tv Outnumbered FOX News February 27, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST
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♪ ♪ >> emily: hello, everyone this is "outnumbered." i'm emily compagno with my cohost harris faulkner and joining us today fox news contributor lisa boothe, the host of "get tammy bruce" tammy bruce and "the guy benson show" guy benson. the origins of covid-19 "the wall street journal" reports the energy department
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believes the pandemic likely resulted from a laboratory leak in wuhan, china, peer that is according to classified intelligence recently provided to the white house and members of congress. the energy department now joins the fbi and the virus from a mishap from a chinese left you will say that it was dismissed by the media by debunked conspiracy theories. so, we will proceed, guy as jonathan turley points out for years the media and government allied to treat anyone raising lab theory is 1 of 3 possibilities. he writes, "conspiracy theorist, racist or racist conspiracy theorist?" he's absolutely right. >> guy: remember for a while it was racist -- you couldn't talk about how this virus originated at all from the perspective of these gatekeepers. and i just keep coming back to the term "misinformation and conspiracy theory."
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this is use to disqualify points the media and others disagree with and over and over again, they are proven wrong. i'm not saying there aren't things such as destructive information or conspiracy theories, we should combat those in our job should tell the truth. when you tell the american people things are falls and misinformation to make those claims and in fact, censoring people and forcing these things, your credibility is shot at that point they turned out to be correct. i would just say if you are saying it is completely unacceptable to even float the lab leak theory or natural immunity matters when it comes to policy or defend all the way to the bitter of mask mandates or to say for example a laptop is disinformation, if you have been part of that crew i would submit at this time to take temporary or permanent timeout from lecturing the rest of us about truth. because your credibility is shot. >> emily: that is the point, harris, you covered it last hour
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of those that dare to raise the question were censored, stricken, canceled, disqualified or shamed publicly and humiliated and lowered in stature and we saw the wake of destruction but even daring to ask questions. >> daring to ask questions, they were just babysitting us and whn tried to figure out look at where we are now, we don't stand next to china. we are on our knees. think about that for a second pier they flew a spy craft across our country. and this president waited for it to get to the other shore. we know how many days before it reached the left coast. they had time. and now, they've been shooting step down and they won't tell us what it is willy-nilly in order to protect us. what are they protecting us from? can they tell us something?
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this is where we are, china. china coupled with pharmaceuticals. we can't get enough of this drug. we can't get enough of that drug. we are coupled on this covid disaster. they had their people totally locked down in it was because of our media coverage as americans, "look at the poor people in china and putting pressure on." we were part of that, part of the answer, but they don't trust us with answers. they were babysitting us, and we are not children. i was stickered on twitter and i am sure you were too appear those who were not suspended or censored or whatever the case, we saw this happening to each other and we all knew the reason was because we wanted answers. i have something right now on my instagram feed with that sticker on it. there is nothing about a vaccine in there. they don't like it that i asked questions about anything, apparently. so boom come i don't think a long mask, but we can wait.
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>> lets dig a little deeper with a trip down memory lane how the media came with the spirit speak with a conspiracy theory that the coronavirus originated and was perhaps man-made inside of a lab in china. then there is this theory likely debunked, paper from two chinese researchers say it is plausible the virus leaked accidentally from 1 of 2 labs the wuhan seafood market spirit. >> the wuhan lab has been debunked this virus was man-made or modified or anything like that. just weeks ago dr. anthony fauci rejected the conspiracy coronavirus was man-made in a lab in wuhan, china. yet this week donald trump is still pushing pushing the debunked. they like escape from a lab because it sounds like marvel comic book. both scientists and intelligence community agrees this coronavirus was not man-made peer that is not a possibility. >> there is no reason to believe
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any of these conspiracy theories that it was leaked from wuhan lab intentionally or otherwise. >> emily: it is shameful, tammy, as guy pointed out so much about becoming or even being confirmed it was true. and again, the fact that in verse wasn't proven to be true. so in the absence of any fact as people daring to ask questions, especially in the landscaped of grants to the wuhan lab wuhan lab and grants by china to the american universities and things like did obviate the need to ask questions. >> tammy: that is an excellent point. one of the most important points where this will land for the american people. that uniformity takes time and effort. they were not just coming to this point it is debunked in a conspiracy theory. you heard the same thing over multiple platforms. when now we know they didn't even know. so, the choice was not to say we
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don't know. don't jump to conclusions. we are working on this. it was completely constructed, fake front which is and will has been concerning the american people. we know basic common sense and want evidence coming through. but the fact is now we realize that someone with a major kind of combination of collusion as we have seen with government and media created this false front to effectively gaslight the american people. why would you do that when ultimately 1 million americans are dead? the question has to be and i hope the republicans get to it, the question has to be in whose interest was this question worth the money come i know we were finding things and powell dr. fauci has things to answer. this is beyond just curious, this was a construction of something specific. and it was more i would argue, yes, it was a training.
