tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News February 25, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST
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thank you for making this showl. possible. please set your dv r so youisode of never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not let your heart be trouble. r hear laura ingraham, the ingram anglo's next.t troubled. laura ingraham and "the ingraham angle" is next. we will see you on monday. we'll on monday. thank you all for coming. thank you. i'm sean duffy and flora ingram and this is a special edition of the "ingraham angle" live from new york city. >> we start tonight with mayor pete. >> now, he's probably regretting taking so much more time after the toxic train derailment in his palestine. the house oversight committee announcing tonight that they're launching and investigation into how he handled everything, writing, quote, despite doty's responsibility to ensure safe and reliable transportation in the united states , you ignored the catastrophe for over
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a week. he finally did make the trip yesterday. he was looking a little more like a child dressing up for halloween than a cabinet secretary there to bring hope and help to scared residents. here's how repeat did eventually respond to his 20 day delay. >> when i tried to do is balance two things. my desire to be involved and engaged and on the ground, which is how i am generally wired to act and my desire to follow the norm of transportation secretaries, others, and thinking about whether i got that balance right. >> no thinking needed a pothole. pete, you absolutely did not strike the right balance, right? joining me now is the man launching an investigation, house oversight committee chair james comer, congressman, good to see you. listen, i want to give you i want to get your take on this ,because we reached out to mary pete for a comment and we were actually referred to this tweet that says, i'm alarmed to learn that the chair of the house oversight committee thinks that the ntsb is part of our department.
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ntsb is an independent and with is independent and with good reason. still, of course, we will fully review and respond appropriately. congressman, how to respond to mary. >> ridiculous tweet would he referred to as a typo in the letter that had absolutely nothing to do with what we were requesting from mayor p? we want to know the response from the secretary of transportation. the people in this community in ohio are concerned. no one from the federal government seemed to expressed an interest in their well-being ,no one at higher levels of the government. and we want to know what communication took place, who made what decision based on burning the chemicals, how do we know whose coordinate with the epa and other and other emergency agencies that will ensure that groundwater is not contaminated ? we just have a lot of questions. and this administration has been too busy to provide answers for the american people. the president is in ukraine
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promising more tax dollars to ukraine to protect their border when our borders are secure. and the secretary of transportation has had personal time, he hasn't had time to go out there. so we want to know exactly who's in charge and whey were mt only for this train derailment, but maybe we want to hear about what happened with the faa or with a supply chain or with baby formula or with southwest over christmas. do you think you're going to get a response from mayor after that flippant text or tweet, i should say? >> well, you know, that just shows the arrogance and the tone deafness of this administration. we have a lot of concerns with what's going on in the transportation cabinet. we have airline delays. we're having rail disasters. we have an infrastructure crisis. the federal government just invested a significant amount of money in infrastructure. and all we've heard from the secretary of transportation is that infrastructure is racist.
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and that there are too many white people that are going to be working in these construction jobs. i mean, this isn't the type of leadership that i think the american people expect from the secretary of transportation. so we have a lot of questions for mayor pete, and hopefully he's going to cave to public pressure and start providing us with answers. this is the oversight committee. we're not going to let up just because the democrat turned a blind to providing any type of oversight of the bush administration for the first two. that's over now. the republicans are in the majority. we have questions the american people deserve answers for. >> and if he doesn't comply, i hope you reduce the funding of his department. but i want to move on because you have some news for us in the investigation into hunter biden in the laptop. >> joe biden. yeah, we do. obviously, we're requesting information from all the stakeholders that are involved in the various different biden family influence peddling schemes. and we're glad that people are now coming forward. obviously, the biden family is it.
