tv Hannity FOX News February 27, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> tucker: we are out of time. if you get the sense that we could go on forever, you are on to something but we can't because it's only an hour long. have the best night with the ones you love, but don't despair, sean hannity takes over right now. >> sean: if you really need another hour really bad, you tell me, i'll let you rant for an extra 20 minutes, you pick the night. >> tucker: i could do it, man. >> sean: i'll let you handle the opening monologue, how's that. >> tucker: i'd love it thank you. >> sean: and thank you. welcome to hannity. we have a ton of news, it's going to be hard to get it all in tonight. the great won mark lavine will join us, senator tom cotton will respond exclusively to the snowflakes at the new york times tonight. speaker mccarthy will update us on the new house majority's investigations. and there will be one on covid, i'll get to that in a minute. also senator ted cruz and
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senator rand paul respond to tonight's top story. they'll be with us in just a minute. now we begin this monday night with a fox news alert. the department of energy, they are now finally admitting the obvious truth, covid-19 was apparently developed by chinese scientists at the wuhan institute of virology likely through gain of funk shun research. the deadly disease somehow leaked out of the lab and infected the entire world and by the way, china knew it the entire time. side note. sloby attempt to cover up and then that all ensued from the communist chinese and of course their corrupt propagandists in part we fund for china and that would be the who. and maybe even dr. fauci himself. and yet no one has been held accountable. they've why et to this point even wanted to admit the truth which was obvious. a message from president reagan is more relevant than ever. quote, the nine most terrifying
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words in the english language are, i'm from the government and i'm here to help. in other words, do not put your trust in the federal government and the officials that work in government because, sadly, over and over again, they are constantly lying to you, the american people, or making it all up as they go along, especially during life and death scenarios. for example, if you go back two days after the terror attack on 9/11, well, the head of the ata at the time told new yorkers that the air at ground zero was safe to breathe. the epa was wrong and now many are dead, others seriously ill even today from believing that lie and breathing that air. another glaring example. remember the affordable care act, barack obama repeatedly promising all americans can keep their doctor, keep their plans. the average american family would save around $2,500 a year? well, after the bill passed, millions of americans lost their doctors, millions lost their
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plans, prices sky rocketed out of sight and almost half the country has only one oh bomb on care exchange option. that's it. they lie to you over and over again. even far left political -- pa lit fact called this the lie of the year and get this just last week pothole pete blaming donald trump's deregulation for the disaster in east palestine, even the radical left wing washington post, they just reviewed every single possible regulatory change under donald trump, and they found that none of them contributed to the ohio train derailment. then you have pothole pete tbiden administration, the media mob flat-out lying to you the american people again and again. of course the lies surrounding county were on a whole other level. they demanded that we wear masks. now top scientists are saying masks did not stop, they did not slow the spread of covid-19 at
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all. pretty much saying that they were useless. they mandated those vaccines, remember? even for those with natural immunity from a prior infection. as it turns out natural immunity is a stronger protection against the virus. remember they told you that, if you got the vaccine, that would stop the spread of covid-19? they were wrong again. remember they told you, if you got vaccinated, you would never get covid. you would never spread covid. wrong again. how many americans believed these lies? and then there was the chorus of misinformation surrounding the origins of covid-19. now despite the fact that the covid outbreak clearly started in wuhan in china, the site of the wuhan institute for virology, a lab well known for gain of function research and research on confuse, many on the left could not fathom the possibility that covid originated in that lab. the world health organization
