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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 28, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> dana: you think one of the teams is looking at him or the majors, pro teams? major league baseball? >> bill: yeah, could be. >> dana: or just pro-basketball. i don't know. >> bill: definitely baseball. >> dana: we have had a tuesday. good to be with you. i'll see you on "the five." harris faulkner is next. here she is. >> harris: breaking news with a presidential power grab font and center at the u.s. supreme court. justices are hearing arguments on the challenges to president biden's massive student loan hand-out. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." why is this so critical? a ruling in president biden's favor would set a stunning precedent for executive authority to spend our tax money without any say from congress. biden's plan would help millions of people who took out loans for
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college simply skip the bill. and it would affect all tax paying americans, especially those who did it the right way and paid off their debt through hard work. the total cost of the hand-out an estimated $4 hundred billion over the next few decades. so we'll spend likely longer than they had to pay off some of those loans. biden says it is all legal for him to do based on the higher education relief opportunities for students act. and just so you know, that act allows for federal loan modification. but only during a national emergency. now remember, even though president biden has said the pandemic is over, he is keeping that emergency declaration for covid until may. does that emergency power for higher education give president biden the power to pay off student loans with our money?
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some of those loans are decades old. with the covid emergency ending very soon, possibly over anyway. some say no. >> the covid emergency is over. he is using that as an excuse hoping that he can get some of this loan money forgiven. only 13% of the american people owe this money and the rest of the people paid themselves or paid their loans off. this is totally illegal and totally unfair. >> harris: nebraska attorney general going further with this quote. the president flouted the law and used the pandemic as a pretext the claim breathtaking authority. nation rail crises or problems to be navigated. not opportunities to amass presidential power. david spunt is live at the high court. david. >> good to be with you. arguments began about an hour
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ago. technically we'll see two cases before the supreme court today dealing with the same overarching issue and already the justices including chief justice john roberts has questions about this plan. this plan to cancel this student loan debt. just last year the president fulfilling what some say is clearly a campaign promise came out and announced his plan to cancel up to $20,000 if you meet certain criteria. individuals earninging less than $125,000 in 2020 or 2021 and married couples making less than a quarter million a year could see up to $10,000 canceled. pell grants $20,000. $4 hundred billion price tag. administration believes they'll prevail because of a 2003 law called the hero's act to modify students loans following 9/11 and national emergency. they say it is still a national emergency. six states are suing to end this
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plan. president donald trump originally stopped those student payments but the current president relied on the pandemic to expand this program. one of those states suing is iowa. >> it hurts iowans who went straight to work after high school, who joined the military, started a family or started their own business. they are now on the hook to pay off someone else's student loan debt. >> a steady flow of people outside the court. they have been here since 3:00 p.m. yesterday. some spent the night and joined by members of congress late into the night and early this morning. >> we are here to send a clear and loud message to the supreme court. keep your hands off president biden's work to lift a strangling yoke of death of
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millions of americans. keep your hands off that effort. >> 49% believe he exceeded his authority. that is different number than we had a couple of months ago. the justices will render a final decision in these cases coming up by the end of june, early july. back to you. >> harris: thank you very much. we'll monitor those oral arguments before the high court. bring you any updates. fox business anchor david asman will be in "focus" to break down how much biden's student loan payoff will actually cost us and affects on inflation and our national debt. that's coming up. stay tuned. this is developing very quickly. the fallout after that bombshell report on where covid came from. the energy department joined the f.b.i. yesterday in concluding the pandemic was likely caused by a leak from that now infamous laboratory in wuhan, china. former cdc director dr. robert
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redfield with this. >> both the f.b.i. and now the department of energy have come to the conclusion that they believe this virus came from the wuhan lab. they have an enormous, powerful, scientific workforce. i think that clearly the origin of this virus was a leak from the wuhan lab and eventually that will -- people will come to realize that. >> harris: two federal agencies now saying a lab leak caused the outbreak but the white house still resisting. national security spokesman john kirby says those conclusions are quote, unquote, not a consensus. our own jacque heinrich went back and forth with the white house press secretary yesterday. pressed her on the administration dismissing anyone who raised that theory for years they did that. >> on the lab leak news from the department of energy, is it prudent to have members within
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the administration voicing support for one theory over another if there isn't a consensus? >> we need to know more and need to get to the bottom of how -- how covid-19 originated. >> a lot of those people were derided as fringe, conspiracy theorists. are there lessons learned? >> the president is asking his team to do everything they can to figure out where it originated because of what could happen next. you have a president who wants to get to the bottom of this. >> harris: republican senator marsha blackburn. what is suddenly the rush of something we wanted to know for a couple of years since he has been in office? >> harris, the covid cover-up is what it is. you had the white house that came out trying to make certain that we didn't challenge china on this and china went to the who and the w.h.o. instructed social media and those of us who said what about the lab?