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a training for us to take place value but the government was saving into change our lives which we still feel this day. kids out of control, sobriety runt and americans not wanting to go to work. american still afraid. the media still trying to do that. it was a training of the media and a training for us here they are failing and they will continue to fail but this shows how deep it was and how nefarious as well. >> emily: lisa, in typical fashion, academia piled on toxic masculinity for these raising of questions and anti-chinese racism. tammy brought up the administration and the government impact and of course then president biden sort of squashed any investigation into the origins but even he said to be sugarcoating prompts racism. no one was scared the crosshairs of the racist broad rush of daring to ask questions to the origins of what killed over 1 million americans.
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>> it was a cover-up and anthony fauci gain-of-function research at the wuhan institute of virology where it took place in al coming to the conclusion it came from there. it is the most obvious answer all along but a cover-up because dr. anthony fauci. you can go back and look at the fact he colluded with dr. francis collins with scientist to try to shut down anyone who dare raise the most obvious answer, which is a came from a lab. we know that he also worked with social media to try to shut down people questioning that as well. and i think the most frustrating thing about covid this entire time, denial of common sense. you know, a simple denial of common sense. guy was talking about people treated like a social pariah and from the beginning on everything i question, the validity of covid and lockdowns from the beginning, question the origins of the coronavirus and the
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efficacy of vaccines from the beginning. because i was actually looking at the data and talking to people not necessarily the ones on tv but people like dr. john who wrote an op-ed march 2020 saying it's not as deadly as everyone is saying it is. we are basically making these terrible data decisions are for bad data. he was right from the beginning, a standard epidemiologist and world-renowned for debunking. but people were interested in talking to him. this entire time, we have seen a denial of common sense. in the end, the american people suffered appear they suffered so much they lost businesses, lives, people fired for not wanting to get the vaccine. we need accountability and people need to be punished. >> tammy: we don't know the excess deaths yet. >> harris: what about the nursing home debacle? there are so many things. i do want to say this and i did a lip and pandemic specials on
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this network. we had every kind of scientists. i was not just testing scientist. i love the way lisa put that. we had data and have a reason to believe the lab from our own dr. siegel who went to the bio containment place in nebraska when he first had it. he talked about what it would take to get this into the bloodstream of the world from a place that it would be hard to do anything with with zero vacuum. and it has the ability to suck everything in and not spit anything out that bio containment lab. that is what you are looking at. you are looking at a situation corrupted by accident whatever it was. he said that early on and we talked about that. people didn't want us to have the conversation. look at where we are now. >> can i raise one more thing? there is evidence the coronavirus came about in the fall of 2019 or earlier than that.