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immediately ruled out the possibility of a lab leak. dr. fauci claimed there was no evidence covid was made in chinese lab. help been told otherwise by a scientist in an e-mail early on. the washington times called the hypothesis a debunked conspiracy theory. face posts that called it man made echo chamber was in full gear. take a look. >> tom cotton a couple days ago spouting a conspiracy theory that the chinese made this up. >> in a lab in wuhan. >> rush limbaugh with zero proof suggesting a chinese bio weapon was to blame. >> we know it's deal bufrnthd that this was man mad. >> dr. anthony fauci rejected the fact that it was made in a lab in wuhan china yet this week
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donald trump is still pushing the debunk despite his own people telling him this is not true. >> if you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, it's very, very strongly leaning towards this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated. >> well, bret, i'm really sorry that the lab leak has become such a distraction for so many people because frankly we still don't know. there is no received to say, most of the scientific community myself included, think that is a possibility but far more likely this was a natural way which the virus left a bat. >> tucker: totally completely debunked a conspiracy theory just like trump russia collusion really happened. no, they were wrong on that, too. they were wrong on hunter biden's laptop. how many americans believe their lies? how many were directly hurt or worse, as a result of these lies? now, of course, they weren't even looking for the truth. and time and time again, all in
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an effort to get donald trump the mob and media denied rely and the truth. in this case they echoed nothing but chinese propaganda all while then president trump was telling the truth. take a look. >> why do you keep calling this the chinese virus? there are reports of dozens of incidents of bias against chinese americans in this country. your own aide secretary azar says he does not use this term he said ethnicity does not cause the virus. why do you keep using this. >> because it comes from china. >> it's racist. >> it's not racist not at all. no. it comes from china. that's why. comes from china. as you know china tried to say at one point, maybe they stopped now, that it was caused by american soldiers. that can't happen. it's not going to happen. not as long as i'm president. >> sean: now trump was right, the virus did come from china. in fact it was apparently developed by china at a lab
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partially funded by you, the american people. under anthony fauci's leadership at the nih millions of u.s. tax dollars were funneled via a third party, the ecohealth alliance to the wuhan institute of virology. that was a lab well known for a couple things. i just stated, for example, one their controversial gain of function research. two, their sloppy safety protocols, if you even want to call them that. and, you know, they were known for also studying confuse. so mark my words, there's got to be accountability or this will happen again. you really ever going to trust your government on any issue involving your health or your family's health? here now with reaction texas senator ted cruz. senator you were one of the few out there warning, seeing the evidence that was coming in, that this, in fact, came out of this lab, it made sense from the beginning and they lied about it, they covered it up. >> well, sean, that's exactly right. as i sit here and listen to
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those folks on tv and read those headlines, it makes me angry. because they're lying. they're deliberately lying. they knew they were lying. they are repeating the talking points of the chinese communist government. democratic politicians were doing that and the corporate media was doing that. it has been evident, the overwhelming weight of the evidence for over two users now has been that this virus escaped from a chinese government lab. and this weekend we now have the bombshell report that not one but two agencies in the biden administration concludeded that the coronavirus came, the covid-19 virus came from a chinese government lab. number one, the biden fbi has concluded that and, number two, this weekend, we learned there reports of the chinese energy department has concluded covid-19 came from a chinese government lab. i can tell you more than two years ago, in march and april of
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2020 on my podcast verdict with ted cruz that we put out every week, i laid out the evidence then that it was obvious this came from a chinese government lab. let me point to three facts that are compelling. number one, the wuhan institute of virology, which studies not just viruses, studies coronaviruses, not just coronaviruses, coronaviruses with bets occurred a couple hundred yards from the wet market it occurred in china. by the way bats aren't any closer than 900 miles away yet a few hundred yards from the lab that's where the outbreak occurred. data point number 2, in november of 2019, before the pandemic, three separate researchers at the wuhan institute of virology were hospitalized, went and checked themselves in for serious ailments, ailments that suggest that they may have been the very first people with