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we're hearing from our diplomatic scientists, there were problems at the lab. that was called conspiracy theory as we all know. but it has proven those of us right that were early on in saying let's look at the lab where this covid -- where coronavirus research was being done. and we heard of the viral research, the gain-of-function research that was being done there. they didn't want to go that direction. but now we know that the white house has -- they're having to admit that there were issues. it could be from there. i thought it was so interesting john kirby said there was not intelligence consensus on this. but there is and has been common sense consensus that the lab had to be at the center of this. >> harris: even former president trump and members of his administration said it from the
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beginning. at that time americans were fighting for their lives and china wasn't helping that by scooping up all the products we needed to keep ourselves safe. you may remember senator tom cotton was attacked by the media for blaming a lab leak for covid and i want to take us back all the way to february of 2020. he whats a lot to say about that. >> the only conspiracy here was a conspiracy of silence among left in america. whether the liberal media trying to silence me or democratic politicians like joe biden and nancy pelosi saying we were racists on xenophobe i can and msnbc and cnn and the rest piling on and people in the government like tony fauci adding more fuel to this conspiracy of silence. >> harris: he added fuel in the form of lies and disinformation in response to 2020 headlines like what we are about to show you. the "washington post" and "new
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york times" claiming senator cotton -- we know at the time the media didn't stop there. let's watch. >> it's clearly the case that trump is divorced from the facts. trump has been -- i tell you, when his disdain will stop if he can get it to start doing things for him that he finds politically helpful and certainly pinning something on china that would be a made up. but politically opportune development is something he would love to see as he heads toward re-election. >> harris: wait a minute. were they trying to say that americans were trying to protect china? look where we are with china? investigation with the president's son for shady business dealings with china. this goes so far against what we
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know to be true. what was happening? >> yes indeed. what the media has tried to do is to protect the biden white house and biden incorporated and there by protecting china. you have to look at the world health organization. they negotiated the language of the covid report with the chinese communist party. the chinese communist party just gave the w.h.o. another million dollars and then you have to look at the way the media has covered up for biden incorporated and the ccp somewhat. and thank goodness, because of a spy balloon, people are now saying you know what? i think china is at fault. we don't want them buying our farmland. we don't want to have an enormous trade deficit with them. we are worried about tiktok. we want to know exactly what happened with covid. we don't want them stealing our intellectual property.
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we do not want them infringing on our patents and copyrights. we don't want them cozying up with russia and being a part of the axis of evil with russia, iran, north korea and harris, people are very focused on this. thank goodness the department of energy report was leaked and we now know that those of us that were called conspiracy theorists or all of these other words were actually right on point and the media and the w.h.o. and ccp have been caught red-handed, if you will, for trying to cover this up. >> harris: senator blackburn, great to have you in "focus" today. >> great to be with you. thank you. >> harris: voters are at the polls in chicago today. mayor lori lightfoot is in danger of becoming the first chicago mayor defeated in 40 years. opponents calling her out for
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the city's horrible crime crisis. and for playing the race card and the gender card at the very last second to try to save herself. no let up in the ohio disaster. plenty of blame game there. president biden visits a very different state for politics today. >> the trump administration spent years working to loosen safety regulations intended to make these types of accidents less likely. they are in the behest of the big rail companies. >> harris: pointing a finger at the last guy. they can't stop. getting a fact check from a liberal outlet. what it found. plus tammy bruce in "focus" next.
