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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  March 6, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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>> todd: a fox news alert, police arresting 35 people as demonstrators clash with officers in atlanta. multiple fires spreading during the so-called attack. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier, agitators dressed in black and breached a construction site and throwing items at police. >> you are breaking the law. this was a very violent attack that occurred, it wasn't about a public safety center, it was about anarchy and attempt to destabilize. >> ashley: brooke singman joins us live. >> brooke: dubbed a cop city,
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the city is under lockdown, protesters seen throwing fireworks at the facility, including one that exploded near police officers. some demonstrators wearing masks and shields to the attack. multiple people have been arrested in connection with the riots. listen. >> a group of individuals who had been attending an event near the training center left that location and mutualed toward the site armed with fireworks, rocks, molotov cocktails. we have been joined by the georgia bureau of investigation, and the fbi, and making appropriate charges as we speak. >> brooke: protesters torched equipment. dozens of state troopers and atlanta police officers swarming to the scene yesterday
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afternoon. the fire burning organized by an activist group throughout this week targeting the public safety training center, calling it an urban warfare campus as part of so-called week of action. these are not the first protesters in the city. on january 21, a major riot under issing the facility caused property damage and injuries in downtown at not laa. activists have been protesting the training center for months. the facility would have a mock city in which atlanta police officers could conduct training in a -- city. >> todd: brooke singman, thank you. hakeem jeffries declining to criticize president biden for giving softer penalties to
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criminals. >> did president pull the rug out from under you? >> not at all, i haven't talked to the white house yet, i will not characterize his position one way or the other until we talk about the issue. >> he made it clear, unless he changes his tune again. >> they have public conversations and private -- i haven't had the conversation. >> todd: progresses have criticized the president. one issue pitting democrats against other for 2024. >> ashley: ron desantis bashing gavin newsom during a visit to the golden state. >> i knew you had a lot of problems, but your governor is concerned about what we're doing in florida so i had to come back. until the last four or five years, people beat a path to
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california, now you see the state hemorrhaging population. we witnessed a great american exodus by folks that are leftist politicians and delivering poor results and you have seen massive gains in states like florida. >> ashley: desantis says people are flocking to florida because of his defense of police officers. vandals defaced the sign where ron desantis spoke just hours before. >> todd: transgender policy did not allow transgender women to compete with biological women. i spoke with a female powerlifter last hour who gave this view. >> we have different weight classes and age classes, if you
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take my age as 47 year old woman and match with 47 year old man with the same lifting experience, the man will outlift me. >> todd: the court says they violated -- making a person pretend to be something different. that case is not done. >> ashley: massive search for several americans kidnapped at gun point in mexico. we have the latest from the u.s. embassy. >> todd: two immigrants let off with a slap on the risk after allegely killing and planning to eats r eat a bald eagle. we will explain.
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>> todd: fox news alert, the fbi searching for four u.s. citizens who were kidnapped in mexico on friday. the americans traveling across the u.s.-mexico border south of texas. unidentified gunmen shot the passengers of the vehicle and herded the four u.s. citizens into another vehicle and fled the scene with them. the fbi offering $50,000 reward
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leading to the gunman's identity. contact the fbi san antonio division. >> ashley: two illegal migrants being accused of killing a bald eagle in nebraska, with plans to cook it for dinner. federal authorities let the suspects go after charging them with misdemeanors and no longer returning the sheriff's office. >> todd: the sheriff working the case is here. this is a story you have to re-read. did that say bald eagle and eating it. can you get a more stark example of an attack on american sovereignty and all it means to be american than the killing of a bald eagle? >> no, i can't. we find this alarming. >> ashley: if they don't have
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ids, if they are illegal, how can they buy guns? >> this is an air rifle that can be bought at any store, if they have the cash, they can buy it. >> you would think killing of our nation's symbol, illegal immigrantses, you would think the feds would prosecute this. they are doing nothing. what are they saying about this case when you reach out to them? >> i have tried numerous times and i have yet to speak to a human. >> ashley: they are hampering you from doing your job. is it because they are not answering the calls? >> they are not answering the calls and i think there is uproar locally that they have not taken action federally, federal violation to kill a north american bald eagle. >> todd: to be clear, you are
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not aware of them doing anything outside of dealing with you on this case at all? >> i am not. we have cited them for a simple misdemeanor in nebraska, which is the most we can do, they are scheduled to appear on april 25th. >> ashley: you said this happened on private property, have the owners said what they will do? >> i have talked to them, they are very upset that it happened on their property. they initially called us because of the concern of somebody being on their property to begin with. >> todd: the people in the community, if this happened where i lived, i would be sad, is the emotion, probably fearful and angry. what is the reaction? >> people i've talked to are quite upset and wish something to be done and the federal government really has the authority and ability to
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prosecute these gentlemen to the highest degree. >> ashley: all right, sheriff mike unger, we appreciate it. >> todd: ignorance of the law is not an excuse, if they may know know the law, that is not an excuse. >> ashley: one liberal mayor says lori lightfoot boss is a wakeup party. >> is it a warning sign to you in new york? >> to the contrary, a warning sign to the country. >> ashley: what about his own city? we're talking to joe concha about it. >> todd: everyone's favorite climate envoy, john kerry, dismissing information abwind turbines and whales washing ashore. he joins us next.