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but that doesn't matter at this particular point in time, because there are so many people that we're affiliated with , the biden, that have information that we need to go along with the bank records that we will get. and i think that we're going to be able to trace the money back to the sources, the sources in china, the sources in ukraine, the sources in russia, and hopefully we can get answers for what did the biden family do to receive this much money? millions of millions of dollars coming from china, russia and ukraine services that we're not sure exactly what they were this could. but this administration in a compromised position with our adversaries. >> that's why we're investigating. you know, congressman, the fbi should be doing a forensic audit of joe biden that would make it real easy. it shouldn't be your job to do what the fbi's actual role is here. >> but just, you know, real quick, will you subpoena hunter biden? he just missed the deadline to turn over documents to your committee. >> we're making sure every i's dotted and t's crossed. as you know, you can subpoena people that it goes to court if
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they don't comply with the subpoena. we're going to make sure when we issue subpoenas that they're going to hold up in court now. in the meantime, we're going to continue to request information for the bidens. but luckily for our investigation, other people are coming forward. so we've got plenty of information to digest now. we're doing that and i can tell you this is a serious investigation and the american people should be very concerned about why the bidens receive so much money from the chinese communist party linked affiliates in china. >> congressman, come on . we're looking forward to the answers that your committee can provide the american people. >> thank you for joining me tonight and thanks for all your hard work to put ukraine into the position where they can make advances this spring and summer and to a place where negotiators, they can negotiate from a position of strength. >> well, biden doesn't want them too strong because then how can we stay in this never ending war and continue to put the needs of other countries ahead of our own? it's one year today since
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russia invaded ukraine and we're still as deeply involved as ever. when biden says we're it for as long as it takes, he literally means as long as it takes level with the american people. how long do you believe we will be involved in this war in ukraine? well, savannah, i can't predict the future when it comes to the war in ukraine, and no one can. >> well, he's right. we can't predict the future. but i can't take a guess based on the evidence the administration has already given us . >> so let's start with the treasury department. the united states has been providing economic support to ukraine. there's an additional 10 billion that we expect to provide over the next nine months. >> okay, so the administration thinks this will go on for another nine months. >> but now hold on . not so fast. last month, biden made this pledge. >> today, i'm announcing that the united states will be sending 31 abrams tanks to ukraine to enhance ukraine's
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capacity to defend its territory and achieve strategic objectives. >> now, maybe those tanks will do just that. but it's going to take a while. so yesterday, the u.s. army secretary said those tanks might not even get to ukraine by the end of the year. it's february. they can't provide tanks by december. >> she went on to say there are longer all. but i think there are options that are less than two years, less than a year and a half. okay, so now it looks like we'll be in ukraine for a year and a half plus. joining me now is kurt schlichter, senior columnist, retired army colonel and author of we'll be back, as well as any scary d.c. columnist for the federalist and author of liberal misery. okay, gentlemen, thank you for joining me. >> all right, kurt, what's your prediction? on how long we're going to be in ukraine? >> i have no idea. and of course, that makes me the same as biden is an administration. they have no idea. look, we're pursuing a very
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dangerous course of action with absolutely no strategic objectives. i keep seeing a bunch of tactics. well, we're going to arm them, but not enough to win. but maybe we're going to negotiate or maybe not or or who knows? >> who knows what these people are doing. look, i'm not anti ukraine. i went and trained ukrainian soldiers in ukraine. ukrainians were part of the battalion that i deployed with our brigade that i deployed with iris back then for fighting back against the russians. but you know what? i'm an american. what are the american interests? how are we supporting them? how are we serving them? and how are we supposed to explain to the american people that we have endless dollars to defend the border of a foreign country? but not a pay to defend our own ? we got people, people being driven out of their homes and palaces. palestine, ohio and biden can't even make a quick hop over there, but he can wing his way to keep it's a disaster
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on every level. >> you know, that's a really good point. i'm not anti ukraine. >> i'm just pro-american. really well said. eddison. >> if you look at how this this conflict is playing out, how does it ever help people in washington asking that question? i think that especially it's not just the biden administration. there are many republicans in congress who are not asking this question. how does this end? what are the american interests? as kirk just said, those are completely undefined. and i think most importantly, is in the event that we're looking at an end to this, what what is the mindset of vladimir putin? what what is what is the perspective of russia? you know, imagine for a second that it's the united states that's in the position of losing a war and we're running out of options. china, let's say china is closing in on this. what do we do in that case? i don't think it ends very pretty for the world, for us .