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covid-19. in fact, that might have been how it escaped. fact number 3, after the pandemic began, the chinese government actively destroyed the samples at the wuhan institute for virology, destroyed them, and they also disappeared the whistle blowers. i'll tell you, in a court of law, if you're facing a subpoena and you go and destroy evidence, you can be held liable for that but not only that the judge will instruct the jury to draw an inference against you that if you're destroying evidence, it's because the evidence demonstrates your guilt. in this instance, the fact that china's first reaction was, get rid of all the evidence, shows that they knew, they covered it up. china bears the responsibility, and the entire corporate media, cnn, msnbc, all of the alphabet soup twashington post, the new york times, not only did they not cover this, they eagerly repeatedd the democrat talking
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points and the talking points from the chinese communist government. it was dishonest and profoundly corrupt. >> sean: senator we know china lied, we know we fund who. >> yes. >> sean: we give them a fortune, millions and millions of dollars. they lied. we know that our own government got it wrong about masks. we know they got it wrong about vaccines. everything they told us turned out not to be true. >> yep. >> sean: how could we ever trust them again? >> look, sean, that is a huge problem. you know, you look at dr. fauci. there is no bureaucrat in the history of our country that has done more damage to the united states than dr. anthony fauci. number one, his recommendations resulted in shut downs that hurt tens of millions of kids, destroyed millions of jobs, millions of small businesses. and his willingness to set aside science, to set aside data, and to be purely political, there has been nothing in our lifetime that has done more to damage the
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credibility of government scientists or doctors than dr. anthony fauci. there are now tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of americans that are not going to believe the next thing a scientist or doctor working for the government says. appear that's dangerous. if god forbid we have another pandemic, let's say we have something like ebola that has massively high fatality rates, i want us to have scientists and doctors that can give us advice on how to keep our families safe. and yet fauci was so willing to listen to the teacher's union, so willing to listen to the biden white house, so willing to put politics above science, that he's done enormous damage to the credibility of the government doctors. i think that's an incredible disservice to the country. >> sean: senator, very powerful statement. i can't say it any better. senator ted cruz, thank you. >> thank you. >> sean: now, over the last three years, perhaps no one in washington in the swamp has been
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more accurate when it comes to covid than senator rand paul of kentucky. he was right about the lab leak. he was right about therapeutics, he was right about natural immunity. he was right about masks. and now years after paul's democratic colleagues ridiculed him, called him names, well, the senator's refusing to wear a as a matter of fact, they made a big deal about that. take a look at this headline from the new york times. quote tmask mandate did nothing. will any lessons be learned, citing an oxford trained epidemiologist the article reads, quote, there is just no evidence that masks make any difference, full stop. it's not just the new york times. here's biden's own covid-19 response coordinator. take a look at this. >> i mean the notion that you can cut respiratory infections, there is no study in the world that shows that masks work that well. so you're never going to get the kind of benefit from mandatory year round masking as you would from making substantialals, it's
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a lot easier to implement as well. >> sean: masks don't work, natural immunity does, and, oh, yeah, covid-19 originated in that wuhan virology lab thanks to what we knew was happening in there, gain of function research, coronavirus research. and now we know, as we suspected and talked about, funded in part with your tax dollars, nih funding going to the ecohealth alliance, going right to the wuhan virology lab. in other words dr. fauci was either lying or trying to mislead the american people. take a look at this. >> so what you're doing is defining away gain of function you're saying it doesn't exist because you changed the definition on the nih web site. this is terrible and you're completely trying to escape the idea that we should do something about trying to keep a pandemic from leaking from a lab. the preponderance of evidence points to this coming from a lab and what you've done is change the definition on your web site to cover your ass, basically. that's what you've done.