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so the march down, look how transmissible this virus was here look how widespread it had been at that point. but we didn't do antibody testing or due diligence to figure out how widespread so no point of lockdowns from the beginning. all of this denial of common sense, truth and even desiring to get to the bottom of it with the exception of harris and people of this network. >> emily: most disturbing we put on over a year prior to the leak when american delegates went back into the lab with nonclassified telecommunications to the intelligence agency and administration with detailed explanation about security concerns given the gain-of-function research, given the absolute incendiary nature of what was in there. we were put on office, put on notice and this administration turned a blind eye to it. at the result of millions of deaths. we will stay on this as it unfolds. coming up president biden is
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still with questions how he will seek reelection. but a new poll finds a majority of democrats would rather have someone else run in 2020. that is up next. ♪ ♪ psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month,
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♪ ♪ >> harris: so president biden is still not giving clear answer whether he will run for reelection in 2024. >> let me ask you the question everybody is asking, are you running? >> my intention has been from the beginning to run. they were too many other things to finish in the near term. >> harris: what happened to everything to breck about one of the campaign trail? anyway, biden ran 2020 campaign as transition canada remember that? a new fox poll shows half of democrat voters are willing to
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turn the page. 53% of democrats say they prefer to see somebody else run. anybody else run, somebody else. 55% of all voters say they disapprove of how the president is handling his job. it appears the president does not want to focus on those negative poll numbers. i would neither. he doesn't want the media doing it either. speak with the latest a bbc poll shows four in ten americans aree off when you were elected in only 60 said they were better off so why is that? why aren't americans feeling this? >> look, i think it goes well beyond the economy. think about it, you interview for the news. can you think of turning on the television, god, that makes me feel good with anything? everything is a negative. >> harris: right. so you want to go toe-to-toe with david with her you think he is a good journalist and focusing on the right things? best on television right there
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and everything underneath it. what is the president doing? >> guy: i think bill melugin would dispute that. [laughter] >> harris: bill melugin has great hair. >> guy: that is my number one point, harris. >> tammy: we have the best hair here appearance but when i lost that one! [laughter] >> guy: it was yesterday on fox news and the colleagues made the point at this stage back in what would have been heading into 2012, 2011 president obama had not officially launched his bid but it took him a few more months. so we are all clamoring too much too soon to get an actual answer. i think that is a fair point, but they were two critical differences and the first one barack obama is not 80 at the time. >> harris: nor is he now. >> guy: exactly, he's got a long way to go to 80. so the age factor is real and the number we put on the screen, the number of democrats that
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don't want biden to run again. those are not what obama was facing. the construction from his wife in the white house, the president intends to run peer that is fine as a placeholder, but the longer they use this as a placeholder the latter of the questions and speculations get. >> harris: so, tammy what has happened since the state of the union address when we were told by biden and his people who would make an announcement soon or after? it's been nearly a month. has anything good or bad happens that he not want to announce? >> tammy: there was a lot of people enjoying the power they have. that they will not have if biden is not the president. so obviously, there would be a shift there. it is a power struggle to some degree behind the scenes in the democrat party. they already switch the first in the nation for the democratic primary to south carolina. so that reinforces the power of the establishment. the clyburn machine that was there. south carolinas the reason
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joe biden got the nomination and the first place. they are worried and indicates they are worried what happened internally. they don't have control. what is happening with the das across the country, crime and everything else shows you don't have control over the messaging how the democrats will be viewed. i think this is about biden doing as he is told in other people managing this. they liked their power appear they are trying to maintain it. but ultimately, it will be how you run this man from another basement, right? they pulled off the unbelievable in 2020. they won't be able to do that again. >> harris: at least not those two basements in delaware for classified documents. so, what about this idea of the president always tells us whenever these questions come up whether it is from great hair david miller or others? watch me! we watch him all the time and we get all the montages and the
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gaps. >> emily: weight, he was told in that moment four in ten americans a worse off when elected and 16% said they were better off. what was his reaction? he got angry and blamed the media. the media that has given him every curveball, every positive angle and filter you can imagine including downright lying for him. that is who he blames? and then he goes on to blame the american people. he says essentially you are not waking up and seeing what actually doing. check out what i'm really doing. when we see it with our own two eyes, exactly what he is and what he is doing. the main thing he is not doing is leaping. that is white and the latest fox news poll, we learn 62% of americans disapprove why he's handling ohio train derailment . only had to say is i hear you, i see you come i'm praying for you and i am on it. >> harris: what about that makes you think that he would ever say that?
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>> some hope that the commander-in-chief might have my best interest in mind. unfortunately is too late to hold out. >> harris: what do you see? >> i thought we could have bernie's as a fictional account. but no, i don't believe it matters. i don't think it matters who democrats run. they have a machine behind them. they have the fbi with big tech to silence and shutdown stories. the media behind them and corporations behind them. i don't believe it matters. they have machinery behind them that republicans don't and it matters who republicans nominate. we have to have a flawless candidate and flawless campaign. we also need a realization that we need to adapt or die in this new mail-in voting era of politics. it is no longer about earning votes but finding votes. republicans need to get out there and ballot harvest in states where it's legal and play democrats at their own game. >> harris: all right. we move forward. coming up some cities seem to be getting fed up with district
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attorneys and soft-on-crime policies. now, they are taking action. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners: making a big car payment every month? car loans can be expensive, and the payments high. consolidate that car loan into a newday home loan and save hundreds every month. hi, i'm susan, i've lost 84 pounds on golo and i've kept it off for a year. i had spent so much money on other products that when i saw the commercial for golo, the price was so much cheaper and i thought, "boy, this might not work but why not try it?" it is amazing and it works really well.