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>> harris: the white house transportation secretary, members of the media, all with a familiar drumbeat drumming together blaming trump. this while thousands of people are fearful of the air and the water they drink in east palestine, ohio and surrounding areas after that toxic train derailment february 3rd. the biden team and liberal media pointing fingers at the freight train restrictions congress eased up on during the trump administration. here it is. >> i heard him say he had nothing to do with it even though it was his administration. if he had nothing to do with it and they did it in his administration against his will, maybe he could come out and say that he supports us moving in a different direction. >> they have for years in lock step with the retail lobby in
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lock step making sure that they think that the safety they were stopping or repealing the common sense safety laws that would help in this situation. >> however, "washington post" review of every possible regulatory change under president trump found exactly 0 contributed to that train derailment. at the same time, democratic ohio senator sherod brown is catching heat for fundraising in hollywood as the people in his state are afraid to breathe the air and drink the water. he also defended president biden's failure to go there. he hasn't been to east palestine. he keeps saying i don't plan to do it. the commander-in-chief is going to virginia today. >> i talked to his staff more than to him. his staff or him twice, three times a week, holding their feet to the fire and making sure they
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are doing what they should be doing. so whether he comes here or not is not, i don't think, is a particularly big deal. >> harris: tammy bruce, host of get tammy bruce on fox nation. buttigieg blames somebody who was president who actually got there before he did. he was there before the transportation secretary it took pete buttigieg 20 days to get there. >> it did. they are arguing this doesn't matter. going to a place where there is a tragedy doesn't matter. these are people we've hired to fix these things. you hear in all of their conversations it's not what how they will involve the problems. but i will remind people of bill clinton. i worked on his first campaign and his numbers were not very good in his first term and then there was a murrow federal building explosion and went to oklahoma city genuinely empathetic and heard i feel your pain. it saved his presidency and made
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a difference for americans and for the people of oklahoma city. that is what you do when there is a tragedy. >> harris: we still talk about that line i feel your pain. here is former ohio democratic congressman tim ryan on president biden's failure to visit east palestine, ohio nearly a month after the disaster. >> showing up is 90%. i think being there. the fact that secretary buttigieg was there the other day was a good sign. i would encourage the president to be there. just presence. be there, some them you care. they want to know you care. >> harris: i found this and wanted to share it with you and tammy. flashback to 2016. remember who was vice president. that would be biden. so he has seen this dance of not showing up at a disaster before. president obama also waited facing some strong criticism for not going to flint, michigan nearly two years into the poisoned water crisis there.
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he finally made the trip and here is a clip from -- who doesn't think michael moore is not a liberal? here is the documentary fahrenheit 11/9 watch. >> that's why i'm here, to tell you directly that i see you and i hear you. [cheers and applause] >> we invest -- can i get some water? [applause] come on up here. i want a glass of water. i really did need a glass of water. this is not a stunt. >> he wet his lips. he didn't sip it. he 4rikd his lips. there was a gasp in the audience. people were just absolutely dejected. >> i don't know why anybody
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would have advised him to do it. to the average person, then, the democrats don't look like a people who will come to the rescue. >> right. >> harris: john podesta? >> we saw it before. the mayor, buttigieg, having a glass of water in someone's kitchen. it is these demonstrations. the democrats are obsessed, as is the system, with imagery. they don't want to be seen with a tragedy physically. remember the oil rig explosion. and he was just pictured on the beach looking at the sand. they think it is just image. so they don't want to go there. these are people where everything is theater. it is a stunt. and people -- they underestimate the american people. the shock of the faces in people in flint. there is a moms group and
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parents group in flint banded together with a mom and parents group from east palestine and erin brokovich went. the american people are realizing leadership matters but they've been taken for a ride ...will remain radioactive for years to come. they've been taken for a ride with democrats.