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you've changed the web site to try to have a new definition that doesn't include the risky research that's going on. until you admit that it's risky, we're not going to get anywhere. >> it's a dance and you're dancing around this because you're trying to obscure responsibility for four million people dying around the world from a pandemic. >> and let's, dr. fauci -- >> well, now you're getting into something. if the point that you are making is that the grant that was funded as a sub award from ecohealth to wuhan created sars co-v 2, that's where you are getting. let me finish. >> we don't know, but all the evidence is that it came from the lab and there will be responsibility for those that fundd the lab including yourself. >> i totally resent. >> the committee will let the witness respond. >> i totally resent the lie you are promulgating. >> sean: here with reeks senator rand paul also a medical doctor. senator now we know from the
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energy department, now we know from the fbi, shockingly our own national security advisor, jake sullivan is not even accepting what we now have learned as a variety of views in the intelligence community about origins of covid-19. you've been out there saying that dr. fauci was lying and that did, in fact, american money go, was it funneled from the nil to the ecohealth alliance to the wuhan virology lab and don't we know that coronavirus research took lace in that lab. >> without question. it may have been one of of the great coverups in modern medical history. it also will go down in history as probably one of the worst decisions that any government bureaucrat made. witty anthony fauci made the decision to fund dangerous gain of function research in wuhan under the auspices of an authoritarian government, this decision was one of the worst decisions ever made. there's been a coverup ever
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since the very beginning. you can go back and see the e-mails between him and francis collins who's head of nih them conspiring basically to cover this up. but now we have a mountain of evidence. the problem is, much of it is classified. the new york times reported from the department of energy that their scientists now believe that this came from a lab is actually classified and somebody leaked it illegally. but i've been saying for, ever since the controversy came up in classified documents and biden in classified documents, i've been saying we overclassify things and it makes it hard for me to discuss to convince the public mostly democrats that we need to do something about this. part of the problem is we need to unclassify this. the scientists and their arguments, we now know the conclusion but i should be able to freely discuss with you the actual scientific evidence that came from department of energy and those reports. those reports should be released to the media. we should all be allowed to read them. but this is still a problem.
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this is a real problem and winning the final argument is that most of the documents are classified. >> sean: didn't we have right after 9/11 didn't kristi todd whitman at the epa tell rescue workers that the air quality is fine? that's what i recall at the time. on the issue of covid, haven't they been wrong on pretty much everything? we now know that they were wrong on masks. we now know that when they told us, if you got the vaccine that you'd never get covid. that turned out to be a lie. if you got a booster that's going to help you, that didn't help many people. we even had studies showing if you got a booster you might increase your chances of catching covid. now we have all of the other evidence that's out there. we had the early exchange in january of 2020 with high ranking nih officials and fauci, 900 pages from the tints sent,
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project veritas then the e-mails from the n nih themselves that they had a strong belief that their money went to the wuhan virology lab. so for them to deny it or, you know, aren't they just denying the science at this point? they don't want to tell us that they were wrong? >> i think they're trying to escape the culpability because ultimately anthony fauci's advocacy, he had to go outside the boundaries of the normal process. there's a committee that's supposed to review these dangerous viruses and see if the experiments are too risky and shouldn't happen. this didn't occur in the wuhan experiments. anthony fauci gave a waiver, he was one of the few people in government who could give a waiver and said the research doesn't have to be reviewed by the committee we're just going to let it happen. >> sean: let e ask you and i think it's relevant considering they were wrong on ground zero, they were wrong about masks, they were wrong about vaccines, they were wrong about boosters, they were wrong about wet markets versus the wuhan
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virology lab, now people in east palestine, ohio, they're being told by politicians, politicianings take out a class of water they drink it in front of them and are telling them everything's fine in east palestine in spite of, you know, all fish that have shown up dead, animals that have shown up dead and people showing signs and symptoms of illness. do you trust that they're being told the truth in ohio? >> no. and here's the problem. this is what the cdc currently tells but covid. if your 15 year old has had covid they want him to be vaccinated. if the 15 year old has had covid, they want him vaccinated. he gets vaccinated let's say he has myocarditis from the vaccine. the cdc tells you as soon as he's better he should get another vaccine. no parent with any lick of common sense would allow their kid to be vaccinated after they've already had covid and had myocarditis from the vaccine but the cdc's recommendation is