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cities across america. let's go to los angeles first. the district attorney there george gascon suspended prosecuting hannah tubbs. she is a convicted trans child molester and a murder suspect. sources are telling fox news deputy d.a. slept with a suspension after he argued the jailhouse phone call showed trying to use gender identity to gain the justice system making people in the office uncomfortable. let's go to missouri. there were growing close to remove kim gardner at the top prosecutor in st. louis over her soft-on-crime policies, which include her office failing to put a robbery suspect behind bars despite 55, 50 bond violations. that same suspect is accused of plowing a car into a beautiful 17-year-old jenae edmonson who was visiting and she is an athlete. she lost both of her legs in
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that crash. emily, talk to me about what needs to happen next? because the soft-on-crime policies are in the fabric of things. so if you start to recall or whatever, how deep does it go question marks me to the next steps, the attorney general's filing to remove the d.a. for willful neglect for being unfit to serve, citing in part the 51 house arrest violations you mentioned of the perp that has destroyed that young woman's life life peer that is one formal way of removal. we have seen for example the district attorney in san francisco bay are removed on the count of voters in unsuccessful ones like l.a. d.a. george gascon. i want to make a point about horrific situation in l.a. as the assistant d.a. dared to say, look, guys, look at these transcripts appear this perp is mocking the system. he was saying things that we
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cannot say on air that you cannot print even about the poor victim that he violated, that she violated in a bathroom and before the transition and she said, now, this person is gaining for system when i know for a fact what happened to me, this violent, horrible thing that happened to me in a bathroom when i was a young girl no way representative of what this person is purporting to be now. they remind me in the situation where richard allen davis from jail taunted the parents by saying he continued to -- photos murdered daughter at his hands. what happened? what accountability happened? they took him up the death penalty. that is what happened. what liberal leadership does. they ignore the common sense, the please of those who have their boots on the ground to say this is what is proving this person is lying but instead he's removed because he is not woken up? it is a travesty.
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>> lisa: look how easy society is being manipulated. this man james tubbs lied about being a woman. he the scroll 10-year-old and a bathroom. this prosecutor said he is lying and jailhouse records and these phone calls was mocking it and because he was being treated as a juvenile even though he has 26 now or 26 at the time. he wanted to get into a juvenile facility with other women where he is already guilty of doing this to a young woman. but society is getting played because we refer to him as a woman and go along with the game him not only trying to exploit the criminal justice system but society as a whole. it is james tubbs. we i think los angeles county is showing everything we need to know about the criminal justice system as well as society. >> harris: i want to know how deep this goes here at longer the sticks around, the harder it is to turn these policies over. >> guy: the suspended
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prosecutor in this case in los angeles set other people in the office complained and it got kicked upstairs to gascon to head it to suspension. i think trans people should be treated with dignity and live by the golden rule. i think in our insane, political moment culturally, people can abuse this stuff. people can take advantage of the situation spear the allegation is that is what this perp did appear a child molester, accused killer and here we have a prosecutor being suspended without pay because of a suggestion that this person might be working the system on a trans issue. it seems like the priority might be slightly out of whack in los angeles. >> harris: coming up a new report shows the biden administration has lost track of tens of thousands of migrant children and many have ended up working brutal jobs under dire conditions. the biden administration is next. ♪“ ♪
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so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it. all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here.
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♪ ♪ >> emily: another disturbing consequence of president biden's border crisis. a new report reveals unaccompanied minor skyrocketed. many of these kids, some as young as 12 are working brutal jobs across the country. "the new york times" writing "these are not children stolen into the country undetected. the federal government knows they are in the u.s. and department of health and you services is responsible to ensure to protect them from trafficking or exploitation. but as more children arrive the alejandro mayorkas white house ramped up to move those kids as quickly as possible out of shelters. caseworkers are sagging, they rush through sponsors and the agency has lost track of thousands of them.