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pay off the balances on your high-rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. >> harris: breaking news where watching is what is going on in the protests outside the u.s. supreme court. what is happening in there is exciting how much power biden will sweep up with the student debt handout plan if it gets passed, moral arguments are underway right now. the justices will decide if biden overstepped his executive authority with his massive handout plan. protected costs, $400 billion. big money, big impact on the economy right away. and for years and estimates as
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the average taxpayer would pay more than $2500. i mean, think about that. if we pay that much money to write off someone else's debt per person, when it comes to inflation the committee for a responsible federal budget says debt cancellation would wipe out the benefits of biden's inflation reduction act. and would boost near term inflation far more than the ira will ever lower it. so it will cost americans and make inflation worse, let's not forget about the national debt, there is that number always moving up. we are trying to avoid default on interest payments on that right now. box david ensign, the president is doing something that hurts us in the biggest thing, and you were just watching, you are monitoring this the hearings of the u.s. supreme court, the biggest thing is how much more power he scoops up. >> and you know who gave one of
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the best oral arguments against for the president did? nancy pelosi back in 2021. just over one year ago she said the president does not have the power for debt forgiveness. that has to be an act of congress. that's what nancy pelosi said, the best oral argument i have heard about what is happened. nobody expects an executive order to cover $400 billion. by the way, ken morton said it could go to $1 trillion. that's how much it would cost. the economics of it are very simple. if you owe someone money, you pay it back. if you don't have the money to pay it back, you have to declare bankruptcy and face the consequences. debt forgiveness allows you to avoid the consequences. that means the risk of loans increases in price and enormously and the president wants taxpayers to pay for that risk. >> harris: i've been telling the audience it's enacted when it's an emergency but also for
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certain people really quickly tell us about. >> david: the heroes act was an act right after 9/11 when we had to send all the service people over to iraq and afghanistan to defend the world from the terrorism that was going on. it was designed for those people who while they were fighting for our interests could not afford to pay back the loans they had. >> harris: actual heroes. >> david: actual heroes that's why it's called the heroes act. it wasn't for total forgiveness, it was a pause while they were fighting the nation's war. should that be expanded to tens of millions of u.s. students? >> harris: this isn't a pause. >> david: it's a total forgiveness. and again, it is for a debt. the fact it happens to be focused on education makes a lot of people figure i can't afford to go to college so i will learn a trade. they are now having to pay back the money they could have used to go to college if they know it was going to be a freebie.
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and it's not a freebie. the whole idea that it is free is one of these phrases that is just so inaccurate. this is something, the risk has to be paid for, and the president wants u.s. taxpayers to pay the price. >> harris: of course. and if we look at something else to spend four or $500 billion on to use his executive authority this is the president to see if it or we are monitoring the u.s. supreme court. >> david: it's a long process. >> harris: the binder administration quickly updated how many gastro and permits it approved after a lot of backlash over what critics call its war on fossil fuels. the bureau of land management reduced the number of approved permits from 9,002 mark 6,700. critics repeatedly called out the administration on fossil fuels leasing that gas prices were rising in response but they touted that 9,000 number which turned out to be a lie.