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that your kid should get a second vaccine as soon as their heart is better. the vaccine caused him a heart inflammation and the cdc tells you this. this is why nobody trusts the cdc because no mom with any bit of common sense would ever subject their kid to another vaccination after they had a heart inflammation from the first one. this is how idiotic these people are and how moronic. they have destroyed trust. they are the ones that have destroyed trust in vaccines and everything else because they're really telling you stuff that's obviously not true. >> sean: senator i have to give you props and a lot of credit. you were outspoken, out there on a limb, you were alone from the very beginning, you were talking about natural immunity, you were looking deeper into the origins of covid when nobody else would and this, to me, is not only vindication for you but for a lot of other people that were smeared and slandered and called a conspiracy theater. so we appreciate you being with us. senator rand paul, thank you >> when we come back, speaker
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kevin mccarthy will join us live coming up next. new york times employees had a complete meltdown after they published a tom cotton op-ed condemning the 2020 riots. one journalist reportedly even cried. senator cotton gives his first reaction right here coming up straight ahead. feeling of findig the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. [dad] once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems,
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♪ >> sean: all right, so as the department of energy's lab leak report shakes up washington, one thing is clear. the government must be held accountable. now make no mistake there are countless pressing questions that need answers. for example is the biden family compromised by hunter's foreign business dealings, has the fbi been politicized, has the doj been weaponized, and did they partner with big tech to censor
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freedom of speech? and how will the new house majority get answers to all those questions. you can add to the list afghanistan, here with more speaker of the house kevin mccarthy. mr. speaker one other you can add is the origins of covid-19. the power of subpoena is one of the biggest most important things republicans have gained with their majority. >> that's true. and sean you have to realize why is a lot of this coming forward? you have a lot of the superstars on this show from rand paul and give a shout-out to tom cotton for him going going out forward. but for two years in the democrat majority not one hearing on the origins of covid. we promised it to america, we have the selection committee on covid and what's coming forward is a lot of the information that they know we're going to get and that we're moving forward on. we promised to look after what happened in afghanistan, why did we have 13 new gold star families? we look why do we have an attorney general going after parents simply because they want
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to go to a school board meeting. all of this is going to come truthful and it's a pattern of behavior, denying the new york post story about hunter biden's laptop. denying about covid. i remember being in the situation room when president trump was in and dr. fauci telling all of us, the first origins of hearing about covid in china, that it did not come from china, that it could no. come from that lab that it was probably the market. and also telling us we should not wear masks and then flipped about the masks afterwards. all those informations he want to come out with that it could not come from the lab in china. at the very beginning when he had no information, it makes you really wonder why he would bring that at the very beginning. >> sean: these house committee meetings are going to be very, very important, it's important we get to the bottom of it and get the truth to the american people and how they've been so wrong on this. let me ask you a question i have a asked before. looks like the deadline is
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somewhere around june as it relate to the debt ceiling. democrats seem to be calculating that republicans in the house will not unite behind a single plan and they will lose any leverage in negotiating raising the debt ceiling. are you confident that your majority will unite behind one plan, probably including fiscal responsibility? >> well, sean, we have to have fiscal responsibility. you saw what the congressional budget office just came out with. in the next ten years, we will spend $10 trillion just on interest. that will be our largest payment. today we just gave china $60 million. give them another 60 million tomorrow and the day after. wouldn't you rather have savings and keep that money in america instead of paying china on their interest after what they did to covid and everything else? and it's not just republicans are going to stay united, i've had conversations with democrats who have quietly come to me appear said, kevin, you are