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>> tammy: those numbers have to be very, very low. we don't even know the half of it. what is happening at the border is the united states through biden has sent abide sex trafficking and human trafficking. the children as young as 12 but younger even. we don't know how many died on the way. we don't know when it comes to sex trafficking and these liberal das decriminalizing. and they wanted to do that a long time. of course, and age push to move down when it comes to the age of consent. you start with vaccines and then it becomes sex who you can date and choices as a minor. what do you think will happen? when we have established through this border policy that children can be accepted and sent as individuals, we don't even know really -- i would argue about the sponsors. we are releasing them to adults more than often than not not related to them and set up this human trafficking for what
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purpose? not because we need more children here. it is because it is about work. it is about things that people need children for. it is the use of them to pull more people in but seeing more work issues. the left, the age issue continues to be pushed down on every single dynamic. we are complicit in this and we have is a moral nation, we have to stop it and say no and have severe consequences. what do you expect when the border and the president's policies are encouraging this across the border? >> emily: in the last two years alone we have a quarter of the million unaccompanied minors come across the southern border. we know thanks to the times we have lost track of 85,000 of them probably conservative estimate and these interviews with caseworkers they estimate over two-thirds of these kids are now working full time likely in brutal conditions. >> lisa: emily, so sad and timmy made a good point.
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it is everything in society how you treat children. we are not a society protecting children. this is so wrong, so inhumane and it goes back to the best thing you can do as a society the most humane thing to do is to close off borders and have border security and not allow this terrible process from happening to begin with. we also know that young girls, baby girls are being gang raped along this journey as well. the most important thing is not to incentivize this to happen. but the administration wants to incentivize this which is terrible. speak to that kind of compassion is cruel. guy, when they are in the system for up that victims of sexual abuse and lack of ridiculous shelters going to bathroom in plastic bags, we have, in fact why every single attorney general and the border states and border towns filed a
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lawsuit begging the administration to do something about it and to step in for a fear in recognition of what was currently happening. once they get out of this, we have been discussing and what we have learned they are subjected to horrible working conditions or finish to who knows or knows where. speed by pulling through the cracks and inevitable when the situation is this bad. we are completely overwhelmed which is why you can easily have tens of thousands of kids just disappear, even the ones we are aware of and tracking or apparently as it turns out not. i'm picking up on something lisa said. i think it is usual to underscore this. sometimes people tougher on the border, immigration h hawks, thy are heartless, mean-spirited and not compassionate people but i would suggest that given what is happening with that these examples, trafficking and incentive for crime and that sort of thing, it is the officers of compassion to support open borders policies. based on the human tragedy that
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has been playing out for two years i think this conflation of being able in favor of loose immigration laws and compassion is to end because it is inaccurate the tragic evidence points in the completely opposite direction. >> emily: it is downright cool. this administration points to numbers they have shuffled around, "we only have 10,000 kids in the hhs system." they have shuffled them out so rapidly so that they can fight a statistic like that to the media. but the greater americans don't care where the kids are pure they just want them saved. it is on a check mark box or a pat on the back for the administration to say nothing to see here, guys because we move them through the system. >> harris: it took a u.s. citizen to point to the sky and say, there is a crack. it will take the americans to break this. lisa, i agree with you we don't want to become a country that becomes worse. we can allow that to happen.
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we can't be a pariah on the face of the earth because we have politics in her bloodstream. that is not good enough here that is not who we are. we still have many of the greatest generation among us here they must feel embarrassed about how things are going. they would be motivated to change. let's take a card out of their book. that book mark that is in that place that says "we can change this." somebody knows where those kids are and they must be caught. if there is one in your community or somebody that you know is working and shouldn't be working and rule conditions, we are the home of the brave. stand up! >> emily: coming up a rite of passage no more pure and more americans are delaying or ditching marriage that is next.. ♪ ♪ you'll never forget. ♪ customize and save. ♪
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>> coming up steve hilton reacts to china in attempting to smear the country after u.s. department of energy has concluded covid did, indeed, come. why was that theory dismissed so quickly by so many? we will ask steve hilton and jonathan turley who said this is a case for government and media censorship. juan williams and david deville take on fox pulling 2024 republican nominee preference. who are the top six candidates? nancy grace breaks down the latest on the alex murdaugh trial and house briefing coming. john kirby and karine jean-pierre will be in the room. we will take that live and come join me john roberts live "america reports" at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪