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>> todd: severe winter weather in california as the national guard helps residents dig out from several feet of snow in san bernardino, less than 100 miles from l.a. one trapped resident writing, help us, in the snow, people running out of supplies, like baby formula. parts of socal this week, senior meteorologist janice dean with the forecast. that is still wild to consider. >> janice: you can see the pattern is cold enough for more snow for the west and several rounds of snow for the great lakes and northeast. here is radar, next storm system moving west and area of low
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pressure across the ohio river valley, great lakes toward the northeast. snow in the forecast, couple inches through tuesday and future track as we get into tuesday for the northeast, especially downwind of the great lakes, could see measurable snow down toward jersey, we think, and new england. we have dry spot for the coastal areas of the northeast with this round of storms and snow. here is the west again this week, more heavy rain moving in, along the coast and the snow for the mountains for tuesday and wednesday, not budging much with this area of low pressure. that is a story. march cold snap for northern and cent rool tier of it is country, cold temperatures linger for the northern plains and midwest and northeast. the exception is the south, we
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have record highs from texas toward florida with temperatures in the 70s and 80'ses. tampa 86, we are seeing the tale of two seasons, there is snow to come for the northwest and more snow for the sierra region, that is where we saw people trapped in their home and more of the same through wednesday. here is a look at future track through tuesday and wednesday into the weekend, not much pattern change getting into this week for the west., for latest details. >> ashley: thank you. dead whales are washing up on beaches and some say -- john kerry says people are spreading
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disinformation, tells newsweek can a bird become a victim of the blade? yes. cars hit birds, i don't hear anybody complaining about that. bad information is being made up. paul cantra, mayor in new jersey joins us. it is ironic john kerry is saying it is not a big deal because it is the left's idea. wasn't he preaching with save the whales not long ago? >> 2007-2008, he was with hayden panatierri, talking about save the whales. this is not just republicans update, republicans, democrats, independents see hypocrisy of people chanting save the whales
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and deriding projectses and talking about how bad seismic testing is and now they are silent. >> ashley: we have had experts on this channel here with us that say it affects their hearing and that is why this is happening. your town held a rally, tell us about that and what is the community saying? >> they are incredibly mad. we only have 5000 residents in the offseason and we had 1500 people pack the beach a couple weeks ago to show how angry they are. our fishing community was there, moms and dads and kids and emfas that are upset when they help this is just the result of boat strikes. nobody gets into details about what is causing the boat strikes.
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>> ashley: images of people holding sign. there is a petition with signatures on it. >> 250,000 people have sign the petition to put a pause on this off-wind project. the momentum is growing everyday. >> what about your governor? >> the governor has been silent, he was on twitter and facebook talking about watch out for seismic testing and pause off-shore drilling and now despite the fact there are facfact and figures talking about takes and harassment numbers and go into the species they think will be affected and how many there are, they sit there and are silent. >> ashley: i believe someone close to the biden administration warned biden about this months prior to it
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happening. at some point, they have to say something. if enough people are in uproar and enough whales wash up on beaches, they will have to say something, they have not said anything yet, have they? >> they have not said anything and the silence is deafening. let's assess it more, i'm a small-town mayor, i reached out to groups conducting autopsies on the whales and reality of the situation is whales washing up on the beach, 15 so far, are so decomposed they can't properly assess the inner ear, the head, things that relate to echo location. >> ashley: horrible for marine life, imagine being on the beaches with your young kid and you walk up and see that, it is
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not good for anyone and environmentalists are ignoring the problem and they need to do something. thank you for being with us. you wore your jacket that was fitting for today, we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> todd: stop this problem so mayor paul doesn't come on the show with that jacket, if for no other reason. chris rock talking back to will smith about that infamous slap. >> it still hurts, will smith practices selective out rage. >> todd: wait until you see the rest, fellow chris rock fan joe concha responding to the netflix special everyone is talking about. do not go anywhere. cue wilson. ♪
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>> todd: it's been almost a year since the oscar awards featuring the slap heard around the world. now chris rock is handing it back to will smith in a special. >> i know what happened to me getting smacked by shug smith.