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and yet that is something that no one ever people like lindsey graham. oh, we've got to do everything we can. we've got to do every single thing we can, any money, whatever it takes. okay, that's fine. and yet, what does russia say to that? what is their perspective? what is vladimir putin's perspective? okay, i'm running up against the wall here. and i have no options. that's a very scary scenario. and that's exactly where they're pushing us . >> it really is . okay, you guys. now, brad paisley, he has a new song out and msnbc is nicole wallace. you can't get now watch this brand new song, which is out today features ukraine's president zelenskyy. and it's called same here. and it's so beautiful just to dream that i'm fighting for all children, no friends to defend houses and families. >> art is the quickest way to somebody's heart and a chance to sort of reach the folks in our country that are maybe, you know, getting inundated with news and facts.
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>> you need to hear this song, every word of it. i was going to try not to cry, but i might. >> kurt, were you brought to tears? i'm sorry, sean. like all southern californians, i grew up on postpunk power pop. this country music stuff frightens and confuses me and anything nicole wallace likes. i immediately suspect. >> well, you're right. and why that was playing. i saw eddie. you are actually tearing up as that song was being played. >> thank you for that. quick, quick up up guy choking up just a little bit. >> i will say that the romanticization of this war is absolutely if there's ever a sign of decay in america, it's this the romanticization of war. >> it's looking really bad, by the way. and i just want to say real quick, those kinds of things where you think that there's this happy movie ending where putin goes away and he cries and sulks off into the distance . >> that's not going to happen. that's not what the end of this war looks like. no, it doesn't.
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gentlemen, thanks for joining me. i appreciate it. thank you. all right. we've been getting worn for days that china is gearing up to send lethal aid to russia. this should garner a really strong reaction from the president right. >> and quite alarming, russia and ukraine. what are you going to do if they didn't do that? well, that would be . >> joining me now is the great gordon chang. he's a senior fellow at the stone institute and author of the great us china tech. >> gordon, good to see you. thanks for joining me. so give me your take. >> joe biden has made some warnings to china about providing lethal aid to russia. >> does that hold any teeth? certainly doesn't, shawn, because china has been fighting lethal to russia from the very beginning of this war. and the most recent reporting is very graphic. breaking defense website says that every day and again, one twenty four, which is the biggest cargo plane in the world, takes off from china's junejo in the central
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part of the country with ammunition. they turn off their transponders when they depart because they know what they're doing. biden knows what's going on despite that. and yet he keeps on issuing these hollow warnings. and we know, sean, that hollow warnings always end in disaster. they do not trying to come out with a 12 point peace proposal . what do you think of that, really? well, they were doing was trying to support russia because they want a cease fire . they want russia to have the ability to rearm. and clearly, the zelenskyy doesn't like this because he wants to press the advantage. and we should do that because we should have a policy of winning. biden doesn't have that. biden's policy, as we just heard, is to stretch this out for years. so it's we're thirty one point five trillion dollars in debt. over the last year, we've spent one hundred and fifteen billion dollars in ukraine. doesn't our debt project weakness as well as allowing china to steal our technology, empty threats by our president ? >> well, sure.
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and what we're seeing, of course, is the united states, with all of these commitments now and this is imperial overstretch now, china is overstretched as well with the point is that we need to devote our resources to what is going to be good for the u.s. and to win, we can get this war in ukraine over if we decide we're going to win. it's like reagan who said, my theory of the cold war is we win. they lose. biden needs to understand that. and if we had a president who had the america first mindset of saying what is best for america, not for ukraine, not for china, not for russia, but for the u.s., if anything shows that china doesn't respect us . listen to what defense secretary ostin just revealed. watch this. >> you tried to call your chinese counterpart and they didn't answer. we hope that, minister. we will . we'll have a change of heart. >> when was the last time you talked to him? the last time that i talked to him was a couple of months ago. >> so, wow, it's really, really important that we maintain open lines of communication. and right now, there's not really one between the u.s. military and the chinese military.