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>> welcome back more americans are running away from marriage a lot more. so to speak. many are increasingly delaying it or forgoing it all together. the marriage rate in the united states has dropped by 60% over the last 50 years according to the national center for family and marriage research. and tells axios, "it used to be a basic institution everybody had to buy into early adulthood. you got married, moved in together and then you got a job." i was raised different. don't marry that man if he doesn't have a job. [laughter] tammy. >> tammy: our generation it was kind of on the edge of that being the tradition. i contend it is our move to technology that has separated us from each other. we are social animals, and we have become much more used to being alone and doing things on our own. we don't go out in big groups and it's dangerous to do that appeared to be safe you have to be alone. but also the school system and
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certain things socially were kind of taught, social studies and all of that. also who you saw raising you. i was raised by a single parent. so many are raised by a single parent. and we tend to copy what we saw. >> harris: that is why we get tammy bruce. here i am. and fox nation periods >> emily: what i thought was interesting this report 197674%f high school senior said we will get married but now 50 years later 71%. that hasn't changed. so in the report citing it has the benefit according to these numbers that instead of being the first step into adulthood commit is the final step of adulthood. as those points you articulated back then, i'm going to get married and do xyz. now i'm going to do xyz and get married. >> harris: i'm curious and we would have to interview everybody to know this, guy, does that mean as people live lives longer without getting
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married they choose not to get married? >> guy: that could be, right? cohabitation has been much more widely accepted. >> harris: also not accepted in my family. >> guy: to do it as quickly as the past. but i think emily is onto something pure there were certain elements of traditional adulthood not necessarily beingy people but delayed for various reasons like buying a house. like having kids after you get married. a lot of people may be in the past felt pressured to do all those things by the time let's say you are 25. now certain parts of the country, it is weird if you do it by 30. >> harris: really? >> guy: in some places. i got married when i was 30 and that was about average in my social circle these days. that is a change to what it used to be. there are plenty of people who intend to get married but not quite the same rush they used to used to be. >> harris: that is what i used to say my biological clock was
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silent. >> i think there is a lot going on and him he is right about the social media act. there is an abundance of options in dating and we are almost condition to want things easily as a society. we can have groceries delivered and ubereats, marriages take work. we don't work as hard as society and all arenas. but also, we get what we incentivize as society. and having kids, how many celebrities are saying, i want to be a boss lady and don't have kids? chelsea handler, but i will just never believe that having a job brings more happiness and value and i'm 38. i'm not married and i don't have kids. i didn't prioritize it as much as i wish i had. it's not too late. a look at you as somebody with a beautiful family and a family. >> harris: i was your age and
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i got married. >> you give me hope. >> harris: i didn't start until early 40s. >> guy: we are having a heart to heart. >> harris: emily and i have had this talk. my mom did make a job a priority because you work on a life together. that is what she said. anyway, "outnumbered" in a moment. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners: to combat today's rising prices, lower your monthly payments with the 3 c's. pay down your credit cards. pay off your car loan. consolidate your debt with a va home loan from newday. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we support immune function. supply fuel for immune cells and sustain tissue health. ensure with twenty-five vitamins and minerals, and ensure complete with thirty grams of protein.
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food but they have to take it to go. they add, parents we are not blaming you. children and teens are learning to navigate the world free from supervision and often push the boundaries. with he cannot let them push the boundaries any more at our restaurant. makes sense to me. >> all you have to do is google like minor committing crimes, i don't blame chick-fil-a for concerned things could get out of hand. we should encourage more adult supervision in the country stepping up. >> finally someone is -- they are seeing accountability for it. i remember getting kicked off a bus when i was young because we were too loud. the bus pulled out, this is your stop, you are out of here. >> i'm surprised you didn't just drive the bus. >> someone saying this is what we expect, decorum, a rule. >> chick-fil-a knows who they are, they know who they are and
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that is a boundary in itself, and garden ranch is my favorite sauce for the nuggets. >> i think we can literally will see a chick-fil-a -- now i'm hungry. respectful adult boundary-setting statement. >> chicken soup is the best and because the schools closed and kids did not have a basis to know what is appropriate in public. >> waffle fries. >> thanks to everyone for joining us. don't forget to dvr the show. here is "america reports." >> generally jury -- at the request of a party. >> i'm requesting. >> again, i don't know that it's necessary in this particular instance or that it would be a particular help to the jury and if anything, it may confuse the issue. >> the court will allow a jury view. >> sandra: here we go, brand-new twists in the alec murdaugh trial as the judge rules the jury will travel t
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