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will smith practices selective outrage. she hurt him more than i did, i didn't have any entanglements and who did he hit? me. >> ashley: joe concha joins us to react. did you watch it, what do you think? if you didn't watch it, what do you think about the clips sent out. >> joe: i did watch it after the fact and chris rock, who doesn't live far from where i'm sitting right now and i've met him before, good family guy, handled this as well as anybody could have for the past year and not speaking about it and not playing the victim. he said that, that is the way he was brought up. will smith has been in the smacking business before, he was arrested for assault for
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punching his record promoter and nearly blinded him in one eye and punched a man in 2012. all that said, what stands out here, chris rock, during this special also calls out the relationship between will smith and jada pinkett, his wife, for having an open relationship. will smith was defending her for her honor. i have spoken to my wife about open marriage and she wants no part. i am kidding. >> todd: in this special, he goes after the royals, i mean, harry and meghan for the whole victimhood aspect. take a listen. >> everybody trying to be a
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victim. like this girl meghan markle still going off complaining, acting all dumb like she don't know nothing. going on oprah, i didn't know. it was not racism, it was in-law bleep -- take you didn't google these? she didn't know? like marrying into the budweiser family and saying they drink a lot. we need people like chris rock to point out insanity of this culture. chris rock is liberal, you have bill maher, and the like, it is necessary for top-level comedians to do this. >> joe: have you noticed comedians that have staying power are the ones that don't care about political correctness. chris rock, bill hamer, jerry
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seinfield, i am here to entertain and don't care who i offend, not going over any sort of line. chris rock has been around for a long time, he's in his 50s, he looks 29 still. that seems to be the pattern here, don't be politically correct, don't worry about what the audience might be offended by. >> todd: be funny. >> ashley: mayor eric adams says his city should be worried about lori lightfoot's loss. >> eric adams has been talking about public safety on campaign trail and first year, i show up at crime scenes, i knew what new yorkers were saying. it is stating this is what i
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have been talking about, we have to be safe. >> ashley: just got to tell him, new york is no better, just as dangerous. >> joe: it is and eric adams talks a good game, is what i'm learning. when you are listening to any politicians those are your words, what is your action? fire alvin bragg if he sars about solving the crime problem temperature is not putting more cops on the streets, that is half the solution, the second is having district attorneys that support the law. if you point a gun in somebody's face and say give me your car, you don't soften crime laws to say this is not a big deal, let the people back on the street. until we have district attorneys in philadelphia, san francisco,
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new york, atlanta, who enforce the law, hire all the cops you want, if laws are not enforced, it will not solve the problem. eric adams should speak with action, lori lightfoot is learning what happens when you don't address a crime problem, she did not do the job and got 17% of the vote after 73% of the vote to win the election couple years ago. >> ashley: they won't practice what they speech. >> todd: huge fissure in the democratic party, you have people like joe biden, we are tough on crime, but have aoc's ush approximating everybody far left, republicans need to exploit that in 2024. joe concha, you joined us on monday, we appreciate it. a portland real estate agent ready to say goodbye after a
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bullet flies through his window u watch. >> finding bullet holes where you sit all day, they are behind my head. >> todd: cheryl casone has more on that and the big box company that is packing up to leave portland. >> ashley: and getting torn to shreds by critics. >> i don't put companies in new york, new jersey or california, those states are uninvestable. debate them any time you want. aoc is great at killing jobs. >> the head of job creator network is hwith a message for socialist democrats.