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>> that's that's right. gordon. >> china is trying to military is not responding to the us military. how concerned should we be ? well, first of all, i don't think that austin should have been trying to call the chinese. i agree. this was right after the chinese spy balloon. they violate our sovereignty. they commit an act of war and we go and beg to talk to them. and by the way, there's something else wrong with that. and that is minister wei. that's the chinese central government that does not control the military. lloyd austins, counterpart is xi jinping in his role as chairman of the communist party's central military commission. general wei has absolutely no authority over the chinese military. austin shouldn't be trying to talk to him. and so your point is by calling the chinese after the balloon, just projects complete weakness. and it happens all the time. sean, we americans believe communication is so important we should stop talking to the chinese. we should intimidate them. we should scare them. maybe they would stop this stuff if we actually started to act like americans. >> my goodness, gordon, always
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smart. thanks for having such a clear vision on the threat of china. i appreciate and thanks for coming in tonight. >> thanks, john . all right. a district attorney tough on his own staff and a trans child molester accused of murder only in l.a. kevin corke has the details. and horace cooper and michael shellenberger, they're going to react coming up next. >> fox stations hit docu series is back. who is ron desantis? we will never, ever surrender to the florida. where will go. he was in the middle east advising seal team one to advise him. you have to be the best of the best. he's a good man. he's a good husband. he's a good father. is this ron desantis his opportunity to run for higher office? i think it is . who is ron desantis streaming only on fox station. eleven and a half years ago, i needed assistance. i don't know if i would ever play golf again. you can't rehab was quite a journey. i thought maybe this is the best it's going to be until
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together. won >> you won't believe this story. the radical district attorney in los angeles just suspended a prosecutor for missn gendering, a trans child molester. one accused of just completely,e heinous crimes. cos correspondenmptere wi kevin cork is here with all the details. >> kevin duffy, you won'thts. believe this story. >>ieve thia d.a. george gascon g once again say critics. it is this time, it's a former lead prosecutor by the name of shavasana who is feeling the brunt of his latest decision. brunt santa is accused of, as you pointed out, quote, miss gendering and dead, naming a convicted child molester by the name of hannah tub's, who also is now being accused of beating a man to death of hann with a rock int county. and for that, santa has been suspended, i guess gone now. for his part, tub'sr his part the convicted child molesterles has a lengthy criminal record in california. lengthy criminal recor and idaho under the name james todd.e
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only now he's identifying as a female. he started out after being arrested in connection with that child molestation case back in 201 with th4 to whe pleaded guilty to attacking a ten year old girl in attack a denny's bathroom stall.bathro santa haoms argued in the pasts that jailhouse phone calls thatn show that tubbs is attempting to use gender identity to more or less gain the justice system. writing thise or on twitter todl quote, i was suspended fori wa speaking out against the gascon administration. mrs . gendering tub's while informing them that they were being played, is just exc their excuse for the suspension . now, santa adroitly points outr that in that phone call with his dad, tub's reminded-- o cos father or her father, when you come to court, make sure you address me as her. mov >> nothing to see here.e it move along, john . kevin corke, disgusting. >> thank you.. th bye. yoby joining me now is horace
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cooper, co-chair of project 21r and mike lindellof berger, authe of san francisco why progressives ruin citiesr,. gentlemen, thanks for joining me. horace, i want to come to you first. what is your reactiossives rn tt kevin clark just told us ?n to t >> well, i'm us al this tells us all that we need to know aboutt ho how the jokesters, when they're handling, prosecute and how they're not putting the victimsd as their priority. lia child was assaulted by thism individual. that ought to be where the conversation begins and theo conversation ends. >> now, we know from a coldcase case record that this personerso actually is involved, perhapsde in the death ooff another persod >> and as the report indicated, had a lengthy arrest record . we shouldn't be so concerned about hurting the feelings of these predators. we oughtors. to be making sure