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right we have to do something on this debt limit. we cannot continue the path running down. and you watch the president, he's going to have a budget out, i don't think anybody's going to support his budget but we're going to bring the ceo director in and i'm going to have a bipartisan briefing, just like we do in the classified when we have a top secret appear a problem sitting out in the world. we're going to have this next week with republicans and democrats, because the debt is that big of a problem that we're going to sit in the auditorium. we're going to listen to the congressional budget office and we're going to start that conversation on how do we turn the tide for the next generation. >> sean: let's see if they actually show up because they didn't show up at the border when jim jordan had a hearing last week. by the way very respectful mr. speaker that you didn't tear up joe biden's speech at state of reunion. lot of props for that. thank you speaker mccarthy we appreciate it. in 2020 the new york times published an op-ed on senator
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tom cotton calling for the u.s. to put an end to the customer's deadly riots but according to a new book, woke new york times employees were reportedly furious, one staffer accusing his old colleagues acting like a blood thirsty mob demanding someone be fired for green lighting tom cotton'son educate. another staff member said none of his friends would talk to him because he worked for a company with something written by a sitting republican senator. around the same time senator cotton was also getting bashed for telling the truth about covid. the washington post called his lab leak a debunked conspiracy. the new york times says it was fringe. but they weren't the only ones. take a look. >> tom cotton a couple days ago spouting a conspiracy theory with the chinese. >> senator tom cotton actually closed his office this morning calling it the wuhan virus, as
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he did so. and he has of course been out in public talking about conspiracy theories frankly as to where the virus came from. >> given just a whiff of credibility there on television and on social media to a conspiracy going around that the coronavirus originated, and was perhaps man made inside a lab in china. >> sean: joining us now senator tom cotton of the great state of arkansas. senator let me start with the new york times. i will think this was important. with all the focus on one riot on january 6th, and, by the way, they didn't even get the intelligence that we now know they had that something might happen that day and they didn't act on it which is what they should have been investing. let me ask you, we had 574 riots the summer of 2020. we thousands of injured cops, billions in property damage, and dozens of dead americans. why would the new york times react that way to your op-ed.
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>> sean thanks for that trip down memory lane. what unites both of these moments, pointing out before any of the shutdowns in american even happened that the virus certainly originated in a lab in wuhan not some food market there and we should use whatever law enforcement and military force to restore orders when rioters and looters were rampaging our streets were connected. the only conspiracy was the conspiracy of the silence of the left, whether the media trying to silence me and others making points or democratic politicians like joe biden or nancy pelosi saying we were racist or xenophobic and msnbc and cnn filing on and people in the government like tony fauci as you mentioned earlier adding more fuel to the conspiracy of silence trying to squelch all
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decent from the party line. and i want to point out both points were common sense. anyone could look at the wuhan and say this most likely came from the lab. when i said about deploying troops if necessary when local law enforce was overwhelmed or not allowed to do its job was supported by majority of americans. but when it doesn't go to their ideological connections they want to silence all the sins. >> sean: isn't amazing the very people that spread conspiracy theories about trump/russia collusion are the ones making that accusation, you turn out to be right. have any of these organizationings contacted you said that they're sorry and asked for an opportunity to correct the record? >> ha ha, no, not yet, sean. i think this is what therapists or psychiatrists might call projection and i spent most of the people at the new york times are dealing with therapists and psychiatrists on a regular
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basis. but, no, so far they have not reached out to me. i will give credit when credit is due, jim bennett the editor fired for this said publicly what he said privately they shouldn't have allowed the new york times to do anything to my op-ed. nothing i said was wrong the american people knew it now and they know it now. >> sean: senator they do owe you an apology but i wouldn't hold my breath. we appreciate you being with us >> straight ahead east palestine in ohio, they need help right now but instead the left are blaming donald trump. the facts show donald trump did nothing to contribute to the derailment. the great one mark lavine is fired up and ready to go. he'll join us straight ahead. i'm feeling better. body pain? headache? nope. all in one and done. cuh-congestion? better. cough? fever? better. mucinex all in one relieves 9 symptoms in 1 dose. it's not cold and flu season.