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>> ashley: a family is suing airbnb after finding their 19-month-old daughter dead from fentanyl poisoning. they rented the home and found their daughter dead two hours later. >> todd: the previous own
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renters admitted to throwing a drug party just before. >> cheryl: the family suing air bnb and the owners after their daughter was found unresponsive in her bed just hours after arriving. the family joined you last hour. >> they thought it was sudden infant death syndrome, it was not until an autopsy report came back that found the fentanyl was 34.2 nanograms per millimeter, fatal dose for fentanyl, especially for a baby. from what we can piece together, you're talking about residue left over from being cut up,
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crushed, something, a service not being wiped up. >> cheryl: airbnb says our hearts go out to the family and their loved ones for this loss. deaths caused by fentanyl jumped from 57,834 to 71,000. the prior renter admitted to throwing a party at the home where drugs were present, including cocaine. >> todd: walmart is out. >> cheryl: what does eric adams say about safety and prosperity? example of that. walmart is closing stores in portland, oregon due to rampant crime and theft after the ceo warned stores could close. portland realtor says he is also leaving portland.
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>> living there, coming to work and finding bullet holes in your office where you sit all day and they are right behind my head and it has to stop. it is our city is out of control. it is unrecognizable. i've lived here my whole life and it is just deteriorated over the last five years, it is a sad place. it is not uncommon to see homeless people running around with axes and machetes. >> cheryl: he showed the bullet holes, which would have hit him in the back of the head had he been at his desk. >> todd: no compassion rubric allow people to walk around the city with axes, we need to draw the line. cheryl casone, happy monday. new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez facing
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backlash about gloating about killing amazon jobs. when i opposed this, the power establishment came after us. powerful politicians promised revenge, ceos insulting my intelligence. we were right. shark tank's kevin o'leary says others are failing. >> i don't put companies in new york, new jersey or california, states are uninvestable, taxes are too high. >> we hear pushback from elected officials in new york. >> i will debate them any time they want. aoc is great at killing jobs by the understand thises. >> todd: president and ceo alfredo ortiz joins me now.
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what was your reaction aoc was spiking the football after losing the game? >> yeah, todd, thank you for having me, aoc issic loo the gift that keeps on giving, if she spent more time worrying about creating jobs, we would be in a better situation and maybe she should stot go be to performances at the met and focus on her district and bringing jobs to her district. i have a place in arlington, i see this place all the time and the transformation is unbelievable and she knows it because if she goes to national airport, she passes this area every single time. this area has seen transformation and that could have been new york. kevin o'leary is right, she is a job killer. >> todd: we'll see how the
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ethices investigation go as to the met gala. you heard aoc mention the billboards, you put them up, calling her out for chasing amazon away. 25,000 in lost jobs, 4 million in income. thanks for nothing, aoc. disastrous has alexandria ocasio-cortez been for the new york city and state economy? >> disastrous. we proudly put that billboard up and i guess she expected an apology, she will not have it. the numbers and her math doesn't add up. look at florida, first time in history, more employees than new york. people are fleeing blue states.
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kevin was right. walmart just left oregon, they have the ability to closeup stores and leave an entire state. small businesses don't have that ability. some did flee new york, for example, new york city tax, you know this best, todd, i think 15%. in florida, zero. they create jobs, not the tax hikes and regulation killing policies that kill jobs in blue states. >> todd: we have mentioned people fleeing oregon, talking about new york, we also mentioned california, illinois with the whole chicago situation there, lori lightfoot leaving. if i'm going and looking blue, blue, blue, blue. why don't blue states and cities
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change their policy before it is too late? some point, there will not be anybody left to turn out the lights. >> absolutely, todd, i don't understand. they are so stuck on their agenda, pretty much nothing else matters and people are picking up and leaving realizing their leaders are failing them in big way. you know what, red state governors are doing fantastic jobs creating jobs and keeping unemployment low. never saw a bigger difference than during the covid pandemic, blue states verse red state governors. the red states continue to have great job creating policies and the blue states just don't get it and mayors, lori lightfoot, yeah, other mayors better be
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watching their backs. >> todd: kevin o'leary said he is moving to fargo, north dakota, people can work remotely, you don't have tax issues, makes sense. thank you for your time, sir. republicans holding joe biden accountable across the board and next up is the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. congressman cory mills will tell us what answers he wants. >> ashley: steve doocy will tell us what is coming up. >> steve: coming up on "fox and friends," tensions with china grow as they up their defense budget by $16 billion, florida congressman carlos gimenez sits on the committee on strategic competition with china, he says they are the greatest threat of our lifetime. and another norfolk southern
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railroad train derails in ohio this weekend, secretary buttigieg is struggling to defend the white house response. warren davidson has demands to the biden administration. then chris rock is hitting back, taking on the oscar slap and celebrities who pay the victim, joe piscopo, will react and piers morgan, rachen cruz and kurt knutson, here on the channel you trust for your morning news. todd and ashley are back in a couple, you are watching "fox and friends first."