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they're put in a place where they can never attack again. shame on gascon. shame on these prosecutors, n te because they don't realize prosy don't realize the overwhelming number of the victims that the overwhelming number of the victims that are harmed arel or the kinds of people that don't have the wherewithalr to protect themselves or to protect their children. >> michael, you're a california guy. and to hear a horse's point, you have gascon, who ismore con more concerned about a d.ace. or or t assistant d.a. who's offending a trans child molestera. who thn that he is about a actual trans child molester. well, that's right. m i mean, it appears in this case, the prosecutor who was fired by gascoor whon was firedo as retribution for pointing outn the fact thang out tt the suspet actually bragged of having trickely brad people into treatg him as a trans woman. >>trans wo and so there's a real question here about whether this is truly somebody
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who identifies as trans or whether this is just a scam to get into a woman's prison. >> this may seem like an obscure issue, but in fact,y someon the prime minister of scotlands just resigne or whed over the last fewof of the last week because shelast had allowed prisoners to selfice identify into whichever gender they wantedr . and in one case, they senta maic a male convict into a woman's prison and it set off an uproar. in the country. so it's both so i the kind of marriage of the two worsto wors worlds. >> one is a kind of radicalical woke ism as it relates a relat to criminal justice. and the other one is as a kind of radical gender ideology, which allows anybody to claimthw to be whatever gender they want. even in the case o ef prisonerss facing possibility of going to a woman's prison. >> that's all right. on. >>ievable.let's move to st. lou. >> okay, go ahead. i just want to say this.iving at we are giving attention to this felon when we should make the central focus on the victim
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. my biggest criticism, my biggest criticism of these soros funded prosecutors is that they act as a publicly funded defense attorney for those that prey on the rest of the innocent. we need to turn back and hold these bad actors accountable. the more punishment, the more penalty, the greater it is , the fewer bad actors you'll see. >> and i used to prosecute wil these cases as a d.a. and these these victims of child sexual assault, you ruin lives for a lifetime. it's a lifetime caps or the . >> absolutely horrible. all right. i want to geyourt yo taku guys e on this because we're speaking e of stories about prosecutors. . missouri attorney general hastte moved to fire the city's prosecutor, kym gardner,y generr a teenager lost both of her in legs in a crash that polica cre says was caused by a robbery suspect who had violated bondd d
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conditions. michael, this seems likeit a proactive decision to finally go after these corrupt prosecutors by state officials . >> what do you say? interesti >> i think it's a very. interesting thing. bothact, what we see both in los angeles and in st. louis is you see people resistingthe o the prosecution agenda, speaking out for the first timka e in the case of missouri.attemp >>ti the ag is attemptingo to remove the district attorney from officeve the. what that district attorney has done is the same thing that radicamel radical progressive san ecutors have done in san francisco and los angeles, which is basicallyand los to lt people out, not require that noq people be held in jail for alleged crimes. and the result is repeat crimes. offenses. i mean, the on, the e ingu st. , the guy in question had had violated the electronic monitoring 50 time violates befe the accident. >> so, i mean, you have this just repeat offensive. orneys ae you have these district attorneys that are basically acting like defense attorneys rather than as prosecutors.ors.
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and so, look, these are also cities, i should mention, that g are lacking hundreds of police officers. crime is absolutely out ofy outf control. homicides remain at record levelomicidess. d to >> there needs to be serious prosecution of serious crimes. but of course, we now see the impacts of weakw se prosecutors. crime explodes in communities, but these prosecutors keept thes getting elected. what's happeninge prosec with vt that would elect these george soros back ? d.a. and completely destroyly ds their communities? explain thathat to me.trir we're seeing fundraising we are- explode, especially when soros backed organizations and think tankcked orgs are able to pour i the kinds of resources thandthau turn a d.a. racern into somethic like a congressional race. shame on the left who used to claim that when you put money into politics, that it ruined things and they've sett back that. there's the second problem of second problem o these jokesters, and thate is that rich people and elites
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and the well-to-do, they move to other communities. hir they can hire security. but the very peopl.e that rely most on the criminal justice system o are the ones that lose. when these sorrow's prosecutorss get thei gr way. . >> so true. ge gentlemen, thanks for joining me. i appreciate it. meleg all right., >> he's a thief. he's a drug he's a liar. but did he murder his wife and son in cold blood ? data on the stand? the did disgraced attorney alex murdaugh get any closer to proving his own innocence? >> we have the sound everyone'sw talking about. >> that's coming up next. here t to tell you about life insurance through the colonial program. if you're age 50 to 85 andife in looking to buysu life insurance on a fixed budget, rememberic the three p'e.s? >> what are the three p's? the three ps of life insurancear on a fixed budget are price,