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♪ >> sean: all right, now tonight there is a big new lie from the democrats and the media mob, according to them, donald trump's deregulation is to blame for the east palestine train disaster. but the head of the national transportation safety board already debunked that theory calling it, quote, misinformation. now the washington post, even they, left wing newspaper that they are, conducted their own investigation, even they concluded that none of trump's regulations, none of them, any changes he made, could have prevented this tragedy. joining us now, he is theest of the number one show on weekends here on the fox news channel, life liberty and lavine, i call him the great one, mark lavine. you know mark i don't like to be lied to. they lied to us about russia, they lied to us about covid, they're lying to us about east palestine. i don't like lies. >> well, they do, and that's the problem. they have -- you know, sean,
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when you look at this, the pathological hatred for trump is truly sick. it's among the left, it's in the media, it's in part of the republican establishment. i've never seen anything like this before. it is so pauling. what did the man do other than get elected to office? did many great things for many people in this country, particularly the middle class. he secured the border, took on russians and chinese and iranians, very good foreign policy. the economy was bustling along until the wuhan virus and really at the end it was shooting up very, very nicely. look at this mess. what the hell is it? i'll tell you what it is. they didn't expect him to win. they figured hillary clinton would be the third term for obama. they pushed their radical marxist agenda all across the country and he stopped them. he stopped them by being president and he pushed back.
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republicans go along with this, you oh at mcconnell with the monstrous omnibus bill and the infrastructure bill that has nothing to do with infrastructure. you see them wasting our covid money on all kinds of stuff and so forth. but i want to talk about this palestine ohio. it's a funny thing, biden is spending hundreds of millions of dollars in the palestineians in the middle east who are killing jews in violation of the taylor act. but he won't spend one money or one minute of time on palestine ohio. it's pretty grotesque. now what is it about palestine ohio that didn't draw the attention of the immediate i can't initially, the environmental cooks and the biden administration and the rest of them. why are they so lazy and slow to react? i will a tell you why. here's the truth. it violates their narrative. palestine ohio is mostly white, it's mostly republican, it's mostly middle class to lower
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middle class. you don't see any white privilege there whatsoever. the train tracks go right through the city so there wasn't environmental injustice there. the train carries toxic chemicals. the people are not oh pressing anybody. there's no several rights movement representing these people, no biden executive orders providing equity for these people. they don't fit the democrat party narrative. these are hard working blue collar american citizens who do not fit the farity, who are not, apparently, according to democrats part of their base. they're part of the problem, they're dominating society, and on and on and on. palestine ohio like so many communities in america disproved the racist propaganda and the phoney equity a gender of the democrat party. they figure, and i figure they figure, why lift a finger to help these people.
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that's what's going on. and as far as trump goes, this guy is a complete mall content and misgrant since day one. day in a day out that's his show, he owes trump an apology but he won't apologize because he's an ego maniac. they did the analysis at the washington post thank god someone woke up there, they looked at every regulatory change and it had nothing to do with what happened there, and the media taking its pop janned alliance about the biden administration spews what the biden administration says. and why should woodbury be surprised. the democratic party and biden basically the oligarchs that run the social media through the campaign, they squashed the hunter biden laptop. they were lying about trump's tax returns, there was nothing. all these dead ends all the time. they try and make a mountain out of the mole hill i will argue,
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with donald trump and these documents, unless they're going to lock up all these other exments and so forth. january 6th, they talk about an insurrection, they ran it up a thousand people and prosecuting a thousand people. you want to see an insurrection, what about the white house was attacked when donald trump was president. they had to take him to the nuclear bump; what about two months or more a federal courthouse was attacked, attacked, attacked, attacked. i don't remember them end sending swat teams and gathering people up from all over the country and making a signal out of that or anything of that sort. talk about the media, wear masks. now a conclusive study says they don't help. shut down the schools, shut down the economy. now they tell us natural immunity will help. but others told us that. experts at stanford, experts at yale, experts, you want to know the problem, the corporate
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phoney democrat party media. it's made of number skills low ik propagandists people who repeat what the other person has to say. they're not curious, they're not intellectually interested they don't want to hear debates. they pick who they want to promote. they're propagandists, they're the american pravda for the biden administration. so that's why we don't get information. a fake media trump says, fake science, fake history, ideologue, ideology, narratives or projections, that's what we get from the american pravda. that's it >> sean: by the way mark has the distinction who has the only guest who tell the host when we're done. life liberty and lavine don't forget the radio show syndicated
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you know what the number one best-selling book in the world is? it's the bible. it's been that year after year, after year, after year. it's the number one selling book in all of history. why? because it's god's word. it's god's word from cover to cover. every word is true. do i understand it all? no, but i believe it all. and if you put your faith and trust in god, whose word never changes, you'll never be disappointed.
