anywhere. why? because the pandemic changed our economy. 40% of my staff at every company, regardless of what city they're headquartered in, works remotely. that's never going to change. primarily in accounting,
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logistics, some marketing positions. certainly sales. you just don't need to be in the office anymore. i know there's guys trying to get everybody back, but you can see through empty buildings in new york city. they're not coming back. they never going to. they don't want to pay those taxes. but the point is, then if going to. >> tucker: so what happens to sixth avenue? >> i think you turn into condos. what else are you going to deal? why would people live there if they don't have to go to the office? >> cap rates, in other words, the cost of real estate and some of these places, if you talk to real estate developers in new york, and i hear them every day, they will talk their book until the cows come home. the truth is, in commercial real estate, they got issue. because people don't put the nexus of the business in a place where aoc is telling you, "i hate you, i'm going to litigate you, i'm going to see you, i'm going to make sure you can't create a job." remember the amazon 10,000 jobs she kicked out of there? >> very well.
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>> the guy that was running that program, i know personally. he said, "wow, was i ever glad to get out of that mess. they hit us there. they don't want our jobs." well, which jobs are they going to get, exactly? when you start chasing way onto venereal capital. my whole point is that there are go to states and there is no-go states, and no-go states are in our new york, new jersey, massachusetts, california. you cannot invest in those places. there are no longer investable. >> tucker: interesting perspective. kevin o'leary. that conversation is on fox nation right now. district attorneys backed by george soros are not simply ignoring the law and making major american cities and livable. they are enforcing radical, crazed gender ideology. los angeles, george cass county just suspend it one of his prosecutors. because he used the wrong
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pronouns to refer to a convicted child molester. we look forward to that on monday. and a lot more, by the way. there's a brand-new book be marketed to kids that celebrates our fake trans admiral, richard levine, now called rachel. it's called "she persisted," because trends women are women! dramatic reading. have the best weekend. see you monday. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: hello. has everybody can act happy friday. everyone glad it's friday connect thank you for being with us. wow. what a great crowd. we are back in new york. there are a few conservatives, a few normal people in new york city. they are all in this room. that's it. anyway, thank you for being with us. busy news night this, and not, by
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