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it crashed and killed a 19 yeary thd on boardea. i didn't believe. come of the did any of the families, the people that were involvedd t in the boat wreck had anythingme to do with hurting maggie and paul ? at i but i can tell you that at time and as i sit here today, that i believe that boat wreckya maggie weason whwpy paul , paul, maggie were killed. >> and so we've gokilled. t random t vigilantes because of the boat i wreck. >> now, i don't know d thaon't t random vigilante is what you're telling this jury is that it's a random vigilent. om vigi that's your 12 year old murder, the 12 year old, five people that just happen to know the paul imagi were both in mosul on june 7th. they knew that they would be atl the kennels alone on june nou wouldnd knew that yo not be there, but only between the times of eight forty nine and nonno two that they show without a weapon. assuming that they're going to find weapons and ammunition, of that they're that they commis crime during that short time window and then they troubleandn the same exact well that you do
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around the same time. >> to almeida, that's what you're trying to tell this jury . there, mr you got a lot of. waters factorf their mr. waters, all of which i do not agree with , but some of which i did. >> joining. you now, a criminal defense attorney , brian claypool and philip br philip and adjunct law professor at northwestern, andrew stoltmann. gentlemen,n comman thank you for joining me. i want to get your all of your reaction to this question, which is i'll starresponset witu first, brian . what is the mosts th damning evidence that you've >>ard against murdoch in his trial? >> i got three words for it, sean. consciousness of guilt. i mean, murdoch lied: about the most material fact in the case. materi told law enforcement in " interviews, i was at home on june 7th. on the evening of the murders. i dozed off, fell asleep, and then through this videotape, this snapchat video, that that paul took, he paul actually is at the kennetol. so he's lied about that. d and then what heoe does is he
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goes into court and then he talks about all these othereo theoriesries. >> why is that important? because it is devoid of human heart and human emotion. i mean, hin.s testimony, sean, a was coming from a lawyer, not gi a grieving father and a grieving husband. ev and i think that is just going to be devastating for him. and the prosecutor, sean com. over twenty five times i was counting today, he kept using the word, you lied this lie. when did you determine you were going to lie? the jury hears this ad nauseum. it's close to closing argument this time frame.t a now, you've only got a few minutes for him to to leave and for somebody to come. it's and kill them. i mean, it's devastating forastg his defense. >> philip, we're going to have michelle, thanks for having me.b look, i think one of the bestes things that the prosecutor brought out toda broughty durint cross-examination, he got the defendant to admit that therthe defee was nobody else de at te at that kennel in the moments leading up to these murders other than himself
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and the two victim the tws, he got hime ca to concede that point. and if that's the case, if hseis didn't kill them, who did?e of the and i think that's probably one of the strongest points the prosecutor made. however, the prosecutor, i think, hashink the overplayed their hand because they have not been able to establish motive despite all the testimony about all these financial crimes. sure. and there's a lot of them to be sure.t he h and despite the fact thaasttheyh he's lied and he's admitted he's lied, they have not beenav able to tie any of this stufftin to a motive, a reason to killnds anis this man's wife and his son and the jury is listeningosr for that. >> and of course, we all know prosecutors don't have to prove motiveen they , but when they dd needs to be something that's credible because that will take awayibl take from th from the cf the rest of their presentation. >> andrew , what do you think? yeah, i think alex murdaugh and his legal team mad ae a bigd big mistake e by having him testify. it violates rule number one it, a criminal defense v. never let your client testify because alex murdaugh made admissiolient ten with respect g
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about the alibi, with respect s to stealing three point five million dollars from his clients and having a majorte$3.s opiate addiction. it's a huge, huguge problem.e, you tie in the alibi and the lying about it. these jurors are saying, waitnu a minute, if i was iifn this thd son were killed, position and my wife and my son were killed, what wouldt wo i do? what i wouldt who is liewas. about where i was? so i think he's going to b"e i convicted anthind i think b he's going to be convicted on his own words. >> is it because i was i was a d.a. for 10 years, spent ss, t a lot of time in a courtroomevet and evenhe when that last time i was in was 12 , 13 years ago, even then, everyone watched fbii crime files and they wantd to see dna evidencetoce and and fingerprint. u thin sok they think you're goingn t to get in these casewhs what they see on tv, which we alldown know you don't.we but can that come into play in this case or not?n't. really.does yes, shawn, that's a great case? point. and i think that's why there is a potential for a hung jury.o >> there's no way murder is ever going to be acquitted.i. but you might have one or twot o jurors on the stand will go back