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>> right now oil and gas industries are sitting on nearly 9,000 unused but approved permits for production on federal lands. >> there are 9,000 permits unused on lands. >> 9,000? 9,000 unused but approved drilling permits. >> 9,000 of them being unused. plenty of opportunities for oil and gas companies to drill here. >> harris: by an administration official did acknowledge the alteration yesterday. but downplayed it. is that what we call it now? when we change the facts? as an alteration? like a hemline on your dresses also so long you get it altered. they said the number of unused permits remains high. this is the type of doublespeak that gets you in trouble. it's kind of like what we are going on with what is happening with gas stoves and why we can't have those anymore but i want to know a quick thought on this from you. >> david: a quick thought is we have been saying this over a
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year now that that figure was wrong because over 2,000 of those permits were held up in court because they had been sued by usually environmental groups. it was never 9,000. it was always under 7,000. as it stands now at 6,700, you can't drill if there is a lawsuit attached to that particular well. we have known about that well over a year. the oil industry has been saying that, i said it here to you about a year now so they are finally admitting what we have been saying. and the crime is that there is so much oil in the united states right now. and in fact mckinsey and company, which is basically a liberal lobbyist group, says we should be exploring more gulf oil which burns much cleaner than the oil we are now importing from other countries. we could get an extra 2 million barrels a day from the gulf of mexico, if you're interested in a transition to cleaner energy. >> harris: i was going to say
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that. >> david: focus on what we have come a much cleaner oil here than what we are now importing in the president doesn't want to do it. be one especially when you give wayne quick to places like venezuela. >> david: all we have the capacity, 2 million more barrels a day from the golf would give us the freedom to be energy independent and not to have to rely and also to -- >> harris: you know that would cost. >> david: but to ship to europeans. >> harris: that would cost biden to potentially run for a second term in the presidency. that would cost in the far left. >> david: it would. >> haspewing out because for hi. >> david: would cost all americans the economic independence that we once had when we had energy independence. >> harris: i don't know if that is front and center right now. >> david: it should be. we made it front and center. >> harris: we did. we are not running for the white house. for the left. all right, good to see you always. >> david: great to see you. >> harris: it is election day
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in chicago and lori lightfoot is up against eight other candidates who want her job, wow. critics are calling her out for trying to play the race and gender cards while crime has soared under the watch. they wanted her to play crime busting cards, i don't know if she had those in her deck. plus, another massive sentinel bust near southern border. that news coming as a witness at a house order hearing gave heartbreaking testimony on losing two's sons, two of your babies, too fentanyl. when and how do we stop this? power panel next. i learned being a firefighter is plan ahead. you don't know what you're getting into, but at the end of the day, you know you have a team behind you that can help you. not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody.
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>> harris: they are voting in chicago today, democratic mayor lori lightfoot is fighting to keep her post, she is facing backlash for some comments she
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made over the weekend as well pay she told the new yorker i am a black woman, let's not forget, certain folks frankly don't support us in leadership roles. critics say there's a lot more going on than that. >> i remember receiving the admissions letter and a room to the shame in their eyes, they were going to have repeat to me what their parents had said to them. we can't afford it. >> harris: crime has exploded since lightfoot took office, murders are up 59%. motor vehicle thefts have jumped 200 to 70%. garrett with the news in chicago. garrett? >> yet, harris, the fact of the matter is the majority of people in chicago just don't feel safe anymore. that is what recent polls have shown and that's why crime is far and away the top issue in this race. adding to those numbers that you just cited, since lori lightfoot was elected, shootings are up
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43%, robberies are up 27% and theft is up 31%. and as to how much is that to blame directly on the mayor, that is what voters will decide today. there are nine candidates in this race and it is expected to go to a runoff with the top two candidates on april 4th. at this point, it is entirely possible lightfoot doesn't even make it to the runoff. after casting her ballot, the mayor made it clear the candidate she is most concerned about is the format of chicago bulls, paul vallas, and she is worried six candidates will dilute the black vote and hurt her chances in the top two. >> i am the only one who has the chance and the opportunity of beating back paul vallas, the only other viable candidate of the black candidates is me. i am the only one in city hall. i am the only one who will stay in city hall. >> her other top competition is
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brandon johnston, the cook county commissioner who previously supported the defunding the police and who has the full backing of the politically powerful chicago teachers union. the city's border electors says there has been more interest in this election than they have seen in a decade at least. it is also worth noting if lori lightfoot fails to win this election, she will be the first windy city mayor in 40 years not to win the reelection bid, harris? >> i've never seen anyone play the race card like that. that was racist what she said. that she can't win because there are six other black people in the race so it's not fair to her that she is not the only one? that is like a crazy town. thank you, garrett. let's bring in the power panel now. caldwell, fox news clinical analyst who happens to be from chicago, and scott bolton, former washington, d.c., democrat party chairman, great to see both. >> and from joliet by the way. >> harris: are you really?