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this happening all on wednesday after fbi director christopher wray admitted it most likely originated from a wuhan lap those set to testify robert redfield and dr. jamie metzl. the chair of the subcommittee driving home the investigation. watch. >> i have seen quite a bit of intelligence sitting on the intelligence committee. we have to continue driving forward and getting questions answered because the more we find the more questions that we may have who we are trying it do is follow the bread crumbs. look at the forensics of what took place. it is important to find the origins of covid. >> todd: that is dr. brad wentrup. this as tensions surge with the communist nation dumping billions into military budget raising fears of invasion of taiwan in the future. and the house foreign affairs committee set to hold first hearing on president biden's botched withdrawal from the afghanistan. lawmakers going to hear
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testimony from two witnesses on the ground during the pullout as the g.o.p. vows to hold the president accountable. >> ashley: corey nelson is a member of the house foreign affairs committee. good morning, congressman. this has been a long time coming, what can we expect out of this, is there going to be any bombshells absolutely bombshells. i'm actually the only member of congress who actually went over and conducted rescues of americans in afghanistan when biden and his administration intentionally in addition to that tens of billions of dollars in weapons and armament and defense are munitions. piles of cash for the most equipped terrorist organization. haqqani network, taliban and
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isis core son. we need to have answers for those 13 gold star families who need the closure that need to understand who is actually accountable for that loss of life also the dozens of blue passport holders on the opposite side of abby gate who is not being reported and who is being covered up. so secretary lloyd austin, tony blinken and joe biden need to be held accountable for the lives they left behind. >> todd: to that point, cory received backlash for that withdraw. doesn't help when he checks his watch when the 13 bodies come home. consequences like you mentioned could there be any real ramifications for anybody in this white house for the horrific withdrawal from afghanistan. >> absolutely, todd. look, at the end of the day, iff they are found guilty of something one resign, two, be impeached. there is also criminal referrals
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and the ability if they don't try to come in and testify and they don't try to actually come before us in congress, we could also turn it over to congressman jim jordan and the weapons of federal government. we could turn it over to oversight committee. there is a lot of things that can be happening here. we will not allow those who have committed these atrocities who have been negligent in their duties and allowed this occur on american taxpayer's money. we need to accountability and transparency. that's what this committee is set up for. >> ashley: america can no longer tolerate narco terrorists cartels operating from ha havenn mexico. production of department of educationally drugs on industrial scale is flooding our country with its poison. the time is long past the deal with this outrage decisively. i am sure there are plenty of military members who would gladly take care of this situation and do just this.
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but how is likely is it that this would get pushed through? >> bill boar is exactly right. it is time to start taking stand against counter narco-terrorism going on. tens of thousands of people dying from the fentanyl overdoses here at home. the human crisis going down at w. child sex drastic trafficking. cartels waged war southern borders. killing cbp officers. this is actually defending our own border and threats on the american homeland. we talk all the time as americans about the idea of defending our homeland and this is something with coordination of whether it be the mexican is he deanna or others, i think this is about bass time. actually. >> todd: what the heck are we waiting for? people are dying more and more by the day. mexico's government has been useless if not that sill tailgating this insanity. quickly in the 15 seconds we have remaining, why doesn't joe biden put their feet to the
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fire? >> joe biden still hasn't actually even gone to the border to see what is actually going on down there. he doesn't care. is he okay with the open border poehler. he is okay with the soft on crime policy e is okay with the tens how of thousands of americs dying. more concerned with the border's 9,000 miles away than the borders 900 miles away. ed to we thank you as always. "fox & friends" begins right now ♪ >> this was a very violent attack. >> police arresting 35 people as demonstrators clash with officers at a future police training facility in atlanta. >> part of citywide protests organized by atlanta based activist group. >> fbi searching for four u.s. citizens in mexico. >> unidentified gun men herded the citizens into a vehicle and fled the scene. >> another train derailment, same state, same railroad company, norfolk southern says more than 20 carts went off the tracks near springfield, ohio. >> just a month after the toxic train derailment in east


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