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jurors on the stand. oand delibet oing to g back and deliberate and say, hey, wait a minutea , we don't have the weapons. we have very littlwee gunshotd t residue. and an expert said thagut gunsho residue could have come fromt re a year agosidufrom a y and thery little blood on murdoch." so you combine those three lack of forensic tangible evidence and you could potentially yog his case. to han but look, at the end of the day, you can prove a facprt through inference. ough you can prove the fact through indirect evidence. so, you know so i, i think there's a larger chance he getsury. convicted than a hung jury. >> yeah, no doubt about that. ean: n.fill up at the end at thy end of the cross-examination today, the prosecuto r asked take. >> take a listen. a when you l testified on directi. yesterday, you were asked about leaving mccanles with your new story. your words were, i got out of there. correct?" i believe that's what i said. yes, sir.s, sir and you also said during
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your testimony on cross-examination that you hurt the ones you loven cross- the most. >> and i did say that philip. yeah, but see, here's the thing.e he gave him an opportunity to go and explain that he did d that all through cross-examination. >>id by the way, i don't think n was a mistake. i think the defendant, allnd ant, athings being equal, has testified very well. the prosecutor has not asked has leading questions.d open they've asked open ended questions. questions.sbecauestion-ended they didn't know the answer to . and because they have doneus t those things that violateshole the basic rules that we allthatw have learned in terms of tryineh cases and trial advocacy, because they've done thoseey t things. they've given hihosemdiscus the opportunity to run away with the discussion in this courtroom. has he admitted has he admitteds of course he has.admitt and he's admitted that he's edau thief. but he's been able to make the case on cross-examination that he's the liar and he's a thief. but he so ild never kill his wife and his son . so i think the prosecutor has pe
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probablycu not had the perryey e mason experience that they've been apparently trying to get. >> the defendant is , i think, dominating this discussion in that courtroom.dominating the dn that courtroom. >> sean: maybe that's the last and maybe that's my last question for you, becausequ i just started watchinesg the testimony yesterday. l yoyesterdau whaty, did a i thought murdoch did a pretty good job and he had a wide leeway to tell his story to the jury. y anand become somewhat likablen even though i know he's a no liar. >> let's say you . >> yeah, look, he's a charming guy. he's an attorney .attorney. he was a prosecutor fore came oo a while. so he came offut as about as we as you can come off. drm t the problem is from the drug addictions to stealing from your clients, to doing all these nefarious, horrific things, there's a lot of peoplse who are sitting in prison rightt now based exclusively off of f the f of circumstantial evidence. and i think mr. murdaugh is going to be the next one .th. all right, gentlemen, we'reinin going to see what happens.g me d >> thank you for joining meyour and thanks for your insights. appreciate may have deled all right. y >>ou yourkt mayok, bu have delea your ticktock, but that doesn't mean your kids have. about we're about to show you the ridiculous stuff that soto
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so let's have a little fun.e tok it's time to check inwho with generation tiktok and who better to talk on thisbe. and charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor nion and amber eight , washington editor for the spectator and steamboat institute. fellow. all right, panel, good to seethi you. all right.rst clip o the first clip on how girlfriend is trying to improve >> mlationship has completely battered the internet. >> watch this to my y boyfriendn and i were having a lo lt of issues in the beginning, like a lot.ultimate and ultimately i felt like welyf elt li compatiweren't compatiblh we had a lot of love for each other. so straw, weormance decided to like a performance improvement plan and it worked out really well. plan and it woeallwe also do weh retrospectives where we check in with each other at the end of each week. oend of each e how we're doing. to see how we're doing. wo all right, amber, what do you do? this? hink this young i think this young man better run for his dear life. i mean, what self respectingecti person would stangy in suchshipl a condescending relationship like this? and to me,ikthis? this is part f trend er trend. i've noticed among jenn's years where they are obsessedthey a