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two people from illinois. in my the only one who is like i can't believe she said that. >> well, if you ask me it doesn't help her quite frankly. that's from a democrat because you have a very diverse field of candidates. it simply doesn't make sense. crime is the number one issue. of some of her crime statistics are down over the last year or so, but it may not be enough. here is the to stomach statistics she has her favor. if she loses it has been 40 years since a mayor candidate or a city mayor has not gotten a a second term or has been in the runoff, she has a lead in her favor. the other thing she has in her favor as those of the candidates can split the vote but she is the incumbent. she has a built-in base. the question is is it enough to get in those final two because most people think he will be in the runoff with her. >> harris: i tell you when she talks about splitting the vote, and history is hard to break. i hear you're saying. and it is also set about other
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positions in our country too if you held this for so long, possession is 9/10 of the law. i totally get it. but for mayor lori lightfoot to say that the six other black folk are the reason she may not get elected because they will split the black vote, does she honestly think that's the only thing people vote about? because it wouldn't be. that 59% hike in crime? that counts. gianna. >> yes, it counts. as you know my brother was murdered my baby brother christian on june 4th of last year. if i can speak very directly to chicago voters, i will tell you that mayor lori lightfoot's policies have been a cancer that has infected every block in the city of chicago. today you chicago voters hold the cure it is called the ba ballot. make the right call and fire mayor lori lightfoot. this has to come to an end, harris. crime for the first time in the city's history or rather in the
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last 20 years has been front and center. you have every member of chicago just about where it is concerned for their safety whether it be downtown chicago on the far south side, things have to change. this leader has failed at every inch of her job. we need to get her out of here and we need to get some but he who cares about public safety and more importantly cares about the people of chicago, the residents were suffering there on a daily basis. >> harris: she is a vacuum because of that crime so may things like the economy locally in chicago. as much as a year ago real estate agents were complaining people were selling faster than they were buying. i mean they want out. and it is such a beautiful city. i mean, she had to get her hair done too during that pandemic lockdown. so, there you go for judgment. president biden's border crisis is also a drug crisis. in orange county telephone number to patrol agents made a massive retinal bust, they seized 232 pounds of fentanyl,
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enough to kill 50 million pe people. an increase of 33% from the year before. right now the house homeland security committee is having a hearing on the crisis. this is a live look, one witness a mom whose two sons died of fentanyl poisoning spoke with hearing a short time of the let's watch. >> law enforcement made it clear to me that this fentanyl came from mexico. came from our southern border. my children have been taken away from me! [sobs] this should not be politicized, this is dehumanizing, demoralizing, it was not overdose it was murder. my children got fake percocet. they were fentanyl. >> harris: geon oh, we are looking at the amount of peoplee dollars, how do we deal with
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this? because we have the people in charge right now in the white house who think an open border is okay. >> first and foremost that testimony was absolute and heartbreaking and she is not alone. for the first time in american history within a 12 month period, over 100,000 people have overdosed on a drug. people have died. there are many family members that have died. it seems as though many democrats didn't care about the issue until they started seeing migrants show up in their cities. new york, chicago, los angeles, but they are now speaking out and i will tell them they should continue to speak out. joe biden is still absolutely to blame for this. 5.5 million people have crossed the border that we know about. we have seen millions and millions of dollars in drugs come across. thanks need to change and the need to change quickly otherwise we will continue to hear about the stories. things have to change. >> harris: let see in a few seconds what change could look like going from party. >> scott: i think fentanyl is
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a huge problem from that testimony but also under the prior administration. >> harris: not like now. its historical. >> scott: the numbers, i like to cite history, let separate emigration from drugs. >> harris: how can you? they use the drugs to come across the board of. >> scott: most of them are coming in through the checkpoints. not to immigration. there is a dichotomy, those are two separate debates. >> harris: i have to let go. when you pilot people on one when you pilot people on one checkpoint is for us and you leave fewer resources -- there are no upfront fees to apply. (psst psst) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy, long lasting relief in a scent-free, gentle mist. (psst psst) flonase. all good.
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>> woman: why did we choose safelite? >> vo: for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby
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to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> harris: this is "outnumbered" and i'm harris faulkner here with my cohost emily compagno and kayleigh mcenany. also joining us fox news contributor and radiologist dr. nicole saphier. fox news contributor and former speechwriter to george w. bush, marc thiespu


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