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see god tells us in his word that he loves us, and he sent his son from heaven to this earth to take our sins, that he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. if you've never trusted jesus as your savior, do it right now. just pray this prayer with me. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior and follow him as my lord. amen. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we've got people that would like to speak with you, pray with you but if you don't have a bible, tell them and they'll send you one. god bless you.
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♪ >> sean: all right, your giggling vice-president kamala harris strikes again. this time speaking in south carolina about high speed internet. she broke into another one of those bizarre laughing fits before seemingly forgetting the name of the web site that she was there promoting. take a look. >> to check if you qualify for the acp. look at your neighbor. to check if you qualify. go to get to check if you qualify go to
6:53 pm >> sean: just go to here with reaction fox across america host jimmy failla. maybe you can make sense of this. all right, you're giggling yourself. i don't know. i watch this almost daily and i cannot figure it out. it is so awkward. >> i'm starting to wonder if maybe kamala got into hunter's stash. because where else do you just laugh ramadanly for no reason. you know what i mean? it's kind of like disturbing. and the issue sean is, we look at kamala laughing and that's the part we all focus on. but you have to focus on the people behind her. because they watch the laugh come out of nowhere and they're like, this chick's crazy and that's the bigger issue i have, is everything with kamala comes into focus and makes more sense when you realize she met her husband on a dating app called okay stupid. okay? this is not the brightest gal in
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the world. she once froze to death at a drive-in movie theater because she went to see closed for the winter. not a sharp gal sean. >> sean: the passage of time is about time passing and as time's passing we call it the passage of time. >> i totally get it. think about where we are as a country that vice-president is the only job you can get if you laugh for no reason whatsoever. like you wouldn't hire a baby sitter if they showed up at your house and just started laughing. you're like, yeah we're going to go to dipper and then a movie and she's like, ha ha, ha ha. you wouldn't let her baby-sit your kids but we're letting her baby-sit the president. this is insane. >> sean: the new york times is suggesting that maybe they might want to leave it open and pick a new vice-president because i don't think she's ready in case joe keels over one day which we
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wish him the best of health. by the way, switching gears, you know, as these concerns over joe's age are real and legitimate, even he's admitting it. take a look. >> is your age part of your own calculation into whether to run again? >> no. but it's legitimate for people to raise issues about my age. it is a totally legitimate to do that. and the only thing i can say is watch me. >> sean: he says watch me. you know what jimmy? i'm watching. i don't like what i see. >> well you're misunderstanding it sean. when he says watch me. he actually means like hey, can you watch me? i need help getting up the stairs. it's more like baby-sitting. that's what he means. >> sean: he needs help not falling up the stairs which has now become a regular thing. all right, jimmy failla, we appreciate it. >> when we come back, today's video today and more hannity, straight ahead. ♪
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>> sean: before we go a quick programming note if you want report of a studio audience tickets are free as information just head on over to for all the details especially if you're in new york along island metro area. thank you for joining us to make initial possible, please set your dvr so you never miss an episode in the meantime i miss her so much, not not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham so we sauce call thing so i don't get to say hello to you and i miss saying hello to you and it's great to see you your show's been have you been? >> laura: thank you for the bouquet you sent me when i had my operation that was really thoughtful by the way thank you. >> sean: i didn't know but your operation until last week. >> laura: would a second what about your like a sister to me? what about all that would've echo? >> sean: what did you tear anyway
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