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with treating every relationship like a business transaction. withlike this person's not givia enough. so you have to cut them out ofvu of your life." that's not how humans work and that's not how relationships work. >> so ambe r, i don't know if i you could pick this up, butbecae charlie was getting a little red in the face because he's been part of'sormav the the the performance improvement plan because he's been married foemplan, rhi twenty three years. >> and that's what his wife d does to him every week. oes toit's it's twenty three ye> the performance. prov i'm honestly i mean, iement f yu approach whether a relationshipo or marriage, ir maf you approaci likeke you're h.r. department at your company, you're screwed. ar it's not going to work.e what is the secret to a long marriage? it's a short memory. you remember all the goodforgetl things and you forget all the bad things. >> it's that simple, right?>> sa it is . i agree with you, and i agree with you. h he shoulld getd get out fast.t. >> all right. so, charlie, we've seen w something called quick-witted trending recently, but now there's a new game in town .w t >> watch this. w game imonday morning in your e
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20s, you journalling notion and fight the urge to check your email. >> you do all five steps ofyour your skincare routine and make heyour coffee. you used to hate mondays, but now you love them.g you started doing this thing called bare minimum monday the to change your relationship to the beginning of the week. t instead of starting work right away, yohe week.u do a few mores for yourself.your >> it's very minimal monday, remember?se so tellfl your wife says youwify actually practice this five days a week. yes, it's every day is bare minimum. > no, you know, honestly, these people, these kids are young. they're right out of school. this is their first is t. can you imagine going after your first job and not wanting to save the world or do some spectacular thing or whatever it is ? if this is where you're you starting outarting o, where do u think you're going to be in twenty years? how miserable are are you going to be in a meaningless jobme in ten years or or twenty years down the line? you're hopeless ifyopeless i th: is where you're starting at. c g yeah, makeoos a good point, andrew , because, i mean,
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tiktok. tiktis run by china. china china is feeding these feeds to our kid to it's okay to be, lazy. don't go to workbe until lazy, y on monday where they're telling the chinese kids to go to work, work. sixteen hour o work 1s a seven days a week. >> yeah, i think that's right. they are fostering this ideology of laziness and doing the bare minimum. but i will say i have to give genze a little bit of credit for how chris, natively they've been able to come up with so many different definition odefinitions for the word lazy. >> yeah, no doubt about that.wih okay, amber, i want to get your take on this, because generation tiktok, they'vene geo actually found a new wayund a wg to prevent their luggage from being stolen by sam britton.e s >> watch this.tolen by i shipped a box of clothesn. to disney for twenty eight dollars instead of paying for security check baggage fee. and this is how it went. look astead ofdt everything fi. i was able to fit in this box and it's only going to cost me another twenty bucks to ship i back . >> best money spent m amber good idea.on >> sean: amber i would say, given the track record of the u.s. postal system s, probably not. and you know what?
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i'm i'm going to give jen's ears a great tip.n your lugga put an earge tag in your luggag. and you will always know whereoo to is. you don't have to worry aboutg y the airline lying to you, aboutu it being and whether it's in bangkok or texas. so i may be getting up there in a begins compared to gen z but i still years compared to gen z, but i still have a few tricks up my sleeve. >> good hack. good hac goik. all right, charlie, what say you? n >> you know,th i got to actualln defend him on this one .k this i think this is a pretty smartv. i le. i learned actually , i learned this from my fathearned r, who d workravel a lot for his work, and he would box up all of his dirty clothes if he was if he. was gone for a couple of weeks. he box up all of his dirty clothes and ship them home to mom and mom.home to mom, and mom would wash t i'uld wash them and then ship them back to him. >> i'm not making that up. that's that's unbelievable. all right.e last i want to give us one last take, okay? f you'vei do heard on'f these disney adults, but it's another thing. >> divide in the internet. it'r watcthing dividih. >> oh, my gosh. ♪ h i mean, this is where dreaeym teams made pay.y no
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>> no pay, no charlie cook answer. you know, this is where we're doomed to work. it's over. one >> and this one's actually sad. this is clearly indicative of people who are very emotionally stunted. bad fo >>r and i actually feel quite bad for them. pretty well.. disney, i loved it and never i d that reaction when i went to the park. bunehad thatt some god bless th, >> all right, no, thank you.s them. appreciate it. li all right. e and amber comeappreciatewhat e about visiting the people of palestine at the last might explain next. >> for you won't face me. >> i'm like zyrtec. alegria won't make me drowsy and léger starts working two times faster than claritin. so an allergy attack take legrande before your symptoms take over you and your congestion relief. find a d at your pharmacy. >> let's take a journey through this great nation. i want to see what they saw. i want to see what this land of
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